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creative brief

kayla wheeler



Because your ups and downs are vital

Product Background
Timex designed a watch to monitor ones heart rate and promote health among the current population through adventure. This product holds a range of features suitable for starting and attaining a personal fitness goal.

Competition Polars FS2c( !"# Suuntos $%( &'(# $ios $otiva( &&(#
T)e overall *uality and cra+t o+ t)e ot)er ,rands seems to )ave more o+ a desired design over t)e Timex ,rand( -".# / lot o+ consumers view t)e Timex ,rand as c)eap and un+as)iona,le t)ere+ore leaving t)e ot)er ,rands to ,e soug)t a+ter ,y individuals w)o want sleek designs.

Basis +or 0pportunity

Timex can ,eat out t)e competition wit) its improved sleek design and *uality t)at wont ,reak t)e ,ank.

Put Timex in t)e +ront running w)en t)e purc)ase o+ a )eart rate monitor watc) is considered. 2n+orm t)e consumers you dont )ave to spend a +ortune +or t)e *uality you desire3 Timex )as w)at youre looking +or.

Target /udience
2ndividuals 2%4'% years o+ age w)o engage in lig)t to extensive exercise and plan to set +itness goals.

Consumer Benefit
Timex )eart rate monitor watc)es will provide individuals accurate )eart rate in+ormation to )elp one ac)ieve ones +itness goals.

P50B67$8 9oes t)is product really work: ;ow will it a++ect me: 0B<7=T2>78 /dvertisements will s)ow ot)er individuals wearing t)e watc)es and attaining t)eir personal +itness goals and )ow t)e )ealt) risks decrease w)en you are knowledgea,le o+ your target )eart rate and w)at ?one you s)ould maintain.

=urrent perspective
Timex )as c)eap products t)at +ollow suit in style

Desired Perspective
To ,e viewed as t)e company w)o )as more +or less (good *uality products +or less money# Sleek designs t)at +it individuals everyday attire To sell more Timex products a+ter t)ey discover t)e *uality and relia,ility o+ t)e Timex )eart rate monitor watc)

Timex will produce *uality products t)at consumers will en1oy and rely on +or +itness purposes.

Tone o+ >oice
0utgoing3 ,old3 daring3 )onest3 in+ormative

Support Statement
Timex )eart rate monitor watc) will deliver a *uality product to )elp maintain +itness at a price you can a++ord.

Because your ups and downs are vital

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