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Reilly Singfiel Weebly #4

Why is Egypt called "The Gift of the Nile?" For what did the Egyptians rely on the Nile? ow did the s!rro!nding lands h!rt"help the Egyptians? Egypt is called #The Gift of the Nile$ beca!se Egypt co!ld not e%ist witho!t the Nile& The Nile is the only reason why people co!ld b!ild a ci'ili(ation in the )iddle of a desert& E'ery year the Nile o'erflows and lea'es behind fertile soil for growing crops& *t also gi'es people the water they need to li'e and water their crops& The Egyptians relied on the water and fertile soil fro) the Nile& The s!rro!nding lands helped Egypt beca!se their ene)ies co!ldn+t cross the desert to con,!er the)& The desert was a nat!ral protection& The desert also h!rt the Egyptians beca!se it )ade it hard to trade& They co!ld only tra'el in s)all gro!ps to trade beca!se it was too hard to bring all the s!pplies they wo!ld need for a large gro!p to tra'el across the desert&

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