3d Shapes Jack in The Box Lesson

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Student Name: Tracy McEgan School: Linden Park Junior Primary ACARA


Lesson/Theme: 3D Nets Lesson 8

Learning Area Mathemetics PYP: Our World

Achievement Standards: By the end of the Foundation year, students group objects based on common characteristics and sort shapes and objects. Content Description: Shape - Sort, describe and name familiar twodimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects in the environment (ACMMG009) Elaborations: sorting and describing squares, circles, triangles, rectangles, spheres and cubes

PYP Transdisciplinary Theme: Our World

Central Idea: Moving objects help people Line of Inquiry: movement, joining techniques, materials & tools, design Skills: Thinking, self management Learner Profiles: Communicators, knowledgeable Attitudes: Risk taker, commitment.

Content: Constructing 3D nets Experience: 1. Explain that by using design and joining techniques, we are going to make a flat piece of paper into a 3D object todayand make a moving Jack-in-the-box. 2. Show the students the net of the cube. Ask Who knows how we might make this into? a cube. Ask for assistance from the students to fold and join the sides together, supporting where required. Emphasise the joining techniques, tools and materials we are using. 3. Ask the children who knows what makes the Jack move in the box?...The spring. Discuss the type of movement and where else we find springs. Show the children the strips of paper and model the folding technique, asking for assistance. 4. Continue to model the joining of the clown head and spring onto the box. 5. Show them the finished products and ask the students to complete one of their own. Assessment: Formative monitor room assisting where needed. Ask questions such as how many faces do you think your 3D object will have? Why? How many points? Which 2D shapes can you see in it? Which 3D object do you think it will be? encouraging thinking and problem solving. Also use questioning to assess their understanding of the type of movement, the joining techniques used to allow for this movement.

Organisation: Photocopy clown faces and nets onto A3 paper. Materials/Resources: 3d nets, strips of paper, clown head, scissors, sticky tape, coloured pencils. Space: Classroom Time: 45mins

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