Suna No Hoshi

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Disclaimer: Nope dont own Naruto, and I never will. Im only saying this because Im at gunpoint.

I do own NarutoI mean I dont! Story: em!Naru !inato tells "ushina to #lee to Suna, i# something were to go wrong in "onoha a#ter his death. $ecause o# this, somehow Naruto is raised in the Sand. %&ou're the Desert (rince) &ou loo* li*e a girl.% %I am a girl.% %...+h.% Set as an ,-. Spoilers: (robably) .arnings: /he usual stu##) I mean, most people who read my stu## are repeated readers, so they should *nowotherwiseeh (airings: &ondy!"a0e*age1 em!Naru

Chapter One: Sandy Safe Haven

!inato loo*ed grimly over his son, *eeping his ga0e away #rom "ushina. 2Nono, !inato. 3et me ta*e the "yuubi to the grave. &ou cant ma*e Naruto a host!4 /he &ondaime 5o*age winced and #inally loo*ed at his wi#e, blue eyes apologetic. 2"ushina6chan, Im sorry. /he "yuubi no &ou*o will 7ust revive sooner or later, and then come a#ter "onoha again. I will seal the yin hal# o# its cha*ra into mysel# using Shi*i u7in, and seal the yang hal# into Naruto using the 5a**e uuin no Shi*i. $esides, you saw that manthat man I believe to be -chiha !adara. I *now he will continue to be a menace in the #uture, and our son will need the power o# the Nine6tails to #ight him.4 2(lease!inato,4 she swallowed down her tears. 2"ushinadont worry. I will seal the last o# our cha*ra into him as well. I# worse comes to worse, we can help prevent the "yuubi #rom brea*ing out or help Naruto i# he ever were to try to ta*e #ull control o# its cha*ra,nd get to see him one last time,4 he added sorrow#ully. "ushina nodded slowly, 7ust as 5iru0en and a #ew other shinobi came into view. +utside the barrier, they seemed to be screaming at them, but they could hardly hear them. 2!inato, is there nothing I can do to change your mind) /o 7ust stay alive and raise our boy by yoursel#)4 2/rust me on this. It is not only #or "onohas sa*e, but #or our sons.4 ,nd "ushina only nodded reluctantly one last time, resigning to this. 25ey, !otor6mouth)4 !inato hesitantly began once more. "ushina #aintly smiled at !inatos old nic*name #or her. 2I *now I wouldnt deserve this last thing, but I need to as* you #or one more #avor,#ter this, I wont be able to hold on because o# the Shinigami, but I *now you can stand to live a little longer. (lease hold on #or a little bitchec* on our son. I# something were to go wrong a#ter I die, #lee to Suna. 8ust tal* to Nagi, as* him #or help.4 "ushina loo*ed at him tentatively, though she told him she would. Still, she wasnt too sure about his re9uest. She li*ed Nagi, really. She li*ed him as much as !inato did, though she wasnt sure the "a0e*age returned the sentiment as much or at all. She *new he was a good man, a bit reserved and maybe even callous and ruthless when called #orbut he was a good man nevertheless. ,nd no matter what anyone says or whats been done, she *new he was an honorable man. $ut she wasnt so con#ident that Nagi would o##er his help.

,nd then !inato was sealing hal# o# the "yuubis cha*ra, "ushina still holding onto it with her cha*ra chains, and then the &ondaime 5o*age summoned the throne needed to seal the other hal# o# the dramatically down6si0ed "yuubis cha*ra into Naruto. /he claw that almost *illed their son was thwarted by their own bodies, though !inato too* the brunt o# it so that "ushina would be able to at least live 7ust those #ew precious moments longer that hed hoped #or. ,s "ushina murmured to their son about how she wanted him to live, to never #orget who he was, and how much she loved him, !inato handed the *ey to the seal to :erotora. 23isten to your !otor6mouth !om, Naruto,4 !inato smiled grimly. ,nd then he #inished the sealing. It was the last sight "ushina saw be#ore she passed out, having grabbed Naruto and started cradling him close to her. She missed the Sandaime and his two ,N$- bodyguards, the only ones to have witnessed the sealing, rush towards them. .hen she ne;t awo*e, she could barely stay conscious, reali0ing more importantly that her beloved son was missing. (anic*ing, she chec*ed around, head turning this way and that be#ore she was interrupted. 2Naruto6*un is sa#e, "ushina,4 the Sandaime spo*e with a weary voice. She *new he meant well, but she didnt believe him. /here was a gut #eeling that said that 5iru0en didnt understand, that Naruto wouldnt be sa#e in that village no matter what the Sandaime did #or him. ,nd because o# the attac*, Naruto would be living the worse the li#e o# a 7inchuuri*i could o##er. , bloodcurdling scream made her heart stop in her chest and she was out o# that hospital bed and up running towards the source as i# her li#e depended on it. ,nd it did <Naruto was her li#e now, and she couldnt #ail him. She didnt care that she was in a hospital gown or that she was running bare#oot. 5er baby was in danger. /erri#yingly, there was a woman standing over her baby boy with a needle hal# #ull, a loo* o# anger and also grie# on her #ace as she poised to plunge the needle in again and #inish the 7ob. "ushina gave an animalistic snarl as she practically #lew over and *ic*ed the woman away, snatching her baby and pulling him close. She could already hear the pounding #ootsteps heading her way, and made the split decision 9uic*ly. .hat cha*ra she had in reserve, she used to 7ump out the window and start to ma*e her way towards Suna as her husband had as*ed. She didnt hold bac* at all on the le#tover cha*ra she had. She *new she was on the brin* o# death and she was going to do this last suicide run #or her son. She could #eel the wounds that the medic6nins hadnt been able to #ully heal reopen and

bleed a#resh, but it was #ar #rom her mind as she pumped cha*ra into her legs and sped out o# "onoha and towards the sandy sanctuary her husband had promised #or their child. 5er mind was single6mindedly on the tas* be#ore her, getting her son to Suna as #ast as possible. She didnt *now how much time had passed, only that she #inally saw the beginning stretches o# endless sand. She didnt pause or slow down, but chose to actually put out more cha*ra to up her speed. $e#ore she *new it, she was already seeing the high walls o# the sandy village. What if Nagi didnt take them in? Doubts once again plagued her. ,gain, she believed in Nagi but not enough to entrust her son to him. She really did li*e the manbut Naruto was her son and her world and she couldnt not ma*e sure o# everything < $iting down on her lip, she reached the outer walls. $ut be#ore the guard shinobi could catch up to her, seeing her approach, she moved 9uic*ly and #ound a small little niche near the opening o# the walls where she slipped in her son, 7ust in case things didnt go well. She did an advanced -0uma*i #uuin7utsu that created an invisible barrier around her hidden baby, protecting him not only #rom the elements o# nature but also invisible to everyone #or a limited amount o# time. +nly the caster would *now where the hidden being was, so "ushina was reasonably sure that Naruto was sa#e #or now. $y the time she went to meet the guards who had been loo*ing #or her, her baby was invisible and protected #rom danger. 2"ushina6san, this is a surprise,4 Nagi greeted stoically #rom his seat at his des*. "ushina only gave a weary smile at #irst. 2I apologi0e #or giving no notice and #or springing my presence on you li*e this,4 she started. 2$ut I had to come here as soon as I could.4 Nagi #urrowed his eyebrows, loo*ing slightly con#used and curious <the #irst sign o# any emotion #rom the man since she came in and saw him. 2!ay I as* why) I was also under the impression that "onoha had been recently attac*ed by the "yuubi no &ou*o. I regret that Suna could not come to your aid, but not only are we also still recovering heavily #rom the war but by the time I could mobili0e a suitable #orce, it would have been too late. $ut should you not be with your village, helping the recovery process)4 She was 9uiet #or a moment be#ore she began to tal* again. 2&ou *now that I was pregnant at the same time as "arura, right)4 $y the sti##ening o# his body at the mention o# his late wi#e, he did recall that now.

2I gave birth last night,4 and he winced, having put it together. 5e was a smart man= she *new he wouldve been able to easily piece it together with such little in#ormation. She didnt miss his ga0e traveling to the crib she 7ust noticed o## to the side, hidden and out o# sight e;cept in direct line o# sight #or the "a0e*age. /he baby there was asleep, but it was 9uiet and lay there with shi#ting sand surrounding it, oddly enough. She *new who it was then. 2&ou and !inato had no other choice that would have been better,4 she murmured. 2Its alright, Nagi. In time, bothll understand your choices. $ut I as*can you, can you *eep my son here in your village) I want Naruto to live a happy and #ull li#e, and "onoha will never let him have that. 8ust mere moments a#ter I wo*e up and 7ust only hours a#ter Naruto was born, someone was already attempting to *ill him. (lease *eep Naruto in Suna and away #rom "onoha. &ou understand, dont you)4 She was e;hausted and could tell her voice was starting to nearly sound li*e begging. $ut this was important and she couldnt #ail either !inato or Naruto. 2&es, yes I do understand,4 he 9uietly said, eyes moving bac* to his own son. 2:aara is still valued in this village, and still a symbol o# hope. $ut I #ear the li#e o# a 7inchuuri*i and that he wont be e;empted #rom it, no matter how hard I try.4 2Strange to see him in o##ice with you,4 she noted casually, trying to *eep him #rom being lost in dar* thoughts. 2&ashamaru is still grieving and :aara wont let anyone other than me near him anyway,4 Nagi answered hollowly. 2&oull be sa#e here, "ushina6san. Ill ma*e sure both you and your son are well protected and ta*en cared o# here.4 2/han* you, Nagi,4 she barely was able to breathe, #inally #eeling the pain as the adrenaline wore o## and her mission had been #ul#illed. She didnt bother directly correcting him that he would only need to worry about Naruto. 2(lease ta*e care o# him #or me. I *now youll ta*e good care o# himand :aara4 Nagis head snapped around to #ace her in alarm, and the panic on his #ace was a novel e;perience #or her. 5e had always been cool and calm, even when !inato was able to prod some amusement out o# him 2"ushina"ushina!4 he sped to her side, the blood on her #inally showing. She had used the original seal o# invisibility that was a ma7or #acet o# the barrier seal earlier to hide the pooling o# her blood on her. .arm arms held her close, cradling her as she started to slump li#elessly o## the chair. 5er nec* was com#ortably supported, and she was moved so she could loo* up easily into Nagis #ace. 2&oure bleeding. "ushina, what happened)4 he as*ed in panic.

She gave him a pain#ul smile. 2,#ter the e;traction o# the o;, it ended up impaling me and !inato with a claw. Not a #un way to go, Ill tell you. I wasnt able to be healed all the way be#ore I #led the village and gave all I had to reach you.4 2Ill get you help. Suna may not be the best in healing, but there must be something we can do,4 Nagi said determinedly. She shoo* her head slightly. 2(lease. (lease 7ust loo* #or Naruto. I le#t him near the walls because I wasnt sure i# youd ta*e us in, even though !inato was sure you would and told me to come. Im sorry, Im sorry. I should have had more #aith in you, but its my son. But please find him!4 2Shh. .here is he) .hat does he loo* li*e)4 Nagi soothed. This must be the Nagi only Karura was allowed to see, "ushina thought with an inward sad smile. 25es a small thing. $lond, blue6eyed. !inatos #eatures, though he might have more o# my nose. $ut he has whis*er6li*e mar*ings on his #ace. 5es near the #ront o# your walls, near the entrance. /here should be a small niche there that I was able to #it him in. (lease, Nagi4 2Shhh,4 he soothed again. 2I promise, "ushina. I promise you and !inato Ill #ind him and Ill ta*e care o# him mysel#.4 "ushina couldnt stop the tears that had #inally escaped, relie# and yet also sorrow #illing her. 2.e always believed in you, Nagi. .e never thought badly o# you and we understood. &oure a good man and "arura loved you, even in her last moments. I *now she did. ,nd !inato and I, we always cared about you.4 5e gently wiped away her tears, #eeling that once again he was #ailing to save another woman he cared #or. 2I cared about you and !inato too,4 he revealed. 2/he two o# you had always been my two closest #riends,4 he con#essed. "ushina gave one last sad smile as she #inally #aded away. It was 9uiet in the o##ice and he stayed there a moment, cradling the woman in his arms. 5e glanced at his son, murmuring reassurances and that hed be bac* be#ore he got up and headed out o# his o##ice, still holding "ushina. 5e had #aith in his sons sand and :aara was revered #or the moment anyway. 5e had time to bury an old #riend and plan a small #uneral. $ut he also had to immediately order some o# his shinobi to go on a thorough search o# the area #or a blond, blue6 eyed baby boy that he swore hed ta*e care o# #or the last o# his two #riends.

/he seal barrier, un#ortunately, had a time limit that wouldnt be e;hausted even a#ter the caster died. >ven as multiple shinobi passed by the little niche that held little Naruto, they could neither see nor sense the baby that slept on peace#ully <unaware o# the search #or him or the #act that his last parent had #inally passed away. .hen the barrier #inally did #ade, hours later, it was un#ortunately a civilian #amily coming bac* to the village that #ound the baby. ,nd unaware o# the search #or the very baby they had, they too* it and #ound the village orphanage, handing it over. ,nd because the "a0e*age chose not to reveal the mar*ings on Narutos #ace, in #ear o# someone #iguring out the true nature o# the child and spreading the in#ormation ?with no idea on what the reaction would be and with the hope o# being able to give the child a normal li#e@, no one reported the new baby as the one #or the search. /here was also that, with "ushina being too out o# it during the attac* and swept up in getting Naruto away #rom "onoha, !inato also preoccupied with the "yuubi attac*, as well as the medics who were busy with the many incoming patients and rushing away a#ter the delivery no one #ound out that -0uma*i Naruto was actually a #emale.

Chapter Two: What Ive Done

Nagi loo*ed over his village, inwardly sighing to himsel#. /he days passed were growing harder on the village, but there was really nothing he could do. >specially since that old bastard heading the 3and o# .ind was downsi0ing the budget to Suna and regulating missions to "onoha. 5e #rowned, trying to thin* o# a way to save his village #rom ruin once more. /he main attempt hed tried had so #ar seemed a #ailure, and he could barely loo* at his own son because o# it. Not because he was ashamed or disappointed in :aara, but it seemed as i# hed condemned his own son #or nothing... I know youll take good are of him!and "aara! 5e winced, reminded once again o# another boy hed #ailed, along with words #rom so long ago. 2"a0e*age6sama)4 a males so#t voice crowded into his o##ice. 5e turned slowly to #ace his brother6in6law tiredly. 2So youve heard the Aouncils latest clamoring)4 Nagis barely hidden sneer wasnt loss on &ashamaru. 2>ven Ahiyo6baasama has told me her worries about :aara as a #ailure.4 /he blond man #linched. 2Nagi, you *now :aara doesnt mean to harm the others. Its 7ust that <4 2Im not stupid, &ashamaru,4 Nagi snapped. 2I *now my son doesnt mean to harm any o# them. It doesnt stop the #act that he is harming them, and doesnt stop the Aouncil #rom #rea*ing out.4 2Does he not per#orm well in your lessons)4 the slightly older man as*ed gently. Nagis shoulders slightly slumped, but not enough to willingly show emotion to someone, even i# it was sort o# #amily. 2&es, he does well enough, I suppose. $ut thats in lessons and what I teach him to do with his sand. +utside, his control seems to become none;istent and he becomes more concerned about having people be with him. 5is sand reacts to his wants.4 2(erhaps i# you spent more time with him, aside #rom training,4 &ashamaru tried. 2I *now being around him hurts you, but it hurts him to be so alone.4 Nagi #rowned at the other man, immediately closing up. 2I dont have the time to coddle him. &ou do enough o# it anyways,4 he said sti##ly. &ashamaru sighed, changing the sub7ect bac*. 2/here must be something we can do.4

2:aara is a danger,4 Nagi said tiredly. 2>ven you have to admit that. .ithout any control, hell continue to lash out <even i# it is unconscious. (eople are still getting hurt. &ou tell me how I can help my son and show the Aouncil he can still give Suna hope.4 2!aybe we can devise a test o# some *ind)4 &ashamaru thought up desperately. /he "a0e*age #rowned, but sat bac* and thought on it more. 2&es, that would do. I# we can test him and prove he can handle the power o# Shu*a*u, then he will continue to be seen as valuableand not drive me to an early grave with all this stress,4 he #irmly rubbed his #orehead in agitation. 25ow will we test him then, Nagi)4 &ashamaru re#rained #rom smiling sadly, *nowing the other man wouldnt appreciate it. 2Aorner him, &ashamaru. I want you to #ocus on psychologically. 3ie to him about his mother, and we will see i# :aara can retain control o# Shu*a*u,4 he sat up and declared determinedly. &ashamaru hesitated, 2Nagi, are you sure thats wise) 5is mother"arura4 Nagi #linched at the mention o# his late wi#e and averted his eyes. 2Is there anyone else he treasures more)4 Nagi murmured. 2/heres no one else that can truly test him and ma*e him care enough to lose control. It must beher.4 #ounds more like youre talking about yourself, &ashamaru had wanted to retort, but *nowing 7ust how any mention o# "arura either set Nagi o## or a##ected him deeply, he didnt. 5e, too, was still mourning his sister, but hed #ocused all his energy on :aara and the two other little ones <unli*e Nagi, who seemed to try to do the same, but unhealthily with wor* or 7ust allowing himsel# to wallow in grie#. /he only other thing Nagi seemed to pour all his energy into, and much better than wor* and grie#, was the search #or little Naruto. /he search was still ongoing and Nagi still *ept hope, but with every year that passed, that hope seemed to slowly die out. $ut it was the only thing *eeping Nagi hanging on, and the only thing the man could see as his only redemption. 2Bery well then. Ill get ready and proceed tonight,4 &ashamaru sighed, inwardly this time. It was then that night that things came to a head. In another timeline, in another li#e, &ashamaru would be losing his li#e and :aara would #orever be changed. $ut it was here, where several things that were there that hadnt been be#ore <would de#initely change things. 5ere, the voice o# one o# his good #riends, -0uma*i "ushina, would haunt him.

5ere, he would ma*e the choice to watch over &ashamaru and subtly observe the proceedings closely himsel#, instead o# drowning in sa*eC in his o##ice and pleading to "aruras ghost #or #orgiveness in what hed 7ust decided and #or everything else, li*e he had in the original timeline. ,nd here, with the hope o# another boy that hed always hoped could provide the companionship :aara had always wanted, and help him live with the li#e destined #or one o# their *ind, Nagi still hadnt given up on his son or resigned himsel# to being the real monster in this story. I know youll take good are of him!and Gaara! Nagi 7umped o## his chair, accidentally *noc*ing over the unopened bottle o# sa*eC hed been planning on practically drin*ing himsel# to death with that night, rushing out o# his o##ice and where he *new &ashamaru would have cornered :aara. 2&our motheryour mother never loved you,4 &ashamarus voice sounded in the distance. It sounded li*e he was badly hurt. Nagi twitched. I didnt say to tell him that$ %nd I ertainly didnt say you had to go get yourself hurt, idiot$ 2&6&ashamaru) No! Nothis is 7ust an order #rom my #ather, isnt it) Isnt it)!4 :aaras childli*e voice cried out. Nagi winced at that, *nowing that was partly true and that it admittedly hurt to *now his son would automatically thin* that. ,nd that he would so easily thin* badly o# himhe laughed bitterly inside and thought maybe he should have stayed behind in his o##ice and dran* until hed passed out. 2/hats not true. I6I willingly accepted this mission.4 2.hy, &ashamaru)4 :aaras little sobs were something hed ta*en care to avoid, simply because he couldnt bear it on top o# everything. 2$ecauseI never loved you, :aara. I hoped *illing you would avenge my sisters death <she who named you a#ter the phrase Da sel#6loving carnage. She did so because she hated Suna so much, not #or love o# you, who she also thought o# as a monster, and in hope that you would one day ta*e vengeance on this village and on her behal#.4 I# &ashamaru lived through this, Nagi was relegating him into acting. 5ed deserve it, that bastard. Nagi didnt speci#ically tell him to absolutely destroy :aaras image o# his mother inally peering where they were, Nagi #rowned as he saw each o# their conditions. 2(lease die.4

/hen he saw &ashamaru pull down the 0ipper o# his #ront and he inwardly cursed, 7ust *nowing what that idiot was going to do. ,cting 9uic*ly, he used his :old Dust to 9uic*ly slip under each e;plosive tag and dragged it upwards, #orming a ball nine #eet in the air. It was the #arthest he could on such short notice, but it was good enough to stop the e;plosion #rom reaching &ashamaru and :aara inside the ochre shaded ball. Not seeing that &ashamaru had survived, partly #rom the shield his sand had 9uic*ly #ormed to protect him #rom the blast and partly because he was overwhelmed by the events and his emotions, :aara screamed and some o# the sand rushed towards himsel# and cut into his #orehead. /oo late to stop that, Nagi immediately rushed #orward and landed into a crouch between the two. Ignoring &ashamaru #or now, he concentrated on :aara, using his :old Dust to cocoon around :aara and mainly prevent him #rom going out o# control and letting the demon loose, which gave him enough time to startle his youngest and give him a moment. Ee#using to give a thought to what he was doing, because he *new he would hesitate and waste precious time ?allowing that dratted Shu*a*u to gain more control@, he bac*handed :aara and da0ed him enough to get his son to listen to him. 2Aalm down,4 he hissed. 2$reathe. Ignore the roar in your head and #ocus on breathing. Im going to ta*e your uncle to the hospital.4 /hat was enough to set :aara o## again. 256hes not my uncle <!4 the young boy started hysterically. 2>nough!4 Nagi roared, constricting his :old Dust around his son warningly. 2I said, breathe. +ne, two, three, breathe. +ne, two, three, breathe. ocus on nothing else but that. Ill deal with you when I get bac*.4 5e grabbed :aara by the scru## o# his nec*, ignoring his son scrunching his eyes close and muttering 2+ne, two, three, breathe4 over and over again, with his tiny little hands clenching. -sing his :old Dust to gently wrap around the unconscious &ashamaru, he care#ully carried the man with them, dropping o## his son in his room. 2Sit on my bed and #ocus on nothing else but breathing,4 Nagi glared. :aara was already entranced on doing that, calming down but seemingly still agitated. Nagi would have to hurry up, so he could come bac* 9uic*ly and ma*e sure Shu*a*u would not come outespecially as hed dumped his son in his room, and Nagi wasnt too enthused with the idea o# having to come bac* to see his room and home destroyed as the demon went on a rampage and proceeded to destroy the village as well.

5e was soon in the hospital, directing the sta## immediately to his brother6in6law, and organi0ing the momentarily panic*ing employees. 2Stabili0e him. Do as much as you can #or him, but at the least <stabili0e him. Someone4 he hesitated, but trudged on. 2Send word #or the Slug Sannin /sunade. .herever the hell she is, send word that her help is desperately needed. Aontact "onoha #or any leads on her,4 he reluctantly added. .hen he was done with that, he hurried home and went straight to his room, seeing :aara sitting still as a board on his bed and still chanting the mantra. 5e stared #or a moment, be#ore tiredly running a hand down his #ace. /hen he was striding towards his son and roughly grabbing his arm, dragging him a#ter him as he moved with a purpose through his home, ta*ing a detour to the *itchen and shoving some stu## into a bag. inding the training room, he went in and slammed the door a#ter them, activating the rarely used seal that wouldnt let anyone in and anyone out o# the room. 5e whirled around to #ace his wide6eyed son, who was staring bac* at him in surprise, #ear, and an;iety. 5e resisted the urge to #linch. Instead, he e;plained the truth o# tonight in a tightly controlled voice, sha*ing #rom his attempts to ma*e sure he didnt let himsel# start to shout or act out in anger. 2Im sorry, Im sorry! I dont mean to <!4 :aara sobbed. 2I *now you dont!4 Nagi #inally yelled. 2Does that stop you #rom harming the others anyway)4 2$ut I dont mean to!4 2It still happens& :aara, you were never simply a monster to Suna, to any o# us! Dont you understand) &ou represented hope and survival! No one simply and initially loo*ed at you as a monster, because you were meant to be our savior! I understand you dont mean to harm any o# them, but it does not change the reality that you are. &ou are 7udged by your actions, not your intentions <because the conse9uences are what remains a#terwards. (eople are getting hurt,4 Nagi #inished 9uietly. :aara also #inally 9uieted, still staring bac* at him wide6eyed. Nagi ran a hand through his hair in agitation, averting his eyes away #rom his son. Still near the door, he let himsel# have a moment o# wea*ness and slumped against it, eyes closing as he tilted his head up in e;haustion. It was his son and he had no #ear o# anyone else seeing him li*e this, even i# he usually didnt care #or his #amily seeing him vulnerable either.

Aoarse grains o# sand touched his chee* gently and he reluctantly opened his eyes and loo*ed down to see his son watching him an;iously, though now his an;iety was #or a di##erent reason than earlier. Da0edly, Nagi touched the #loating grains o# sand and absentmindedly let it #all through his #ingers, watching in detachment. /hey #ell through so#tly be#ore de#ying gravity once more. 2I cannot be both a single #ather and *age,4 he murmured, staring at the sands, blin*ing bac* tears he didnt thin* he could shed any more. 2Its impossible. ,ll *age *now that. /here are 7ust choices to be made that are impossible once youre in that position, and times where #amily and position are pitted against each other. /hats why no *age wishes #or a #amily when they are *age. /he same choices to be made in times o# war, in times o# poverty, and in times o# tension. 2/hese are choices to be made that de#ine the survival and e;istence o# a village. &ou were made a 7inchuuri*i to save Suna, 7ust as Nami*a0e !inato chose to ma*e a 7inchuuri*i out o# his son to save his village #rom the "yuubi no &ou*o, while "umo have both o# their 7inchuui*i made #or power and to secure their power. 8ust because our village is not in immediate danger, li*e "onoha had been, doesnt mean we arent. Suna isSuna is dying a slow death. ,s they prosper and regain #rom their losses, and now pro#it #rom our pain, we have nothing le#t but empty #aith and dying hopes,4 Nagi trailed o##, as i# now 7ust spea*ing to himsel#. Nagi blin*ed slowly, eventually coming bac* to himsel# somewhat. 2&ou were supposed to be as much a hero as Nami*a0e !inato wished his son, Naruto, to be <as Id wished you to be. I made the wrong choice,4 Nagi said hollowly. /hat was all he was nowadays. 5ollow. 2I chose wrong and did wrong by you. $ut theres no going bac* and I live with my choice every day, all the time as I see you. Ive *ept a #ools hope ever since, as Id made a #ools gamble. I cannot undo what Ive done, but dont ma*e me regret my choice even more than I do. Dont ma*e me even more o# a #ool.4 Nagi slid against the door to the ground, loo*ing bac* up at the ceiling. 2Im tired o# this. I dont want to do it anymore,4 Nagi muttered to himsel#, lost in thought again. 'ont gi(e up, Nagi$ Its )ust a little while longer$ .asnt those words said to him in a #amiliar timebac* when they were still at war But I dont want to, Karura$ Im )ust so tired$ *lease$ +et me gi(e up$ /he words were deliriously in his head, but escaped un*nowingly through his mouth anyways. 5e closed his eyes and dri#ted away. :aaras teal eyes remained wide6eyed, but he hesitantly came closer, eventually climbing into his #athers lap and hugging him close.

Chapter Three: Orenji Suna

Nagi groaned as he wo*e up, blin*ing wearily into consciousness. 5e could #eel a small weight on his lap and blearily loo*ed down and saw his small son clutching onto him, 9uiet and still but at least awa*e. Somewhere during his sleep, hed managed to wrap his arms around :aara, and now they were still embracing the boy. 5esitating, he sighed inwardly and allowed himsel# this moment with his son and tightened his hold, letting himsel# 7ust sit there with his son in his arms #or the moment. /hen he abruptly stood up, though he wasnt callous enough to let :aara drop to the #loor ?subtly gently putting him down@, and wal*ed away to the middle o# the room, leaving his bac* to his *id. 5e too* a shuddering breath and then turned stoically bac* to :aara, straightening up. 2.ere not leaving here,4 Nagi said harshly, glaring. 2-ntil you can have enough control over your sand, were staying in this room.4 :aara loo*ed at his dad in con#usion, shi#ting aw*wardly along with his sand. 2&our training begins now.4 >ven i# he had to be harsh, then hell play the bad guy in order #or :aara to win over Shu*a*u and the Aouncil. 5is son may hate him, but the demon will not win and neither will he let the Aouncil condemn his son when he already had to #rom his sons premature birth. 2&oull hate me, but at least youll win,4 Nagi stated coldly. ,nd then he called up a large amount o# :old Dust and started sending it a#ter his youngest. rom then on, Nagi #orced himsel# to go into the mindset o# "a0e*age and ignore whatever #ailed instincts he had as a #ather. Still, it is not easy and possible to completely disregard those instincts and close his eyes to his sons pain and his own misgivings. $ut he would not let the Aouncil ta*e his son #rom him completely, when they had already #orced his hand against :aara since his birth and had ta*en apart his #amily #rom the moment hed gained them in the #irst place. 5e may #ail as a #ather, but he will not #ail them. It had been going on #or days. /he resources hed stu##ed into a bag were all that hed brought along to *eep them going. /he #irst day, a#ter a rigorous start, Nagi had allowed a brea* and gave his son some o# the #ood hed carelessly tossed into the bag. ,%rent you going to eat, -tou.san?/ the little red.haired boy tentati(ely asked his father$ ,No,/ Nagi answered shortly$ ,0ust finish your food so we an go ba k to begin training$/

$y the third day, :aara had #inally noticed it. 5is #ather hadnt eaten at all since throwing the both o# them in there and training li*e hell. ,-tou.san, you ha(ent eaten!/ Nagi looked at his son blankly$ ,%nd Im not going to$/ :aara didnt understand and was starting to worry even more. 5is #athers #orm was starting to slump, and his eyes loo*ed dilated. :old Dust hovered around him lethargically, but Saba*u no Nagi continued to stand and #ace his son with an unwavering stare. 2,gain, :aara.4 2+tou6san, you need to eat,4 :aara blin*ed bac* tears. Nagi #rowned. 2Im not eating. I wont eat. Not until you #inally have control over your sand,4 he #inally revealed his reason. :aara stared horri#ied at his #ather. 2$ut youll die! &ouve already gotten so sic*! +tou6san <4 2Im not going to eat, :aara. I# you really want me to live, then hurry up and get control o# your sand. $ecause Im not going to until you do,4 his #athers voice was hoarse by then. /hen his #ather unhealthily too* yet another soldier pill and a small sip o# water #rom a bottle, be#ore ma*ing a sharp gesture with his hand and directing some o# his :old Dust towards :aara again. :aara redoubled his determination, *nowing i# he didnt his #ather would continue to starve himsel# to death. $y the end o# the wee*, his #ather still didnt seem satis#ied and neither was :aara with his progress. 5e wanted to be in control so badly, to hurry up and get his stupid sand under his control so he could save his #ather. $ecause his #ather didnt loo* li*e he could last any longer. Suddenly, his #ather collapsed onto the #loor, sitting with his posture slumping and his legs sprawled out in #ront o# him. 2+tou6san!4 :aara screamed, rushing over. Nagi barely li#ted up his head, hal#heartedly glaring. 2I didnt say we were done.4 2$ut <!4 28ust because Im sitting down, doesnt mean I cant *eep going,4 Nagi declared. 5is :old Dust rushed out #rom around him and pushed :aara bac*.

>ven collapsed against a door, body slumped and head drooping in e;haustion, barely able to li#t his head up and strain his eyes to see :aarahis #ather was still able to push :aara to his limits. /wo hours later, :old Dust hung la0ily around him in there, 7ust hovering. :aara tensed, waiting #or the ne;t attac*, but suddenly the :old Dust dropped to the ground all around them and stayed there. 5is head snapped towards his #ather, who lay unmoving against the door. 2+tou6san) +tou6san!4 .orried and becoming hysteric, he ran to his #ather and shoo* him, gaining no response. 2+tou6san!4 earing that it was too late and that his #ather was already dead, he commanded his sand to grab onto his #ather and li#t him care#ully away #rom the door. 5e thought 9uic*ly on how to get out, because the training room was literally a death chamber i# you didnt *now how to get out and didnt have resources to *eep you going. It was why neither he nor his siblings were allowed near or in the training room, unless with their #ather, who was the only one able to open and e;it it because o# the seal ?which ironically enough was partly also there to *eep them #rom entering@. /he only thing that could get them out now was his sand. Determinedly, #ocused and re#using to thin* he could #ail at this, he rushed all o# his sand at the door and practically demolished an opening. $lin*ing in surprise, wowed that he was able to actually do it, he turned bac* to his #ather. Eemembering how his #ather had used his :old Dust to gently wrap around&ashamaru and had carried the man, :aara mimic*ed it hesitantly, growing more con#idently as he seemed to be doing things right. /hen he was stumbling to the hospital on his short, childish legs. , pretty lady hed never seen be#ore was wal*ing around, giving out orders and directing the hospital sta##. 5er blonde hair was in short pigtails hanging 7ust behind her shoulders, and there was an odd diamond on her #orehead. 256help! 5elp my otou6san!4 he yelled at her. Startled, she turned to him and #rowned, but then immediately spotted his #ather and #ocused on him instead, starting a medical scan. /here were cries o# D"a0e*age6sama! and a rush towards his #ather, but his sand warningly *ept the others away and the lady beside them also helped to deter the others. 2"eep your calm!4 she snapped at them. 2,nd prepare a room #or the "a0e*age! Ill diagnose him and then pass it on to the 5ead Doctor here, and #rom there well start wor*. :et a move on!4 /here was a scramble o# people and then they were all in order, wor*ing diligently on their assigned tas*s. /he lady then turned to him, her #rown lightening up.

2Im /sunade. I want you to tell me everything that happened,4 she directed towards :aara sternly. /he little boy gulped, but then steeled himsel# and determinedly told the blonde lady everything that had happened. /he more he told, the worse her #rown got again. -ntil #inally, she 7ust shoo* her head in e;asperation and sighed. 2Sounds li*e that brat,4 /sunade grumbled. 2,lways stubborn too. Aome on, ga*i. 3ets go see your dad and ma*e him healthy again.4 .ith &ashamaru stabili0ed, that le#t /sunade #reed up to #ocus on the "a0e*age. ,nd wor* she did, thoroughly ma*ing sure the red6haired man was pulled out o# the danger he had stupidly put himsel# in. 5ell be bed resting #or awhile and unable to do much, but at least hell live. She was very sure o# that, once she had her hands on him. /hough, a#ter she was done and he was completely healthy, that might change. Eeally, what a stupid idea, starving himsel# to train his *id. She was 7ust itching to bust his head open. ,#ter she was done and he was as stable as his brother6in6law, who was another one with stupid ideas ?really, the men in that #amily were 7ust stupid@, she le#t to #ind her assistant and ta*e a brea*, and probably get drun* while she was at it. .hile she was gone, a small girl with blonde hair brighter than even hers, practically bounced into the "a0e*ages room, having snuc* into the hospital to e;plore. She leaned over him, staring with wide blue eyes. or him, hed been in and out o# consciousness since being put into the hospital. 5is mind was ha0y and everything he saw was either blurry or he 7ust blac*ed out completely. ,nd then he was seeing a cherubic #ace bearing down on him, watching him with worried, impossibly blue eyes and chin6length bright blonde hair that cascaded around her #ace li*e a halo, leaving him wondering i# an angel had decided to temporarily watch over him. 2Dont worry,4 she murmured in a childish voice. 2(rincess Aharming is here to wa*e you up completely, Sleeping $eauty.4 5e #elt so#t lips pec* his gently and then something sprin*le onto his #ace. 5e went bac* into unconsciousness a#terwards. .hen he ne;t awo*e, it was to a more #amiliar blonde loo*ing down at him with a strange loo* on her #ace. 2Nagi, why the hell do you have glitter on your #ace)4 5e blin*ed in con#usion. 2/herethere was an angel,4 he muttered uncertainly.

/sunade rolled her eyes be#ore she started to scowl down at him. She suddenly slammed her #ist down on the side table ne;t to his head, causing it to brea* in hal# and scaring the hell out o# him, 7olting him #ully awa*e and aware, and wiping the glitter o## o# his mind. 5e sat up immediately in alarm, the glitter literally coming o## as well. 2$a*a,4 she hissed. 2&ou and that idiot brother6in6law o# yours have no common sense. /hat should have been your head I hit instead o# that des*!4 Nagi cowered bac* #or a second be#ore straightening up and glaring bac*. 2$ut it wor*ed, didnt it) 5ow else did we get out o# that room, i# it wasnt #or :aara and his sand)4 he said smugly. 2&ou shouldnt be so smug,4 /sunades hand balled up dangerously. 2&ou practically traumati0ed your *id!4 2$ut he wont be loo*ed at as a monster anymore,4 Nagi retorted 9uietly. She reeled bac* be#ore loo*ing at him wearily. 2&ou dont *now that.4 2I do,4 he insisted. 2Suna will see to that. I# "umo can do it, then Suna can too. ,nd unli*e "umo, :aara is a symbol o# hope not power. 5e will be more treasured.4 2$a*a,4 she muttered #ondly, tussling his red hair. 5e scowled at her and duc*ed away, though he had reacted a little too late. 5e inwardly sighed at his health. 2Ill stay here awhile,4 she revealed. 2!a*e sure you and &ashamaru get bac* on your #eet completely and help and advise your hospital a little more be#ore I get going. /hat way you can never say I never did anything #or you.4 5e smir*ed, but she moc*6glared at him in warning. She turned serious. 2I hearyou have "ushinas grave here,4 she started solemnly. Nagi winced. 2&es. She died here and I couldnt 7ust give her bac* to "onoha, a#ter shed #led there in the #irst place and came here #or sanctuary. Its near my compound, in a nice, 9uiet place where none o# the locals can disturb it and where I can easily and #re9uently visit. I can ta*e you there once Im cleared to leave the hospital.4 2/hats nice,4 /sunade said wist#ully. 2I wanted to see her at least once be#ore I le#t here. I never got to *now the #ull story o# what happened to her and why she le#t and how she died.4 5e hesitated. 2Ill tell you. .hen we visit,4 he promised.

She loo*ed at him searchingly be#ore giving a small nod. /sunade wal*ed around the desert village, reminiscing on how long its been since shed been there. Shi0une #ollowed 9uietly behind her and they made no e##ort to interact with the locals. !ost o# them avoided or loo*ed at her in #ear or disli*e, while the veterans loo*ed at her probingly and many in respect. She was tempted to ma*e a visit to +ld 3ady Ahiyo. She smir*ed to hersel#, sure that i# she really did that the old woman would go into a conniption and come a#ter her with an army o# puppets. It was almost enough to ma*e her go and ma*e it a reality. She restrained hersel#, but only barely. It was rather disappointing actually, though she still hoped that the old woman would tromped down hersel# and con#ront her. 23ady, 3adyF4 a little girls voice sing6songed and she turned to see a cute little girl with strangely #amiliar #eatures standing nearby an alley, a cute orange dress #itting nicely on her. She had a crown o# #lowers around her blonde head, and accompanied with #lower bracelets and nec*lace to match. /sunade smiled at her, gesturing her to come closer. /he little girl s*ipped over to them and held out another nec*lace made up o# #lowers. 25ere,4 the little girl chirruped. 2, pretty nec*lace #or a pretty lady.4 /sunade *nelt down and bowed her head, letting the girl place the nec*lace around her nec*. She smiled gently at the girl. 2.hy than* you, little one. /hats very *ind o# you.4 2Na6chan! /han*s #or the bandaid. &oure so nice! ,nd always help#ul! (lay ball with us later, D*ay)4 a boy caught sight o# them and interrupted, waving cheerily be#ore he ran away with a red ball he was holding onto tightly /sunade suddenly became speculative, mind already thin*ing up on the #uture o# the village and how much help it would need in advancing in the medical department. It would start with this little girl 2Na6chan,4 she copied the boy. 2Do you li*e to help people)4 /he little girl nodded her head enthusiastically. 2,nd what do you thin* about healing) .ould you li*e to help heal others and help save people)4 $lue eyes widened adorably. 2&es! &es! I wanna ma*e sure everyones happy!4

She turned to Shi0une, who had been watching the girl in #ondness and amusement. 2Shi0une, your old braceletsand the new ones. 5and them over to me. I can teach you the same things #rom them mysel# without those scrolls,4 /sunade e;plained and Shi0une complied, when the older blonde gave the eleven bracelets to the girl. 2/hese are my li#e wor*s, little one. I want you to study hard. I# you really want to help people, then dont give up on learning these and be serious about them,4 /sunade lectured lightly. /he child nodded gravely. 2I promise. (in*y swear,4 she said seriously, and the childish oath made both women smile. /sunade hesitated, be#ore her ne;t act made even Shi0une gasp. She tentatively grabbed hold o# her grand#athers nec*lace and slipped it o## her nec* to replace around the little girls. 2+ne nec*lace #or another,4 /sunade smiled wea*ly, touching the #lower nec*lace she had in appreciation #or the girl. 2Now get along. Study hard and be good!4 /he blonde child nodded, eyes wide once more, be#ore #litting o## with a dancing rhythm to her steps. 2/sunade6sama)4 Shi0une 9uestioned her. 2I *now, Shi0une,4 /sunade murmured. 2$utI have a gut #eeling about this.4 *lease let my gamble pay off this time$ ,nd while they stood 9uietly, the little girl they spo*e to was currently in her special place, a pretty #ountain hidden in the midst o# buildings and *oi #ish swimming happily in it. She continued her threading o# #lowers, the new bracelets dangling around her wrists. , little boy would then stumble upon her, gaping in awe. .ith the sun bright and shining down on her, her blonde hair made to loo* li*e a halo and her s*in slightly glowing #rom the sunlight and the bright colors she wore, it wasnt hard to mista*e her as an angel as he had in that moment. 25ello,4 she tilted her head, loo*ing at him. :aara was still speechless. 5ed always been told stories o# angels, who were sweet and *ind < 7ust li*e this one here in #ront o# him. 256hi,4 he greeted shyly. She gave him the brightest smile, something no one had ever done to him be#ore, and he #idgeted. 2&ou need something nice,4 she declared. 25ere.4

,nd then she s*ipped over to him and placed a crown o# #lowers on top o# his head, matching the one she wore, and then placed a little *iss on top o# his nose, with him turning bright red with her actions. 2/here! $e princely! $ai bai nowF4 she giggled and then she was dancingly wal*ing away, humming an un#amiliar tune and leaving behind a dumb#ounded boy. , little later, once :aara #inally #ound his #eet, he once again was con#ronted with a group o# *ids playing ball. /hey saw him and tense, be#ore one boy with a bandaid on his chee* loo*ed at him oddly. 2&ou *now, he doesnt loo* li*e a monster,4 he stated decisively. 2!onsters dont wear #lower crownsdo they)4 he as*ed doubt#ully. :aara tentatively touched the #lower crown the angel had given him. 2Nah, real monsters dont wear #lower crowns. /hats 7ust ridiculous,4 another *id said in reply. 25mph,4 the #irst boy stuc* out his tongue. 25e aint no monster then. 5ey you! &ou wanna play ball with us)4 :aara loo*ed at them with wide, hope#ul eyes, nodding eagerly. ,s he played with them, care#ully trying to *eep his precious #lower crown on his head and trying not to mess it up as he played, one thought went through his head. 5is angel had helped him #inally ma*e #riends.

Chapter Four: The Desert Prince

2+i, Naruto! E>N/!4 She grumbled to hersel#, getting out o# bed and sleepily ru##led her short hair. 5er #eet plopped onto the ground and she trudged towards her door. 2&are, yare. 5old on a tic, 5iiro,4 she yawned and #umbled around in a drawer, grabbing a hand#ul o# ryo as she continued onto her 7ourney. /he door opened and the sandy apartment comple; owner stood there irritably, tapping his #oot. 2Did you get co##ee in you yet)4 she rolled her eyes, shoving the money towards him. 2No. Now stop getting late on your payments,4 he snapped at her be#ore turning on his heel and striding away. She hu##ed inwardly, slamming the door shut as she stumbled around her small apartment, loo*ing #or one o# her uni#orms. DAourse, she goes to the Nin7a ,cademy and they dont really have uni#ormsbut its the price to pay when youre an orphan and living on your own. /he nicest and cheapest things she could #ilch #rom charity were a set o# boys school uni#orms. ,nd yes, in Suna, you have to pay #or charity. Not that she was too bitter about that. She *new that the village was in hard times and su##ering #rom poverty, much as they tried to hide it. Still, why couldnt she have luc*ed out on some shinobi out#its instead) /he leather bracelet on her arm dangled o## her wrist and brought her attention to it. $iting her thumb, she swiped the blood swelling on it across the leather band, summoning her newest scroll. :lancing down at it, she grimaced at the ne;t thing that she had to #ocus on in her personal training. ,nother cha*ra control e;ercise. She cursed under her breath, but decided to get a start on it. :rabbing a water bottle, she slapped it onto her *itchen table and sat in #ront o# it, holding her hands tightly around it as she #ocused on ma*ing her cha*ra try the #irst part o# the e;ercise <ma*ing tiny waves and contain it in the bottle. I# she could do this e;ercise, it would heighten and improve cha*ra control speci#ically in her hands. .hich would be a big help with the medical 7utsu shes been practicing all these years since shed been entrusted with the leather bracelets shed been given by that pretty blonde lady. ,side #rom medical 7utsu and other medical and personal *nowledge #rom the Slug Sannin, whose name had been branded on all the scrolls and shed loo*ed up once shed *nown to do so, she also had the original leather bracelet that had been on her since birth.

That had given her her origins, her identity, and a direction in her li#e to #ollow on her own in her current li#e, alone as she was. 5er name had been engraved on the #ront, allowing the orphanage shed been in to *now her name at least. .hen she was older, #unnily only by three, shed managed to unseal the #irst scroll #rom the inside o# her bracelet. -nable to read it completely hersel#, shed gone to the !aster o# the orphanage, who was actually a retired shinobi, and as*ed #or help. Intrigued, the man had read it and then loo*ed shoc*ed, and shoc*ed her in return when he willingly read it to her. /he #irst scroll was a letter #rom her mother, e;plaining who she was and who Naruto was, and where theyd come #rom <-0u and then "onoha. It then had several seals on the bottom that her mother had promised would hold several scrolls that would give her in#ormation on her clan, a scroll that was #rom her #ather, notes on how to deal with the demon in her seal, and anything else -0uma*i "ushina had managed to seal about Narutos legacy be#ore the attac* o# the "yuubi happened on her birth. "ushina had also written that there were more seals on her bracelet that would contain all the -0uma*i #uuin7utsu that shed managed to collect, as well as seals that she *new outside o# their clan. $ut the rarest would be the last two seals that "ushina had said shed made to seal scrolls her #ather had le#t to her. .ithin years until present, she had split her time evenly between learning and mastering #uuin7utsu and the medical *nowledge le#t to her by Sen7u /sunade. ,nd her #ather, whod she learned was Nami*a0e !inato, had le#t her his two pri0ed 7utsu <the Easengan and the 5iraishin. +# course, "age $unshin, the #irst 7utsu stressed that she had to learn #irst, was a big help in her training. /hen again, there was a price #or her mastery or ongoing mastery o# these things 5urrying up getting ready and slipping her water bottle into her pouch so she could practice in class, she almost bolted #rom her apartment to race to the ,cademy. $y last minute, she glanced out her window and 9uic*ly stopped hersel#, watching #rom her high view to the "a0e*ages o##ice window across #rom her. It was actually a long distance, so she was glad #or her superior eyesight. She made a mental note to than* "yuubi and stro*e his ego. In the distance, she could see the "a0e*age #inally in his o##ice, unusually late #or once, and wal*ing around, getting things ready. She gave a so#t smile and continued to watch, even though she *new she was de#initely going to be late to class #or it. /hiswas a habit that had started ever since she was *ic*ed out o# the orphanage and given her own apartment instead. In weary days when she was younger, the practically routine appearance o# the "a0e*age in the same view at the same time had given her much com#ort. She would ga0e across the village and watch him move around in his o##ice, #or some reason #inding calm and reassurance #rom it. ,nd even in the present, she still #ound that com#ort.

Eeluctantly moving away, she sighed to hersel# as she went to nin7a school. 2+ate, -0uma*i6san,4 the instructor #rowned sternly, to which she 7ust smiled charmingly and ignored the dreamy giggles and sighs #rom the class. 2&ou shouldnt be so o##hand in your schooling. &oure only average in tai7utsu, have absolutely no talent in gen7utsu, and barely bothered to search out nin7utsu to practice #or the several research pro7ects that were assigned!4 .ell, her #ocus on her interests and determination to master them had more or less cost her her ,cademy grades and attention in class, as usually she ignored whatever was going on and what they were learning in #avor o# #ocusing on her scrolls and wor*ing on her own stu##. 2Im sorry, Shinoda6sensei,4 Naruto cooled her smile to a more diplomatic one. 2Its not that its your teaching, but my interests are un#ortunately always wandering and sel#ish to what they want to #ocus on. Its purely my #ault. I 7ust cant help it.4 Shinoda cleared his throat uncom#ortably and nodded, loo*ing away even with a telltale blush on his #ace. 256hai. 8ust try to #ocus #or once somewhere in todays lesson. 5ow else are you going to pass the >;am early, as you *eep saying you will)4 Naruto 7ust nodded and then loo*ed out #or an empty seat. 2(lease sit here, +u7i6sama!4 she heard one o# them call and Narutos eyes 0eroed in on one o# her more adamant admirers. She continued her polite but cooled smile, striding over grace#ully and sitting in between the girls. 2Sari6chan, !atsuri6chan, than* you lovely girls #or the seat,4 she #lashed them a slightly wider smile, rewarded by two blushes. 2I6its no problem,4 !atsuri mumbled out. 3i#e was good #or the moment. .hen class was over, she approached Shinoda, who nodded at her and reached into his des* #or a piece o# paper. 2-0uma*i6san, as the oldest in class, I understand it must be #rustrating #or you to be held bac*,4 he started out. 2/he only reason why you were not put into the class above is because your birth date was a#ter the cuto## date, #orcing you to enroll #or the year a#ter.4 She nodded in agreement. 25owever, as all shinobi villages allow, each ,cademy always allows #or early graduation and #or those who wish to, can ta*e the :enin >;am earlier. /here are three tries, two early ones and

the last opportunity is with their graduation class. ,s you have re9uested, you will be ta*ing the :enin >;am earlier, with the older class above you.4 2/he class I should have been in,4 Naruto noted with a play#ul pout, purely to entertain her teacher. 5is rolling eyes indicated slight success. 2/his will be your #irst try, -0uma*i6san. /here is no need #or you to #eel you absolutely have to pass and rush yoursel#.4 2Eela;, Shinoda6sensei. I have this,4 she reassured him with an impish grin. She too* the paper and plopped bac* into her seat, getting to start on it. It wasnt too bad, even though boo*wor* wasnt her thing. ,#ter that, she handed it in to her teacher. 2I will hand this to the teacher supervising the :enin >;am ne;t door. .hen all the students o# that graduating class have #inished, Ill escort you over #or your turn.4 .hen she #inally had to go ne;t door, she had to do a simple *unai1shuri*en accuracy test and then per#orm the three standard ,cademy 7utsu. ,nd then a 9uic* spar with one o# the teachers, which she could only than* her speed, stamina, and endurance #or helping her last as long as she did. ,ll that, plus the written test, shed been warned o# by her mother in one o# the scrolls, which told her how "onoha usually initially test genin. $ut this was not "onoha. ,#ter what she *new was what "onoha nin7a students had to do to pass, she also was to undergo what was speci#ically Suna6brand ,cademy testing. irst, she had to demonstrate one or more o# Sand6speciali0ed techni9ues, with the rating scale depending on how good she was at it and how many o# them she could do. /he ne;t part was a little more dangerous as she had to correctly identi#y the poisons she was given by the description they gave, and by her own observations. ,t least she didnt have to try any o# them out or #ind out which ones were poisons or not, or something comple;. /hey were all poisons, she 7ust merely had to #igure out which one was which by the in#ormation she was given. ,nd then there was the survival obstacle course in which all participating teachers were to try to attac* her while she went through it, and try and get the best time. In some ways, she wasnt sure how she managed to pass. 2Aongratulations, -0uma*i6san. &ou are no longer an ,cademy student, but a grunt,4 Shinoda smir*ed. 2&ou pass 9uite nicely. ,lthough, I wonder how I will deal with your little #anclub once they #ind out and in the days youre gone.4 2/han* you and Im sure youll do #ine,4 Naruto smiled one o# those cool smiles again.

2Ahe, so says the Suna no +u7i,4 Shinoda sni##ed. 2!aa, dont tell me you use that nic*name too, Shinoda6sensei,4 Naruto rubbed the bac* o# her head in embarrassment. 25mph, 7ust get on with it, 'esert *rin e,4 the man lightly6moc*ed. She shrugged and gave him a salute, turning and deciding home was best so she could #inish up that cha*ra control e;ercise she was on. I# she could #inish it by that night, she could wor* on #iguring out the 5iraishin a little more Nagi rubbed a hand down his #ace tiredly, glancing at the stac* o# #olders in #ront o# him. It was the new batch o# genins pro#iles that he had to loo* through to ma*e the teams, with the list o# recommendations ne;t to him. 5e automatically thought to do :aaras team last, already *nowing that at least "an*uro would be in it and that hell 7ust have to search hard #or a suitable third member. I# only he hadnt already promoted /emari to chuunin, but he had been desperate /rying to ma*e 9uic* wor* o# the pile in #ront o# him, he loo*ed at the recommendations and searched out the correct #olders #rom the pile, either approving or disapproving teams as he read. 5ed rearrange the teams he hadnt approved #or later. inally #inished an hour later, he rearranged the unapproved teams into ones he thought #it better and then loo*ed at the team listing #or his youngest son. +# course, there was "an*uros name right ne;t to :aaras as hed re9uested. ,nd then there was actually a recommendation #or a third member #or him to loo* into. +riginally, he thought o# 7ust putting /emari on the team anyway, or already having resigned himsel# to having to loo* through the pile more thoroughly and scrutini0ed each #ile closely to see i# there were any possible matches to his sons team <but he was rather pleased to see a recommendation, even i# he wasnt too hope#ul about it. 5e #ro0e as he saw the name, hands tightening around the list. 12umaki Naruto /he woman whod died in his o##ice years agos clan name and the #irst name o# a boy "ushina had begged #or him to *eep sa#e. 5e darted to the pile and immediately searched through it, #rantically trying to #ind the #ile that he needed to see. inding it, his hands trembled as he opened it up to #ind out where had little Naruto been all these years. ,nd the #irst thing he read had him start laughing lowly to himsel#, even i# somewhat hysterical. +# all the

$ut it made sense. "ushina had #led #rom "onoha on a cra0y stint without any thought but to reach him, 7ust a#ter giving birth in an attac* that cost her !inato, and there really wasnt any time #or anyone to *now what se; the child was. It was an assumption that Naruto was a boy that had led to him missing her all these years. ,nd it was de#initely "ushinas Naruto, with the telltale whis*ers and the resemblance to his old #riend !inato. $right blonde hair and impossible blue eyes, #eatures o# the ourth 5o*age that seemed magni#ied and somehow more vivid and brilliant in his daughter. 5er age and birth date matched up, though he had to wonder how her record was accurate about that in#ormation when shed been brought to Suna later than her birth, unless "ushina had managed to put some *ind o# in#ormation on the girl. 5e loo*ed over the ,cademy pro#ile o# the girl and blin*ed. 5er grades werebelow substandard, especially with Sunaga*ures strict standards. /hough her scores on the :enin >;am was more promising at least. Smiling so#tly to himsel#, #or the #irst time in a long while, he approved the recommendation and hoped to see what *ind o# team his sons group would grow into, especially now that hed #ound Naruto. 3ater, a#ter much trouble with his puppets, his older son was on the verge o# a meltdown. "an*uro had 7ust been in#ormed by his soon to be teacher $a*i who was on his team. .ell, at least he was #inally on a team, a#ter being held bac* to wait #or :aara. ,nd there was no surprise to *now :aara was on his team. $ut who was this -0uma*i Naruto) 5e had been tempted to go out and interrogate some students about who he was, as he didnt want to be caught o## guard or anything by his new teammatebut didnt really #eel li*e putting in the e##ort to do so and had rather stayed in his room to wor* on his puppets some more. 2.hats your problem)4 /emaris annoying voice cut into his thoughts. 5e loo*ed irritably to see his sister sauntering in, and he stared enviously at the chuunin #la* 7ac*et she wore. :aara had also silently appeared, sitting at the table immediately and ta*ing a boo* out and beginning to read. 5e only spared a glance at his younger brother be#ore sneering at /emari. 2:aara and me got a team #inally. ,nd we have a third member. Dont *now who the idiot is,4 he hu##ed, searching out a mandarin orange, loo*ing around guiltily. /emari snatched it out o# his hand and turned her nose up at him. 2Dont. /heyre Dads #avorite,4 she rolled her eyes, but :aaras sand snuc* over and stole it, handing it to the Ichibi 7inchuuri*i who calmly started to peel it and eat it.

/emari sighed and "an*uro pouted. , piece was handed to him by some o# :aaras sand and he wrin*led his nose at him. 2No than*s, :aara. Eeally) .ith your sand)4 he shivered and stared at the piece in revulsion, 7ust imagining all sorts o# bacteria, germs, substances6that6must6not6be6named that was probably trans#erred on it #rom the sand. Not to mention le#tover grains o# sand in the #irst place. , brie# smir* #litted across :aaras lips be#ore disappearing as #ast as it had come. 2So, whos this new teammate o# yours)4 /emari brought him bac* to the original topic. 2NarutoSome -0uma*i Naruto,4 "an*uro grumbled. /emaris eyes lit up. 2&ou mean the Desert (rince)4 $oth male members there stared at her. 2Who)4 "an*uro interrupted her happy humming. 2+h, please. Dont tell me you dont *now the Desert (rince)4 /emari as*ed sneeringly. .hen both boys loo*ed at her blan*ly, she sighed again. 2+u7i6sama is really popular in the ,cademy. >veryone li*es +u7i6sama. !ore #ormally, its the #una no -u)i, though I thin* in the beginning +u7i6sama was called Saba*u no +u7i #or a more literal translation o# Desert (rince, instead o# the Sand (rince <though some girls and boys li*e to call +u7i6sama that too.4 "an*uro gaped dumbly at her while :aara raised a hairless eyebrow. 2.hyd they change Saba*u to Suna)4 was what "an*uro #elt sa#e enough to as* without melting his brain anymore than it was supposed to. 2It mightve caused con#usion and thin* to be re#erred to :aara,4 /emari shrugged. 2,#ter all, its our #amily name.4 "an*uro #urrowed his eyebrows in his con#usion. 2.hy would it be re#erred to :aara and not me) I mean, Im a Saba*u too. ,nd older.4 2$ecause youre not as popular as :aara.4 5e pouted and :aara brie#ly smir*ed again. $a*i glanced at the #olders in his hand o# his new genin. :aara and "an*uros werent new to him, as Nagi had long as*ed him to ta*e those two on as genin. It was the new onethe girl o# the group that set him on edge.

5ed heard o# her. /he Desert (rince. 2Suna no +u7i4 those teachers at the ,cademy a##ectionately called her, as well as the rumors o# hoards o# #angirls and #anboys at her bec* and callready to act as an army on her behal#. 5ed heard all the things said about her. Silver6tongued and too charming #or the charm not to be a 7utsu o# some *ind. Such pretty loo*s that da00led you up. +h, $a*i had heard all o# that and then some, especially as he as*ed around the ,cademy. /he adoration spilling #rom everyones lips! It was outrageous. ,nd unholy, he could tac* on. 5e *new this girl was trouble with a capital /, and he was going to su##er having this team. ,nd shell be at the #ore#ront o# it all. 2$a*i, you loo* li*e its the end o# the world,4 he heard his best #riend and "a0e*age spea* dryly #rom behind him. $a*i turned slowly, numbly loo*ing at the red6haired man with betrayal. 2.hy did you do this to me) .hy did you set this torture upon me)4 $a*i as*ed, twitching. 5e *new the other man was happy hed #inally #ound the long lost Naruto, and he was happy #or his "a0e*agebut Nagi didnt understand. Nagi blin*ed. 2.hat) .hat on earth are you tal*ing about)4 2/his team! >specially this -0uma*i Naruto!4 Nagi snorted. 2Its probably not that bad. Dont be such a worrier. &oure 7ust an;ious about your #irst team and over worrying over things. Dont worry so much.4 23ou dont understand! &ou havent even heard the things that I have about her!4 $a*i shouted hysterically. 2&oull ma*e me rue the day I let you have this #avor!4 Nagi shoo* his head, staring bemusedly at the other. 2.hy dont we go and have a drin*, and tomorrow you can tell me all about it) ,#ter you all meet and get together as a team)4 $a*i #rowned, thin*ing about it. 2Eeally. I thin* youre 7ust over an;ious about having a team and hyping yoursel# up over the things youve heard. &ou dont even *now i# the things youve heard are true.4 $a*i too* a deep breath and gave a sheepish grin at his #riend. &eah, Nagi was probably right he was 7ust agitating himsel# prematurely. 2&6yeah. &oure right. Im probably 7ust overreacting. 3ets go get that drin*, huh)4 &es, he most probably was overreacting.

!eanwhile, a blonde newly made genin had #inally tac*led and #inished the cha*ra control e;ercise shed been wor*ing on <noting that the water responded rather well to her, actually <and whooped and hollered loudly in her apartment. ,nd in her e;citement, hadnt noticed that she was loading up cha*ra into the water bottle she was still holding onto, and there#ore was unable to notice or escape it blowing up in her #ace and dousing her in water.

Chapter Five: Tea

!ic"ass# $sse


Naruto danced and hopped around her apartment, humming to some catchy tune shed caught the other day. 2Da dada dunF Da da!4 she bopped her head, and a#ter a particularly impressive hop, i# she may say so hersel#, she #ound her other shinobi sandal shed been loo*ing #or, #or the past ten minutes. 2I have a teamF4 she sing6songed to the tune o# the song. She ran a hand through her short hair and nodded agreeably, grabbing one more item to complete the loo*. Securing the orange sash around her waist, she #lattened and brushed down her clothes, ma*ing sure she was completely presentable. /hen o## she went, a#ter one more 9uic* glance out her window to see the "a0e*age. 2$ye,4 she said cheerily, and then she was o## to the ,cademy. +nce there, she noticed that the closer she got to her soon6to6be old classroom, the noise level was becoming worse and was thatsobbing) She hurried up and opened the door, sweatdropping to see the utter chaos happening within. Shinoda loo*ed harassed and hassled, li*e he was at his wits end as he sat under his des* curled into a ball, gripping tightly to his head and entangling his #ingers into his hair. /he rest o# the class loo*ed in various states o# mourning and bedlam. /he whole bac* row was wearing blac*, and some o# the girls ?and some guys@ there wore veils as they sobbed into hand*erchie#s. /here was a corner protesting and having what loo*ed li*e a sit down protest and holding several signs. She wasnt even going to mention the other stu## going on Naruto too* a deep breath be#ore coughing lightly, though even that ?coming #rom her@ managed to catch all o# the attention in the room. Shinoda slowly pee*ed out #rom under his des*. .ith imploring eyes and a gentle smile, she loo*ed towards the whole class. 2!y, myF .hy is everyone acting up today) I was hoping to reveal the news o# my graduation and celebrate with my beloved class,4 her teasing tone in the beginning turned to being slightly sad, and still with that gentle smile, she continued to loo* at the class with a bac*ground #ull o# spar*ling roses behind her. .ith a burst o# energy, Sari and !atsuri separated themselves #rom the rest o# the class and rushed towards her, trying to tal* over one another and reassure her that they were very happy #or her. /he rest o# the class #ollowed suit, stampeding towards her with enthusiasm. Shinoda *ept glancing between the bac*ground oddly still there and Naruto, sha*ing his head.

2Its li*e a 7utsu4 .hen the class #inally settled down, Naruto went around and said her goodbyes, with many going bac* to being teary, though they were all still congratulatory. .hen shed gone bac* to a slightly ?only slightly@ less hassled Shinoda, whose hair was stic*ing out everywhere, she stood in #ront o# him and gently too* his hands. 3oo*ing at him with a #ond ga0e, using bright blue eyes, she gave him another o# her usual gentle smiles ?between her cool and gentle smiles, he always did pre#er the gentle ones@. 2Im very sorry #or all the trouble, my dear Shinoda6sensei,4 she said demurely. 2I than* you #or everything,4 she said #ormally, dipping her head and pee*ing up at him #rom underneath her #ront hair. /he rosy bac*ground appeared behind her again. 2Itsli*e a gen7utsu,4 he muttered. She too* his hands still in hers and bent over them, *issing his *nuc*les sweetly and giving her gentlest smile and accompanied with so#t eyes. 256hai, +u7i6sama,4 he said da0edly. 2I hope you well as a genin, and luc*.4 ,nd when she le#t #or a nearby classroom where the graduates were waiting #or team announcements, the classroom erupted bac* into chaos and Shinoda stood stoc* still in a da0e, loo*ing dreamily o## into space. /heres something to be said about princes In the classroom with graduates, Naruto sat patiently in her seat, while inwardly she was bouncing eagerly in her mental seat. Barious teachers and students would pass by her old classroom and hear the pandemonium, wondering what in the world was going on, and eventually sha*ing their heads and yet nodding in understanding when they reali0ed she and her graduating was the cause o# it. ,nd when $a*i passed by it, he had stared strangely at the door #or a second be#ore sha*ing his head and moving along to the classroom he was about to pic* up his new #emale genin at. :aara would have been there also, having graduated with everyone, but he had probably s*ipped out on the last class and waited with "an*uro at the usual place, especially as the two already *new who was on their team and the two o# them were already together. .hich le#t him to -0uma*i Naruto 5e entered the classroom and called her out, and when a pretty blue6eyed, blonde girl strode over to him, he was torn between thin*ing she might be trouble a#ter all or that she seemed somewhat normal enough.

She was dressed as a shinobi, albeit in a more boyish style with clothing that reminded him o# Nagis usual plain blac* attire underneath his *age robes, but then there was the strange addition o# an orange sash around her waist. 5e didnt bring it up until they were out o# the ,cademy and heading over to the training grounds he pre#erred to wor* in. 2&oure wearingan orange sash.4 2!mhm,4 she nodded cheer#ully. 2I love orange.4 2Its not a shinobi color. Itstoo bright,4 he said numbly, #eeling the creeping 2I told you so!4 o# his inner voice moc*ing him. 2,h, but its burnt orange! Its a dar* orange, $a*i6sensei!4 5e loo*ed at her strangely #rom the side, though they continued to wal* together on the path he was leading. 2Its still not a shinobi color,4 he pointed out. She shrugged. 2.elltrue, yes. $ut its still a dar* shade, isnt it) $esides, orange is commonly associated with amusement, the unconventional, e;troverts, #ire, activity, danger, taste and aroma, and the autumn season <my season! I was born in +ctober, you *now) Its 7ust totally me, $a*i6sensei. In #act, there should be a shade o# orange renamed a#ter me. ,nd Ill have you *now, it is an important symbolic color o# $uddhism,4 she declared soundly. $a*i loo*ed at her bemusedly. 2Shinobi dont really practice religion.4 25eretic,4 she accused, pushing out her lower lip. 2$esides! +range is the complementary color o# a0ure, the color o# my eyes! It 7ust ma*es sense!4 2Idont *now what to say to that,4 $a*i said truth#ully, wondering what he had gotten himsel# into. ,lthough, according to Nagi, hed compared her eyes more to the li*eness o# sapphires, rather than the a0ure s*y blues 5is new student sighed dramatically and pouted the rest o# the way, but she had determinedly tightened the sash around her waist de#iantly. 5e was still debating to himsel# whether or not his reaction yesterday had been too much. 2,bout time, $a*i6sensei!4 he heard "an*uro called out rudely. 5e twitched. 2So where is he, Sensei)! Im bored! I wanna go on missions already, and 7ustdo something!4 "an*uro belted out, and $a*i irritably pushed the girl behind him #orward to meet her two teammates.

"an*uro stared, while :aara per*ed up and tilted his head, loo*ing slightly con#used be#ore being bac* to stoic. 2&oure the Desert (rince) &ou loo* li*e a girl,4 "an*uro blurted out. $a*i mentally #ace palmed. 2I am a girl,4 she blin*ed. 2...+h.4 /here. $a*i decided. 5e was most certainly sure his reaction yesterday was spot on, and he was going to ma*e sure Nagi *new that too. :aara, however, had been ignoring his brothers mista*en assumptions as he continued to observe their new teammate 9uietly. 5e was sure she was #amiliarShe loo*ed #amiliar and #elt #amiliar, but he couldnt 9uite recall how. 5e uneasily noted it, but decided to *eep 9uiet and *eep it to himsel# in the meantime. 25ey, hey! .ere a #ull team now! 3ets call ourselves D/eam "ic*ass!4 "an*uro said suddenly, and :aara 0oned in bac* to the conversation, which had seemed had ta*en another turn already. 2>hnah. 3ets be D/eam $,! ,4 Naruto eagerly suggested. 2.e vote then! /eam $,! ,4 "an*uro said, and Naruto raised her hand immediately, #ollowed by surprisingly that :aara did as well. 2I vote /eam $,! ,4 :aara said stoically. "an*uro cried out, pointing at his brother accusingly. 2/raitor! 5ow could you) .hat *ind o# brother are you)!4 :aara hid his smir*. 25aha! /eam $adass !other#u <4 $a*i covered Narutos mouth. 2/eam "ic*ass, it is,4 he muttered. 23ets go get a mission,4 he *ept his hand over her mouth as he hustled her #orward and led the way. 5e re#rained #rom the strong urge to massage his head. 5ed rather call them /eam 5eadache. ,t the missions o##ice, seeing that Nagi wasnt there, $a*i assumed that he was still wor*ing in his o##ice. Shrugging to himsel#, he stood #orward and got the attention o# the mission cler* in charge. 2/eam4 he twitched, 2"ic*ass reporting and re9uesting a D6ran*.4

5e was stared at. It was Suna tradition that each genin team come up with a name to christen themselves with, and typically they *ept to using the name o# their sensei, which was usually what was used #ormally on written #orms and reports. ,nd then there were the oddballs 5e would not #orget how Nagi #orcibly made their team call themselves D/eam :olden and re#used to have it any other way. 2/eam"ic*ass,4 the mission cler* blin*ed. 2-m, here.4 $a*i hurriedly grabbed it and ushered his genin team out, embarrassed about the whole thing. 5e would have never uttered the name, had he not *nown that when Nagi heard about it, the man wouldve demanded he did and laughed while he did so. ,t least the Nagi he *new be#ore hed become "a0e*age /hin*ing bac* on team names, there was also the old 7o*e be#ore /emari had been promoted, that she and her brothers team would be called the DSand Siblings. $ut since she got the #la* 7ac*et, the 7o*e was more nostalgic now. 5e wondered what Nagi would have thought about that. 2,lright, *ids. /ime #or our #irst D6ran*,4 $a*i inwardly shoo* his head o# thoughts. 2/his is what we have to do.4 Suna was di##erent #rom "onoha in many ways. /hey didnt need a second genin test, seeing as they vetted their genin thoroughly be#orehand and the genin went through strict and comprehensive training in the ,cademy, with high standards. ,nd then there was the manner o# D6ran*s that Suna genin undertoo*, in comparison to their "onoha counterparts... which is way #ar #rom "onoha D6ran*s as you can get, as his team had been assigned to having to go out into the surrounding desert around Suna and eliminate a small colony o# Sand Scorpions that have been alarmingly multiplying and particularly at a #ast rate. 2+*ay, /eam. 3ets see how well you can #igure out how to wor* together. /rial by #ire, you three!4 $a*i ordered, his #ace straight. 5e wouldnt admit that he partly #elt vindicated and had 7ust maybe had decided on such a thing #or as petty revenge. 2/eam "ic*ass, assemble!4 "an*uro raucously shouted, be#ore one o# the things actually showed up and he bal*ed. 5e watched :aara stand bac* and his sand rushed #orward, tac*ling one o# the giant scorpions by himsel#, while "an*uro loo*ed hesitant and then buc*led up and summoned out his #avorite

puppet to wor* with. Naruto was standing still, staring at the scorpions, but she didnt loo* scared. Strangely enough, she seemed rather in9uisitive. 25eyI dont thin* this is gonna wor*,4 she abruptly said, and the two boys loo*ed her way. 2.hat) /hen what else are we gonna do)! /here are li*e a million o# these things!4 "an*uro shouted. :aara listened closely as well, but didnt say anything. 5e directed his sand towards two o# the Sand Scorpions, but a third was coming. 2/heres too many o# them, theyre #rea*in huge, and theyre actually pretty tough,4 Naruto grumbled, glaring at the scorpions li*e they had personally o##ended her. She rummaged around her bac* and too* out a scroll, summoning two pouches #rom it. She tossed one each to :aara and "an*uro, either catching it with sand or with bare hands respectively. 2.hat are these)4 :aara 9uestioned monotonously, though his hairless eyebrows scrunched together. 2Special e;plosive *unai.4 "an*uro #rea*ed out and held it away, while :aaras eyes widened and he thrust it towards some o# his sand and had it brought away #rom him at a distance. 2.hat the)! .hyd you throw it at us then)!4 "an*uro shouted in alarm. 2(sh, you have to charge cha*ra through them #irst, "an*uro, and then they have a GH second delay,4 Naruto hu##ed. 2Im not going to get you blown up, you *now.4 2$etter than nothing,4 :aara declared, and brought the pouch closer to him again. 5e charged 9uite a #ew, and between himsel# and his sand, theyd thrown the whole lot towards the colony and their home 9uic*ly. "an*uro only too* a second be#ore mimic*ing him, using his cha*ra strings in substitute. Naruto was 7ust throwing her own batch by hersel#, though she was doing so rapidly, as i# she was used to and made a habit out o# throwing e;plosive *unai at giant Sand Scorpions on a daily basis. /he e;plosions were numerous and $a*i was pretty sure that this colony would be down #or the count. /hose things were tough, but not that tough. .hen it was all over, "an*uro was yelling victoriously while Naruto cheered and threw a #ist into the air. :aara openly smir*ed, 7ust the slightest hint o# being smug showing through, and reminding $a*i all too much o# his #ather.

2:ood 7ob, you three. 3ets report bac* and see i# we can try to wrangle another mission out, i# any is available.4 /he team reported bac* and #ound out, as usual, there was a lac* o# missions. ,nd, as usual, they werent going to be paid #or this type o# mission, as it was considered a service to the village. /hough the three grumbled about it, not too much considering Naruto understood and so did "an*uro and :aara ?especially being it was their #ather and they *new up close and personal@, the team decided theyd have a celebratory meal together #or their success#ul mission and #or being an 2awesome team4 ?in the words o# "an*uro@. $a*i 7ust sighed and #inally gave in to the urge to massage his head. 5e tre**ed up #urther, to where he *new was Nagis o##ice, and waved o## the secretary as he unceremoniously entered Nagis o##ice. 5e shut the door behind him loudly and then trudged to the seat in #ront o# the "a0e*ages des*, slumping in the chair. 2I hate you, Nagi. Aompletely.4 /he red6haired man raised an eyebrow at his #riend, wondering what was wrong now. 23iar. I knew this team was going to be hell,4 $a*i grumbled. Nagis eyes lit up and he leaned #orward in his chair eagerly. 5e wanted any news he could get about the team, particularly in regards to Naruto and how she was. 5e wanted desperately to *now the lost girl hed been loo*ing #or all these years, and see i# there was anything he could do to ma*e it up to her and her late mother #or not being able to be there and help her out li*e he was supposed to. I# anything, he was still upset that he hadnt been able to live up to the promise hed made to his #riend all that time ago, and was hoping that maybe hed be able to start now. 2.ell) Aome on now, $a*i. /ell me all about it. /ell me about the team, how :aara is managing in the team, i# "an*uro is alright with the arrangementi# Naruto is #itting in4 $a*i didnt notice Nagis hesitation at the end, and had instead groaned and pinched the bridge o# his nose as he lay bac* in the chair. $ut he did tell Nagi everything hed as*ed about, particularly how :aara was actually getting along well and that "an*uro was as boisterous as ever, though even he seemed to not mind the team or the new team member as much as he had be#ore when #irst learning about her. Naruto was doing 7ust #ine and #it seamlessly into the team, and had even gotten them to wor* a solution to success#ully complete their #irst D6ran*. ,nd then he reiterated #rom the beginning everything that had happened, detailing more about his #irst meeting with Naruto, up to the end where the team had actually amiably le#t #or a group meal. $ut Nagi, #or some reason, still didnt seem satis#ied.

5e was beyond thrilled that the team had wor*ed out, and even more so was a natural #it and loo*ing to eventually be a tight6nit group. 5e was happy his sons were doing well, and happier still that Naruto seemed to get along and li*e his sons well enough. $ut he wanted to *now more. ,#ter managing to get $a*i out, he stared at what was le#t o# his paperwor*. 5e #rowned and glanced out o# his window, be#ore coming to a decision. 5e pushed aside what little he had le#t to do tomorrow, and cut his time there early. Surprising his secretary when he le#t through his door be#ore the usual time, he told her he was leaving early and that she could leave as well. 5e too* a detour home and shoved o## his *age robes, stu##ing his hat somewhere where he didnt have to loo* at it, and loo*ed at himsel# in the mirror. 5e straightened out his out#it and ran a hand through his wine6red colored hair, and bit his lips nervously. -kay, Kushina$ 4ere I go$ 5e thought it would be best to see* her out himsel#, and hope#ully get to *now her or at least #ind out #or himsel# how she was doing. >ven i# he couldnt get her to leave her current li#e and 7ust go on to what he had been hoping to o##er and help her out, he could at least *now where she lived and *eep tabs on her in hopes to ma*e sure she was doing o*ay and she didnt get into trouble. $ut he was going to meet her under the guise o# a regular shinobi. 5e wasnt too sure she would be too com#ortable or would be shoc*ed that the "a0e*age was personally in9uiring a#ter her, and might even be bothered or worried about it. It would probably be easier to get her to tal* to him i# he was 7ust a normal 7ounin or something. /han*s to his veil, his #ace wasnt as widely recogni0able as it used to be, especially amongst younger generations. /hat is to say, that there wouldnt not be some record o# it anywhere, or that people could still probably *now him anywaybut time passing and his rare traveling outside made it less possible to *now him #rom the ne;t person. It probably didnt help that when on duty and wor*ing, he usually wore his *age out#it without #ail, while he was *een on and pre#erred to go around the village as himsel# and in regular clothing. So this made a per#ect opportunity. 5e would only need to locate her, and he was able to actually rather 9uic*ly. She was sitting at a noodle bar, chatting 9uietly to the coo*. She loo*ed even prettier in person, and seemed lively and animated as she tal*ed. She was wearing similar clothing to him, aside #rom that dar* orange sash around her waist that $a*i harped about to him earlier, and he once again remar*ed that her eyes loo*ed li*e sapphires.

$etween !inato, "ushina, and "arura, he could admit they were right that he li*ed to put value into things, and that comparisons to precious gems was almost habitual. 5e wasnt even going to comment on the #act he drew li*eness #rom her hair to gold, as he *new gold would 7ust be yet another too precious a material he got caught up in, especially what with his :old Dust ?and he could hear !inato remar*ing that it would be a point o# narcissism #or Nagi, and the ensuing snic*ering he would have endured #rom them all about this whole thing@. 5e strode #orward 9uic*ly and too* a seat beside her, ordering 9uic*ly. ,t the height o# nervousness, a thing he ac*nowledged he hadnt really #elt in years, Nagi reali0ed that he didnt *now how the hell he was going to approach her. 25i there,4 she *indly greeted him. .ell, that too* care o# that. Inwardly relieved, he gave her a strangely care#ree smile ?something hed not done in years either@. 25ello,4 he gave a casual, la0y two6#igured salute #rom the hand that was against the side o# his #ace and what hed been leaning his head against, as he propped his elbow on the counter. 2I havent seen you here be#ore,4 she noted curiously. 2,re you new)4 2Isnt it polite to introduce onesel# #irst, be#ore as*ing 9uestions)4 he smir*ed, and it surprised him so much that he almost straightened and gave away his surprise o# himsel# outwardly. She #lushed red slightly, be#ore grinning. 2!y bad, my bad. Im -0uma*i Naruto!4 2Im/6/enoh,4 he hesitantly said, avoiding his actual name #or the time being. 2.ell, /enoh, itDs nice to meet you,4 she grinned impishly. , genuine smile crossed his #ace. 2Itsnice to meet you too, Naruto6san.4

Chapter Si(: The Pitfa&&s of Tea

She was fas inating.


5e had never met anyone li*e her. She was bright and lovely, and she was li*e a personi#ied sun. /hey tal*ed o# nonsensical things, and it boggled his mind because he cant remember the last time hed had a conversation #or the sa*e o# conversation. She spouted in#ormation about hersel# without care that as a shinobi, she shouldnt be so #ree with in#ormation about hersel# ?especially with a person shed 7ust met, li*e she 7ust had with Nagi@. 5e wriggled droplets o# in#ormation that he could get about her, small little tidbits he wanted so he could continue to #orm a larger picture o# her and who she was in his head. She was a ramen lover, with an addiction to miso. +range 2roc*ed4 because everything about the color associated with her. It was her #avorite color, however the truth was that dar* shades o# red were actually her #avorite because shed heard the "a0e*ages hair was some shade o# red that was dar* ?and that ba##led him because he had no idea what he had to do with anything with that, especially given that she didnt even *now he was the "a0e*age@. She li*ed to snac* on oranges and coo*ed with a lot o# rosemary, hence why her smell was a mi; o# the two. She rapidly spo*e about her #avorites to him, any and all, without any caution, and interrogated him about his in return ?and it really did #eel li*e an interrogation@. 5e had been a bit shell shoc*ed #rom the e;perience at #irst. ,nd then shed changed suddenly, acting demure as she smiled so#tly and loo*ed at him #rom under her eyelashes, one o# her hands elegantly placed across her chest as she bowed slightly. She than*ed him #ormally and then she was gone. /hen he reali0ed shed also le#t him to pay #or her #ood. 5e had been le#t #labbergasted, caught o## guard, and yet also very amused and entertained about the whole thing. She was much more than hed e;pected, or really she was absolutely nothing at all #rom what hed e;pected. In #act, shed been #ar beyond anything hed been able to come up with in his mind, even with $a*is meager o##erings. /he ne;t day, he resolved to ma*e a better impression and hold out, and wasnt about to let her get yet another upper hand on him. ,#ter all, he was absolutely #ascinated with the person Naruto had become, and admitted he was loo*ing #orward to seeing how shed grow, along with her team. So, *nowing her love #or ramen, he too* a chance on visiting the noodle bar shed been eating be#ore, when it was time #or brea*#ast. 5e had managed to leave a note at his secretarys des* that he was going to be late getting to wor*, and had headed straight to here a#terward. 5is

patience paid o## as he saw her almost pouting as she slun* towards the restaurant, and he wondered what had happened to ma*e her #eel upset, #rowning as he pondered that. 25ey there,4 he called out, and gave a slight wave o# his #ingers. She saw him and per*ed up slightly, smiling a little as she too* a seat ne;t to him. She made her order and then turned to him, smile widening 7ust a little more. 25ey you, that wasnt nice last time,4 he sco##ed, though he was still smiling and showing he wasnt too bothered. 2Im 9uite sorry,4 she said 9uietly, reaching out and gently tilting his chin up with the tips o# her #ingers. 2,t least Id managed to than* you prior, and it was meant also #or your lovely company.4 5e blin*ed. Aoc*ily, he swiped her hand away #rom him and in a single move had turned it into a #irm grip that he had no intention o# letting go, as he pulled away #rom her and outstretched to their side. 5e smir*ed and li#ted an eyebrow. 2No princely6ness, than* you very much,4 he drawled, and her eyes widened and she was aw*ward #or a second be#ore becoming sheepish. 2>heh, alright. Sorry about that,4 even her grin was sheepish. 5e allowed her to pull her hand away #rom his and reach #or some chopstic*s. 5e was sure she wasnt used to someone not reacting to that e;act 2prince aura4 shed cultivated. 5e was probably the #irst and only, and he was surprised to #ind a shot o# smugness shoot through him, along with a strong urge to mil* that advantage #or all its worth. 2So what had you so down 7ust a little while ago)4 he #inally got to 9uestion. She went bac* to pouting and had de7ectedly pried apart the chopstic*s be#ore answering. 2,h, well, you see <I missed seeing the "a0e*age this morning.4 /hough Nagi had #inally gotten himsel# collected when interacting with her, he had still become close to cho*ing on the tea hed been drin*ing at her admittance. 25owd you *now you missed him)4 he as*ed, mas*ing his discom#ort, as well as his uneasiness about tal*ing about himsel# separately. She sighed. 2I have a direct view to his o##ice #rom where I live. >very morning, I usually catch a glimpse o# him be#ore I leave my apartment. 5e wasnt there this morning.4 Nagi 7ust barely stopped himsel# #rom cho*ing #rom yet another sip o# tea.

2,hhehe mustvewo*en up late,4 he #inished lamely. 2.hy wouldyou bother trying to see him in the morning)4 She laughed in embarrassment, scratching the bac* o# her head. 2>r, well you see, when I got trans#erred into the apartment #rom the orphanage, it was really rough at #irst. $ut then I noticed that every morning, "a0e*age6sama would always appear in his o##ice in the morning at a certain time. ,nd a#ter a whileI guess I too* com#ort #rom seeing him and his routine in the morning, as well as how I could always count on him being there every morning and at that time.4 Nagi #elt rather #aint and embarrassed, and he was sure that there mustve been a slight tint o# red on his chee*s. /hat said, he made a mental note to appear in his o##ice #irst, be#ore going to meet Naruto #or brea*#ast ne;t time ,#terwards, they managed to hold a light conversation, and Nagi made #ull use o# his new#ound power to not only resist her charm, but also turn it bac* on her and ma*e her as #lustered as possible. It was paybac* #or last time ?and all those poor souls who regularly succumb to it@. 2Dont worry, mikan.hime,4 he #inger po*ed her #orehead. 2Ill pay #or your meal.4 She turned red in embarrassment, at the same time as she sputtered about her new nic*name, and he couldnt help inwardly letting loose an out o# character evil chuc*le. 2Do you eat here every morning)4 he as*ed suddenly and she nodded, curious. 2Ill meet you here tomorrow as well then. I thin* Ive really come to li*e noodles.4 She beamed at him in e;citement and cheer, and he #elt a sense o# accomplishment #or some reason. 5e carelessly leaned bac* against the counter and la0ily made a shooing motion towards her, smir*ing all the while. 2:o on now, mi*an6hime. &oull be late to your team meeting.4 5er sapphire blue eyes widened and she stuttered out a than*s and a bye as she raced out o# there, and he allowed himsel# to chuc*le aloud to himsel#. , loud thud startled him, and he turned slightly to see the owner o# the noodle bar, and who had also made the noise by placing a new cup o# tea beside him. 2&our second cup, "a0e*age6sama,4 the owner said blithely, though his eyes was laughing. Nagi coughed slightly and straightened up, *nowing that his #ace was probably only 7ust a little better than Narutos had been be#ore shed le#t. 2/6than*s, "a0uhiro6san,4 he recogni0ed the retired shinobi. "a0uhiro waved him o##, going bac* to ma*ing more noodles. 2She comes at dinnertime every once and awhile too,4 he said sardonically.

Nagis #ace heated up e;ponentially and he hid his #ace behind a hand. 2/hats enough out o# you, "a0uhiro6san4 !eanwhile, bac* in his home, chaotic happenings were occurring as his *ids were rushing to get ready #or the day. 2I still cant believe you didnt tell me the Desert (rince was a girl!4 2Shut up, "an*uro! Its your #ault you assumed!4 /here were a lot o# doors banging around and lots o# shouting, but :aara ignored his siblings and continued to #irmly press down on the #lower. 2:aara! $rea*#ast!4 he calmly caught the mandarin orange thrown his way, not bothering to loo* out his door at his sister whod pee*ed in and had thrown it. 2I thought were not allowed to eat them!4 2I# you dont tell, I wont!4 :aara pressed harder, and a particular loud and violent door slamming had an important picture #rame on his wall tilting. 5e #rowned as he glanced at it, now starting to #eel a little irritable at his siblings. 5e reached out with his sand and #i;ed the #ramed preserved #lower crown that had been given to him by an angel all that time ago. ,n angel

or so long, hed always believed a real angel had given him the #lower crown, even at times to this day. $uti# he #ocused a bit5ed always had trouble recalling her #eatures, what with how young he was and plus its been years a#ter the #act. /he most he could remember are the colors o# golden hair that loo*ed li*e a halo, blue eyes as clear as the s*y, and #lowers everywhere. It was a bit disappointing and #rustrating he couldnt remember much more than that. 2:ee0, :aara. &ou done with the girly art yet) .e gotta leave soon,4 "an*uro pee*ed into his room. /he red heads eye twitched. 5is sand rushed #orward and pushed "an*uro out o# his room, and then slammed the door a#ter his brother. :aara too* a deep breath and then went bac* to #ocusing on #inishing on preserving his latest #lower ac9uisition, also starting to eat his orange #or a 9uic* brea*#ast.

,#ter that, he #inally went to meet his grumbling and pouting older brother, and they wal*ed out to the meeting point. $a*i still wasnt there, but Naruto was. She waved cheerily at them and "an*uro tossed her a mandarin orange. :aara blin*ed, surprised that his brother had, especially given what it was and 2who4 those really belonged to. 2I remembered you said you li*ed oranges yesterday,4 "an*uro grinned cheer#ully. 28ust dont say anything to our dad, i# you ever meet him. 5e loves those things.4 :aara nodded in agreement, but he #ro0e as his eyes alighted on Naruto more closely. $londe hairblue eyesthe #eeling o# #amiliarity Aould it be) Aould Naruto really have been that little angel #rom long ago, that had given him his precious #lower crown, who had helped him to learn and try to reach out to others and not be a monster) 5e bit his lip, 7ust barely holding bac* #rom saying something to her. It was a long time and he wasnt even sure i# she remembered it, or i# she really was the angel ?though he was most certainly #eeling very certain about it@. or now, hed 7ust *eep bac* and observe. Not too long a#ter and their sensei #inally made it to the scene, and he scrutini0ed them all closely. 2Ill be evaluating your s*ills,4 he said shortly. 2So well be going through the day, #ine combing through you guys arsenal, become more #amiliar with each others s*ill set, and learn whos good at what, who can supplement someones wea*ness, and at the same time what which area needs twea*ing to overcome that wea*ness.4 2So serious, $a*i6sensei,4 Naruto said, ironically with a serious #ace and tone. 2.e got it.4 2&eah! .hat she said,4 "an*uro pumped a #ist. $a*i sighed. 2,lright, lets get started on your tai7utsu.4 Eeally. ,ll hed wanted was to #ind out what they cant or can do that day. ,nd what he got was a disaster. ,ll three o# them suc*ed at tai7utsu. Suc*. Eeally suc*. Naruto was at least average, but "an*uro was more interested in staying bac* and manipulating his puppets, while :aara pre#erred to be laid6bac* and stationary ?and worse than the "a0e*age in the stationary #ighting #orm <at least $a*i remembered that Nagi was more than su##icient at tai7utsu@. 5e watched them #ight his clones in numb terror. "an*uro was running away #rom his, and when it caught up, the puppet user would #ling out his arm and pathetically hit the clone once and then hed be bac* to running away in panic. :aara was staring his down, stoic #ace unblin*ing and

re#using to move an inch #rom his spot ?or at all <what the hell was Nagi doing) Did he 7ust #ocus on stationary the entire time, damn it)@. :aaras clone was loo*ing in con#usion between the boy and then him, unsure what to do since his opponent was re#using to #ight bac* ?or do much o# anything, really@. /hen there was Naruto. 5is #emale genin, who actually *new the Suna ,cademy brand o# tai7utsubut everything was so sloppy and la2y and mistake.ridden! 5e could see what the reports #rom the ,cademy about her meant regarding her interests. 5e could de#initely see how the scores and reports o# the ,cademy came into play, as seen by how though she *new the stu##, it was #ar #rom mastered or even amounting to any level o# good. 2Stop! 8ust stop!4 he shut the tai7utsu portion down 9uic*ly. 5e was hoping #or a better run #or gen7utsu. /heir gen7utsu s*ills were abysmal. Naruto couldnt #ind her way out an illusion even i# it was staring her right in the #ace, "an*uro had no s*ill noticing or brea*ing out o# one, and :aara and gen7utsu shouldnt even be in a single sentence. /hat is to say, a#ter hed cast a rather light one where they would be #acing some *ind o# #antasy their heads randomly con7ured up, "an*uro had immediately loo*ed con#used and was loo*ing around in con#usion and scratching the bac* o# his head, heedless o# his teammates or sensei. Naruto was strangely spea*ing to someone, having sat down on the ground with her legs crossed, and tal*ing about 2being late4 and 2blasted shrin*ing coo*ies.4 /here was also something about a #lu##y adorable rabbit, that loo*ed li*e whom she was tal*ing to currently, and who she *ept as*ing i# she 2could pet his ears.4 5e had nothing to say about :aara, his rabid ranting, and the sand #lying about everythingand something about birds attac*ing. 2.hy are they doing this) .hy are they doing this) /hey said when you got here the whole thing started. .ho are you) .hat are you) .here did you come #rom) I thin* youre the cause o# all o# this. I thin* youre evil. >BI3!4 :aara roared and angrily attac*ed at nothing in the s*y. 25itchcoc* this, you bitches!4 $a*i sweatdropped. 5onestly, hed initially thought that since birds are *ind o# natural enemies to raccoons, it was the reason why :aara had gone o## the deep end about birds o# all things. /hat) Aontradicts everything, and made him twitch and wonder i# Nagi was o## guiltily snea*ing to watch 5itchcoc* movies at night and hiding #rom everyoneand also snic*ering and giggling about The Birds as he watched that in#ernal movie again and again ?all the while wondering the point o# the movie and why the birds were #rea*ing attac*ing@.

2II4 he didnt *now how to stop this. 2+h, o## into the rabbit hole again)4 he heard Naruto saying and then there was a huge hole in the ground and then she was preparing to 7ump into it and he was on the verge o# a brea*down. 2I need ,nbu,4 he bemoaned. /han*#ully, as two o# his genin were the "a0e*ages *ids ?with one as a 7inchuuri*i@, there was a single s9uad *eeping watch on them while they were in the village ?though hed actually #orgotten about them@. /hey silently appeared, and three separated to restrain :aara and the other two went to stop Naruto #rom 7umping into the hole. /he last one stood on standby ne;t to "an*uro, 7ust in case the last member o# D/eam "ic*ass decided to do a riot act or something, all o# a sudden. .hen $a*i loo*ed, :aara was still ranting about birds and trying to push the ,nbu o## o# him, "an*uro was still standing still and con#used ?but not loo*ing at any o# them@, and Naruto was pouting in the ,nbus arms. 2-sagi6chan! Aome bac*! 3et go! I want the bunny! 3>/ !> (>/ &+-E >,ES!4 /he ,nbu success#ully managed to dispel the gen7utsu and $a*i sagged in relie#. /he three genin loo*ed around in con#usion, more so at the ,nbu around them, be#ore turning to their sensei and loo*ing at him 9uestioningly. 5e 7ust groaned. ,#ter that, the ,nbu visibly stood aside and *ept watch, and $a*i wearily went on to the ne;t thing. /heir nin7utsu was scattered. :aara was pro#icient with his sand techni9uesbut they didnt vary and he had nothing else. "an*uro was great with his puppetsbut he only had his puppets. Naruto was a bit more promising on this #ront as welli# only because she was pro#icient and had other 7utsu, such as Suna6brand ,cademy stu## ?as well as the common >6ran*s between all villagesthat neither :aara or "an*uro had bothered or cared to learn@. 5e watched tiredly as Naruto started to glee#ully substitute with "an*uros puppets repeatedly, shunshined all around :aaras sand, and had been henged to loo* li*e him. $a*i never wanted to see how he loo*ed li*e cac*ling madly ever again. 5e depressingly watched :aara per#orm his sand techni9uesand then recycle bac* and per#orm them again. Sand burialsand prisonsand shuri*ensand this, sand that5e should also probably be worried about :aaras rather obvious glee he went through, e;acting his sand 7utsu on $a*is poor clone that he *ept having to rema*e.

5e had no idea how to respond to "an*uro, in boredom, ma*ing his puppets per#orm. ,nd $a*i meant per#orming. 5e wasnt even sure where "an*uro even learned ventrilo9uism, or why the hell would 2,nt4 want 2Arows Dchild.4 5e wasnt even prepared to ac*nowledge that "an*uro was in the process o# creating a soap opera with his puppets. 2/eamwor*,4 he slurred. 25ow abouthow about teamwor*, guys)4 ,#ter all, they had all managed to wor* together on their #irst mission together, right a#ter 7ust meeting. /his had to wor*. /hey try teamwor* training ne;t and #all apart. :aara was annoyingly stoic and hard to read, "an*uro was loud and had a huge ego, and Naruto was enviously and disgustingly so charming and smooth with people ?and had a horrible ability to be able to tal* circles around a person, and that person wouldnt *now or was unable to do anything about it@. 25ey, :aara! .as that blin* a signal to move right or le#t)4 2I got this, guys! 3et me handle it <Ive got this shit under control!4 24 $a*i #ace palmed. .hen he loo*ed up, he scrunched his eyebrows at seeing Naruto chatting with the ,nbu #or some reason, who loo*ed hard to read anyway. $ut then they were moving in sync with her the ne;t moment, and #iring o## #itting and matching se9uences. 2$a*i6sensei! I got it! See) Im doing teamwor*!4 2Naruto!4 he #elt li*e tearing out his hair, even though he #ully was aware he had none. 2&oure supposed to do teamwor* with your team!4 2+ops! !y bad.4 5e didnt even want to *now how she had managed to convince the ,nbu to wor* with her or even participate at all. #mooth talker, that girl. Aomplete with silver tongue, deadly #ace, lethal eyes, and #atal smile. 2/hats it #or today, /eam,4 he inwardly groaned. 28ustI dont even *now. I dont e(en know.4 ,ll three sheepishly loo*ed at him as they huddled together, and he too* a second to gather his thoughts. 5e told them e;actly what he thought and had noted, and they winced.

2,nd Im assigning homewor*,4 he said #irmly, and he gave "an*uro a loo*, 9uieting any protests be#ore he could hear any begin. 2 ind a 7utsu or something, whatever, and you get bonus points #or learning it, or can even do it.4 ,#ter that, he slun* away in despair and #ound Nagi. 5e laid all the blame on the man, all the while drowning in his depression in #ront o# his red6haired #riend. 2/his. Its all your #ault. %ll of it.4 Nagi 7ust nodded along, staying awhile, be#ore he glanced at the time and #rowned to himsel#. .ithout alerting the other and allowing $a*i to continue to rant and be miserable in his o##ice, he success#ully escaped his o##ice a#ter snea*ing a note onto his secretarys des*, and then made his way to the noodle bar. .ith a grin, he 7ogged over and too* his now usual seat beside her, and a#ter some greetings and orders, was sub7ected to Naruto launching into her day and her version o# everything, and mostly about poor 2$a*i6sensei.4 5e snic*ered 9uietly at that. Omake! (Or The Genjutsu Tales) 2 u u!4 /he girl in 9uestion was crouched to the ground, parallel to it as she scurried around the area. 2Ahomei, !antis6sensei says I must be li*e the mantis to #ight li*e the mantis,4 u said patiently to someone, even though no one was around her closely. 2Silly Ahomei. Dont be 7ealous o# !antis6sensei and say hes not real. +r maybe not 7ealousF Do you like !antis6sensei) $ut can mantis and beetles mate)4 2I dont thin* the Seven6tails will appreciate that comment4 u slowly got up and moved into a stance #rom the mantis and was swaying. 2No, Ahomei! &oure so silly <this isnt a gen7utsu. !antis6sensei is a better teacher than you, so you must be 7ealous! I wont let you stop me! I must master !antis6senseis teachings!4 2Should we stop this)4 2&eahI thin* this means she de#initely #ailed gen7utsu4 2&es, !antis6sensei! Be li*e the mantis5+( li*e the mantis!4 .ith wrong timing, they dispelled the gen7utsu at the same time as u leaped into the air and she crashed to the ground with a yelp.

2I wonder i# the other villages have so much trouble teaching their 7inchuuri*i gen7utsu4

Chapter Seven: It Isnt )ice to P&ay With *our +ice

:aara brooded as he sat in the *itchen, slumped onto the table with his chin resting against the wood, while he stared at the wall and his arms dangled at his sides. 5e didnt *now what he was going to do with $a*is assignment, although Narutos suggestion at the earlier team brainstorming sounded tempting. .ell, hed have to thin* about the semantics #irst "an*uro was having no luc* either. 5e was, #or the #irst time in his li#e, in a library. 5ed randomly chosen boo*s at #irst, but then when he more o#ten than not ended up with a boo* totally unrelated ?5ow many times was he going to pic* a boo* about gardening)! Its not li*e you could really garden in Suna anyway!@, he decided to go to the inventory and try that way. >ven i# he had to try to decipher the damn thing.hat was with all these numbers and letters and codes)! Naruto was also trying her best to #ul#ill the homewor*, though she at least had something to wor* on. She was close to #inally #inishing the 7utsu shed been wor*ing on #or the last three wee*s, and decided that it would be a good idea to show it o## the ne;t day to her team. !aybe Nagi would li*e to see it too I# only that blasted 5iraishin would bend to her will already! 5owever, whatever their choices and progress were, it would all have to be 7udged the ne;t day < whether or not they managed to achieve anything. ,nd $a*i was de#initely hesitant, though his stern and unrelenting glare said nothing o# it to the genin. 2,ll right! Show me what youve got,4 he bar*ed at them. "an*uro cleared his throat and stepped #orward to start #irst. 2So, uh, I was loo*ing up stu##somewhereand I decided that wor*ing on *en7utsu might be good. DAause Im a puppet user and all, and thats long rangeso I guess I need some *ind o# bac* up i# an enemy gets in close, right) ,nd I guessI could go #rom there and maybe learn $a*i6senseis wind sword techni9ue) I didnt learn anything about it, and I de#initely cant do any *en7utsu stu## yet <so no bonus points, huh)4 $a*i inwardly was relieved. /hings were starting out normal than*#ully. ,nd "an*uro had made a smart choice and remembered his wea*ness, and $a*i wouldnt mind passing down his #amed wind sword techni9ue down. 2:ood, good. Ne;t, :aara.4

:aara stepped up and too* a deep breath, and $a*i tilted his head in curiosity. 5e guessed :aara was going to go straight in to the demonstration then. /hat must mean he learned a 7utsu, and i# hes per#orming it then it meant he can also do it. 2S,ND !+NS/>E!4 It too* a while #or $a*i to actually process the 7utsus name and the sight o# a huge towering sand blob thing rising up and moving about high above them, especially in combination with each other. 2:6:aara, whatis that)4 he #orced out. 2It is a sand monster,4 :aara said, #ace completely stoic and voice serious. 2+n advice o# my teammates, I made the #eatures indistinct, so that it would not be con#used with Shu*a*u.4 24 $a*i really wasnt sure what to say. ,nd in the "a0e*ages o##ice, Nagi stared out o# his window and gaped at the huge sand thing that had appeared out o# nowhere, wondering i# he had to go subdue it <it wasnt Shu*a*u as it didnt #eel li*e it, but it sensed vaguely o# :aara 25ow in the world did you come up with that)4 $a*i muttered, meaning to be rhetorical. $ut :aara answered anyway. +# course. 2.e had a team meeting yesterday,4 :aara raised a none;istent eyebrow, as i# saying 2duh4 to him. 2It was something li*e this <4 ,-kay, so what do you think we should do? 4e told us to look things up, see what interests us, find a random )utsu 5bonus points if we learn about it and e(erything and more if we an a tually perform it,/ Naruto started$ ,-r reate a )utsu 5he did say "aara needed more (ariety in his )utsu arsenal$/ Kankuro nodded$ ,3eah, you only got a few of those spe ifi sand )utsu that you use all the time$ 'ad taught you those, right? %nd he doesnt ha(e time to tea h new things any more, but he does at least spar with you when he an, to make sure you stay sharp$/ ,4e has been really busy,/ "aara a knowledged$ ,I must ome up with new stuff on my own$/ ,I know& 4ow about you reate this huge "od2illa type monster with sand? It ould be like the #hukaku when he goes free 5/ ,-nly dont make it look like #hukaku,/ Kankuro hurriedly ut in, interrupting Naruto, though he was all for the idea$

,Then!I will all it #and 6onster,/ "aara said de isi(ely$ 2I suggested Sand0illa, but Sand !onster wor*s,4 "an*uro said, when :aara was done. 2Its as blunt as you can get with an attac*, I bet.4 $a*i stared at the three miscreants he was cursed with. ,nd the name Damn the sand. Suddenly the ,nbu they were usually with appeared near them. Eeady to attac* at #irst, they soon #altered and then stared, tilting their heads. 2&ou guys are late,4 $a*i muttered irritably. 2,nd its not the Shu*a*u, so stand down.4 $ut it seemed theyd already come to that conclusion and were watching the dubbed DSand !onster moving around in #ascination. $a*i sighed, be#ore turning to his last genin. 2Naruto, you ne;t.4 Naruto grinned in e;citement, and held out her hand as she concentrated. Suddenly, a rapidly spinning ball #ormed in her hand and she ran and slammed it #orward into :aaras Sand !onster, blowing its lower hal# apart and ma*ing the rest slowly dissipate. "an*uro whistled, loo*ing suitably impressed. 2Now that loo*ed badass.4 >ven :aara loo*ed intrigued. $a*i) $a*i was staring in horror and silently #rea*ing out, wondering when she had learned this 7utsu6that6belonged6to6the6 ourth6o#6another6village. 5e really, really hoped "onoha didnt #ind out about this. 2/hats the Easengan,4 Narutos grin widened. ,nd then she started pouting. 2I# only my progress with the 5iraishin was as good. &ears now and I still havent managed anything! I bemoan my utter lac* o# progress and complete #ailure with the 5iraishin.4 .hile her two teammates moved closer in interest, as*ing about the two techni9ues, both $a*i and even the ,nbu stared at her and were shoc*ed #ro0en. /hey were doomed 2.ewe have to get a D6ran*4 !eanwhile, Nagi was still staring out his window. /heir ne;t D6ran* was another no6pro#it, service to the village type, consisting o# simple border patrol. .hile they were more sweeping through the inside o# Suna, they did have to go around the edges o# the village and even traversed the :ate.

In6village border patrol was boring though, and they had to #ind some way to *eep themselves on trac*. So somehow they started cheer#ully singing along to some song that $a*i had no urge to ever hear again or even really *now. Naruto and "an*uro even managed to coerce :aara into singing along with them, though it seemed one thing the boy hadnt inherited #rom Nagi was his singing voice <monotone singing was something $a*i didnt #eel li*e hearing ever again either. 2/hat shit ma*es me bat6shit cra0y!4 $a*i ignored the loo*s some shinobi were throwing their way, and stead#astly stared ahead. 2I got a #ist #ull o# #i#ties, te9uila 7ust hit me!4 5ed always considered himsel# loyal and sane. Eight now, he was considering de#ecting to anywhere but staying in Suna with these lunatics, even i# it meant going over to "onoha where rumors o# shinobi being insane over there was rampant. 2.ere going Dtil the world stops turning, while were burning it to the ground tonight!4 "an*uro chortled. 2/his should be li*e our theme song or somethin. .e would totally own it <4 he was cut o## when he clumsily tripped on a stray weapon lying around, and #ell over more weapons dangerously lying around the area as well. 2,h, shit!4 $a*i #rowned as he hurried over along with the other two, and *nelt by "an*uro and e;amined the rather deep cut on the boys leg. 5e muttered a curse. 2.ell have to report this mess here, but #irst well have to ta*e you bac* to get medical help at the hospital,4 $a*i said #rowning. /hese weaponsdamn guards around here were getting la0y 2No need, sensei! I got this,4 Naruto inter7ected. $a*i was about to decline when he blin*ed at the sight o# her doing a hand sign and her hand suddenly glowing green. She leaned over "an*uros leg and began healing it. 2&ou *now medical 7utsu, Naruto)4 he as*ed in surprise. 25m)4 Naruto didnt loo* over, still concentrating on healing her teammate. 2&eah. Ive been studying it #or years. Independent study, while occasional residency over at the hospital #or more practical e;perience. +therwise, I practice on in7ured animals. Ive got a license #or #ield medical application and some other stu##. !uch more interesting stu## than the ,cademy.4 !uch more interesting stu## than the ,cademy-f ourse. $a*i was torn between sighing and massaging his head, or at least relieved at #inding out some o# what was wrong with this con#ounded girls ,cademy records and scores ?he was trying to ignore how the 5iraishin was most probably one o# the distractions@.

2+hhh, that #eels good,4 "an*uro sighed. 2!y sand protects me well, but I will *eep in mind i# I ever get hurt to as* you #or help,4 :aara said to her solemnly. $a*i was still processing it, ama0ed and impressedbut 7ust the slightest irritated. Aouldnt she in#orm them o# it earlier) +r ratherwhy didnt she showcase that rather than that blasted Easengan)! 2,lmost done) .e should really #inish this up. .e also de#initely have to report the lac* o# care and attentiveness in this area. /his mass o# weapons 7ust carelessly le#t around is a danger, and also an invite to any intruder #or #ree weapons,4 $a*i scowled disapprovingly. 2&up, got it, $a*i6sensei! 3ets go!4 /he team trotted o##, no longer singing but still humming. $a*i settled #or it. /hrough the ne;t two wee*s, theyve been doing more D6ran*s, ranging #rom helping #or the construction and1or reconstruction o# buildings and places in the village that needed it #or some reason, all the way to subduing local *omodo dragons all around the village and setting them #ree into the desert. /hey each even had their own #avorites. :aara actually li*ed the D6ran*s in which they were sent out to eliminate !ongolian Death .orms that get too close to the village, seeing as he was able to use his new DSand !onster 7utsu on them. ,t those times, "an*uro and Naruto would sit bac* and watch the entertainment, while $a*i would stand o## to the side and start muttering to himsel#. "an*uro li*ed the D6ran* missions where they got to go to the greenhouses that speciali0ed in poisons and assorted to;ins, and got to harvest them #or the (oisons department. "an*uro was allowed to *eep samples, which was a huge bonus #or him. 3i*ewise, Naruto li*ed the D6ran*s into the greenhouses where they went harvesting ?retrieval #or certain ones@ #or herbs, plants, and spices. She got to *eep samples too, which would help with her coo*ing, her own little garden, and add to the collection o# plants she *ept around her home. /hough the practically daily D6ran* o# sil*worm hunting to help Suna sil* ma*ers continue to produce sil* was almost e9ually li*ed #or her, considering she sometimes got samples and even #ull cloths o# sil*. ,ll three agreed that their least li*ed D6ran* consisted o# capturing /aricha newts in Suna homes, clearing the homes and trans#erring the little pests to the (oison department. Not even being able to visit the (oison department cheered up "an*uro, #or those pests were irritatingly hard to catch. /hey were small, #ast, and numerous. ,nd you had to ma*e sure you

didnt get bit, because they were all bloody poisonous! Needless to say, they were highly disgruntled every time they received that mission. $ut a#ter all that hard wor*, they were #inally being paid o##. /hey were #inally getting a A6ran*. $a*i in#ormed them right a#ter a 9uic* and light team training, and together they headed to the missions o##ice, where they were surprised to see the "a0e*age in #ull *age regalia at the head des*, handing out the missions that day. 5e wasnt sure i# he saw right, but Naruto was suddenly very 9uiet and loo*ing down every so o#ten. ,nd was that a light blush on her #ace) It must be his imagination. 5e turned to Nagi, who also seemed oddly staring in the direction o# Naruto, and inwardly rolled his eyes at the ridiculous veil the man had ta*en to wearing ?apparently it was a stupid tradition amongst each "a0e*age to start wearing it practically #ull time by their tenth year in o##ice@. $ut he hesitated, not wanting to re9uest the mission a#ter all. 2.ell)4 Nagi as*ed, voice sounding o## and a little too deep. 5e scrunched up his eyebrows and stared at Nagi, who didnt move and reveal anything. :aara and "an*uro also seemed to be staring at their #ather strangely, though Naruto loo*ed li*e she was listening intently. $a*i too* a deep breath. 2/eam4 he paused. 2"ic*ass,4 he deadpanned ?his eyes narrowed when he saw 7ust the slightest twitch o# Nagis #ingers, showing the mans amusement@, 2re9uesting a A6ran*. /he bare minimum re9uirement o# D6ran*s has been #ul#illed, and each o# the team individually and together can handle themselves.4 2I see,4 Nagi was still spea*ing strangely. 2I concede then. 5ere,4 he tossed the mission scroll at $a*i. 2&ou are to retrieve a shipment #or one o# our merchants in the 3and o# Eice. 5e wishes #or it to pre#erably reach him by the end o# the wee*, so speed is o# utmost importance. 3eave at once.4 /hey shu##led out o# there as 9uic*ly as they could, while being respectable at the same time ?though Naruto had glanced bac* 9uic*ly@. $a*i had them get their things in order and to meet at the gate, to which Naruto was 9uic* to head to already. She carried an emergency pac* with her at all times, sealed somewhere on her person. It was very convenient andadmittedly la0y o# her, but hey! It wor*s. /he team soon met and then they were traveling out through the desert, going #arther than theyd ever had be#ore. /he e;citement o# their #irst A6ran* and going out o# Suna and into #oreign land 9uic*ly died down as they continued their long tre* through the hot sands o# the desert, with the

sun baring down on them. >ven though they traveled 9uic*ly at nin7a speed, it was still a hard tas* going through the hot and dry desert. /hey were very than*#ul when they managed to #inally cross the entire desert and reach the 3and o# Eivers. $a*i decided to stop there brie#ly, be#ore moving 9uic*ly through the land and at least made it hal#way through the 3and o# ire. /hey were a little too close to "onoha #or $a*is li*ing, but they *ept to the edges o# the land and did their best to *eep out o# the way and out o# sight, while not being too hidden to loo* suspicious or threatening. No mishap happened their way, and they managed to get to the 3and o# Eice in record time. It was very easy to retrieve the shipment they were assigned to getit was 7ust such a massive supply that they couldnt carry it all by themselves and all at once bac* to Suna. It would re9uire several trips. $a*i grunted in annoyance and grumbled in his head about cheap and bastard merchants. 2/his should be easy,4 Naruto said, loo*ing at the shipment. >veryone else stared at her. 2I# you didnt notice, Naruto, that is a big shipment,4 "an*uro said incredulously. Naruto shrugged. 2No prob.4 She too* a small scroll #rom her pouch and out popped another scroll. $iting her thumb, she swiped it across her pouch itsel#, and an in* brush and in*well popped out. 2&osh! 3ets do this!4 and then she whipped the scroll out, and while it was #anning out in the air, used her other hand that held the in* brush to snap o## the in*wells top, splashing the brush into it and then tossing the in*well into the air. .ithin moments, while one hand gripped the end o# the scroll and #lung it straight out again, she began writing rapidly on the blan* scroll. Barious symbols were being written that no one, not even $a*i ?no matter how much he recogni0ed the art@ understood. .hen she was done, she tossed the scroll and it landed per#ectly #lat on the ground be#ore the shipment, and she #lic*ed the brush, getting rid o# the in* on it simply. /he in*well in the air #ell bac* down and was caught within moments, the cover calmly being replaced onto it. 2&ou *now #uuin7utsu)4 $a*i as*ed, shoc*ed. Naruto blin*ed. 2&eah.4 2&ou didnt mention this why)4 $a*i stared at her. She shrugged. 2&ou never as*ed.4

$a*i decided then and there that he was 7ust going to as* all three o# them what they were able to do, since apparently the standard general testing couldnt be applied to this cra0y bunch. Naruto charged up the scroll and the seals on it lit up, and then each one o# them began trans#erring the bo;es #rom their spot to the scroll. It made li#e intensely easier. /horoughly pleased, $a*i had them sit in a bar restaurant as he went to loo* #or a place to stay #or the night. /heyd made good time and the mission had been completed success#ully and without trouble, even made easier with Narutos sealed scroll. , night brea* and at somewhere nice could be spared. /heyd deserved it. 2Im *inda hungry,4 "an*uro mentioned, sitting at the table. 5e glanced at the menu. 2!e too,4 Naruto agreed. :aara nodded, and so it was decided that theyd eat something while they waited #or $a*i to come. ,nd then "an*uro saw something that made his eyes light up. 25ey, guys! 3oo*! ,lcohol served to minors i# proven nin7a. 5eadbands must be presented,4 he read aloud. 25ell yeah! 3ets order something.4 :aara loo*ed hesitant, but Naruto was a little interested and curious. >ach o# them got their hitai6 ate and wrapped it more visibly on their #oreheads. /heir waiter came around and they ordered their #ood, be#ore they loo*ed at each other. Naruto shoved up the courage and #aced the waiter, ordering three bottles o# their #inest sa*eC. 2No alcohol served to minors,4 he drawled. Naruto #rowned and was about to use her 2(rince6ly aura,4 as /enoh had dubbed it, when "an*uro cut in and pointed at his headband. 2&eah, what do you thin* we are)4 /he waiter loo*ed at them s*eptically, but :aara had some o# his sand creep up in #ront o# the waiter and stared him down at the same time. /he waiter shivered and wrote down the order. 2Sheesh, nin7a are young these days,4 the waiter muttered as he rushed away. 2(sh, he shouldve seen the last war. 8ounin at I, J,4 "an*uro hu##ed. 2.ere average.4 /heir order came soon enough. /hey ate their snac*s 9uic*ly and then they loo*ed at each other hesitantly be#ore they tried their drin*s. 3et it not be said that chaos could not happen on a supposedly peace#ul night. /he three were very lightweight drin*ers, and could not hold their drin*s at all. :aara had 9uic*ly descended into a da0ed stupor, mumbling incoherently. "an*uro was embarrassing,

having shu##led to the #ront o# the room and ta*en advantage o# the microphone used to call out the nights luc*y numbers #or gamblers, singing drun*enly into it and *eeping everyone who tried to stop him bac* with Arow. "an*uro apparently li*ed to sing. , lot. 3i*e a lot, a lot. Naruto had gotten people listening to her, and were riling them up and having them up in arms #or some reason or other. ,nd then, while :aara sat there in his stupor and "an*uro sang without care, Naruto had led the assembly outside. It wasnt long until she was inciting anarchy and the town was abla0e with mad #uror. /he mayor, who everyone seemed to severely disli*e, was dragged out o# his home, hogtied and le#t in the town s9uare, where Naruto stood and continued preaching about #reedom #rom oppression and having apparently ta*en over the town, as others began calling her 2!iss !ayor.4 $a*i actually didnt *now how things got to this point. .hen he #inally #ound a place he li*ed and was reasonably priced, he had gone outside to see the cra0iness abound. 5ed hurried to the bar restaurant and was horri#ied to #ind the state two o# his genin were in. 5e stal*ed over to :aara #irst and dragged him a#ter him, going over to the still singing drun*enly "an*uro, be#ore dragging them out. 2I still wanted to sing,4 "an*uro whined. 2&ou were out o# tune anyway,4 $a*i snapped. 2Ngh,4 :aara started #orming a sphere o# sand around his head. 2/oo loud,4 was the #irst coherent and understandable words he had said since :aara had #irst started drin*ing. $a*i cursed aloud and loo*ed around #or his last wayward genin. /o see her leading the chaos o# the crowd outside was the topping, especially given that the town seemed to have decided they wanted her as their new leader. 5e rushed over to her. 2No way in hell!4 he screamed, grabbing her and rushing bac* through the crowd. .ithout delay, he too* his genin, hightailed the hell out o# there ?be#ore they could cause any more problems and1or be caught@, and tried to pretend nothing happened. /hey had made it 9uite a bit o# miles away #rom the town in which the people were ta*ing Narutos advice and ta*ing control, be#ore $a*i #inally slowed down and thought to do a 9uic* loo* over on the three to see their overall state. 5e stared at the miraculously still burning torch in Narutos hand. 2:et rid o# that,4 he said #latly, and then began to lead the way in the direction bac* to Suna. /he other two #ollowed him da0edly, though no one could understand how :aara was wal*ing with that sand sphere around his head.

Naruto loo*ed at the torch be#ore shrugging, tossing it to the side. She stumbled a#ter the others. /he torch hit and landed on the rice #ield nearby, and it 9uic*ly caught on #ire. It spread rapidly until it reached a certain newly #ormed and really hidden 5idden Billage. 2.5,/ /5> 5>33 5,((>N>D)!4 -n*nowingly, Naruto had burnt down a part o# +toga*ure on the way out o# there. +rochimaru was not happy. Nagi had beenamused at the homewor* assignment $a*i had given the genin. !ore so when $a*i had come to him with the results, and he #inally learned what the hell that sand thing in his village that day was. +n the other hand, Narutos mastery o# the Easengan was a problem in more ways than one. 5e did not want "onoha to catch wind o# it ?and by e;tension Naruto@. ,nd well, no one *new o# her in Suna either, and that was a 7utsu that might bring up 9uestions that should be *ept 9uiet #or now. 5e had not said anything about her heritage to anyone, not even $a*i ?who *new only that shed been the Naruto Nagi had been loo*ing #or, #or the past years@. /here were de#initely spies around, and he was only luc*y that things had been *ept 9uiet. ,nd the 5iraishingiven her statements and eagerness to complete it 5e winced with the thought that Iwa would be even #aster than "onoha. 5e had been ecstatic to *now shed been learning medical 7utsu, and that it was most probably at least one o# the reasons why her history in the ,cademy was so bad compared to the usual standards. 5ed been guilty o# it himsel#, when he was an ,cademy student, pre#erring to #ocus on wind 7utsu and his wind mastery rather than #ocus in class. /he past two wee*s had been a whirlwind o# in#ormation, compounded by $a*is reports and e;panded as he tal*ed to Naruto himsel#. /he missions each o# them en7oyed, and especially hers <he guiltily admitted that he tended to save the sil* and herbal1plant1spice greenhouse missions #or their team, a#ter #inding out she li*ed those best. 5e even encouraged the sample giving, especially as Naruto had ta*en to bringing him a little sample o# the snac*s she made, which she li*ed e;perimenting herbs and spices with, every time they met in the morning. 5e learned other things about her. /wo wee*s passed by 9uic*ly, but was still in reality a large amount o# time. ,nd theyd met e(ery morning ?he re#rained #rom chec*ing at night, seeing as he thought that would ma*e things too obvious and1or uncom#ortable #or her@. She was still under the impression he was someone named /enoh, he was a 7ounin o# the village, and that he was currently 2o## duty4 since he didnt seem to be ta*ing any missions and was around a lot. Shed grown #amiliar with him, and com#ortable <much to his satis#action. $etween learning about her missions and what had happened in them, shed also begun to tal* about her li#e be#ore becoming a genin. It was all little tidbits #or now, but it was good progress and it was still 9uite a lot and valuable to him.

,nd now 2/eam "ic*ass4 was on their #irst A6ran*. .hen $a*i had #irst approached him about that, hed been hesitant. >ventually hed agreed, and had decided to go to the missions o##ice himsel# that day, and choose and hand their #irst A6ran* personally. 5is eyes had immediately gone drawn over to her, though he did glance over care#ully over his two sons a#ter be#ore going bac* to her. Auriously, shed changed #rom her usual bright personality to being rather shy, and he reali0ed immediately it was at the sight o# him. 5ed wanted to scratch his head aw*wardly and #idget, still not sure how to ta*e that he was apparently really important to her. 5e had also purposely changed his voice so that she wouldnt recogni0e 2/enoh,4 though he *new that aside #rom her that the other three were con#used with him. Spea*ing about that A6ran*, they would be returning soon, i# things went well. 5e wondered how it went and loo*ed #orward to Narutos retelling o# it. Omake! (The Genjutsu Tales: Part II) /he bubbles #loating around were numerous. /he "iri shinobi at the edge o# the bubble mine#ield twitched and drops o# sweat dripped down their brow. 2Shit-ta*ata is in the middle o# all that4 2/heres no way to get to him.4 /hey thought they would try to get him under a gen7utsu, which both o# them e;celled at. /hey hadnt thought it would wor*, seeing as -ta*ata was a 7inchuuri*i and actually had good control over his tailed beast. $ut it had, seeing as the missing6nin was 9uietly on the lone roc* in the area, blowing bubbles calmly as he stared at the s*y while he laid on his bac*. ,nd yet they also *new about his bubbles 2$ubble 3and4 -ta*ata suddenly murmured. 2So prettyF4 /hey still managed to sweatdrop. , rather young girl on the other side o# the #ield o# bubbles stared at -ta*ata, be#ore scrunching up her nose and sighing. She care#ully danced through the mine#ield o# bubbles and reached the lone man on the roc*, who blew another round o# bubbles. She hu##ed and pluc*ed the bubble blower out o# his hand and plopped by the roc*, pouting. 2!aster <4

2Dont call me that.4 She twitched. 2 ine. Im not brea*ing you out o# that gen7utsu until you become my master. I hope Sai*en doesnt brea* you out either!4 23oo*F Its so pretty4 She growled under her breath. /he "iri6nin saw what shed done, and decided that since a little girl had managed to get through the danger #ield o# bubbles, there was no way they couldnt either. So they tried their hand at it. ,nd promptly wal*ed into a wall o# bubbles. Needless to say, dying by bubbles was not what they had in mind.

7hapter 8ight9 When the Wol(es 7ome 4owlin Nagi wasnt sure whether or not to 9uali#y the mission as a success once Naruto had retold the whole thing to him. Since theyd arrived in the night, the o##icial report would be in the morning. ,nd since he sensed them coming, he 9uic*ly headed to the noodle bar, despite it being closer to dinnertime. ,s he hesitantly predicted, Naruto headed straight there. /hough happy to see each other, he hadnt e;pected the story that would come out o# her mouth. Dear "ami, a full.on riot in another ountry) Not to mention that apparently his two sons were huge lightweights, with "an*uro being a *arao*e drun* while :aara was a da0ed drun*. .here was $a*i in all this) 5ow had all that come to happen) ,nd dont even get him started on how all three o# them had their #irst taste o# alcohol, never mind how bad it went. "a0uhiro seemed to be sharing his disbelieving reaction, unable to scoop up an order o# noodles into a bowl. 5e cleared his throat. 2I/hat isvery event#ul #or your #irst A6ran*,4 he said lamely. ,nd #uuin7utsu! She #rea*in *new #ealing. 5e didnt *now whether to be impressed or despair. $esides that, it was de#initely a sign she was !inato and "ushinas *id. /he mission had been completed and success#ullybut the a#termath was 7ust nasty. ,t least nothing was lin*ed to them, and no news o# some sort o# repercussions was heading their way. ,t least not yet. $ut yet that torch Naruto threw5e had a bad #eeling about it 2+h, /enoh, do you wanna see the Easengan I was tal*ing about)4 she as*ed him. $ingo. /hat was his opening. 5e ignored "a0uhiro cho*ing on his breath yet again. 2Sure, mi*an6hime. Show me what youve got,4 he smir*ed at her. She smir*ed bac* and grabbed his hand, practically shooting out o# there with him only barely able to #ling money onto the counter #or their #ood. She headed straight to her teams usual training spot, stopping and turning to him with a grin. 2.atch, watch!4 she said e;citedly, and then she held out her hand and concentrated, within seconds #orming a #amiliar spinning ball.

5e inwardly winced. &up. De#initely !inatos Easengan. /hey mustve le#t her with some things somehow, and she managed to learn ?or was in the process o# learning@ them in the years shed been living in Suna. 2I hear youve been trying to learn the 5iraishin too, while youre at it,4 he laughed lightly, with his #ace and body la; and nonchalant. 5e put his hands into his poc*ets and ga0ed at her. 2&eah, howd you *now) I thin* I remember mentioning the Easengan to you when I was tal*ing about that day with $a*i6sensei, but I dont remember i# I said anything about 5iraishin,4 she tilted her head in9uisitively. 7ute, he thought suddenly. 5e mentally shoo* his head and #ocused bac* on the problem. .ith a 9uic* rush, he was suddenly by her side without any warning, tilting her head bac* and the point o# a *unai at her nec* without her noticing or seeing anything. 5er eyes were wide as she stared at him. 2/6/enoh, what are you doing)4 she as*ed hesitantly. 5e grimaced and gave her a remorse#ul smile, turning the *unai around and gently tapping the ring o# the handle against her #orehead, be#ore letting her head go and ta*ing a step bac*. 2I would say youre not that good enough to warn o## #oreign assassins,4 he tilted the corner o# his lips wryly brie#ly. 2I would suggest you not advertise your ability to use the Easengan, an in#amous 7utsu o# a rival villages *age, nor the ambition to con9uer the 5iraishin, a notorious 7utsu in itsel# without any o# the associations with it. >specially with your loo*s,4 he said seriously, hinting at the end. She visibly de#lated, but nodded. 2(erhaps i# its a li#e or death situation, and its best to have your teammates around #or support,4 he continued gently. 2+therwise, Naruto6san, *eep it secret #or now.4 Naruto sighed and gave him a pout, but she loo*ed resigned. ,bruptly, her demeanor changed and shed straightened up and gave a small smile to him. It wasnt her 2(rince6ly aura,4 as hed come to call itShe was 7ust much more serious than he was accustomed to. It was the most alarming and an uneasy reminder o# a certain sannin, who li*ed being care#ree most o# the time, but could #lip on the serious switch when he chose to or needed to be 25ai, I got it, /enoh. /han*s.4 2&oure welcome,4 he was almost mumbling. 25ead home now, you got it) Its late. See you tomorrow.4

5e watched her leave #irst, be#ore sighing and running a hand through his hair. .ell, a mess was possibly avoided. +nly a spy o# 8iraiyas caliber would be able to #ind out about this, and he dreaded that con#rontation. 5e headed home, only to #ind his #amily gathered at the table and acting miserable. :aara still loo* a little hung over though 2.hats up with you three)4 he said, startling them with his unnoticed entrance. 5is daughter hu##ed and held up a letter. 2+pening my mail now, are you all)4 he as*ed dryly, rolling his eyes as he too* it #rom /emari. 2Sure, yeah, whatever,4 "an*uro said dismissively, and he wasnt sure i# it was #rom still lingering e##ects o# his hangover or "an*uro 7ust being his usual impertinent sel#. 2/hats what you get,4 /emari snapped at him, though she cautiously loo*ed over to him. 5e re#rained #rom in#orming them that he already *new about the drin*ing and rash end o# the mission, #rom their teammate no less. $esides, no one was supposed to *now he was in close contact with her anyway. 2,h, +tou6sanits #rom the Aapitalthat Daimyo pig,4 she scrunched up her nose in disdain. Nagi scowled and sti##ened, 9uieting and ignoring his *ids as he #ocused on the letter. 5e grimaced at the order #or him to come to the .ind Aapital, and he crumpled the letter up and practically stomped over to the sin*, throwing the crumpled up paper into it and then turning on the #aucet. 'rown, drown, drown, he thought viciously. +# course it was 7ust a letter, but it could substitute in his thoughts #or a certain person. 5e turned to his *ids and agitatedly in#ormed them o# the news, which caused them all to #urther be miserable. 2"an*uro, :aara, your team will accompany me to the Aapital. /emari, I will leave you to help head the security around here, alright)4 and then he headed towards the table, too* a chair ne;t to :aara and slumped tiredly in it. /his was such a mess. ,lready, he missed the soothing presence o# Naruto and how things #elt so much more simple and lively, and he regretted having dismissed himsel# #rom her so 9uic*ly. I# there was anyone he really hated in the world, it was the .ind Daimyo. /he thought didnt leave his head as the wee* passed and it neared the time to depart #or their Aapital. /eam "ic*ass went through several more o# the usual D6ran*s, and than*#ully a #ew more A6ran*s that were unevent#ul and rather calm. ,nd then they were all meeting at the villages :ate, where Nagi #ormed a shadow clone <a tric* that !inato had sent his way as a gi#t

a long time ago. 5is clone was dressed up in his "a0e*age robes, while he was there in his normal clothes. /his was going to be tric*y. 5ed have to rely on the others not blurting anything out and going along with him at #irst glance, while maintaining his own cover. 5e would have to tell her the truth soon 5e waited 7ust the right amount o# time, as his timed entrance allowed himsel# and his clone to be there #irst and loo* normal. /eam "ic*ass came in practically vibrating, while $a*i was grumpily trailing behind. /hey stopped when they saw him and his clone, all #our bac*trac*ing ?though three o# them #or much di##erent reasons than the last one@. 2"a0e*age6sama,4 $a*i started hesitantly. 2/his is /enoh,4 his "a0e*age clone interrupted, spea*ing in the di##erent tone hed sorted #or him #or Narutos bene#it. 25e will accompany us as bac*up.4 5is two sons and $a*i stared at him. /hen glanced at his clone. ,nd then bac* to him. Nagi 7ust stared resolutely bac*. Naruto gave him a small smile and a little wave, be#ore turning bac* to the "a0e*age with an attentive aura, again that odd shyness and 9uietness coming #rom her. Nagi shi#ted aw*wardly at his spot. 23ets go,4 his clone ordered. /hey set out and went at a #ast and silent pace. /he three other males in the group were relentless in their con#used but concentrated stares towards him. ,t the pace they set, they were at the .ind Aapital in no time. In #act, much 9uic*er than /eam "ic*ass travel to the 3and o# Eice in their #irst A6ran*. ,nd they were un#ortunately met with the .ind Daimyo even more 9uic*er than that. In Narutos opinion, the man was a 7ac*ass. She didnt li*e him at all and wasnt impressed with him. She was usually a #riendly girl and got along with everyone, but this guy rubbed her the wrong way and she really didnt li*e him. ,t all. ,nd then she hated him when he acted condescending to the "a0e*age and spo*e down on him. She bristled angrily, li*e a #urious #eline, and had the urge to claw the mans eyes out. Naruto #umed 9uietly to hersel#, loo*ing thunderous as she watched the proceedings. She made sure to blan* out her #ace whenever attention was drawn her way, but she wasnt happy about this at all. ,nd she made sure to rant about it to /enoh later, when she separated #rom her team and paced irritably in her assigned room. She was loud in e;pressing her displeasure about the

"a0e*ages treatment at the hands o# that 2super 7er*y, greedy asshole o# a waste dump trashcan born o# human shit mated to horse shit.4 /enoh stared strangely at her when she said that. 5e also seemed strangely aw*ward too. She didnt understand that, but she didnt pry. She growled angrily. 2"a0e*age6sama shouldnt have to deal with the li*es o# that guy.4 /enoh cleared his throat, scratching the bac* o# his head. 25edhed appreciate the support and your vehement de#ending o# him. "6"a0e*age6sama would probably be really grate#ul and than*#ul #or your encouragement.4 She turned *ind o# 9uiet and gave him a shy grin. 2Eeally)4 5e blin*ed. 2-hyeah.4 /here was a loud *noc* on her door be#ore "an*uro hollered out. 2&o! Naruto6chan, let us in, let us in!4 Naruto glanced in surprise at her door, but headed over and opened it as /enoh shi#ted and averted his eyes every which way about. 5is *ids ambled in, :aara a lot more smoother than "an*uro. /hey stared in surprise at him, while Naruto closed the door, but he gave them a warning glance and they aw*wardly loo*ed away. 2:aara, "an*uro, this is /enoh. /enoh, these are my teammates,4 Naruto obliviously introduced them. /hey stared at /enoh. 5e stared bac*. 2Nice to meet you,4 he said #irmly. "an*uro made a strangled sound in his throat, #orcing out a con#used smile. 2N6nice to meet you too, /enoh6san.4 :aara nodded at him, be#ore pointedly loo*ed at the #loor to hide his own con#usion. 2&ou *now, we should practice something while were out here waiting,4 Naruto suggested. 2I need something to distract me and *eep me busy, so that I can *eep #rom snapping at Daimyo6 ba*a.4 2:ood idea,4 "an*uro per*ed up. 2Im gonna tic*er with my puppets. /hey need some #i;ing up and ad7usting.4 2I will practice tai7utsu *atas,4 :aara said. 2,s been noted, my tai7utsu has been lac*ing.4

Naruto unsealed a scroll #rom a leather bracelet previously unnoted by the others. 2Im going to wor* on #iguring out the 5iraishin,4 Naruto announced. She smir*ed at /enoh. 2&ou never said I couldnt *eep wor*ing on itF4 she sing6songed. /enoh grunted and waved a hand at her dismissively. 2Do whatever you want,4 he rolled his eyes. So Naruto wor*ed on the 5iraishin as everyone else wor*ed on their respective stu##. 3ater on, there was yet another *noc* on the door, and $a*i was the person on the other side this time. 5e, also, stared at /enoh, who scowled at him. 25ello, $a*i6sensei. Ive heard a lot about you #rom Naruto6san. Im /enoh. (leased to meet you,4 /enoh smiled sweetly, too sweetly as he stared daggers at the other. 2(leased to meet you, /enoh6san,4 $a*i said da0edly. 2>h, I thin* Ill wor* on #uuin7utsu. !aybe itll help me unloc* the 5iraishin anyway,4 Naruto hu##ed. /hat interested /enoh, however, who came over and sat by her. 2Im not an e;pert at #uuin7utsu, but Ive always been interested in it,4 he admitted, loo*ing over what she was wor*ing on. 2Im wor*ing on a sensor Drod,4 she told him. 2I# it wor*s, itll be li*e how we can use cha*ra to pulse out and sense others, only this wouldnt alert people when activated. I could leave it around an area that were scouting, use a single cha*ra paper the others would be lin*ed to, and charge it with cha*ra to activate the others.4 5is eyebrows nearly #lew up. It sounded very impressive and use#ul. 5e couldnt see how it could wor*, but then again he wasnt a Sealing e;pert and this was probably beyond his current level o# e;pertise. So he 7ust 9uietly sat by her, observing with a *een eye ?even i# most o# it went over his head@, and she would occasionally e;plain something to him. 5e didnt pay attention to $a*i, who stared dumbly at him, his oldest twitching and trying to throw all his attention on his puppets and not end up blurting out all the 9uestions he wanted to burst out with, or his youngest missing a part o# the tai7utsu *ata he was wor*ing on again and again, because he *ept getting distracted and glancing at the two o# them. /ime was very slow as they stayed there. Nagi got a report #rom his clone every time he #inished tal*ing with the Daimyo ?and he was pre#erring this method o# dealing with the 3ord o# .ind

much better, seeing as he didnt have to deal with the man directly and be stuc* in his presence #or hours on end@. Eeally, all he was getting was the usual negotiations tal* between the Aapital and Suna, with o# course Suna getting the shortest stic* and getting sha#ted by their Daimyo. ,#ter that, he had to deal with complaints about everything, with only the complaints about guerilla attac*s #rom a rebel #action pea*ing his interest. !eanwhile, he was pre#erring his time spent with his sons, $a*i, and o# course Naruto. 5e only managed to e;tricate himsel# #rom the Daimyo when he was called away by the mans e9ually aggravating wi#e. 5e #inally trac*ed down /eam $a*i, where Naruto had literally made a practical army o# clones, twenty marching stoutly on the walls o# the large ballroom, ten on the pond outside, and various numbers either *unai balancing, something to do with a water bottle, and several other odd and even rare cha*ra e;ercises being per#ormed. 2&o, mi*an6hime,4 he gave her a two6#inger salute, be#ore #ree0ing and loo*ing over at the rest o# her team. 5e coughed nervously and averted his eyes #rom their stares and gaping mouths, rubbing the bac* o# his nec*. 5e headed her way. 2.hats with all the clones) ,nd the cha*ra e;ercises)4 Never mind the #act she was using an e;tensive amount o# shadow clones. 5e *new the conse9uences o# the 7utsu, and he de#initely *new that the multiple clone version was deadly and no one could ever use it. /hat she was using it so massively was alarming and no short o# impressive. 5e himsel# could only use the regular version, and ma*e only si; at that. 2!y cha*ra control can end up li*e shit,4 she said bluntly. 2I# I dont *eep up with the e;ercises, my control will degrade. ,nd thats a big no #or medical 7utsu too. So I do this regularly < maintaining helps to *eep my cha*ra control #rom being suc*y.4 25ows the tal*s going)4 $a*i interrupted, and he barely re#rained #rom sending over a glare at the other man. 25orrible,4 he said shortly. 25es an ass, li*e always.4 Naruto growled. 2$othering "a0e*age6sama againwhy I oughta4 $ut then she switched gears, smiling mischievously. 2Spea*ing o# politics, did you *now that4 ,nd dirty gossip spewed #orth. 5e sweatdropped. +# all the di##erent *inds o# politics going on in the palace, she would choose to #ocus on the dirty laundry /here was a loud boom somewhere in the distance, and all three o# them tensed and became alert. Nagi too* charge. 2$a*i, center point,4 he bar*ed out. 2/eam, spread out. ,#ter me!4

5e hadnt really thought that there would be any attac*s while they were there, much less a direct attac* on the Aapital palace. Still, they were there and they were obligated to #i; things, seeing as they were speci#ically this countrys militaristic #orce. 2/enoh,4 Naruto snuc* by his side. 2I got those cha*ra sensors ready.4 5e blin*ed. 2,lready)4 5e hadnt even thought she could #inish them at all, much less so 9uic*ly. 2&eah. ,nd I have them posted all over the palace.4 5e almost stumbled. .hen did she have time to #inish those things, create a bunch o# them, and then post them all over the palace)! 2:ood. ,ctivate them and tell me how many there are in the palace,4 he ordered, #ocusing on leading the de#ense. 2KKH palace sta##, LM royals with "a0e*age6sama with the top o# them, the #ive o# us, and about twenty assailants.4 5e had to bac*trac* mentally, though he almost did so literally. 5ow in the world 2Naruto6sanI *now those things are supposed to sense cha*ra, so you can sense the number o# peoplesimilar to a cha*ra sensor pulsebut how can you differentiate)4 She shrugged nonchalantly, while her team loo*ed resigned. 2No biggie. , #ew ad7ustments on the Seals should pulse out #rom the ones all over the palace to the !aster Seal paper on me, and identi#y everyones cha*ra sigs. So I *now whos who, according to the cha*ra signatures category pulses I assigned to everyone meant to be in the palace that correspond to the matching Seal.4 .ait, what) /hat 7ust blew his mind, #rom the concept and 9uic* #ormation o# the #uuin7utsu wor* to 7ust the whole application right now. ,nd did this count as an account o# 2invasion o# privacy)4 5e shrugged in his head. She was a shinobi, and so long as she wasnt caught 2Eight. .e need to ma*e sure they dont escape either, so we should #ind the e;its and bloc*ade them #irst.4 25andledF4 Naruto sing6songed cheer#ully. 2!y sensors have an additional Seal thatll act with every one o# the others together, and create a barrier and should #ocus on a certain cha*ra signature category, a*a the enemy.4

/his time he really did trip, and he regretted ma*ing such a clumsy move in #ront o# his *ids and $a*i ?and Naruto@but this team?more li*ely, this girl@ 2/hats7ust great,4 he said wea*ly. 2.hy dont you set that up 9uic*ly, and then we should all split up. /eam $a*i, go west. $a*i, you ta*e north. Ill ta*e south and east.4 /hey did so, and Nagi 9uic*ly ended up #ace to #ace with his enemy group. It was hardly a battle, considering the di##erences in level, but he #rowned when he saw 9uite a #ew renegade 7ounin mi;ed in it. 5ed e;pected only civilian opponents, so to have shinobi mi;ed in was 9uite troubling. 5e made sure they were all incapacitated and tied up, be#ore heading in the others direction. Doing his own cha*ra pulse to sense the others, and *nowing who they were as he had their cha*ra signatures memori0ed, he groaned as he reali0ed the team had split up. It would be 7ust his luc*. 5e wasnt worried about :aara= his youngest could ta*e care o# himsel#. $a*i was near "an*uro, so he would be alright. /hen there was Narutoshe was the one he was worried about and wasnt sure would be alright #acing a 7ounin on her own. 5e *ept on her trail, and hurried when he #elt a #oreign signature near hers. 5e came 7ust in time to see a tall man slam Naruto against the wall, and hear a sic*ening crac* o# what he *new was her arm <the one the man was harshly holding against the wall by her head < brea*ing. $oth o# them loo*ed roughed up, and signs o# battle were clearly evident in the hallway. 5e was 9uite smug and proud to at least *now that the #oreign shinobi had been thoroughly challenged and #ought against by his spit#ire. 2I admire your tenacity and youve got 9uite the #irepower at your agebut this ends here,4 the man growled, and the sharp point o# a *unai was placed against her throat, very similar to how Nagi had done so not too long ago. Narutos sapphire blue eyes grew rather wide and #ear#ul, an emotion Nagi *new was #oreign to the girl and not something usually seen or displayed by her ?or belong on her either@. 5e was bi0arrely angry and wasted no time speeding over and *noc*ing out the shinobi, who crumpled to the #loor between them. She watched the action nervously, staring at the unconscious body on unsteady legs. 2So, when I mean li#e or death, I mean li#e or death,4 he said suddenly, bringing her out o# her #ear6induced shoc*. 2Easengan his ass ne;t time, wont you)4 She smiled uneasily at him, but he 7ust inwardly sighed and ru##led her hair. 2Dont worry about it. 5e was 7ounin6level, and you are still a genin. .hat did I say to you about that *ind o# thing)4

Naruto straightened up a little, #eeling slightly better. 2Im good, but not that good)4 2$asically,4 he drawled. 2Now come on. 5elp me tie him up and drag him to where we can collect all the prisoners at.4 2 ine!4 she then pumped a #ist into the air. 2$ut 7ust you wait. Im going to get training, and then Ill be super awesome! Ill even be able to *ic* the asses o# 7ac*asses li*e him easily ne;t time.4 Nagi rolled his eyes at her. Aelebrations were under way. Nagi was astounded to #ind Narutos arm was already healing and almost bac* to normal, but nervously covered it up and put it into a splinter anyway. 5e contributed it to the "yuubi, and decided that it was best no one noticed her rapid healing abilities in any case. 2,h, Saba*u6san, I was hoping to have a word with you,4 the .ind Daimyos wi#e purred coyly. 5e inwardly groaned and winced. ,nd here he thought he would be able to go through a visit to the Aapital without having to deal with her She laid a hand #irmly on his arm, leaning towards him and stepping into his space. 5e re#rained #rom showing his displeasure outwardly, though he smiled sti##ly and too* a step bac*. She pouted, which loo*ed ridiculous on her, though he began to thin* about someone else who tended to pout ?but at least cutely@. 2I was wondering i# you could help me out in my 9uarters, Saba*u6san,4 she continued to play coy. 2I am in need o# urgent help, and would very much li*e your assistance in this.4 5is smile became even more #orced. 2Im very sorry, !adame. I need to regroup with my team and see about securing the prisoners. I hope you can #ind help with someone available.4 She sighed in disappointment. 2+h very well. Ill be o## then. !y idiot husbands probably had better luc*,4 she muttered the last part, clearly not meaning #or him to hear. 2Ill go entertain mysel# with your clone in the main room,4 she told him irritably. 5e almost as*ed her about it, but instead stopped himsel# and went to go #ind the Daimyo himsel#, to see what she meant. 5e would rather not have the Daimyo cause a scene or trouble with someone, and have yet another problem to deal with. ,nd yet, a #eeling o# dread bothered him as he searched out the .ind Daimyo. 5is blood went cold and an icy #ury entered him as he came upon the .ind Daimyo cornering a scowling Naruto against the wall in a secluded room, roughly handling her in7ured arm against the wall above her head. It was nearly identical to the scene with the shinobi earlier, and #urther incensed him.

2Shh,4 their .ind Daimyo murmured. 2&ou dont want to upset me, right) I can ma*e things very di##icult #or your "a0e*age6sama and #or your village. 8ust do as I say. &ou are loyal and love your "a0e*age and village very much, do you not) &ou dont even have to say or do anything. 8ust *eep still.4 , #urious e;pression crossed her #ace, but then disappeared and she loo*ed de#eated, slumping against the wall. /he .ind Daimyo smir*ed and leaned in, #ace too close #or com#ort, but seeing her loo* so de#eated made Nagi snap and rush over, using a pressure point on the mans nec* to *noc* him out as Nagi s9uee0ed harshly. Similarly to earlier, the .ind Daimyo crumbled, and Naruto blin*ed up at him in con#usion. 2/6/enoh) .hat are you doing here)4 she as*ed. 2Doesnt matter,4 he said shortly, glaring down brie#ly at the .ind Daimyo. 2,re you o*ay)4 2Never been better,4 she said wea*ly, ta*ing a shuddering breath. 5e gave her a loo* and she 7ust shrugged. $ut then she threw hersel# at him and he barely was able to catch her and hold her securely, ad7usting her into a more com#ortable hold as she sni##led into his chest. 5e #elt aw*ward holding her, but he grew used to it and rubbed her head in com#ort. 23ets get him to his room, huh) 5ell thin* he had too much alcohol and that he passed out, and this was 7ust a dream,4 he muttered to her. Eeluctantly, he pulled away and bent over to pic* up the .ind Daimyo, wishing he could 7ust drag the man there the entire way instead. $ut it was 9uic*er and less conspicuous, so he dealt with it and got to the mans room in record time, with Naruto trailing a#ter him 9uietly. Dumping the Daimyo onto the bed, he disgustedly turned and #aced Naruto, only to rapidly turn bac* around in shoc* and embarrassment. 2.hat are you doing)!4 2Im leaving my bra and panty here,4 she told him dryly. ,t that, he turned to her #uriously, though he avoided staring directly at her, considering her shirt was o## and she was 7ust about to shed her pants. 2.hy the hell would you do that)4 he growled angrily at her. $ut she *ept 9uiet, and he couldnt help loo*ing more directly at her, con#used. 5e saw her loo* miserable, and regretted sounding so harsh.

2It would be better in the long run i# he thin*s we did it, right) ,nd maybe he wont trouble "a0e*age6sama as much, #or at least a little bit. !aybemaybe I really should have done it with him <4 she started guiltily. 2,bsolutely not!4 he cut her o## vehemently. 2"a0e*age6sama would never condone it! Sure, hes done and allowed a lot o# things hes not proud o#, but he would ne(er let you do such a thing or ever get hurt in any way.4 5e hadnt meant to burst out li*e that or be so passionateand yet it was also still weird to be tal*ing about himsel# in the third person too. 2Eeally)4 she as*ed with wide eyes. 2&es, de#initely,4 he smiled gently at her. 2+6oho*ay. Ill 7ust ta*e Dem o## and leave them on the #loor by the bed thenIll undress him a#ter4 she muttered. 2Ill undress him,4 Nagi inwardly sighed. I# he was going to go along with this, he was not going to let her have to do any more o# the dirty wor* than necessary. 2&ou should also leave your undergarments near hidden under the bed, so itll loo* li*e a mista*e and you were either in a rush to leave and1or couldnt #ind them. Its better than him thin*ing you le#t them on purpose.4 /hey both shuddered at that. 5e 9uic*ly and pro#essionally undressed the .ind Daimyo, and then carelessly and uncaringly scattered the mans clothes o## to his side o# the bed on the ground. 5e turned bac* to see Naruto 7ust #inished putting on her shirt bac* on. 2Done)4 2Done! Im hungry now! 3ets go to the *itchens!4 she wrapped an arm around his and practically #rog6marched him out o# there. .ell, he was a bit hungry as well. ,nd damn. 5e was starting to crave some ramen now. +n the day o# their leave, Nagi had been loo*ing #or Naruto, who had mysteriously disappeared that morning. 5e sent out a cha*ra pulse and loc*ed onto her signature, and immediately 0eroed in on her location. Surprised and wary to see that she was near the cells where the prisoners were being held, he #ound her 7ust as she loo*ed to be #inishing up her business with the shinobi who had speci#ically attac*ed her. :lancing at the other man suspiciously, he turned to see Naruto smiling and loo*ing o*ay up at himbut something about it seemed o##. 2.ere leaving. &ou done here)4

She nodded cheer#ully. 2&ep. Done. 3ets go.4 Something was bothering him. 2,lright. Aome on.4 5e glanced bac* at the #oreign shinobi, who loo*ed bac* at him impassively and revealed nothing. It #urther bothered him. 28ustcome on, Naruto,4 he said tiredly. .hen they reached Suna, Nagi had learned about that particular shinobis escape the day he and the others had le#t the .ind Aapital. 5e was the leader o# this so6called rebellion, and had been a #ormer and retired "iri6nin, that had moved to .ind Aountry and to the Aapital. 3ong story shorthe didnt li*e how things were in the Aapital, or the Daimyo, and now this shit was happening. Nagi would agree and be on the mans side, i# it werent #or the #act that it was causing huge headaches and problems. /he ne;t time he saw Naruto at the noodle bar, he casually mentioned the mans escape and she 7ust gave him a small enigmatic smile. 5e #ro0e. 4oly fu k$ +ne o# his nin7a conspired with the enemy and helped him escape ?because the mans cha*ra had been Sealed, and there was no other way #or the man to escape unless help had been given, which was damn ama0ing considering that its the very same man that had attac*ed her@. She was helping enemies against their Aapital. Naruto was speci#ically conspiring against their Daimyo be ause of him. 5e didnt *now whether to be impressed and #lattered by the strong and very heart#elt devotion and loyaltyor have a heart attac*. 5e *new she *new he *new, when she hesitantly tugged at his sleeve and loo*ed up at him with imploring, impossibly blue eyes that mimic*ed one o# his #avorite gems. 2Dont tell "a0e*age6sama4 she whispered. 2I dont want him to worry or get in trouble.4 5e #elt touched and guilty and all sorts o# a mess o# emotions inside. Omake! (The Genjutsu Tales: Part III) 2!eow!4 , did not have any problems or bad #eelings about using &ugitos gen7utsu wea*ness against her. Not when she brought home twenty stray cats ?where the hell she #ound them, he didnt *now@,

and #or the past wee*, those little shits have been scratching up all his #urniture and leaving little 2surprises.4 5e was not impressed when he stepped in one o# those surprises that morning. /he 7ounin in 9uestion was on all #ours, sni##ing at a ball o# yarn be#ore batting at it with a manicured hand. Delightedly, she began play#ully rolling it bac* and #orth. , snic*ered. 2Sir, isnt that a little mean)4 Darius watched his superior warily. , growled and thrust a mauled up cloth into his #ace. 2&ou see this) /his came #rom a vintage armchair! BIN/,:>!4 5e also didnt want to admit his *age hat had been the cats #avorite bathroom. /he ball o# yarn #lew into the air and smac*ed him straight in the #ace, #ollowed shortly a#ter by &ugito tac*ling him in the e##ort to get the ball o# yarn.

Chapter )ine: ,a&i-ned .rid-es I

2.hy are you pretending to be someone else when you are with Naruto)4 :aara demanded to *now. Nagi sighed. $oth o# his sons had #inally managed to corner him a wee* since they arrived bac* home to Suna, a#ter their trip to the .ind Aapital ?they must be really determined, seeing as how he would have been able to *eep away longer@. 5e hadnt really *nown how this was going to go, but the more he reali0ed he had to tell Naruto the truth, the more he *new he had to tell his #amily #irst and let them *now what was going on and who she really was. 2.hats this) Dads pretending to be someone)4 5e inwardly groaned. ,nd now /emari was involving hersel# 2Dads pretending to be some guy named /enoh, while hes with our teammate,4 "an*uro caught her up. 2.ho we hadnt *nown hes been consorting with #or a long time now.4 Nagi snorted. 2Aonsorting)4 he as*ed dryly, glaring lightly at his *ids, as /emari had 7oined the other two eagerly. 2&es! Aonsorting!4 "an*uro said in an accusing tone. 2.hat are you up to)!4 5e twitched. 2.hy am I automatically the bad guy)4 2$ecause,4 /emari said nonchalantly, but didnt elaborate. 5e twitched again. :aara #urther e;plained whats been going on and how theyd #ound out to /emari, who loo*ed #ascinated and increasingly curious and interested. 2I have something to say about all this,4 Nagi announced loudly, purposely interrupting. 5is three *ids 9uic*ly #ocused on him, eerily intense in their staring. 5is irritation suddenly became an;iety and he lic*ed his lips. 2,ctually, theres more to Naruto than practically this entire village *nows. &ou see, I *now her parents.4 ,nd then he was e;plaining who they were, how and why "ushina had come to Suna and brought Naruto there, how shed died and hed tried all these years to loo* #or Naruto unsuccess#ully, and how he #inally #ound her and reali0ed who she was. 5e hadnt e;pected #or "an*uro to burst out laughing. 2+h gee0, Dad. Eeally) &ou didnt catch her all this time because you didnt *now she was actually a girl)4 2,nd thats what you got #rom all o# that)4 Nagi deadpanned, staring at his son strangely. "an*uro blushed, shrugging. 2Its hilarious.4

/emari nodded along, loo*ing at him apologetically. 2Sorry, Dad. $ut hes right. It *ind o# really is.4 , brie# smir* #litted across :aaras lips, be#ore he #rowned. 2/hen I am completely certain in my assumption that Naruto is that little girl #rom all those years ago,4 he murmured, rather con#using his #amily. 2>laborate, :aara. .e cant all read minds,4 /emari prodded, 9uite literally with a #inger as well, earning a sul*ing glare #rom her youngest brother. 5e reluctantly told them about his rather well6*ept secret about how hed met a blonde angel, who had given him #lowers and helped him ma*e #riends. 5e also told them about his recognition and his guess that Naruto was that girl, upon the second day a#ter the #ormation o# their team. "an*uro burst out laughing again. 2Shes the one who got you into #lower pressing)4 :aara growled under his breath and used his sand to grab his brothers an*le, li#ting him up and putting "an*uro upside down. 25ey, hey! 3et me down! Dad!4 "an*uro whined. Nagi hu##ed. 2, #ew more seconds, :aara. /hat should teach you, "an*uro.4 5owever, that revelation o# :aaras made him uneasily remember the chibi Dangel o# his own, that he had vaguely seen bac* in the hospital, and the glitter... 5e was completely sure it was her, even without proo#, but he would no way in hell mention that incident with anyone. Not even i# his li#e depended on it. 3i*e hell he would say anything about being glitter6#ied and put into some princess role and6and6 and <Damn it all, the whole thing was 7ust too embarrassing. /hough a part o# him thought it was *ind o# adorable Naruto had put hersel# as some 2(rincess Aharming,4 as she called hersel#, and wanted to help him even then. It was all *inds o# sweet, he would admit. $ut he was still never tal*ing about it. >ver. "an*uro was #inally righted and he sat bac* on his seat grumbling about the un#airness o# it all, while :aara and /emari went bac* to #ocusing on him with twin loo*s o# scary intensity. Nagi inwardly sighed. .hat was wrong with his *ids)

2+*ay, so now you *now,4 he started. 2Id wanted you guys to *now and be prepared, because Ill be telling her the truth as well, soon enough. I really thin* she should *nowand I was hoping to as* her i# she wanted to move in with us. I# you guys are o*ay with it)4 2&eah! Naru6chan is moving in with us, :aara!4 "an*uro cheered, while :aara had a loo* o# satis#action on his #ace. /emari got up dreamily, practically #loating away #rom them. 2/he Desert (rince is coming to move in with us4 Nagi blin*ed, scrunching up his eyebrows. 2/heDesert (rince)4 "an*uro coughed aw*wardly. 2-h$a*i6sensei never e;panded too much on that little tidbit, did he)4 Nagi loo*ed at his son, raising an eyebrow in 9uestion. "an*uro winced. 2.ell, its li*e this4 :aara escaped #rom that aw*ward tal*, deciding it best to retreat. 5e should go #ind a good room #or Naruto to move into, maybe get a head start on decorating it to her li*ingDe#initely one near him. (erhaps she would li*e some o# the pressed #lowers he had, to decorate her room or Nagi, a#ter that enlightening 2bonding time4 ?he snorted at that@ with his *ids, he went to start his day and wor* #inally. 5e #elt rather an;ious about it, since he *new that he hadnt shown up at his usual time, or at all, to his o##ice, and that Naruto had probably been worried and rather upset at his absence in her usual routine. 5e 9uic*ly went through his paperwor*, glad that he managed to #inish most o# it rather 9uic*ly, and periodically glanced out his window and wondered i# Naruto could see him right then. It was later than even his latest, but he hoped she was still there and would be happy to see him even #or 7ust a bit. 5e decided the rest o# what was le#t o# his paperwor* could be done later, and sped over to the noodle bar, hoping she would be there. /o his luc*, she was there and chatting with "a0uhiro as she ate what loo*ed to be, according to the stac* o# bowls ne;t to her, her #ourth bowl o# ramen. 2/enoh! I thought Id missed you!4 she immediately spotted him. :iving bac* an easy smile, he slid into a seat ne;t to her and said his order be#ore #ocusing on her. 2!ornin,4 he leaned on the counter la0ily, his easy smile turning a little 9uir*y. 2!orning,4 Naruto grinned bac*. 2No mission #or you yet, la0y nin7a)4

2Its not my #ault Im more use#ul in the village,4 he po*ed her #orehead, but inwardly he #elt guilty. It was a true statement, but he *new shed read that di##erently #rom what was truth. 2.hen are you going to be bac* on duty anyway)4 Naruto as*ed curiously. 2&ou went with us that one time, I remember. &ou seem li*e youre #ine and stu##, so I dont really *now why youre o## duty.4 Nagis smile #altered. 2I6its personal.4 She still loo*ed con#used but didnt push, and he wanted to pull his hair out and blurt out everything right then. or "amis sa*e, there were some people around them in the noodle bar that was staring oddly at their out o# uni#orm "a0e*age! ?5e had been luc*y enough that usually he and Naruto were alone at the noodle bar.@ 2/enoh, here,4 she handed him a parcel covered with a cutesy pin* hand*erchie#, with chibi #o;es and raccoons decorating it ?he wondered i# she reali0ed how ironic that was@. 5e too* it #rom above, by the tied *not, and his smile returned #ull #orce. 5e ignored "a0uhiros suddenly rather loud and cheer#ul humming, someones s9ueal o# 25ow cute!4 and surrounding giggles around them. 2I made takoyaki! I made a lot, so instead o# pac*ing a #ew #or you to try, I made you a bento bo;,4 she was smiling so happily at him and 7ust beaming, that he had the hugest urge to coo and throw his arms around her and cuddle her. 5e was horri#ied. 5ed ne(er had that urge be#ore. >ver. 2Do you want to eat some with me)4 he as*ed, inwardly sha*ing o## that thought. She suddenly pouted. 2,ctually, Im late #or meeting my team. I gotta go now. I hope you li*e Dem)4 2Im sure I will,4 he assured her and she le#t him behind. 25ere, Tenoh.san,4 "a0uhiro said dryly, placing a small sauce container in #ront o# him. 2Tsuyu #or your takoyaki.4 2$e 9uiet, "a0uhiro,4 Nagi sent him a glare, even though he too* the dipping sauce anyway. 2Ill demote you.4 2Im retired, "a0e*age6sama.4 2Ill demote you anyway.4

/he noodle che# 7ust smir*ed to himsel#, coo*ing more noodles. ,#ter that, Nagi went bac* to his o##ice and was immediately cornered and rushed into his o##ice by a #ra00led $a*i. 2&ou! >;plain yoursel#!4 $a*i ordered. 5e sighed and resigned himsel# to e;plaining the whole situation again, this time to $a*i. It too* a bit, but at least the 7ounin seemed much more reassured and less con#used about the whole matter. 2,rent you supposed to meet your team)4 Nagi raised an eyebrow at him, remembering that Naruto had rushed to meet the others. 2/his was more pressing at the moment,4 $a*i told him shortly, though the loo* on his #ace said that he had also #orgotten about that. $a*i gave him one last hu## be#ore leaving him, and Nagi reluctantly went bac* to wor*. 5e #inished rather 9uic*ly, considering how he had unusually done wor* ?and a lot o# it@ that morning when hed arrived. 5e decided he could go and hand out some missions. I# he was luc*y 2/eam "ic*ass4 would be there 5e snic*ered under his breath. or awhile, the missions6giving went slow and boring, but then a client came in and Nagi too* one long loo* at the man. /he old man seemed li*e hed gone through one hell o# a 7ourney, loo*ing roughed up and out o# sorts, holding onto a sa*eC bottle loosely in one hand. 2II would li*e to re9uest a A6ran* #or my return trip to .ave, as well as to help watch over the construction o# the bridge I am wor*ing on. !y name is /a0una,4 the man said nervously, introducing himsel# as an a#terthought. 2.ave, huh4 Nagi murmured. Something seemed very o## to him, especially with the mans demeanor adding to the oddity o# the situation. 2I# I recall, .ave is closer to "onoha. .hy didnt you contact them #or a A6ran* prior to setting out on this7ourney o# yours)4 Normally, a mission was a mission and he wouldnt 9uestion it, and especially wouldnt want to practically give one over to "onoha ?more so since those 3ea#6nin had been eating up their missions that were supposed to go to them@. 5owever, there was too many warning bells being set o## in his head, and since he had been thin*ing o# giving this mission to $a*is team, then he was going to be certain o# all the details. 5e could see /a0una visibly swallow. 2/hat is, you see, II was going to go to "onoha originallyIn #act, I had beenId 7ust gotten sidetrac*ed.4

Nagi raised an eyebrow. 2,ll the way to here, in .ind Aountry and my village)4 /a0una winced. 2I, uh, yes. I was on my wayand there was this thingand I had gotten onto somethingthat brought me all the way to herewhere I #ound Suna)4 Nagi hid his twitch. 2I# you want to hire my nin7a, I suggest you become more #orthcoming,4 he let the slightest o# his "I out 7ust to intimidate the man, and manipulate him into tal*ing because o# the un*nown pressure. 2+r you wont be leaving this room,4 he added incentive, his ,nbu ta*ing the hint with two o# them becoming visible and appearing suddenly by the entrance and bloc*ing it. 5e could see /a0una start sweating and had gulped audibly. DI6I4 and then /a0una con#essed that he was being hunted by nin7a, and that he had been heading to "onoha until hed been waylaid by bandits who were hired by some character named :ato to *idnap him. 5e escaped #rom them, but got lost and had to as* #or a ride #rom a caravan, who ended up somewhere nowhere near .ave or "onohaor ire Aountry #or that matter. 5ed been *noc*ed out the entire ride, due to his ordeal with the *idnapping and had heard Suna was near to his location, and made his way here. Nagi thought it over ?he was rather impressed with the civilian, who was ama0ingly rather shinobi6li*e and resilient@. It would be bene#icial to Suna to accept this mission, especially since they were low on missions and they needed to accept any missions that came their way. (lus, it was a one up on "onoha, who *ept stealing missions #rom themand it would be even greater that they would be getting to do the same, speci#ically given that .ave was a neighboring country and a potential ally Suna could steal #or themselves, right #rom under "onohas nose. 2Bery well,4 Nagi nodded surely. 2Ill grant this mission. In #act, you can still pay #or it as a A6 ran*. , genin team will have to ta*e it, however, but itll be the best genin team Suna has. I assure you that they can more than ta*e on whatever comes their way. I will demand that, aside #or payment o# a A6ran*, that once your bridge is complete and is starting to bring in income, that a percentage goes to Suna, #or our help and the huge discount a##orded to you. .e will discuss the percentage later, though I assure you that at least we wont be as*ing too steep a price, given that Suna also *nows the hardship o# poverty and is still trying overcome it #rom the last shinobi war, unli*e certain other villages,4 Nagi played the sympathy and Dali*e cards, and continued to prod at "onoha with a metaphorical stic*. 5e inwardly snic*ered. /a*e that, 3ea# bastards! 2,dditionally, as I have a meeting with the 5o*age in two wee*s, I will be accompanying you. 3uc*ily #or you, you will also be having the protection o# a *age, #or at least two wee*s.4 /a0una loo*ed ecstatic at that, while Nagi patted himsel# on the bac* mentally. 5e got out o# doing his paperwor* and he got to spend time with his sons and Naruto.

2.hy dont you #ind one o# the resting rooms here to wait in, while I call your team)4 Nagi suggested. .hile /a0una did so, Nagi had one o# his ,nbu go collect the team, who came not too long a#ter. 2So, /eam D"ic*ass,4 he addressed them in amusement. 2Eeady #or another A6ran*)4 2I change my mind!4 $a*i cried out suddenly. 2.ell call ourselves /eam $,! instead!4 2&es!4 Naruto cheered, pumping a #ist into the air, while "an*uro pouted. 2,t least people wont really *now what $,! means and it doesnt sound too conspicuous li*e D/eam "ic*ass,4 $a*i muttered. Naruto patted "an*uros bac*. 2Dont worry. 3ou can still call us and introduce us as /eam "ic*ass. Itll be an alternative name.4 2/hat being said, #or the o##icial documents, must we call ourselves D/eam $a*i)4 :aara interrupted. 2.eve been discussing it, and it would be mundane #or us to go along with that. ,s non6traditional as we really are and have become, the team as a whole have decided that it would be best to go with something else.4 2Somethingelse)4 Nagi blin*ed. 2/eam +range,4 :aara concluded, seeing as Naruto was again shy and odd around his #ather and "an*uro was still pouting. 2$ecause red and yellow ma*es orange. $rown 7ust ma*es it burnt orange.4 2.hat are you tal*ing about)4 Nagi stared at his youngest. In unison, :aara, "an*uro, and Naruto pointed at their hair. 2$a*i6sensei has no hair, so his stands clear and our color stays the same,4 "an*uro cheer#ully added. $a*i developed a tic* near his eye and he began to loo* murderous. Nagi coughed, gaining their attention and than*#ully diverting a potential murder ?or several murders@. 2So that A6ran*4 Suddenly, the team loo*ed very eager and were loo*ing at him so intensely, Nagi was rather surprised he hadnt combusted already. +# course he was being sarcastic, but it was a thought to get into 2It isnt really a A6ran*,4 he started, gaining con#used loo*s instead. 2Its more o# a $6ran*, or even ,6ran*. 5owever, due to certain conditions, its being paid as a A6ran*. I will accompany you #or a #ew wee*s, as I have a meeting with the 5o*age to head to around that time. "eep in

mind, that should you succeed in completing this mission success#ully, that it could be very bene#icial to Suna.4 .hen the team only had to trade a loo* with each other, communicating silently, be#ore turning to him and agreeing 9uic*ly to ta*e on the mission, Nagi hid his proud smile and began to tell them the mission speci#ics and anything else they would need to *now. /hen he had /a0una brought in, and he never thought the shit could hit the #an so suddenly li*e this. 2/hey dont loo* li*e nin7a,4 /a0una said bluntly, staring at the genin team. 2/hat one is wearing ma*eup, that one too <7ust with eyeliner <and hes super short, and the girl is way too pretty to be a nin7a. She loo*s li*e a supermodel or something! Should she really be here)4 $e#ore Nagi could react, all three o# his #avorite genin team began lea*ing very large amounts o# "I, with their countenances dar*ening as they glared at /a0una, who started sweating bullets again. 8ust as suddenly, they stopped glaring and their #aces lightened up, and they smiled brightly at their new target. /he "I was still coating the air heavily and their smiles didnt loo* right ?especially with their eyes close@. 2Dont worry <4 "an*uro was suddenly beside /a0una, cha*ra strings immediately appearing and constricting around the man. 2/a0una6sanF .e will <4 /his time it was Naruto who appeared, behind /a0una as she draped hersel# over his shoulders, purring out the words as a hidden weapon in her mouth appeared and pointed at /a0unas 7ugular. /he bridge builder gulped, nic*ing his s*in on it. 2(rotect you,4 :aara #inished with his monotone voice, appearing by /a0unas other side and began enveloping the whole group in a sand sphere and hiding them #rom view. 2&ou are not supposed to attac* your client,4 Nagi deadpanned, wearing a bland e;pression that was hidden by the veil. /here was a pause and silence, be#ore slowly and reluctantly the sand retreated and revealed the group again. ,ll three had pulled away #rom /a0una, "an*uro pouting and Naruto loo*ing chastised, while :aara loo*ed bored ?though he too loo*ed li*e he was hiding a pout@. (oor /a0una loo*ed #aintbut he had brought it upon himsel#. 2Iconcede,4 /a0una cho*ed out. 2/heyre very nin7a6li*e. I have nothing to complain about my escorts.4 2Bery well. I# theres nothing else, /eam$,! , you may proceed to gather your things and get ready #or the mission. !eet at the gate in #i#teen minutes. /a0una6san, you will be escorted there by one o# my personal shinobi, who will also be accompanying us on this mission. (lease

return to a waiting room to wait, and hell come retrieve you soon,4 Nagi in#ormed the man, ignoring the suspicious loo*s o# his #amily and $a*i while Naruto was oblivious. .hen they all le#t, Nagi was le#t alone ?minus his ,nbu guards hiding aroundand obviously snic*ering in amusement@. 5e pinched the bridge o# his nose and sighed to himsel#. /his was 7ust going to be more trouble than it was worth ,nd why did the #eeling o# dread sei0e his gut, and something told him that he was going to have a lot o# trouble on this mission) !aybe he shouldve stayed in Suna, stuc* #ighting (aperwor*, boring meetings, and old and withered bats who li*ed to complain in his ear all the time. Omake! (The Genjutsu Tales: Part IV) 2:oddamnit! N+/ ,:,IN!4 /here was only so long that +bito could *eep watch over &agura. Sometimes, sometimes he had to leave <ta*e a #rea*in lea* or something! 5e comes bac* to see the #uc*ing tower was #looded and he would have to swim to the basement where he loc*ed up the damn !i0u*age. /he thing about gen7utsu and using them ?and in essence the Sharingan@ to control 7inchuuri*i i# you didnt have a constant and tight control o# it, the 7inchuuri*i would go out o# control and cause havoc on behal# o# the gen7utsu theyre in, along with their tailed beast. +ne more timeone more damn time, and he swore hed murder the !i0u*age and let the beast go and revive it. In his place, #loating in the middle o# the ocean o# water hed created, &agura da0edly stared out. 5e blew out his chee*s and then pushed out the air, creating an air bubble to escape #rom his mouth and into the water. 5e giggled. Omake! (Tazunas Heroic Journey aka The on!" #ou!he$ %&" an$ Horri'ic Tales o' Tazuna" the (ri$!e (uil$er) I# he was right, hed be in "onoha in maybe a #ew days 2Its the bridge builder! /ac*le him!4 5e was caught o## guard when a bunch o# disgusting men dog piled on him. .asnt that over*ill)!

$e#ore he *new it, he was tied up and being loaded onto a wagon, whereupon they started traveling. $ut he would not be put down! 5e could get out o# this. 5e then too* his sa*eC bottle #rom out o# nowhere, poured some onto the ropes biding his wrist, and then began rapidly rubbing it against something, #irst creating smo*e and then #ull6#ledged #ire. +# course, it was only a#ter the #act, that /a0una panic*ed about having his wrists practically burning. 5e yelped, hurried to get them o## and then let it drop as he 7umped out o# the wagon in relie#. 5e #orgot about the burning ropes that began to burn the wagon, and the unsuspecting bandits controlling the wagon and the ones wal*ing ahead. 5e hurried to get away, only to trip over a roc* and *noc* himsel# out. /a0una didnt reali0e hed been pic*ed up by a caravan, who were on their way to .ind Aountry. .hen he brie#ly wo*e up, he babbled something about needing to see nin7as, and then passed out again. 5e wo*e up completely in a dessert village, in which he reali0ed with dismay, was nowhere near "onoha. $ut then he was told they were near Suna. $ingo! $esides, wasnt "onoha supposed to be a bunch o# tree6huggers, or so people said)

Chapter Ten: ,a&i-ned .rid-es II

Nagi had made sure to be at the :ate #irst, creating a clone and dressing him up in his *age robes. 5e *ept his clone there, and traveled bac* to retrieve /a0una ?introducing himsel# as /enoh@. ,nd then he was bringing him over to Sunas outer walls, where his "a0e*age clone awaited with the newly christened /eam $,! . $esides Naruto, the rest o# the team watched him suspiciously. 5e inwardly sighed at their suspicious glares, but ignored it #or the time being. 5e signaled to his clone, and it too* charge and they were soon setting o## #rom the village and starting their 7ourney to .ave. 2Nami is going to be a long way, huh)4 "an*uro as*ed curiously. 2&es,4 /a0una answered him. 2,ctually, it really is much closer to "onoha. Due to circumstances, though, I #ound my way to Sunaga*ure.4 ,nd while they discussed that, Nagi caught Narutos eye and waved her over. She loo*ed at him in 9uestion, but she did change her course and made her way to him. 2.hats up, /enoh)4 2,re you hungry)4 he smiled gently at her. 2I saved your takoyaki. I didnt get a chance to eat it, or even taste it, be#ore I was called in to come on this mission with you all.4 2-n! /ry it with me too, /enoh,4 Naruto grinned at him. Nagi unsealed the bento bo; shed given to him, and they began 9uietly eating together. 2/his is really good, Naruto,4 he complimented her, not commenting and embarrassing her #urther about the red chee*s she sported. 2/han* you #or sharing with me.4 2Naruto6*un,4 his clone called out, interrupting them. $oth o# them turned to the "a0e*age clone in surprise, though Nagi #or a di##erent reason than her. 2.hy dont you come up here and travel by my side, hm)4 /a*en abac* and chee*s heating up even more, Naruto gave a small smile to Nagi be#ore she 7ogged up and settled by the "a0e*age clone. .hat in the world) Nagi was completely ba##led, though he was sure the others were as well. .ell, his team at least. /a0una wasnt aware o# the situation, so wouldnt understand In any case, he hadnt e;pected #or his clone to call out Naruto li*e that, and #or it to basically order her away #rom Nagis side. /he #act was, hed created the clone #or this mission ?7ust li*e the last mission@ in order #or him to be able to spend some time with Naruto, and his clone would

be able to do all the commanding and leading his position dictated he do. /his was a surprising development, and he didnt *now how to ta*e his clone going outside o# its 2programming.4 Still con#used, he watched as his clone led the way and had Naruto by his side. ,#ter that, they were probably at the border o# the desert when they came across something very odd. Nagi didnt *now i# they were 7ust stupid, or the heat had given them brain damage, because there must be something very wrong #or them to use a simple gen7utsu o# where they hid in a puddlein the middle o# a #uc*ing desert, with hot sand around, and the bla0ing "ami6damned sun beating down on everyone. ,nd no way in hell o# rain ever touching that area. /he Demon $rothers severely tan*ed in Nagis estimation o# them. ,lthough /a0una was oblivious, the rest wasnt and they were all staring at the stupidity in #ront o# them. Nagi #elt a headache coming on, and he was 9uite sure that the others werent sure o# how to ta*e this new obstacle in their path. /hat was nothing to when his lone stepped #orward and created a wave o# :old Dust, violently diving it into the puddle, dragging the brothers out, and whirled them around in di00ying acrobatics and in #lashy movements that showcased the usage o# his :old Dust ?with emphasis on the glinting o# the gold by certain movements@. 2.hat the hell is Dad doing)4 he heard "an*uro murmur to his youngest. 2Idont *now,4 :aara said, sounding uncharacteristically lost. 2I thin*hes showing o##)4 2 or who)! No wait, dont answer <I *now <4 No, Nagi actually would li*e that answered. $ecause he wasnt sure what was going on and why his clone was acting li*e this and who the hell was he trying to show o## to and < 2Naruto6*un, arent they such silly idiots) /o thin* they actually thought they could best the "a0e*age! 5ah!4 ,nd then Nagis mind shut down and he 7ust became even more con#used and out o# sorts, and the others werent helping any. 2.hy is everyone con#used)4 /a0una muttered, con#used why everyone else was con#used. 2Shes a pretty girl. .hy wouldnt a virile man li*e him not want to show o##)4 Nagi cho*ed on his breath and twitched violently. 2Its not li*e that,4 he cho*ed out, though he #elt very #aint and wasnt sure i# hed be able to stay conscious.

2Sure, whatever,4 /a0una rolled his eyes. 2.ewe need to *eep going, "a0e*age6sama,4 Nagi #orced out, #orcing himsel# not to twitch or clutch at his head. 2+# course, /enoh6san. .e should hurry on.4 .hy was it Nagi heard a big, #at smir* in his clones voice) 2Naruto6*un, *eep by my side, hai)4 2-n! +# course, "a0e*age6sama!4 /ruly, Nagi was at a loss. ,#ter the "a0e*age clone had *noc*ed out the brothers and two o# the hidden ,nbu came to ta*e them and head bac* to Suna with their new baggage, they too* a 9uic* brea* and then headed bac* out again. /hey were heading closer and closer to .ave, but their travel was still a long 7ourney. Several times theyd had to camp out, and there were many brea*s they had to ta*e. 3i*e right now, though they were getting close to .ave, they decided to ta*e one #inal brea* in a neighboring village 7ust out6s*irting the country o# .ave. Naruto had #ound a ramen stand and had glee#ully bought three huge bowls to go, and had been wandering around #or a space to eat her ramen peace#ully, when shed been caught o## guard by the approach o# the "a0e*age. 2Naruto6*un, I see youve #ound a place to #eed your ramen addiction,4 he teased, causing her to turn red. Shoot, she hadnt even *nown he *new about her love #or ramen. ,nd thats nothing to say about how hed actually teased her 2Do you mind i# I wal* with you)4 he as*ed, and she embarrassingly stuttered out her agreement. /hey started wal*ing, and though she was rather tense about wal*ing with the Ka2ekage, she strangely #elt com#ortable and at ease. 2I was 7ust going to #ind a place where I could sit and eat my ramen,4 she told him suddenly, bringing up her original plans. 2/heres this lovely garden I passed by earlier. .ould it su##ice)4 5er #ace seemed to be permanently on high heat. 2&6yes. It sounds li*e a great place.4 5e led the way and she #ollowed at a sedate place, still #eeling li*e this whole thing was rather surreal. +nce at the garden, she 0eroed in at a per#ect spot, where she sat down and went straight

to digging into her #ood. /he "a0e*age sat down ne;t to her, a little more calmer and much more digni#ied, but she couldnt help notice how close he was to her. She couldnt believe how #lustered she was getting, over such a simple thing. 2So Naruto6*un, Ive heard such great things about you,4 the "a0e*age was suddenly spea*ing. She shyly smiled at him. 2I6its all nothing really.4 2So modest! $ut I believe that theyre right. &oure really special, arent you, Naruto6*un)4 Naruto was sure her #ace was going to stay red #orever at this point. /he "a0e*age leaned closer to her, so close that Naruto could see his dar* brown eyes #rom underneath his *age hat and the only thing that wasnt concealed by his veil. She *new she was blushing horribly, more so when he tuc* a stray strand o# her hair behind her ear. 2$ut you are special. &ou are very special, Naruto6*un. In #act, you are so very special to me.4 Naruto sei0ed up and stared at him with wide eyes. 5e gently tapped her nose, be#ore running his hand through her short hair a##ectionately. 2>n7oy your #ood, Naruto6*un. I will see you later,4 he said be#ore leaving her behind. /he others couldnt understand why she seemed so da0ed and out o# it later, when she came bac* and was in their presence again. ,lthough, when she glanced at the "a0e*age, she turned a bright red that ba##led everyone. Nagi #rowned and glanced suspiciously between his clone and Naruto. /hey made great time and was in .ave, and /a0una had no problems leading them to his house 9uic*ly. /here, they got started on planning. 2.e should scout and evaluate the area, see what the situation is,4 Nagi suggested. 5e glanced at his clone with a #rown. 2I believe Naruto6*un is brilliant with her clones) (erhaps she should ma*e an army o# them, and have them henged as villagers. /hat way, we can have a better understanding through undercover and stealth. :aara can scout #rom the s*y, using his sand,4 his clone added smoothly. 2"an*uro6*un,4 Nagi added the odd attachment to his sons name, 2and $a*i6sensei should stay here and set up traps, protect /a0una and his #amily, while the rest o# us are gone. It wouldnt do #or us to all be gone, and leave them unprotected.4 2+*ay, but no e;plosive traps)4 "an*uro made sure. 2No e;plosions,4 Nagi gave him a stern loo*.

/he group as a whole, even $a*i, loo*ed disappointed. 5e raised an eyebrow at $a*i, who pointedly loo*ed away. /he team was rubbing o## on the man 2Naruto and I should go see i# we can #ind :atos main holdout,4 Nagi suggested ne;t. /he "a0e*age clone didnt answer, and he loo*ed in surprise at it. 2&es/hat isa sound idea,4 it #inally said reluctantly. No one else seemed to notice, but it was still odd to Nagi. .ith one last glance at his clone, he herded Naruto out and missed the dar*ening eyes o# his clone watching them leave closely. It actually didnt ta*e too long to #ind :atos main place o# residence, i# simply because the man was ostentatious and his place showed it as well. >ven in the middle o# a #orest, the man had no sense o# decorum or secrecy. Nagi sco##ed. 2/he man obviously has an in#lated sense o# ego.4 2Aan I ma*e it go boom, /enoh)4 Naruto as*ed cheer#ully. Nagi sighed and #lic*ed her #orehead. 2No. No boom. ,t least not yet,4 he added reluctantly. She beamed at him. .hen they #inally got bac*, the whole group began to ma*e their plan o# attac*. /hey decided on continuing to plan on a decisive move at the end, at the same time as they began to weasel out the more minor bases and ma*e it loo* at #irst li*e accidents that demolished their buildings. It was to their amusement and good luc*, that the demolition was being blamed on one o# :atos minions who seemed to have become too coincidental in surviving each attac* and being near when the e;plosions were supposed to occur. 3i*ewise, there were a #ew more wea*6minded o# the thugs serving :ato, whom they intimidated into silence, helping them, and giving them in#ormation. It was the main base that was loo*ing li*e it would be much harder to in#iltrate, due to the presence o# missing6nin and since :ato was actually there, ma*ing the security even tighter. It was one o# their intimidated enemies who had given the suggestion o# an undercover in#iltration. 2I can do it,4 Naruto volunteered. 8ust as Nagi got ready to re#ute, his clone beat him to it. 2,bsolutely not,4 it said #irmly. /hough she hesitated in the #ace o# who she thought was her "a0e*age, she put on a determined #ace and went #orward.

2Im the better actor among the group. &ou cant go, especially since youll be leaving soon #or your meeting with the 5o*age. /enohs gotta ma*e sure we all #ollow the plan and *eep us all in line and ready. $a*i6senseis gotta ma*e sure to provide the right support #or everyone, and cant go in to #ocus singularly on a 7ob li*e this. ,ll o# you have distinctive #eatures that will ma*e you stand out, while I loo* ordinary enough and can e;plain away my whis*er mar*s as scars or something. None o# you can use henge because there will be actually nin7a there this time, and i# it was an option, I would still be better because my henges are solid and li#eli*e, and couldnt be easily detected or dispelled. 2(lus, Im a girl,4 she said #ran*ly. 2, poor, helpless beggar girl <4 and Dpretty everyone else added in their heads, 2will be more li*ely to get accepted in, with no 9uestions.4 2I dont li*e it,4 Nagis clone stubbornly said, but Naruto didnt bac* down. 2I an do it,4 she pushed #or it. .ell, at least Nagi *new that despite her strong devotion and loyalty towards him, she wasnt going to be a#raid to bac* down #or something she was willing to #ight #or. .hich made him worry about #uture situations in which he wasnt going to be willing to put her in, or send her out to do or deal with <and yet *now she was going to stubbornly argue that she was capable o# it. 2,lright. $ut you must be e;tremely care#ul, and not put any ris* to yoursel#. ,bort when it becomes too ris*y,4 the "a0e*age clone reluctantly agreed, and Nagi whipped his head to loo* at it, glaring #ull #orce. /hough it was barely agreed upon and not a true consensus, that was the plan #or the moment and everyone had to agree with it. ,t least Naruto decided to ta*e a #ull day to concoct and per#ect the persona she was going to act on once shed in#iltrated :atos main base. /hat plus she wanted to see the "a0e*age o##, since he was #inally leaving them. Nearing the time #or his departure, with his ,nbu patiently waiting outside, Nagi and the clone were in the midst o# swapping clothes when /a0una ?o# all people@ barged in. /he old man blin*ed and had to rub his eyes #uriously, be#ore reali0ing that there was indeed two o# Nagi. /hat in #act, Nagi and the "a0e*age loo*ed e:tremely ali*e. 2.hat the <4 Nagi rushed #orward and grabbed /a0una, pulling him roughly into the room, be#ore doing a 9uic* chec* outside #or any other interlopers. 5e shut the fusuma rather roughly, but luc*ily didnt damage the paper door. 2/herestwo o# you,4 /a0una noted, rather #aintly. Nagi glared. 2&es, hes my clone.4

2$utwhy are you posing as two di##erent people)4 2.ell, um,4 Nagi turned aw*ward, but #orced out a brie# ?albeit uncom#ortable@ e;planation. "ami, why was he even bothering to e;plain himsel#)! It was this stupid situation, he 7ust *new it. 2So Naruto6chan doesnt *now, and you dont want her to *now) $ut why) I dont understand why youre pretending to be this /enoh to her, or why youre *eeping the truth #rom her,4 /a0una blin*ed in con#usion. 2Its complicated!4 Nagi re#rained #rom throwing his hands in the air. 5e snatched his *age robes #rom his clone, and irritably shoved them on. 2&ou,4 he directed towards his clone. 2Eemember youre /enoh now. Dont let her *now were the "a0e*age.4 ,nd then he turned to /a0una with a glare. 2,nd you dont let her *now either!4 5e led the way out, his clone nonchalantly #ollowing and /a0una trudging behind and still #eeling con#used. +utside, he was greeted by the others. 5e e;changed 9uiet goodbyes, ta*ing one last loo* over the group ?lingering a little on Naruto@, be#ore he led the departure, his ,nbu loyally #ollowing a#ter him. 5e le#t behind an odd group, who made it through the day on a rather stilted atmosphere. It was li*e that, even during the evening. Naruto was 9uietly eating her dinner, still pondering about the strange e;change shed had with the "a0e*age. ,ll around, the dinner was sober and no one was tal*ative, although /enoh had been acting rather odd and *ept glancing at her with unreadable loo*s. She didnt *now what his problem was. She mentally shrugged. .hatever. Shed 7ust have to tease him about his behavior a#ter the mission, or when she saw a good opportunity to snea* it in. +ther than that, Naruto really hadnt e;pected #or anything to happen, until the little one at the table burst out angrily. 2.hy are you all even trying) Its obvious :atos going to win and you are all going to die!4 the *id, Inari i# she remembered correctly, screamed at them. :aara merely glanced at him, be#ore ignoring him and #ocusing on eating. "an*uro bristled, but be#ore he had a chance to blow up, Naruto was already moving. No one had seen her move clearly, but she was at her seat and then suddenly she was in #ront o# Inari, who had braced #or a hit and yet only to #ind he was being embraced warmly by Naruto, who had *neeled down and com#ortingly rubbed her #ace against his.

2Inari6*un4 she murmured, eyes closed. 2I# we only lie down in de#eat, then what is li#e worth) 5ave the sacri#ices made become in vain) Do we not honor those sacri#ices then) ighting comes with a price, but so does dishonoring the dead. .e must not linger and #eel despair #orever, #or we will 7ust be as dead as those who have died. 2Inari, live so the dead can be proud. So your #ather would not have died #or nothing, #or you had been everything to him.4 She moved bac* and smiled so#tly at him, ta*ing his head into his hands and tilting it bac*. She brushed bac* his bangs, and gently *issed his #orehead. .ithout another word, she grace#ully stood and gave him one last tender smile, be#ore leaving him. Inari stayed #ro0en, unheeding to :aara loo*ing at him and then watching the e;it that Naruto had le#t through, while "an*uro gaped in awe and wonder at where his teammate had le#t. $a*i merely shoo* his head, idly thin*ing that this wasnt actually a real 2princely4 moment #rom their resident 2Desert (rince,4 but something rather genuine #rom the actual article. Nagis clone had watched closely the entire time and when shed le#t, it had stared at the e;it intensely be#ore it decidedly stood up and then #ollowed a#ter. Naruto hadnt thought anyone would #ollow her, but she was ta*en abac* ?only oddly that it was 7ust slightly@ to see that /enoh had #ollowed her out. 5e was solemnly watching the s*y as he stopped ne;t to her, and she tilted her head as she shi#ted a little on the doc* shed ta*en to sitting on. 2&oure a strange little thing, arent you)4 he surprisingly came out with. Naruto raised her eyebrows and smir*ed a bit. 2I guess I am.4 5is lips twitched up. She was about to say something else, when he duc*ed down, his hand gently ta*ing hold o# the side o# her #ace, and the ne;t thing she *new he was kissing her. 5is lips lingered on hers #or a moment, be#ore he pulled away and his dar* brown eyes loo*ed mischievously at her, while a smile played on his lips. 2&ou fas inate me,4 he con#essed, loo*ing and acting much more seriously. 5is hand #ell away #rom her #ace and then he was wal*ing away and bac* towards /a0unas home. Naruto stared a#ter him, #eeling utterly lost. It was time #or Naruto to leave and try to in#iltrate :atos main base, hope#ully 2enlisting4 with no trouble. She ate brea*#ast with everyone else, cheer#ully helped /sunami out, and then she was saying 9uic* goodbyes and e;changing good luc*s with everyone be#ore she was leaving.

Shed made it at least a mile away be#ore /enoh caught up with her. She stumbled on a 7ump, be#ore balancing hersel# and then leaping to the group and aw*wardly loo*ing at him. 2&ou didnt say bye to me,4 one side o# his mouth li#ted slightly. She gave an embarrassed laugh. 2I, uh, was in a hurry and couldnt #ind you.4 2I was within your range the entire time,4 he said wryly. 2>r, I didnt notice you)4 5e tre**ed a bit closer, stopping right 7ust in #ront o# her. 5e leaned #orward and draped himsel# loosely over one o# her shoulders, and she #ro0e up. 2/he sun goes up and the sun goes down, I drag mysel# into the town. ,ll I do I wanna do with youF4 he breathed into her ear the odd tune, unhurriedly nu00ling her nec*. 5e languidly leaned bac*, #ace still close to hers as he grinned la0ily at her. 2!i*an6hime, come bac* sa#ely, ha) Ill be waiting for you.4 5e #inally moved away #rom her and too* a step bac*. She watched him rather da0edly, be#ore she numbly began her 7ourney to :atos base once more. Naruto stopped 7ust be#ore :atos base, ma*ing sure her cha*ra was still suppressed. ,nd then she changed into ratty clothing, dirtied her #ace, and stumbled into the clearing around the base, loo*ing con#used and out o# it. 25ey, little girl. .hat the hell are you doing here)4 She turned and saw a couple thugs guarding the entrance and loo*ing at her warily. Naruto gave a beati#ic smile at them, #eigning shyness and happiness. /hey immediately loo*ed da0ed. 2+h! Ive #inally #ound this place. (lease! 3et me wor* here! Ill do anything!4 she watered her eyes #or good e##ect, and pouted her lips a bit. She even subtly shi#ted her shoulders a bit, letting her shirt #all and e;pose a shoulder. /hey straightened up and grinned widely, though they leered a bit at her. 2Dont worry, pretty little girl. .e can get you a 7ob easily,4 one o# them bragged. In no time at all, she was brought be#ore :ato. "eeping composure, she *ept smiling ignorantly, ignoring the leers and stares #rom many o# the others theyd passed and currently was surrounded with. >ven :ato had a greasy smile as he loo*ed her up and down.

2&ou want to wor* here, you say) 5owd you even #ind this place)4 :ato was still a bit leery. No matter. Naruto upped her bright smile, playing up the naivety and sweetness. 2!y #amily is really in trouble. .e need money and wor* is really hard on us. I heard you were hiring and I tried really, really hard to #ind you! I searched the town, but I didnt get nothin. ,nd then someone said you lived in the #orest, so I spent days and days loo*ing #or you! I was really luc*y! I promise Ill wor* hard, :ato6sama!4 :ato grinned rather lasciviously. 2:ato6sama, eh) &es, o# course theres wor* #or you here!4 2Eeally) &atta! I can do anything! I can even be a bodyguard. Ill protect you with my li#e, :ato6 sama!4 Naruto pumped a #ist into the air. :ato laughed raucously, and smiled patroni0ingly at her. 2$odyguard, eh) +# course, o# course. Nabu0a! .hy dont you show her to the *itchens) She can start there #or now. ,#ter all, theres plenty o# things she can do #or us.4 Naruto *ept smiling, giggling a little too. Eeally, it was all too easy. , tall man with bandages around his mouth came #orward, glaring at :ato be#ore turning towards her with a smir* barely visible under those wraps. 2Aome on then, girl. ollow me,4 he said gru##ly. She happily s*ipped a#ter him. ,t the *itchens, they were 7oined by a rather pretty boy, who was dressed in traditional clothing. 25a*u! /his isuh, who the hell are you, *id)4 2NaruF4 Naruto sing6songed, grinning widely. 5a*u gave her a small wave, to which she beamed happily at him. 2So, Naru, whats #or dinner) Im hungry!4 Nabu0a whined. Naruto sweatdropped. or a missing6nin, he was *inda whiny 2Nabu0a6sama4 5a*u sighed. .ell, at least she was part o# the group now. 25o! /hats an awesome sword!4 Naruto e;claimed, #inally noticing the big ass banryuu on Nabu0as bac* ?now that she wasnt busy #ocusing on getting into that place@.

Nabu0a preened. 2/his) +# course it is!4 he whipped out his banryuu and postured with it. 2!y dear, this "ubi*iribouchou. Isnt she a beauty) I named her 5ana6chan! DAause shes as pretty as a #lower. ,rent you, my pretty)4 he cooed at his sword. 5a*u sighed again, though he watched his master #ondly. Naruto was actually agreeing enthusiastically. 25ana6chanF &ou are a very pretty swordF4 ,nd so Naruto and Nabu0a #ormed a bond over his sword. 2No, no! /he *idney is much more pain#ul.4 2So) /he heart is always the best! Its always gory, and gives the best e;plosive presentation. Its a classic! , #an #ave!4 2$a*a! Dont cater to #ans! &ou must ma*e the most o# your *ill or incision!4 5a*u shoo* his head at the conversation he was being sub7ect to. 5owever 2I would say aiming at the aorta, pre#erably at the nec*, is much more bloody and 7ust as pain#ul,4 5a*u said dryly. Nabu0a snorted. 2Its not an organ, 5a*u. Dont be silly.4 5a*u rolled his eyes. Naruto 7ust hummed cheer#ully, patting the pillow she was sitting on and o# which very use#ul documents were under and where shed hidden them a#ter Nabu0a and 5a*u had sought her out. She had an o##icial layout o# the other bases that they still hadnt #inished o##, how many people were employed where, what :ato was planning and had in the wor*s, and a layout shed made o# that base. ,nd o# how shed obtained that) ,pparently no one was going to 9uestion the silly girl, dancing and singing around the corridors, even i# it was at odd hours at night, and even i# she was most probably memori0ing and noting everything. .hen Nabu0a and 5a*u #inally le#t her ?which was a#ter hed needled her into ma*ing him miso soup o# which he was strangely craving #or@, Naruto created a clone, henged it into a dog, and grabbed the documents, henged those into a bloody and 7uicy stea*, and tossed it towards her dog clone. 2/o the others, my Dog o# .ar!4 she 9uietly cac*led, although she was pouting inwardly at her inability to madly cac*le aloud and o# the #act, technically it was 2Dogs o# .ar.4 5owever, it would be most suspicious to have multiple rabid dogs rushing about.

5er henged dog clone viciously growled with the bloody document stea* in its mouth, be#ore it set o## violently running. 2.hat the #uc*)! .ho let the dog in)!4 she heard. She giggled to hersel#. Ne;t, she was bac* to ri#ling and pil#ering through her usual places, when her eyes lit up upon #inding some very e;citing things she was eager to ransac*. ,ll the rummaging she did come to #ruition! 2Interesting,4 she purred. .ho wouldnt want to obtain all o# :atos assets) .ithin KO hours, Naruto received word and she nodded to hersel#, grinning manically at the game plan. She was currently wor*ing on a chocolate ca*e, in memento o# :ato, when Nabu0a and 5a*u came in and spotted her. 2,re you guys stal*ing me)4 Naruto teased. 2.e stal* the *itchen, o# which you run,4 Nabu0a declared. 5a*u clapped his hands. 2+h! Ahocolate ca*e. I love it!4 /he e##eminate boy rushed over, inhaling bliss#ully. 2 irst cut is mine,4 5a*u actually demanded. 2Sure, sure,4 Naruto grinned. 2I have one thing I need to say though.4 Nabu0a, who was sni##ing around the ca*e but being glared away by 5a*u, loo*ed up and away #rom the ca*e reluctantly. 2.hat, ga*i)4 25ere,4 and Naruto tossed them a scroll, o# which Nabu0a unsealed and both he and 5a*us eyes widened at the amount o# cash delivered to them. 2Its :atos, but he wont need it anymore.4 2.ha <4 2.ere going to *ill him,4 Naruto said matter o# #act. 2&ou needed this 7ob #or the money, right) /here. 5e wasnt going to pay you anyway, so I made sure to get your share and double it #or the double cross.4 2&ou4 5a*u started disbelievingly.

Naruto dramatically whipped out her Suna hitai6ate #rom out o# nowhere, and tied it around her nec*. 2.hy are you telling us) &ou could have *illed us and gotten our bounties, or ta*en us out #or whatever reason,4 Nabu0a demanded, narrowing his eyes at her. Naruto blin*ed. 2.hy ever would I do that) I like you two.4 lustered, Nabu0a li#ted his chin and aw*wardly tried to shi#t his body threateningly. 2&eah, wellwere not leaving without eating this ca*e then!4 Naruto raised an eyebrow. 2+*ay. ine. Its in honor o# "ato, so en7oy.4 Nabu0a grinned viciously, while 5a*u loo*ed smug. 2In that case, itll be my pleasure.4 5e grabbed a *ni#e and began to happily cut up the chocolate ca*e earnestly. .hen they were long gone, Naruto was happily still in the *itchen and #inishing up the Satsuma orange ca*e she was ba*ing, while ignoring the sounds o# mayhem going on around her #rom outside her little sanctuary. .hen it was all over, the door to the *itchen opened and /enoh wal*ed in, whistling. 2&oure 7ust in time,4 Naruto hummed cheer#ully. 2I 7ust #inished! I made you a Satsuma orange ca*e.4 5is lips slowly dragged into a hal#6grin. 2>h, my mi*an6hime made me a mi*an orange dessertF4 She pouted at him and held away the dessert, to which he stole #rom her easily while gently tapping her nose with his other hand ?it was *inda dP7Q vu@. 2Aome on, Naruto. Ive come to bring my mi*an6hime home.4 Omake! (The Genjutsu Tales: Part V) "iller $ee stared in horror at the man. No music at all) Not even his precious rap. /heres something wrong with him. /here has to be. 2&o! 5ow can you hate my rap, you piece o# crap) Imma battle you out, and lay the smac*down on your snout!4 +# course, 7ust as he was about to start rapping about the cruel, disgusting people in the world, the ta*iyo*i crime lord sneered and gestured to his hired 7ounin mercenary. $ut he *new about "iller $ee, 7inchuuri*i to the >ight6tails. 5e had no chance. Ruivering on the spot, he cast a genutsu, the only thing he was really good at, and hoped it was enough #or him to get a head start at running away.

Seconds later, "iller $ee was #rothing at the mouth and whipping about. 2!-SIA! !----SIIIA!4 Ne;t thing they *new, a several stories high and wide octopus was wildly thrashing about and roaring cra0ily on the crime lords #ront yard. /hey both gaped. 2Ill ta*e the rapping! Ill ta*e the rapping instead!4 the crime lord screamed. Omake! ()aruto the (an$it) 2+hoho! +ne more round!4 Naru*o sung raucously. 2,nd whosa meerily singing! ,nd who ah dun <4 the drun*ards started #rom the start. 5a*u shoo* his head. 5e hadnt actually thought she would #it in so well with this bunch, and yet somehow shed managed to weasel her way in and become popular with everyone on base. 2,gain! ,gain!4 2,nd whosa meeeeerrrilly siiiiiinging!4 5a*u cringed.

Chapter /&even: C&ones and ,as"s

Nagi was roo#6hopping towards the 5o*age /ower, pondering the clone hed le#t behind. 5e was still rather con#used and o##6balanced by the oddness o# its actions and behavior,nd had it really been ompeting with him) 5e hadnt reali0ed it at that time, but that was what it loo*ed li*e, when he loo*ed bac* at its actions. .hen his clone une;pectedly dispersed in .ave, Nagi should have been concerned with the how and why. Instead, he was assaulted and horri#ied by the memories o# the clone, as he received them. 4e <It& <had *issed Naruto. Kissed! /he un#ortunate stumble as he *ept processing that #act only served #or him to trip and slam head #irst into a wooden pole. 5e heard various e;clamations o# 2"a0e*age6sama!4 and 2"a0e*age6sama)!4 around him #rom his ,nbu, but he was still stuc* on what hed learned. +# course, now he *new why Naruto had been so #lustered at that village theyd stopped at be#ore heading to .ave. ,nd when hes gone and out o# the way, that blasted, rebellious and insubordinate clone o# his goes and *isses Naruto out o# nowhere! 5ow the hell was he going to e;plain that one to her)! >specially since it was as Tenoh, her #riend ?her best #riend i# he may be so bold as to say@, who she hung out with, tal*ed with regularly, and spent her time with aside #rom her team. ,s the "a0e*age, that odd encounter could have gone on without #urther notice, but she knew /enoh. !ost o# their time togethermost o# his time was spent as /enoh and with her. /hin*ing uneasily, most o# his days had been spent being /enoh and being around her Eegardless, most o# their time spent with each other she *new him as /enoh, and that mutinous clone 7ust messed up everything. 2Im alright,4 he said gru##ly, getting up slowly and sha*ing o## his guard. 5e wouldnt admit he was still a bit da0ed, but more #rom the memories ?more so on what they entailed@ rather than the collision. 5e continued on his way to the 5o*age, which would be his #inal meeting with the old man. 5owever, he was still dwelling over themischie# ?that was putting it lightly@ his stupid clone had gotten up to, in his absence. .hen Naruto went to in#iltrate :atos base, that his clone had #ollowed andwent all weird on her was another slight against him. Nu00ling her nec*saying all those things,nd then a#ter the mission

,7ome on, Naruto$ I(e ome to bring my mikan.hime home$/ ,nd then that morning, sleeping ne;t to her Nagi didnt even want to linger on how his idiot clone had gotten dispersed in the #irst place. 5e put more speed into his travel, cutting time away #rom his 7ourney and most importantly his thoughts. 5e was hurriedly let into the 5o*ages o##ice, and was once again #ace to #ace with Sarutobi 5iru0en. 2,h, Nagi! Sad that its our last day together, eh)4 5iru0en greeted him cheer#ully. 5e plastered a polite smile on his smile. 2&es, o# course.4 Eesolving to put his errant clone in the bac* o# his mind #or now, he spo*e about their current matter at hand. /hey traded tal* about the political negotiations theyd been going over #or the past #ew days, settling the #inal agreements. Nagi thought that would be that, until 5iru0en hesitantly brought up something he hadnt e;pected, but should have. 2II would li*e to re9uest that "ushinas body be brought over to "onoha,4 the 5o*age loo*ed solemn. Nagi sti##ened up and even #rowned, but didnt let any o# his thoughts cloud his #ace. 2I apologi0e, 5iru0en,4 though he didnt really sound too sorry. 2I cannot do that.4 5iru0en loo*ed surprised. 2I dont understand. .hy not) She should be buried with !inato and here, in her home.4 Nagis #rown deepened. 2She ran #rom "onoha, and came to me. She sought sanctuary #rom me and my village. >ven in death, I would honor that sanctuary.4 5iru0en opened his mouth to try and persuade him #urther, but Nagi shoo* his head #irmly. 2,nd again, she ran #rom "onoha. .hatever her reason, it must have been important and it had been her choice. ,s she ran #rom you, even in death, "ushina is no longer your concern.4 ,nd that was the #act <"ushina had run #rom "onoha, and i# he hadnt *nown why, he still wouldnt return her body because there had to have been some reason #or her to do so, and he would never let them have her bac* since she had cut all ties with them in that way. ,s it was, he did *now the reason and was very attached to that reason. 5e would never involve Naruto in this, and he would de#initely not put her in such a situation and where she could get hurt. 5e wasnt surprised that 5iru0en didnt elaborate on "ushinas reason #or leaving "onoha, despite that Nagi already *new ?not that 5iru0en *new that he *new@.

2I understand,4 though 5iru0en didnt loo* too happy about it. 2"ushinashe had a baby with her. Did youdid you see him)4 Nagi *ept any telling hint o## his #ace. I# there was one thing he prided himsel# on, one thing that most o# the other *age he could proudly say he beat them at, it was his po*er #ace ?that and his observation s*ills@. 2She did arrive with Naruto, as she told me. 5owever, she le#t him by the walls, and died be#ore being able to retrieve him or lead us to him,4 he stuc* to the #iction o# Naruto being male. ,nd given that 5iru0en probably *new about his searching, he continued. 2I have been continuing to search #or him, however I #ear either someone may have grabbed him or that he might have died in the time it too* trying to loo* #or him.4 5e ignored the #linch 5iru0en gave at the mention that Naruto might have died. $esides, it wasnt true, than* "ami. 2I see. /han* you #or the in#ormation, Nagi. It would greatly relieve me i# you could *eep me apprise o# that situation,4 5iru0en *ept a straight #ace and tone, but Nagi *new that he really meant that. 2I will,4 Nagi lied. 5e couldnt. 5e hadnt so #ar. $esides, Naruto was his *unoichi. 5is citi0en. 5is#riend. Nagi cleared his throat aw*wardly and as*ed the only person who could probably enlighten him about the sub7ect. 2(rior to his death, !inato had taught me a 7utsu that was very appreciative and use#ul. 3ately its beengiving me an attitude.4 5iru0en blin*ed. 2, 7utsugiving you an attitude)4 Nagi twitched. 25e taught me the "age $unshin no 8utsu. II, er, have been using it e;tensively. /he #irst time I did it was on a mission, and I had it as a double o# me. It went #ine, nothing happened. /his last time was 7ust the second time. Its beendoing and actingbeyond its scope, basically.4 5iru0en #urrowed his eyebrows. 2I5uh. I# I recall, i# a "age $unshin e;ists #or longer use without a #irm speci#ication <a bit o# idleness, you can say <they tend to act out. /he longer it e;ists li*e this, the more culpable it is to gaining a sort o# #a*e personality. It is still #a*e and a copy, but it still #orms itsel#.4 Nagi shi#ted. 23onger e;istence, as indays)4

/he 5o*age stared at him. 2Days)4 Nagi cleared his throat again. 5iru0en loo*ed unsure. 2&es, most de#initely then. ,nd anyway, the "age $unshin generally ta*es on characteristics o# its user in the #irst place, but the e;tensive use would ma*e it start going beyond that and manage to ma*e it seem li*e a person itsel#. +r even that longer use o# it, would bring the clone to ta*e a speci#ic characteristic o# the creator it too* on, and #orm a personality around it or generally ma*e that aspect o# the creator they are based on become ampli#ied.4 Nagi reali0ed one thing about that irritating clone. 2.hat i# it started out that way #rom when it was #ormed) I created a clone and it was already li*e that.4 5iru0en loo*ed thought#ul. 2.ell, in that case, supposedly i# that happens, then its a clone ta*ing on the repressed desires o# the creator. /he longer it e;ists, the worse it becomes and the repressed desires are the speci#ic characteristics o# the creator they ta*e on and #orm a personality around. ,nd more time ma*es it worse and ampli#ied, as I said.4 Nagi loo*ed and #elt dumb#ounded. 2Eepresseddesires)4 2&es, that was what I said <4 2No! No, no, no,4 Nagi shoo* his head vehemently. 2,bsolutely not! &oure wrong.4 Aon#used and worried, 5iru0en eyed his #ellow *age in bemusement. 2Im 7ust telling you <4 2No! &ou dont get it, 5iru0en! /hat blasted clones been ompeting with me! .ith me! /he original! Its a copy o# me!4 Nagi was standing up now, and waving his arms about in a panic with his words. 2,nd saying and acting all weird around a girl whos supposed to be my #riend! It cant do that! Its not supposed to do that! Shes not going to get it!4 /here was snic*ering in the shadows and Nagi twitched. ,nd he *new it was his ,nbu too. 5iru0ens was 7ust #ro0en and in shoc*. 2Idiot ,nbu!4 he yelled. 2+ut! !y ,nbu, get the hell out! 5iru0ens will do #ine!4 .hen he #elt them gone, still snic*ering, he slumped bac* into his seat and had a sour loo* on his #ace. 2Nagi)4 Nagi loo*ed up at 5iru0en with a glower. 2.hat)4 he as*ed rudely.

5iru0en raised an eyebrow. 2I believe you should reevaluate your #riend then.4 /he red head scowled terribly at the other. 2No, because theres nothing to evaluate <4 and he shut himsel# up and re#used to go any #urther on that train. 25iru0en, Im going to 7ust go bac* to my room, crawl under my covers, and hide there,4 Nagi deadpanned. 2$etter yet, smother mysel# with my pillow.4 5iru0en stared. 2,nd i# I live, then Im going to #inally 7ust go home. /han* you #or the enlightening conversation, and glad to have made peace#ul negotiations with you. Im going to leave now, and hope#ully not pull out all o# my hair. :oodbye, 5iru0en.4 2:oodbye, Nagi.4 5e stal*ed away and headed straight to his room in the hotel he was staying at, be#ore proceeding to actually try to smother himsel# with his pillow, stopped by his ?once again@ unhelp#ul ,nbu, *ic*ed them out be#ore crawling under his covers and hiding under them completely, and then curling into a ball and clutching pain#ully at his hair. /he ne;t day, 5iru0en brie#ly visited him in the morning ?he was very aware he loo*ed horrible and irritable with red eyes, hair that stuc* up everywhere <a rare occasion where his hair misbehaved <and rumpled, slept6in clothing@. 5is answering the door mustve been terri#ying. urther in#ormation about the Shadow Alone 7utsu was imparted on, o# that it was a $6ran* 7utsu, while its more e;pansive related 7utsu, the !ultiple Shadow Alone 7utsu was an ,6ran* kin)utsu. .ell, at least he *new the e;act di##erence now. 5iru0en told him, having incorrectly guessed that !inato might have taught him it ?o*ay, so Nagi might have untruth#ully implied that when 5iru0en had po*ed around #or in#ormation in the beginning o# his visit, but since Naruto used it on a daily basis on an unhealthy level, he had to #ind out something@, that it was very dangerous to use and the reason it was a *in7utsu was that not many would be able to use it, as it re9uired the user to create an unbelievable amount o# clones with an e9ual splitting o# the users cha*ra reserves, which could be very deadly and costly to the user. , *age, li*e the two o# them, could probably create at least twenty to thirty ?maybe even #orty, at their best@ clones using this 7utsu, but it was a 7utsu that could create, and was supposed to, up to hundreds o# clones, which was deadly #or most o# everyone. +nly a very #ew could probably success#ully utili0e the 7utsu to its ma;imum potential, li*e 7inchuuri*i, -0uma*i members, and people with monstrous cha*ra reserves. .hich, according to 5iru0en, didnt apply to anyone, as there were no -0uma*i members le#t, and no 7inchuuri*i and people otherwise *new the 7utsu ?or even its sa#er $6ran* version@.

$ut he didnt *now what he was tal*ing about, as Nagi *new a person who #ul#illed all o# those re9uirements. 5e reluctantly gave his silent blessings #or Naruto to use that 7utsu. ,#terward, Nagi was #inally on the tre* home. /here was a detour he had to ta*e #irst, though. 5aving obtained a map o# the 3and o# ire, he traced the outs*irts o# "onoha on it, and had his ,nbu report to him about the -0uma*i shrine he had them scout out, while he was meeting with the 5o*age and *ept a #ew on the loo*out. 5e remembered "ushina tal*ing about it a long time ago, and had hoped to stop by and be able to pic* a little something up to give to Naruto as a *eepsa*e, especially since it was #rom her mothers #amily. (lus, maybe itll help him when the time came to tell her the truth about things ?Not that he hadnt thought o# the shrine and *eepsa*e as something he had 7ust wanted to do #or Narutobut thin*ing about wanting a little bac*up and help when it was time had been an inevitable thought. 5e was 7ust saying.@. , little bribery and #lattery never hurt, right) unny enough, they managed to #ind the shrine pretty 9uic*ly. /here was 7ustoddly a ton o# creepy mas*s. 2-m"a0e*age6sama) .hy are there a lot o# mas*s)4 one o# his ,nbu as*ed. 2I dont *now4 Nagi inwardly shrugged. .ell, lac* o# choice and all, he guessed that a mas* was indeed what he was going to bring home to Naruto. 5e loo*ed around, trying to #ind a good mas*, when his eyes spotted a speci#ic one. 5e cringed. 5e remembered the days when -0uma*i "ushina carried that mas* around, and tended to scare the hell out o# everyone she could with it ?$a*i was a #re9uent and e;acerbated e;ample@. Nagi had also been one o# her more #avorite victims. 5e stared at the mas*, and though it would be #itting to hand it over to Naruto ?as her mother once had it@, all he wanted was to ta*e it and create a bon#ire around it. 5e could still recall being creeped out by the mas* ?still was@, and how "ushina would snea* up on him and scare the crap out o# him with it. +r 7ust generally carry it around him, or wear it when he was in the vicinity or the group o# them were hanging out. 5e wanted the mas* to burn. ,nd that mas* in #ront o# him was de#initely that mas*. 5e couldnt #orget it. 5e would never be able to #orget it ?not with the amount o# time and the memorable scares #rom it@. /here was no way he could mista*e that mas*. /hat was It.

2&ou!4 he pointed at one o# his ,nbu. 2Eetrieve that mas*,4 he then pointed at It. /he ,nbu stared at him and then at the mas*. /he poor guy trembled and slowly wal*ed over to it, and once near it, he reluctantly reached out. .ith a 9uic* thrust, he #lung it o## o# its hoo* and it sailed into the air. Nagi twitched. .hether in annoyance at the ,nbu or the nervousness o# coming into contact with that mas*, was not to be answered. 5e whipped out a spare rag and held it out, waiting and catching the mas* with it. ,voiding touching it, he tied up the rag and then tossed it at an ,nbu. 2(ut it in a bag,4 he ordered. ,nd then his ,nbu was panic*ing and #rea*ing out, shoveling the covered mas* at each other and never touching it #or long. 2&ou put away!4 2No, you put away!4 2I dont want to ta*e it!4 2Somebody hurry and ta*e it!4 2Im not touching it!4 2:et it away, get it away!4 2:rab it already!4 2Its >BI3!4 2Shut up!4 Nagi snapped. 28ust put it away already.4 /he ,nbu loo*ed at each other. 2"a0e*age6sama, do we really want to bring this)4 one o# them as*ed in a hushed voice. 2Its e(il,4 the same one who said that be#ore reiterated in a dar* tone. 2It is, it is,4 one o# the others agreed. 2I can #eel dar* energy #rom it. &ou never *now whats wrong with it.4 2Itll draw 3uurei to us,4 another one e;claimed in a horri#ied voice. 2Im telling you, I bet it can do that. Doing it right now too!4 23uurei,4 the group o# them whispered an;iously to each other.

2.ell get -nryo haunting us!4 one o# them shrie*ed. 2Benge#ul ghosts who come bac* #rom purgatory #or a wrong done to them in their li#etime! /heyll smother us with their negative energy!4 2+r evenIkiryo,4 one o# them gasped. 2/his mas* will attract even living people who have souls separating #rom them into spirits things that haunt everyone because o# their intense 7ealousy and rage!4 2Dont they only haunt those they have grudges against)!4 2&ou never *now with this mas*!4 Nagi shivered. 2>6enough,4 too bad it sounded so wea*. 28ustshove it into my bag and lets get going.4 2.e should e:or ise it, "a0e*age6sama!4 2&es, e;orcise it!4 Nagi swallowed nervously. 2Eight.e needwe need an ofuda. .ho has an ofuda)4 >veryone loo*ed at each other. No one, un#ortunately, did. 2/hats#ine. Ill 7ustwrite one up,4 Nagi muttered. 5e searched in his bag, #ound paper and a pen ?in* and brush would have been better, but he didnt have those, damn it@, and then crudely made one up 9uic*ly. /hen they unraveled the covered mas* and Nagi 9uic*ly stuc* the ofuda on the #orehead o# the oni6mas*, muttered a 9uic* prayer, and rushed in tying up the cover again and slinging it into his bag. 23ets go,4 he muttered. Dread#ully, he #elt the mas* weigh heavily on him, #rom its place in his bag on his bac*. 5e wasnt sure i# he was imagining that or the evil laughter he was hearing in the bac* o# his head. /he heavy weight o# the mas* #elt li*e those #ol*lore urban legends that said venge#ul ghosts haunted a person, and could even drape themselves and stic* onto the bac* o# a person, creating e;cessive and horrible weight on that person being haunted. Nagi didnt want to *now i# he was being haunted. /he rest o# the 7ourney was spent #rea*ing out ?#or all o# them, but especially Nagi@, and Nagi wondering and uneasily thin*ing about the suspicious weight on his bac*, o# which the mas* was in the vicinity o#. 5e stopped and too* his bag, #linging the covered mas* out o# it and at his ,nbu behind him.

2Im "a0e*age! &oure supposed to protect me and do as I say! 3-1 ta*e the freakin mas* and carry it!4 Nagi screamed out in a panic. 5e then proceeded to speedily rush #orward, and continued to lead them by a distance.

Chapter Twe&ve: Sand Stor

+# course, being a clone and all, he *new he was 7ust a re#lection o# Saba*u no Nagi. 5e wasnt actually him. 5e wasnt real at all. $ut clone or not, he had opportunities and he had transient #eelings that last so long as he e;isted. 4er hair was like spun gold! /he clone blin*ed tiredly, but stayed where he was. 5e was in no hurry to move, much less leave. 5e was 9uite content where he was, than* you very much. /hat being lying by a sleeping Narutos side. 5e retracted his hand, #rom where hed been combing it through her hair, but he still didnt leave her. 5e was happy enough to 7ust lie beside her simply, watching her sleep and wondering to himsel#. Slowly, he moved that hand across her and had that arm gently rest against her abdomen, loosely hugging her. I# his original had been there, not only would he be upset and most probably in#uriated with him, but he wouldnt have even be able to be near Naruto, much less be in this position and lying ne;t to her in the #irst place. 5is original still couldnt see things clearly. ,t the thought o# the original Nagi, the clone #rowned as he care#ully brushed bac* some o# her hair out o# her eyes. It was getting long /he original Nagi was blind and clueless. $ut then again, the clone had speci#ically ta*en on those 9ualities, hence why he *new more e;pressively about the truth when the original was still oblivious. .hich made things more torturous #or 2himsel#.4 /o *now deep down how he really #elt, and be so close and yet so #ar away. >ven more so because he was a clone. /ruly, what a bad hand he was dealt with, compared to most clones. /hen there was that sooner or later, he would be gone anyway. Dispelled, lac* o# energy, a hit that pac*ed too much punch #or him to be able to sustain himsel#5e had no real e;istence. ,nd that hurt even more because his #eelings about her didnt matter. /hey practically constituted as not real because he was not real. /o truly #eel #or someone and not be able to e;ist in their eyes/hen the *nowledge o# soon to not e;ist, and yet having #elt so much in the time he had. .hy was it so cruel to be a clone in this matter) 5ed rather be cannon #odder, a sparring partner, a training techni9ue, 7ust anything than what he was now. , clone #illed and revolving around certain #eelings#eelings that were not truly his in the #irst place. 5e was 7ust a clone a#ter all.

, clone whose sole true purpose was to 9uietly love a girl, and yet never be ac*nowledged. 5e could #eel the energy he had le#t still depleting. 5e had been e;isting #or a long time now. !aybe thats why he was so despondent and cynical right then <he could #eel himsel# 2dying.4 5e heard the door slide open and he loo*ed up to see his creators younger son enter. :aara stopped short at the sight o# him and Naruto, but he still wasnt moving away #rom the spot. 2&ou should move away #rom her,4 :aara glared. 2+h) .hy should I) &ou really shouldnt tal* that way to your #ather, :aara,4 the clone brie#ly smir*ed. 2&ou are not my #ather,4 :aara scowled. 2&ou are 7ust a clone.4 +uch. $ut conceded, the clone ac*nowledged. 2,nd what are you going to do about it)4 the clone murmured, slowly getting up. $ut he didnt move away, instead moving to go above Naruto and hover above her. 2:oing to #ight me on behal# o# your #ather)4 :aaras #ace dar*ened and he inwardly let a bitter smir* appear in his head. Alone suicide by provo*ing creators son enough to want to *ill him. $ut be#ore :aaras sand could reach him and #inish him o##, they heard $a*i calling #or them. /he two traded long loo*s, but they both le#t and let Naruto sleep in. It was 7ust a 9uic* round up, with $a*i 7ust telling them what was needed to be loo*ed over be#ore they were ready to leave, and then the clone was 9uietly tre**ing bac* up to the top #loor. 5e decided hed go to the bathroom. /echnically, he didnt have to as a clone. 5owever, it was best to *eep up with appearances and at least pretend to not be a clone. 5e had been so lost in thought as he went into the bathroom, that he hadnt reali0ed someone was already there. ,nd ta*ing a shower. ,nd that it was Naruto. +h hell < 5e turned and tried to rush out 9uic*ly, only to #orget hed shut the door and there#ore he had run into it #ull #orce. $e#ore he dispelled, he ironically thought that o# all his attempts to get himsel# dispelled, it 7ust too* him running into a door 5earing the thud, Naruto pee*ed her head around the shower curtain and blin*ed curiously at the empty bathroom. 25uh. .onder what that was.4

She shrugged and went to #inish up in the shower, and then a#terwards trudged down to see her team, /sunami, and Inari all puttering about the lower level o# the house. .hen Inari saw her, he grinned widely and ran over to her, tugging e;citedly at her pants. 2Naru6neechan! Aome and go #ishing with me! (lease)4 ,w, he was so adorable. >specially that cheesy grin Naruto caved easily and gave a so#t smile as she #ondly patted his head. 2+h, alright. &ou win. 3ead the way, huh)4 She gave her team a heads up, with Inari being pushed by her to tell his mother, and then the two trotted out cheerily. 2So the Ahuunin >;am is coming soon, isnt it)4 "an*uro interrupted, as*ing $a*i. 2,nd obviously youre gonna put us in. 3i*e duh.4 $a*i loo*ed thought#ul. 2(retty soon, yeah. Its the end o# 8anuary right now and itll be in the beginning o# 8uly. &our dads birthday comes #irst. ,nd with our li#estyle, that time will be 9uic*ly gone anyway.4 2Should someone tell Naruto about the Ahuunin >;am so shed get all prepared #or it) I mean, well be wor*ing as a team, but she would want to wor* on some individual stu##. ,nd obviously she cant use the Easengan,4 "an*uro continued, while :aara nodded in agreement. $a*i winced. 2+h de#initely not. Its being hosted in "onoha this year. /hen again, with her loo*s4 he added, getting rather suspicious at the same time. 5e didnt #urther e;plain that, so they reluctantly let that trail o##. 2/his is an obvious statement. +# course shes going to be told. .hy not) ,nd as her teacher, o# course Ill tell her.4 /he two genin traded loo*s and $a*i narrowed his eyes at them. 2.hat)4 :aara aw*wardly cleared his throat. 2.e were 7ust thin*ingmaybe Dad should do it.4 $a*i blin*ed at them in con#usion. 2&our dad) $ut why)4 "an*uro grinned. 2+h come on. .ouldnt it be hilarious to watch him go all aw*ward, trying to tell her about the e;am)4 $a*i tutted disapprovingly. 2Now you two, dont tease your dad.4 25e does claim, at least his clone did,4 :aara scowled, brie#ly recalling the clone and that speci#ic encounter, 2to be Narutos best #riend. So hed want to be the one to tell her everything, wouldnt he) ,nd hes "a0e*age. "a0e*age easily trumps sensei, so you dont have to worry

about her wondering why hes telling her and not you. ,nd shell *now about that part o# him soon. 5ope#ully.4 25ed better tell her,4 "an*uro muttered. $a*i thought on it, imagining it a little. , small grin crept onto his #ace. It would be rather amusing, and especially since he could 7ust imagine Nagi #loundering, when the red head would obviously pre#er her not to go into the Ahuunin >;am so soonand especially not 7ust so #ar away, but in "onoha. 2+*ay,4 $a*i nodded. 2$ut someones going to have to tell her about his birthday, because he would never tell her about that.4 "an*uro and :aara grinned ?which loo*ed really creepy on :aaras usually stoic #ace, and when they did it in unison@. 2Done,4 they both said. D$y the way, have you two seen that clone o# your #ather) -sually its s*ul*ing about, shadowing or #ollowing Naruto around,4 $a*i as*ed them. /he two loo*ed at each other. "an*uro shrugged. 2Nope. 5avent seen it at all.4 2/he last time I saw it was 7ust be#ore you called us earlier,4 :aara scowled. 2/hen it went up and nothing else.4 25uh. .onder what its up to.4 /hough, as they tal*ed about that, Naruto and Inari had already set up and were sitting bac*, en7oying the sunny day. 25ey, Naru6neechan)4 Inari spo*e up suddenly. 2-n) .hats up, Inari6*un)4 2I was wonderingI heard :randpa and !om tal*ing, and they thin* you have a crush on the "a0e*age,4 Narutos eyes widened and she was going to vehemently deny that, when Inari continued. 2$ut I was 7ust thin*ingsometimes, I catch you and /enoh6san loo*ing at each other the way my mom and my dad used to loo* at each other, so I thought you might have a crush or something on him instead.4 2.5,/)!4 $ut Naruto had sat up so abruptly and was #rea*ing out and #lailing about so much that she managed to get hersel# tossed o## o# the doc*, and #all into the waters. Inari gaped and rushed over to the edge.

2Naru6neechan)!4 She came sputtering up to the sur#ace, hair logged down to her head and her clothes drenched. 2Im #ine. Im 7ustshoc*ed. &es, shoc*ed,4 she blin*ed water #rom her eyes. 2I didntI didnt e;pect that #rom you. +r to hear that at all,4 she admitted. Inari loo*ed sheepish. 2Sorry, Naru6neechan. Its 7ustI 7ust noticed it.4 Naruto laughed aw*wardly and soon enough Inari 7oined her in aw*wardly laughing. /hey 7ust pushed it aside and conveniently #orgot about it. +r as #orgot about as Naruto could. $ut she worried about it incessantly the entire time with Inari, and going bac* to the house. ,nd the rest o# the day, while she was at it. ,nd yet 2.heres /enoh)4 she as*ed in con#usion and a bit o# worry to the others. /he other three e;changed loo*s. 25avent seen him,4 "an*uro shrugged. Naruto straightened up in concern, but $a*i caught that 9uic*ly and interrupted. 25es probably got some side thing to do, that "a0e*age6sama ordered,4 $a*i reassured her. She was only a little bit, but it was enough #or then. /he rest o# the night, though she *ept that in mind, Naruto still worried about /enohs disappearance and i# he was o*ay. /he ne;t morning dawned early, and they heard /sunami cheer#ully greeting Nagi and his guard bac*. /hey awo*e 9uic*ly and headed down, and though Naruto turned odd around the "a0e*age again, she was still an;ious about /enoh. 2"a0e*age6sama,4 $a*i greeted, and did a 9uic* dart o# his eyes over to Naruto and then gave a meaning#ul loo* over to Nagi. Nagi cleared his throat and spo*e. 2>verything is a success then) :ood 7ob, everyone. Seeing /enohs absence, then he must have cleared things around here and went o## to do the ne;t errand Id as*ed o# him.4 /hough normal eyes wouldnt have caught it, shinobi eyes would have clearly seen the in#initely #raction o# movements indicating Narutos body rela;ing at hearing that. 2:ood then. .ell be leaving soon, a#ter we #inish up here. Is that alright with you, /a0una6 san)4 Nagi directed his attention to the bridge builder. /a0una raised a glass to him, grinning. 2:reat. ,lmost #inished with the bridge too, than*s to that talented blonde over there!4

Naruto gave him a salute. ,nd so theyd 9uic*ly #inished up whatever last minute things they had to do there, be#ore they started setting o## #or their 7ourney bac* to Suna. +n the way out, they heard the citi0ens o# .ave discussing what to name the bridge and deciding on 2/he :reat -0uma*i $ridge.4 "an*uro gaped at her. 2.hat) /heyre naming the bridge a#ter you) No #air!4 2/echnically, aside #rom her part helping bring down :ato, which had been almost a bigger part than either o# oursshe did practically help build a lot o# the bridge,4 :aara said dryly. 2$ah! AlonesI want a clone 7utsu now. $a*i6sensei! &oure gonna be teaching me and :aara some type o# clone 7utsu, arent you)4 $a*i dug his pin*y into his ear. 25m) .hat was that)4 "an*uro and even :aara glared at him, while Naruto snic*ered ?and naturally dri#ted to travel by Nagis side <the others didnt note it, but he did@. 2+h yeah! Im going to ma*e the -0uma*i name great again!4 Naruto crowed triumphantly. Nagi inwardly #ro0e and wondered i# it was too late to go bac* and beg the citi0ens o# .ave to change the bridges name. 5e could imagine the reaction o# Iwa and "umo hearing the resurrection o# that in#amous clan name. Salivating to eliminate whoever it was, *idnapping attempts de#initely by "umo ?or odd worshipping@, terri#ied "iri6nin 5e had all o# Narutos #iles under loc* and *ey and buried under his bed ?no, that was not weird@, and there really was no other evidence e;isting o# her that he had not ta*en and hid. ,#ter #inding about most o# her past, anywhere and everywhere she had been in Suna, hed gone around and made sure any evidence o# her had been swept up. ,nyone else tal*ing and *nowing o# her, especially the ,cademy, addressed her loyally and only as 2/he Desert (rince4 ?sadly enough@. 5e encouraged it because it was use#ul and because it was #unny as hell. $ut then she did go around and addressed hersel# as 2-0uma*i Naruto4 though, so something should be done about that. !aybe he should give her his name somehow too No, not li*e that! Nagi mentally pulled his hair, twitching a bit. 2,re you o*ay, "a0e*age6sama)4 Naruto whispered worriedly #rom his side. 2 6#ine.4 4a(ing a mental relapse, is all$

2&ou *now what) .e should have a competition! .e should see which o# us can get the largest amount o# and most impressive stu## named a#ter us,4 "an*uro announced, getting all e;cited. 2+oh, Im game,4 Naruto grinned in 7ust as much e;citement. 2I want the desert named a#ter me,4 :aara said suddenly. 2No, you are not getting the desert named a#ter you,4 Nagi deadpanned. :aara uncharacteristically pouted. 2.hat are you complaining about)4 Naruto rolled her eyes. 2&our name literally means D:aara o# the Desert.4 2$ut then so does "an*uro and +tou6sans. "an*uro o# the Desert, Nagi o# the Desert,4 :aara sighed, playing up the dramatics. 2>h, but your name sounds more cooler,4 Naruto shrugged. 25ey!4 both Nagi and "an*uro shouted, with Nagi brea*ing his cool and composed leader persona. Nagi scooped up Naruto and hung her over his shoulder, with her letting out a s9ueal, and "an*uro gave his younger brother a noogie #or agreeing and complaining in the #irst place. $a*i was 7ust 9uietly snic*ering. It was great to not be the victim this time. +nce again, they had a stop at that same village be#ore they would continue on to Suna. Naruto was again eating her noodles, and in dP7Q vu, the "a0e*age approached her. +nly, this time Nagi waswell, Nagi. 2&ou seemed a little tense during the 7ourney,4 Nagi mentioned, ta*ing a seat by her side. 2!ay I as* why, as I as* i# I may sit here)4 2+# course you can. +n both counts, "a0e*age6sama,4 Naruto #lushed red. 2Im 7ustworried about /enoh. 8er* didnt even tell me he was going to go o## somewhere. 5e 7ust disappeared,4 she pouted, though she tried to hide how upset she really was about that. Nagi tried not to #idget. 2I *now that he would have told you otherwise. 5e mustve been in a hurry. I# you dont *now, he truly cares #or you,4 Nagi de#initely *new that as soon as they reached Suna, the #irst thing he did a#ter they were all settled down would be to tell Naruto the truth. 2&eah, so do I,4 she said #ondly, and there was a weird twist in Nagis stomach. She loo*ed up #rom her bowl o# noodles, giving him a happy grin. 2/han*s a lot, "a0e*age6sama!4

She suddenly turned an even brighter red than be#ore and a#ter glancing at him shyly, she leaned over and pec*ed his chee*. 5e, absolutely stunned, could #eel her so#t lips through the veil he wore, be#ore they were gone and she was practically #luttering away li*e a butter#ly. 5e was still staring a#ter her, numb in shoc*. $a*i was 9uic* to appear, throwing an arm around his best #riend and grinning slyly. 2Soyou going to tell her about your birthday and that youre turning LO)4 $a*i dodged the suc*er punch aimed at his nose and darted away, cac*ling, as Nagi violently threw his *age hat at him. 2N+ .,& IN 5>33!4 ,#ter that mess, Nagi was 9uic* to rush everyone out o# there, and on the way bac* home. /han*#ully no #urther problems erupted, and they had actually managed to reach Suna in one piece. /he day they arrived, they too* the rest o# it o## to rest and settled down in the village. /he ne;t day, Nagi had planned on visiting Naruto and e;plaining things to her. +nly a sand storm was on its way and 9uic*ly converging on the sandy village. /he bad thing about living in a place made up o# sand and surrounded by sand o# the desert) /hose came very #re9uently. ,nd as it was, Nagi had learned that the drought theyd been having had worsened while hed been gone, as well as the wind in the area having pic*ed up pace. /hose e##ects resulted in the creation o# sand storms, which was not something the village lac*ed o# <they lived in a desert, lac* o# water was a given= wind was a no brainer <the 3and o# .ind, o# course. 2!a*e sure the whole house is sealed,4 Nagi ordered, ma*ing sure his *ids heard the importance in his voice about the matter. 2I# its sealed, the inside will ma*e it completely #ine.4 We wont be drowning in sand, otherwise$ -r at best, leaning up a ton of sand in the house$ /hen he remembered his plans that day and hesitated. 2I4 he cleared his throat and tried again. 2Im going to chec* on Naruto. I dont *now i# shell be alright. &ou three can handle yourselves, right)4 /emari impatiently gestured at him to leave. 2:o, go! 5urry it up, and bring her bac* here. /he storm loo*s li*e its coming in 9uic*.4 2,nd dont you get her and you stuc* out there!4 "an*uro hollered. :aara merely gave him a loo* that he rolled his eyes at.

2Ill be bac*! (robably,4 Nagi called bac*, while slipping out the door. 5e rushed over to her place, seeing the rest o# the village hurrying to prepare #or the sand storm and everyone 9uic*ly going to stay #irmly inside their homes. 5e reached Narutos place 9uic*ly, *noc*ing urgently on her door. 2/enoh) .hat are you doing here)4 she as*ed in panic. /hen she soc*ed his shoulder. 2/hats #or disappearing on me last time. I was worried, you *now!4 2&es, yes, I *now,4 he rushed out. 2.ell tal* about that later. Eight now you have to come with me. .e can go somewhere sa#e #or the storm.4 She grimaced. 2I thin* its a little too late #or that. :et in here! /hat storm is coming in li*e se onds! Ruic*ly now,4 she yan*ed him in and slammed the door shut. 2I have to close the door to activate the seals a#ter all.4 ,nd then she placed her hand against the door and charged her cha*ra into it. , huge seal on it lit up and then escalated to the rest o# the walls in her apartment. Nagi watched in #ascination. 2.e wouldnt have time going wherever you wanted to go,4 she started to turn sheepish and apologetic. 2&ou were 7ust standing outside and I really needed the door closed. &ou *now, by principle 7ust to *eep sand out. $ut the seal I made #or these storms wont wor* unless everythings closed, you see)4 2&eah,4 it was his turn to be sheepish. 2Sorry I was 7ust standing there.4 2Nah, whatever. .ant some tea) +r ramen)4 she grinned laughingly at him. 2/ea is great. No ramen right now,4 he said wryly. She started to set that up. 2So, where were you at the end o# the .ave mission) I really was worried, /enoh.4 2,bout that, Naruto,4 he started out nervously. 2/heres something I have to tell you.4 .ell, he could 7ust as well tell her there as he could have at his home. 2Naruto, Im the "a0e*age,4 he #lat out revealed. She laughed at him. 2Bery #unny, /enoh. Now really, what is it you have to say to me)4 Nagi sighed and then he began telling her #rom the beginning about his deception, though he hadnt meant #or it to be li*e that #or her. /he more he tal*ed, the more closed o## Narutos e;pression became, until it was so unreadable that not even he could read it. ,nd he had a very brilliant po*er #ace, than* you very much.

She slowly pulled out a chair #rom her *itchen table, and was even slower sitting down on it. So #ar, shed not loo*ed at him and had avoided having her eyes stare anywhere near him. $ut then she loo*ed up, and her sapphire eyes were heartbrea*ingly con#used and hurt, and he really #elt li*e an asshole right then. 2.hy wouldwhywhy would you pretend li*e that with me)4 5e inwardly winced, hearing the tremble in her voice. 2.hy would you do that to me)4 5e winced outwardly that time. 2Naruto, believe when I say that there was never any pretending when I was with you,4 he said gently. 2+ther than lying about who I was, everything had been completely genuinely. ,s to why I would pretend to be Tenoh, to lying to youit had only been meant to be that #irst meeting. I wanted to chec* up on you, see how you were doing and not bother you. I# you needed help or anything, I would have tried to o##er it in any way, even i# it had to mean revealing who I was right bac* then. It was supposed to be 7ust that meeting and I would care#ully watch over you in the bac*ground and in secret, to ma*e sure that who you really were was never revealed until the right time, in case o# enemies and spies. 2$ut then we got along so well, and then you disappeared and I couldnt help meeting you again. ,nd then by then, it was 9uic*ly established that I was /enoh and who I was, and we *ept tal*ing and I en7oyed having this #riendship with you. ,nd you *new me as him and li*ed /enoh, and I couldnt ta*e him #rom you either. ,nd you were so com#ortable and #riendly with /enoh, which was part o# why I lied in the #irst place too, because you would be too uncom#ortable and tense i# you had *nown I was the "a0e*age at the time. ,ndI guess it was 7ust largely sel#ish that I wanted to *eep tal*ing to you as him, and I *new things would change i# you *new the truth,4 he admitted. Naruto inhaled sharply, loo*ing sha*ily at the top o# her *itchen table. 2/hiswill ta*e awhile to get used to,4 she 9uietly said. 2I understand and in the end, I actually dont #eel too bothered by it. ,nd to be so angry at you about such a thing, when the whole situation brought up how I had come upon and met you in the #irst place is ridiculous, because I could never regret meeting you, you *now) ,nd getting all angry isnt me at all. So that means I #orgive you too.4 5e gave her a small smile, happy and relieved about that, though lamented on how easily she was to #orgive. $ut then that was o*ay. In the #uture, she could #orgive all she wanted to, and hell burn bridges #or her. 2+h "ami4 he heard her say as he tuned bac* #rom his thoughts. She smac*ed a hand against her #orehead and rushed away #rom him and into her room, loc*ing it behind her.

2Naruto)!4 2:6go away!4 2.ait, what) .hats wrong now) I thought you were o*ay,4 Nagi rushed to her door and spo*e to her through it. 2+*ay)! ,#ter all those things I said to you aboutwell, &+-! +h "ami6samathe time I mentioned my real #avorite color having to do with your hair...and about me trying to see you every morning! ,nd all those other things4 2Itdoesnt bother me,4 Nagi winced. 2Eeally! I got a little aw*ward and unsure what to do at those times, but I was really #lattered and touched by your concern and care.4 2&+-E> N+/ $+/5>E>D)4 she screamed at him. 2>ven when I practically admitted to that little treason thing with that enemy guy against Daimyo6ba*a, and I told you not to tell you) ,nd all those times I was insubordinate without *nowing I actually was) 3i*e earlier when I punched your shoulder, or all those times Im overly play#ul and too in#ormal than I really should have been all this time)4 2Its o*ay, Naruto! Im #ine with all that! I like you being so casual and rela;ed with me! ,nd that treason thingactually, I still dont *now what to thin* o# it, so lets 7ust *eep ignoring it #or now, o*ay)! (lus its over and done with, and we really dont need to thin* about it anymore and the Daimyo really is a ba*a, so who cares!4 ,nd Nagi said to hell with it, hed buy her a new one later, and bro*e the loc* on her bedroom door and stormed in. 2&6you cant do that!4 she shrie*ed at him, still panic*ing over all the things she said and done to him. 2&eah, well, Im your "a0e*age, arent I)4 he scowled heavily. 2,nd you *eep emphasi0ing that so much right now.4 She stared dumb#ounded at him, be#ore she pouted completely unhappily, and yet it was so adorable that it made him calm and brea* down all the tension. 5e smiled e;asperatedly and ru##led her hair #ondly, *eeping his hand there, even as she loo*ed up at him in dissatis#action and con#usion. 2.ell, I wasnt always your "a0e*age,4 he let his hand #all #rom her head. She loo*ed at him in more con#usion now. 28ust as /enohI was supposed to be your best #riend, right) ,rent I still)4 he started to #eel a little unsure. She blin*ed be#ore beginning to loo* ashamed. She nodded vehemently.

2&es! +# course! ,lways,4 she promised at the end, loo*ing at him apologetically. 5e sighed in relie# and gave her another small smile. 2.hy dont we go bac* out there and I can tell you more)4 he suggested. 2.e can #inish tea.4 She agreed hesitantly and let him pull her gently bac* out, and he reheated the hot water #or a #resh batch o# tea. ,ll the while, as he did that, he 9uietly told her how he *new her parents ?that he had *nown who they were in the #irst place@, how and why she got to Suna ?he promised her hed show her where her mothers grave was@, and that hed been loo*ing #or her all these years ?and that hed embarrassingly missed her because o# her overloo*ed gender <she teased him relentlessly about that, though she was still a bit cautious@. ,nd then he told her why hed been loo*ing #or her ?all those promises he held sacred <even private ones hed given and held to himsel#, how much hed worried, how hed wanted her to grow up cared #or and with his #amily, that hed 7ust wanted her sa#e and alive and under his protection@, and a little more on why he *ept himsel# a secret until then, besides what he had already said about the matter. 2Id always said Id tell you, *ept saying Dsoon,4 he murmured, pushing his almost drained cup away. 2$ut then I *ept postponing it and saying DI will or Dlater, and then there were other stu## that *ept getting in the way and delaying itI was going to tell you today, #irst by visiting you here, and then the sand storm came. I was going to bring you home, get you in a sa#e place #rom the storm, and then Id tell you there. ,nd then we get trapped here. .ell. I wasnt going to postpone it anymore, you *now) I couldnt let you not *now any longer4 She hummed an agreement, starting to #eel tired a#ter the tea. , so#t song played in the bac*ground, with her having turned on the player in her home to *eep it #rom being too silent in the apartment. 2&ou thin* the storm died yet)4 she as*ed. 2Dont thin* so. Sand storms around here can last #or days, and that one loo*ed li*e a real strong one,4 Nagi sighed, sitting bac* in his seat and slumping a little. 2Do you wanna move in with me) She energi0ed a bit at that, and stared at him wide6eyed. 2.hat)4 5e coughed. 2I mean, do you want to move in with my #amily and I) Ive been wanting to o##er it since I #ound and met you, but you seem happy and #ine and I didnt want to encroach. $ut Id always wanted you to live in my home, even be#ore I o##icially met you. I 7ust wantedto give you that home, security, care and protection I promised and wanted you to have all these years, and #ailed to when I couldnt even #ind you4 5er #ace so#tened and she was reaching out to him be#ore reali0ing she had. 5er hand retracted and her #ace #lushed slightly.

2&ou *nowthat would be nice.4 Nagi grinned goo#ily at her, *ind o# sleepy himsel#, and he lay bac* with hal#6lidded eyes, humming to the song. 2+h, I do believe, in all the things you see. .hat comes is better than what came be#oreF4 he sung tiredly to the song playing Naruto stared at him, mouth slightly agape. 5earing his *ids, it was hard to imagine that he could sing so well, and it was *ind o# a shame that it seemed none o# his *ids had inherited his singing voice. .ith that thought, she stumbled tiredly over to him, and tugged at his sleeve. She got him to get up and then she slipped her hands over his ribs and up his bac*, clasping them together as she stepped #orward and leaned her head on his torso. 5e 9uic*ly got the hint and leaned on her also, tentatively wrapping his arms around her waist. 2,nd youd better come, come, come, come to me,4 she muttered the line into his shoulder. /hey sleepily swayed to the song, and slipping well into more e;haustion. ,3oud better run;/ /here were things in li#e hed come to e;pect, many hed wish he didnt have to. ,nd then there were une;pected things that came and more than anything, he #elt he was blessed #or it. /his was one o# those times. Still, he didnt *now what he was thin*ing. 5e was pretty sure this was one o# those things that would bring !inato #rom his grave to come a#ter him with a sharp 5iraishin *unai *ni#e. ,nd he was pretty sure this wasnt what "ushina meant when shed as*ed him to loo* a#ter Naruto. 5e s9uee0ed the girl in his arms happily and thought it was rather #ortunate #or his sa*e that both "onoha6nin were dead. Not that 7ust simply dancing with her was anything wrong though 2Nagi6*un,4 Naruto muttered sleepily, and he grinned widely. 5ed been trying so hard to get her to call him his name, since she was starting to call him 2"a0e*age6sama4 and she really didnt *now what to call him ?and didnt want to call him by name@. 5e com#ortingly threaded his hand through her hair. 2Naruto,4 he murmured tenderly. 2!aybe silly Inari was right. Ireallyli*e youalot,4 she murmured, #alling asleep at last in his arms. 5e stood stoc* #ro0en, holding onto her still.

5e had avoided loo*ing deeply into his clones thoughts, beyond s*imming the memories hed gleaned. /he echoes o# #eelings he had #elt and managed to analy0e along with the other in#ormation the clone dispelling had dumped into his head, the despair, tenderness, care and loveNagi had shoved it into the bac* o# his head determinedly. >very odd #eeling he #elt when in Narutos presence, he pushed down and ignored or dismissed. B.bmp; /here was a strange ache in his heart and he reali0ed the bitter truth he *ept denying. Stupid. So stupid. 5ow much o# an idiot was he really) 3ou dont go falling in lo(e with si:teen year old best friends$ In the now silence he was drowning with, he smiled grimly at the epiphany that he was in love, holding onto that girl as he continued to stay #ro0en li*e statues with her there, in the middle o# her *itchen and bowing his head ne;t to hers, his wine6red hair overshadowing his #ace. .asnt there a special level o# 5ell #or his *ind o# person) Omake! (The *ca&e!oat or That Poor %n'ortunate *oul+,rom -ha&ter ./) 2Its him!4 2+h no, him.4 /he whispers abounded and he #elt irritation and shame #ill him. It wasnt his bloody #ault the damn bases *ept e;ploding! It was 7ust his #rea*in luc* that he was always in the one base that decides to blow up at the time! irst it was the #irst. +h my "ami! (oor guy. rea* accident with the oven in the *itchens. $lew the base up, #ew survivors. /rans#erred. Ne;t base. Second it was the second. Aoincidence. !otor in the basement 7ust happened to be #aulty. /hird it was the third. ,gain)! /his guy must have some luc* to survive once more, this time #rom an electrical wiring being overloaded and causing a #ire. /hat spread. >verywhere. >ven outside o# the base. Now the #ourth timesomething was fishy. $y the end o# it, the others didnt *now i# he was the one behind the stu##, or ?seeing as dimwitted and naSve he *inda was@ he 7ust had the worse luc* in the entire world ?and carried it with him and in#ected the entire area while he was at it@.

.hen a very heavy and very solid bloc* o# gold ?what the)!@ smac*ed him straight in the #ace, right be#ore he blac*ed out he thought he was completely sure that he really did have the worse luc* ever. Omake! (*i$e0story: 1The (est ,rien$ 2ntitlement3) 2&ou two should stop being so sul*y and combatant. Im Daddy Dearest,4 the clone smir*ed la0ily at the two. :aara and "an*uro glared. 2No way. &ou suc*. ,nd youre not Dad,4 the two o# them said childishly. 2,nd stay away #rom Naruto,4 "an*uro piped up. 2Dad <Eeal Dad <has a claim on her.4 2>ven though ather doesnt *now he does,4 :aara sighed in e;asperation. 2,nd what gives you the right to be so righteous and tell me to stay away #rom Naruto)4 it drawled in boredom. 2.ere her best #riends,4 "an*uro sco##ed. 2+# course we do.4 , thunderous e;pression overcame the clones #ace. 23ou two her best #riends) ,s i#! I am her best #riend, you two little brats!4 ,nd the two, scared o# the #erocity and e;treme #ury o## o# the other ?plus, despite what they said, the clone was an e;act copy o# their #ather and loo*ed eerily li*e him and had his temper when he got angry <though obviously their #athers anger was never anything li*e this towards them@, didnt disclaim that or re7ect the clones claim as The $est riend. (eriod. Omake! (2r" Omake! o' the Omake! 2h4!) 2No, Im her best #riend!4 2No, I am!4 2N+, I ,!!4 $a*i popped popcorn into his mouth, watching in amusement. /a0una came up beside him. 2.hats going on)4 the bridge builder as*ed gapingly, watching the three arguing vehemently about something about Dbest #riend. 2It is an apocalyptical war o# epic proportions <the #ight to the title o# who is -0uma*i Narutos best #riend!4 $a*i announced dramatically be#ore snic*ering. 2/hats it!4 and the clone got #ed up and 7ust summoned a large amount o# :old Dust, grasping the twos an*les ?nulli#ying :aaras sand while he was at it@ and sha*ing them in the air.

2,55555!4 2Aare#ul, you,4 $a*i grabbed a hand#ul o# popcorn and munched on it. 23isten out #or Naruto. Nagis *nown #or his "old 'ust and i# she sees you with it4 2/hen Ill 7ust say Im the mother#uc*ing brother!4 the clone tossed them into the air and caught them, *ept doing that. /he boys screamed and the clone laughed maniacally. 2-ncle, -ncle!4 the boys pleaded surrender. 2>pic pun,4 $a*i smir*ed in entertainment. /a0una stared at him. 2I! 5>E $>S/ EI>ND! ,D!I/ I/!4 2&+-E> 5>E $>S/ EI>ND!4 /he clone cac*led triumphantly. Omake! (The Genjutsu Tales: Part VI) 2+o, oo, ah, ah!4 /hey cursed. /his was not going their way at all. or being #rom Iwa, Eoshi was pretty adept at moving around the trees. /hey twitched and glared at the 7inchuuri*i. .hose bright idea was it to cast a stupid gen7utsu on the guy)! $ecause right now, #or some reason, the 7inchuuri*i had become li*e an actual mon*ey, li*e his tailed beast counterpart. 8umping around in the trees, screaming at them, throwing < ,nother banana hit his partner in the head. 2Im gonna *ill him!4 2+o, oo, ah, ah!4 ,nd bananas. /ons and tons o# bananas, and lots o# them were being thrown their way. 2.hy you!4 ,nd then they slipped on some peeled s*ins o# some bananas, and their heads collided with each other, *noc*ing each other out. 2+o, oo, ah, ah!4

Eoshi beat his #ists on his chest victoriously, got another banana, and then started to aggressively chomp on it.

Chapter Thirteen: Too C&ose to the /d-e

/he revelation didnt sit well with Nagi. 5e tried to pretend that he hadnt come to that epiphany, nor show any outward change or reaction about it to Naruto. >ven being here with her now, made him #eel li*e he was dancing dangerously close to #iery #lames. ,#ter spending the night <alone <with Naruto in her apartment inappropriately, they were now entering Day K o# their entrapment in the apartment together until the storm ended. 5e was 9uite sure that the storm would last until that night or tomorrow morning at the least, but hope#ully not any longer than that. >specially considering where he was stuc* at. 5e was trapped with Naruto in her apartment, which was made worse now that he had #inally ac*nowledged how he #elt about her. 5e hoped his village was weathering the sand storm, while he was weathering the storm in his head as much as he could. 2"a0e*age6sama, can you set up the pot) I can ma*e us something to eat. No ramen, I promise,4 she lightly teased. 5e inwardly pouted. She was bac* to D"a0e*age6sama and still not calling him Nagi, no matter how much he said it was alright. ,t this point, he might even start begging 2&eah, I got it,4 he told her, getting up #rom the *itchen table and puttering around her *itchen, searching #or a pot be#ore he #illed it with water and set it on the stove, turning the stove on. 2.hat are you ma*ing)4 2#oki soba,4 she told him a#ter she slipped on a headband to *eep her hair out o# her way. 2&ou li*e meat, right)4 she suddenly loo*ed unsure. 5e nodded reassuringly. 2/hat was true. I didnt lie about that. !y #avorite dish is anything with meat.4 2Eight, well, I was going to ma*e that. Ill have to boil the por* spare ribs to get rid o# the e;cess #at, and a#ter that Ill have to stew that with awamori, soy sauce, and sugar <but thatll ta*e three to #our hours,4 she told him apologetically, outwardly about the long time and inwardly because shed been so dubious about the in#ormation hed given her about himsel#. 5e gave her a small smile, which turned wry. 2+*ay, guess were having it #or lunch. I guess ramen #or brea*#ast a#ter all.4 Naruto grinned at him, and he rolled his eyes bac* at her as he got another pot and poured water in that to boil. 2Konbu?4 she o##ered as they waited.

5e blin*ed be#ore shrugging. 25and the seaweed over4 She handed the edible seaweed to him, and they ate silently together. .hen she leaned against him unconsciously as they sat together on the couch, he 9uietly swallowed uncom#ortably and tried to *eep his thoughts on trac* and not stray. 2II got something #or you, #rom my trip to "onoha,4 he in#ormed her, #ocusing instead on that. She per*ed up eagerly. 2/here was an -0uma*i Shrine I remembered your mother telling me about, that was near "onoha. I managed to #ind it and secure something to bring bac* to you.4 2Eeally) &ou didnt have to do that! /han* you so much, "a0e*age6sama!4 she grinned widely at him, that he wea*ly echoed ?at the reminder o# that mas* and o# his new station and ran* in her li#e as D"a0e*age6sama@. 2I didnt remember to bring it with me when I was rushing over to here, and because I was e;pecting to bring you bac* with me to my home, but when once the sand storm is over, I can bring you over and show it to you then,4 he promised. 2.e can also trans#er your belongings over <I believe :aara had already arranged a room #or you.4 /hough rather bemused at that, she nodded and agreed readily. 3uc*ily, time passed rather 9uic*ly and when Nagi hesitantly braved opening the door to pee* out ?ready to reclose it, with Naruto on standby ne;t to him to reseal the place@, they #ound that the sand storm was steadily dying down. /hey waited another hour or two in the apartment be#ore chec*ing bac* out, and seeing that everything was clear. Nagi immediately went to the warning tower and had them sound the bell to give the o*ay to the rest o# the village, and then he was bac* with Naruto and helping her pac*. 2.e should ma*e a #ew clones each, to help us get this done 9uic*ly,4 he decided a#ter he saw all the bo;es. /hey made #our clones each, and Nagi twitched as somehow each o# their clones paired up immediately, though Naruto was oblivious to the matches. /heir clones easily and 9uic*ly got things together and struc* up easy and intimate conversations with their match, as they all set out in pairs. , Nagi clone and Naruto clone pair in each grouping somehow 7ust instinctively matched up and so easily got along, and were way too close #or Nagis com#ort. ,ll the pairs went out with their assigned pac*ages, and Nagi 7ust barely *ept himsel# #rom #ace palming. Naruto had still not noticed the matches. Doomed. /hat was all Nagi could describe himsel# as. -tterly and completely doomed. 5e made it to his house, Naruto in tow, to #ind that it was already unsealed and his *ids were already bic*ering, as per usual. 5e slammed the door open, twitching irritably. 2Aan you three not bic*er #or once)!4

2+hhh, Dads bac*!4 he heard /emari croon. 2&atta! 5ey, you got Naruto too, or what)4 "an*uro as*ed rudely. ,nd all three o# his *ids s*idded into the hallway where the entrance was, and where he and Naruto were ?including pes*y clones still chattering it up behind him@. 2.ell, #inally,4 "an*uro was still rude. 2/oo* you a long time, Dad.4 2/ut, tut,4 /emari shoo* her head. 2.hat lateness. So not li*e you, Dad.4 2I# you wanted some alone time with her, you shouldve 7ust said so, +tou6san,4 :aara spo*e monotonously. Nagi twitched even more. 2>ach o# you are grounded. :et out,4 he glared at them, #lushing red ?more so when he heard Naruto 9uietly snic*ering@. 2Sorry about that,4 Nagi muttered to her, #eeling rather embarrassed, though he was e;tremely grate#ul that Naruto hadnt cotton on to what :aara had said. 2Ill show you to your room and lets 7ust get you settled in, o*ay)4 2Its alright, "a0e*age6sama,4 she smiled in amusement at him. 2I dont mind. ,nd than* you, "a0e*age6sama.4 28ust call me Nagi,4 he said in e;asperation. 2Nope, no can do,4 she chirped, and he #lic*ed her #orehead in retaliation. 5ell get her to that point sooner or later +nce shed settled in ?he le#t her to do so he wouldnt be intruding@, he returned to her and stood at the threshold o# her doorway, lightly balancing the mas* at the tips o# his #ingers as he 9uietly watched her smile as she care#ully caressed the thin but so#t sheets covering her new bed. 2I, uh, brought your gi#t,4 he interrupted whatever thoughts were going through her head. She turned to #ace him in surprise, though she 9uic*ly loo*ed down to see the delicate parcel he held. 5e tentatively too* the cloth o## o# it and 9uic*ly held it out to her, trying to hold it as #ar away #rom himsel# as he could. She raised an eyebrow at him but too* the mas*, e;amining it closely. 23oo*s cool. Some *ind o# ceremonial mas* or something)4 5e winced. 2Its some *ind o# special -0uma*i mas*. &our mother used to carry it around all the time. /hought youdli*e to have it as a memento o# her.4

2/hats really luc*y!4 she beamed at him. 2&ou went to go get me something #rom my mothers clan, and managed to #ind something o# hers especially. /han* you so much!4 She threw her arms around him and hugged him, and he became sti## at not 7ust the contact with her but o# the mas* as well ?which she was still holding@. .hen Naruto pulled bac*, #urther e;amination #ound her seeing the crude ofuda stuc* all over it that she #inally noticed. 2,re theseofuda)4 she as*ed incredulously. Nagi cleared his throat in embarrassment, but e;plained why anyway. 5e told her about his superstitions and that he was not imagining the #oul energy coming #rom it ?and the bad memories@, and while she giggled at him and his superstitions ?and those awful memories@, she showed him the correct way to produce an ofuda and that hed have to say a long and precise prayer to do a proper e;orcism on it. 5e hu##ed and vaguely turned his nose up, not admitting to the pout he had on his #ace. She than*#ully hid it out o# his view, though he could swear he could still #eel the energy ?dampened as it was #rom her proper ofuda and correct e;orcism@. 5e then told her it was time #or dinner and led her to the *itchen area, where he sweatdropped at seeing his *ids all scavenging around the *itchen #or something to eat. It was rather embarrassing ?and he really didnt want Naruto to be there and see this@, especially with /emari practically hal#way in the re#rigerator and delving, "an*uro buried in one o# the top shelves as he rummaged around, and :aara dumping stu## onto the *itchen table and loo*ing li*e he was thin*ing hard. 2I can coo* us all something,4 Nagi announced cheer#ully, trying not to be so embarrassed at the same time. 2N+!4 all three o# his *ids said #orce#ully, loo*ing terri#ied. Naruto raised an eyebrow. 2 ine,4 Nagi grumbled. 2.e can have ta*eout.4 >;amining what was laid out, courtesy o# :aara, Naruto nodded to hersel#. 2No, its alright. I can coo* us something,4 Naruto interrupted. Nagi inwardly sighed in relie#, but his *ids stared be#ore all letting out loud cheers. 2.ere saved!4 "an*uro clasped his hands and loo*ed upwards grate#ully. 2.e wont starve!4 /emari grinned widely, giggling slightly as she peered at 2/he Desert (rince.4

2 inally, someone who can coo* in the house,4 :aaras voice was still monotone, but a slight hint o# relie# could still be easily discerned. 2Naruto, you never told us you could coo*! :od, Dad. &oure such a hogger,4 "an*uro #irst proclaimed to Naruto, be#ore turning to his #ather in displeasure. 23ou probably *new she could coo* all this time and en7oying her #ood sel#ishly! 5og! 5og, hog, hog!4 he accused his dad. /emari hu##ed while :aara glared. Nagi glowered bac*. 2+ne wee* grounded will become a month.4 ,ghast, his *ids turned their noses up and #olded their arms across their chests as they loo*ed away rebelliously. 2Im surprised he didnt mention it, but maybe not really,4 Naruto said, oblivious to the #amilys antics as she gathered up the stu## she needed #rom the table. 2I was ma*ing him some stu## to try, 7ust some samples, bac* when I thought he was /enoh.4 5is *ids turned bac* to him and glared #erociously. 5e smir*ed de#iantly. 2,nd it was deli ious,4 he drew the word out. 2+nly time I could say I en7oyed being a guinea pig,4 he *ept his taunting tone subtle. ,ll three o# them bristled. +h, it was on. 25ey, now with you and Dad together, can we call you D"aa6ch <4 Nagi sped over to "an*uro in a panic, smac*ing his hand over "an*uros mouth and holding it there, ignoring the mu##led shouts as he loo*ed over at Naruto in alarm. Seeing that she didnt seem to have heard "an*uro, he only minutely rela;ed. 2:aara, get rid o# the rest o# the stu## on the table,4 he voiced loudly. 2/emari, set the table. "an*uroclean up the rest o# the *itchen.4 5e moved away #rom his son and glared at them, ma*ing them start moving. 5e then went over to Naruto. 2Is there anything you need me to do)4 2,h, 7ust set up a pot and pan,4 Naruto decided, a#ter loo*ing over her current wor*. 2Ill #inish prepping. Ill be ma*ing kushikatsu, i# thats o*ay with everyone)4 2!uch better than eating Dads poison,4 "an*uro declared. 2+r starving,4 /emari #ollowed up. 24 :aara didnt need to say anything to that. /hough Nagi grumbled to himsel#, he mentally agreed. 2.hat they said,4 he muttered. Soon enough, they were en7oying s*ewered and breaded meat and vegetables.

2Itada*imasu!4 they all said be#ore starting to eat eagerly. 2Sugoi! So good,4 "an*uro dreamily bit into his meat again. 2,side #rom these idiotic males at the table, we havent really met o##icially and #ace to #ace,4 /emari cut in, addressing Naruto with a silly grin. 2(leased to meet you #inally, +u7i6sama.4 Naruto shoo* /emaris outstretched hand, turning on her 2(rince !ode4 as she smiled so#tly and grasped the hand tenderly. 2It is my pleasure, /emari6hime.4 /emari grew hearts in her eyes ?li*ewise, a similar occurrence in "onoha was happening at the same time, between certain ramen che#s and the 9uic* glimpse o# one 5ata*e "a*ashis #ace@. Nagi sco##ed and smac*ed his hand against his #orehead. .ithout loo*ing, he managed to snag one o# his daughters ponytails and yan*ed roughly. 2&ou <stop being embarrassing. ,nd eat your #ood!4 /emari pouted, but went bac* to eating. Nagi then turned to Naruto. 2:ee0, you and your (rince thing.4 Naruto hu##ed. 2,nd you. .hy are you always the only one never a##ected) Its so un#air!4 2I was once! $ut never again!4 Nagi smugly smir*ed. 2&oull see! Ill catch you o## guard again!4 2I wouldnt hold my breath!4 ,ll three Saba*u siblings watched curiously, be#ore huddling together and giggled rather eerily as they loo*ed at the two bantering pair and continually whispered suspiciously with each other. Naruto was raising an eyebrow at them again, while Nagi went bac* to glowering at his *ids. 2.hat are you three on about)4 Naruto as*ed dryly. 2Nothing,4 all three sing6songed creepily. 2&ou guys are so cuteF4 /emari teased. Naruto and Nagi both went bright red at the same time. 2:rounded! ,ll three o# you #or a month!4 Nagi wouldnt admit that his voice went high6pitched at the end. 2 inish eating and then go to your rooms!4 5e became even more worried when they werent even un#a0ed and were giggling even more. /his disturbed him, more so seeing his youngest son giggle ?:aara really should never do certain

things@. +nce they le#t, Nagi helped Naruto clean up. It was then that he stopped short and caught a glimpse o# the nec*lace hanging around Narutos nec*, as she bent slightly and it slid #rom under her shirt and into view. 2Is that4 Naruto blin*ed at him. 25m)4 2Naruto, where did you get that nec*lace)4 She loo*ed down and grasped the crystal nec*lace. 2,h, this) .hen I was younger, a blonde lady gave it to me, along with her li#e wor* and research, which was sealed into some leather bracelets. I #ound out it was the Slug Sannin /sunade later on in the years. (retty cool, huh)4 Nagi swallowed heavily. 2A6coolyeah.4 Aool was an understatement. .orrying was also something about this new in#ormation. 2>;pensive too,4 he added. 2Aould buy mountains with it, you *now)4 ,nd it was recogni0able. (eople *new /sunades nec*lace. /hey would wonder why Naruto had it, who she was, try to ta*e it #rom her #or the riches, accuse her o# things because she had it when it was supposed to be /sunades and with the older blonde, try to ta*e her, and6and <,ND /5>E> .,S 8-S/ /++ !,N& B,EI,$3>S! 2"a0e*age6sama) ,re you o*ay) &ou loo* worried and upset,4 Naruto as*ed an;iously. 5e gave her a wea* smile, ta*ing her nec*lace and slipping it bac* under her shirt. 2Im o*ay. 8ust*eep that hidden, alright) .ouldnt want someone to steal it or assume things4 2+*ay4 Nagi inwardly #retted the rest o# the time he helped clean. It did e;plain how she learned the medical 7utsu shed become so pro#icient at, and he shouldve #igured /sunade had to have some hand in it. $ut the nec*lace ?and he couldnt believe the other woman had given it to Naruto <not 7ust because o# the conse9uences o# such an action, but also because it was hard to believe the woman would part with it in the #irst place@. ,nd he was worried about others #inding out about it, someone recogni0ing it and maybe even Naruto, and how he could deal with the situation and set up precautions and preventions. It was dangerous to be in the possession o# such a priceless arti#act. 5e went to sleep very troubled. This was ni e$ In fa t, this felt very ni e$

Whoe(er he was kissing was really soft and smelled really good$ -pening his eyes, Nagi first felt un omfortable and horrified to find hed been kissing Naruto, only for her to smile heekily and to yank his head ba k down and push her mouth against his again$ The tip of her tongue slid enti ingly against his slightly parted lips, and he ouldnt help his moan as he wrapped his arms around her lower ba k$ 4e mo(ed up, gently lowering her onto the ground as he ho(ered abo(e her, though he didnt stop kissing her$ 4e mo(ed his lips away, smirking at her pout, before sliding his lips a ross her )aw and then planting hot and hea(y open.mouthed kisses against her ne k$ %t one su h kiss on her ollar bone, he stayed there and su kled a bit, before being un eremoniously yanked away$ To his horror, he found himself staring into the furious eyes of one pissed off Namika2e 6inato$ ,'.'ad&/ he heard Naruto s<ueak, out of his (iew$ ,3ou& 4ow dare you kiss Narutos pre ious lips&/ his fellow 3ondaime s reamed at him$ ,To be fair, I wasnt urrently kissing her lips$ I was kissing her 5/ he started da2edly, before barely es aping from the fist that had been aimed at his head$ %lso, what the hell was he thinking?& What kind of fu ked up word (omit was that? Was he trying to get himself killed? ,8r, well, I was on your side,/ he heard another familiar (oi e, and he looked to the side to see Karura grinning apologeti ally and wa(ing a Nagi:Naruto flag, a huge heart embla2oned at the end$ 4e stared blankly at her$ ,1m, Nagi, you should dodge that,/ she pointed his way, and he again barely a(oided the swipe of an unfortunately (ery familiar sharp edge of a 4iraishin kunai$ ,"o Nagi:Naruto& Ban2ai&/ she whispered enthusiasti ally, smiling as she wa(ed her flag wildly$ ,'odge, dodge&/ Nagi was running around like a headless hi ken, running from 6inato and barely a(oided getting ut into ribbons$ =rom the orner of his eyes, he saw Naruto wat hing him in stunned horror$ ,Nagi:Naruto&/ ,Karura, stop being weird,/ Nagi ried out, still running in a pani $ This was so typi ally her$ -f ourse, she would be all fangirl.ish and supporti(e and )ust plain weird! ,%w, Nagi, dont be like that& Im )ust trying to be supporti(e& 'ont ruin all my fun&/ ,Karura&/

,"o, go, Nagi&/ she heered louder, wa(ing her flag higher$ ,"o for it and get the girl& Im rooting for you&/ Nagi threw her a pee(ed look as he began to sear h his person for any 4iraishin tag, be ause 6inato was starting to teleport to e(ery pla e he ran to when he got to a few pa es away from his last destination$ 4e was then blindsided by a (i ious ki k from the side$ 'a2ed and out of it, he lay on the floor in onfusion, before he fo used enough to look up to see Kushina standing abo(e him with a si kly sweet smile on her fa e, eyes losed so he ouldnt fully dis ern her e:pression$ =rom somewhere off to the side, he heard Karura eep& ,Na;gi 5I asked you to take care of Naruto$ I think you and I ha(e a very different definition of taking are of$/ 4er eyes opened to re(eal a mena ing look that he gulped at$ %nd then 6inato appeared beside her, also grinning sadisti ally$ 4is eyes widened e:ponentially$ 4e rolled away and shot to his feet, running like hellhounds was nipping at his feet$ ,I6 #->>3& IT 01#T 4%**8N8' +IK8 T4I#&/ Nagi screamed in terror, 7olting up in his bed as he sweated pro#usely. It wasnt his fault things ended up like this& +utside, his *ids got out o# their rooms and gathered in the middle o# the hallway together, staring at his door dumb#ounded. 2.hats going on)4 "an*uro blin*ed. 2I thin*Dads having a nightmare)4 /emari loo*ed uncertain. 2I didnt thin* he had nightmares!4 "an*uro gaped. 2Naruto is coming,4 :aara in#ormed them. Indeed, Naruto dropped down near them, orange pa7amas and all, and holding a *unai and a panic*ed e;pression on her #ace. 25old on, "a0e*age6sama! Im coming! I wont let you get hurt! Ill protect you!4 and she proceeded to rush towards Nagis room urgently. /he three stared again.

2Should someone in#orm her that ather is 7ust having a nightmare)4 :aara as*ed. 2Nah,4 "an*uro shrugged. 2Shell #ind out and handle it.4 2,nd Dad can handle her,4 /emari said suggestively, smir*ing. /hey all snic*ered and smir*ed at each other, be#ore dispersing and heading bac* to their rooms. Omake! (The Trou5le 6ith -lones aka The 7ass *e$uction *&ree Part I) $a*i gaped. /here was a Nagi thereand a Nagi thereand a Nagi there ,nd there were an e9ual amount o# Narutos to match. ,nd they were all #inding victims with the populace o# Suna, who were giggling and blushing as each Nagi and Naruto ?together at that@ #lirted with each other and then with said victim, causing hearts to appear in peoples eyes, loud s9ueals to erupt ?especially #rom #angirls@, and all sorts o# lecherous or inappropriate ?and silly@ reactions to occur. +h "ami, it was the return o# the old Nagi the 5eartthrob ?#rom bac* in the days@, combined with Narutos insanely irresistible 2(rincely ,ura.4 Suna was doomed. Omake! (6here *una 28ol8es (ecause O'+) Nagi blin*ed. /here was a huge paychec* on his des*. Seriously. Since when did Suna get such a huge payday li*e this)! :aping at it, he too* it and put it away in a sa#e place until he could cash it into the Suna Eeserves. .hen he traveled outside, he was once again gaping. .hat happened to his village)! /here were tourists, groups o# people planting trees and plants everywhere, a huge area sectioned o## nearby and a sign proclaiming it was going to become Sunas new public 2water par*,4 gardens suddenly popping up everywhere, and more merchants #rom seemingly all over the country suddenly occupying his ba0aar. 25ey, e;citing, aint it)4 Naruto suddenly popped up beside him. 2.hatsgoing on)4 he as*ed wea*ly. Naruto grinned. 2I sold my nec*lace. &ou *now, the one /sunade gave me) &ou said its priceless! So I decided to sell it and get money to #i; up Suna, pay o## its debts, and up the economy. ,wesome, huh)4 Nagi #ainted.

Omake! (The Genjutsu Tales: Part VII) +no*i was ready. 5e was going to grab 5an and bring him bac* to Iwa. .ho *nows whatever happened to Eoshi ?he heard something about bananas and whatnot@, but he would at least convinced 5an to come bac*. 5e was tired o# his blasted old #riends being hermits. 5e *new 7inchuuri*is wea*ness. "en)utsu. 5e cast one 9uic*ly and had his ,nbu at the ready behind him. It did not end as he e;pected or wanted. 2Ahoo6choo! Ahugga chugga, choo6choo!4 +no*i #ace palmed. /his was so embarrassing. 5ow can he #ace 5an, and tell him that the man started acting li*e a choo6choo train, complete with the #urnace on his bac* letting out smo*e) 2.erewere leaving,4 +no*i deadpanned. 2Sir)4 2Aan you imagine what would happen i# this ever got out)4 +no*i demanded. 2.ed become the laughingstoc* o# the nin7a world! No, no. .ere going to pretend this never happened. Aancel the gen7utsu and then get the hell out o# here. This ne(er happened.4 5e couldnt imagine the bac*lash. 5e would never live it down. Eeally <i# people had #ound out ?especially that old goat 5iru0en@ that one o# his 7inchuuri*i was easily de#eated by a gen7utsu and started to pretend he was a #rea*in choo6choo train, Iwa would never be ta*en seriously again! 5e #elt utter disaster #ill him.

Chapter Fourteen: Precious and Fra-i&e Thin-s

Nagi was close to pulling his hair out, when the situation worsened as Naruto burst through his door and loo*ed around in alarm. 2"a0e*age6sama, are you alright)! .heres the intruder) Dont worry= I wont let anything happen to you!4 Naruto growled protectively. 5is stomach dropped and he 7ust wanted to disappear o## the #ace o# the earth. ,nd i# not that, then he would li*e to 7ust 9uietly crawl under the covers, pretend he didnt e;ist, and i# possible die. $ut "ami, could she stop being so sweet) 2Naruto, Im #ine,4 he said tiredly, slowly running a hand down his #ace. -gh. or her to come #ind him a#ter that nightmare ?never mind how it started, which made him unable to loo* at her #urther@5ell, #or him to have had a nightmare in the #irst place, and #or her to come witness the a#termath Someone up there really hated him. 2I had a bad dream,4 he reluctantly admitted. Immediately, she blin*ed at him be#ore standing there aw*wardly and her arms coming to lie limp by her side, *unai held loose in hand. 2+h, um, o*ay. I, uhshould get bac* to bed,4 she #inished o## lamely. 2:oodgood night.4 She le#t 9uic*ly and he groaned, hiding his #ace in his hands. .hy did this have to happen to him) 5e lied bac* and tried to #all asleep, but he couldnt #all asleep now. eeling too awa*e, he sighed and got out o# bed. Deciding to try to do something to ta*e his mind o## the nightmare ?and memories o# a *iss that didnt really happen@, he went to go head out o# his room. 5ope#ully, hed end up #eeling sleepy too. $ut 7ust as he opened his door, he stared in disbelie# at the girl who #ell bac*, still sleeping. ,pparently, Naruto had ta*en up guard against his door, sitting down cross6legged on the #loor, and had #allen asleep in the meanwhile. ace turning red, he loo*ed away and his #ace was reticent ?but e;tremely embarrassed@ as he leaned down and pic*ed her up, sliding an arm underneath her nec* and the other under her *nees. or his troubles, he got smac*ed in the #ace as Naruto turned in his arms and snuggled into his chest ?this was turning more horrible by the second@.

5e swore hed retaliate against all these problems stac*ing up against him, by stealing her noodles #or the ne;t two wee*s. She was the cause o# it all, damn it. Served her right. Nagi reiterated that threat in his head when he had 7ust placed Naruto into her bed and gone to pull the covers over her, when her arms shot out and shed grabbed hold o# him. In his surprise, shed managed to pull him down and secure him to her side as she cuddled into him, having a vicious grip latched onto him and re#using to let him go. 5is #ace, un#ortunately, was burning bright red by then. 2"a0e6Nagidontstop4 he managed to hear some o# Narutos mumblings. 5e stared blan*ly at her, while his mind raced with thoughts it really shouldnt be racing with. 5e put the bra*es on that immediately ?though that odd combined nic*name thing she did with his title and name gave him a pause <probably as i# she couldnt ma*e up her mind to call him D"a0e*age6sama or #inally DNagi li*e hed been needling her to do@. or all he *new, she was probably trying to get him to stop stealing her noodles in her dream ?which he was de#initely now planning on doing in real li#e@. &es, thats it. /hats what her dream was about. 5e gingerly pried her arms o## o# him and 9uic*ly escaped, slipping a pillow bac* into her grip. 5e blin*ed as he watched her move her head closer to the pillow and rub her #ace against it, purring. Nagi 7ust sighed, moving to go towards the door, when he #ro0e at the sight o# :aara watching with wide eyes. 2&ou move #ast, +tou6san. !aybe you should wait until shes awa*e though.4 Nagi twitched. 2&ou little <!4 5e let out some :old Dust and had it dart towards :aara, who ?he swore this wasnt 7ust his imagination@ brie#ly smir*ed be#ore disappearing o## with a sand shunshin. Nagi 9uietly cursed, though he glanced to ma*e sure the commotion hadnt wo*en up Naruto. 5e swore his *ids ?and Naruto@ were going to be the death o# him. Slipping out o# her room, he headed to the *itchen and got himsel# a glass o# wine. +n second thought, he grabbed the bottle too, and then headed to the living room where he started a #ire in the grate o# the #ireplace be#ore sitting down on the #loor and leaned against the couch. 5e sighed again, and too* a large gulp o# wine as he stared at the #ire. It was rather cold that night Staring at the color o# the wine, he vaguely heard Narutos voice laugh in his head and comment that it was the color o# his hair. She would thin* so, wouldnt she)

It wasa bit o# a long time since hed last had any alcohol. Since be#ore the night with &ashamaru and when :aara was younger actually 5e wasnt much o# a drin*er. 5e *new when he dran*, it was when things were bad. ,nd when he dran*, he dran* a lot. Nagi hadnt needed to be#ore. /hough he had plenty o# reasons and stress to have turned to the bottle, he had "arura and then he had !inato and "ushina. 5e even had $a*i, who was still a bit o# a panic6driven, clueless to things guy bac* then as he was now. ,nd then near the end o# the war, hed also had #irst little /emari and then "an*uro. ,nd then he lost practically everyone and he didnt *now who to turn to, so he started binge drin*ing when he was really, really #eeling messed up. 5e didnt do it o#ten, but he *new when he did, it 7ust went south really 9uic*ly and really badly. So then there was the whole :aara and &ashamaru thing, and /sunade was there and she got a huge big clue about his problem since shed been diagnosing and healing him a#ter the whole stupid 2loc*ed6in and deprivation tactic4 hed used with :aara. ,ccording to her, while he wasnt dependent on alcohol and wasnt a 2classic alcoholic,4 he was de#initely an alcohol abuser, which still classi#ied him as an alcoholic all the same. (articularly that when he did drin*, he was a binge drin*er and he 7ust really dran* heavily. .hile he was only at the edge o# alcohol abuse and not yet into alcohol dependency, /sunade warned him that there were still heavy conse9uences to his *ind o# drin*ing. /here were also supposedly two types o# alcoholics: 2those who have antisocial and pleasure6 see*ing tendencies, and those who were an;iety6ridden people who were able to go without drin*ing #or long periods o# time but were unable to control themselves once they started.4 5e 9uali#ied as the second. /hen /sunade bluntly told him she *new that he hated wor*, hated being "a0e*age, was sometimes resent#ul o# the 7ob ?and village, but he wont say anything aloud about that, even i# she accused him o# it in #ront o# everyone@, and was always stressed out due to the 7ob. She then told him that i# he *ept being stressed returning to wor* and combined it with binge drin*ing, he was going to end up having a heart attac* on a !onday. /o which she then even more bluntly told him that older men with a history o# drin*ing, as well as those with depression, were high ris*s #or suicide. /hat he re#used to answer her told her easily that yes, he was su##ering #rom depression and that he had sometimes thought dying was a better alternative. +# course she wasnt a psychiatrist or anything, but she was capable o# deto;ing him and then threatening him with the ghosts o# "arura, "ushina, and !inato. ,nd "ushinas ghost had been

enough that time to get him to leave his o##ice and go a#ter &ashamaru and :aara, so all three got him to reluctantly promise /sunade he wouldnt go bac* to it. 5ed thrown himsel# into the search #or Naruto, while drearily continuing to loo* a#ter the village. 5e was unhappy, but the search was enough to ma*e him content and when he was single6mindedly #ocusing on it, there wasnt any room #or anything else. /he only other thing that had *ept him a#loat had been his *ids. $ut then Naruto had come into his li#e and he actually #elt alive and he wasnt depressed anymore and drin*ing never entered his mind < 5e 7ust hadnt counted on #eeling the way he did about her. 5e was very sure that !inato and "ushina really would *ill him over this, and he was uncom#ortable about it himsel#, because o# her age and because she wasNaruto. She was someone he was happy tal*ing to, being around, made him happy <and he didnt want to change things between them. 5e didnt want to ma*e things bad between them, or aw*ward or 5e didnt want to lose her. .hen Nagi loo*ed down, his glass was #inished and hed reali0ed about a 9uarter o# the wine bottle was already empty. 5e grimaced and decided that maybe he should stop while he was ahead. 2N6Nagi6*un)4 he heard the sleepy voice o# Naruto and he loo*ed over to the hallways entrance to see her standing there, rubbing at her eyes adorably with the sleeve o# her pa7ama top. 2Naruto) .hat are you doing up) &ou should go bac* to bed,4 he said, #eeling completely tired. 2.o*e up,4 she murmured, stumbling slightly as she made her way towards him. She plopped down beside him and pulled her *nees to hersel#, wrapping her arms around them. She started to roc* slightly, and he could glimpse her eyes were a bit gla0ed. 2Naruto, are you alright)4 he as*ed, becoming a bit worried as he reached out and gently touched her shoulder. She #ro0e and then the ne;t thing he *new she was slowly turning to himand then crawling on top o# him and settling on his lapand then she was right in #ront o# his #ace and he could #eel her breath #anning across his #aceand there was this look in her eyes and she was coming closer and he couldnt move and he guiltily *new he didnt want to stop her either and then she was < She was *issing him. She was moving her lips against his and he wasnt protesting, and suddenly her slender hands were moving up his arms and gripping his shoulders hard. 5is hands were moving on their own and gripping her waist, and she 7ust had to press down at the same time as

she lic*ed his lips. /he groan he let out against her was only mildly embarrassing, but he could hardly care about it right then. She *issed his ear and nibbled his earlobe, be#ore pulling bac* and he was blin*ing da0edly in the a#termath. 2Aonsider that a gi#t, because I highly doubt my *it will be anywhere near as responsive to you li*e that #or a long while, the oblivious ga*i.4 5e sti##ened up and immediately loo*ed at her, and she had red, slitted eyes with an amused smile that moc*ed him. 5e *new without being told that this was the "yuubi no &ou*o. 5e narrowed his eyes and had begun to move into a wary stance, when it held up its hands and rolled its eyes. "yuubi in Narutos body snorted. 2Eela;,4 "yuubi started, tone bored. 2I havent usurped her body or anything. ,t least permanently. .e have an agreement where I can be trusted enough to use her body to borrow her senses, to be able to have some #orm o# #reedom. ,lthough usually when shes aware and allows it <I 7ust decided to not abide that now, 7ust #or little ol you= I got tired o# watching this little dance around and also was more than a little entertained that one o# the most power#ul nin7a in the Nations was acting lovesic* #or my *it, o# all people. Surprise, surprise. I really couldnt let it pass.4 Nagi #rowned, but *ept watching it uneasily. 2II wasntI was *eeping away.4 "yuubi snorted again. 2&es, yes. .hatever. I dont care, human. $esides, you should be grate#ul #or it. &ou wont get an opportunity li*e this #or a long time. &ou should ta*e advantage o# it.4 2,bsolutely not!4 Nagi hissed, #ull out glaring at the bi7uu who was occupying Narutos body. 2$ring bac* Narutos body to bed and let her sleep. 8ust7ust leave me the hell alone!4 /he Nine6tailed o; sco##ed. 2 ine. Suit yoursel#. Its your loss. /his is probably not going to repeat #or a long time.4 "yuubi in Narutos body got up languidly, stretching and crac*ing her nec* smoothly. :uiltily, Nagi didnt miss or loo* away #rom the small e;panse o# s*in that showed as "yuubi stretched and the bottom o# Narutos top li#ted up. .hen Nagi 9uic*ly moved his eyes away and accidentally loo*ed up at Narutos #ace, "yuubi was smir*ing *nowingly. 2Night, human. :ood luc* with your pathetic a##ections.4 It le#t and Nagi was alone again. 5e stared down at his empty wine glass lying on the #loor and reached out and morosely #lic*ed it away. 5e grabbed the bottle instead.

.hen he awo*e, his head was pounding and someone was po*ing his shoulder. 5e miserably opened his eyes and was about to yell at the person who was annoying him, only to see $a*i staring at him in worry. 2Sorry,4 $a*i muttered. 2I should stop po*ing now.4 Nagi stayed 9uiet as $a*i moved away, and sat up slowly a#ter. 5is head began to pound even more and he wasnt loo*ing #orward to rummaging around #or some aspirin to help with his headache. 5is hangover was horribly massive, and 7udging by the completely empty wine bottle by his #eet, hed drun* himsel# to the point where hed blac*ed out at some point. 5ed probably had 7ust completely passed out even. 2Id accuse you o# being a high6maintenance alcoholic, i# I didnt *now you dont drin* li*e this all the time. $ut then again, as a high6maintenance alcoholic, youd be acting normal and living and per#orming li#e with no signs, and *eeping your drin*ing li#e separate.4 $a*i was still sounding accusatory as he scowled at Nagi. 2&oure too loud.4 $a*i sweatdropped and Nagi 7ust groaned, plopping bac* sideways on the couch. 5e grabbed a pillow and smothered it onto his head, trying to bloc* out everything. 2.ell, 7ust here to ma*e sure youre alive and that youre alright.4 /hough $a*i sounded unhappy, Nagi could hear the undertone o# relie# and he #elt bad about snapping at the other and about this whole thing. 2&ou didnt have to come here. I wouldve been #ine,4 Nagi muttered. $a*i snorted. 2No, actually, I *inda did. >specially a#ter Naruto came screaming and panic*ing into my apartment at #our in the morning, and dragging me out o# bed and all the way to here.4 Nagis eyes widened. 2She was screaming and panic*ing) Sheshe saw me li*e this)4 $a*i hu##ed, irritably grabbing the pillow and whac*ing him on the head with it, e;pounding on his headache. 2&es. She was and she did. &ou really scared the shit outta her, Nagi. &ou really thin* shes not going to #rea* out when youre 7ust passed out and unresponsive on the #uc*ing couch)4 Nagi winced. 2II didnt want to upset her. Did my *ids)4 DNo,4 $a*i answered in a short tone. 2Naruto, actually, thought o# them. Didnt want to panic and worry them, so when she #ound you li*e this, she went to me. ,#ter I got here, she made sure to distract and draw them away by ma*ing them brea*#ast. She covered #or you and said you were wor*ing already, and she used her D(rince ,ura to get them to go out and do separate 7obs

as a distraction. "an*uro and :aara are currently detained at the greenhouses, and /emari is wor*ing :ate duty.4 Damn it. 5e was #eeling crappy physically and emotionally right then. It was almost enough to ma*e him want to go drin* himsel# into a stupor again, but then again, that was what got him into this mess in the #irst place. 2I gotta go. /a*e the day o##, Nagi. Ill streamline and ma*e sure things go smoothly at the o##ice #or you today. 8ust rela;, en7oy the silence and the rest. , brea* will do you some good,4 $a*i patted his shoulder gently. 2Ill see you later.4 5e le#t and Nagi was miserable. 5e couldnt see how he could rela; and let himsel# rest, when he was all agitated and pissed o## at himsel# #or all o# these problems. :ritting his teeth, he harshly pressed the palms o# his hands against his closed eyes. irst things #irst <a huge glass o# water and aspirin. 5e could probably sleep o## a bit o# his hangover #or a #ew hours, a hot shower would help a#ter, and then he could get some #ood in him5ed probably be loo*ing li*e he was bac* to normal, i# not actually was. $ut as he entered the *itchen, he couldnt help but stop and #linch. Naruto was #rantically scrubbing at a pan and loo*ing li*e she was doing dishes, and hadnt seem to notice him there or have heard him. 5e should have noticed that $a*i hadnt mentioned where Naruto was, and should have #igured she might have still been in the house. +ne more step was louder than he would have li*ed, but it alerted her to him being there and she whipped around, still holding pan and sponge in either hand. 5e #linched again as he noticed the obvious pu##y red eyes and slightly red nose, and #elt horrible that hed made her cry and worry over himsel# so much. 2Naruto)4 he hesitantly called out. She #idgeted be#ore #inally putting the sponge and pan down on the sin*, and washed her hands really 9uic*ly. She then grabbed a cup and #illed it with cold water, be#ore reaching close by and grabbing a pair o# already set aside aspirin pills. She marched over to him and shoved her items at Nagi, still not tal*ing or loo*ing at him. 5e too* the stu## #rom her, and 9uic*ly downed the pills be#ore gulping down at least hal# o# the glass. 2Naruto,4 he tried again, putting down the glass on the nearest sur#ace to him. >;cept shed interrupted him by pain#ully hitting his arm. $lin*ing, he began to gape be#ore noticing she seemed to be trembling. .hen she loo*ed up, he was horri#ied to #ind she was crying again. ro0en at the sight o# her crying, he was a bit out o# it and 7ust watched as she

rushed at him and began angrily hitting his chest. 5e tentatively grabbed her wrists and stopped her, but she wasnt done. 2Idiot! 8er*! Dumbass! &oure so stupid! Dont ever do something brainless li*e that again! &ou had me so worried!4 she screamed at him, be#ore she slumped against him and started crying against his chest. 5e held her gently against himsel#, and inwardly cringed. 5e #elt even more worse than be#ore. 2I promise,4 he swore. 2I wont ever go drin*ing li*e that. +r even ever, i# you want.4 She clutched tighter onto him in response, starting to sni##le a bit. 5e s9uee0ed her gently. 2Im sorry,4 he murmured. 2(lease #orgive me)4 2+nly i# you really wont ever do something li*e that again,4 she muttered. 2&ouyou really scared me. I was really worried. I thought you4 2I *now. Im sorry,4 he said again. 2II never wanted you to #eel li*e this. I didnt want to hurt you li*e this. Im so sorry I worried you so much. I didnt want that at all.4 5e could hear her swallow and let her pull away #rom him, with her rubbing at her eyes. 2"a0e*age6sama is irresponsible&ou shouldnt do such rec*less <4 $ut his eyes dar*ened and hed 7ust instinctively pushed her against the table and cornered her. ,nd hell, he was already at this point, what was a little more) (lastered against her, his bowed head over her shoulder was an ideal place #or her to hear him clearly. ,nd she was trapped, especially with his arms on either side o# her and clutching tightly onto the tables edge. 2Dont call me that,4 he growled. 2Aall you w6what)4 she inhaled sharply, ta*en abac* at the turnaround o# things. 5e leaned bac* a little and angled his #ace close to hers, staring deeply into her eyes. She hid her shiver at the dar* loo* in them, and at how intense they were at the moment. 2D"a0e*age6sama,4 he scowled heavily. 2Dont call me that. I# youre going to call me that in #ront o# people, #ine. Ill deal with it. $ut li*e this, aloneeven i# you wont call me Nagi, you could always go bac* to calling me /enoh. Its o*ay. I wouldnt mind. Aall me /enoh i# you want, but I dont want to be Ka2ekage.sama to you,4 he voiced #irmly, and he really wished she would catch onto the pain in his voice.

,s he moved bac* 7ust the slightest, he could see her #ace was tilted upwards to see him, and her eyes were still a bit watery. 5ow strange how #ragile she seemed right then, given how she normally was. $ut shed always been #ragile around and only with him 4ow pre ious you are to me! 5e moved his head closer to hers again, and he could see her eyes widening the closer he got. 5e hovered be#ore moving his head and sliding his chee* against hers, stopping there and 7ust resting against her. 5e breathed in deeply and inhaled her scent contentedly. She didnt *now what was wrong with her heart. /he day was spent 9uietly and together. 5ed nudged her over bac* to the sin*, and had ta*en to drying the dishes as she washed ?though she was washing much less #rantically as she had been earlier@. /he dish washer was neglected #or the time being, as the activity *ept them grounded and allowed them 9uiet and a time to com#ortably be ne;t to each other. 5e went ahead with his original plans, and a#ter his shower hed wal*ed out to #ind a small meal set aside #or him on the *itchen table #or lunch. 5e ate 9uic*ly and searched out Naruto, who was 9uietly sitting on the couch and curled up in a ball, staring o## into space and loo*ing troubled. 5e #elt guilt swell up in him again and he gingerly came over and sat ne;t to her. 5e pulled her close to him and she silently nestled com#ortably to his side. 2I didnt have anyone I was really close to in my li#e,4 she murmured. 2&ou were the #irst, you *now. ,nd then everyone else #ollowed. $ut you/enoh was the #irst person I ever really let in. I# you go away, I dont *now what I would do.4 2I promise Im not going anywhere,4 he murmured bac* to her, s9uee0ing her to his side. 2I promise.4 5ed always been careless about himsel# and his own health be#ore, but it seemed that he had better ta*e better care o# himsel#, i# only so she wouldnt worry and become sad. 2Im sorry,4 he whispered again, and was grate#ul to #ind shed #allen asleep on him. 5e swallowed regret#ully and *issed her #orehead, be#ore staring o## in deep thought. >ventually, hed #allen asleep as well. 5is *ids came late in the day, 7ust as sun was setting in Suna. 2&o! Dad, are you Dmessing around)4 "an*uro yelled out as his greeting, entering the home be#ore either o# his two siblings. 2Naruto, I got you some herbs and spices!4 .hen they heard no answer ?especially an irritated yell #rom their dad and maybe an e;cited one #rom Naruto@, they traded worried loo*s and 9uietly moved #urther into their home. /o their

surprise, they saw the two curled up together on the couch in the living room. .ell, Naruto was curled up, but their dad was holding her tightly to him. 25ey, I guess they got together)4 "an*uro as*ed unsurely. :aara #rowned. 2.e dont *now #or sure. .e shouldnt say anything unless they con#irm it.4 2,w. .hy not)4 "an*uro almost pouted. /emari hit his shoulder. 2No, "an*uro6ba*a! I# theyre not, then we 7ust messed things up #or Dad and scared +u7i6sama o##!4 2>h, she does seem s*ittish about these types o# things, wouldnt she)4 "an*uro agreed a#ter thin*ing about it #or a moment. 23ets 7ust scrounge around #or #ood #or dinner and go to sleep,4 :aara suggested. 2It would be best to leave them here and theyll wa*e up on their own, or one o# them will and either wa*e the other up or, Dad most probably, carry the other to bed.4 2.e cant li#t either o# them up anyway. >r, maybe Naruto though4 "an*uro said thought#ully. /hey 9uietly slipped away, and than*#ully #ound le#tovers #or them to eat #or dinner. ,nd then it was o## to bed #or "an*uro and /emari, while :aara wandered around the home sleeplessly, li*e usual. +nly this time, he #ound his #ather awa*e and staring contemplatively ?and longingly, i# :aara saw correctly@ at Naruto, who he hovered over slightly. Nagi was 7ust 9uiet, despite having #elt his sons presence enter the room. 5is ga0e hadnt le#t Narutos #ace #rom the moment he wo*e up, and now, leaning over her, his eyes were drawn to her lips. 5e wanted to *iss her again. $ut he couldnt and wouldnt lean down and ta*e her lips #or his own, not again. Despite how much he was aching to 7ust move 7ust a bit closer to her5e was about to move away when Narutos head gently moved towards him. 5is eyes widened and his head shot up as he immediately loo*ed up to #ind :aara, only #or his son to be loo*ing bac* at him steadily. , loo* o# understanding was clear in :aaras honeydew eyes and Nagi #linched. Nagi didnt loo* away #rom :aara #or the longest while, and his son stood there and stared bac*. 5e #elt absolutely torn 5e turned bac* to Naruto and closed his eyes, and a second later #elt the so#t lips o# the girl he wanted touched against his. 5e had *ept bac*, re#rained #rom leaning down and *issing her, but i# she would 7ust move to him

Nagi didnt remember ever #eeling as grate#ul as he did then to :aara, than ever so #ar in his li#e.

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