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The Alien Ring By Xavier Mehta

Xavier Mehta, age 10 was walking in his neighborhood for a peaceful walk. Then he saw a big rocket ship going straight down to the neighborhood clubhouse. There was a big crash. He wanted to see what was inside the rocket. When he opened the door, there were these weird looking aliens. They all looked the same (big heads, little hands, fat noses, and huge feet) and were the same size. One of them looked at Xavier and said, Hi, Im Star Rock, Im the only alien who can speak English. Hi Im Xavier, said Xavier. We all need help with our planet, and your planet. Theres an evil alien whos trying to destroy both of our planets. His name is Motoromous. What does he look like? Xavier asked.

He has two heads, four eyes, two noses, two mouths, four arms, four legs, and ten toes. Star Rock said. So basically hes like us, but has twice the amount of body parts than we do. Xavier said. He used to be a human like you, but someone really bad cursed him. Star Rock said. Can you tell me who cursed him? Xavier asked. Yes, but never say his name aloud. Ill tell you the story and what you have to do. Ten years ago, the same day you were born, in Africa a man named Bill cursed Motoromous. Motoromous got followers and gave the followers to Fronos. That same very day, one of our friends from our planet was going on a quest, but Motoromous took him as a follower. Who is Fronos? Xavier asked. Fronos is Santa Clauss daughters dog. He ate all of his polar bear puppies, and didnt even care. He then made a ring, and hid it somewhere on his planet. Our friend who was going to go on the quest is now evil and his name is Asteroid Star. Asteroid Star was going to try to destroy the ring, but failed. If you destroy the ring, every follower and

the four stidans (Bill, Motoromous, Fronos, and Asteroid Star) will die. So you want me to go on the quest? Xavier asked. Yes. If you dont, then everyone on your planet and my planet will die. Ok, Ill go, but wont my mom and dad get worried if I dont come at night? Xavier said. No, we already took care of that. We have a time portal. Once you destroy the ring, youll come straight back to where you are now. So, Itll be day. How are we going to go to Fronoss planet? Xavier asked. With our rocket, of course, said Star Rock. Xavier had forgotten so much about the rocket. When he looked outside of the rocket, the clubhouse was as good as new. He sat on a chair and thought, wow I really like this rocket. There were twenty-one chairs, (for the twenty aliens and Xavier) there were ten restrooms, a big dome, and all these buttons. The seat was very comfy, and reclined so he could

lay down. Star Rock gave him his astronaut suit so he can put it on. Star Rock told one of the aliens something that Xavier couldnt understand. Then he told Xavier, that they were going to leave in a minute. Xavier waited for the minute to end. At the end of the minute, Xavier sat back and relaxed. Three, Two, One, Blastoff! They went up in the air really fast, maybe 600 miles per hour or so. They went up so fast that Xavier was about to throw up. He reclined his chair, and right when he did he threw up! It was a huge throw up! It was floating in the air because of zero gravity. They landed on the planet, and Star Rock laughed. That was a big throw up you did there! Star Rock said. They had a sailboat and said to sail on the river until it ends. Xavier was surprised there was even water on the planet. Well be at our planet. Star Rock said, and took off! Xavier was pretty scared when they left, because he was all alone. He put his sailboat on the river, and sat down. Suddenly a huge monster almost bit his neck. He looked for something

to swing at the monster. He got an oar, and right when he got the oar, the monster jumped up. The monster was on the boat. It was like a centipede and a snake mixed together. It had one hundred legs and had a slithery body. It had big huge jaws, bigger than the great white shark jaws! It slashed at Xavier, but Xavier blocked it. The thing chased him all around the boat. Its slithery tail about fifty feet long. Suddenly, Xavier had a plan. He jumped up and slashed at the creatures neck with the oar. Surprisingly the head fell off. Guts spilled out everywhere! Yuck, thats disgusting, he said. He cut the creature into pieces in case he was hungry. The only thing bad about it was he couldnt cook the creature. After that he took one little bite of the creature. It tasted like turkey. He then sailed on the river. Every once in a while, there would be that same creature. After a couple of days, there was a huge storm. There were these huge waves. It seemed like he was in the ocean. After that, something even worse happened. His boat crashed into a rock and flipped upside down. He went into

the water. When he swam back up he hit his head on the boat and went back down in the water. His lungs were about to explode right now, he swam back up and got some air. His astronaut suit was soaked. Xavier looked around. There was a creature charging at Xavier full speed. It was bigger than the other creature he fought. It looked like an elephant that could swim fifty miles per hour, and that weighed about five hundred tons. It slashed at him with its tusk, and hit him on the cheek. His right cheek was bleeding. Xavier didnt have his oar, so the only thing he could do was swim for it. He swam to land. Right when he touched the shore, the creature swung at him, but missed. He ran so he couldnt see the creature anymore. He saw a sign that said something he couldnt read:

Blabi Blaber

Right underneath that showed something he could read:

Welcome to the Alien House


There was a big town in the background. It looked like a regular town, but something was different about it. He went in the town and saw what was different about it. The creatures there werent humans. They were aliens! He asked one alien if he knew Star Rock. Star Rock, the most evil alien in history? Xavier was confused. Star Rock told him he was good. He must have tricked him. He asked the alien if he was a follower of the evil aliens. He said no, but Xavier didnt know for sure. Xavier went down the street and saw a sign that said City Hall that way. It was pointing to the right. He followed where the sign said. Suddenly, he saw a huge building. The building had a sign that said City Hall, home to Fronos, Motoromous, Bill, Asteroid Star, and Star Rock. The five great stidans. He forgot to ask what a stidan was. Something caught Xaviers eye. On the bottom of the sign, in little letters, said Fronoss Ring. He ran straight into the building. The building looked really cool inside, but he wasnt distracted. Even though there was delicious food

everywhere, and he was starving, he passed right by them. He saw another sign that said:The great stidans and the ring. He ran to where the sign was pointing. He kept running until there was an end. At the end, there were two doors. The problem was, there were fifteen guards. He stopped. The great stidans are having a meeting, said one of the aliens. I dont care! Xavier said. He punched the alien in the stomach. One down, fourteen to go. He easily fought the guards down and opened the doors! You liar! Xavier screamed at the top of his lungs at Star Rock. You lied to me! Xavier was really angry at Star Rock. Xavier jumped at Star Rock and punched him in the face. Star Rock had a bloody nose and was really angry at Xavier. Quickly, Fronos came and jumped at Xavier and bit him on the neck. Xavier didnt expect Fronos to be this bad. He thought it was a joke when Fronos ate his polar bear puppies, but now Xavier understood. Xavier slowly stood up and kicked Fronos like he was a soccer ball. Xavier

punched Star Rock in the face again. He ran towards the ring, but Motoromous tackled him. It was a big tackle, and he couldnt stand being pushed onto the floor. Xavier got up quickly and kicked Motoromous in the stomach, then ran at the ring and threw the ring at the ground. However, the ring stayed as is. Xavier stepped on it, but it stayed as is again. He didnt know how to destroy the ring, maybe a hammer. No, he didnt have a hammer. He read the ring. It said bulletproof. Bulletproof. Xavier complained, Oh man, how am I going to destroy it if its bulletproof? While he was thinking, he forgot the great stidans were there. Fronos leaped at Xavier, but Xavier luckily ducked. Xavier ran with the ring in his hand out the doors. He didnt expect all the aliens to be standing there in front of the door. They tackled him to the ground. The ring fell loose, and one of the aliens picked it up. Xavier tripped that alien, and the ring fell out of the aliens hand and into Xaviers. Xavier ran for it.

All of the aliens chased him including the great stidans. He looked for something to destroy the ring. He finally found out how to do it. He found the elephant creature still in the river. He put the ring on the ground, and the elephant walked at him. Right when the elephant took his first step, he stepped on the ring, and the aliens vanished. Xavier was sent back to his neighborhood clubhouse, where he was standing before he went on his adventure. He walked back home and decided to rest.

The End


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