5.1.b Clause Types - Exercises

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E$ER%I E Write Indep. ne&t to the comp'ete sentences and p(t a period ).* a+ter them. Write Dep. ne&t to the incomp'ete sentences. The +irst two ha,e been done +or -o( as e&amp'es. 1. ..Indep... /'oba'i0ation means more tra,e' +or b(sinessmen and women. 1. ..Dep.... As b(siness e&ec(ti,es +'- aro(nd the g'obe to se'' the companies2 prod(cts and ser,ices. 3. .......... 4et 5ag a++ects most 'ong-distance tra,e'ers 6. ..........Which is simp'- the (rge to s'eep at inappropriate times. 5. .......... D(ring 'ong 7o(rne-s thro(gh se,era' time 0ones8 the bod-2s inner c'ock is disr(pted. 9. ..........:or some reason8 tra,e' +rom west to east ca(ses greater 7et 'ag than tra,e' +rom east to west. ;. .......... A'so8 changes in work sched('es can ca(se 7et 'ag <. .......... When hospita' n(rses change +rom a da- shi+t to a night shi+t8 +or e&amp'e =. .......... A'tho(gh there is no s(re wa- to pre,ent 7et 'ag 1>. .......... There are some wa-s to minimi0e it 11. .......... "eca(se 7et 'ag is ca(sed at 'east partia''- b- 'oss o+ s'eep8 not 7(st a change in the time o+ s'eep. 11. .......... A tra,e'er sho('d p'an to arri,e at his or her destination as 'ate as possib'e 13. .......... !pon arri,ing8 he or she sho('d immediate'- go to bed 16. .......... Then the tra,e'er sho('d start to 'i,e in the new time 0one immediate'15. .......... E,en when the tra,e'er arri,es ear'- in the morning and cannot go to bed immediate'-

Academic Writing workshop - INTERMEDIATE

Re+erence? Adapted from Hogue, A. (2006) Writing Academic English, The Longman Academic

Writing series Level 4, Longman.

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