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Link # 1: Who put up the link?

Include name, address, phone, and other contact information Richard Culatta is the creator/designer of Culatta is a leader in the field of educational innovation, who focuses on leveraging social media to create effective largescale distributed learning environments. Richard Culattas contact information was not disclosed on his website. However, he can be followed through his Twitter account: Richard Culatta @rec54

Mission statement: To serve as an online resource that focuses on best practices for teaching and learning as well as technology integration. The concepts on the site are built on the foundation that in order to have effective learning - online learning or in the classroom - it is as important to connect learners with other learners as it is to connect learners with quality content.

What subjects or topics does the site address? Instructional Design: instructional assessment, instructional design glossary, instructional design models, user interface design, storyboarding, usability testing, notable instructional designers, instructional design conferences, learning objects, designing mobile learning, instructional designer jobs. Online Learning: overview of e-learning, online learning timeline, gaming for learning, distance learning, distance education, distributed learning, Sloodle. Instructional Technology: categorization of learning technologies, open source software, gaming in education, efficacy of technology in the classroom, myths about using computers with children. Teaching and Learning: learning theories, assessment evaluations, educational administration, organizational learning, educational topics, k-12 education

What type of material is posted on the page? This website has a combination of data, graphs, articles, tutorials, and interactive programs. Additionally, resources such as tools for mobile learning, micro-blogging, social networking, educational blogs, learning management systems, wikis, mind mapping, and virtual worlds are

available for instructional designers who want to incorporate technology in their teaching practices.

Who would be interested in the site? Who is the intended target audience? This website is a good source for all individuals in the teaching/instructional field, who believe that people learn better when they are given the opportunity to interact with other individuals to discuss a particular topic. Leaders in the Educational Psychology field can benefit from this site, especially if they incorporate the principles of social learning/social constructivism in a classroom setting or online learning communities.

What is the best/worst feature of the site? Whether designing the curriculum of a class or designing the content of an online class, this website allows instructional designers/educators to develop a consistent system of instruction by analyzing the learning needs of a particular community. As stated by Richard Culatta: Instructional design models typically specify a method, that if followed will facilitate the transfer of knowledge, skills and attitude to the recipient or acquirer of the instruction. Another good feature of is that it provides innovative teaching methods that will make any instructional design model more effective.

Link # 2:

Who put up the link? Include name, address, phone, and other contact information LEARNet is a website that has been designed and powered by Camelot Media Group in collaboration with the Brain Injury Association of New York State. Mark Ylvisaker, Ph.D, Mary Hibbard, Ph.D., ABPP, NYS Developmental Disabilities Planning Council, Office of People With Developmental Disabilities, Commission on Quality of Care and Advocacy for Persons with Disabilities, NYS Department of Education, NYS Department of Vocational and Educational Services for Individuals with Disabilities, NYS Department of Health, and the NYS Office of Mental Health are the entities responsible of making updates to this website. For general information, it is suggested to contact the NYS Brain Injury Association: Address: 10 Colvin Avenue. Albany, NY 12206-1242 Phone: (518) 459-7911 / (800) 228-8201 (toll free) / Fax: (518) 482-5285

Mission statement: LEARNet is a problem-solving system and resource website that strives to help individuals identify useful procedures for helping students with brain injuries in school and at home. It is LEARNets goal to provide continuous access to all schools and families with A/TBI consulting services without the costs of a TBI specialist.

What subjects or topics does the site address? LEARNet addresses assessment, cognitive/academic, behavioral, social/emotional, and physical/medical issues that affect individuals with traumatic brain injuries and those around them, including school instructors, family members, and friends. Additionally, the website provides readers with relevant information about the brain, its parts, and how it works, neurons and how they work, the sensory system and how it works, drugs and their effects on the nervous system, and common neurological disorders that derive from TBI.

What type of material is posted on the page? This website has a combination of data, graphs, articles, tutorials, interactive games and programs designed to educate teachers, clinicians, parents, and students about individuals with traumatic brain injury. Additionally, followers of this site have access to, which is a web-based advocacy training program for parents, with the goal of helping them become more effective advocates for their school-aged child.

Who would be interested in the site? Who is the intended target audience? The target audience for this website is very vast and includes teachers, clinicians, parents, and any other individuals interested in learning about the brain and how it works. Teachers and classroom facilitators can greatly benefit from the information posted on this website, as it presents an overview of how TBI affects individuals processing of information, concentration levels, test-taking and communication skills.

What is the best/worst feature of the site? The best feature of this website is that it allows individuals to become more sensitive to the needs of people with particular functional needs. LEARNet provides teachers, parents, clinicians, and students with the opportunity to interact with community organizations in the State of New York that provide services to individuals with disabilities. The use of videos and testimonials serve as problem-solving techniques for people facing the challenges of TBI.

Link # 3:

Who put up the link? Include name, address, phone, and other contact information The idea to develop an Institute for Learning Style Research ( was first conceived in 1970 by Dr. Russell French of the University of Tennessee, in an effort to create a theoretical framework for the different perceptual learning styles that individuals develop. It was not until 1996, when a group of researchers used Dr. Frenchs idea to develop a Multi-Modal Paired Associates Learning Test (MMPALT-III). After this invention, the ILSR decided to create a web presence as a means of advertising the learning test (MMPALT-III). Based on the information provided in this website, the applications for the MMPALT III extend from the field of education among teachers and students to the domain of business amid trainers and participants and to the realm of individuals interested in their own formal and informal lifelong learning. The Institute for Learning Style Researchs contact information is as follows: Phone Number: (865) 982-6253. Mission statement: The Institute for Learning Styles Research (ILSR) is a group of researchers, instructors, and individuals interested in the art and science of learning and teaching. The ILSR is a not-for-profit organization "dedicated to fostering research and development of learning and teaching." The particular area of interest is the matching of learning styles knowledge with teaching strategies and techniques.

What subjects or topics does the site address? The ILSR addresses current trends/research in the areas of perceptual styles, Perceptual Modality Preference Survey, and Multi-Modal Paired Associates Learning Test.

What type of material is posted on the page? The website contains graphs, journal articles, interactive applications, as well as the abstract of dissertations that have been written by current and former directors of the Institute for Learning Style Research.

Who would be interested in the site? Who is the intended target audience? Individuals interested in fostering the art and science of learning and teaching would be interested in this site. The site is open to researchers, practitioners, and students that wish to match their learning styles with teaching strategies and techniques that promote student success.

What is the best/worst feature of the site? After thoroughly exploring this website, I noticed that the website has a lack of information in specific areas such as teaching and learning methods, implications of assessment models in the workplace or in the teaching-learning process, and learning strategies in an educational or workforce setting. On the other hand, I believe that the best feature of this site is the interactive link that allows individuals to complete the Perceptual Modality Preference Survey. The survey is designed to help learners rank their seven perceptual styles and plan for future learning experiences.

Link # 4: Who put up the link? Include name, address, phone, and other contact information John Magnotti is the Society for Research in Adult Developments website administrator. Previous website managers are Sara Nora Ross, Joanna Gonsalves, Sharon Dickinson, Eric Andrew Goodheart, and Katherine Logan who worked collaboratively with Jack Demick, editor of the Journal of Adult Development. John Magnotti can be contacted via e-mail at:

Mission statement: The Society for Research in Adult Development is an organization that offers theoreticians and researchers the opportunity to share and explore ideas with other theoreticians and researchers in a deeper way through relating them to daily life and its problems and opportunities.

What subjects or topics does the site address? The website uses the Journal of Adult Development to address issues and current trends in the areas of development and character of the ego; the changing nature of human relationships across the life span; relationship between the ethical atmosphere of higher education institutions and the development of adults within them.

What type of material is posted on the page? The website is not very rich in content; it contains written information such as articles, bulletins, and journals.

Who would be interested in the site? Who is the intended target audience? People from all disciplines who are interested in positive adult development would be interested in this website. Educators and classroom facilitators, who see adult development as an opportunity to expand capabilities and changes that improve the quality of life of diverse individuals, can benefit from this website.

What is the best/worst feature of the site? The best feature of the Society for Research in Adult Development is the free access to the Journal of Adult Development. This journal is a forum for publication of peer-reviewed, original theoretical and empirical articles on biological, psychological, and sociocultural development in young, middle, and late adulthood. Additionally, the site invites people to conduct research on populations that have not been traditionally studied.

Link # 5: Who put up the link? Include name, address, phone, and other contact information The website was created developed and published by members of the American Federation for Aging and Research in 2000. The website is managed and updated periodically under the supervision of Ashby Andrews, Communications Officer. The AFAR is located on 55 West 39th Street, 16th Floor, New York, NY 10018. Those individuals requiring additional information about this organization should call or e-mail the corporate office at (212) 703-9977 / E-mail:

Mission statement: The American Federation for Aging Research (AFAR) is a national non-profit organization whose mission is to support and advance healthy aging through biomedical research. AFAR focuses its activities on these major initiatives: identifying and funding a broad range of cuttingedge research most likely to increase knowledge about healthy aging; attracting more physicians to specialize in geriatric medicine to meet the demands of an aging population with expert health care; creating opportunities for scientists and clinicians to share knowledge and exchange ideas to drive innovation in research of the aging; and providing information to the public on new medical findings that can help people live longer lives, less susceptible to disease and disability.

What subjects or topics does the site address? This website addresses a variety of topics such as: Biology of aging: stem cells, DNA, caloric restriction, cellular senescence, longevity, immune response, theories of aging, biomarkers of aging, human genome. Diseases related to humans aging process: Alzheimers disease and depression. Healthy aging: smoking cessation, hearing, alcohol abuse, oral health, immunization, and nutrition.

What type of material is posted on the page? This website has a combination of data, graphs, articles, webinars, and videos that describe different therapies that are being developed by researchers for memory in older adult. Most of the interactive material posted on this site has had the input of Dr. Adam Gazzaley, who is the founder of the Neuroscience Imaging Center at the University of California in San Francisco.

Who would be interested in the site? Who is the intended target audience? Scientists and physicians in geriatric research and in the practice of geriatric medicine can greatly benefit from this website. Leaders in the Educational Psychology can use the information posted on this site to effectively develop programs and instructional strategies that support the learning process of mature/aging college adults.

What is the best/worst feature of the site? The best feature of this website is the opportunity it offers to interact with leading scientists in aging. Scientists, physicians, and the public in general can get questions answered about the latest developments in the field. To take advantage of this opportunity, individuals must e-mail questions to:

Link # 6:!

Who put up the link? Include name, address, phone, and other contact information was created in 2000 by Prof. Dr. Jost Reischmann, Chair of Andragogy (retired), Bamberg University, Germany. Dr. Jost Reischmann is the President of the International Society for Comparative Adult Education (ISCAE) and member of the International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame. Dr. Reischmanns e-mail address is:

Mission statement: This website does not have a mission statement.

What subjects or topics does the site address? provides readers with an overview of the history, meaning, context, and functionality of Andragogy- the science that explains how adults learn. Dr. Reischmann also describes the current issues with Andragogy and its impact on the academic disciplines that prevail in the Academia of the 21st century

What type of material is posted on the page? Only written materials and pictures representing the structural scheme of adult education and adult learning are posted on this website.

Who would be interested in the site? Who is the intended target audience? Researchers and current students in the field of Educational Psychology would be interested in the site, since adult education has become an area of interest for research and reflection worldwide. What is the best/worst feature of the site? The website does not contain any practical applications/case studies that could help researchers depict the future of Andragogy. The website should have a section with suggestions for colleges and universities as to how they need to improve their programs and instructional design to meet the needs of growing college adult population.

Link # 7:

International Society for Comparative Adult Education

Who put up the link? Include name, address, phone, and other contact information ISCAE was created in 2000 by Prof. Dr. Jost Reischmann, Chair of Andragogy (retired), Bamberg University, Germany. Dr. Jost Reischmann is the President of the International Society for Comparative Adult Education (ISCAE) and member of the International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame. Dr. Reischmanns e-mail address is:

Mission statement: The general purpose of ISCAE is to increase the awareness and value of comparative adult education. In particular ISCAE wants to encourage the growth of comparative adult education studies by promoting research in this area, documenting and sharing the developments and standards in publications, facilitating the publication and distribution of comparative adult education studies, organizing conferences and meetings for members and others interested in this area, fostering thematic networks, and co-operating with other societies with similar aims. What subjects or topics does the site address? ISCAE provides readers with an overview of the basic principles of adult education, how adult education is perceived differently in countries around the world, and how educators can use the concept of ethnocentrism to help people be more sensitive to the needs of a culturally diverse society. Dr. Reischmann also describes the current issues with Andragogy and its impact on the academic disciplines that prevail in the Academia of the 21st century.

What type of material is posted on the page? Only written materials and links to publications on adult education and learning (from ISCAE members) are posted on this website.

Who would be interested in the site? Who is the intended target audience? Researchers and current students in the field of Educational Psychology could be interested in the site, since adult education has become an area of interest for research and reflection worldwide.

What is the best/worst feature of the site? The best feature of this website is that it provides a link to the 5th Conference of the International Society for Comparative Adult Education, which will take place November 3-6, 2012, in Las Vegas, USA. The goal of this event is to allow participants, through active discussions, improve theory and practice in the education of adults.

Link # 8: Who put up the link? Include name, address, phone, and other contact information The National Association of School Psychologists ( established its online presence in 1999. The contents of all material available on this Internet site are copyrighted by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) unless otherwise indicated. At present the website is managed by Kathy Cowan, Director of Communications. Kathy Cowans e-mail address is: Those interested in contacting NASP can send correspondences via mail at: National Association of School Psychologist: 4340 East West Highway, Suite 402, Bethesda, MD 20814; or, by telephone: (301) 657-0270 or (866) 331NASP (toll free) TTY: (301) 657-4155 Mission statement: The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) empowers school psychologists by advancing effective practices to improve students learning, behavior, and mental health. This organization bases its practices on the following ore values: advocacy, collaborative relationships, continuous improvements, diversity, excellence, integrity, and visionary leadership. What subjects or topics does the site address? This website addresses the following topics for classroom facilitators and families: Resilience in the school system, transition tips for students entering the world of post-secondary education, anxiety disorders in children and how it affects academic performance, effective school practices for achieving discipline, zero tolerance and discipline strategies, how to defuse disruptive behavior in a classroom setting, self-control techniques, teen-suicide prevention tips, diversity, obesity prevention in children, stress in children and adolescents, strategies for educators to increase retention rates, special populations, and effective teaching techniques to help students with disabilities be successful What type of material is posted on the page? This website has a combination of data, graphs, articles, tutorials, interactive games and programs designed to educate teachers, school psychologists, parents, and students in general about different strategies that can make the learning process more effective.

Who would be interested in the site? Who is the intended target audience? People from all disciplines who are interested in positive adult development would be interested in this website. Educators and classroom facilitators, who see adult development as an opportunity to expand capabilities and changes that improve the quality of life of diverse individuals, can benefit from this website. Parents interested in learning how to be more supportive of their childrens learning experience should visit this website.

What is the best/worst feature of the site? The best feature of this resource is the large amount of tutorials regarding effective teaching practices. It also has information in Spanish for those parents and educators that are not proficient in the English language. By doing so, the NASP ratifies its commitment to diversity and collaborative relationships with the Latino community in the United States.

Link # 9: Who put up the link? Include name, address, phone, and other contact information George Lucas is the creator and editor of and the George Lucas Foundation. Although Georges personal information was not included in the website, individuals interested in obtaining additional information should send correspondence to: The George Lucas Educational Foundation, PO Box 3494, San Rafael, CA 94912-3494. E-mail for general inquiries about The George Lucas Educational Foundation.

Mission statement: Edutopia and The George Lucas Educational Foundation is dedicated to improving the K-12 learning process by documenting, disseminating, and advocating for innovative, replicable, and evidence-based strategies that prepare students to thrive in their future education and adult lives.

What subjects or topics does the site address? Comprehensive assessments: information regarding different tests that measure cognitive abilities, academic performance, and learning styles. Integrated teaching strategies: tools for effective teaching and successful learning in a classroom environment. Project-Based Learning: hands-on projects ideas that could help students make their learning experiences more meaningful instead of more complex and difficult. Social and emotional learning: techniques that highlight the importance of collaborative learning. Technology integration: tips on how to include technology as part of the core curriculum of different classes taught at the college level.

What type of material is posted on the page? This website has a combination of data, graphs, articles, tutorials, interactive games and programs designed to educate teachers, school psychologists, parents, and students in general about different strategies that expand learning and engagement for students.

Who would be interested in the site? Who is the intended target audience?

Parents, teachers and administrators, and policy makers interested in providing rigorous projectbased learning, social-emotional learning, and access to new technology. Based on information posted on, the website is a place of inspiration and aspiration based on the urgent belief that improving education is the key to the survival of the human race. What is the best/worst feature of the site? The best feature of this website is the opportunity it offers to the public in general to share ideas that support the educational systems of the 21st century. This online source serves as an inspiration to those individuals working in the Educational Psychology field to improve student achievement by using technology and research.

Link # 10: Who put up the link? Include name, address, phone, and other contact information. The P20 Motivation and Learning Lab is co-directed by Dr. Ellen Usher from the University of Kentucky and Meribeth Gaines, principal of Wellington Elementary School in Fayette County, opening Fall 2011. Dr. Ellen Ushers contact information is as follows: 249 Dickey Hall, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0017 Phone: (859) 257-864 Email: Mission statement: The broad aim of the lab is to examine academic motivation in a variety of contexts and to identify practices that best promote and sustain the motivation students need to acquire skills essential for success and well-being in the 21st century. The lab will address the critical issue of student and teacher motivation, which includes variables such as self-efficacy, achievement goals, interests, engagement, and self-regulation, and achievement outcomes in P20 settings in Kentucky and beyond.

What subjects or topics does the site address? The website addresses issues related to motivation and its effect on students, particularly issues related to learner-centered developmental approach, patterns of motivation in culturally-diverse learners, and the relationship that students develop with teachers and classroom facilitators and its impact on students performance and motivation.

What type of material is posted on the page? This website has a combination of data, graphs, articles, and a timeline of current research projects being completed in the area of self-efficacy and motivation.

Who would be interested in the site? Who is the intended target audience?

Classroom facilitators, PhD students, and school psychologists interested in analyzing the different factors that affect motivation in public schools. These factors include goals and students interests. What is the best/worst feature of the site? The best feature of this website is the vast amount of information it has regarding William James and Banduras self-efficacy theory, and how it relates to cognitive skills acquired by students.

Link # 11: Who put up the link? Include name, address, phone, and other contact information The link to the Distance Education and Training Council is managed by Robert Chalifoux, Director of Media and Events. Robert can be contacted by phone at 202-234-5100 Ext. 104. The Distance Education and Training Council is a non-profit [501 c 6] educational association located in Washington, D.C. Mission statement: The DETC Accrediting Commission defines, maintains, and promotes educational excellence in distance education institutions. The Commission is dedicated to fostering quality assurance, protection of the rights of the students and institutional self-improvement through voluntary accreditation via peer evaluation. DETC accreditation aims to instill public confidence in DETC institutions' missions, goals, performances, and resources through rigorous application and peerdeveloped accreditation standards.

What subjects or topics does the site address? The site addresses issues related to university/college accreditation, laws and regulations governing post-secondary institutions, and the different strategic plans that have been followed by accredited colleges and universities in the United States. What type of material is posted on the page? Only written materials and links to publications about adult education, standards for academic quality, student services, and the impact distance learning has had on colleges, universities, and adult learners. Who would be interested in the site? Who is the intended target audience? Researchers, Higher Education Commissioners, and policy makers interested in promoting sound educational standards in the field would be interested in this website. What is the best/worst feature of the site?

The best feature of this internet resource is that it allows researchers and educators to obtain accurate information regarding accredited postsecondary institutions and the programs they offer. The site provides an overview of distance learning programs that prepare individuals for state-level examinations.

Link # 12: Who put up the link? Include name, address, phone, and other contact information commenced in October 2003 after a group of instructors and psychologists from Austria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Ireland, and the United Kingdom decided to create some strategies to make education more accessible to all individuals who have a desire to learn. The website is currently administered by John Latham, ASSET Project Manager. John can be contacted via email at Mission statement: ASSET is a Transnational Co-operation Project funded through the European Union's Socrates Grundtvig programme. It aims to enhance the effectiveness of European Adult Education teachers across a wide range of curriculum areas by providing a self-help tool-kit developing skills in: learner center methodologies, learner support, and diversity

What subjects or topics does the site address? The site addresses the following topics: Learner center methodologies: characteristics of adult learners, anxieties and other disabilities affecting adult learners, motivating factors in adult learning, conducting learning needs analysis, problem-based learning, teaching strategies, and evaluation/assessment of adult academic progress. Learner support: time managements, goal setting, communication skills, skills for coping with peer pressure and stress, critical thinking skills, reading and note-taking skills, strategies for effective written communication, plagiarism and cyber-plagiarism, test preparation strategies. Diversity: age, disabilities, sexual orientation, gender, values, ethnicity, and religion.

What type of material is posted on the page? Only written materials (case studies) and links to other sites of interest are posted on this website. These written materials provide teachers with tools that will allow them to create a more inclusive classroom environment.

Who would be interested in the site? Who is the intended target audience?

Tutors and classroom facilitators can greatly benefit from this website as its current content provides recommendations for best practices in highly diversified educational environments. What is the best/worst feature of the site? The best feature of this resource is the large amount of tutorials/handouts regarding effective teaching practices. Additionally, there is a section with approximately thirty links to organizations that promote education and diversity in Europe.

Link # 13: Who put up the link? Include name, address, phone, and other contact information NIACE established its online presence in 2001. Although it was not clearly stated who manages the website, individuals interested in obtaining more information about this charity should send written communications to NIACE, Chetwynd House, 21 De Montfort Street, Leicester, LE1 7GE, UK - Tel. +44 (0)116 204 4200/4201 - Fax: +44 (0)116 204 6988. Electronic messages should be e-mail to: Mission statement: The National Institute of Adult Continuing Education (NIACE) aims to encourage all adults to engage in learning of all kinds. The organization achieves this by running high-profile campaigns such as Adult Learners' Week and Quick Reads, delivering high quality development and research work, supplying expert consultancy, advice and support services, engaging ministers and parliamentarians, supporting networking with practitioners, policy-makers and researchers, publishing leading books and journals, offering a wide-ranging event management service, disseminating specialist information, and providing flexible and personalized training courses.

What subjects or topics does the site address? The website addresses a variety of issues that concern facilitators in the area of adult development. Such issues include: Digital learning and the strategic use of technology in the classroom environment. Family and intergenerational learning Health, equality, and the promotion of diversity in traditional classroom settings Literacy, numeracy, and language skills developed by adult learners

What type of material is posted on the page? Books, catalogs, online publications, and links to other websites related to adult learning are the main materials posted on the website. The website has a variety of visual aids (pictures) that enrich the content of the information portrayed in this online site.

Who would be interested in the site? Who is the intended target audience? Individuals interested in this website include adult learners, local authorities of England, government agencies, charities, policy makers, and adult educators willing to support education and healthy human development. What is the best/worst feature of the site? Besides providing current information related to the psychology of adult learners, NIACE is a website that includes information about fundraiser and campaigns to support the interest of adult learners in different educational settings in England. I learned that Adult Learners' Week is the UK's largest and longest running learning campaign, and it is usually celebrated the third week of May.

Link # 14: Who put up the link? Include name, address, phone, and other contact information The link is managed by the European Association for the Education of Adults Secretary General, Gina Ebner. Gina can be contacted via email at Individuals interested in obtaining more information about this European organization can mail correspondences to the address listed below: Rue d' Arlon 40 B-1000 BRUSSELS Tel: +32 2 234 37 63 * The EAEA main office is situated in Brussels, near the EU institutions. Mission statement: The aims of the European Association for the Education of Adults is to promote the development of adult learning, encourage co-operation in adult learning at the European level, and lobby international bodies so that they adopt plans and policies which respond to the needs of the adult population in Europe. EAEA promotes adult learning and the widening of access and participation in formal, non-formal and informal adult education for all, particularly for groups currently under-represented.

What subjects or topics does the site address? The European Association for the Education of Adults addresses issues related to intercultural learning opportunities, recognition of non-formal learning, and social inclusion and employability.

What type of material is posted on the page? This website contains written materials and links to publications about adult education, standards for academic quality, student services, and the participation of older people in adult learning.

Who would be interested in the site? Who is the intended target audience? Researchers, Higher Education Commissioners, and policy makers interested in promoting sound educational standards in the field, including a more inclusive educational environment for older adults.

What is the best/worst feature of the site? The best feature of this website is the emphasis that is placed on the participation of older people in adult learning. The website mentions that older people are a large and growing part of the European Unions population and this is changing the dynamics of society in important and fundamental ways, especially because older people wish to be active participants in their workplaces and communities.

Link # 15: Who put up the link? Include name, address, phone, and other contact information RWTC ( established its online presence in March of 2004. Although it is not clearly stated who updates/manages the website, individuals can send written correspondence to 21 Tebei St. 400305 Cluj-Napoca, Romania. RWCT International Consortium accepts questions/concerns via e-mail at

Mission statement: Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking International Consortium promotes and implements critical thinking across the educational spectrum around the world. This organization believes that critical thinking is required of individuals to be successful in our changing world.

What subjects or topics does the site address? This informational site addresses in detail issues related to critical thinking and the way this concept is perceived in different countries around the world, the teaching of writing in European countries, and learning strategies for the thinking classroom.

What type of material is posted on the page? The online source is very rich in content; it contains written information such as articles, bulletins, activity reports, and journals about the implementation of critical thinking strategies in traditional and non-traditional classroom settings. The website explains that RWCT introduces research-based, instructional methods to help students think reflectively, take ownership of their personal learning, understand the logic of arguments, listen attentively, debate confidently and become independent, life-long learners.

Who would be interested in the site? Who is the intended target audience? Policy makers and classroom facilitators are the intended target audience, given that these individuals are more inclined to promote education reform, research-based innovation, and good advice on teaching-learning practices.

What is the best/worst feature of the site? The best feature of this website is the opportunity it offers to the public in general to share ideas (via open forums) that support the implementation of critical thinking strategies in modern European educational systems.

Link # 16: Who put up the link? Include name, address, phone, and other contact information The website was designed by William Peirce in 2003. A greatly expanded text version of a workshop presented November 17, 2004, at Prince George's Community College. William can be contacted via email at

Mission statement: N.A What subjects or topics does the site address? This website addresses issues related to metacognition and the three different levels of knowledge: declarative, procedural, and conditional. Additionally, the website explains in detail the process of metacognition and how it relates to study strategies, motivation, and learning. What type of material is posted on the page? Only written materials and charts explaining the process of metacognition are posted on this website. Who would be interested in the site? Who is the intended target audience? Instructors teaching reading, writing, and academic strategies would benefit from this website.

What is the best/worst feature of the site? The best feature of this website is the thorough analysis that is done about metacognition. I found the information on the different metacognitive strategies that can help students throughout their learning process, including test preparation, reading, self-assessment, and self-monitoring, extremely interesting.

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