Integrating Technology Day 1

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Daily Lesson Plan

Day 9 Objectives: TSW: Summarize the unit (DOK 2) Materials: 1. Student A) Textbook (My World History: Early Ages) B) Writing Utensils C) otebook !a"er 2. Teacher D) #oll$Atten%an&e Sheet ') Textbook (My World History: Early Ages) *) +eo"ar%, -ame O enin! "Set#: Tea&her .ill o"en the &lass .ith brie/ "leasantries0 The stu%ents .ill &ome in 1uietl, an% begin their bell .ork2 .hi&h is to rea% Do&ument A2 /oun% on "age 344 an% the 1uestion that is un%erneath the Do&ument0 The, .ill rea% Do&ument A an% the 1uestion in their 5ournals0) What %oes 6uhamma% urge 6uslims to %o in Do&ument A7) is the 1uestion the, .ill ans.er0 A/ter rea%ing the Do&ument an% ans.ering the 1uestion in their 5ournals the stu%ents ma, 1uietl, rea% their o.n books0 Learnin! Tas$s "Procedures#: A0 -i8e stu%ents enough time (an,.here /rom /i8e to se8en minutes) to res"on% to the 1uestion in their book on "age 3440 B0 Dis&uss the 1uestion in &lass b, &alling on stu%ents .ho raise their han%0 C0 A/ter ans.ering the 1uestion an% all other 1uestions ha8e been &o8ere%2 &olle&t the 5ournals b, ha8ing the stu%ents "ass them to the /ront o/ the ro.0 D0 On&e all o/ the 5ournals are &olle&te% ha8e the stu%ents "ut their textbooks ba&k un%erneath their %esks0 '0 'x"lain to the stu%ents that the, .ill be "la,ing a re8ie. game2 +eo"ar%,2 to stu%, /or the unit test0 *0 'x"lain to the stu%ents that ,ou .ill &all on stu%ents .ho raise their han% to the 1uestion gi8en0 -0 an, 1uestions the stu%ents ma, ha8e2 as it ma, be hel" the stu%ents stu%, /or the test0 A0 On&e all o/ the 5eo"ar%, 1uestions ha8e been ans.ere%2 .ith the /e. remaining minutes that are le/t2 a%%ress to &ertain stu%ents .ho throughout the lesson ha% "roblems .ith the material0 90 With the /e. remaining minutes that are le/t the stu%ents ma, rea% their books0

%losure: &nrich'ent: Ask stu%ents to &ome u" .ith an, 1uestions the, ma, ha8e that .ill be hel"/ul /or them to stu%, /or the test0 9a8e stu%ents look through their textbooks at Cha"ter :; to see i/ there .as a se&tion that .as un&lear to them0 (ntervention: </ stu%ents are ha8ing trouble .ith the material2 ask them .hat the, &urrentl, intereste% in (T=2 s"orts2 et&) an% "la&e it in the &ontext o/ the in/ormation in that "art o/ the &urrent "o"ular &ulture0 )cco''odation: Stu%ents .ho ha8e a har% time un%erstan%ing an, se&tions .hen %is&usse% as a grou" .ill be "aire% u" .ith a stu%ent .ho %oes un%erstan% them2 .hen aske% to &ome u" .ith 1uestions0 Su''ary: To%a, .e ha8e "la,e% the game (+eo"ar%,) to re8ie. /or the unit test0 *or home.ork ,our assignment is to stu%, /or the unit test tomorro.0 9a8e the stu%ents be "re"are% to take the unit test an% turn in all o/ their home.ork that the, ha8e been .orking on /or the last t.o .eeks0

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