Integrated Other Subject Literatrue and Art

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Daily Lesson Plan

Day 6 Objectives: TSW: Design a cube with the different accomplishments made by the Muslim people in the Muslim Empire. (DOK 4) Materials: 1. Student A) e!tboo" (My World History: Early Ages) #) $riting %tensils &) &omputer 'aper 2. Teacher D) (oll)Attendance *heet E) $hite #oard and Mar"ers +) e!tboo" ,My World History: Early Ages.) &amera O enin! "Set#: eacher will open the class with brief pleasantries. he students will come in /uietly and read the board0 which says that today they will be doing a pro1ect on the accomplishments of the Muslim Empire. hey will read the board and open there boo"s up to page 423. hey will sit /uietly until e4ery student is in the room. After all of the students are in the room the students will listen to the teacher5s instructions. Learnin! Tas$s "Procedures#: A. (epeat to all the students to open up their boo"s to page 423 and pass out the computer paper to e4ery student. #. E!plain to the students that they are ma"ing a cube out of the paper cut out gi4en to them. &. Discuss that they need to write si! paragraphs on si! accomplishments that are listed and tal"ed about in their boo". hey may choose whate4er si! they please0 but must ha4e si! total accomplishment paragraphs at the end of the pro1ect. D. After the teacher is done e!plaining the pro1ect the students are able to discuss with a partner and get started on the pro1ect by reading the accomplishments in their boo"s on pages. 4236427. E. As students are finding their facts for their cube e!plain to the students that they need to be creati4e in decorating their cubes. 8et me "now that there are crayons and mar"ers a4ailable for them to use. +. Address to certain students who throughout the lesson had problems with the material. .. 9ntroduce the ne!t section of study0 which will be discussed the ne!t day. :. Once it gets near the time of the bell ringing the students may pac" up and tal" /uietly to a neighbor for the last two minutes or

so. hey will continue this pro1ect tomorrow. %losure: &nrich'ent: &all on students to tal" about what accomplishments they pic"ed. (ntervention: 9f students are ha4ing trouble with the material0 as" them what they currently interested in ( ;0 sports0 etc) and place it in the conte!t of the information in that part of the current popular culture. )cco''odation: *tudents who ha4e a hard time understanding the pro1ect will be paired with a student who does understand the pro1ect0 when able to discuss the accomplishments. Su''ary: oday we ha4e disco4ered a few of the accomplishments the Muslim Empire had. omorrow we will finish this pro1ect and get ready to finish the chapter. +or homewor" you are to complete <7.4 ,$ord $ise- found on page <=>.

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