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Legislature Building Scavenger Hunt Class: Social Studies 6A Date: March 12/2013 Time:10:37 to 11:22 Location: Classroom Unit:

Provincial Government Lesson # within unit: 4 Topic: Legislature Building

GLOs: 6.1 Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of the dynamic relationship between governments and citizens as they engage in the democratic process. SLOs: 6.1.5 analyze the structure and functions of Albertas provincial government by exploring and reflecting upon the following questions and issues: How is the provincial government structured? (PADM) What is the role and status of the Lieutenant Governor within the provincial government? (GC, PADM) B. Learning Objectives: The students will be able to 1. Identify at least three symbols that represent the structure of the provincial government in a scavenger hunt. 2. Recognize the legislatures importance to the Alberta Provincial Government. C. Rationale: The students are unable to actually take a field trip to the legislature building, because it is not feasible at this time. This lesson will allow the students to take an avatar through the provincial government building in Edmonton and look at various attractions that they would find if they were actually touring the real building. This lesson does not really hit any of the outcomes, instead it will be used to get the students to focus on the provincial government, and start to put it in context for them. D. Key Powerful Question(s): What is the significance of the legislative building to the Alberta Provincial Government? What are the most important symbols that can be found in the Legislature Building?

E. Materials/Resources/Equipment Needed: Website:

I wanted to hit almost every F. learning profile that I could with the instructions on how to do this scavenger hunt. I found the pictoral representation to be the best suited for my academically G. lower students.

18 Scavenger Hunt Work Sheets Adaptions I will have the instructions up on the board at all times during the activity so that the students can refer back to them. I will group students who are strong at reading with students who need help, so that the students can engage in peer teaching. I will go through each question with the students so that they know exactly what is being asked of them, which will eliminate guessing if they are unsure. There will be visual handouts of the instructions for the students. Procedure: Introduction: (5 minutes) 1. Slide 1 Agenda will be on the board. Make sure all of the students have their materials ready. 2. Slide 2-There will be a picture of the legislature building on the board with the following question on it: What is this? Where is it located? Why is it located there? Why is it significant/important? (Provincial Legislature Building, Edmonton because it is our capital city) Explain that this building is a symbol of the Provincial government, which means that when we think of the provincial government this is something that could come to mind because this is where all the magic happens (making bills, services, etc) 3. Explain that in this building there are different symbols that we are going to be looking for when we do the scavenger hunt. Ask: If you were to take a tour of this building what kind of things do you think you would find? (Symbols- Alberta flag, pictures, offices, etc.) 4. Lets go find out!!! Body: (Development) (35 minutes)

1. Explain that we are going to the computer lab to go on a virtual tour of the Legislature Building. 2. Hand out the visual steps that they need to follow in order to start the tour. 3. GO through these steps with them BEFORE they get do it, also write these on the board: a. Go to the URL: (This may already be loaded on the computers to save time and make sure I am using visual they are working) representation b. Click on Launch Virtual Visit (pictures), as well as c. Click on Discover the Legislature Building on your own (left) modelling the steps d. Create your avatar- Explain that they will have 5 minutes to do before the students this. Once the timer goes off, it will be time to move on. (Timer: go to the computer lab.

e. Once you are in the building, it is time to explore!!! Use your arrow keys to move the character around, and click on the different symbols, to find the information! Do an example of this with the first symbol that they will encounter. 4. Choose a random student to repeat the instructions, or what a specific step is. 5. Hand out a Scavenger Hunt Sheet to all of the students and go over the questions with them. Explain what they are supposed to do once they are on their tour. 6. Line the students up at the door, and then we will head to the computer lab. (In the previous class I will have explained that we are going to the computer lab next class). 7. Let the students work through and explore the website and fill in their scavenger hunt sheet.

Enrichment Activity: The students can find their favorite place that they found, and draw it on the back of the scavenger hunt work sheet/ they can keep exploring the building with their avatar. Closure: (5 minutes) 8. Have the students turn to the page that says the bonus question/exit slip. Ask them to answer those questions before they can leave. a. Where is the Legislature Building Located? b. Why is the legislature building important? Assessment/Evaluation: Formative: Their Scavenger Hunt Work Sheets Formative: Exit Slips

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