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Design Brief and Design Specification G10 Green Saeri Suzuki Design Brief The purpose of this unit

is to recreate a logo to make it cooler and nicer than the original one. For my task, I am going to recreate a logo of swimming centre in centre in !. The swimming ! is swimming analysis and teaching swimming centre. "ach lesson was taught

#y $S$ %$d&ertising Standards $uthority' teachers and coaches. Those $S$ teachers and coaches pro&ide a safe, warm and nice en&ironment to all the children in this swimming centre. $lso this swimming centre is different from other swimming centres. (ecause coaches can analyze e&eryone)s stroke #y using &ideo technology. *oaches also can impro&e swimmers) swimming a#ility a lot. The purpose of this swimming centre is +,on)t -ust train harder, train smarter.+, so swimmers can impro&e their swimming a#ility and skills easier and faster. In my opinion, this swimming centre is wonderful place to practice swimming for all the children who want to learn how to swim. The reason why I chose a logo of this swimming centre in ! is, #ecause its logo does not look nice. It seem to me that it does not attract a lot of children and looks #ad. So, I really want to change this logo cooler then original one. I also want to recreate the logo which can attract a lot of children and makes them smile and happy. There are many swimming centres in the world and their ways to teaching swimming is not good as this swimming centre in !. /owe&er, their logos are nice so they can attract and gather many children easier. Fo e0ample, I think this logo looks really nice and easy to attract a lot of children. (ecause it has a cute whale on the logo and using 1 different fonts which most of children lo&e. I think this swimming school is one of swimming centre in !)s competitors. If I compare the swim centre in ! and this swim school, I think the swim centre in ! has #etter en&ironment and has great swimming education. /owe&er if I compare their logos, this swim school)s logo is much #etter than the swim centre in !. There are large num#ers of swimming centres in the world and a lot of children ha&e many chances to decide which swimming centres or schools they want to go. /owe&er most of them decide #y using swimming centres or schools own logos. This means that the logo gi&es first impression and plays a &ery important role, so people need to think deeply #efore they are going to create their own logos. In my opinion, I will make the logo of swimming centre in ! cool and simple #y

using 123 different colors, nice and cute fonts %use children)s fa&orite fonts' and some pictures to impact its logo. I actually want to use an animal %which can swim well' picture. For instance, dolphins, penguins or whales, /owe&er it will #e too complicate and too hard for me to create it, so I will not use the animal picture on my logo. Design Specification For my logo, I will... se 123 different type of colors, such as #lue or light #lue etc. se +Segoe 4rint (old+ font or +Segoe Script (old+ font ,raw water picture to decorate my logo 5rite a word +Swimming *entre+ or +6et)s go to swimming centre+ etc. If my logo is too simple, i will use a gradation to impact it %I might use +Flare Glow 7adial 1+' Those are lists of my re8uirement for my swimming centre in !)s logo. /owe&er I am not sure if I am going to use the gradation %+Flare Glow 7adial+'. It will depends on what my logo looks like. (ecause some swimming companies ha&e used gradation for their logos, #ut some of them ha&e not. I think my recreate logo is going to attract a lot of small children who are li&ing in ! and will make them to want to go to the Swimming *entre in swim fast with nice strokes and so on. ! to learn how to swim, how to

+*ompetit&e Swimmers .+ The Swim Centre Competitive Swimmers. 9.p., n.d. 5e#. 10 :ct. 101;. <http=>>>competit&e.html?. +Swimming *ourses.+ SOuth Staffordshire Council. 9.p., n.d. 5e#. 10 :ct. 101;. <http=>>www.sstaffs.go&.uk>your@ser&ices>leisure@ser&ices>leisure@centres>codsall@leisu re@centre>swimming>swimming@courses.asp0?.

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