Week 13 2013-14

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K2 Weekly Newsletter #12

Week of November 11th, 2013

EC Week13 UISG EC Division

What Has Been Happening In Our Classrooms?

We thank those parents who were able to spend time with their child to work on the roles and responsibilities home survey. We are still waiting for the rest of the surveys to come back so we can share them with the class together. Another activity will come home this Tuesday; this one is on the Family Tree. In the past, some parents take out their family albums and spend time discussing their family history and identifying family members (some even talk about their extended family members aunt/uncle/cousins). We will look into What is a grandparent? How are they connected to us? W e hope you will be able to share this experience together with your child. In addition, we mentioned at the Parent Information Meeting that we will start the Home Reading Programme in November. This Thursday, we will send a reading folder home with your child with clear instructions in English, Korean, Chinese or Japanese. Your child will pick a book of his/her choice from a set of emergent readers to help them build on their reading skills. The reading folder needs to be returned on Monday so we will have a chance to listen to your child read to us. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us or write in the Communication Book. Last week, the K2Y friends have been learning about their own nationality; some are recognizing that they are from two countries. There were a few children who were able to tell us that they were born in a different country than where they come from. For a couple of children, it took us a little more explaining to convince them that they are not Chinese just because they were born in Guangzhou. Each child got to present him/herself in front of the class by reading a card that starts with a hello in their own language, who they are, what country/countries they are from and what language(s) they speak; everyone represented themselves well. K2R practiced asking each other Where are you from? and replying with I am from (my country). We looked on our world map at countries we come from. We worked together to make a bar graph with each student placing a block in a row for their country. We learned that graphs are another way to show mathematical information. We found out that the countries that the most K2R students are Japan and China. We look forward to seeing many of you tomorrow at the Family Country Celebration. We will keep the foods and drink in the EC office as there is a fridge there. If your child has a sibling(s) at school and you would like for the brother(s) and/or sister(s) to come join us for the Thanksgiving Luncheon, you are welcome to do so; please inform the siblings class teacher about this.

Unit of Inquiry Central Idea: Families are unique and make us who we are Trans-disciplinary Theme: Who We Are Key Concepts: form, connection, responsibility Lines of Inquiry: Similarities and differences within family units Roles and responsibilities within the family How family histories influence our identity

We would like to thank last weeks Classroom Helpers

Line Leader Snack & Lunch Helper Calendar/Weather Helper K2R Ryan Haruto George K2Y Kelvin & Dima An Nan & Florian Antonia

Calendar of Upcoming Events And Celebrations

Month November 12 Event/Celebration Family Country Celebration (10am-1pm) Early Childhood Division IB workshop in Hong Kong Mother-Tongue Storytelling 2:45pm Comments Tents& tables will be available at 8:30am for parents to set up No school for EC students Please remember to bring your book if you are a parent volunteer Lecture Hall Whole School Celebration School ends at noon



28th December 13 20

UPTA meeting Festival of Lights More info to come soon End of Semester 1

This Weeks Focus

Language: Letter Ii (Letterland character Impy Ink). Making passports for this weeks special event. Home Reading Programme to start. Introduce Family Fun booklet. Putonghua: Matching the flag picture with the country name. Mathematics: Measurement - Using maths language to compare quantities (more /less) / Formative assessment -1:1 correspondence to 10 or more. Creative Art: Where is your country? Looking at maps and colouring their own country/countries. PE: Kidnasticsvarious balancing routines (continued) Music: The song "When Santa Claus gets your letter" for the Festival of Light

Class Reps : K2R Rachels mum(Gillian) : gilliangao53@hotmail.com K2Y Antonias mum (Nadine):ptnschmitt@me.com K2Y Elises mum (Ulrike): ulrikeranzow@googlemail.com Learn more about IB: www.ibo.org http://k2uisgz.weebly.com/ - password: k2pl@yground

Any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us. Ms. Stephanie (K2R)- sfairall@uisgz.org Ms. Chan (K2Y) cchan@uisgz.org Ms. Daoqiong (K2Y)dqiong@uisgz.org

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