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Chapter 10

Accurate and complete technical information: 1. Process description and tlowsheets. 2 . Drawings. 3. Specifications. 4. Site information. Reasonablyaccuratetake-offs: 1. Materials. 2. Hours. 3. Labor rates. 4. Indirects. Realistic unit pricedwork hours. Thorough and systematic review of all items with potential cost impact. Realisticexecution pladschedule.
of a sound estimating approach

The main ingredients importance:

- Hard work.

are. in order of

Common senseand experience. Estimatingtechniqucsisystems.

The common sense and hard work applied to thorough prqject scoping and good execution planning will determine the quality of the estimate regardless of the estimating technique used. They can only be provided by the estimators a n d o r project managers/engineers.Estimatingtechniques are. of course,important. especiallywhen they alsoprovide a database. However, they are no substitute for hard work and experience. As mentionedbefore. estimating techniques range fromvery simple to very sophisticated. There is a niche for cach technique. However. simple ones are normally quite adequate for small projects.

Sometimes it s e e m that accuracy has little to do with the effort and sophistication of the resources appliedto thepreparation ofestimates. Occasionally a 15 minutc, back-of-an-envelope estimateturns out to be more accurate than a detailed estimate prepared after weeks of engineering using complicated and expensive techniques. However. these are extreme cases,and a back-of-an-envelope estimate shouldnot be relied upon for appropriation nor for cost tracking orcontrol.

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