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DIPPER THE MECHROMANCER PLANNING 1. The Train a. The Shuttle ride - Review back-story.

Introduce Tent techs evil machinations. Show Candy and Grenda. Ends with meeting Lil Gideon b. The rats at the station Introduce Wendy, Robbi3 and Macgucket. Fight rats, Ends with sneaking on the train. c. The train Sneaking around, get caught by Robbi3, let go. Ends with seeing Hyperion soldiers unloading crates. d. The robots Dipper tries to talk to Wendy. Robots attack, train explodes. 2. The Snow a. 5005 5005 digs Wendy, Dipper, Macgucket, and Robbi3 out of the snow, he tells them that he knows Gruncle Hammerlock. b. Bullymongs 5005 takes them back to his home, then Knuckledragger attacks and steals the eye. c. Snow Grenda is injured, Mabel and Candy fight off Bullymongs and trudge through the snow, avalanche reunites groups. d. Knuckledragger - The seven meet up and fight Knuckledragger. 3. The Pirates a. Liarsberg b. Midgemong c. Moar Bandits d. Captain Flynt
Lester Dent, who created Doc Savage and other pulp heroes and wrote adventure yar ns for The Shadow, had a formula for his short stories. He divided his 6,000-word yarns into four sections of 1,500 words each, each section with a purpose that concludes with a twist or a "punch," leading inevitably toward the climax. This produced tight, varied stories that Dent could churn out by the dozens.

Broken: 1. Mabel and Dipper on the shuttle a. Sitting in awkward silence b. People watching c. 2. Mabel meets Gideon 3. Mabel and Dipper at the train station 4. Dipper meets Robbie 5. The train [EXPLETIVE REDACTED] explodes 6. Dipper, Wendy, and Robbie in the snow meet 5005 7. Mabel, Candy, and Grenda in the snow, fighting bullymongs. 8. Bullymongs

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