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Rachel Parsons OMDE 601 Section 9042 September 29, 2013 Distance Education - A Definition

Holmberg defines distance education (DE) as being characterized by teaching and learning being brought about by media; in principle students and their teachers do not meet face to face. One or more media are used for their interaction and for communicating subject matter (Holmberg. 2005 p. 9). The definition of distance education evolves with technology. Holmberg states five characteristics of distance education; qusai-seperation of students and teachers, use of media technology, two way communication, influence of parent organization, students are usually taught as individuals and not in groups (Holmberg. P9). Todays distance education can be seen as online learning. Media is being used to close the geographical gap between student and teachers. It allows for increased and timely communication between student and teacher and student and student. It allow s the parent school (UMUC) to have more control over the class material and allows students to feel part of the school. As technology and learning platforms develop we can see Holmbergs five points becoming easily defined. This development in distance education is directly related to past and current industrialization. The advent of the postal service led to the availability of correspondence classes. As technology grew so did the way distance education classes were presented. The 1970s and 1980s brought tele-conferencing. The 20th and 21st century has brought internet communication, instant messaging and chat rooms. As technology develops so does distance education.

It is my opinion that this definition of distance education allows for the most growth. As technology grows and the pedagogy used in DE develops the definition will slowly adjust. Holmbergs definition leaves room for growth in the underlying supports of DE. Holmbergs definition of distance education moves education from being an assembly line to a more personal form of distance education. From this definition I have created my own; distance education is an alternate form of education, where the student and the teacher are separated geographically. The use of media. internet communication, guidance from the parent school, increase in reliable instant two way communication and the emergence of group education coupled with independent study.

Holmberg, B. (2005). Concepts and terminology - Student bodies. The evolution, principles, and practice of distance education. Oldenburg, Germany: BIS-Verlag der Carl von Ossietzky Universitt Oldenburg (pp. 9-11). Peters, O. (2004). Growing importance of distance education in the world. In O. Peters, Distance education in transition: New trends and challenges (4th edition) (pp. 13-24). Oldenburg, Germany: BIS-Verlag der Carl von Ossietzky Universitt Oldenburg.

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