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Gaurav Verma
S/o Sh. Radhe Shyam Verma Preet Vihar, Roorkee Distt. Haridwar (U.K.) Pin code-2 !""! #o$% - &'&!'! !(2

Career Objective:A challenging job in an encouraging environment that fully utilize my knowledge and abilities and at bathes same time offers opportunities for future enhancement of my skill as well as professional growth. Academic Qualification: High school passed from U.P. Board.

Personnel Details: ate of Birth 'ather(s )ame -anguage .nown /arital *tatus *e0 )ationality +eligion Permanent Address Declaration:-

! ! ! !

! "#."$."%&% ! *h. +adhe *hyam ,erma Hindi ! Unmarried /ale 1ndian Hindu ! ,ill. Budhana2 istt. /uzaffarnagar

1 hereby solemnly affirm that all the above information furnished by me are true 3 correct to the best of my knowledge 3 belief. Date: Place: (Gaurav Verma)

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