Potsdam Police Blotter Nov. 10, 2013

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Authorized By: Date: 11/10/13

Name: City/Town/Villag e Charge: Location: Relea e/Ret!rn: Narrati"e

Jackson D. Corcoran Rochester !"eed in #one $ %9 in a 30 'arket !treet Returna()e to *otsda+ ,i))a-e Court on No.e+(er State N.Y

Age: Date: Time:

19 11/10/ 013 1:3& A'

/ 013 at &:30 a+

011icer o(ser.ed a .ehic)e tra.e)in- at a hi-h rate o1 s"eed/ tra11ic sto" 2as initiated and the a(o.e su(3ect 2as identi1ied as the o"erator. 4icket issued 1or the a(o.e char-e. A))an 5. Dod-e 5aterto2n 6nnecessary Noise $ !tereo Bay !treet Returna()e to *otsda+ ,i))a-e Court on No.e+(er / 013 at 9:30 a+ State C4 Age: Date: Time: 1 11/10/ 013 :%7 A'

Name: City/Town/Villag e Charge: Location: Relea e/Ret!rn: Narrati"e

A(o.e su(3ect 2as issued a ticket 1or the a(o.e char-e 1o))o2in- a noise co+")aint.

0038 0103 013& 0 03 0 3 0 33 0 3% 0 3& 0 83

*atro)s res"onded to a do+estic dis"ute on Cedar !treet 4ra11ic sto" on 'arket !treet $ ,er(a) 2arnin- issued 4ra11ic sto" on *)easant !treet $ 4icket issued 4ra11ic sto" on 'a")e !treet $ ,er(a) 2arnin- issued Recei.ed a noise co+")aint on Bay !treet $ 4icket issued 4ra11ic sto" on !andstone Dri.e $ ,er(a) 2arnin- issued 4ra11ic sto" on *ine !treet $ ,er(a) 2arnin- issued Dis"atched *otsda+ Rescue to a ca)) 4ra11ic sto" on Cedar !treet $ ,er(a) 2arnin- issued


0%80 0%81 0& 7 0&83 09 3 09%9 1 03 13 0 18 0 1831 1937 1980 330 *atro)s res"onded to a do+estic dis"ute on De(ra Dri.e *atro)s res"onded to a do+estic dis"ute on C)arkson Ca+"us *otsda+ Rescue dis"atched to a ca)). *otsda+ Rescue dis"atched to a ca)). *otsda+ Rescue dis"atched to a ca)). Cri+ina) +ischie1 co+")aint on *ine !treet. Assisted the !heri11:s 011ice. Dis"atched *otsda+ Rescue to a +otor .ehic)e accident on Rt 11/0)d 'arket Road. *otsda+ Rescue dis"atched to a ca)). *otsda+ Rescue dis"atched to a ca)). Disa()ed +otor .ehic)e on ;)+ !treet. Ci.i) co+")aint recei.ed/ ad.ised "ro"er re+edy so)ution. *atro)s res"onded to a 911 han- u" ca)) on 'arket !treet

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