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MEC 3611: Structural Mechanics

Lecture 3: REVIEW

Plane stress transformation Principal Stresses and Maximum In-Plane Stress Mohrs Circle Strain Generalized Hookes Law

MEC 3611

Plane stress transformation If the state of stress at a point is known for a given orientation of an element of material, then the state of stress for any other orientation can be determined.

MEC 3611

Plane stress transformation Procedure

1. Section element as shown (Fig. a). 2. Assume sectioned area is A (Fig. b) 3. Draw free-body diagram of element (Fig. c).

MEC 3611

Plane stress transformation Procedure

4. Apply equations of force equilibrium to determine unknown stress components + Fx = 0;

x ' = x cos 2 + y sin 2 + xy (2 sin cos )

+ Fy = 0;

x ' y ' = x y sin cos + xy cos 2 sin 2

MEC 3611

Plane stress transformation Procedure

Simplify the above two equations using trigonometric identities sin2 = 2 sin cos, sin2 = (1 cos2)/2, and cos2 =(1+cos2)/2

x' =

x + y x y
2 + 2

cos 2 + xy sin 2

(9 - 1)

2 If y is needed, substitute ( = + 90) for into Eqn 9-1

x' y ' =

x y

sin 2 + xy cos 2

(9 - 2)

y' =

x + y x y
2 2

cos 2 xy sin 2

(9 - 3)

MEC 3611

Principal Stresses and Maximum In-Plane Stress

From the previous explanation we know that x y and xy depend on the angle of inclination of the planes on which these stresses act. Obviously it is important in engineering practice to determine the orientation of the planes that cause the normal stress to be a maximum and a minimum and the orientation of the planes that cause the shear stress to be a maximum.

MEC 3611

Principal Stresses and Maximum In-Plane Stress To determine the maximum normal stresses we must differentiate Eqn 9.1 wrt and equate to zero.

x y d x ' (2 sin 2 ) + 2 xy cos 2 = 0 = d 2

Solving the equation and let = P, we get

tan 2 p =

xy ( x y ) / 2

This equation has roots at p1 and p2. The values of 2p1 and 2p2 are 180apart, so p1 and p2 will be 90apart.
MEC 3611

Principal Stresses and Maximum In-Plane Stress The necessary sine and cosine of 2p1 and 2p2 can be obtained from the shaded triangles shown below.
sin 2 p1 = xy x y 2 + xy 2 + xy 2
2 2

cos 2 p1

x y = 2

x y 2

sin 2 p 2 = xy

x y 2

+ xy 2 + xy 2

cos 2 p 2

x y = 2

x y 2

MEC 3611

Principal Stresses and Maximum In-Plane Stress Substituting either of the two sets of trigonometric relations into Eqn 9-1, we get

1, 2

x + y = 2

x y 2 + xy 2

(9 - 5)

Eqn. 9.5 gives the maximum/minimum in-plane normal stress acting at a pt, where 1 2 . The values obtained are the principal stresses, and the related planes are the principal planes of stress. Principal planes: two orthogonal planes on which the shear stress is x' y' = 0
MEC 3611

Mohrs Circle
If a graph is plotted comprising all points whose coordinates are x , y , with as a parameter, the resulting figure is a circle known as Mohrs circle

(x ,xy) 2


(y ,-yx)

MEC 3611


Stress Element y Y yx x xy yx y xy X x

Mohrs Circle y

Y x 2 B

+ max


- max K

2 1

B max center J


2 Principal Stresses

Plane of Maximum Shear Stress

Mohrs Circle
Strategy of finding the centre of the circle and its radius:
Identify the points X(x ,xy) and Y(y ,-yx) Draw the diameter line XY, which crosses the horizontal axis at the center C of the circle (c,0), where

c 0 Y (y,-yx)

S(c,r) X(x,xy) C 2 r P'(x',x'y') S(c,-r)

MEC 3611

c = (x + y)
Use Pythagoras theorem to find the radius r of the circle,

r = {[(x - y)]2 + xy2}

Maximum in-plane shear stress

The maximum shear stress corresponds to the Point S and hence occurs at the 45to the principal plane


x y = 2

+ 2 xy

MEC 3611


3D Stress State
One Mohrs circle can be drawn for each stress plane Therefore, the 3-D stress state can be represented with three Mohrs circles. The principal stresses are assumed to have maximum, intermediate and minimum intensity: max int min.

MEC 3611


3D Mohrs Circle Plane Stress

A Case Study The two principal stresses are of the same sign 1 = min = 0 , 2 = int , 3 = max

MEC 3611

3D Mohrs Circle Plane Stress

A Case Study The two principal stresses are of opposite sign 2 = min = 0 , 1 = int , 3 = max

MEC 3611

Maximum Shear Stresses

Absolute max shear stress is the numerically larger of:
max,3 = 1 2

max,2 =

1 3

max,1 =

2 3

yz, abs max



Normal Stress,

MEC 3611


The stress components at a point are x = 100 MPa, y = - 20 MPa, and xy = - 50 MPa. 1. Find the principal stresses, the maximum in-plane shear stress, and the angles between the principal direction and the x direction. 2. Illustrate the inclination of the principal planes with the sketch.

MEC 3611


Definition of Strain
Strains are classified as either direct or shear. Direct or normal strain is the change of length of a linear element divided by the original length. Shear strain is a change of shape conventionally defined as the tangent of . But, because the angles are assumed to be small, tan = when is measured in radians.

L Direct strain

Shear strain
L and

= tan

MEC 3611


Definition of Strain
State of strain at a point is described by six strain components:
a)Three normal strains: x, y, z b)Three shear strains: xy, xz, yz c)These components depend upon the orientation of the line segments and their location in the body

Strain is a geometrical quantity measured by experimental techniques. Stress in body is then determined from material property relations. Most engineering materials undergo small deformations, so normal strain << 1. This assumption of small strain analysis allows us to simplify calculations for normal strain.

MEC 3611


Generalized Hookes Law

Many engineering materials behave in a linear-elastic manner, where stress is proportional to strain, defined by Hookes law, = E. E is the modulus of elasticity, and is measured from slope of a stress-strain diagram

xx = yy = zz =

= = =



1 xx ( yy + zz E 1 yy ( zz + xx E 1 zz ( xx + yy E 2 (1 + ) xy E 2 (1 + ) yz E 2 (1 + ) zx E

[ [ [

] ] ]


zz yz zy yx xy yy

zx xx


MEC 3611

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