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Man power wastage is an element of labour turnover.

Wastage is severance from the organization, which includes, voluntary retirement, normal retirement resignation, death and dismissals.

Redundancy points out the position of the employee as no longer needed for any available job and therefore liable to dismissal


Labour turnover index:- this index

indicated the number of leaves as percentage to avg no of employees.

Labour turnover =
number of employees leaving Average number of employees employed

This index indicates stable work force percentage for a given period

Stability index = nuber with more than one year service now total employed one year ago

Cohort analysis takes into account the length of service, which is very important in wastage analysis. Cohort analysis is more accurate for a small homogenous group = number of remaining at a given time number engaged at the start * 100

Changing social and economic conditions can invalidate this analysis.

Censes analysis can be used in all groups. All the age specific wastage at a given time and applying a smoothing algorithm to the resulting data to identify a general pattern.

Censes analysis requires three sets of data Number of employees at the beginning of the censes Number of employees at the end of the censes Number of leavers during the senses period.

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