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A abhinivesafear of death or the life-instinct abhyantara vrttisintrospective thoughts acalasteady or inactive acaraconduct adhibhautikarelating to matter adhidaivikarelating to celestial objects adhikarafitness adhyatma-prasadapurity of the spirit adhyatmikarelating to the spirit agnifire agni tattvafiery element ahamkaraego ahimsanon-violence ajapa gayatrithe gayatri mantra; a type of mantra meditation ajapajapaspontaneous mental chanting ajna cakranerve center between the eyebrows akarmainaction akartaactionless; non-doer akasacrown cakra akasa tattvathe ether element amaratvaimmortality amrta-panasipping the nectar anahata cakracardial plexus anahata nadathe subtle inner sound animaa siddhi enabling one to reduce oneself to microscopic size anugrahagrace anuloma vilomaa type of pranayama done through alternate nostrils apana vayuone of the five vital airs located in the lower cakras and operating the reproductive and excretory systems aparalower aparabhaktidevotion through which one realizes the universal form of God's allpervading existence aparavairagyalower stage of non-attachment aparigrahanon-possession arcanaapplying sandalwood paste to the forehead ardha matsyendrasanahalf-twist pose ardhanarisvarahalf-male, half-female God arjavastraight-forwardness; simplicity; humility arthaacquisition of wealth asanasyogic postures or poses asangGod-minded

asmitasense of ego astanga yogayoga of the eight-fold steps asteyanon-stealing astikyafaith atimanasasuper-mind atmajetaconqueror of self atmansoul atmanivedanasurrender of self to God aumthe sacred syllable avaranathe veil of illusion avidyadelusion or ignorance

B baddha padmasanabound lotus pose balisacrificial offering bandhaslocks bastione of the six cleansing processes which purges the lower intestines Bhagavad Gitaa holy Indian scripture in the form of the sermon given by Lord Krsna to Arjuna Bhagavata dharmareligion outlined in the holy Indian scripture Srimad Bhagavata bhajanadevotional song; hymn bhakti yogayoga devotion bhastrikabellow-blowing breaths; one of the eight major pranayamas bhautika siddhismaterial powers bhogapleasure-seeking bhogiman of worldly pursuits bhramarione of the eight major pranayamas performed with a humming sound like that of a bee bhrubetween the eyebrows bhrucakraa nerve center between the eyebrows bhrumadhyathe region between the eyebrows bhujangasanacobra pose bhunamanasanaa yogic posture bijaseed bindusexual fluid BrahmaGod the creator brahmacaristhose practicing celibacy brahmacaryacelibacy brahmagranthia tangle of nerves centered in the abdominal region Brahmanabsolute cosmic reality; the unmanifested absolute brahmarandhacrown cakra brahmarsiyogi who has completed the practice of yoga and identifies himself with Brahma

Brahmasutrasyogic scripture buddhiintellect; discriminative faculty

C cakrasnerve centers or plexuses caladynamic or active calanamoving cittamind-stuff

D damaself-restraint danacharity darsanavisual perception or sight of God or guru darsiseer dasyaservantship to God; a stage of bhakti yoga desaregion dayacompassion devadattasub-prana which induces yawning and separates the body from its subtle form dhairyapatience dhananjayasub-prana which breaks up food for producing energy dharanafocusing the mind on a single subject dharmapractice of religion dhautione of the six cleansing processes which rids the body of phlegm and fat dhirasanaa yogic posture dhrtisteadfastness dhyanameditation; concentration of the mind diksainitiation dirgha pranayamataking slow, deep breaths divya caksudivine eye or divine vision divyadesasevanaworship of the divine land divya sariradivine body divya sparsadivine touch dohanamilking drstaseer dvaitaduality dvesaaversions

E ekagravasthastate of concentration

ekendriya vairagyanon-attachment resulting from firm control over any one sense

G Ganapatithe elephant God gandhasmell gauna dhyanaordinary meditation gayatri mantrasacred incantation ghadi24 minutes Gheranda Samhitayogic scripture written by Sage Gheranda ghiclarified butter gnanasee jnana Goraksa Paddhatiyogic scripture written by Yogi Goraksanatha grahanathe process of comprehension grahitrone who comprehends grahyathat which is comprehended granthia tangle of nerves in the body gunaquality of nature guruspiritual master

H halasanaplough pose hamsubtle sound associated with the ether region hamsa mantra japaa type of mantra meditation hatha yogathe external disciplines of yoga concerned with the purification of the body Hatha Yoga-Pradipikaa yogic scripture written by Yogi Svatmarama havanasacred fire hrishame

I idaone of the three main air passages in the body indriya nigrahacontrol of the sense organs isitvaa siddhi enabling one to create, sustain, and destroy matter at will IsvaraGod isvaranugrahathe grace of God isvarapranidhanato dedicate to God all one does in body, mind and speech isvarapujanaworship of God

J jada samadhistatic samadhi, in which the body does not move and the mind remains unconscious jagad guruuniversal guru jala tattvawater element japarecitation of mantra jivabeing jivana muktiliberation in one's lifetime jivatmanpersonal soul jnanaknowledge jnana yogayoga of knowledge Jnanesvari Gitacommentaries on the Bhagavad Gita written by Saint Jnanesvara jyotiinner light jyoti darsanaseeing the light of the atman jyotirdhyanameditation on the divine light jyotirmaya-luminous

K kamadesires; sensuality kama senaa large group of cupids kapalabhatiquick successive breaths; one of the six cleansing processes which cleanses the breathing passages karmaaction karma sanyasarenunciation of action khanjanasanaa yogic posture khecaria type of mudra in which the tongue is locked in a cavity in the skull kirtanadevotional singing krama muktiliberation by stages kriyaactivity; physical movement; subtle inner process Krsnaa name of God; a mantra krukalasub-prana which activates hunger and thirst ksamaforgiveness ksiptavasthamental state of distraction or perturbation kumbhakawithholding of the breath kundalinisupreme spiritual energy usually lying dormant at the base of the spine kurmasub-prana which opens and closes the eyes kurmasanaa yogic posture

laghimaa siddhi enabling one to be very light and fly lamsubtle sound associated with the earthy region layadissolution; absorption laya samadhistate of dissolution or sublimation of mind liladivine activity of God

M mahagreat Mahabharataholy Indian scripture mahabhutasmajor elements composing the human body mahavrataa great vow MahesaGod the destroyer mahimaa siddhi enabling one to be very large malaimpurities manasamind manipura cakrasolar plexus or nerve centered manisiwise among men manonigrahacontrol of the mind mantrasacred incantation mantri diksainitiation through mantra Manua demi-god; first super-human matiwill or intelligence mitaharatemperance in eating moksaliberation mrtyuthe passage of death mudhavasthamental state of stupefaction mudraa special type of posture or pose with developed pranic activity muktiliberation mulabandhaa kind of mudra, basal-lock mulabandhasanaa yogic posture muladhara cakrathe basal plexus or subtle nerve center mumuksutaearnest desire for liberation murchayogic swoon; one of the eight major pranayamas

N nadasubtle spontaneous sound nadanusandhanatuning the mind with subtle inner sound nadistubular channels in the body, such as veins, arteries, etc. nagasub-prana which opens and closes the wind-pipe naiskarmyainaction nama-sankirtanachanging God's name Narayanaa name of God

naulione of the six cleansing processes which cleanses the abdominal region netione of the six cleansing processes which cleanses the nostrils and air passages nididhayasanapractice of meditation nidrayogic sleep nirbija samadhithe higher state of samadhi in which the mind dissolves and becomes non-mind; samadhi without the seed of desire; samadhi without subject-object distinction nirgunaformless nirguna dhyanameditation on the formless or divine light nirodhavasthastate of restraint nirvicarawithout thoughts nirvikalpa samadhisee nirbija samadhi nirvitarkanugata samapattistage of meditation with gross direct experience of the supporting object without deliberation niskamawithout motivation niskamabhaktiprofound devotion niskam karma yogayoga of desireless action niyamasmoral observances

O omsee 'aum'

P padangusthasanaa yogic posture padasevanaworshipping of the guru's or God's feet padmasanalotus pose panca mahabhutathe five basic or major elements pancanga sevanaworship with five limbs papsin para bhaktidevotion through which one becomes one with Brahman; profound devotion paramapadasamadhi paramatmaGod paratantra dhyanadependent meditation para vairagyacomplete detachment parigrahato possess parsvasanaa yogic scripture pascimottanasanaposterior stretch pascima madhyamarear median path pasyatisees pingalaone of the three main air passages in the body

plavinione of the eight major pranayamas Prajapatisthe progenitors of mankind prakamyaa siddhi enabling one to materialize anything at will prakrtinature prakrtilayaa type of murcha in which there is no physical or astral awareness but only identification with the causal body pramanathoughts based on experience which are devoid of doubt pranavital air; the vital force; prana residing in the heart and which operates the breathing mechanism pranakriyaactivation of prana energy pranapanatwo of the five vital airs, prana and apana prana samyamacontrol and mastery over prana pranavamantrathe mantra 'aum' pranayamabreath control pranopasanaspiritual practice involving prana pranotthanathe release of prana or vital air prapatti yogaa type of bhakti yoga praptia siddhi enabling one to touch anything, however far away prasadapurity of the spirit prasantavahitaconcentration of the mind; state of pacified mind pratyaharawithdrawal of the mind from sense objects prayanakalatime of forthgoing prthvitattvaearthly element punyagood deeds PuranasIndian scriptures, numbering eighteen purnakarmakrta yogione performing complete actions purna yogacomplete path of yoga purusottamathe supreme being purva madhyamafront median path

R ragaattachments; attractions ragatmikabhaktidevotion involving total identification of the self with the deity raja-yogathe internal disciplines of yoga, concerned with the purification of the mind rajarsione who is fit for entry into Raja Yoga rajasactivity rajasicof or pertaining to rajas rajogunaqualities or forces of the active or passionate state of mind ramsubtle sound associated with the fiery region Ramaa name of God; a mantra ramadhunarepetition of Rama mantra rasataste; nectar rasanand samadhisamadhi experienced through the sipping of nectar

rtambhara prajnathe highest wisdom based on the ultimate Truth or Reality rudraganthia tangle of nerves centered between the eyebrows rupasight of form or beauty

S sabdahearing sabija samadhisamadhi with mind or with the seed of desire; samadhi having subject-object or knower-known distinction Sadasivaa name of God sadhaka-gurua guru who is himself practicing yoga sadhanaspiritual practice sadyo-muktiimmediate liberation sagunahaving form saguna dhyanameditating on forms sahajavasthanatural state; state of sahaja samadhi sahaja yogaa type of karma yoga sahasradalpadmathousand-petalled lotus at the crown of the head sahasrara cakracrown cakra sakamawith desires or motivation sakhyafriendship of God; a stage in Bhakti saktienergy sakticalanaa type of mudra saktipatathe transmission of spiritual energy from guru to disciple samaconciliatory conduct samadhanadissolution of all doubts samadhistate of super-consciousness and perfect bliss samanprana residing in the navel and operating the digestive system samapattistage of meditation sambhavi diksaa type of initiation sambhavi mudraa type of mudra samkhyathe yoga of knowledge; jnana yoga samkhya darsanathe philosophy of samkhya samprajnata samadhisamadhi in which the clear and doubtless form of the goal is attained samyamarestraint; trio of dharana, dhyana and samadhi sananda samapattijoyful stage of meditation sanatana-eternal sankalpavolition Sankarabhasyayogic scripture by Sankaracarya sanketasecret sign or indication sansarione who lives a worldly life santosacontentment sanyasirenunciate of worldly life saranagatisurrender to God

sarvangasanashoulder stand sasmita samapattiself-realized stage of meditation Satcidanand IswaraGod in the form of existence-consciousness-bliss satkarmasix cleansing processes or acts of purification satsampattithe six divine qualities sattvapurity sattvagunathe quality of purity of mind sattvicof or pertaining to sattva sattviki buddhipure intellect satyatruth saucacleanliness; purification savicarawith thought savicara samapattireflective stage of meditation savicaranugata samapattistage of meditation where experience is supported by the reflection of the mind savitarka samapattideliberative stage of meditation savitarkanugata samapattistage of meditation with gross direct experience of the supporting object along with deliberation of the mind savikalpa samadhisee sabija samadhi sevakaservant siddhaa guru who has realized all the steps of yoga siddha yogaa type of karma yoga; yoga of the adepts who have accomplished the eight-fold miraculous powers of yoga siddhantasravanalistening to the doctrines siddhasanaadept pose siddhi-miraculous power developed through yogic practice sirsasanahead stand sitalione of the eight major pranayamas sitkarione of the eight major pranayamas Sivaa name of God; a mantra Sivapuranaholy Indian scripture depicting the life stories of Siva Siva-Saktithe universal male-female powers Siva Samhitayogic scripture Siva-svarodayayogic scripture smaranaremembering God's name smrtiknowledge impressing previous experiences on the mind and senses; memory sohama mantra sparsatouch or feeling sraddhafaith sravanalistening Srimad-Bhagavataholy Indian scripture depicting the lives of 24 incarnations of Lord Visnu sthirasanasteady pose sthulagross or physical suddhiphysical and mental cleanliness

sukhasanaeasy pose suksmasubtle sunyasunyasamadhi surya bhedanaone of the eight major pranayamas susumnasubtle median passage; one of the three main air passages in the body svadhisthana cakrasacral plexus or nerve center svadhyayastudy of truth or scripture svatantraindependent swastikasanaa yogic posture

T talupalate tamasinertia tamasicof or pertaining to tamas tamogunathe qualities or forces of darkness or inertia of the mind tandradrowsiness tantrasystem of mystical rites tapaspenance, mortification, austerity tapasvione who performs penance tarka yogaa type of karma yoga tarpanaoblation tattvaelement tattvacintanaphilosophical contemplation tattva darsanarealization of the essence tattva jnanaknowledge of the essence; philosophy tejodhyanaluminous meditation titiksaendurance or forbearance tratakaone of the six cleansing processes which strengthens the eyes turiyaanother name for samadhi turyavastthasamadhi tyagawithdrawal from possessions and social activities

U udanaprana located in the throat which helps the digestive system and governs swallowing uddiyana bandhastomach lock ujjayione of the eight major pranayamas unmadathe delirious state unmanisamadhi UpanisadasIndian scriptures comprising 108 books uparatiindifference to carnal pleasures

upasanaworship urdhvamukhiupward-facing urdhvaretaa perfect celibate whose sexual fluid is sublimated utsahaenthusiasm

V vacaka gurua guru who knows only scripture vaidhi bhaktidevotion involving ceremonial worship vairagyanon-attachment or renunciation vajrasanaadamant pose vamsubtle sound associated with the water region vandanabowing down vasanadesires vasikara vairagyanon-attachment resulting from mastery over all senses vasitvaa siddhi enabling one to cause inanimate objects to move or animate objects to obey one's will vayu vital air vayu tattvaairy element VedantaIndian system of philosophy VedasIndian scripture comprising four books vedha diksaa type of initiation videhalayaa type of murcha in which there is no physical awareness but only identification with the astral body vikalpaillusory thoughts due to doubt; a vrtti viksepadistractions viksiptavasthamental state of serenity viparyayaillusory thoughts due to lack of experience; a vrtti virasanabrave pose VisnuGod the maintainer visnugranthitangle of nerves situated in the palate region visuddha buddhipure intellect or wisdom visuddhakhya cakrathe pharyngeal plexus or nerve center vivekadiscrimination vrksasanatree pose vrsasanabull pose vrttiswaves of thoughts vyanaprana which pervades the whole body and operates the circulatory system vyatireka vairagyanon-attachment resulting from subdued senses

Y yajnaceremonial sacrifice

yamsubtle sound associated with the airy region yamarestraints for moral training yatamana vairagyanon-attachment resulting from self-restraint yatrakamavasayitvaa siddhi enabling one to change the qualities of matter at will yogaunion with God yoga bhrastaone fallen from yoga Yoga Darsanacommentary on the yoga aphorisms of Patanjali yogagniyogic fire yoga sastrayogic scripture yogavasisthayogic scripture by Sage Vasistha yoni mudraa type of mudra

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