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a WATA Airport Handling Manual >>> AHM 381 SPECIAL LOAD — NOTIFICATION TO CAPTAIN (GENERAL) RECOMMENDED tha: Mombers shall adopt the standard form tustrated in this [AH forthe purpose of notifying captains winen dangerous ‘ods ané other special oads re included inte load 1. SPECIFICATION ‘Size — Aé (210 * 207 mm). CColour— text in pao green pines on white background, 2. DISTRIBUTION Minimum of two copies: one forthe Captain and one forthe loading stators fe 3. COMPLETION ‘See specimen with box reference numbers, @ Station ofoaing S~ Compietion — soeexanatry, @® Fane Number. ‘7 Compietion — sett-xptanatry ‘Completion — sat-expanatery @ Ara cgisuation Completion — set-explanatory. Prepared by. Completion — the parson or ofcs preparing the notieaton por tots relvase tothe weight and Balance afew o° ramp. Station of unloading ‘Completion — staon of unload for tis ight AGATA tveo-ttor arpot code) @_Newaybit uber. 7 competion — sel-explanatry ® Prever shipoing name, Completion — the fll name as per Shippers Declaration, @) lass or Division: for Class 1, compatbilty group. Completion — as per Shipper's Declaration. UN or ID Number. Completion — as per Shipper's Declaration. (9) Subsiciay risk, . Completion — as per Shipper's Declaration. )_ Number of packages. ‘Completion — selleexplanatory 184 @ Not auantty or transport index por package. CComplotion — net quantiy por package in ox grams of fires, 29. 154g, 4 L For RRY (yellow Fabel) enter the transport index per package, eg TIT j), Radioactive catagory Completion — enter | orl according to the Tabet onthe package. ® Packing Group. CComplotion — a8 por Shippor's Declaration, @® Code, Completion — Cargo-MP code as per AHM 510. cae. ‘Completion — enter “X" for cago alreraft only ome, @ Loosing poston Completion — enter the fading positon in the POS alums. Aadtonaly, the UL identicaton, 199. ULD ID code, may Bs antred inthe ULD ID Other special lad. Completion — to be used accocing to wn requirments @) Loosing supervisors signature Completion — signature of responsible agent Captain's signature ‘Completion — sat-oxpanatory. Other information, CComplation — to be used according to avis ln requirments vies @ 0. “completion — such a canfrmation must appear fn the NOTOG- Rs location onthe NOTOC et {othe carers decran I snaue preferably De preprints ‘Note: The iefermation is mandatory in al fei of NOTOC, ‘excopt forthe “Other Specie! Load” and “Other Information ‘otss 4, STATE EXEMPTIONS men dangerous goods are being cared under @ stale ‘exemption, Felerence must appear on the NOTOC. alte Yara Cargo/Mail Handling — AHM 381 5. MULTI-SECTOR FLIGHTS “The carers regulatons must provid for nateation(s) o be rolained on mutisoctor Nights evolving now chango(s) a6 follows; Each slaton issuing a NOTOC shal prepare a separate NOTOC ‘orm for each station enfoute, On aval a each Baton, the ding suparvacr shall elect a copes ofthe NOTOC forms from the Might dock (taining the terminating NOTOS tor). “The transi andlor joning NOTOC forms) shal be presented { the autgeng Ptr Command by the loading supervso° 438 s00n a8 helshe reports the aera, of ara 38 may be Alcated by company regulations. The loading. supertsor ‘hal gn the jing NOTOC form ane obtain the pie Commands signature. Changes or repostionng of tansit dangerous goods shipment or other special loads must be properly amnded onthe vane NOTOC fom) Commentary Captains must be noted of any load of potently hazardous nature Thoy should aso be advised of Ive ‘animate espocialy as the hold vontiaion and heating systom IS for some aera types, regulated from the Night deck. In tho introsts of ight safety and animal welfare, tre adoption ‘ofthis standard frm of notiieton fs recommended 185 3 5 = 2| Z = r 5 8 £ Tau Geamnanrs are Tuan Ba NIvid¥o 01 NOILWOIsILON — avoT Winads 186

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