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Here is a sample cover letter for applying for a job or internship.

Your Address City, State Zip Code July 20, 20XX Mr. Paul W. Lawrence Museu Curator Al!ri"#t$%no& Art 'allery (2)* +l wood A,enue -u..alo, /ew Yor0 (1222 2ear Mr. Lawrence3
!lways put the date the letter is being sent. "ake sure this information is accurate. Notice how the letter begins by showing that the candidate knows something about the museum. In this paragraph write about your strengths relating to the job or internship.

4 recently read in Artvoice t#at t#e useu is plannin" a lar"e Matisse e&#i!it ne&t winter, wit# t#e cooperation o. t#e /ew Yor0 Museu o. Modern Art. 4 was t#rilled to read t#at t#e people o. Western /ew Yor0 will !e a!le to see t#ese asterpieces #ere .or t#e .irst ti e. 4 would li0e to intern wit# t#e useu to #elp coordinate t#e pro5ect. 2urin" y current under"raduate wor0 at t#e 6ni,ersity at -u..alo, 4 #a,e !een .ortunate enou"# to !e a!le to ,olunteer at t#e -urc#.ield$Penney Art Center w#ere y duties consisted o. "reetin" t#e pu!lic and answerin" 7uestions a!out t#e current e&#i!it. 4 #a,e also ,iewed t#e wor0s at your "allery on any occasions and #a,e always !een .ascinated !y Matisse8s oil on can,as wor0 9Music.: My resu e will s#ow t#at 4 also #a,e so e ana"erial e&perience wor0in" at t#e 6- Art 'allery. 4 !elie,e t#at y ent#usias .or art co !ined wit# y .or al classroo wor0, ,olunteer e&perience and positi,e attitude would !e o. ,alue to you in pro otin" t#is e&#i!it. 4 loo0 .orward to spea0in" wit# you a!out t#e possi!ility o. e conductin" an interns#ip at t#e Al!ri"#t$%no&. 4. 4 #a,e not #eard .ro you !y Au"ust ;, 4 will call to a0e an appoint ent. <#an0 you .or your consideration. Sincerely,
Close the letter by summarizing and ask for some action to take place. Dont forget to sign your name

Alexandra Ralbovsky
Ale&andra =al!o,s0y +nc.
This means that you will include your resume with this letter.

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