Location Visit Sheet: Locations

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Location Visit Sheet

Product title:


Director: Andrew James Ducasse, Lee Delves, Ryan Sue, Hollie Pryor

Date: 4/11/1 and 11/11/1

Morden Park Access: !"e area we want to #ilm in is very accessa$le as it is only a 1% minutie wal& away and even s"orter y 'u$lic trans'ort so t"ere is no issue (ettin( to t"e location) S'ace: !"e main scene we are #ilmin( is ato' o# a "ill in *orden Par&, t"e surroundin( area $elow is very o'en wit" lots o# room #or sceneary ) Permissions: +e did not need any s'eci#ic 'ermission to access t"is location as it is an o'en 'ar& to t"e 'u$lic) Li("tin(: !"e li("tin( will $e #airly low wit" t"e sun in t"e $ac&(round, t"is is $ecause at t"e to' o# t"e "ill it is surrounded $y trees w"ic" $loc&s out a lot o# t"e sun , also $ecause t"is is ,uite a dar& scene we want t"e li("tin( to re#lect it) Power: !"eir was no 'ower "ere as it is t"e outdoors so we "ave to ta&e lots o# s'are $atterys) Healt" and Sa#ety:

Positives/ne(atives a$out #ilmin( "ere: -ein( outside (ives us a more natural and realistic loo&, t"e scnery "el's esta$lis" t"e mood really well too)

A ne(ative a$out #ilmin( "ere is t"at we de'end "eavily on t"e weat"er and t"ere are a lot more t"in(s t"at can cause inter#erence)

.ame and num$er o# location contact:

Leisure and Culture Services 13th Floor Merton Civic Centre London Road Morden SM4 5DX Tel: 020 8545 3667 Fax: 020 8545 3237 Email: leisure@merton.gov.uk


S&etc" or '"oto o# location:

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