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Kovcs Inez12/V

16. ttel

Weather, Season Hungary has a continental climate. This means that there are a big differences bet een the eather in four seasons! s"ring# summer# autumn and inter. The eather can be onderful# nice# lovely# fair# clear# nasty# hazy# diry# brilliant or charming. $y favourite season is s"ring. %ature is very nice is s"ring! trees are green# flo ers are colourful. &irds sing in the trees and the sun shines. In s"ring the eather is usually bright and sunny. &ut sometimes it can get cloudy and indy. 'ccasionally there can be heavy rainstorms ith thunder and lightning. If the eather is nice# it is a criem to stay indoors. In summer the eather is arm or hot. $ost "eo"le ta(e their holidays in summer and go to )a(e &alaton or to the seaside and en*oy the nice eather. In summer "eo"le ear shorts# lo +cut dresses# light blousses# short+sleeved shirts# T+shirt and sandals. The rainiest season is definitely autumn. The beginning of autumn# hen the eather is still arm# is called Indian summer. ,e say that autumn is a rich season because the trees are full of fruits li(e a""les# "ears and "lums. -chool children don.t li(e autumn because the school year begins isn -e"tember.In autumn# hen the eather is colder# "eo"le "ut on long+sleeeved "ullovers# *eans# trousers# scarves# ca"s and they often carry an umbrella ith them to "rotect themselves from the rain. ,hen inter is here# the tem"erature falls belo zero. Then sno falls do n from big# grey clouds. -tormy inds sha(e the trees and ondo s. In inter you must ear arm clothes and dress in layers. In cold eather "eo"le ear fur hats or thic( (nitted hats# gloves# arm scarves# s eaters# cotton stoc(ing# inter boots and thic( fur+lined overcoast.

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