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IRCTCs e-Ticketing Service Electronic Reservation Slip (Personal User)

This ticket will only be valid along with an ID proof in original. If found travelling without ID Proof,Passenger will be treated as without ticket and charged as per extant Railway rules. Valid IDs to be presented during train journey by one of the passenger booked on an e-ticket :- Voter Identity Card / Passport / PA N Card / Driving License / Photo ID card issued by Central/State Govt./Public Sector Undertakings of State/Central Government, District A dministrations, Municipal bodies and Panchayat A dministrations. Student Identity Card with photograph issued by recognized School or College for their students / Nationalized Bank Passbook with photograph /Credit Cards issued by Banks with laminated photograph / Unique Identification Card "A adhaar". General rules/ Information for e-ticket passenger have to be studied by the customer for cancellation & refund. PNR No: 2351942983 Transaction ID: 0780280649 From : MATHUR A JN(MTJ) Boarding: MATHUR A JN(MTJ) R e sv Upto: SAW AI MADHO PUR (SW M) Passe nge r Mobile Num be r: 9639001355 Passenger A ddress :- BAR SANA BAR SANA Uttar Prade sh - 281405 FA RE DETA ILS : S.No. De scription 1 2 3 Tick e t Fare IR C TC Se rvice C harge s#
(I nc l. of Servic e T ax)

Train No. & Nam e : 12060/KO TA JANSHTBDI Date of Book ing: 22-O ct-2013 06:46:08 PM Date of Journe y: 23-O ct-2013 Date of Boarding: 23-O ct-2013 Sche dule d Arrival: 23-O ct-2013 18:02 *

Q uota: Ge ne ral C lass: 2S To: SAW AI MADHO PUR (SW M) Sche dule d De parture : 15:20 * Adult: 01 C hild: 00 Distance : 0217 KM

Am ount (In rupe e s) Am ount (In words) R s. 115.0 R s. 11.24 R s. 126.24 R upe e s O ne Hundre d and Fifte e n O nly R upe e s Ele ve n and Two Four Paisa O nly R upe e s O ne Hundre d and Twe nty Six and Two Four Paisa O nly


# Se rvice s C harge s pe r e - tick e t irre spe ctive of num be r of passe nge rs on the tick e t . PA SSENGER DETA ILS : SNo. 1 Nam e LAXMIDEVI Age 45 Se x Fe m ale C once ssion C ode Book ing Status/ C urre nt Status/C oach No./Se at No C O NFIR M D6/ 0095/ W S

This ticket is booked on a personal user ID and cannot be sold by an agent. If bought from an agent by any individual, it is at his/her own risk.


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