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Sagar Naik, PT


Sagar Naik,


Posture can be defined as the relative arrangement of different parts of the body with line of gravity.

Static & Dynamic Posture:

In static postures the body and its segments are aligned and maintained in certain positions. Eg Standing, kneeling, lying, and sitting A dynamic posture refers to postures in which the body or its segments are moving. Eg Walking, running, jumping, throwing, and lifting The study of any particular posture includes kinetic and kinematic analyses of all body segments. The erect posture allows persons to use their upper extremities for the performance of large and small motor tasks. When the upper extremities are engaged by the use of crutches, canes, or other assistive devices to maintain the erect posture, an important human attribute is either severely compromised or lost. Erect bipedal stance gives us freedom for the upper extremities, but in comparison with the quadrupedal posture, erect stance has certain disadvantages. Erect bipedal stance increases the work of the heart Places increased stress on the vertebral column, pelvis, and lower extremities Reduces stability In the quadruped posture the body weight is distributed between the upper and lower extremities. In human stance the body weight is borne exclusively by the two lower extremities. The human species base of support (BOS), defined by an area bounded posteriorly by the tips of the heels and anteriorly by a line joining the tips of the toes, is considerably smaller than the quadruped base. The humans center of gravity (COG), which is sometimes referred to as the bodys center of mass, is located within the body approximately at the level of

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Sagar Naik, PT

Postural Control:

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Although only a minimal amount of muscular activity is required to maintain a stable erect standing posture, the control of posture is complex and is a part of the bodys motor control system. Postural control, which can be either static or dynamic, refers to a persons ability to maintain stability of the body segments in response to forces that threaten to disturb the bodys structural equilibrium. The ability to maintain stability in the erect standing posture is a skill that the central nervous system (CNS) learns using information from passive biomechanical elements, sensory systems, and muscles. The CNS interprets and organizes inputs from the various structures and systems and selects responses based on past experience and the goal of the response. Reactive (compensatory) responses occur as reactions to external forces that displace the bodys center of gravity. Proactive (anticipatory) responses occur in anticipation of internally generated destabilizing forces such as raising ones arms to catch a ball or bending forward to tie ones shoes.

Goals & Basic Elements of Postural Control:

The major goals of postural control in the erect position are To control the bodys orientation in space Maintain the bodys center of gravity over the base of support Stabilize the head with respect to the vertical so that the eye gaze is approximately oriented Maintenance and control of posture depends on the integrity of the CNS, visual system, vestibular system, and the musculoskeletal system. In addition, postural control depends on information from receptors located in


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the second sacral segment, a location that is relatively distant from the base of support. Despite the instability caused by a small base of support and a high center of gravity, maintaining stability in the static erect posture requires very little energy expenditure in the form of muscle contraction. The bones, joints, and ligaments are able to provide the major torques needed to counteract gravity and frequent changes in body position assist in producing circulatory return.


Sagar Naik, PT

Absent or Altered Inputs & Outputs: When inputs ore altered or absent, the control system must respond to incomplete or distorted data and thus the persons posture may be altered and stability compromised. Altered or absent inputs may occur either in the absence of the normal gravitational force in weightless conditions during space flight, or when someone has decreased sensation in the lower extremities. Another instance in which inputs may be disturbed is following injury. In addition to altered inputs, a persons ability to maintain the erect posture may be affected by altered outputs such as the inability of the muscles to respond appropriately to signals from the CNS. Muscle Synergies: A normally functioning CNS selects the appropriate combination of muscles to complete the task based on an analysis of sensory inputs. Variations in an individuals past experience and customary patterns of muscle activity will also affect the response. Muscle activation is based primarily on input from the hip and trunk proprioceptors. A second level of input includes cues from the vestibular system and proprioceptive input from all body segments. A perturbation is any sudden change in conditions that displaces the body posture away from equilibrium. Perturbation can be sensory or mechanical. Altering of visual input such as might occur when ones eyes are covered unexpectedly might cause a sensory perturbation. Mechanical perturbation is displacements that involve direct changes in the relationship of center of gravity to the base of support. These displacements may be caused either by movements of the body segments or of the entire body. One method of producing mechanical perturbations experimentally is by placing subjects on a movable platform.

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and around the joints (in joint capsule, tendons, & ligaments) as well as on the soles of the feet. The CNS must be able to detect and predict instability and must be able to respond to all of this input with appropriate output to maintain the equilibrium of the body. Joints in the musculoskeletal system must have a range of motion (ROM) that is adequate for responding to specific tasks, and the muscles must be able to respond with appropriate speeds and forces.


Sagar Naik, PT

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Fixed Support Synergies: Fixed support synergies are patterns of muscle activity in which the base of support remains fixed during the perturbation and recovery of equilibrium. Stability is regained through movements of parts of the body but the feet remain fixed on the base of support. Examples of fixed support synergies are the ankle and hip synergy. The ankle synergy consists of discrete bursts of muscle activity on either the anterior or posterior aspects of the body that occur in a distal-to-proximal pattern in response to forward and backward movements of the supporting platform, respectively. Forward motion of the platform results in a relative displacement of the line of gravity (LOG) posteriorly. The muscles respond in an attempt to restore the line of gravity to a position within the base of support. Bursts of muscle activity occur in the ankle dorsiflexors, hip flexors, abdominal muscles, and neck flexors. The tibialis anterior contributes to the restoration of stability by pulling the tibia anteriorly (reverse muscle action) and hence the body forward so that the line of gravity remains or centers within the base of support. Backward motion of the platform results in a relative displacement of the line of gravity anteriorly. The muscles respond in an attempt to restore the line of gravity to a position within the base of support. Bursts of activity in the plantarflexors, hip extensors, trunk extensors, and neck extensors are used to restore the line of gravity over the base of support.



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The postural responses to perturbations are reactive or compensatory responses in that they are involuntary reactions. These postural responses are referred to as either synergies or strategies. Synergies are centrally organized patterns of muscle activity that occur in response to perturbation of standing postures. The synergies are task specific and appear to vary with a number of factors including Amount and direction of motion of the supporting surface Location, magnitude, and velocity of the perturbing force Initial posture of the individual at the time of the perturbation


Sagar Naik, PT

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Change In Support Strategies: The change in support strategies include stepping (forward, backward or sidewise) and grasping (using ones hands to grab a bar or other fixed support) in response to movements of the platform. Stepping and grasping differ from fixed support synergies because stepping/grasping moves or enlarges the bodys base of support so that it remains under the bodys center of gravity. Previously it was thought that the stepping synergy was used only as a last resort, being initiated when ankle and hip strategies were insufficient to bring and maintain the center of gravity over the base of support. Change in support strategies are common responses to perturbations among both the young and the old. Change in support synergies are the only synergies that are successful in maintaining stability in the instance of a large perturbation. In change in support strategy, the younger subjects have a tendency to take only one step, whereas the elderly subjects have a tendency to take multiple steps that are shorter and of less height than their younger counterparts. However, no differences are apparent in the speed at which the young and elderly initiate the change in support strategy. Head Stabilizing Strategies: Two head stabilizing strategies are described which differ from reactive strategies because head stabilizing strategies occur in anticipation of the initiation of internally generated forces. Head strategies are used to maintain the head during sustained movement of the body, such as walking. Two strategies for maintaining the vertical stability of the head are as follows: Head Stabilization in Space (HSS) Head Stabilization on Trunk (HST)


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The hip synergy consists of discrete bursts of muscle activity on the side of the body opposite to the ankle pattern in a proximal-to-distal pattern of activation. Fixed support hip synergy may be used primarily in situations where change in support strategies (stepping or grasping synergies) are not available.


Sagar Naik, PT

Kinetics & Kinematics of Posture:

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Inertial & Gravitational Forces:

Inertial forces are ignored in static postures because little or no acceleration is occurring except during postural sway. In erect standing posture the body undergoes a constant swaying motion called postural sway or sway envelope. The extent of the sway envelope for a normal individual standing with 4 inches between the feet can be as large as 12 in the sagittal plane and 16 in the frontal plane. Inertial forces must be considered in postural analysis of all dynamic postures such as walking, running, and jogging. Gravitational forces act downward from the bodys center of gravity. In the static erect standing posture the vertical projection of the bodys center of gravity (the line of gravity) falls within the base of support. In dynamic postures such as walking and running, the line of gravity falls outside the base of support during a large portion of the activity. The line of gravity must fall within the base of support to maintain equilibrium in the static erect posture.


The external forces that will be considered are inertia, gravity, and ground reaction forces (GRFs). The internal forces are produced by muscle activity and passive tension in ligaments, tendons, joint capsules, and other soft tissue structures. The external and internal forces must be balanced and the sum of all the forces and torques acting on the body and its segments must be equal to zero for the body to be in equilibrium. The body attempts to attain and maintain a state of equilibrium in erect standing with minimum of energy expenditure as it attempts to keep the bodys center of gravity over the base of support and the head in a position that permits gaze to be appropriately oriented.

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The head stabilization in space is a modification of head position in anticipation of displacements of the bodys center of gravity. The anticipatory adjustments of head position are independent of trunk motion. The head stabilization on trunk is one in which the head and trunk move as a single unit.


Sagar Naik, PT

Ground Reaction Forces:

Whenever the body contacts the ground, the ground pushes back on the body. This force is known as the ground reaction force (GRF). Ground reaction force is a composite (resultant) force typically described as having three components: A vertical component force Two force components directed horizontally, one of the two horizontal forces is in a medial-lateral direction, whereas the other horizontal force is in an anterior- posterior direction along the ground The composite or resultant ground reaction force vector (GRFV) is equal in magnitude but opposite in direction to the gravitational force in the erect static standing posture. The ground reaction force vector indicates the magnitude and direction of loading applied to the foot. The point of application of the ground reaction force vector is at the bodys center of pressure (COP), which is located in the foot in unilateral stance and between the feet in bilateral stance. The center of pressure is the theoretical point where the force is considered to act, although the body surface that is in contact with the ground may have forces acting over a large portion of its surface area. The path of the center of pressure that defines the extent of the sway envelope. The ground reaction force vector and line of gravity have coincident action lines in the static erect posture. In an ideal erect posture, body segments are aligned so that the torques and stresses on body segments are minimized and standing can be maintained with a minimal amount of energy expenditure. The coincident action lines formed by the ground reaction force vector and the line of gravity serve as a reference for the analysis of the effects of these forces on the body segments. The effect of forces on the body segments in the sagittal plane is determined by the location of the line of gravity relative to the axis of motion of body segments.

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Sagittal Plane:

Coincident Action Lines:


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Sagar Naik, PT

Lateral View Optimal Alignment in Sagittal Plane:

In the optimal erect posture the ankle joint is in the neutral position, or midway between dorsiflexion and plantarflexion. The line of gravity falls slightly anterior to the lateral malleolus and, therefore, anterior to the ankle joint axis. The anterior position of the line of gravity relative to the ankle joint axis creates a dorsiflexion moment. Muscle activity of the plantarflexors is necessary to prevent forward motion of the tibia. The soleus muscle acting in reverse action exerts a posterior pull on the tibia and is able to oppose the dorsiflexion moment. Tibialis anterior, tibialis posterior and peroneals provide transverse stability in the foot during postural sway. The knee joint is in full extension and the line of gravity passes anterior to the midline of the knee and posterior to the patella. This places the line of gravity just anterior to the knee joint axis.

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When line of gravity passes directly through a joint axis, no gravitational torque is created around that joint. If line of gravity passes at a distance from the axis, a gravitational torque is created. This torque will cause rotation of the superimposed body segments around that joint axis unless a counterbalancing torque opposes the gravitational torque. The magnitude of the gravitational moment of the force increases as the distance between the line of gravity and the joint axis increases. The direction of the gravitational moment of the force depends on the location of the gravity line relative to a particular joint axis. If the gravity line is located anterior to the joint axis, the torque will tend to cause anterior motion of the proximal segment of the body supported by that joint (Flexion). If the gravity line falls posterior to the joint axis, the torque will tend to cause posterior motion of the proximal segment of the body supported by that joint (Extension).

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Sagar Naik, PT

Hip and Pelvis:

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In optimal posture, hip is in a neutral position and the pelvis is level with no anterior or posterior tilt. In a level pelvis position, lines connecting the symphysis pubis and the anterior superior iliac spines are vertical; and the lines connecting the anterior superior iliac and posterior superior iliac spines are horizontal. In this optimal position, the line of gravity passes slightly posterior to the axis of the hip joint, through the greater trochanter. The posterior location of the gravitational line relative to the hip joint axis creates an extension moment at the hip that tends to rotate the pelvis posteriorly on the femoral heads. Iliopsoas is acting to create a balancing flexion moment at the hip. If the gravitational extension moment at the hip is allowed to act without muscular balance, as in so-called relaxed standing posture, hip hyperextension ultimately would be checked by passive tension in the ilifemoral, pubofemoral, and ischifemoral ligaments. The relaxed standing posture does not require any muscle activity at the hip but causes an increase in the tension stresses on the anterior hip ligaments.

Lumbosacral and Sacroiliac Joints:

The optimal lumbosacral angle is about 30. Anterior tilting of the sacrum increases the lumbosacral angle and results in an increase in the shearing stress at the lumbosacral joint and may result in an increase in the anterior lumbar convexity in standing. In the ideal posture the line of gravity passes through the body of the 5th lumbar vertebra and close to the axis of rotation of the lumbosacral joint. Gravity, therefore, creates a very slight extension moment at L5 to S1 that is opposed by the anterior longitudinal ligament.


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The anterior location of gravitational line relative to the knee joint axis creates an extension moment. Passive tension in the posterior joint capsule and associated ligaments is sufficient to balance the gravitational moment and prevent hyperextension. Little or no muscle activity is required to maintain the knee in extension in the optimal erect posture. However, a small amount of activity has been found in the hamstrings.


Sagar Naik, PT

Vertebral Column:

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When the vertebral curves are in optimal alignment, the line of gravity will pass through the midline of the trunk. The line of gravity passes through the bodies of the lumbar and cervical vertebrae and anterior to the thoracic vertebrae in the optimal posture. In this instance, the stress on the supporting structures would be greatest in the thoracic area, where the line of gravity would fall at a distance from the vertebrae. Stress in the lumbar and cervical regions would be comparatively less because the line of gravity falls close to or through the joint axes of these regions. Ligamentous structures and passive muscle tension are unable to provide enough force to oppose all gravitational moments acting around the joint axes of the vertebral column. So logissimus dorsi, rotators, and neck extensor muscles have to work to produce the counterbalanced force. In lumbar region, where minimal muscle activity appears to occur, tension in the anterior longitudinal ligament and passive tension in the trunk flexors apparently is sufficient to balance the gravitational extension moment. The line of gravity relative to the head passes through the external auditory meatus, posterior to the coronal suture and through the odontoid process.



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When the sacrum is in optimal position, the line of gravity passes slightly anterior to sacroiliac joints. The gravitational moment that is created at sacroiliac joints tends to cause the anterior superior portion of the sacrum to rotate anteriorly and inferiorly while the posterior inferior portion tends to move posteriorly and superiorly. Tension in the sacrospinous and sacrotuberous ligaments counterbalances the gravitational torque and prevents the inferior portion of the sacrum from moving posteriorly. The superior portion of the sacrum is kept from thrust anteriorly by the sacroiliac ligaments.


Sagar Naik, PT

Lateral View Deviations from Optimal Alignment:

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Minimizing energy expenditure and stress on supporting structures is one of the primary goals of any posture. Any change in position or malalignment of one body segment will cause changes to occur in adjacent segments as well as changes in other segments as the body seeks to adjust or compensate for the malalignment. Changes from optimal alignment increase stress or increase force per unit area on body structures. If stresses are maintained over long period of time, the body structures may be altered. Muscles may lose sarcomeres if held in shortened positions for extended periods. Such adaptive shortening may accentuate and perpetuate the abnormal posture, as well as prevent full ROM from occurring. Muscles may add sarcomeres if maintained in a lengthened position and as a consequence the muscles length-tension relationship will be altered. Shortening of the ligaments will limit normal ROM, whereas stretching of ligamentous structures will reduce the ligaments ability to provide sufficient tension to stabilize and protect the joints. Prolonged weight-bearing stresses on the joint surfaces increase cartilage deformation and may interfere with the nutrition of the cartilage. As a result, the joint surfaces become susceptible to early degenerative changes. Postural problems may originate in any part of the body and cause increased stresses and strains in throughout the musculoskeletal system. Postures that represent an attempt to either improve function or normalize appearance are called compensatory postures.



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Therefore, the line of gravity falls slightly anterior to the transverse (coronal) axis of rotation for flexion and extension of the head and creates a flexion moment. The gravitational moment, which tends to tilt the head forward, is counterbalanced by tension in the ligamentum nuchae, tectorial membrane, posterior aspect of the zygapophyseal joint capsules, and posterior fibres of the annulus pulposus, and by activity of the capital extensors.


Sagar Naik, PT

Foot and Toes:

Claw Toes: Claw toes is a deformity of the toes characterized by hyperextension of the metatarsophalangeal joint (MTP) combined with flexion of the proximal (PIP) and distal (DIP) interphalangeal joints. Sometimes the proximal phalanx may subluxate dorsally on the metatarsal head. A callus may develop on the dorsal aspects of the flexed phalanges. Etiologies for this condition are as follows: Restrictive effect of shoes A cavus type foot Muscular imbalance Ineffectiveness of intrinsic foot muscles Neuromuscular disorders Agerelated deficiencies in the plantar structures

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Hammer Toe: Hammer toe is described as a deformity characterized by hyperextension of the metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint, flexion of the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint, and hyperextension of distal interphalangeal (DIP) joint. Callosities (painless thickening of epidermis) may be found on the superior surface of the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joints over the heads of the 1st phalanges as a result of pressure from shoes or on the tips of the distal phalanges because of abnormal weight bearing. The flexor muscles are stretched over the metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint and shortened over the interphalangeal (IP) joint. The extensor muscles are shortened over the metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint and stretched over the interphalangeal (IP) joint. If the long and short toe extensors and lumbricales are selectively paralyzed, the intrinsic and extrinsic toe flexors acting unopposed will buckle the proximal (PIP) and distal (DIP) interphalangeal joints and cause a hammer toe deformity.



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Sagar Naik, PT

Flexed Knee Posture: In the flexed knee standing posture the line of gravity falls posterior to the knee joint axes. The posterior location of the line of gravity creates a flexion moment at the knees that must be balanced by activity of the quadriceps muscles to maintain the erect position. The increase in quadriceps muscle activity subjects the tibiofemoral and patellofemoral joints to greater than normal compressive forces. Because knee flexion in upright stance is accompanied by hip flexion and ankle dorsiflexion, the location of the line of gravity also will be altered in relation to these joint axes. At the hip, the line of gravity will fall anterior to the hip joint axes. Activity of the hip extensors may be necessary to balance the gravitational flexion moment acting around hip. At the ankle, the line of gravity will fall anterior to the ankle joint axes. Increase soleus muscle activity may be required to counteract the increased gravitational dorsiflexion moment at the ankle. The additional muscle activity subjects the hip and ankle joints to greater than normal compression stress. Thus, the increased muscle activity would appear to substantially increase the energy requirements for stance.

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Hyperextended Knee Posture (Genu Recurvatum): The hyperextended knee posture is one in which the line of gravity is located considerably anterior to the knee joint axis. The anterior location of the line of gravity causes an increase in the gravitational extensor moment acting at the knee, which tends to increase the hyperextension deviation and put the posterior joint capsule under considerable tension stress. A continual adoption of the hyperextended knee posture is likely to result in adaptive lengthening of the posterior capsule. The anterior joint surfaces on the femoral condyles and anterior portion of the tibial plateaus are subject to degenerative changes of the cartilaginous joint surfaces. The length-tension relationship of the anterior and posterior muscles also may be altered and the muscles may not be able to provide the force necessary to provide adequate joint stability and mobility.


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Sagar Naik, PT

Hyperextension at the knee is usually caused by limited dorsiflexion at the ankle or a fixed plantarflexion position of the foot and ankle called equinus. It may also be the result of habits formed in childhood in which the child or adolescent stands with hips and knees hyperextended.

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Excessive Anterior Pelvic Tilt: In posture in which the pelvis is excessively tilted anteriorly, the lower lumbar vertebrae are forced anteriorly. The upper lumbar vertebrae move posteriorly to keep the head over the sacrum, thereby increasing the lumbar anterior convexity (lordotic curve). The line of gravity, therefore, is at a greater distance from the lumbar joint axes than is optimal and the extension moment in the lumbar spine is increased. The posterior convexity of the thoracic curve increases and become kyphotic to balance the lordotic lumbar curve and maintain the head over the sacrum. Similarly, the anterior convexity of the cervical curve increases to bring the head back over the sacrum. In optimal posture the lumbar discs are subject to anterior tension and posterior compression in erect standing. A greater diffusion of nutrients into the anterior compared to the posterior portion of the disc occurs in the optimal erect posture. Increases in the anterior convexity of the lumbar curve during erect standing increases the compressive forces on the posterior annuli and may adversely affect the nutrition of the posterior portion of the intervertebral discs. Also excessive compressive forces may be applied to the zygapophyseal joints.

Vertebral Column:

Lordosis: The term lordosis refers to an abnormal increase in the normal anterior convexities in either the cervical or lumbar regions of the vertebral column. An increase in the lumbar curve may be accompanied by a compensatory increase in both the anterior convexity of the cervical curve and in the posterior convexity of the thoracic curve.


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Sagar Naik, PT

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Kyphosis: The term kyphosis refers to an abnormal increase in the normal posterior convexity of the thoracic vertebral column. Sometimes kyphosis may develop as a compensation for an increase in the lumbar lordosis or the kyphosis may also develop as a result of poor postural habits. Diseases such as tuberculosis or ankylosing spondylosis also may cause increases in the posterior convexity of the thoracic region. Eg 1) Gibbus or humpback deformity may occur as a result of tuberculosis, which causes vertebral fractures. Gibbus or humpback deformity is easily recognized by the Gibbus (hump), which forms a sharp posterior angulation in the upper thoracic vertebral column. 2) Dowagers hump is another easily recognizable kyphotic condition that is found most often in postmenopausal women who have osteoporosis. The anterior aspect of the bodies of a series of vertebrae collapse due to osteoporotic weakening. The vertebral body collapse causes an immediate lack of anterior support for the vertebral column, which bends forward causing an increase in the posterior convexity of the thoracic area (hump) and an increase in compression on the anterior aspect of the vertebral bodies.

Forward Head Posture: A forward head posture is one in which the head is positioned anteriorly at an increased distance from the line of gravity and the normal anterior cervical convexity is also increased with the apex of the lordotic curve is considerable distance from the line of gravity compared to optimal posture. The constant assumption of a forward head posture causes unrelieved increased compression on the posterior zygapophyseal joints and posterior portions of the intervertebral discs and narrowing of the intervertebral foramina in the lordotic areas of the cervical region. The cervical extensor muscles may become ischemic because of the constant isometric contraction required to maintain the head in its forward position.


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Sagar Naik, PT

AnteriorPosterior View Optimal Alignment:

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In an anterior view the line of gravity bisects the body into two symmetrical halves. The head is straight with no tilting or rotation evident. The eyes, clavicles, and shoulders should be level. In posterior view the inferior angles of the scapulae should be parallel and equidistant from the line of gravity. The waist angles and gluteal folds should be equal and the anterior superior iliac spines (ASIS) and posterior superior iliac spines (PSIS) should lie on a parallel line with the ground as well as being equidistant from the line of gravity. The joint axes of the hip, knee, and ankle are equidistant from the line of gravity, and the gravitational line transects the central portion of the vertebral bodies. When postural alignment is optimal, little or no muscle activity is required to maintain media-lateral stability. The gravitational torques acting on one side of the body are opposed by equal torques acting on the other side of the body.

Anterior-Posterior View Deviations from Optimal Alignment:

Any asymmetry of body segments caused either by movement of a body segment or by a unilateral postural deviation will disturb optimal muscular and ligamentous balance. Symmetrical postural deviations, such as bilateral knock knee (genu valgum), that disturb the optimal vertical alignment of body segments, cause an abnormal distribution of weight bearing or compressive forces on one side of a joint and increased tensile forces on the other side.


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The posterior aspect of the zygapophyseal joint capsules may become adaptively shortened and the narrowed intervertebral foramen may cause nerve root compression. In addition, the structure of the temporomandibular joint may become altered by the forward head posture and as a result the joints function may be disturbed. In forward head posture the scapulae may rotate medially, a thoracic kyphosis may develop, the thoracic cavity may be diminished, vital capacity can be reduced, and overall body height may be shortened.


Sagar Naik, PT

The increased gravitational torques that may occur require increased muscular activity and cause ligamentous stress.

Foot and Toes:

Pes Planus (Flatfoot): Normally the plumb line should lie equidistant from the malleoli, and the malleoli should appear to be of equal size and directly opposite from one another. When one malleolus appears more prominent or lower than the other and calcaneal eversion is present, it is possible that a common foot problem known as pes planus, or flatfoot, may be present. Flatfoot, which is characterized by a reduced or absent arch, may be either rigid or flexible. A rigid flatfoot is a structural deformity that may be hereditary. In this the medial longitudinal arch is absent in non-weight bearing, toe standing, and normal weight bearing situations. In flexible flatfoot, the arch is reduced during normal weight bearing situations, but reappears during toe standing or non-weight bearing situations. In either the rigid or flexible type of pes planus, the talar head is displaced anteriorly, medially, and inferiorly. The displacement of the talus causes depression of the navicular, tension in the plantar calcaneonavicular (spring) ligament and lengthening of the tibialis posterior muscle. The pronated flatfoot results in a relatively overmobile foot that may require muscular contraction to support the osteoligamentous arches during standing. It also may result in increased weight bearing on the 2nd through 4th metatarsal heads with subsequent plantar callus formation, especially at the 2nd metatarsal. The rigid form of flatfoot interferes with push-off during walking because the foot is unable to assume the supinated position and become a rigid lever for push-off in gait. Weight bearing pronation in the erect standing posture also causes medial rotation of the tibia and may affect knee function. Pes Cavus: A high medial longitudinal arch of the foot is called pes cavus.

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The weight in pes cavus is borne on the lateral borders of the foot and the lateral ligaments and the peroneus longus muscle may be stretched. In walking, the cavus foot is unable to adapt to the supporting surface because the subtalar and transverse tarsal joints tend to be near or the locked supinated position. Hallux Valgus: Hallux valgus is a fairly common deformity in which there is a medial deviation of the 1st metatarsal at the tarsometatarsal joint and a lateral deviation of the phalanges at the metatarsophalangeal joint. The bursa on the medial aspect of the 1st metatarsal head may become inflamed and form bunion in response to an increase in contact forces between the shoe and the side of the 1st metatarsophalangeal joint. In addition, bony overgrowth may occur on the medial aspect of the joint in an attempt by the body to increase the joint surface area. The combination of excess bone and bunion formation and possible metatarsophalangeal dislocation not only enlarge the joint but also are a source of pain and may require surgical intervention. The mot common cause of hallux valgus is abnormal pronation in combination with forefoot adducts, which leads to a hypermobile first ray. Flexor muscles are stretched over the metatarsophalangeal joints and shortened over the proximal interphalangeal joints. The extensor muscles are shortened over the metatarsophalangeal joints and stretched over the proximal interphalangeal joints.

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Genu Valgum (Knock Knees): In genu valgum the mechanical axes of the lower extremities are displaced laterally. If genu valgum exceeds 30 and persists beyond 8 years of age structural changes may occur. As a result of the increased torque acting around the knee, the medial knee joint structures are subjected to abnormal tensile or distraction stress, and the lateral structures are subjected to abnormal compressive stress. The patella may be laterally displaced and therefore predisposed to subluxation. The foot also is affected as the gravitational torque acting on the foot in genu valgum tends to produce pronation of the foot with an


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accompanying stress on the medial longitudinal arch and its supporting structures as well as abnormal weight bearing on the posterior medial aspect of the calcaneus. Additional related changes may include flatfoot, lateral tibial torsion, lateral patellar subluxation, and lumbar spine contralateral rotation. Genu Varum (Bow Legs): Genu varum is a condition in which the knees are widely separated when the feet are together and malleoli are touching. Physiologic bowing is symmetrical and involves both the femur and the tibia. Cortical thickening on the medial concavity of both the femur and tibia may be present as a result of the increased compressive forces and the patellae may be displaced medially. Some of the more commonly suggested cause of genu varum are vitamin D deficiency, renal rickets, osteochondritis, or epiphyseal injury. Squinting or Cross-Eyed Patella: Squinting or cross-eyed patella (in-facing patella) is a tilted/rotated position of the patella in which the superior medial pole of the patella faces medially and the inferior pole points laterally. This altered patella position may be present in one or both knees and may by a sign of increased medial femoral torsion or medial tibial rotation. The Q angle may be increased in this condition and patella tracking may be adversely affected. Grasshopper Eyes Patella: Grasshopper eyes patella refers to a high, laterally displaced position of the patella in which the patella faces upward and outward. An abnormally long patella ligament may be responsible for the higher than normal position of the patella (patella alta). The medially rotated position of the patella is due to either femoral retroversion or lateral tibial torsion. Grasshopper eyes patella leads to abnormal patellar tracking and a decrease in the stability of the patella.

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Sagar Naik, PT

Vertebral Column:
Scoliosis: Normally, when viewed from the posterior aspect, the vertebral column is vertically aligned and perfectly bisected by the line of gravity and the structures on either side of the column are symmetrical. The line of gravity falls through the midline of the occiput, through the spinous processes of all vertebrae, and directly through the gluteal cleft. In an optimal posture the vertebral structures, ligaments, and muscles are able to maintain the column in vertical alignment with little stress or energy expenditure. If one or more of the medial-lateral structures fails to provide adequate support, the column will bend to the side. The lateral bending will be accompanied by rotation of the vertebrae because lateral flexion and rotation are coupled motions below the level of the 2nd cervical vertebra. Consistent lateral deviations of a series of vertebrae from the line of gravity in one or more regions of the spine may indicate the presence of a lateral spinal curvature called scoliosis. Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis curves are defined as structural curves. These curves involve changes in the structure of the vertebral bodies, transverse and spinous processes, intervertebral discs, ligaments, and muscles. Asymmetrical growth and development of the vertebral bodies leads to wedging of the vertebrae. Nonstructural scoliosis curves are called functional curves in that they can be reversed if the cause of the curve is correlated and structural changes are not present. These curves are the result of correctable imbalances such as leg length discrepancy or muscle spasm. The curves in scoliosis are named according to the direction of the convexity and the location of the curve. If the curve is convex to the left in the cervical area, the curve is designated as a left cervical scoliosis. If more than one region of the vertebral column is involved, the superior segment is named first. A lateral curvature of the vertebral column that is convex to the right in the thoracic region and convex to the left in the lumbar region is named as right thoracic, left lumbar scoliosis.

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