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-- Ganapati Aratis --

p. 1 of 6
Aratee shreeganapateechee ~iui ~iuii ~iui ~iuii ~iui ~iuii ~iui ~iuii Ganapati Arati (first of several Aratis)
sukhakartA dukhahartA wArtA wighnAchee ui tui +iui l+ii Oh Lord Ganesh, creator of the happiness and the destroyer of sorrows,
nurawee purawee prem kripA jayAchee +i +i i ii
who makes the make the news of calamity disappear, whose blessing gives enough
sarwAngee sundara uTi shendurAchee +ii l :ii (personification of Ganesh) who has beautiful orange color on his body,
kanTee dzhaLake mAL muktAphaLAnchee i : i =iii who has a pearl necklace shining around his neck.
jayadew jayadew jay mangalamUrtee + + ui Pray to this auspicious idol, praise God,
darshanamAtre manakAmanA puratee :i~ ii ui by mere sight of him, all of your wishes come true
jayadew jayadew + + Praise God
ratnakhachita pharA tudza gaureekumarA lu i u |ii The jeweled crown is for you (Ganesh), the son of Paravati (Gauri Kumar),
chandanAchee uTee kumkumakesharA ii i :i
With sandalwood ointment put on the body and saffron red color tilak on his
hiredzaDita mukuTa shobhato barA ltlu :iui +i That jeweled crown looks beautiful,
ruNadzhuNatee nUpure charaNee ghAgariyA :ui i ili The tinkling bell anklets make a nice sound on Your feet
jayadew jayadew jay mangalamUrtee + + ui Pray to this auspicious idol, praise God
darshanamAtre manakAmanA puratee :i~ ii ui by mere sight of him, all of your wishes come true
jayadew jayadew + + Praise God
lambodar peetAmbar phaniwara-bandhanA +i iui+ l++i With a big belly, with a yellow silk garment, with a serpent around the waist,
saraL sonD wakratunDa trinayanA i +u l~i With a straight trunk that is bent at the end, and with three eyes,
dAs rAmAtsA wAT pAhe sadanA i iii +i it i Ramdas (the author) is waiting for You at his home (praying).
sankaTee pAwAwe nirwANee rakshAwe surawara
i i+i+ l+ii -i+ + +i God, please bless us when there is trouble, and protect from disaster.
jayadew jayadew jay mangalamUrtee + + ui Pray to this auspicious idol, praise God
darshanamAtre manakAmanA puratee :i~ ii ui by mere sight of him, all of your wishes come true
jayadew jayadew + + Praise God
Translations by Dr. Suneeta Vaze
Complied by Hemangi Joshi-Deodhar
This is an excerpt from My Marathi
-- Ganapati Aratis --
p. 2 of 6
Aratee shrideveechee ~iui ~i+ii ~iui ~i+ii ~iui ~i+ii ~iui ~i+ii
ARATI SHRIDEVEECHEE (Note that Ganesh's mother has many names:
Durga, Parwati, Gauri) This prayer is dedicated to this Goddess.
durge durghaT bhAree tudzawiN sansAree ii ul+ ii Oh Durga, without you the world is very very difficult
anAthanAthe ambe karuNA wistAree ~ii ~+ i l+-uii Goddess, the protector of those without protection, give your compassion to all of us
wAree wAree janmamaraNante wAree +ii +ii iu +ii
Release us from the cycle of life and death (according to Hindu philosophy, the
human birth is the last incarnation in a long line of rebirths. If you are good during
your life, you will end the cycle and move on to be closer to God)
hAree paDalo AtA sankaT niwAree tii i ~iui l+ii and destroy our troubles.
jayadewee jayadewee jaya mahishhAsuramathinee +i +i ltili We pray to the goddess who destroyed the demon,
surawaraeeshwara warade tArakasanjiwanee +;+ + uil+i Who fulfills the wishes of even all of the Gods, and is the protective nectar.
jayadewee jayadewee +i +i Praise the Goddess
tribhuwan bhuwanee pAhatA tuja-aisee nAhee l~+ +i itui u{i iti There is no parallel for you in all three worlds,
chAree shramale na bolawe kAhee ii ~ u +i+ iti
All four (vedas) got tired and could not say anything (Even with all of the words in
the vedas, it is hard to describe you)
sAhee wiwAd karitA paDile prawAhee iti l++i lui l +iti
Six debating (schools of Indian philosophy) were drowned in the current of the
debate, but they still could not reach a conclusion of the true meaning of the
te tU bhaktAnlAgee pAwasi lawalAhee u u =iii i+l +iti
Oh Goddess, even though the debate is not decided, She is happy with Her devotees
and fulfills their wishes.
jayadewee jayadewee jaya mahishhAsuramathinee +i +i ltili We pray to the Goddess who destroyed the demon,
surawara-eeshwara warade tArakasanjiwanee +;+ + uil+i Who fulfills the wishes of even all of the Gods, and is the protective nectar.
jayadewee jayadewee +i +i Praise the Goddess
prasannawadane prasanna hosee nijadAsA u+ u tii lii With Your pleasant face You are always happy with your devotee,
kleshApAsunee soDee toDee bhawapAshA :iii ii uii +i:i Release us from all the troubles and remove worldly bondages.
ambe tudzawAtsUn koN purawil AshA ~+ u+i i l+ ~i:i Oh Goddess, who can fulfull these wishes other than you?
narahari tallin dzhAlA padapankajaleshA tl ul :ii :i Narahari (author of this arati) is devoted at Your feet.
jayadewee jayadewee jaya mahishhAsuramathinee +i +i ltili We pray to the Goddess who destroyed the demon,
surawaraeeshwara warade tArakasanjiwanee +;+ + uil+i Who fulfills the wishes of even all of the Gods, and is the protective nectar.
jayadewee jayadewee +i +i Praise the Goddess
Translations by Dr. Suneeta Vaze
Complied by Hemangi Joshi-Deodhar
This is an excerpt from My Marathi
-- Ganapati Aratis --
p. 3 of 6
Aratee shreeshankarAchee ~iui ~i:ii ~iui ~i:ii ~iui ~i:ii ~iui ~i:ii Prayer is to Shiva (aka Shankara)
lawathawatee wikrALA brahmAnDee mALA ++ui l+ii +uii ii
This is a personification of Shankara- dancing with his fierce appearance, (Shiva is
known for his final dance, when Brahma creates the world again.)
wishhe kanTha kALA trinetree jwALA l+ ii l~~i +ii
His neck is dark (explained later), with a third eye closed containing the destructive
lAwaNyasundar mastakee bALA i+ -ui +ii
You can see the beautiful face of Ganga in His hair so her force would not destroy
the earth,
tethuniyA jaLa nirmaLa wAhe dzhuLadzhuLA uli l +it ::i from His hair the flow of pure water is flowing calmly
jay dew jay dew jay shreeshankarA + + ~i:i Praise God, praise Lord Shankara
Aratee owALU tudza karpUragaurA ~iui ~i+i u |i We circle a lamp in front of you, whose skin is as fair as camphor.
jayadew jayadew + + Praise God
karpUragaurA bhoLA nayanee wishALA |i ii i l+:ii The fair one is very simple and honest with big eyes,
ardhAngee pArwatee sumanAnchyA mALA ~ii i+ui ii ii Whose wife is Parvati, Who has garlands of flowers,
wibhuteentse udhaLaN shitikanTha neeLA l+ui l:lu ii He scatters sacrificial ashes around him, and has a blue neck (will be explained)
aisA shankar shobhe umA welhALA {i : :i i +tii Like that Shankara is the beloved lover of Uma (aka Parvati)
jay dew jay dew jay shreeshankarA + + ~i:i Praise God, praise Lord Shankara
Aratee owALU tudza karpUragaurA ~iui ~i+i u |i We circle a lamp in front of you, whose skin is as fair as camphor.
jayadew jayadew + + Praise God
dewee daityee sAgaramanthan pai kele +i i i
When the Gods and the demons churned the oceans (to get the nectar of
immortality, separate story), out of which all of a
tyAmAjee awachit hAlAhal uThile iii ~+lu tiit l
sudden came a very strong deadly poison. (The poison was so strong that it started
burning everything on earth)
te twA Anande prAshan kele u +i ~i i:
Shankara drank it without hesitation (but held it in his throat to keep it from
destroying the world.)
neeLakanTha nAma prasiddha dzhAle i i l :i So Shankara is known as neeLakanTha - or blue neck.
jay dew jay dew jay shreeshankarA + + ~i:i Praise God, praise Lord Shankara
Aratee owALU tudza karpUragaurA ~iui ~i+i u |i We circle a lamp in front of you, whose skin is as fair as camphor.
jayadew jayadew + + Praise God
wyAghrAmbar phaNiwaradhar sundar madanAree ii+ l+ ii
Wearing a tiger's skin as a garment, with beautiful serpents and cobras tied around
his body, the conqueror of Madana (the God of the attachment of the love, Shankara
did not give in to worldly desire)
panchAnan manamohan munijan sukhakAree i it l ii
He has five faces (elements) that attract everyone's mind, Who pleases the learned
shatakoTeentse beej wAtse uchchAree :uii +i +i ii Even with one-hundred million praises
raghUkulaTiLak rAmadAsA antaree l iii ~ui
(Ramadas is the author) When I say all these words in my mind - this one song is
not enough to describe Shiva/Shankara
jay dew jay dew jay shreeshankarA + + ~i:i Praise God, praise Lord Shankara
Aratee owALU tudza karpUragaurA ~iui ~i+i u |i We circle a lamp in front of you, whose skin is as fair as camphor.
jayadew jayadew + + Praise God
Translations by Dr. Suneeta Vaze
Complied by Hemangi Joshi-Deodhar
This is an excerpt from My Marathi
-- Ganapati Aratis --
p. 4 of 6
Aratee shreedattAtreyAchee ~iui ~ii~ii ~iui ~ii~ii ~iui ~ii~ii ~iui ~ii~ii prayer to Guru dattA- considered the ultimate teacher
triguNAtmak traimurtee datta hA dzANA l~i ~ui ti ii
dattA as the incarnation of three guNAs in three faces (entities/qualities) that create
the qualities of people in the world (The incarnation of all three guNAs together-
combined - so that it is balanced)
traiguNee awatAr trailokyarANA l~i ~+ui ~iii He is the Lord of three worlds (Heaven, Earth, Underworld)
neti neti shabde na ye anumAnA lu lu : ~ii You can try to logically define datta, but words cannot define Him
surawar munijan yogee samAdhi na ye dhyAnA + l ii il ii
Gods, saints and ascetics try to meditate, but still cannot figure Him out even in their
deepest trance (all we can do is pray)
jay dew jay dew jay shreegurudattA + + ~ii Praise God, Praise Guru Datta
Aratee owALeetA haralee bhawachintA ~iui ~i+iiui ti +lui
When we circle a lamp in front of You and pray, the worry of day to day life is taken
jayadew jayadew + + Praise God
subAhya abhyantaree tU ek datta +it ~-ui u { Inside and outside, you are the only God (you are everything for the devotee)
abhAgyAsee kainchee kaLel hee mAt ~iii i ti iu but those who do not have faith, how can they understand
parAhee paratalee tethe kainchA het iti ui u i tu When you reach that ultimate goal (when datta is part of your full presense),
janmamaraNAchA puralAse anta ii i ~u
then there is no desire in your life for anything else (and you end the cycle of birth
and death) (In Hindu philosophy, the human birth is the last incarnation in a long line
of rebirths. If you are good during your life, move on to be closer to God)
jay dew jay dew jay shreegurudattA + + ~ii Praise God, Praise Guru Datta
Aratee owALeetA haralee bhawachintA ~iui ~i+iiui ti +lui we circle a lamp in front of You and pray, the worry of day to day life is gone
jayadew jayadew + + Praise God
datta yeUniyA ubhA ThAkalA li i ii dattA has come and stood in front of me
sadbhAwe sAshhTAnge praNipAt kelA i+ ii liu i with all my devotion I bow down (and do sashtang namaskar before Him)
prasanna hoUnee AsheerwAd didhalA u tii ~i:i+i li which made Him happy, and He gave me His blessing
janmamaraNAchA pherA chukaweelA ii i +ii The blessing is to end the cycle of birth and death
jay dew jay dew jay shreegurudattA + + ~ii Praise God, Praise Guru Datta
Aratee owALeetA haralee bhawachintA ~iui ~i+iiui ti +lui
When we circle a lamp in front of You and pray, the worry of day to day life is taken
jayadew jayadew + + Praise God
datta datta aise lAgale dhyAn { i i I am meditating,
hArapale mana dzhAle unman ti :i the mind became free and got into a trance
meetUnpaNAchee dzhAlee boLawaN iuii :ii +i+ the distinction of a separate God and person is driven out- now there is just one
ekA janArdanee shreedattadhyAn {i ii ~ii Now there is oneness with datta and ekanath (Saint Ekanath is the author)
jay dew jay dew jay shreegurudattA + + ~ii Praise God, Praise Guru Datta
Aratee owALeetA haralee bhawachintA ~iui ~i+iiui ti +lui
When we circle a lamp in front of You and pray, the worry of day to day life is taken
jayadew jayadew + + Praise God
Translations by Dr. Suneeta Vaze
Complied by Hemangi Joshi-Deodhar
This is an excerpt from My Marathi
-- Ganapati Aratis --
p. 5 of 6
Aratee shreewiThThalAchee ~iui ~il+jii ~iui ~il+jii ~iui ~il+jii ~iui ~il+jii
Prayer to Vittal, a form of Vishnu. (Vittal is personified as standing on a
brick. The story is that Pundalik was a devotee, and dedicated to taking care
of his parents; Vittal wanted to meet this devotee, since Pundalik was very
busy taking care of his parents, Pundalik gave him a brick to stand on, to
keep Vittal in this world for a while. This takes place in Pandarapur.)
yuge aThThAwees wiTewaree ubhA ~ji+i l++i i Vittal was standing on the brick (on earth) for ages,
wAmAngee rakhumAeedise diwya shobhA +iii i;l l :ii On His left side was His wife Rukhmini, this is a beautiful divine sight,
punDalikAche bheTee parabrahma Ale gA li i +u ~i i Because the ultimate truth (God- parabrahma) has come to meet Pundalik
charaNee wAhe bheemA uddharee jagA i +it ii i i Near God's feet, the river bheema is flowing purifying the world
jay dew jay dew jay pAnDurangA + + ii Praise God, Praise Panduranga (another name for ViThThal)
rakhumAee wallabhA rAeechyA wallabhA pAwe
i; +i i;i +i i+ l+i
(ViThThal has two wives-) Rukhmini and RAee dear to his heart, God is dear to us,
bless us who are dear to You
jayadew jayadew + + Praise God
tuLaseemALA gaLA kar TheUnee kaTee uiii i i i He wears a garland of tulasee, His hands are on his waist
kAse peetAmbar kasturee lallATee i iui+ -ui ii He is wearing a yellow garment, a tilak on His forehead
dew surawar nitya yetee bheTee + + l ui i All the Gods who come to visit Him,
garuD hanumant puDhe ubhe rAhatee tu itui
The eagle (vehicle of Vishnu) and Hanuman (monkey God was Rama's devotee, who
is the incarnation of Vishnu) are standing in front of Him as his servants
jay dew jay dew jay pAnDurangA + + ii Praise God, Praise Panduranga
rakhumAee wallabhA rAeechyA wallabhA pAwe
i; +i i;i +i i+ l+i
Rukhmini and RAee dear to his heart, God is dear to us, bless us who are dear to
jayadew jayadew + + Praise God
dhanya weNUnAd aNukshetrapALA +i ~-~ii
Divine sound of the flute in the meadows (description of Krishna who was protecting
the cow herd as Gopal, playing a flute),
suwarNAchee kamaLe wanamALA gaLA +ii +ii i With golden lotuses and garlands of wildflowers around his neck.
rAee rakhumaAbAee rANeeyA sakaLA i; i+i; iii i
When He arrives, his both queens (Rae and Rukhmini) (Vittal represents the
Oneness of Rama and Krishna- because they are one and the same),
owALitee rAjA wiThobA sAwaLA ~i+ilui ii l+i+i i+i are doing aratees to beautiful Vithoba (another name for Vishnu).
jay dew jay dew jay pAnDurangA + + ii Praise God, Praise Panduranga
rakhumAee wallabhA rAeechyA wallabhA pAwe
i; +i i;i +i i+ l+i
Rukhmini and RAee dear to his heart, God is dear to us, bless us who are dear to
jayadew jayadew + + Praise God
owALU AratyA kurawanDyA yetee ~i+i ~ii +i ui When the arati is done,
chandrabhAgemAjee soDuniyA detee iii ili ui The earthen lamps are floated in this river, shaped like a crescent moon
Translations by Dr. Suneeta Vaze
Complied by Hemangi Joshi-Deodhar
This is an excerpt from My Marathi
-- Ganapati Aratis --
p. 6 of 6
dinDyA patAkA waishhNaw nAchatee li uii ++ iui Devotees of Vishnu dance with their flags and banners
panDhareechA mahimA warNAwA kitee ii lti +i+i lui How can we describe the greatness of the whole scene in Pandarapur.
jay dew jay dew jay pAnDurangA + + ii Praise God, Praise Panduranga
rakhumAee wallabhA rAeechyA wallabhA pAwe
i; +i i;i +i i+ l+i
Rukhmini and RAee dear to his heart, God is dear to us, bless us who are dear to
jayadew jayadew + + Praise God
AshhADhee kArtikee bhaktajan yetee ~iii ilui = ui
(There are two auspicious days- one in the lunar month (ashad) and one kAratik
month (end of Diwali) 11th day of the month) ON these auspicious days devotees
come to Pandarapur
chandrabhAgemAjee snAne je karitee iii -i lui and bathe in the river.
darshan heLAmAtre tayA hoya muktee : tii~ ui ti =i By mere sight of Vittal, they are free of bondage
keshawAsee nAmadew bhAwe owALitee :+ii i+ i+ ~i+ilui (Namadev is the author) is praying and performing this arati with devotion
jay dew jay dew jay pAnDurangA + + ii Praise God, Praise Panduranga
rakhumAee wallabhA rAeechyA wallabhA pAwe
i; +i i;i +i i+ l+i
Rukhmini and RAee dear to his heart, God is dear to us, bless us who are dear to
jayadew jayadew + + Praise God
Shri GajAnan Prasanna ~i i u ~i i u ~i i u ~i i u Puja for Ganapati
wakratunDa mahAkAya +u tii A mighty Ganesh with elephant face and large body,
sUryakoTi samaprabha il Shining lustrous like the sun,
nirwighnam kuru me dew ll+ + Oh God, make me free from all obstacles,
sarwa kAryeshhu sarwadA + i +i All the time in all my deeds
Translations by Dr. Suneeta Vaze
Complied by Hemangi Joshi-Deodhar
This is an excerpt from My Marathi

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