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Jai Mata Di

Bio-Data She is fair, intelligent, convent educated, professionally qualified, well cultured, religious, family oriented girl, born and brought up in Hyderabad. General Details ------------------------------Name : Renu apoor !o" : #th $pril %&'( )o" : %*:+# ,"irth ,lace: Secunderabad Height : # .t + /n 0 %12 3ms 4eight : #1 gs "ody )ype: Slim 3omple5ion: .air "lood 6roup: $7 Socio-Religious Background --------------------------------------Religion : Hindu 3aste : apoor Sub 3aste : ,un8abi hatri Raasi : $ries 9by date of birth: 6othram : shodre -angli; : No <ating Habit : =egetarian Educational & Professional Information -----------------------------------------------------<ducation : -asters in Science 9-Sc: "iotechnology was a university topper in her -asters and gold medalist in graduation. >ccupation: 4or;ing as a ?Research Scientist@ for a well ;nown Swiss based -N3 in Hyderabad. <arlier she has wor;ed for National Research Aaboratory a constituent Aaboratory of 3S/R and also served an -N3 "iotech company immediately after her masterBs. C/n her short career span she has scientific publications in international 8ournalsD. Famil Details ------------------------------4e are Hyderabad based ,un8abi 9;hatri: family. / am a businessman and my wife is a Home ma;er. / have an elder Son who is an -"$ graduate and is supporting me in my business, he is happily married having a daughter and a son, daughter-in-law is also a homema;er and my younger daughter who is also well qualified and professionally sound. $ll paternal0-aternal relatives are well qualified and settled in North /ndia.

<lder Encle is "an; officer, second uncle is a Railway <ngineer and last uncle is a "usinessman. 4e are loo;ing for a person who is smart, intelligent, down to earth, well qualified and professionally sound person who is modern in way by giving importance to family and its values. Please re!l "it# full !rofile and t#e !#otogra!# of our Son for furt#er !rocessing at undersigned contact details$ -r. Ra8ender ,al apoor 9.ather: -r. ,rabhat apoor C<lder "rother- 3ell No: *&''#*'#'#*D -rs. )ripta apoor C3ell No: *&F*('2%2'*D <-mail: prabhat.;apoor2* Hyderabad.

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