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September 2012 TCS Questions in SRM

30 questions Calculator allowed,(but not needed More questions in Time and Work Time Speed distance Other topics were Functions(2 or 3 questions of which 1 on int function) Probabilit Fractions !emainders "irection Sense Percenta#e $quations %i&tures '#es (alendar 80 Minutes

1. George is 5 times more efficient than his son. He completes a work 40 days earlier than his son. orking together! how many days will they take to complete the work" #. $ %anuary month has four &hursdays and four 'undays. of 1st of %anuary" (. 1)#*()4*5++..),-*,, . 4. 1)#*()4*5)/+.. what is the a0erage of first #00 terms of this sequence" 5. 1a2an will 3e twice his son4s age in / years. Mother age was twice 1a2an4s son age # years ago. 5f his son will 3e #5 years in ( years. 6ind the sum of the present ages of father and mother. hat is day the of week

September 2012 TCS Questions in SRM

/. $ merchant 3uys #0 kg wheat at 1s.(07kg and 40 kg wheat at 1s.#57kg and mi8ed them. He sold one)third of mi8ture at 1s.#/! what should 3e the cost7kg of the remaining mi8ture! so as to make a profit of #59 on the whole" :a;/0 :3;40 :c; (< :d; (0

<. 5n 3o8 of 3alls! #7(rd are 3lue and the remaining is pink. 5f 57, th of 3lue and <7th of pink are defecti0e! find the pro3a3ility of picking up a defecti0e 3all! if there is a total of 14/ 3alls in the 3o8. -. 5f the two e8pressions 8# = 118 * $ and 8# = 148 * #$ ha0e a common factor! find $. ,. $t the end of year 1,,4! George is half of his grandmother4s age. &he sum of the years the 3oth of them were (-44. hat is the sum of their ages in 1,,," 10. $ child is looking for his father. He went ,0 metres in the >ast 3efore turning to his right. He went #0 metres 3efore turning to his right again to look for his father at his uncle4s place (0 metres from this point. His father was not there. 6rom here he went 100 metres to the ?orth 3efore meeting his father in a street. How far did the son meet his father from the starting point" a@ -0 metres b! 100 metres c@ 140 metres d@ #/0 metres 11. &here are <#0 3o8es! $ A B can paint them in #4 days! BAC can paint them in 1/ days! $AC in #0 days. 5f $ paints for 4 days! B for - days and C for - days! how many 3o8es will 3e painted" Or &here are <#0 3o8es! $ can paint them in #0 days! B can paint them in #4 days! C in 15 days. 5f $ paints for 4 days! B for - days and C for - days! how many 3o8es will 3e painted in total" 1#. 5n a 'chool /09 of the students are girls of which 459 are poor! what is the pro3a3ility of selecting a poor girl among the students as school leader" 1(. hat should 3e added to 5/<- to get a remainder of (5! when di0ide 3y 4/0"

14. $ team has won -09 of the games it has played in this season. 5n the ne8t season it won ( out of 5 matches and its losing percentage was #59! how many matches the team has played in total" 15. Megha dri0es her car along a square field of side 10km along the perimeter. 6irst side at the speed of 10kmph! second at the speed of #0kmph! third side at the speed of (0 kmph! then at 40kmph. 6ind the a0erage speed of the total tra0el.

September 2012 TCS Questions in SRM

1/. if $*B*C*D*>.6G! such that $!B!C!D!> are distinct num3ers! where 6G is in the form 106*G! for 6G to 3e the ma8imum possi3le 0alue. hat will 3e the 0alue G 3e" 1<. &o cars which are apart! mo0e towards each other at the speed of 50 kmph and /0 kmph! the faster car tra0els 1#0 kms more than the other. 6ind the total distance tra0eled 3y the faster car. 1-. &he Mean of three num3ers is 10 more than than the least num3er and 15 less than the highest. &heir median is 5. 6ind the sum of the three num3ers. 1,.&hree friends George! 'mith and %ohn in0ested (0000! 40000 and 50000 in an in0estment and George withdrew his in0estment after half a year. 5f the total return was ,0000. 6ind George4s share. #0. $ man can load one 3o8 in , minutes. $ truck can contain - 3o8es. 5f 1/ men load for one and a half hour! how many trucks will 3e loaded" #1. George is #7( rd as efficient as smith and smith is E th as efficient as %ohn. George working alone is what fraction of $ll of them working together. ##. $n Old man and a Foung man are working together in an office and staying together in a near 3y apartment. &he Old Man takes (0 minutes and the Foung #0 minutes to walk from apartment to office. 5f one day the old man started at 10G00$M and the young man at 10G05$M from the apartment to office! when will they mee" #(. 5f a num3er is di0ided 3y (5< the remainder is 5! what will 3e the remainder if the num3er is di0ided 3y 1<" #4. 5f $.8H( yH# and B.8yH(! then find the HC6 of $!B. #5. $ certain organiIation has three committees. Only two persons are mem3ers of all committees! 3ut e0ery pair of committees ha0e three mem3ers in common. hat is the least possi3le no of mem3er of mem3ers on any one committee" a;4 3;5 c;/ d;none of these.

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