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Initial when completed.

Please complete these activities with your child.

Look around the room and have your child identify objects in the room using the following positional words: on below under above near far inside outside left and right. !"amples: #hat is above the table$ #hat is under the table$ %ou could also give your child a prop and have him&her move that object to the position you say. !"ample: Put this toy under the bed. 'old this toy above your head. 'ave your child create a circle map on a plain sheet of white paper. 'ave your student draw pictures of things he&she N!!() in the circle map *e"amples: bananas apples water a house air+. ,+'ave your child practice finding and framing letters words spaces and sentences in a book. -+ Practice identifying sight words that are due this .riday. 'ave your child create the following sound&motion patterns : ,./0/0 -.//0 1./02 3. //00 4. /00/ !"ample: /0/0 could be clap5snap5clap5snap. -+ Practice identifying sight words that are due this .riday and initial the set of words in the bo". ,+6ead a book together and have your child re5tell the story. #hat happened in the beginning of the story$ 7he middle$ 7he end$ #hat was your favorite part$ #hy$ -+ #rite and draw corresponding objects for each number. 89 8,: 8,4 8-: 8,9 *!": 89 +

Daily Homework and Behavior

Day Mon Tues ed Thur #ri Date
11-11 11-12 11-1! 11-1" 11-1$

7itles of 0ooks 6ead at 'ome #ith Parent

(aily 0ehavior 6eport *blank = a good day+

Parent Signature

7hese are the word wall words for this week. Please help your child read and spell these letters& words: will but for has into by was had him just

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