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Wang 1 Yi Wang Kristen Foster CO150.

400 20 October, 2013 How should we treat Chinese Traditional Characters and Simplified Characters? An Annotated Bibliography This annotated bibliography was completed to search how we should treat the relationship between Chinese Traditional Characters and Simplified Characters. In China, the topic whether people should restart to use traditional characters has been disputed for several years. In our daily life, simplified and traditional characters original codes are different, when we change the phone language from Chinese to English or other languages, it often appears garbled words, which brings inconvenience to people, so this topic is in exigency. For the reason that I have learned calligraphy for 12 years, I am always thinking that traditional characters look more beautiful and include more connotations, why do people in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Marco use them while we people in mainland are asked to use simplified characters? Therefore, those three reasons cause my curiosity to research how on earth we need to treat these two different handwritings. Two of my research questions are these: What are the advantage and disadvantage of simplified characters? and how did other countries simplify their characters?. I began looking for research from 3rd, 2013 to 20th , 2013. Those four sources include a magazine article, one chapter in a professional academic journal, a telephone interview presentation and a newspaper article.

Wang 2 Liu, C-L., Masaki Nakagawa., Stefan Jaeger. "Online Recognition of Chinese Characters: the State-of-the-Art." Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on 26.2 (2004): 198-213. Print. This peer reviewed journal article is an introduction for Chinese characters. People who are interested in Chinese characters may be the intended audience. The purpose of the article is to introduce how to recognize Chinese character, features of characters and how to write Chinese characters. The main type of evidence used in the source is photographs, which are most utilized in page 2, 3, 5 and 10 to show different scripts, the processing of the characters, the rule about Network representation of characters and normal writing rules. Authors state: A Chinese character is an ideograph and is composed of mostly straight lines or poly-line strokes. (199) in charapter1.2 ,which clearly introduce the features of Chinese characters. In the whole chapter 4.1, authors parse structural representations such as 4.1.1 Point and Line Segment Representation.

The publication IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence is quite famous and authoritative. One of those three authorsChenlin Liu is an expert in studying Chinese characters. However, I think authors can add the history of the Chinese characters to give more background information to readers.

The part talking about Chinese characters structures really gives me more information and helps me appreciate traditional characters and simplified characters and judge which kind of characters looks better. The information showed in the article help people who are interested in Chinese characters increase their cognition about Chinese characters.

Wang 3 Deng, Shizhong."The Choice of Traditional vs. Simplified Characters in US Classrooms." US- China Education Review (2009): 67. The article is a professional academic journal. People who are interested in Chinese characters and people who are in favor in traditional characters are the intended audience and the purpose of the article is to discuss which kind of characters people should learn and argue the disadvantage of the simplified characters. The main type of evidence used in the source is primary research. The author conducted a survey to help him study whether traditional characters are more popular in order to argue the importance of reviving traditional characters. In the end the author also provided his own perspective on how to treat the situation that I believe that the ideal means to carry out a standardization of characters is to organize experts to study earnestly the two kinds of characters and then to improve and optimize traditional characters(73).

The publication Us-China Education Review is quite famous and authoritative. This article was published in 2009, so it is quite current. I think the author can spend more space on advantage of simplifies characters to balance his article.

The author lists a huge number of comparisons between traditional and simplified characters and the meaning behind traditional characters to show the disadvantage of simplified characters, which helps me understand traditional characters strengths. Meanwhile, this article gives more information to people who just saw the advantage of the simplified characters to consider whether they should change their mind and think more about the advantage of traditional characters.

Wang 4 Pei,Jue. telephone interview presentation. 9. Mar.2009. The article is a telephone interview presentation. People who are interested in Chinese characters and people who are in favor in simplified characters may be the intended audience. The purpose of the article is to refute those who say simplified characters are meaningless and explain the reason why simplified characters can and should exist. The main type of evidence used in the source is stories from others about their experiences. The interview shows that many professors who teach Chinese in abroad say most students tend to learn simplified characters to show the popularity of simplified characters in the world in the middle paragraphs. The author uses statistics that half American high schools teach simplified characters to show others countries recognitions on simplified characters.

The telephone interview was held by Bowentianxia, which is a famous program in China. The interviewee Pei is an authority in Chinese literature. These two reasons make the source credible. However, he could write more about the disadvantage of simplifies characters to balance his speech.

This presentation helps me get more information about the history of the simplifying characters and simplified characters strength. This article gives more information that simplifying characters is reasonable to some certain to those who are interested in Chinese characters and gives a new perspective to people who refuse to recognize simplified characters.

Wang 5 Wu, Yixuan. . YAYAN ONLINE . Fudan University Language Affairs Committee, Volue 67, 14 Oct 2013. The article is a newspaper article. People who are interested in Chinese characters and Japanese characters may be the intended audience. The purpose of the article is to compare the result of Chinese and Japanese characters simplification. As a newspaper published by a university, the author used secondary research to complete his study, which looks like more valuable. The author says that simplifying characters need to consider many factors such as the purpose of simplified Chinese characters, national conditions. And the author indicates that Japanese simplified characters are successful because their simplified characters glyphs were just changed a little and they are still systemic in the end of his article.

The publication Fudan University Municipal Language Affairs Committee is authentic. Yixuan Wu is a famous scholar in Fudan University, so his article is credible. One limitation of this article is that he can give some advice for Chinese characters simplification after his study.

This article reveals that Chinese simplified characters in a hurry so that Simplified characters have a lot of defects, so more and more people sustain to restore the traditional. This point of view makes people who always debate on which kind of characters Chinese treat this issue more rational.

Wang 6 Work Cited Liu, C-L., Masaki Nakagawa., Stefan Jaeger. "Online Recognition of Chinese Characters: the State-of-the-Art." Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on 26.2 (2004): 198-213. Print. Deng, Shizhong."The Choice of Traditional vs. Simplified Characters in US Classrooms." USChina Education Review (2009): 67. Pei,Jue. telephone interview presentation. 9. Mar.2009. Wu, Yixuan. . YAYAN ONLINE . Fudan University

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