Tugas Adjective Arnia Poerbasari

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Reading Passage Malaria, though not getting as much publicity as cancer or AIDS, is nonetheless the worlds major infection

disease. There are about a hundred million cases of malaria each year and more than two million die of the disease. The disease is caused by a parasite nown as !lasmodium which is

carried by the female anopheles mos"uito. #hen the infected mos"uito bites a person, the parasite enters the bloodstream and "uic ly. The symptoms of the disease is then felt by the $ictim. Such symptoms include repeated attac of sha ing, high fe$er, headache and profuse perspiration. Tra$elers to malaria infected countries are re"uired to ta e anti%malaria drugs to safeguard themsel$es.

&ategori Adjecti$e ' !roper adjecti$e (uantitati$e adjecti$e )umeral adjecti$es Interrogati$e adjecti$e Suffi+ adjecti$e ' Malaria, !lasmodium, ' Much, More, ' a *undred million, Two million ' #hich, ' )onetheless, Sha ing,

Tugas Individu 12 okober 2013


Di Susun ,leh '


' Arnia !oerbasari

Stambu &elompo

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Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Alkhairaat 2013

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