Homework 1: Traduceti Din Romana in Engleză: Translate From Romanian To English

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Homework 1

Traduceti din romana in englez: Translate from Romanian to English:

Maria cnt n baie n fiecare sptmn. Maria sings in bathroom on every week. Casa noastr este mare are 3 dormitoare, o buctrie, o sufragerie dou bi si un hol , exist i un garaj n partea dreapt a curii. Our house is big it has three bedrooms, one kitchen, one dinning room, two bathrooms and one hall,there is also a garage in the right side of the yard. Familia mea conine ase membrii:Bunici, nepoi si prini. My family is maked of six members: Grandparents,grandsons and parents. In momentul acesta clasa noastr studiaz trei limbi strine: Franceza, Engleza si Germana. At this moment our class studys three languages: French, English and German. Prietenul meu cel mai bun nu tie cum s nvee. My best friend dont know how to learn. Mi-am pierdut portofelul i nu am cum s pltesc factura. Ive lost my wallet and I dont have money to pay the invoice. Ea s-a ngrat 10 kilograme n ultimele 6 luni. She puts on weight 10 pounds in the last six months. Unde ai fost asear? Am fost la ziua de natere a unei colege de clas. Where have you been last night? I was at a bithday of my mate. Cnd am ajuns in gar am aflat c trenul plecase. When i arrived at train station I found that the train leaves. Pn cand vom ajunge la cinematograf ,filmul va fi inceput. Until we will arrive at cinema, the movie will be started. Fceam un du cand a sunat telefonul. I took a shower when the phone rings.

Homework 2 Find words in the text which mean the same as 1-12 below. 1. Husband or wife spouse 2. Your child or children offspring 3. A brother who shares just one parent with you half-brother 4. The daughter of your fathers new wife stepsister 5. Opposite of nuclear family extended 6. Wives of your husband brothers sisters-in-law 7. Your future husband fiance 8. All the members of your family including the ones who dont live with you relatives 9. Two children born at the same time to the same mother twins 10. The sons and daughters of your parents brothers and sisters cousins 11. Your husband or wifes mother mother-in-law 12. Your brothers and sisters siblings

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