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Investigation Assignment #2: Entrepreneurial Interviews

For Bachillerato 3, this assignment is due on Monday, November 18th. For Bachillerato 2, this assignment is due on Tuesday, November 19th. For this assignment you will be marked differently, in order to incentivize group participation and discourage laziness with group work. When you hand in this assignment, I would like you to hand in a paper(s) stapled to the back in which every group member rates the following from 1-10: The mark I feel that I deserve for my work on this assignment: The mark I feel that ____(insert the name of each and every group member here)___ deserves: Each group member should have a list of what they think every group member should receive as a mark, including themselves, attached to the back of the assignment. You can do this with or without letting the rest of your group know what you rated them, its up to you, but I ask that you respect your fellow group members wishes if they ask you not to look at what you rated them. You may want to elect a group member to collect all the rating forms and attach them just before handing in. This assignment will involve your group choosing a small to medium sized business to interview, and asking them as many interview questions as you can, without asking questions related to marketing, human resources (regarding people and employees), or finance. This is because these questions will need to be covered in the following parciales on pace with learning about these subjects in class. So, what I am looking for is questions about the character of the owners and leadership styles (you can base some of your questions off the leadership interview assignment), and also other fluffy questions such as the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Any question from the leadership interview assignment, without asking too many of them. What service or product does your business offer? How many people are employed by your business? What is the location of your business? Is there more than one location where business takes place? Why did you choose to go into business in this industry? What did you consider to be the greatest risk of starting a business such as yours? To what degree did support from family and friends lead to your success? Do you consider yourself a successful business? Why? Have you ever doubted that in the past?

9. 10. 11. 12.

Are you registered as a sole-proprietor, partnership, or corporation? What are the most difficult decisions to make in your business? Are you passionate about your business? Do you feel that as a business owner you are able to have a good work-life balance? Are you easily able to separate your work from your personal life? 13. What do you feel was the key to your success? 14. You will have a good chance at improving your mark if you are creative enough to come up with a few questions that I have not created for you, but that stay within your limits of not asking anything related to marketing, human resources, or finance.

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