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ADHD 50 Ways to Improve Your Childs Behavior and Attention Span without Drugs !a"els or Coer#ion 1.

Provide a balanced breakfast. 2. Consider the Feingold diet 3. Limit television and video games 4. Teach self-talk skills. 5. Find o t !hat interests "o r child. #. Promote a strong $h"sical ed cation $rogram in "o r child%s school. &. 'nroll "o r child in a martial arts $rogram.

8. (iscover "o r child%s m lti$le intelligences

). *se backgro nd m sic to foc s and calm. 1+. *se color to highlight information. 11. Teach "o r child to vis ali,e. 12. -emove allergens from the diet. 13. Provide o$$ort nities for $h"sical movement. 14. 'nhance "o r child%s self-esteem. 15. Find "o r child%s best times of alertness. 1#. .ive instr ctions in attention-grabbing !a"s. 1&. Provide a variet" of stim lating learning activities. 1/. Consider biofeedback training. 1). 0ctivate $ositive career as$irations. 2+. Teach "o r child $h"sical-rela1ation techni2 es. 21. *se incidental learning to teach. 22. 3 $$ort f ll incl sion of "o r child in a reg lar classroom. 23. Provide $ositive role models. 24. Consider alternative schooling o$tions. 25. Channel creative energ" into the arts. 2#. Provide hands-on activities 2&. 3$end $ositive times together. 2/. Provide a$$ro$riate s$aces for learning. 2). Consider individ al $s"chothera$". 3+. *se to ch to soothe and calm. 31. 4el$ "o r child !ith organi,ational skills. 32. 4el$ "o r child a$$reciate the val e of $ersonal effort. 33. Take care of "o rself. 34. Teach "o r child foc sing techni2 es.

35. Provide immediate feedback. 3#. Provide "o r child !ith access to a com$ ter. 3&. Consider famil" thera$". 3/. Teach $roblem-solving skills. 3). 5ffer "o r child real-life tasks to do. 4+. *se 6time-o t6 in a $ositive !a". 41. 4el$ "o r child develo$ social skills. 42. Contract !ith "o r child. 43. *se effective comm nication skills. 44. .ive "o r child choices. 45. (iscover and treat the fo r t"$es of misbehavior. 4#. 'stablish consistent r les7 ro tines7 and transitions. 4&. 4old famil" meetings. 4/. 4ave "o r child teach a "o nger child. 4). *se nat ral and logical conse2 ences. 5+. 4old a $ositive image of "o r child.

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