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Xie 1 Ricky Xie Kristen Foster CO150.003 Oct.


Study Abroad or Stay at home An Annotated ib!io"ra#hy $ith the de%e!o#ment o& science and techno!o"y' it becomes &ar more con%enient to tra%e! bet(een each continent. )ean(hi!e' * ha%e &ound that more and more #eo#!e around me decided to "o abroad to continue their education &or master' bache!or and e%en hi"h schoo! de"rees. * (onder (hether it is a "ood choice to study in a country (ith un&ami!iar !an"ua"e and cu!ture back"round rather than recei%e education in our home country. For this research' * am "oin" to e+#!ore (hether study abroad is a "ood choice &or students. Since * am an internationa! student &rom China (ho is no( studyin" in ,S &or bache!or-s de"ree' * am es#ecia!!y interested in e+#!orin" this to#ic to see (hether * had made the ri"ht decision &or my &uture. .he research /uestion * #osed is this0 *s study abroad a "ood choice1 * conducted this research #ro2ect &rom October 3th' 2013 to October 21st' 2013. .his annotated bib!io"ra#hy contains &our sources' inc!udin" one source &rom a #eer4re%ie(ed 2ourna! that * &ind in academic search premier and three artic!es &rom #o#u!ar ne(s#a#ers' a!! o& (hich are #ub!ished /uite recent!y' t(o &rom !ast year and one &rom this year.

Xie 2 Sood' Suemedha. 5.he Statistic o& study abroad6 ritish roadcastin" Cor#oration' 27 Se#t 2012. $eb. 8 Oct 2013. .his (as an artic!e &rom a &amous ne(s#a#er and (ritten &or researchers (ho (ere interested in the current states o& o%erseas students by o&&erin" a !ot o& cited data. .he author #ro%ides a "enera! #ers#ecti%e that the number o& students study abroad had !ar"e!y increased in the #ast 30 years' accordin" to the internationa! Or"anisation &or 9conomic Co4o#eration and :e%e!o#ment the author cites. ;e a!so e+#!ains that both American and <atin American think hi"h!y o& internationa! #ro"ram and are (orkin" on sendin" more students o%erseas. Fina!!y' he brie&!y addresses that there are both bene&its and disad%anta"es o& study abroad

.his is a credib!e source. .o be"in (ith' it (as #ub!ished in Se#tember o& 2012' a /uite recent time &rom no(' (hich indicates that some %ita! #oints in the artic!e are not out o& date. $hat-s more' it #resents !ots o& data in ne(s' maintainin" the re!iabi!ity o& the author. .here is one !imitation that a!thou"h this artic!e (as #ub!ished in BBC' it is in C tra%e! co!umn' (hich

seems not #ro&essiona! enou"h and may undermine author-s re!iabi!ity.

.his source he!#s me dee#!y understand the current condition o& study abroad that it is becomin" more and more #o#u!ar to seek hi"her education o%erseas' indicatin" that study abroad may be a "ood choice. Furthermore' this artic!e "i%es me some in&ormation associated (ith t(o main stakeho!ders' home countries and host countries in order to i!!ustrate the bene&its o& study abroad. ;o(e%er' this artic!e does not discuss the #ros and cons o& study abroad in detai!. .hus' *-m "oin" to &ind more sources about #ros and cons o& o%erseas study.

Xie 3 Shi' Xin"son". =>e"otiatin" ?o(er and Access to Second <an"ua"e Resources0 A Study on Short4.erm Chinese ) A Students in America.= Modern Language Journal @5.A B2011C0 5354588. Academic Search Premier. $eb. 12 Oct 2013. .his scho!ar!y artic!e (as (ritten &or researchers and e+#erts (ho are &ocusin" on &orei"n study. .he author main!y states the inada#tation and di&&icu!ties in cu!tura! and socia! as#ects that Chinese students met in their study !i%es. y doin" obser%ation on students- in%o!%ement in "rou# acti%ity (ith American #eers and inter%ie( o& students a&ter(ards' he #oints out that the unski!!ed !an"ua"e and insu&&icient communication ski!!s 2ust hinder Chinese students &rom ad2ustment to host society.

.his is an e&&ecti%e source. First o& a!!' it is a #eer4re%ie( 2ourna!' (hich maintains its re!iabi!ity and credibi!ity o& the in&ormation it contains. Another reason (hy this artic!e is credib!e is that it inc!udes a !ot o& obser%ation and inter%ie( o& students- rea! !i&e e+#erience' makin" the source more con%inced. One !imitation &or this source is that Chinese students (ho in%o!%ed in this artic!e are 5a!! in their 30s6. Since the a"e di&&erences contribute to the di&&erences in both kno(!ed"e and ad2ustment' it is better to do research about under"raduate students

.his source he!#s me ans(er my /uestion that it may not be a "ood choice to study abroad &or students' the main stakeho!der' by #resentin" the rea! e+am#!es o& ho( student are stru""!in" in their o%erseas study !i&e. .his artic!e he!#s me !ook at study abroad &rom di&&erent an"!es. * (i!! continue &indin" the merits and demerits in my ne+t ste#.

Xie A Snider' Dustin. 5Consider Study Abroad to Sa%e )oney on Co!!e"e.6 ,.S. >e(s E $or!d Re#ort <?' 18 Se#tember 2012. $eb. 18 Oct 2013. .his is a ne(s artic!e that (as (ritten &or American students (ho are interested in "oin" abroad in order to both sa%e money and &ee! di&&erent cu!tures around the (or!d. .he author states that 5the key o& sa%in" money is to head to a country (here hi"her education is chea# or &ree6 and #ro%ide a "reat many tuition com#arisons bet(een ,S co!!e"es and other uni%ersities amon" the (or!d to sho( that #eo#!e can sa%e a !ar"e amount o& money by study abroad.

Se%era! &actors #ro%e that it is a credib!e source. *t is #ub!ished in Se#tember o& 2012' (hich is /uite recent and not out o& date. $hat-s more' the #ub!ication is ,.S. >e(s' a &amous socia! media in American (ho 5has earned a re#utation as the !eadin" #ro%ider o& ser%ice ne(s and in&ormation that im#ro%es the /ua!ity o& !i&e o& its readers by &ocusin" on education' hea!th and so on6' (hich indicates that it is a trust(orthy source. B,S >9$SC .here is one !imitation that the artic!e on!y &ocuses on American students and i"nores students &rom other countries (ho (ant to study abroad' (hich is /uite re!e%ant to my research /uestions.

.his source "i%es me a certain ans(er that it is a "ood choice to "o abroad &or education. y "oin" abroad' American students' one o& the main stakeho!ders' can a%oid #ayin" hi"h tuition &or their co!!e"e years. .his artic!e arouses my interest about ho( the tuition may a&&ect students &rom other counties and their &ami!ies' another main stakeho!der. * decide to continue searchin" the in&!uence o& tuition on internationa! students.

Xie 5

DimeneF' Duan Ca2i"as. 5*nternationa! Students Face urden o& ;i"h .uition' <imited Financia! Assistance.6 oston G!obe )edia ?artners' <<C' 3 October 2013. $eb. 1@ October 2013. .his is an artic!e &rom oston !oca! ne(s#a#er and (ritten to #robab!y mana"ers o& oston ,ni%ersity to in&orm that students in oston ,ni%ersity are &acin" &inancia! burdens. .he author main!y e+#!ains that the hi"h tuition 2ust &orces internationa! students to "raduate &rom co!!e"e in 3 years instead o& A years. $hat-s more' the author a!so c!aims that it is hard to "et scho!arshi#s in oston ,ni%ersity' (hich resu!ts in the !ar"er burden &or &ami!ies o& internationa! students.

.his is a credib!e source. .o start (ith' it (as #ub!ished t(o (eeks a"o' makin" it /uite recent. Furthermore' the author cites e+#eriences o& students &rom di&&erent countries' i!!ustratin" that it is a common issue ri"ht no(' (hich makes the source a !ot more credib!e and re!iab!e. Admitted!y' there is one !imitation that it on!y ta!ks about the internationa! students in oston ,ni%ersity. * doubt (hether other uni%ersities has such #henomenon amon" internationa! students.

.his artic!e in&orms me that it may not be a "ood choice to study abroad' &or hi"h &inancia! burden has ne"ati%e in&!uence on both students and their &ami!ies' t(o main stakeho!ders. Ha!ues contained in this artic!e (i!! tru!y he!# connect me (ith my audience. A&ter that' * (ant to #ay my attention to the ad%anta"es o& study abroad to see (hat s#ecia! bene&its students can "et by "oin" abroad.

Xie 7 $ork Cited

Sood' Suemedha. 5.he Statistic o& study abroad6 ritish roadcastin" Cor#oration' 27 Se#t 2012. $eb. 8 Oct 2013.

Shi' Xin"son". =>e"otiatin" ?o(er and Access to Second <an"ua"e Resources0 A Study on Short4.erm Chinese ) A Students in America.= Modern Language Journal @5.A B2011C0 5354588. Academic Search Premier. $eb. 12 Oct 2013.

Snider' Dustin. 5Consider Study Abroad to Sa%e )oney on Co!!e"e.6 ,.S. >e(s E $or!d Re#ort <?' 18 Se#tember 2012. $eb. 18 Oct 2013.

5About ,.S. >e(s E $or!d Re#ort6 ,.S. >e(s E $or!d Re#ort <?' n.d. $eb. 18 Oct 2013.

DimeneF' Duan Ca2i"as. 5*nternationa! Students Face urden o& ;i"h .uition' <imited Financia! Assistance.6 oston G!obe )edia ?artners' <<C' 3 October 2013. $eb. 1@ October 2013.

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