Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice Trends

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Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice Trends

Reference Comiso, J.C. and Nishio, F. 2008. Trends in the sea ice cover using enhanced and compatible AM !"#, M$%, and MM! data. Journal of Geophysical Research 113& '0.'02($200)JC00*2+). What was done Noting that earth,s polar regions -are e.pected to provide earl/ signals o0 a climate change primaril/ because o0 the ,ice"albedo 0eedbac1, 2hich is associated 2ith changes in absorption o0 solar energ/ due to changes in the area covered b/ the highl/ re0lective sea ice,- the authors set about to provide updated and improved estimates o0 trends in Arctic and Antarctic sea ice cover 0or the period e.tending 0rom November '()8 to 3ecember 2004, based on data obtained 0rom the Advanced Micro2ave canning !adiometer 5AM !"#6, the pecial canning Micro2ave %mager 5 M$%6 and the canning Multichannel Micro2ave !adiometer 5 MM!6, 2here the data 0rom the last t2o instruments 2ere ad7usted to be consistent 2ith the AM !"# data. What was learned Comiso and Nishio report that trends in sea ice e.tent and area in the Arctic over the period o0 their anal/sis 2ere "8.* 9 0.2 and "*.0 9 0.2: per decade, respectivel/, 2hile the corresponding trends in the Antarctic 2ere ;0.( 9 0.2 and ;'.) 9 0.8: per decade. What it means %0 it indeed is true that earth,s polar regions should -provide earl/ signals o0 a climate change,- it 2ould appear that the Northern and outhern <emispheres are scheduled to go their o2n separate 2a/s in response to a continuation o0 2hatever caused them to behave as the/ did over the past three decades, 2hich climate alarmists claim 2ere increasing greenhouse gas concentrations. =ut since 2e don,t reall/ 1no2 i0 either o0 these t2o assumptions is true, it is an/one,s guess as to 2hat really ma/ lie in store 0or the planet, as the 0uture graduall/ un0olds in the /ears and decades ahead.
!evie2ed '4 Jul/ 2008

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