Acceptable Use Policy 08 19 13 Tia Hadley

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Tias Classroom Computer Rules for 5th Grade

Acceptable Use Policy
Rules for computer use:

Absolutely NO food or drinks are allowed at the computers. No exceptions.

Do not touch the computer screen, pull on the mouse cord, or damage the computer in any way or format.
If you are stressed out, do NOT bash your head into the monitor or conduct any mode of violence. Please
ask for help.
Computer time is allowed for 15 minutes maximum. You must sign in on the sign in sheet, sign out when
done, and let the student who is next on the waiting list know that the computer is free to use.
Do NOT upload, download, or install anything on the computers. If something needs to be uploaded or
downloaded, ask for my permission and I will supervise.
Please be considerate of others who are still working or doing other activities by being quiet while using the
keyboard, mouse, and chairs and by keeping your feet still. If you get upset, do not yell. If you get excited,
do not get loud.

Rules of computer conduct:

Do NOT go into sites that contain anything vulgar, inappropriate, rude, illegal, or anything of the sort. I can
check the history on every computer and also monitor every screen from my own desktop.
Cyber Bullying will NOT be tolerated. If you have nothing nice to say, then dont say anything at all.
Remember, I am watching and you will be caught and punished.
Do NOT hack into any site, security, or system. Do not ignore or bypass any security warning.
Do NOT delete anything from the computers memory, hard-drive, or system. Do NOT save anything on the
computers; use your flash drives.
Do NOT play any games until all work is completed or until otherwise informed.


Severity of consequences will depend on the action performed. No action is ever performed equally so
consequences will be given on the spot according to the action performed.

Copyright infringement and Fair Use policy:

When something is copyrighted, it is protected by law; keeping it safe from reproduction, re-selling, and being
claimed as someone elses work. The punishment for copyright infringement is suspension, fines, and/or legal
battles. There is a fair use policy that lets others who do not own the work, use the material if it is used only for
educational purposes with proper citations.

Plagiarism is the act of stealing or taking credit of others material/work and using it as ones own. The
punishment for this is expulsion, fines, legal battles, and/or jail sentence.
Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s): ________________________ Student: ________________________

Acceptable Use Policy for Home

Rules for computer use:

(Ex. Food or drinks? Time limit? Quiet or is loud okay? Download items or not allowed?)

Rules of computer conduct:

(Ex. Inappropriate sites; Cyber bullying; Deleting or saving items onto computer; Games or not allowed?)



Copyright infringement and Fair Use policy:

When something is copyrighted, it is protected by law; keeping it safe from reproduction, re-selling, and being
claimed as someone elses work. The punishment for copyright infringement is suspension, fines, and/or legal
battles. There is a fair use policy that lets others who do not own the work, use the material if it is used only for
educational purposes with proper citations.

Plagiarism is the act of stealing or taking credit of others material/work and using it as ones own. The
punishment for this is expulsion, fines, legal battles, and/or jail sentence.
Parent(s): _________________________

Son(s)/Daughter(s): _________________________

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