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Dash Krempel AP Review Week 9

1.a. The shape is skewed to the left, with most results falling between 8-9. b. The median should be reported because it is 8, compared to the mean which is 7.875. c. Midrange is a measure of center because it is unaffected by any numbers other than the min and the max.(95+64)/2=7.5 It is measure of spread because it does not matter how many 9s there were, just one as the maximum will be computed all the same. 2. a. The median lines wouldnt show up but they are at 9.25 for the students and 11 for the faculty.

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b. While both distributions have similar minimums, the faculty has a much higher maximum. The IQRs are same in size. The student IQR is central, and the Faculty IQR is skewed to the left. The range of the faculty is also much greater than the student range. c. The students claimed victory for this event. They had both the fastest single time(3.75 seconds), and the fastest average time. The faculty had a close top time (4.5 seconds), but the rest of the slower times brought the average down to 11 seconds, compared to the 9.25 seconds of the students.

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