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Dash Krempel FRQs Week 8

1.a. You find the IQR, then multiply it by 1.5. Then add this number to Q3 and subtract it from Q1. Any values not falling between these two values(IQRx1.5xQ1 or Q3) are outliers b. Yes. The IQR is (19.25-9.68=9.57). This times 1.5=14.355. Add this to Q3 (14.355+19.25=33.605), which is lower than the max, so the max is an outlier. c. This is by no means an outlier, but as it rests in the lower IQR, it is a below average (14.941) result. 2. a.
Frequency of Defective Items

1 Frequency 2 3 4 5

Number of Defective Items

b. The graph is an approximate normal distribution and an even spread. c. There are gradually less defective items as the graph goes on

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