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Steps To Develop a Query_Find Form in Oracle Apps Step 1: Open Template.

.fmb with form builder save it with another name(XXMZ_Query_Find.fmb) and ive the module name as XXMZ_Q!"#$_F%&'.

(tep) * 'elete +,O-.&/M" from 0indow1-anvas and 'ata +lo23 and delete '"T/%,+,O-. from 'ata +lo23.

(tep 4* -reate window('"5T_0%&'O0) apply sub2lass information as 0%&'O0 and ive the title.

(tep 6* 7ive this window name in 5#"8FO#M tri er (Form ,evel) and ive this window name in in /55_-!(TOM body 5ro ram_!nit( in pla2e of window name).

-ompile and -lose The 0indow.

-ompile and -lose The 0indow. (tep 9* -reate -anvas('"5T_-/&:/() apply sub2lass information as -anvas.

(tep ;* &ow -reate 'ata blo23('"5T) with 0i<ard or Manual 1apply sub2lass information to the blo23 as +,O-. and also apply sub2lass information to the items as T"XT_%T"M.

(tep =*(tep 9* 'ra Q!"#$_F%&' Ob>e2t 7roup from /55(T/&'.fmb to Our Form(XXMZ_Query_Find.fmb) Ob>e2t 7roup. ?ere we et window12anvas1datablo23 will 2ome automati2ally with the name Q!"#$_F%&'.

(tep @* /pply sub2lass information to 0indow1-anvas as well as +lo23. /nd dra these to first position as shown in below.

(tep A* %n Q!"#$_F%&' data blo23 we et 4 buttons(-lear1&ew1Find) with 4 Tri 7ive +lo23 name as '"5T in 0?"&8+!TTO&85#"(("' tri -ompile and 2lose.


er of &ew and Find +utton.

(tep BC* &eDt 2reate -ontrol item in the Query_Find +lo23 apply sub2lass information as T"XT_%T"M and atta2h that item to the Q!"#$_F%&' 2anvas.

(tep A* &eDt dra the Q!"#$_F%&' tri tri er. er from /55(T/&'.fmb and 5la2e it in '"5T blo23 level


/55_F%&'.Q!"#$_F%&'(Eresults blo23 windowF1

EFind windowF1 EFind window blo23F)G /nd write the followin 2ode in that tri er*

/55_F%&'.Q!"#$_F%&'(H'"5T_0%&'O0I1 HQ!"#$_F%&'I1JQ!"#$_F%&'I)G

(tep BC* &eDt -reate 5#"8Q!"#$ tri (yntaD* er in the blo23 level('"5T)

%F *parameter.7_Kuery_find L T#!" T?"&

-O5$ (Efind 0indow fieldF1Eresults fieldF)G *parameter.7_Kuery_find *L F/,("G "&' %FG

0rite the followin 2ode %F *parameter.7_Kuery_find L HT#!"I T?"& -O5$(*Q!"#$_F%&'.'"5T&O1 H'"5T.'"5T&OI)G *parameter.7_Kuery_find *L HF/,("IG "&' %FG

(tep BB* %n the form module(XXMZ_Query_Find) ive the first navi ation blo23 as Q!"#$_F%&'. %n the Q!"#$_F%&' datablo23 ive neDt navi ation blo23 as '"5T.

(tep B)* Finally (ave and move your form from our ,o2al Ma2hine to -!(TOM_TO5 usin 0%&(-5 tool.

(tep B4* -ompile the Form usin f;C en %n the !&%X environment1 type the followin 2ommand* f;C en XXMZ_Q!"#$_F%&'.fmb appsMapps

&ow XXMZ_Q!"#$_F%&'.fmD should be enerated in the -!(TOM_TO5. (tep B6* -onne2t to Ora2le /ppli2ations. -reate a Form (&avi ation*/ppli2ation 'eveloper8F/ppli2ation8F Form) ?ere ive Form LFXXMZ_Q!"#$_F%&'(.fmD ) /ppli2ation LF DDm< -ustom(-ustom TO5 /ppli2ation)

!ser Form &ameLF7ive any name

(tep B9* -reate a fun2tion (&avi ation* /ppli2ation8Ffun2tion)

(tep B;*/tta2hin Form to the Fun2tion shown in below. /tta2h that fun2tion to the -ustom TO5 menu

-li23 on Find +utton

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