Staples Easy Rebates

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Staples Easy Rebates

Staples Easy Rebates - Rebate confirmation

Congratulations NIKHIL KUMAR! You've submitted your rebate(s su!!ess"ully# You $ill re!eive a !on"irmation email s%ortly#

The following information has been submitted for validation: Title/first/last name: Company name: ddress: ddress !: City/state/"ip: #hone number: Email address: Easy Rebate $% number: Rebate trac&ing number: %ate submitted: &'( )# *AKL+Y ,L-.# /AR.+N A0AR1M+N1 CHICA/*2 IL (3(4' 54'6(786754' NIKHILKUMAR#.C+9/MAIL#C*M 4(3(3&3745'8:((34 :;8&:7455 3&6376'345 Mr# NIKHIL KUMAR

#lease note: Your rebate re<uest(s %ave been submitted "or "inal validation2 but %ave not yet been "ul"illed# 1%is =ro!ess ta>es a==ro?imately 76( $ee>s# I" you return t%e rebate =rodu!t(s "or any reason2 your submission(s $ill be invalidated# 1%an> you "or s%o==ing )ta=les# 'earn why this process ta&es (-) wee&s*

Staples Easy Rebates:

Rebate description Status Rebate offer

Rebate +: ,-*.. Rebate on a /ammer0ill 1*2 3 ++ Copy #lus Copy #aper Ream 4S56 +!!(718 at Staples Stores 9:';

)ubmission re!eived# -alidation in =rogress#

Rebate C%e!>

Need more o""i!e =rodu!tsA

Submit rebates "rom a di""erent +asy Rebate I. number@*rder Number# Shop Staples*com now<

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9/4/2013 9:00 PM

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