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5th and 6th Grade TAG Fall Share, Tuesday, November 5

We will be sharing with you what we DO in TAG !A" The students will e#$lain what we do based u$on the National Asso%iation o& Gi&ted 'hildren (NAG') standards &or gi&ted and talented (G T) learners" Standard* Gifted and talented learners have varying %hara%teristi%s that need to be addressed" De&ine gifted and talented" (+ian%a, Gavin) ,ath, !anguage Arts and Nevada TAG Standard* Tea%hers o& gi&ted and talented will be trained to assist students to develo$ ethi%s, nurture talent, understand their so%ial and emotional selves and be%ome li&elong learners" Show and tell the room (-a%ie, Gra%e and Ari) Standard* G T students will develo$ a sel&.understanding o& their emotional, so%ial and a%ademi% needs" Tal/ing $oints* (Ni%ole, ,egan, 011y and Aubrey) $er&e%tionism, higher standards &or yoursel& stress o& being in and not in TAG %on&using about emotions and rea%tions, sometimes" +right /ids not always in TAG, why2 Some don3t get why they are in TAG and not others" Standard* G T learners will learn relevant %urri%ulum through s$e%ial %lasses, %ourses and tea%hing that develo$ talent" 4#tending learning5 ,egan $resents 4liana $ro6e%t on the 7ied 7i$er (In this classroom, you can do creative interesting things, and its OK.) Free will 8 &ree %hoi%e ('allie3s s%rat%h $ro6e%t about the De%laration o& 0nde$enden%e") Standard* G T !earners are $rovided a learning environment that &o%uses on leadershi$, 9:st %entury s/ills and %ultural %om$eten%y" !eadershi$ and %ultural %om$eten%y* ;ourney to To$e1 9:st %entury s/ills* show and tell the room, air$lay. First !ego !eague" <$%oming dates* Nevada !4GO s%rimmage* T+A, De%ember, 9.=

5th and 6th Grade TAG Fall Share, Tuesday, November 5

>egional !ego !eague at ,a#well, De%ember :=, ?.="

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