Eco-Schools Action Plan SCHOOL NAME - Invergordon Academy

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Eco-Schools Action Plan

Eco-Schools Topic:

SCHOOL NAME ___Invergordon Academy__________________________

Date Range of this Plan: June 2013 January 2014

Bio diversity/School grounds

Our overall aims for this Topic are: Develop School garden and Polytunnel. Design inside of polytunnel and fit with irrigation system. Grow a wider variety of crops/fresh veg to be used in school.


Who's in charge?

When will it be done by? (if ongoing, when did it start?)

How can we monitor it?

Drawings of plans

How will we know when we're successful?

Raised bed path and gravel in place

How much will it cost?

Timber for raised bed slabs for path Staging for pots Gravel Highland polytunnels

Did it work? Any ideas for the future?

Plan a design for inside of polytunnel

Rural skills

Mr Humble

Spring 2013

Photographic Evidence before/after

Yes. Higher Raised Bed needed for wheel chair users.

Fit irrigation system to Polytunnel with delay switch Introduce collection of leaves in container to make leaf mould

Rural skills

Mr Humble

June 2013

Photographic Evidence before/after

Irrigation system will be linked to timer switch and plants will be watered.

30 irrigation system 50 Timer switch


Rural skills Mr Humble

Autumn 2013

Leaf mould container in school garden will be full.

leaf mould used for planting/compost


Action finished Action in progress Not started yet

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