Iep For Portfolio

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Individualized Education Program (IEP)

Student name: XXXXXXX Age: N/A Date of Birth: N/A Teacher candidate: Kyle Shea Date assessed: 2/12/13 and 2/19/13 XXXXXXX is a wonderful 9 year old who loves to expel his energy. He loves to talk about batman and will occasionally talk in third person. He has a skinny build to his body and is of average height. XXXXXXX has been diagnosed with Autism. XXXXXXX has a love for being physically active and loves throwing objects. I will be integrating more and more into the classroom as the weeks go by. It was very stressful for him due to noise and distractions in the gymnasium. He is assessed in the rock-wall gymnasium in the front left corner. XXXXXXX was assessed on February 12th and 19th of 2013 between 7 and 8PM.


Present Level of Performance:

Cognitive: XXXXXXX is a very intelligent boy who tends to understand a lot of things that are going on around him. XXXXXXX is very good when it comes to math knowledge and understands a lot about American History. He is able to recognize balances as well as skills. As a group we will work on his ability to perform different balances as well as his overall physical fitness knowledge. Affective: XXXXXXX absolutely loves being physically active! XXXXXXX has a high regard for physical activity and this is very much shown in the amount of effort he puts into Challenger Sports. He also enjoys teamwork, when xxxx is not there yet; XXXXXXX asks where he is. He is also very respectful, apologizing when necessary and listening when expected to listen. XXXXXXX does have trouble with paying attention, however, every week I see improvements in this area. Psychomotor: XXXXXXX loves to move. He especially loves and is good at, running and sliding. XXXXXXX is able to gallop extremely well and his slide is almost perfect. XXXXXXX needs a little help with leaping because his balancing isnt the best. XXXXXXX and I will be working on our balancing together to perfect it! Fitness: XXXXXXXs endurance level is through the roof. He is able to keep moving as long as he is enjoying the activity. When jogging around the ice rink, XXXXXXX is able to push himself to continually run. XXXXXXX just needs to work on the focus of a fitness plan and understanding how it will benefit him.


Long Term Goals and Short Term Objectives:

A. Cognitive Goal: By the end of the year, XXXXXXX will be able to match up pictures of the four balances (V-sit, stork stand, airplane scale, and knee scale) with their names. 1. Short term objective: By the end of the lesson, XXXXXXX will know three out of four balances (V-sit, stork stand, airplane scale, and knee scale). 2. Short term objective: By the end of the lesson, XXXXXXX will be able to describe each of the four balances (V-sit, stork stand, airplane scale, and knee scale) B. Affective Goal: By the end of the year, XXXXXXX will be able to focus during the whole lesson. 1. Short term objective: During the lesson, XXXXXXX will not walk away from the group unless instructed to. 2. Short term objective: By the end of class, XXXXXXX will be able to tell me why paying attention is so important. C. Psychomotor Goal: By the end of the year XXXXXXX, will be able to balance more efficiently on his dominant and non-dominant foot. 1. Short term objective: By the end of the lesson, XXXXXXX will be able to balance for 5 seconds on his non-dominant foot. 2. Short term objective: By the end of the lesson, XXXXXXX will be able to balance on one foot and pick up objects from the floor. D. Fitness: By the end of the year XXXXXXX will be able to run three consecutive laps around the ice arena. 1. Short term objective: XXXXXXX will be able to complete two laps around the ice arena with no break, in any fashion. 2. Short term objective: XXXXXXX will not need a break after every warmup from now on.


Health Considerations:
I do not believe that there are any health concerns that would prevent my students to participate successfully and safely.


Behavioral Considerations:

I have recently learned to bring XXXXXXX back to a neutral location, such as our corner, when he begins to not pay attention. This is a great benefit as it gets him back on track for our lesson. Another approach to correcting behavior is to implement a home base everywhere we go. This will be done by using a beanbag in order for him to bring him back when he seems checked out. This will be efficient because whenever the students are not paying attention or are walking around, I can just say, return to home and they know where to go.


Teaching Strategies:

Throughout the year I will be switching my teaching styles to adapt in order to benefit XXXXXXX. One adaptation that I will be making is to slowly get away from a command style of teaching. XXXXXXX truly benefits from this style of teaching however; it would be great to see him respond to something else that may benefit him in an even greater light. Another adaptation will be to get xxxx to a point in his physical education where XXXXXXX will be shown a demonstration by xxxx. I think this will benefit XXXXXXX because it is his peer helping him learn rather than just me. Lastly, I will be trying to get XXXXXXX to learn using a self-check method of learning. This will be a great benefit in order to get him ready to learn more fluidly in life. Self-heck will provide XXXXXXX with the tools necessary to learning a new skill on his own. 7. Evaluation Plan: For the final assessment, I will be formally assessing XXXXXXX on activities that deal with balances, kicking, and throwing. These will be assessed using a checklist. XXXXXXX will also be checked to see if he is able to pay attention during the entire lesson from start to finish. This will just be a visual assessment done by me. Lastly, XXXXXXX will take a matching quiz in which he has to match the picture to the name of the balance. This will be a written assessment.


Services to be provided:

XXXXXXX will be provided physical education once a week at the SUNY Cortland adapted physical education lab Challenger Sports program. This program will start on Tuesday, February 12th and end on Tuesday, May 7, 2013.


APE Placement Decision Model:

For physical education XXXXXXX should either be in a class with students without disabilities but have an aid with him or be in an adapted class. I believe this because XXXXXXX often wanders around the gymnasium and stops paying attention to the teacher. An aid would step in for when other things in the gymnasium distract XXXXXXX.

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