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OOBE Research Center presents:

A Practical Guidebook
(Former School of Out-of-Body Travel) (Vers on !."# October !"$$) By % chael Radu&a
Translated by 'eter Oran&e ' ctures: %.Radu&a# E.(eontye)a# *.Burya+ %odel: %ar a For,a


Th s boo+ s free onl ne# so feel free to d str bute t*end t to all your fr ends'ost t on your .ebs tes and blo&

PART I: GET PHASE WITHIN 3 DAYS .......................................................5 PART II: 100 PHASES.............................................................................25 PART III: A PRACTICAL GUIDEBOOK..................................................174 PART IV: CONSCIOUS EVOLUTION 2.0................................................476 FULL TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................508

(Th s eboo+ on Spanish# Portuguese# Russian# Czech) 'roposals re&ard n& translat n& and publ sh n& th s boo+ and other .or+s of %. Radu&a may be sent to obe4u/
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FOREWORD 0 bel e)e that e)erybody s &o n& to e1 st n t.o .orlds soon.

The pract ce of phase states of the m nd s the hottest and most prom s n& pursu t of the modern a&e. 2nl +e n the past# the not ons of 3out4of4body e1per ence5 and 3astral pro6ect on5 ha)e already lost the r myst cal halo# and the r real bas s has been stud ed n m nute deta l from the most non4nonsense approach. 7o.# th s phenomenon s access ble to e)eryone# re&ardless of the r .orld) e.. 0t s no. +no.n ho. to eas ly master t and apply t effect )ely. Th s &u deboo+ s the result of ten years of e1tremely act )e personal pract ce and study of the out4of4body phenomenon (the phase)# coupled . th ha) n& successfully tau&ht t to thousands of people. 0 +no. all of the obstacles and problems that are usually run nto .hen &ett n& to +no. th s phenomenon# and ha)e tr ed to protect future pract t oners from them n th s boo+. Th s &u deboo+ .as not created for those .ho prefer l &ht# empty read n&. 0t s for those .ho .ould l +e to learn someth n&. 0t conta ns no speculat ons or stor es# only dry#
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hard facts and techn 8ues n comb nat on . th a completely pra&mat c approach and clear procedures for act on. They ha)e all been successfully )er f ed by a )ast number of pract t oners that often had no pr or e1per ence. 0n order to ach e)e the same result# t s only necessary to read throu&h each sect on thorou&hly and complete the ass &nments. 0t & )es each and e)ery person someth n& that pre) ously could only be dreamt about 4 a parallel real ty and the poss b l ty of e1 st n& n t.o .orlds. The boo+ s benef c al not only for be& nners# but also for those .ho already +no. .hat t feels l +e to ha)e an out4of4 body encounter and ha)e a certa n amount of e1per ence# as th s &u deboo+ s de)oted not only to enter n& the state# but also e8ually ded cated to controll n& t. Contrary to popular op n on# there s noth n& d ff cult about th s phenomenon f one tr es to atta n t . th re&ular and r &ht effort. On a)era&e# results are reached n less than a .ee+. %ore often than not# the techn 8ues .or+ n l terally a couple of attempts. (Sponsors and investors are needed for translation into other languages this free ebook and other our books, videos, etc. Also we need financial support to pro ote the phase worldwide. !et"s change the world together# Take a part in it#$ %ichael &aduga 'ounder of the OOB( &esearch )enter *anuary ++, ,--.

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Quick I !tructio ! "or No#ice! *uccess Rate: For $49 attempts ($4: days) 4 9"; For <4$" attempts (!4= days) 4 >"; For $$4!" attempts (:4$4 days) 4 ?";

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THE PHENO$ENON @ay bac+ .hen# people d d not ha)e consc ousness. Aet once t de)eloped# t &radually started occupy n& more and more of the .a+ n& state. Bo.e)er# no.adays consc ousness s out&ro. n& the .a+ n& state# and has be&un cont nu n& ts e1pans on nto other states. Consc ousness ncreas n&ly spr n&s up dur n& RE%4phase sleep# & ) n& r se to the most astound n& phenomenon of human e1 stence 4 feel n& oneself n an out4of4body e1per ence. 0t s probable that men and .omen of the future . ll ha)e a consc ous e1 stence n t.o .orlds. For no.# ho.e)er# th s can only be accompl shed us n& the spec al techn 8ues descr bed n th s boo+.

B nts at the occurrence of th s phenomenon may be found n the B ble and other anc ent te1ts. 0t l es at the foundat on of other phenomena such as near4death e1per ences# al en abduct ons# sleep paralys s# and so on. The

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phenomenon s so e1traord nary that many occult mo)ements cons der e1per enc n& t to be an accompl shment of the h &hest order. *tat st cal research has sho.n that one person n t.o . ll ha)e an ntense encounter . th t. %ean.h le# the e1 stence of the phenomenon tself has been sc ent f c fact s nce the $?="s. The phenomenon s .ell4represented n many d fferent + nds of modern pract ces# albe t under )ar ous names ran& n& from Castral pro6ect onC and Cout4of4body e1per enceC to Cluc d dream n&C. @e shall use the pra&mat c term Cthe phaseC or Cphase stateC to refer to all the abo)e phenomena# as there s no d fference at all bet.een them n the r usual pract ce. @e . ll also ta+e as mater al st an approach as poss ble# cast n& as de all theoret cal tr pe and concern n& oursel)es only . th .hat .or+s n pract ce. Ds re&ards sensory percept on of the phenomenon tself# th s s not a mere ) sual ,at on e1erc se. Real ty tself s but a dull daydream n compar son to the phase state- Aou .onEt feel your phys cal body on the bed there# and all of your senses . ll be fully mmersed n a ne. .orld of percept on. Aou can touch and behold anyth n&# .al+ and fly# eat and dr n+# feel pa n and pleasure# and much# much more. Dnd all th s . th e)en more real sm and luc dness of percept on than da ly l fe- Th s s the reason many no) ces e1per ence shoc+ 4 or e)en mortal fear 4 upon enter n& th s state. 0tEs a true parallel .orld n terms of percept on. The pract cal s de of the phenomenon holds e)en &reater opportun ty. 0n the phase# you can tra)el the Earth# the 2n )erse# and t me tself. Aou can meet any person you .ant: fr ends and fam ly# the deceased# and celebr t es. Aou can obta n nformat on from the phase and apply t to.ards mpro) n& your da ly l fe. Aou can nfluence your phys olo&y and treat a number of a lments. Aou can real ,e your secret des res and de)elop your creat ) ty. %ean.h le# people . th phys cal mpa rments can release themsel)es from all fetters and obta n anyth n& lac+ n& for them n the phys cal .orld.

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Dnd all th s s 6ust the t p of the ceber& of .ays to apply the phenomenon n da ly l feAou may th n+ that tEs d ff cult to learn f youE)e read that you need spend months# f not years# on t. Fet those old . )esE tales out of your head 4 .eEre n the !$st century- The nstruct ons la d out n th s sect on . ll help most people to e1per ence th s ama, n& state . th n only ! to : days of try n&. Remember: the techn 8ues descr bed n th s boo+ are the result of many years of e1per mental research at the OOBE Research Center. Thousands ha)e part c pated f rst4 hand n de)elop n& and perfect n& the techn 8ues presented here# and ha)e pro)en that they can be used by absolutely e)eryone% All t&at 'ou eed to do i! "ollo( t&e!e !i)*le i !tructio ! a! e+actl' a d care"ull' a! 'ou ca % Then# youEll be able to l terally l )e n t.o .orldsThere are three pr mary methods for lea) n& the body. They are used at d fferent t mes of the day: after sleep n&# .h le sleep n&# and . thout sleep n& beforehand. @e . ll be& n &ett n& e1per ence us n& the techn 8ues by start n& from the eas est ones 4 the nd rect techn 8ues# .h ch are performed mmed ately upon a.a+en n&. They are 8u te s mple. Dfter master n& those techn 8ues# you can then try to lea)e your body n the e)en n& or dur n& the day# . thout sleep n& beforehand. THE INDIRE,T $ETHOD: STEP-.Y-STEP INSTR/,TIONS *o# you ha)e dec ded to e1per ence out4of4body sensat ons and .ant to ach e)e th s as 8u c+ly as poss ble. To that end# here .e present a br ef descr pt on of the eas est method 4 cycles of nd rect techn 8ues. Th s s a un )ersal and most effect )e .ay to obta n a phase e1per ence. 0t has been ref ned by the OOBE Research CenterEs .or+ . th thousands of people all o)er the .orld. The secret to nd rect techn 8ues s to perform them upon a.a+en n&# .hen the human bra n s phys olo& cally 8u te close to the phase state# or st ll n t.

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Interesting Fact! /ndirect techni0ues are ainly to thank for our 1-2 success rate over only , days of atte pts at three-day se inars, even in groups of 3- people and ore. Once, ore than half of the group had a phase e4perience by the second day, and ost had two or ore e4periences. Cycles of nd rect techn 8ues cons st of attempts to separate mmed ately upon a.a+en n&# and f that s unsuccessful# then 8u c+ly cycl n& throu&h techn 8ues o)er the course of a m nute unt l one of them .or+s# after .h ch t s poss ble to separate from the body. 2sually# $ to 9 properly performed attempts are all that s necessary to obta n results. T&e tec& i0ue! de!cribed belo( (ork e+tre)el' (ell bot& (&e a(ake i 1 "ro) a daytime nap2 a! (ell a! i the middle of the night % Bo.e)er# .e . ll be concentrat n& on the opt mum strate&y 4 the deferred ethod 4 .h ch allo.s for numerous attempts to be had n a s n&le day. Th s substant ally ncreases the probab l ty of success occurr n& n only $ to : days. STEP 3: S4EEP 5 HO/RS AND THEN WA6E /P WITH AN A4AR$ ,4O,6 On a n &ht before a free day .hen you .onEt ha)e to .a+e up early# &o to bed at your usual t me and set your alarm so that youEll only sleep for about < hours. @hen the alarm &oes off# you must &et up to dr n+ a &lass of .ater# &o to the bathroom# and read these nstruct ons once a&a n. Go not attempt any techn 8ues before &o n& to bed the n &ht before# no matter .hat the case. Aou 6ust need to l e do.n and &et some sound sleep. The sounder you sleep o)er these < hours# the better your chances of &ett n& results.

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STEP 7: GO .A,6 TO S4EEP WITH AN INTENTION Dfter : to 9" m nutes of be n& a.a+e# &o bac+ to bed and concentrate your attent on on ho. you . ll perform cycles of nd rect techn 8ues upon each subse8uent a.a+en n& n order to lea)e your body and mplement your prepared plan of act on. 7o need to set the alarm cloc+ th s t me. Each subse8uent a.a+en n& should occur naturally. 0f tEs too br &ht n the room# you can .ear a spec al eye4mas+. 0f tEs loud 4 use earplu&s.

%ean.h le# focus your attent on on ho. youEre &o n& to try to .a+e up . thout mo) n& your phys cal body. Th s snEt mandatory# but t . ll substant ally ncrease the effect )eness of the nd rect techn 8ues. 7o.# sleep for ! to 4 hours# but ta+e ad)anta&e of natural a.a+en n&s that occur dur n& th s per od of t me. They . ll happen much more often than usual. Dfter each attempt 4 .hether successful or not 4 you must fall bac+ asleep . th

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that )ery same ntent on of .a+ n& up and try n& a&a n. 0n th s .ay# you can ma+e many attempts o)er the course of a s n&le morn n&. 2p to a 8uarter of those attempts . ll be successful# e)en for no) ces (=" to ?9; of them . ll be successful for e1per enced pract t oners). STEP 3: SEPARATE THE INSTANT YO/ AWA6EN Each t me you .a+e up a&a n# try not to mo)e or open your eyes. 0nstead# mmed ately try to separate from your body. 2p to 9"; of success . th nd rect techn 8ues comes dur n& th s s mple f rst step 4 one that s so s mple that people donEt e)en suspect that t could .or+. 0n order to separate from your body# s mply try to stand up# roll out# or le) tate. Try to do t . th your o.n perce )ed ( .e. subtle) body# but . thout mo) n& your phys cal muscles. Remember that t . ll feel 6ust l +e normal phys cal mo)ement. @hen the moment comes# donEt th n+ too hard about ho. to do t. Gur n& those f rst moments after a.a+en n&# stubbornly try to separate from your body any .ay that you can and no matter .hat. %ost l +ely# youEll ntu t )ely +no. ho. to do t. The most mportant th n& s not to th n+ too hard and not to lose those f rst seconds of a.a+en n&. Interesting Fact! 5uring the second lesson at School of Out-of-Body Travel se inars, participants are asked to e4plain in their own words how they were able to separate, but without using the words 6easily7, 6si ply7, or 6as usual7. They are usually always unable to co ply with this re0uest, as separation nearly always occurs for the 6easily7, 6si ply7 and 6as usual7 when the o ent is right.

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STEP 8: ,Y,4ING TE,HNIQ/ES AFTER ATTE$PTS TO SEPARATE 0f mmed ate separat on doesnEt .or+ out 4 .h ch .ould become apparent after :49 seconds 4 start r &ht then and there to alternate bet.een ! to : of the techn 8ues that are most stra &htfor.ard to you# unt l one of them .or+s. @hen th s happens# you can try to separate a&a n. Choose ! to : of the follo. n& f )e techn 8ues so that you can alternate throu&h them dur n& a.a+en n&s: Rotatio For : to 9 seconds# try to ma& ne rotat n& to e ther s de alon& your head4to4toe a1 s as ) ) dly as poss ble. 0f no sensat ons ar se# s. tch to another techn 8ue. 0f a real or e)en sl &ht sensat on of rotat on ar ses# focus your attent on on th s techn 8ue and rotate e)en more ener&et cally. Ds soon as the sensat on of rotat n& becomes stable and real# you should try to separate a&a n us n& t as a start n& po nt. S(i))er tec& i0ue For : to 9 seconds# try to ma& ne as dec dedly as poss ble that you are s. mm n& or s mply ma+ n& s. mm n& mot ons . th your arms. Try to feel t no matter .hat# and as ) ) dly as you can. 0f noth n& happens# s. tch to another techn 8ue. There s no need to s. tch techn 8ues f the sensat on of s. mm n& ar ses. 0nstead# ntens fy the sensat ons that ar se. Dfter.ards# the real sensat on of s. mm n& n .ater . ll come to you. ThatEs already the phase 4 and thereEs no need for separat on .hen youEre already n the phase. Bo.e)er# f such sensat ons occur .h le youEre n bed nstead of a body of .ater# then you . ll need to employ a separat on techn 8ue. 2se the s. mm n& sensat ons as a start n& po nt.

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Ob!er#i 1 i)a1e! 'eer nto the )o d before your closed eyes for : to 9 seconds. 0f noth n& occurs# s. tch to another techn 8ue. 0f you see any + nd of ma&ery# peer nto t unt l t becomes real st c. Once t s# separate from the body r &ht then and there# or allo. yourself to be pulled nto the ma&ery. @hen peer n& at ma&ery# tEs mportant not to scrut n ,e deta ls# lest the ma&e .ash a.ay. AouEll need to loo+ throu&h the p cture# .h ch . ll ma+e t more real st c. Ha d #i!uali9atio For : to 9 seconds# ma& ne ) ) dly and dec dedly that you are rubb n& your hands to&ether close to your eyes. Try no matter .hat to feel them n front of you# to see them# and e)en to hear the sound of them rubb n&. 0f noth n& happens# s. tch to another techn 8ue. 0f any of the abo)e sensat ons start to ar se# then +eep . th the techn 8ue and ntens fy t unt l t becomes totally real st c. Dfter.ards you can try to separate from the body# us n& the sensat ons ar s n& from the techn 8ue as a start4off po nt. P&a to) (i11li 1 Try to . &&le your perce )ed hands or feet for : to 9 seconds. Go not mo)e a muscle under any c rcumstances# and do not ma& ne the mo)ement tself. For e1ample# try to ntens )ely press do.n and then up# . &&le to the left and r &ht# and so on. 0f noth n& occurs# s. tch to another techn 8ue. 0f a sl &ht or slu&& sh sensat on of real mo)ement suddenly ar ses# then focus your attent on on the techn 8ue# try n& to ncrease the ran&e of mot on as much as you can. Once you can mo)e by at least 4 nches# mmed ately try to separate from your body start n& off from the sensat ons ar s n& from the techn 8ue. Dll that you need to do for each attempt s alternate bet.een ! to : techn 8ues for : to 9 seconds each. Th s leads to nd rect techn 8ues cycles# .here the pract t oner alternates

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one techn 8ue after another o)er the course of a m nute n search of the one that .or+s. 0t s )ery mportant to do no less than 4 cycles of ! to : techn 8ues dur n& an attempt. Remember 4 e)en f a techn 8ue doesnEt .or+ mmed ately# that doesnEt mean that t . ll not .or+ on the )ery ne1t cycle of techn 8ues# f not 6ust a b t later. ThatEs prec sely .hy tEs necessary to stubbornly alternate techn 8ues# perform n& no less than 4 complete cycles# but all . th n no lon&er than a m nute. For e1ample# the ent re process may ta+e place as follo.s: a phaser &oes to bed at $$::"pm and sets h s alarm for <:""amH at <:"" he .a+es up to h s alarm cloc+# &oes to the bathroom# dr n+s some .ater# and recalls the nd rect techn 8ues as .ell as h s nterest n& plan of act on for the phase (for e1ample# to loo+ n the m rror and fly to %ars)H at <:"9am the phaser &oes bac+ to sleep . th the clear ntent on of enter n& the phase upon each subse8uent a.a+en n&H at =::9am (or .hene)er natural a.a+en n& occurs) the phaser a.a+es une1pectedly and mmed ately tr es to separate from h s body then and thereH not ha) n& separated . th n : to 9 seconds# the phaser be& ns to try to do rotat ons# but those also do not .or+ . th n : to 9 secondsH the phaser performs the s. mmer techn 8ue# but that does not .or+ . th n : to 9 seconds# the phaser does phantom . &&l n&# but t doesnEt .or+ . th n : to 9 seconds# the phaser does rotat on a&a n# then the s. mmer techn 8ue and phantom . &&l n& for : to 9 seconds eachH then he once a&a n does rotat on# s. mm n&# and phantom . &&l n& for : to 9 seconds eachH on the fourth cycle he be& ns to do rotat on and t une1pectedly starts .or+ n& 4 the feel n& of rotat on ar sesH the phaser +eeps . th th s techn 8ue# and sp ns as hard as he can and separates from h s body r &ht then and there us n& the sensat on of rotat on: he then runs to the m rror# all the .h le act )ely palpat n& and scrut n , n& e)eryth n& around h m from a close d stance# .h ch ntens f es h s sensat onsH ha) n& already loo+ed n the m rror# the pract t oner employs the translocat on techn 8ue and f nds h mself on %ars# but he s

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une1pectedly returned to the bodyH the phaser then mmed ately tr es to lea)e h s body a&a n# but s unable toH he falls bac+ asleep . th the clear ntent on of repeat n& the attempt upon the ne1t a.a+en n& and stay n& lon&er on %arsH and so on.

Iust repeat the abo)e us n& the techn 8ues that come most naturally to you# and youEll open yourself up to a .hole ne. un )erse(Table

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0f you ta+e !" to :" m nutes out of your day to s mply tra n the techn 8ues and the procedure# the method . ll be remembered and .or+ better. Th s . ll substant ally ncrease the success of attempts upon a.a+en n&. Gream consc ousness s also cons dered to be a phase e1per ence. 0f you suddenly real ,e that youEre dream n& .h le asleep# then thatEs already the phase. Aou should therefore proceed to mplement your plan of act on and stab l ,e the state. 0f dream consc ousness does ar se# t .ould be a s de effect of do n& techn 8ue cycles upon a.a+en n&s. Th s s de effect s 8u te common 4 al.ays be ready for t. STEP :: AFTER THE ATTE$PT Fall bac+ asleep f you can after each attempt (.hether successful or not) n order to ma+e another attempt to lea)e your body upon your ne1t a.a+en n&. That .ay youEll not only be able to lea)e your body n one day# but also to do t se)eral t mes on the )ery f rst dayInteresting Fact! At a School of Out-of-Body Travel se inar, a novice was able to leave his body for the first ti e in his life in 8 of 1 atte pts upon awakening the very first orning. E)en the most unsuccessful attempt should last no lon&er than a m nute. 0f noth n& happens o)er that per od of t me# tEs much more effect )e to fall asleep and catch the ne1t a.a+en n&# as opposed to stubbornly try n& to s8uee,e results out of the current attempt.


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P4AN OF A,TION IN THE PHASE Before enter n& the phase# you should clearly outl ne .hat you are &o n& to do there mmed ately after separat on. Th s . ll ncrease both the 8ual ty of the e1per ence and the l +el hood of t occurr n&. Belo. s a l st of the most nterest n& ( f not the most stra &htfor.ard) phase act ) t es for novices (choose no more than ! to : act ) t es and remember them .ell): !ook in a irror (a ust for the first phase#$ (at or drink so ething you like 9isit any tourist attraction 'ly over the (arth 'ly throughout the :niverse 'ly to neighbors, friends, and fa ily %eet a lover %eet a deceased relative %eet any celebrity Take edicine for treat ent Obtain infor ation fro phase ob;ects Travel to the past or the future <alk through a wall Trans utate into an ani al 5rive a sports car &ide a otorcycle Breathe underwater =ut your hand inside your body 'eel vibrations /nhabit two bodies at once /nhabit another person>s body %ove and set fire to ob;ects ;ust by looking at the 5rink li0uor %ake love and reach orgas


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For your f rst phase# be sure to set yourself the &oal of ma+ n& t to a m rror and loo+ n& at your reflect on. Aou should spec f cally pro&ram yourself to do th s act ) ty# as t . ll substant ally fac l tate your f rst steps n con8uer n& the phase. Aou may then complete other tems on your plan of act on and ne)er return to the m rror a&a n. 0f your sensat ons n the phase are dull ( .e. poor s &ht or numbed bod ly sensat ons)# try to touch e)eryth n& around you act )ely and scrut n ,e the m nute deta ls of ob6ects from up4close. Th s . ll allo. you to ha)e a more real st c e1per ence. The same act ) t es should be performed n order to ma nta n the phase .hen the f rst symptoms of a return to the body occur (for e1ample# .hen e)eryth n& becomes d m). Return n& to the body s someth n& you neednEt .orry about. The state . ll not last more than se)eral m nutes n any case# espec ally for no) ces .ho are l ttle4ac8ua nted . th techn 8ues for ma nta n n& the phase. DIDN;T WOR6< *et yourself th s &oal: ma+e 9 to $" attempts to lea)e your body upon a.a+en n&. Th s procedure# .hen follo.ed correctly# s suff c ent for 9" to >" percent of no) ces to &et the r f rst results. Turn bac+ to th s sect on f you run nto a problem# as t descr bes the m sta+es encountered n ??; (-) of unsuccessful attempts. 7e)er try these techn 8ues e)ery day# other. se the success rate of your attempts . ll drop drast cally- *pend no more than ! to : days of the .ee+ on t# preferably only on days off. 0f you donEt ha)e an opportun ty to sleep n lon& and . th nterrupt on# then donEt for&et that cycles of nd rect techn 8ues can also be used after any other a.a+en n& 4 n the m ddle of the n &ht for e1ample# or better yet# dur n& a m dday nap. @hatEs most mportant s to establ sh the clear ntent on of try n& them before fall n& asleep.

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Gesp te the s mpl c ty of these techn 8ues# no) ces stubbornly de) ate from the clear nstruct ons# follo. n& them n the r o.n .ay or only half4.ay. Remember .hatEs most mportant beforehand: the more carefully and l terally you follo. the nstruct ons n th s boo+# the better your chances for success. 7 nety percent . ll obta n results . th n one to three a.a+en n&s f they do e)eryth n& correctly from the be& nn n&. Interesting Fact! At School of Out-of-Body Travel se inars, the ain task consists not in e4plaining the proper procedure, but erely in getting participants to follow it to-theletter. (ven if that goal is only half-way acco plished, success is inevitable. Typ cal m sta+es .hen perform n& nd rect techn 8ues nclude: - 4ack o" a atte)*t to !e*arate 'orgetting to si ply try to separate i ediately after awakening before cycling techni0ues, even though this ay lead to up to 3-2 of all e4periences. (4ception? awakening to ove ent, after which one ay i ediately proceed to the techni0ues. - 4ack o" a11re!!io A desire to get a techni0ue to work no atter what and really get into it is the ain criterion for success in e ploying the indirect techni0ue procedure. %eanwhile, deter ination should not be superficial, but intensely focused on the actions to be co pleted. !ack of deter ination can also anifest itself in passively falling asleep during an atte pt. - Fe(er t&a 8 c'cle! @o atter what happens and no atter what thoughts occur, you should perfor no less than A

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cycles of techni0ues, assu ing none have worked so far. @ot following this si ple rule will scuttle ore than half of your opportunities to enter the phase. / ece!!ar' ,&a 1e o" Tec& i0ue 5espite the clear instructions given, novices will stubbornly switch techni0ues after B to 3 seconds, even when a techni0ue has started working in one way or another. This is a serious error. /f a techni0ue has started working - however so slightly - you need to keep with it and try to intensify it in any way possible. / ece!!ar' ,o ti uatio o" a Tec& i0ue /f a techni0ue hasn>t begun working in the least after B to 3 seconds, it should be changed for another. The point of cycling is to 0uickly alternate between techni0ues until one of the starts working. For1etti 1 to Se*arate <hen any techni0ue starts working upon awakening - no atter to what degree - the practitioner is nearly always already in the phase, and is si ply lying on his body while in it. That>s why you should always try to separate i ediately upon there being stable signs that a techni0ue is working. /f that doesn>t work out, then you need to return to intensifying the techni0ue and try to separate again. /f you don>t use the first seconds of a techni0ue working, then the phase usually ends 0uite 0uickly and the necessary state goes away. 5on>t lie in your body while in the phase# E+ce!!i#e A al'!i! /f you analyCe what>s going on when cycling through techni0ues upon awakening, then you are not concentrated on the techni0ues the selves and are sidetracking yourself. This will cause you to iss nearly all chances of obtaining results. The desire to e4perience the techni0ue working should fully consu e you, leaving no place in the ind for analysis or conte plation.

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- E+ce!!i#el' Alert A(ake i 1 = o Atte)*t or a Slu11i!& O e> 5ue to the perception of an e4cessively alert awakening (which will be not actually be alert, but only see to be fro D- to .-2 of the ti e$ the practitioner will either forgo trying anything, or will ake atte pts 0uite unassuredly, which is e0uivalent to not trying at all. Eou ought to follow the instructions auto atically, and not pay attention to such perceptions upon awakening. - Atte)*ti 1 "or 4o 1er t&a a $i ute /f no result is obtained after one inute of cycling, then your odds of success will be uch greater if you go back to sleep right away and catch the ne4t awakening in order to ake a new atte pt, as opposed to stubbornly trying to continue on with the techni0ues. - I co)*lete Se*aratio <hen atte pting to separate, so eti es it doesn>t co e easily or co pletely. Sluggishness, stuck body parts, and being stuck in two bodies at once are so e things that ay occur. @ever give up under any circu stances and do not stop separating if this happens. 'ull separation will occur if you counteract such proble s with all your strength. - Not Reco1 i9i 1 t&e P&a!e =ractitioners often enter the phase but then return back to the body because they feel that what occurred is not what they had e4pected. 'or e4a ple, when observing i ages they are often pulled into the scenery, or they are spontaneously thrown into another world when rotating. =ractitioners often think that they have to e4perience the feeling of separation itself, which is why they ight return back to their bodies in order to obtain it. The sa e applies to beco ing conscious while drea ing, as the practitioner is already in the phase and it only re ains to deepen and i ple ent his plan of action.

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- A(ake i 1 to $o#e)e t = o Atte)*t or a Slu11i!& O e> Awakening without oving is desirable, but not andatory. There>s no sense in forgoing ost opportunities by waiting for the right awakening. Eou ust take advantage of every awakening that you can. - Wa!ti 1 t&e Fir!t Seco d! Try to develop the habit of i ediately and refle4ively proceeding to the techni0ues upon awakening, without losing a second. The ore ti e that elapses between awakening and the atte pt itself, the lower the odds of success. /t>s best to learn to catch not so uch the very second of awakening, but rather the transitional o ent when 6surfacing7 fro sleep. Separation is al ost always successful during that transitional o ent. - Selectio o" Sa)e-T'*e Tec& i0ue! There>s no point in selecting techni0ues for your practice that are si ilar to one another or focused on the sa e sensation (when using techni0ues fro other parts of this book$. - /!e o" a Si 1le Tec& i0ue )ycling indirect techni0ues upon awakening is a universal ethod that can work for anybody provided they alternate several techni0ues. )o pletely different ethods ay work over different atte pts. That>s why using only a single techni0ue upon awakening instead of cycling through at least two leads to substantially lowered odds of entering the phase. - Fal!e P&'!ical $o#e)e t So eti es separation is so indistinguishable fro ordinary physical ove ent that novices are unable to believe their own success. They perceive separation as a physical ove ent and then disappointedly lie back down into their body. /n such cases, one ought to carefully evaluate the situation and possibly perfor reality checks.

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THE FO/R PRIN,IP4ES OF S/,,ESS Do It No $atter W&at% @hen perform n& phase entrance and separat on techn 8ues# put your all nto them and concentrate on them as f they .ere your l feEs &oal and m ss on. Chomp at the b t to lea)e your body. .e A11re!!i#e% 'ut all of your enthus asm and des re nto the techn 8ues. The des re to &et the techn 8ues to .or+ should be coupled . th full a&&ress on n ach e) n& that result. .e Sel"-A!!ured% Gur n& attempts# be as sure as poss ble of the results. @hen ma+ n& attempts# lac+ of assuredness n yourself and the results . ll substant ally your probab l ty of phase entrance. 7early all phase entrances are accompan ed by self4assured thou&ht l +e C0Em &o n& to do t no.C# .h le unsuccessful attempts n)ol)e th n+ n& C0 &uess 0Ell try# but 0 doubt tEll .or+C. Do it Roboticall'% GonEt th n+ about anyth n& .hen complet n& the techn 8ue procedure. Aou already ha)e the nstruct ons. Iust carry them out# not matter .hat th n&s may seem to you or .hat thou&hts enter your m nd. Robot cally s also understood to mean e1actly. The nd rect techn 8ue procedure has been honed by .or+ . th thousands of pract t oners all o)er the .orld# ne&lect n& any deta l snEt .orth t. IT WOR6ED? 0f you .ere successfully able to employ the nd rect techn 8ues and enter the phase at least : to 9 t mes# then you can &radually mo)e on to the ad)anced te1tboo+ n order to flesh out your pract ce. 7o. youEre a man or .oman of the future# and all that rema ns s to hone your ne. ab l ty(Table

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REVOLUTION We believe that everybo y i! "oi#" to e$i!t i# t%o %orl ! !oo# Sponsors and investors are needed for translation into other languages this free ebook and other our books, videos, et ! "lso #e need finan ial support to pro$ote the phase #orld#ide! %et&s hange the #orld together' (ake a part in it'


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Real E+*erie ce! to Guide a d $oti#ate


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,&a*ter E+*erie ce





Our nbo1es rece )e a da ly flood of phase entrance test mon als at the OOBE Research Center# *chool of Out4of4 Body Tra)el sem nars around the .orld# and all of our many4 lan&ua&e .ebs tes and forums. D small select on of them are featured n th s part of the boo+ n order to ) ) dly demonstrate ho. out4of4body e1per ence occurs n pract ce. Of course# mere .ords can hardly con)ey e)en a tenth of the emot on people e1per ence. Bo.e)er# they are enou&h to demonstrate ho. mportant and fasc nat n& th s can be for absolutely e)eryone. Thousands of phase e1per ence accounts are also freely a)a lable on the C'ract t oner Blo&sC sect on of our forums. @e start . th f rst4t me no) ce phase e1per ences presented n order of entrance method and techn 8ue. SEPARATION I$$EDIATE4Y /PON AWA6ENING =resented here are testi onials describing first-ti e phase e4periences achieved during the first step in cycling indirect techni0ues? atte pting to separate i ediately upon awakening. Ao& ' A!)u!!e Silkebor12 De )ark 0 .o+e up one morn n& . thout mo) n& or open n& my eyes# and t .as a )ery &ood feel n&. 0 then thou&ht to myself that 0 should do my nd rect techn 8ue. But nstead# 0 sa d to myself# 3Try to lea)e your body5# and 0 thou&ht that 0 .ould s t up on my beds de. 0 .as ly n& on my bac+# but 0 had not yet mo)ed at all# and so 0 dec ded to & )e t my all and

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thou&ht# CIust do t-C Dlmost mmed ately# 0 .as s tt n& up on my beds de. 0 +ne. that 0 hadnJt mo)ed at all because 0 ne)er &et out of my bed that fastH t happened n a bl n+ of an eye. 0n my en6oyment of total freedom# 0 for&ot my plan of act on# and 0 for&ot the most mportant th n& to do ne1t K deepen n&. @h le s tt n& there# 0 turned my head to loo+ at my body# 6ust to be $!"; sure that 0 .as out of my body. Iust before# 0 had loo+ed do.n at my bed ( %.&.? wrong reality check). 0 .o+e up loo+ n& at the ce l n& n my CrealC body (%.&.? no re-entering). 0t .as short# t .as 8u c+# but it was the phase . 0 am hoo+ed for l feAle+a der D're ko# $o!co(2 Ru!!ia %y f rst entry happened at n &ht. 0 .as ly n& n bed and th n+ n& about the phase# as 0 had been unable to fall asleep for a .h le. 0 do,ed off for a moment and then a.o+e a&a n# th s t me already n the proper state# and then eas ly rolled out (more or less unconsc ously and refle1 )ely). 0 .ent deeper by means of touch n& and then fall n& headf rst. 0t s a p ty that 0J)e already for&otten a lot of the e1per ence# but 0 do remember that after deepen n& 0 fell r &ht do.n onto the yard of my &randmotherJs house# but then lost consc ousness# and so 0 returned nto my body and rolled out of t se)eral t mes (%.&.? no plan of action). 0 .as unable to sharpen all my senses: @hen 0 deepened one sense (touch# for e1ample)# another ( .e. s &ht) .ould fade a.ay. Dfter that# 0 ha)e a &ap n my memory concern n& my tra)els (consc ousness and luc d ty .ere .ea+# and 0 fell asleep and 3resurfaced5 se)eral t mes)# but 0 remember ha) n& been to a lot of places. BereEs ho. the ep sode ended: 0 do)e headf rst nto .ater from a h &h board (after f rst ha) n& deepened a b t)# and then my sense of touch &re. sharper: 0 felt 3.ater5 and h t my head a&a nst a )ery soft 3bottom.5 0 resumed the nterrupted fall throu&h . but then t occurred to me

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that my &randmother .anted to .a+e me up. %y le)el of a.areness .as not 8u te ade8uate# as t d d not occur to me that 0 .as actually sleep n& n a dorm tory# and not at my &randmotherEs house. ThatJs .hy 0 dec ded that 0 needed to return to my body. D sharp fall occurred r &ht after that thou&ht# and .as follo.ed by sensat ons s m lar to those one e1per ences .hen hun&4o)er. A t&o ' Pucci 0 had 6ust had a sl &htly d sturb n& dream. (0 canEt recall .hat t .as no.# but t left me a l ttle sha+en.) 0 .o+e up# eyes st ll closed# and completely st ll. 3@ell# 0Ell & )e t a shot#5 0 thou&ht to myself. 0 tr ed to mo)e my arms . thout us n& muscles. %y r &ht arm rose sl &htly# and 0E)e had some e1per ences n the past that helped me remember the t n&l n& sensat ons present dur n& separat on 4 holy cow, it>s finally working# 0 .as st ll a l ttle doubtful .hen t came t me to &et up# but 0 tr ed ne)ertheless and that Celectr c shoc+C sort of feel n& coursed throu&h me after total separat on. C0 d d t#C 0 sa d aloud. C0 can &o see her no..C @ho she s may be e1pla ned later f 0 feel up to t# but for no.# 0 . ll call her % a# s nce she s rele)ant and that name s eas er for me to type. 0 re&a ned my composure and recalled that 0 had to deepen# and d d so. 0 felt the .alls# the bed posts# and my clothes. 0 .as .ear n& a )ery lon& sh rt (do.n past my .a st) and some bo1er4br efs# nstead of .hat 0 had &one to sleep n. @hen 0 f nally &ot my ) s on to return# e)eryth n& seemed lar&er than t shouldE)e been# and 0 felt sl &htly an1 ous# sort of l +e that parano a you feel after .atch n& a scary mo) e. Re&ardless# 0 pushed throu&h t. 0 .ent to my door. 3% aEs beh nd th s door#5 0 thou&ht to myself. 0t d dnEt lead unusual# 6ust out nto my hall. D&a n# th n&s .ere a l ttle lar&er than they shouldE)e been and a fe. places .ere co)ered n a )ery d m &reen sh l &ht. 0 called her name# bec+on n&# 3% aL7 %y )o ce .as 8u et and sha+en. 0 couldnEt

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seem to re&a n my composure for some reason. 0 cont nued call n& her name# and as+ed# C@here are youLC 0 heard her )o ce n my head respond n&# CBuhL 0Em r &ht here.C 0 .ent do.n the hall n a half4pan c# chec+ n& )ar ous places n the house for her. E) 0 .ent .as e1tra4 lar&e and d mly l t n &reen. C@here s hereL-C 0 cr ed. Ber )o ce ans.ered me a&a n# Cthe usual place.C 0 .as &ett n& frustrated no.. 0 .anted to see % a badly# as+ n&# C@hereEs the usual placeL-C 0 retraced my steps. %aybe she .as beh nd me. 2nfortunately# thatEs .here my story ends# because 0 returned to my body soon after.ards. 0 tr ed to lea)e t a&a n# but 0 couldnEt bud&e. The res dual doubt and fear n my m nd may ha)e held me bac+. 0 +no. 0 made a fe. m sta+es n my techn 8ues# namely not be n& absolutely $""; con) nced that my door .ould lead me to % a# and not ma nta n n&. S#'ato!la# .ara o# Per)2 Ru!!ia 0 .o+e up on my s de. 0 d dnJt feel l +e sleep n& anymore# but 0 closed my eyes any.ay. @hen 0 lay do.n on my bac+# 0 mmed ately felt the sensat on that 0 .as about to fall from the couch (0 .as ly n& on the ed&e)# and some + nd of lapse occurred# as f 0 .as be n& pulled 0 lay do.n once a&a n# and th s bu,, n& started# and a &reen l &ht appeared before my eyes. 0 lay bac+ e)en further# and my eyel ds started to flutter. 0 thou&ht that 0 m &ht fall from the couch at that moment# but then my ) s on came to me# and 0 obser)ed that 0 .as already ly n& on the floor ne1t to the couch- 0 &ot up on my feet and not ced that the room .as 3sp nn n&5 as f 0 .ere drun+# but e)eryth n& 8u te 8u c+ly .ent bac+ to normal. Dt that )ery moment# 0 understood that th s .as t- The phase tself (%.&.? no deepening)0n ecstasy# 0 for&ot about all the techn 8ues and .ent to loo+ about the room (%.&.? no plan of action). E)eryth n& .as 6ust l +e n real ty# but some th n&s .ere out of place. 0 tr ed to le) tate and bent bac+.ards# and .as someho. thrust

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outs de. 0t .as dus+ out there# and there .as a lot of sno. on the &round. 0 .ent around the house and tr ed to le) tate. 0 .as able to soar up.ards# and sa. the hor ,on and sunset. But then 0 be&an to lose alt tude. Dfter ha) n& flo.n to the . ndo. on the other s de of the house# 0 .anted to &o up to the roof# but then a foul occurred ( %.&.? no aintaining). 0n a fract on of a second# 0 had the sensat on that 0 .as 3no.here5. But then# my real eyes opened (. th d ff culty) and there .as once a&a n the feel n& of some sort of lapse (%.&.? no re-entering). D.areness .as d m dur n& the phase# apparently due to not ha) n& &otten enou&h sleep. E$P4OYING THE INDIRE,T TE,HNIQ/ES /f separating upon awakening is unsuccessful or for so e reason no such atte pt is even ade, then 0uick alternation through techni0ues is e ployed. Separation ay be atte pted once one of the alternated techni0ues starts working. Dodd Stol(ort&' Be tura2 /SA 0 .ent to bed at $" '%. 0 .o+e at 9::"# used the bathroom# and .ent bac+ to bed. 0t too+ me a .h le to fall asleep. Once 0 d d# 0 .o+e up a couple of t mes and chan&ed pos t ons each t me. 0 felt ) brat ons come on and heard people tal+ n& as they came n my house. 0 also heard l ttle footsteps near my bed and thou&ht t m &ht be one of my + ds. (uc+ ly# 0 remembered that th s type of phenomenon happens .hen enter n& the phase (%.&.? no separation). 0 stayed st ll and stra ned the bra n to ncrease the ) brat ons. Th s .or+ed really .ell (%.&.? no separation). 0 then used phantom . &&l n& and &ot my left arm out. Dt th s po nt 0 tr ed to separate by roll n& out# but . th no success. 0 then &ot my r &ht arm out# but 0 thou&ht 0 had actually mo)ed my real arm. 0 .as .orr ed 0 had blo.n the .hole th n&# but

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dec ded to cont nue any.ays. 0 tr ed to see both arms n front of me. They 8u c+ly appeared and 0 sa. them throu&h closed eyes- 0 started s. n& n& my arms from s de to s de and rolled out of my body. 0 .as no. on the floor ne1t to my bed. 0 .as so e1c ted. 0 had 6ust done .hat 0 had been read n& about for $" months0 remembered to stab l ,e the e1per ence by rubb n& my hands to&ether. Ds 0 .as do n& th s# 0 loo+ed do.n and not ced my hands loo+ed fat and s.ollen. 0 then sa. my . fe lea)e the bedroom and &o do.nsta rs ( %.&.? no plan of action). 0 follo.ed her and not ced the sun sh n n& n throu&h the . ndo.s. 0t .as st ll dar+ n real l fe. %y . fe then .ent bac+ upsta rs# so 0 dec ded to &o outs de. 0 started for the front door but dec ded to fly throu&h the . ndo.. 0 landed n the street and .al+ed around for a b t. 0 started to &o up to my ne &hborJs house# but not ced that e)eryth n& .as fad n& (%.&.? no aintaining). 0 had lost the e1per ence and .as no. bac+ n bed. 0 8u c+ly spun around ( n my m nd) and not ced myself r &ht bac+ n the same spot 0 had left- 0 .al+ed up to my ne &hborJs door# ran& the doorbell# and .a ted for her to come. 0 then lost t a&a n and tr ed sp nn n&# but t d d not .or+. $a+i) S&#et!2 $o!co(2 Ru!!ia 0 .ent to bed . th the ntent on of enter n& the phase .h le dream n& or upon a.a+en n& n the morn n&. 0 .o+e up at about <::" am# and dec ded to try the method of ) sual ,at on# as phantom . &&l n& had not .or+ed o)er the past ! days (%.&.? no separation). Va&ue ma&es &radually created a scene n front of me# .h ch 0 then found myself part c pat n& n. 0 felt myself separat n& from my body# and rolled out of t. 0 opened my eyes. *ome &uy &rabbed me by the shoulder and sa d# CAouE)e left your body# be cool.C 0 told h m that 0 .as ready. Be turned me around# and 0 sa. my body...

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%y body .as ly n& on ts bac+ . th open eyes# e)en thou&h 0 had started ) sual , n& .h le ly n& on my stomach. 7ot ass &n n& any part cular s &n f cance to th s# 0 dec ded to deepen r &ht a.ay. 0 s8uatted do.n and be&an to 8u c+ly palpate the floor and the .alls . th the palms of my hands. 0 then loo+ed at my nde1 f n&er# and could d scern the l nes n the s+ n. F &ur n& that th s .as all .onderful# 0 .ent to the + tchen n order to fly (%.&.? no plan of action). Bo.e)er# 0 remembered that t .as best for no) ces not to attempt th s. 0 returned to my bedroom door and p ctured there be n& a sunny beach beh nd t. 0 opened the door and mmed ately .o+e up ly n& on my bac+ (%.&.? no aintaining and no reentering)... Ala Pl')out&2 /6 0 .o+e up (%.&.? no separation) and mmed ately appl ed phantom . &&l n& on my left arm for f )e seconds# and my arm be&an mo) n& freely (%.&.? no separation). 0 could at th s po nt ha)e had an OBE# but 0 .anted a luc d dream ( %.&.? wrong logic). Dfter f )e seconds of phantom . &&l n& 0 s. tched to f )e seconds of l sten n& n (%.&.? wrong action). Dfter about t.o seconds of l sten n& n to the h &h p tched natural sound ns de my head# t started to ncrease n )olume (%.&.? no separation). Dfter f )e seconds 0 st ll hadnEt entered a dream# and so 0 s. tched to f )e seconds of obser) n& 0ma&es. 0 d dnEt see anyth n&# so 0 s. tched to stra n n& the bra n. 0mmed ately the h &h p tched sound n my head became )ery loud# and so 0 mmed ately s. tched to l sten n& n a&a n (%.&.? no separation). 0 sa. a purple pool of .ater and felt that ts clar ty .as )ery &ood. Then# 0 found myself fully mmersed n a luc d dream. 0 .as n a deep# beaut ful )alley . th lambs frol c+ n& about. 0 loo+ed around and mar)eled at the ab l ty to be able to ha)e a luc d dream n a matter of seconds ( %.&.? no deepening). 0 en6oyed my luc d dream...

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Arte) Arakc&ee# $o!co(2 Ru!!ia 0 d d nd rect techn 8ues. @h le peer n& at ma&es# 0 cau&ht s &ht of the same dream ep sode that 0 had been .atch n& unt l 0 f rst .o+e up. The p cture .as )ery real st c. 0t seemed to me that 0 could chan&e e)eryth n& n th s dream. 0 tr ed to &et out of my body# and mmed ately fle. throu&h my head r &ht nto that dream. 0 landed at the door of the home that 0 &re. up n. 0 then found myself at a . ndo. on the second floor. Ba) n& remembered about the deepen n& techn 8ues# 0 8u c+ly be&an to scrut n ,e the . ndo. tself. %y attent on then sh fted# and 0 peered out throu&h the . ndo.. E)eryth n& .as n ts place# l +e n real l fe. *ome man approached the door. 0 donEt +no. .hy# but 0 .as sure that 0 needed to .atch .hat he .as up to. 0 nst nct )ely too+ off from the second floor . ndo.# &o n& r &ht throu&h the &lass. 0 lo.ered to the le)el of the &round floor. The man .al+ed n throu&h the front door. 0 follo.ed h m# fle. n throu&h the door# and be&an to pursue h m. 0 then remembered that 0 had a plan for the phase. Dt prec sely that moment# the phase space be&an to fade and d sappear. 0 real ,ed that 0 should apply the ma nta n n& techn 8ues# but d d not mana&e to do so n t me. @ th n a moment# 0 .o+e up to myself ly n& n bed. %y body temperature .ent up. %y breath n& and heartbeat became more fre8uent. D second attempt to separate .as of no use. Wa1 er Porto Ale1re2 .ra!il 0 .as a.o+en by my cat and ended up acc dentally employ n& the deferred method s nce 0 had slept some hours before th s OBE. Then 0 d d forced fall n& asleep# then cycled rotat on# obser) n& ma&es# l sten n& n# phantom . &&l n& etc. 0 canJt remember .h ch one led to ) brat ons. 0 ampl f ed the ) brat ons once 0 felt them (they .ere an un+no.n sensat on to me unt l then)# but 0 couldnJt remember .hat 0

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.as supposed to do then: to .a t for sleep paralys s or try to separate. Then 0 dec ded to do 6ust anyth n& and tr ed to separate by float n& up.ards# as f me and my body had the same ma&net c char&e and .ould repel each other# because 0J)e ru ned some attempts before by try n& to roll out and mo) n& my actual body. 0t .or+ed# to a po nt. 0 felt as f 0 .as float n& about one foot h &h. %ean.h le# my plan .as to separate# turn around# see my body and th n+# C@o.# man-C Then 0 .ould start rubb n& my hands# palpat n&# peer n& and do a l st of th n&s .h le ma nta n n&. But nstead# 0 floated . thout see n& anyth n&# 0 6ust felt the CthrustC push n& me up# .h ch too+ about half a second or less and . thout s &ht. 0 s mply C.asC n a place that 0 hadnJt consc ously chosen# and 0 + nd of for&ot that 0 could ma+e dec s ons at that po nt and started .atch n& th n&s pass )ely. Earl er 0 had remembered all the techn 8ues that 0 should employ# but at the moment t sl pped my m nd. 0 .ent to a place .here someho. 0 +ne. only mus c ans .ent to n order to f nd other mus c ans and play alon& . th them. 0t had a &reat pos t )e C) beC to t# 0 then heard )o ces of people tal+ n& around. There .as a female )o ce# and th s & rl .al+ed from r &ht to left beh nd me but someho. 0 Csa.C her Dll *tar shoes. *he .as comment n& about .hat a cool and fr endly place t .as. There .as a &uy . th a blac+ trench coat and a sha)ed head play n& someth n& bet.een a p ston and a trombone 4 t .as deep dar+ blue# and he played t . th one hand and a &u tar . th the other# produc n& a.esome mus c. The p stonJs +eys .ere actually chromed Fender4type Celephant earC bass tuners. Be d dnJt put h s mouth on the th n& at any moment and played t po nt n& t to.ards h s foot the .hole t me. The &u tar .as suspended out n front of h m by a strap on h s left s de . th ts nec+ po nt n& up.ards. 0t somet mes sounded l +e a p ano. There .ere no ampl f ers# pedals or cables at all. @hen 0 felt he .as about to f n sh h s mus c# 0 .anted to applaud h m and tell h m that t .as a.esome# but he

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d sappeared to 0 donJt +no. .here. Th s .as stran&e because t .as as f the mus c .as st ll sound n&# and 0 .ouldnJt dare open my mouth .h le he .as st ll play n&. 0t .as beaut ful. Then# a man about <" years old .ho .as dressed some.hat l +e a sa lor (at least that .as .hat 0 thou&ht) approached another &uy .ho .as play n& some un+no.n nstrument# rest n& the th n& on h s left shoulder l +e a ) ol n. 0 th n+ t .as not an actual nstrument# but rather someth n& l +e a se. n& mach ne or someth n& one r c n nature l +e that. The sa lor stopped by the s de of the se. n& mach ne man and from ns de of a .orn out blac+# cheap loo+ n& plast c ba& for .h ch most people .ouldnJt & )e a penny# ne ther .ould 0# pulled a barbed ed&ed transparent acryl c plate .h ch loo+ed as f t .as 6ust sa.n off of a 6 &sa.# as f t .as a randomly cut plate .h ch had fallen off .h le the actual p ece# .hate)er t could be# .as be n& made. The plate .as about $ foot by $ foot 4 nches and .as not e1actly rectan&ular. 0Jd ne)er suppose that th n& .ould play mus c. Dctually# .hen he played perfectly accompany n& the se. n& mach ne &uy# 0 as+ed myself# C.hat . ll he be play n& . th...C 0 lurched for.ard and opened my mouth n complete surpr se: 0t .as a Fle1 n& 0nstrument. 0 had ne)er thou&ht of th s ob) ous concept before# and probably .ouldnJt ha)e . thout that e1per ence. E)erybody +no.s the bass# Cpoo+C or C.o+C sound that an M4Ray plate or some lar&e plate l +e that 4 e)en made of d fferent mater als 4 ma+es .hen fle1ed# and most people +no. the h &h p tched# sound of t ny steel l ds about ! nches n d ameter that come n small cans of se)eral types 4 the no se they ma+e .hen folded n and out. @ell# .hen the sa lor held the plate . th the t ps of h s f n&ers near the ed&es of the plate# the fold n& area .as . der# and so the sound .as bass er. @hen he held t . th h s f n&ert ps close to the center# the fold n& area .as smaller and so the sound .as h &her p tched. Be could &et h s hands closer or farther as fast as choos n& notes on any other nstrument# and could play alon& . th e)ery note of the

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se. n& mach ne man. 0t .as mpress )e. 0 donJt remember ho. th s phase ended (%.&.? no aintaining). HINTS FRO$ THE $IND 5uring so e awakenings, the ind sends hints in the for of various sensations that can be easily used to enter the phase. Eou need only intensify those sensations and separate fro the body. Such hints usually consist of i ages, sleep stupors, vibrations, noise, drea fig ents and real or false nu bness. I#a Yako#le# A t(er*2 .el1iu) 0 donJt +no. .hat .o+e me up# but 0 +ne. r &ht a.ay that someth n& .as out of order. 0 could not open my eyes# and my body .as almost 6ust as+ n& to r se up. 0 understood .hat .as &o n& on K all of th s nd cated that 0 .as ha) n& an out4of4body e1per ence. The f rst th n& 0 tr ed .as to l ft my left hand up# and t .or+ed. 0 understood that th s .as an astral hand# because 0 could see throu&h t. 0 mo)ed hast ly and carefully to the other s de of the bed (There .as a stran&e sensat on n my head at that t me). 0 calmed do.n and tr ed to do someth n& a&a n. 0 le) tated about half a meter abo)e the bed. V s on came bac+ to me r &ht then and 0 sa. .hat appeared to be my room# but not e1actly t# as the ru& on the floor .as of a d fferent color pattern and the door .as closed for some reason (%.&.? no deepening and no plan of action). 0 could not comprehend .hy e)eryth n& .as l t from beh nd my bac+. Then# 0 loo+ed o)er my left shoulder and sa. a small br &ht .h te ball beh nd my shoulder blade at a d stance of > nches. 0t .as l &ht n& up the room up. Then 0 tr ed to &o throu&h the door# but .as unable to ( %.&.? no aintaining). Out of the fear that 0 .ould ne)er return to my

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real body (%.&.? wrong logic)# 0 .o+e up n the e)eryday .orld (%.&.? no re-entering). Natal'a 6o9&e o#a S&c&elko#o2 Ru!!ia @hen 0 .as about $= or $> years old# 0 read some esoter c art cles on astral pro6ect on. They seemed 8u te nterest n& to me# but no more than a cur os ty K 0 d d not part cularly bel e)e n such th n&s. One e)en n&# 0 .ent to bed as usual. 0 .o+e up n the m ddle of the n &ht# but .as unable to mo)e my body and there .as a loud no se n my head. Ba) n& been rem nded of those art cles# 0 s mply tr ed to le) tate and 0 mana&ed to do so# as f throu&h my forehead someho.. The sensat on of fly n& .as )ery real st c# to my &reat surpr se. The f rst thou&ht that occurred to me .as# C@o.# these astral &uys .erenJt ly n&-5 0 ho)ered abo)e my body for some t me n the dar+. 0 thou&ht of ) s on# and t started to appear. 0 then fle. to.ards the . ndo.# and upon turn n& around n to face my body (%.&.? no deepening and no plan of action )# 0 sa. t n ts proper place. 0 dec ded to fly bac+ to t and touch t. @hen 0 f nally po+ed t# t suc+ed my bac+ nto t# caus n& a 8u te stran&e sensat on (%.&.? no aintaining and no re-entering). Ale+a der Fur)e ko# Sai t Peter!bur12 Ru!!ia 0 .o+e up at early n the n &ht after some d ff cult es . th fall n& asleep. Blurred ma&es started to float before my eyes and 0 real ,ed that 0 could enter the phase. 0 started to d scard unnecessary ma&es# and after &ett n& ahold of one of them# 0 emer&ed n some + nd of a yello. corr dor. The le)el of &eneral realness and a.areness of the e1per ence .as about >"; to ?"; of that of real ty. 0 remembered about the methods for deepen n&# .h ch s .hy 0 started to loo+ at e)eryth n& &o n& on around me# but th s d d not y eld any ser ous results. 0 started to touch myself# but all sensat on seemed some.hat dampened. 0 real ,ed that 0 .as los n&

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a.areness. 0 came round# but ne)ertheless fell asleep n about !" seconds (%.&.? no plan of action and no aintaining). .E,O$ING ,ONS,IO/S WHI4E DREA$ING /f you beco e aware that everything around you is but a drea while you are in one, then everything fro that o ent on is already the phase. All that re ains is to ake it a full phase e4perience by enhancing your sensations and carrying out your plan of action. E#alda! 4it&ua ia 0 .as s tt n& on a bench# 6ust th n+ n& and do n& noth n&# .hen suddenly a .oman sho.ed up and sa d to me# C%aybe you are dream n&C. 0 .as n shoc+. 0t struc+ me l +e l &htn n&: 3Oh my Fod- 0 am n the phase-5 D plan# a plan# 0 had a plan. @hat should 0 do ne1tL * nce 0Ed 6ust f n shed read n& % chaelEs boo+# 0 +ne. all about deepen n& and ma nta n n&# and so 0 touched e)eryth n& around me# loo+ed closely at my hands and rubbed them. %y ) s on and other senses &ot stron&er and so 0 mo)ed on to my plan. 0 .anted to try fly n&# .al+ n&# teleport n&# d ) n& nto the &round and 6ump n& throu&h .alls. F rst of all# 0 tr ed fly n&. 0 6umped up as h &h as 0 could and then floated do.n. 0 6umped a&a n and started fly n&. 0 felt the . nd and the sun. 0 could see far nto the d stance. @hen my ) s on &ot blurry# 0 dec ded to teleport nto my room and do some ma nta n n& and deepen n&. 0n my room 0 found that same .oman# and she told me: 3try &o n& throu&h .alls5. 0 touched the .all and .as a l ttle b t afra d. Dfter for&ett n& my fear 0 started runn n& to.ards another .all and 6umped throu&h t. The feel n& .as ama, n&. The .oman ad) sed me a&a n: 3Try d ) n& nto the &round#

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but donNt for&et to ma& ne .here you .ant to end up3. 0 .al+ed nto the m ddle of my room and started fall n& do.n. 0 closed my eyes and ma& ned a beaut ful r ce f eld. 0t felt l +e 0 .as fall n& fore)er# and then 4 BOO%- 0 .as fall n& do.n from a )ery far he &ht. 0 .as fall n& to.ards a hu&e table full of del c ous d shes .h ch had r ce as the ma n n&red ent. 0 started lau&h n& and thou&ht: 3@o.# my subconsc ous played a hell of a 6o+e on me5. ThatJs .hen 0 .o+e up ( %.&.? no aintaining and no re-entering). S!er1iu ReCiDa2 Ro)a ia 0 donEt th n+ that 0 needed to real ,e that 0 .as dream n& because as soon as 0 fell asleep# 0 became luc d. 0 couldnEt see anyth n& but the screen of an 'hone and 0 +ne. 0 had to choose the place 0 .anted to be n. 0 chose a .e rd place that 0 had ne)er seen before and then 0 sa. a .h te door. 0 opened the door# .onder n& .here t .ould br n& me to (%.&.? no deepening and no plan of action ). 0 &ot n a .e rd room and there .ere a lot of s+eletons on the floor# so 0 frea+ed out and then teleported else. 0 remembered ha) n& been n many other places .hen 0 .o+e up ne1t to my bed. 0 .asnEt sure .hat had actually happened# 0 thou&ht t .as st ll a luc d dream. 0 .as ne1t to my bed and could see almost e)eryth n& n my room# e)en the turned4out TV 4 but 0 couldnEt br n& myself to loo+ n my bedEs d rect on. 0 d dnEt .ant to do that at all. Dfter a .h le# 0 started to feel my breath. 0 .as scared because 0 .as breath n& too and 0 thou&ht 0 .as &o n& to d e f 0 d dnEt start breath n& faster (%.&.? wrong logic). 0 .anted to .a+e up# but each t me 0 tr ed 0 &ot bac+ n my body but only for a second ( n *') and then a&a n ne1t to my bed. 0 had tr ed to .a+e up about = t mes before 0 f nally .o+e up (%.&.? wrong action). 0 .as scared but also ama,ed of .hat had happened to me. Bo.e)er# 0 could cons der myself Cluc+yC because 0 had e1per enced sleep paralys s before and 0 +ne. ho. to &et out of t.

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Dfter the e1per ence 0 d dnEt e)en bother try n& luc d dream n& a&a n# 0 &ot all nterested n OOBEs. Ro)a Ro!to#-o -Do 2 Ru!!ia %y f rst t me enter n& the phase. 0 dreamt that 0 .as hurry n& and constantly th n+ n& about someth n&. Dt a certa n .onderful moment# 0 h t upon the dea that 0 .as dream n&# and dec ded to try to e1 t ( %.&.? wrong action and no deepening). 0 lay on the &round and be&an to e1 t# ma& n n& ho. 0 .as separat n& from the body. Gur n& the trans t on# 0 nearly .as thro.n out of the phase due to tens on and fear. 0 .as nonetheless successful. 0 sa. myself at a door.ay after ha) n& cra.led throu&h a .all. 0t .as l +e com n& out of a bo&. The sensat on of separat n& .as )ery ) ) d. 0 suddenly not ced a person there. Be helped me to &et completely out (%.&.? no plan of action). Be ntroduced h mself# and started tell n& me some part culars about the .orld that 0 had landed n (0 donEt recall .ell .hat he sa d# as 0 .as loo+ n& around the .hole t me and couldnEt tear my eyes off my surround n&s 4 0 .as spellbound). 0n the end# 0 became .orr ed about my body# and dec ded that t .as t me to return bac+ (%.&.? wrong logic). Return n& .as l +e a n &htmare. There .ere )o ces# sounds# and stran&e sensat ons. 0 had the feel n& that t me had stood st ll... 0 .as so happy upon .a+ n& up that 0 couldnEt sleep for the rest of the n &ht. Ao!& Au!tralia One n &ht 0 .as dream n& of tra)ell n& n a car . th a fr end and thou&ht she .as dr ) n& .ay too fast and then 0 &ot b ,arre rush n& sensat ons that en)eloped my ent re phys cal body and t felt l +e 0 .as be n& turned ns de out. The sensat ons stopped# and then 0 .as fully a.a+e and completely a.are and 0 opened my eyes. 0 .as n my

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bedroom ly n& on my bac+ and my body had a blue hue or t nt to t (%.&.? no separation and deepening). 0 felt my arms mo) n& around and 0 real ,ed .hat had happened and pan c+ed. 0 as+ed to &o bac+ to my body and then . th a sl &ht t n&l n& 0 opened my eyes for real ( %.&.? wrong action) and 0 .as actually ly n& on my s de fac n& my partner. Then 0 +ne. the e1per ence .as real. Ale+ei .ak&are# Soc&i2 Ru!!ia Th s .as the f rst t me that 0 mana&ed to become consc ous .h le dream n&. Before fall n& asleep# 0 concentrated on the dar+ness before my eyes and tr ed to rema n consc ousness as lon& as 0 could. Dll of a sudden# 0 dreamt that 0 .as le) tat n& to the ce l n&# .h ch resulted n my becom n& consc ous that 0 .as dream n&. %y phantom body responded poorly to attempts to control t# and s mply ho)ered beneath the ce l n& (%.&.? no deepening). There .ere t.o people s tt n& on the floor belo.. They .ere loo+ n& n my d rect on# but t seemed that they d d not see me ( %.&.? no plan of action and aintaining). Dt th s po nt 0 .o+e up and felt some sort of t n&l n& and tch n& n my le&s ( %.&.? no reentering). DIRE,T EEIT FRO$ THE .ODY WITHO/T PRIOR S4EEP 5irect entrance into the phase without prior sleep (or after a period of full awareness$ is achieved by bringing about shallow dips out of conscious awareness. All that re ains is to separate fro the body on the way back up fro such a dip. P&il .% Ne( York2 /SA 0 .o+e up at < D% today# .ent to the bathroom# and then lay bac+ do.n mmed ately to try to sleep. 0 usually ha)e

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d ff culty fall n& asleep# so th s t me# for the f rst t me# 0 put n earplu&s and .ore a facemas+. Dfter about an hour# 0 .as st ll 8u te a.a+e and runn n& throu&h deas for my class n my head. Dfter an hour 0 .asnEt fall n& asleep yet# but 0 .as )ery rela1ed phys cally# and so 0 tr ed forced fall n& asleep. Dfter about $"4$9 seconds# 0 felt a stran&e d slocat on and numbness settle o)er my body (%.&.? no separation)# .h ch felt unusual. 0 mmed ately tr ed l sten n& n# and heard a )ery loud r n& n& sound# l +e f re alarms &o n& off. 0 l stened to t and t &ot louder and then seemed to pea+. 0t .as )ery loud (%.&.? no separation)# but noth n& else .as happen n& and so 0 s. tched to obser) n& ma&es for a fe. seconds. *t ll noth n&. The r n& n& &ot e)en 8u eter# and so 0 .ent bac+ to l sten n& n. 0t &ot louder a&a n# and a&a n t seemed to pea+. Then# 0 real ,ed that t .as so loud that 0 .as probably already n the phase but d dnEt real ,e t. 0 tr ed roll n& o)er . th a sudden 6er+# and BD%- 0 .as out of bed# stand n& on the floor- 0 canEt descr be ho. une1pected th s .as: 0 had no dea .hat roll n& out .ould feel l +e# and t turned out to be + nd of l +e cl mb n& out of a pool# about that much res stance. % chaelEs ad) ce to not .orry and 6ust GO 0T .as r &ht on the money. 0 .as )ery e1c ted# but 0 remembered the *OBT ad) ce to mmed ately deepen. E)eryth n& .as &rey and 0 felt noth n&# heard noth n&# sa. only &rey s lhouettes around me. 0 started rubb n& my hands to&ether f rmly n front of my face and they came nto ) e.# alon& . th e)eryth n& else n my room. 0 started peer n& at my hands and f n&ers# and my ) s on became crystal clear. %y room came nto perfect l fel +e focus. 0 .al+ed around my room peer n& and palpat n& e)eryth n& 0 could f nd. * nce t .as my f rst t me n the phase# 0 e1am ned all the random ob6ects ly n& around on my shel)es and table and they all appeared perfectly real# e)en the .r t n& on them (0 d dnEt stop to try to read the nd ) dual .ords because 0 d dnEt .ant a foul). 0 cont nuously rem nded

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myself that 0 .as phas n&# so as not to lose consc ousness and fall asleep (%.&.? no plan of action). Dfter spend n& about a m nute loo+ n& at e)eryth n& and be n& ama,ed by the s mulacrum of real ty# 0 dec ded to try to do someth n& . th the e1per ence. 0 d dnEt ha)e any plans beforehand because 0 .as not really e1pect n& success# but 0 dec ded on the spur of the moment to try fly n&. 0 loo+ed up at my ce l n&# then do.n at my feet# too+ a deep breath and tr ed to le) tate .h le loo+ n& at my feet. They rose a fe. nches off the floor# and as 0 e1haled they .ent bac+ do.n. 'erfectly controlled# as 0 e1pected. 0 tr ed a&a n# . th another deep breath and th s t me a 6ump# and 0 launched myself throu&h my ce l n& l +e superman# f sts e1tended. 0 d dnEt .ant to pass throu&h my ce l n& nsubstant ally# 0 .anted to blast out# and 0 d d# throu&h about $" floors of br c+ and plaster .h ch e1ploded n front of me l +e a mult story pratfall n re)erse. Then 0 .as out# abo)e my house. 0 .as not n my ne &hborhood# but n some + nd of hu&e ca)e that housed an ent re c ty. 0 d dnEt reco&n ,e anyth n& and d dnEt ha)e any plans of .here to &o# so 0 6ust fle. around a l ttle b t and e)entually ,oomed n on a . ndo. .here some Cfr endC of m ne (0 donEt +no. .ho t .as# they .ere 6ust labeled Cfr endC n my dream consc ousnessC) .as .atch n& a mo) e on tele) s on. Dt th s po nt# s nce 0 d dnEt ha)e anyth n& to do# and 0 .as 6ust ho)er n& outs de the . ndo. . th a pause n my act ons# 0 fouled and .o+e up n bed. 0 hadnEt mo)ed and 0 .anted to mmed ately try to enter the phase a&a n# but 0 .as 6ust too e1c ted and 0 felt my phys cal body )ery clearly. 0 dec ded to &et up and record my e1per ence# and .hen 0 stood up t conf rmed that 0 .as completely a.a+e and not the least &ro&&y or rela1ed s nce 0 .as able to turn on my computer and .r te clearly and luc dly r &ht a.ay. A a .ar aul2 Ru!!ia

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0 .as n my bed ma& n n& that 0 .as lea) n& my body and soon 0 felt that 0 .as pulled by someone out of my body. 0 dec ded not to res st t thou&h the ) brat ons .ere stron& and fr &htened me a l ttle. Dnd n less than no t me 0 found myself stand n& on the floor out of my body. The room .as lum nous . th sunl &ht. 0 felt free and e1tremely happy# as f 0 &ot r d of someth n& unnecessary .h ch al.ays troubled me. %y ne. body had no le&s but there .as no need n them (%.&.? no deepening). Dnd 0 had thou&ht that t .as necessary to br n& someth n& from the other room as the fact conf rm n& that 0 .as n Dstral (%.&.? wrong logic and no plan of action). 0 flounced out of the room# se ,ed a ba& and brou&ht t to my bedroom. (0n the morn n& the ba& .as n ts former place a&a n). Then 0 .atched someth n& stran&e: my ne. bed and room e1 sted s multaneously . th my old bed and room. E)eryth n& had m 1ed up and 0 hastened to return to my body. 0 sa. my body ly n& n my bed and became suddenly )ery upset. 0 thou&ht: 3Bo. such a youn& soul can return to such an ColdC bodyL5. Then# 0 felt a p ty to myself and 0 tr ed to 6o n my body (%.&.? wrong action)# but d d not mana&e t. Fear o)er.helmed me. Dt once 0 recollected# that 0 had read that one should ma+e a turnabout to 6o n h s body. 0 d d so and soon found myself n my phys cal body. Ao& $erritt Hou!to 2 /SA D fr end of m ne found A =ractical Fuidebook on the net and sent me the l n+. 0 read the boo+# and soon t f nally happened. 0 .ent to sleep around $" or $$ and .o+e up at 4. 0 stayed up for :" m nutes and lay bac+ do.n. 0 started med tat n&# and then &o n& o)er the techn 8ues and separat on n my m nd. 0 fell nto a free float n& state# &o n& n and out of consc ousness. 0 started obser) n& ma&es. Dnd soon ) brat ons started. 0 had already e1per enced ) brat ons

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once or t. ce. The f rst t me 0 felt them 0 .as scared and they .ent a.ay after a fe. seconds. The second t me 0 tr ed to ntens fy them and t seemed to .or+ for a fe. seconds# but then a&a n noth n&. Th s t me 0 used stra n n& the bra n and the ) brat ons &ot stron&er and stron&er. Dnd th s t me 0 d dnEt lose them. They ntens f ed and came to a crescendo# and .hen they .ere o)er# 0 felt d fferent. %y ne1t thou&ht .as 0 .as already separated from my body. Dll 0 had to do .as 6ust stand up- Dnd 0 .as r &ht. 0 rose up out of my body and sat up and stepped off the bed and 0 .as out- 0 hadnEt really planned .hat 0 .ould do (%.&.? no deepening and no plan of action ). The room .as dar+# and my f rst thou&ht .as to turn on a l &ht. 0 .as n my bedroom so 0 .al+ed nto the bathroom n my bedroom and fl pped the l &ht s. tch on. 7oth n&. 0 )a&uely thou&ht to myself# 3maybe the l &ht s burned out5# so 0 .al+ed out nto the hall.ay and nto the other upsta rs bathroom and turned on that l &ht s. tch. D&a n noth n&. But 0 remembered then from read n& luc d dream n& boo+s that l &ht s. tches donEt .or+ n dreams. Dnd s nce 0 .as n my astral body turn n& on the l &ht s. tch .asnEt &o n& to .or+ e ther. 0 dec ded to &o bac+ to my bed and loo+ at myself. 0 ran nto the room sa. my bed and l terally 6umped up on the footboard and loo+ed. Dnd there 0 .as. Or there my body .as. Dnd t .as the most ncred ble feel n& 0Ed e)er e1per enced n my l fe. 0 .as outs de my body and 0 +ne. t. 0 .as . de a.a+e# fully consc ous# . th all my essence# memor es# all of me. But there t .as asleep on the bed. %y phys cal body. 0 e)en sa. one of my arms 6er+ a l ttle. Dfter that 0 felt the need to )er fy .hat had 6ust happened# and see f 0 could remember t. *oon 0 .as bac+ n my body and . de a.a+e (%.&.? no re-entering). Dnd t .as true. 0t had really happened. Dt last 0 had done t. Dnd t .as real. Dnd 0 remembered e)ery second of t. Arte) $i 1a9o# /l'a o#!k2 Ru!!ia

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0 lay on the couch and tr ed to d rectly e1 t. E)eryth n& .as &o n& alon& .ell .hen my consc ousness suddenly Cchec+ed outC for a moment. @hen 0 returned# 0 real ,ed that 0 .as ly n& on the bed and felt a phantom body. 0 tr ed roll n& out to the s de# .h ch .or+ed# albe t . th some d ff culty. Bere 0 be&an to palpate the bed and myself (0 d d e)eryth n& a b t hurr edly). 0 couldnEt see yet. 0 dec ded that 0 could deepen and 0 do)e head4f rst nto the floor (that s# more e1actly# nto the )o d). 0 fle. do.n a l ttle b t# and found myself n my ne &hborEs apartment belo.. 0 then fle. bac+ up to my o.n apartment and stood on the floor. Try n& to restore ) s on# 0 opened my eyes. 0t felt l +e try n& to open the eyes after a lon& per od of sleep depr )at on# my eyel ds .ere hea)y and y elded &rud& n&ly. 0 loo+ed around: 0 .as stand n& n my room# t .as sunny outs de. 0 dec ded to try to fly (.ell# 0 lo)e fly n&) (%.&.? no plan of action). 0 .as able to fly up to the ce l n&# but mmed ately be&an to &ently fall bac+ do.n# be n& pulled bac+.ards. 2pon touch n& do.n on the floor# 0 bounced bac+ up. Th s .as comparable to .hen a balloon falls and h ts the floor# spr n&s bac+ up# falls a&a n# and then bounces up a&a n. 0 .as only able to rema n stand n& on the floor after repeat n& th s process se)eral t mes. *uddenly t became d ff cult to breathe# and 0 tr ed to &o bac+ to my body (%.&.? wrong action)# but .as someho. unable to. Dt f rst pan c arouse# but then 0 real ,ed that & ) n& n to the fear .ould do me no &ood# and that 0 .ould ha)e to st c+ t out. But as soon as 0 calmed do.n and rela1ed ( %.&.? no aintaining)# 0 had a foul ( %.&.? no re-entering). Dll of the abo)e sensat ons lasted for about a m nute. $att&ia! Hol9er Bie a2 Au!tria %arch $:th# !""$ 4 Th s .as my f rst OBE. There .ere t.o e1per ences . th the C) brat onal stateC before# but 0 d dnEt ha)e the &uts to &o throu&h . th t s nce at the t me 0 bel e)ed the essent al soul .ould lea)e the body# .h ch could

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be dan&erous. 7e)ertheless# th s t me 0 dec ded to do t for real. 0 .as !" years old at the t me. 0 a.o+e at f )e oEcloc+ n the morn n&# but felt )ery t red and +ne. that 0Ed fall asleep a&a n as soon as 0 l e do.n. Ds soon as 0 rela1ed the ) brat onal state set n# my body felt paraly,ed l +e t .as asleep and 0 heard the roar n& no se 0 already +ne.. The state seemed to be not )ery deep because as soon as 0 tr ed to mo)e# 0 mo)ed the phys cal body and a.o+e. Bo.e)er 0 mmed ately started a second attempt# .h ch .or+ed. 0 .a ted a b t lon&er th s t me# suddenly my Cbody percept onC chan&ed and then 0 6ust carefully mo)ed l +e 0 .ould &et up n my phys cal body. The ne1t moment 0 .as stand n& up and +ne. 0 .as out of body. 0 couldnEt see )ery .ell# only a b t (%.&.? no deepening and no plan of action ). 0 .as cur ous f the Cs l)er cordC 0 had read about really e1 sted (%.&.? wrong logic). 0 felt for t and true enou&h# there t .as# e1tend n& out of my astral bac+. 0 tr ed to loo+ at my phys cal body on the bed# but 0 couldnEt see t. Then 0 tr ed to loo+ at myself# my astral body# and could see my left hand sh mmer n& n a l &ht purple color. Dt th s po nt 0 dec ded to end the e1per ence and &ot bac+ nto the bed n order to reenter my phys cal body (%.&.? wrong action). Th s d dnEt .or+ at f rst# but there .as no fear# my consc ousness faded nto a dream and 0 a.o+e about an hour later .ell rested and )ery sat sf ed. Ole1 6udri $o!co(2 Ru!!ia 0 .o+e up. 0t .as st ll dar+# 0 ans.ered CnatureEs callC# and 0 loo+ed at my .atch: 4:$9 am. 0 &ot nto bed and lay on my left s de# closed my eyes# and... 0t felt l +e someth n& .as sh n n& nto my eyes. 0 real ,ed that that .as mposs ble: t .as 4:$9 am# and 0 .as the only one a.a+e. There .as no4 one else n the room bes des my . fe. %ean.h le# the l &ht stead ly ntens f ed. 0 e1per enced some sl &ht fear# m 1ed to&ether . th cur os ty 4 .hat .ould happen ne1tL Dnd then the l &ht became br &hter and br &hter# 0 felt 0 .as n dan&er

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(%.&.? no separation). But at the same t me# an nst nct to n)est &ate too+ the upper hand. 0 +ne. that someth n& unusual .as happen n&# but +ne. that all th s .as mposs ble 4 a br &ht l &ht of an un+no.n nature p erc n& my eyes throu&h closed eyel ds- Then# the dea occurred on ts o.n that they .ere com n& to chec+ on me. Dnd after that 4 0E(( FO D(( TBE @DAThe ne1t moment# 0 found myself n a small# rectan&ular room . th subdued l &ht. There .ere led&es alon& the .all that you could s t on (0 f &ured they .ere benches). One .all had round portholes of about three feet . de. 0 loo+ed throu&h them and real ,ed that 0 .as n deep outer4space (%.&.? no deepening and no plan of action ). There .as an mpress )e construct on outs de the room that 0 .as n. @hat 0 sa. there could not e1 st n e)en the most fantast c en) ronments on Earth. 0t .as a latt ce construct on# but the elements had no lo& cal structure and &a)e the appearance of a beeh )e. 0t seemed to be a dual tube construct on of such colossal proport ons that the d ameter of only one of those tubes could be compared to the d ameter of a stad um. Bustl n& and scurry n& around the structure .ere small spacecraft# .h ch appeared to be do n& some + nd of .or+. C0tEs a doc+ n& portalC 4 sounded the n my head. 0 turned around# and n the far corner of the room sat a beaut ful youn& .oman dressed completely n Earthl n& fash on# .ear n& a s+ rt and 6ac+et. *tran&e as t may be# she loo+ed l +e a famous pop s n&er# althou&h the s m lar ty .as ncomplete. Th s .oman .as much more nterest n& than that art st. 0 shall formulate the one 8uest on do&& n& me at the t me as follo.s: 3@hat s the empt ness that the Buddh st masters spea+ ofL5 0 framed that 8uest on to the &ood4loo+ n& person n the room . th me. For some reason# 0 d dnEt come up . th the dea of do n& someth n& else... Bes des# 0Em marr ed. But my 8uest on .as heard# and the follo.ed ...

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@hat 0 then e1per enced has no parallels n e)eryday l fe. %oreo)er# those feel n&s cannot be e1pressed n .ords 4 human lan&ua&e s mply lac+s the ab l ty to commun cate such concepts# but 0Ell try. 0t .as as f 0 .ere turned ns de4out. E)eryth n& outs de of me turned out to be ns de of me# nclud n& the stars# &ala1 es# and other .orlds 4 n short# the ent re mater al 2n )erse. Dnd th s D(( .as collapsed to such small proport ons that t all could ha)e f t nto the eye of a needle. Dnd 0# be n& outs de th s mater al un )erse# .as loo+ n& at t s multaneously from all s des# e)en thou&h 0 do not ha)e hundreds of m ll ons of eyes. 0 .as one lar&e f eld encompass n& the space around th s compressed un )erse# and able to ta+e t all n at once ) sually- 0 myself .as endless# 0 had no boundar es n space or t me. Dll around .as st llness# and 0 myself .as th s st llness. Contemplat n& th s un )erse brou&ht the real ,at on that throu&h effort# 0 could turn nto 7OTB07F7E**. 7e1t thou&ht 4 but then there .ould be noth n& to do the contemplat n&L Then# 0 became l +e a funnel collect n& n from the per meters of my un )erse# .h rl n& ns de t# pull n& all n deeper and deeper# unt l 0 lay on the bed as 0 had been after ha) n& Cans.ered natureEs callC (%.&.? no re-entering). Th s ) s on mo)ed me so much that 0 already couldnEt sleep# 0 6ust .anted to run outs de and 6ump for 6oy and del &ht. 0 .anted to tell e)eryone about my e1per ence# and s mply share t 4 but 0 real ,ed 0 .ould be ta+en for a sch ,ophren c. Dnd thatEs more or less ho. 0 l )ed from that po nt on# often recall n& that ) ) d e1per ence# and treasur n& t n the depths of my soul. 0 dreamt nearly e)ery day about ha) n& a s m lar e1per ence a&a n 4 unt l 0 d sco)ered the nd rect techn 8ues. Ro)a Reuto# Sa)ara2 Ru!!ia Truly# the most nterest n& th n&s almost al.ays happen une1pectedly.

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Dfter a suff c ently lon& brea+ n my attempts to &o to the other .orld# ton &ht 0 dec ded to try t a&a n. 0 thre. n the to.el after yet another unsuccessful attempt# rolled to my other s de# and dec ded to s mply &et a &ood n &htJs sleep. 0 do not +no. e1actly ho. much t me passed .h le 0 lay do.n and thou&ht about .hat 0 .as st ll do n& .ron& .h le obser) n& nterest n& ma&es that my ma& nat on .as dra. n&. But at one f ne moment# 0 suddenly felt the phenomenon that s commonly referred to as ) brat ons. 0 started to ntens fy them (0 should add that the feel n& s ndescr bable)# but 0 could not le) tate# thou&h 0 really .anted to ta+e a loo+ at myself from the outs de. 0 dec ded to s mply stand up# and thatJs .hen t all became most nterest n&- The ent re process of trans t on n& from a hor ,ontal pos t on to a )ert cal one .as accompan ed by ncreas n&ly palpable ) brat ons and a louder and louder roar n& sound n my head. The sensat on .as the same as that e1per enced after &o n& to bed after not ha) n& slept for !4 hours and then be n& suddenly roused by somebody: my head spun# e)eryth n& started crac+l n& ns de of t# and 0 .as about to lose consc ousness. Then# a fl c+er n& p cture started to appear. 0t stab l ,ed after one or t.o seconds# the roar n& n my head d ed do.n# and 0 real ,ed that 0 .as s tt n& on my bed. 0 .as n my apartment# thou&ht t .as not ceably altered. %y room seemed more or less the same# thou&h the nter or .as ndeed d fferent upon deta led e1am nat on (%.&.? no deepening). For e1ample# my mob le phone# .h ch s al.ays . th n a reach# .as someho. an older and d fferent model. 0t turned out to be the f rst ob6ect that 0 tested# as 0 suddenly .anted )ery much to f nd out .hat t me t .as and chec+ .h ch day of the month t .as ( %.&.? no plan of action). 0 d st nctly felt the phone n my hand# but upon attempt n& to concentrate on and loo+ at the d splay# 0 .as thro.n bac+ nto the real ty. 0 mmed ately cl mbed bac+ out of my body and dec ded to s mply pace around the apartment .h le try n& to remember .hat 0 could e1per ment on. 0 tr ed to con6ure an

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ob6ect# but that d dnJt .or+ and resulted n some mental act ) ty. Th s caused the phase to fade and my be n& thro.n bac+ nto real ty. 0n total# there .ere about f )e success )e entr es nto the phase that lasted for ! to : m nutes each. The e1per ences .ere not stable at all# .h ch s .hy 0 .as e1am n n& my surround n&s n a hurry# al.ays try n& to &et ahold of anyth n& 0 could &et my hand on. Bo.e)er# there .ere a &ood amount of mpress ons# cons der n& that t .as my f rst entry. SPONTANEO/S EEPERIEN,ES So eti es a person does nothing to reach the phase or even knows nothing about it - but it nonetheless occurs spontaneously for hi . This usually happens during rela4ation, slu ber, awakening, a drea episode, or the like. Analysis of istakes in these accounts has been kept to a ini u in consideration of the fact that their authors lacked prior knowledge regarding the phase. Aai)e $u o9 4u d0ui!t Ora 1e ,ou t'2 /SA %y f rst out4of4body e1per ence .as )ery dramat c. 0 fell asleep around 449am. 0 e1per enced a sensat on all o)er my body# 0 .as n a med tat )e state of sleep# but at the same t me 0 .as a.are of .hat .as &o n& on . th me. 0 had th s feel n& of a t n&l n& sensat on all o)er my body follo.ed by paralys s. *uddenly 0 found myself le) tat n& from the bed and .ound up n a stand n& pos t on. 0 &ot )ery scared and started pray n&# as+ n& the lord to protect me. Then 0 &ot bac+ nto my body# 8u c+ l +e a flash. @hen 0 .o+e up 0 had th s feel n& l +e 0 needed to understand .hat 6ust happened to me. 0 d d some research and 0 .as told that you can tra)el places# and &o to the moon so 0 couldnJt .a t to try a&a n. That day# 0 .as

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feel n& so &ood . th myself# 0 felt 0 ha)e d sco)ered someth n& ne. and e1c t n&Ok!a a R'abo#a $o!co(2 Ru!!ia 0 seemed to me that my deep morn n& slumber had been nterrupted by the d scomfort and m ld pa n of numbness n my left arm# .h ch my head had been ly n& on .h le 0 slept. The des re arose . th n me to &et r d of that d scomfort. 0 mo)ed my numb arm n front of me and opened my eyes. But 0 couldnEt see the phys cal arm n front of me# e)en thou&h 0 clearly felt t there and could curl and uncurl my f )e f n&ers and bend the arm at the elbo.. Th s all made me some.hat confused. 0 clearly understood that someth n& l +e th s could not happen n the normal phys cal .orld. 0 dec ded that th s .as a )ery real st c dream# and that n order to .a+e up# 0 .ould s mply need to close my eyes and stra n my bra n . th the des re to a.a+en. That thou&ht .as follo.ed by act on. 0 opened my eyes shortly thereafter# th n+ n& that 0 had f nally .o+en up. Before me .as the da ly real ty that 0 al.ays obser)e upon a.a+en n&: a lar&e . ndo. throu&h .h ch sunl &ht pours onto my bed n the center of the room# a des+ and cha r# a boo+case of academ c l terature# and a .ardrobe . th cloth n& n t. Iust l +e al.ays. 0 dec ded to spend th s .ee+day4off (0 had a lot of days off that .ee+) &ett n& calm# easy rest. 0 sat up 0nd an4style n bed . th my elbo.s on my +nees. 0 s8u nted# en6oy n& the rays of %ay sun massa& n& my face. 0t .as .arm# and the a r .as fresh. Dnd 0 felt a sense of peace pour throu&h my body l +e a sort of unearthly s.eet nectar. 0 turned to loo+ around. Dnd suddenly# that state of rela1at on abruptly chan&ed nto cold and sh )er n&# the sense of peace transformed nto terr ble fear 4 my body .as ly n& beh nd me- 'an c. 0 &lanced at those hands n front of me that 0 could feel but not see. They .ere ly n& peacefully on the bed alon&s de my body. 0 touched them and felt the r

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)el)ety s+ n# yet not feel n& the sensat on . th my phys cal hands. 0 tr ed to return to my body. 0 lay do.n nto t# closed my eyes# stra n n& n an attempt to .a+e up. 0 opened my eyes and &ot up# but the body .as st ll ly n& there. Fear# other.orldly mortal fear. Tears. 'erple1 ty. 0ncomprehens on. The 8uest on# C.hat ne1tLC Dnd all around me .as that br &ht and sunny day. 0 became more and more afra d. The des re to lea)e that state &re. e1ponent ally. Dll of my attempts to return to my body brou&ht no result. Fr &htened and scared# 0 sat on the bed l +e a f &ur ne. *uddenly# out of the s lence# 0 heard steps n the room. But 0 couldnEt see anybody. The fear &re. .orse and .orse. 0 be&an to scream at that n) s ble man .ander n& n my room# b dd n& h m to stay a.ay from me. 0 then as+ed the 8uest on# C@ho s he and .hat does he .ant here# and .hy canEt 0 see h mLC 0 &ot an CGonEt be afra d# th s s all normalC. Be appeared a moment later# stand n& bes de my bed. Be .as about < feet tall and a l ttle o)er :" years old# . th a stoc+y muscular phys 8ue. B s ha r .as d rty4blond and cut short# h s eyes .ere &ray4blue. Be .as .ear n& only a blac+ bath n& su t. Dround h s nec+ .as a th c+ &old cha n. Be be&an to e1pla n someth n& to me about a certa n c ty# call n& t a transfer po nt. Then he sa d that many &o throu&h such a state and that t .as a normal th n&. Be too+ my hand and sa d# CletEs &o.C D moment later# .e found oursel)es on some sort of old4to.n street. The house that .e stood n front of had a blue rectan&le on ts corner . th the name of the street and house number. 0 .as eas ly able to read e)eryth n&# and .as surpr sed at .hat 0 sa.. @e stood almost na+ed n the m ddle of the street# but passersby pa d us no attent on. 0 real ,ed that they d dnEt see us. 0 d dnEt stop loo+ n& around# shoc+ed and scared by .hat .as happen n&. %y head .as f lled . th .hat .as at the t me a terr ble 8uest on: ho. to returnL The youn& man abruptly ran to.ards the corner of the house n front of us. Enter n& throu&h ts .all# he sa d that t .as t me for h m to return# as h s fr end .as due to arr )e. Be

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d sappeared. 0 stood n same place for some t me# .atch n& people pass me by. 0 d dnEt +no. ho. to &et bac+ to my room# because the place from .h ch .e entered the street turned out to be a .all. @hat a bad brea+# ho. .as 0 to &o throu&h the .allL 0 closed my eyes thou&ht about my room# and rec ted# C.hate)er . ll be# . ll be#C stepped for.ard# and found myself on my bed. *.eep n& my eyes o)er the room# 0 d sco)ered that noth n& had chan&ed n t. The sun shone nto t 6ust as t had before. Breath n& n a s &h of rel ef and clos n& my eyes n &reat hope that 0 .ould .a+e up# 0 rushed to open them. To my horror# 0 nstead found a table . th med cal nstruments on my bed. @a)es of fear s.ept o)er my body . th rene.ed ntens ty. 0 &ulped that 0 .ould not ma+e t throu&h f they put me under the +n fe. 0 closed my eyes once a&a n# and started to pray. The fear &radually receded# 0 calmed do.n..... and f nally .o+e up. The f rst th n& that 0 d d .as to ma+e sure that the table . th the med cal nstruments .as not there. 0 6umped up and started +noc+ n& on the dresser# the .all# and on the . ndo. n order to ma+e sure that t really .as all o)er. A dre Sa c&e9 t&ea dre!a c&e9F1)ail%co) 0 .as n my bed and 0 not ced t.o plast c ob6ects n my r &ht hand. 0 thou&ht t .as .e rd for them to be there so 0 &ot up and thre. them on the floor. The f rst one d d not ma+e any + nd of sound. The second d d# l +ely because 0 started e1pect n& t after not c n& that the f rst one d dnJt. 0 thou&ht t .as odd so 0 .ent to the l &ht s. tch near the door and tr ed turn n& the l &ht on. 0t d dnJt .or+. 0 had t.o thou&hts: 3)ery stran&eO could 0 be n Ethe phaseEL5H and# 3d d the &o outL5 0 left the room and .ent nto the hall.ay# .al+ n& to.ards the l ) n& room# but t .as )ery dar+ (.h ch .ould be normal f the had &one out dur n& the n &ht). 0 .as th n+ n& about ho. th s .as all some.hat odd# but felt too

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3real5. 0 started to .orry and tr ed calm n& myself do.n by th n+ n& that f someth n& really stran&e andPor scary happened# 0 could be sure 0 .as n the phase# and shouldnJt .orry. 0 )a&uely remember a .ea+ yello.4&reen sh l &ht start n& to appear from the l ) n& room# but 0 d d not see anyth n&. D)itr' $arko# $o!co(2 Ru!!ia %y f rst t me .as the most terr ble e)ent n my l fe. 0 had ne)er e1per enced such terror. 0t happened n Gecember# $??". 0 .as fall n& asleep n my bed at home. *uddenly# 0 heard someone enter my room# but 0 d d not pay attent on to the 3 ntruder5. Then# t.o female hands &rabbed me from beh nd# and .h le press n& my belly# started to l ft my body up. 0 d st nctly felt th n f n&ers . th lon& na ls on my belly# but .as completely paraly,ed and absolutely unable mo)e any part of my body or put up any + nd of res stance. 0 felt my body &o throu&h the ce l n&# but then .as pulled st ll h &her and h &her. 0 &ot scared that th s could be death. 0 .as afra d not so much of death as of the un+no.n. Dll of th s happened so s. ftly that 0 found myself unprepared for such a crosso)er. 0 started to pray. 0 as+ed Fod to help me free myself and &o bac+. 0 pan c+ed. 0 canJt say ho. many seconds my forced le) tat on lasted or ho. h &h 0 .as l fted abo)e my house# but the moment came .hen 0 nstantly returned to my bed. A*ril 4% Al!to Ralei1&2 /SA 0 had my f rst OBE e1per ence by acc dent. Dfter my morn n& .or+out at the &ym# 0 felt e1hausted and came home to my dorm for a nap. @hen 0 .as a.a+ n& from the dream# 0 felt a tr 4locat on of myself. 0 .as a.are and could feel e)eryth n& n my dream# and 0 could also feel e)eryth n& n my body ly n& on the bed. 0 also felt a th rd consc ousness fall n& throu&h the bed. %y th rd one .as .hat 0 bel e)ed to

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be an OBE to the 3real4t me ,one (RTQ)5. %y ener&y body felt l +e t .as separat n& from my phys cal body by fall n& throu&h the bed. Th s happened by acc dent. 0 felt l +e 0 no lon&er had a body# but that 0 .as a float n& sphere of consc ousness. 0 could sense th n&s :<" de&rees around me but 0 couldnEt see . th my eyes because 0 had no eyes. 0 could perce )e .here th n&s .ere around me thou&h. 0 had an ntense burn n& sensat on n my head and the more 0 tr ed to focus my a.areness nto the astral body# the more the pa n .orsened. E)entually# 0 .o+e up from the e1per ence. 0 +ept ly n& st ll and tr ed to reenter the trance but 0 .as unsuccessful. Tat'a a 6i!ele#a Ba cou#er2 ,a ada That part cular e)en n&# 0 f nally dec ded to deal . th the outs de no se that had ru ned a fe. pre) ous attempts and &ot myself a set of n ce# br &ht oran&e ear plu&s. 0 plu&&ed my ears and .ent to bed . th an ntent on to .a+e up n the morn n& and pract ce the deferred method. Dlso# 6ust before &o n& to bed# 0 read a fe. forum posts on % chaelEs .ebs te about peopleEs f rst e1per ences. Dll of th s led to the follo. n&: 0 .o+e up n the m ddle of the n &ht because of a )ery loud CthumpC 0 heard n the bu ld n&. 0 .as s tt n& n my bed# th n+ n& that the thump must ha)e been really loud because 0 could hear t perfectly e)en . th my ears be n& plu&&ed. 0 dec ded to &o to the front door and pee+ nto a peep hole n hopes of see n& .hat .as &o n& on. 0 heard the loud CthumpC a&a n. 0t sounded a b t scary. 0 lo.ered my feet to the floor# stood up and .al+ed out of my bedroom to.ards the front door. 0 could feel the cold floor . th my bare feet. Ds 0 .as approach n& the front door and could see the br &ht peep hole n the dar+ness# t h t me: C0 am n the 'hase-C 0 d d not bel e)e myself. C0 d d not do any techn 8uesC# 0 thou&ht# doubt n&.

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*o 0 dec ded to test f t .as ndeed a phase. 0 l fted both of my feet up 4 that made me Es tt n&E n the a r 4 then 0 &rabbed# . th my r &ht hand# the ed&e of a sl d n& door of a closet and pushed a&a nst the door . th my both le&s. 0 fle. bac+.ards# all the .ay to the other s de of my l ) n& room# really surpr sed that 0 .as st ll feel n& my hand hold n& the closet door- %y arm must ha)e stretched l +e $" feet ( %.&.? no deepening and no plan of action)0 .as float n& r &ht by my f replace# see n& both of my feet n the a r n my pa6ama pants. Dnd 0 st ll d d not bel e)e that 0 .as n the phase# so 0 dec ded to fly up# but 0 could not push a&a nst the floor because my feet .ere n the a r. *o 0 concluded that tEs not the phase ( %.&.? wrong logic) and 0 dec ded to &o bac+ to sleep. Dt that moment 0 found myself s tt n& on my bed# a&a n real , n& that my plu&&ed ears .ere bother n& me tremendously# and so 0 too+ the plu&s out. Bo.e)er# a second later 0 real ,ed that my ears .ere st ll plu&&ed. CBmmC# 0 thou&ht# CthatEs .e rd. 0 6ust too+ the plu&s out# d dnEt 0LC Dnd thatEs .hen 0 real ,ed 0 .as ly n& n my bed and feel n& my real ears. 0 6umped n e1c tement# as 0 real ,ed .hat had 6ust happened. 0t .as my f rst real out4of4body e1per ence# althou&h 0 d d not bel e)e t- 0 .as $""; a.are of the e1per ence# but 0 .as about ?"; consc ous# other. se 0 .ould clearly +no. that 0 .as ndeed out4of4body. 0 too+ a notepad and as 0 .as .r t n& e)eryth n& do.n# 0 ) ) dly remembered the ) brat ons that 0 felt before lea) n& the body. 0t .as e1actly as they are usually descr bed 4 l +e be n& electrocuted . thout pa n. Ao!&ua Rac&el! .elle#ille2 /SA 0 found myself stru&&l n& to fall nto a full sleep# . th .hat felt l +e CnapsC and the last reco&n ,able t me occurr n& n real ty .as at 4::" a.m. 0 had once a&a n rested my head bac+ do.n and .hat felt l +e almost mmed ately after do n& so the ne1t th n& 0

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.as Ca.areC of s that 0 am n a f eld .al+ n& to.ard .hat 0 had reco&n ,ed as an old com c shop 0 used to ) s t. 7ot ha) n& any not on as to ho. 0 may ha)e &otten there# 0 remember star n& at the &round of the f eld beneath my feet and 8uest oned f 0 had been dream n&. 0 then tr ed 6ump n& as h &h as 0 poss bly could# .h ch n t ated a leap se)eral feet h &h and lon&# cue n& the real ,at on that 0 .as n fact dream n&. 7o. th s s .here th n&s &et a l ttle bro+en (se8uence4 . se) for me# so please bear . th me: The ne1t th n& 0 recall s be n& ns de of the bu ld n& 0 .as head n& to.ards n .hat 0 .as told .as a rehab l tat on center. E)eryone around me .as dressed n .h te. 7one of the faces .here completely reco&n ,able e1cept for t.o: a &ood fr end of m ne named Gan and a .omen . th no name ( n the phase 0 referred to her as Cthe one 0 lo)eC) and e)en the .omanEs face blended bac+ and forth bet.een .hat 0 can only descr be as a m 1 bet.een 7atal e 'ortman and one of my e14& rlfr ends. 0 remember Gan lean n& a&a nst a door.ay ne1t to me .h le 0 .as star n& nto a m rror (0 could see myself# but my hand +ept touch n& my face as t .as blurred K the only ) s ble port on .as my .h te clothes and ha r) as he be&an n& .hat 0 can only assume .as my subconsc ous 8uest on of .hy 0 .as there and for ho. lon&. 0 told h m 0 could not remember ho. 0 &ot there or .hy 0 .as there and 0 remember h s response as clear as day: Gan: CGo you +no. .hy youEre here manLC %e: C0 canJt e)en tell you ho. 0 &ot here. %ar 6uanaLC (+eep n m nd 0 .as n a Crehab centerC) Gan: CBaha 4 you canJt rememberL ThatJs probably .hy youEre here n the f rst place. AouJre here for l +e a month dude. Fo chec+ the schedule.C Dt th s po nt 0 bel e)e my subconsc ous be&an to pan c about poss bly becom n& stuc+# because t me n the phase seemed to be& n to narro.. 'eople be&an cro.d n& me around the CscheduleC. 0 remember spec f cally an Dfr can4

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Dmer can man shout n& bes de me# C.hoEs Iosh# .hoEs Iosh-C soon after lead n& me out.ard to.ard the front door .here Cthe one 0 lo)eC had been lean n&# &estur n& me to come closer. 0 then remember .al+ n& . th Cthe one 0 lo)eC .hen she be&an cry n&# be&& n& me not to .a+e up# scream n& that .e could be happy there to&ether f 0 stayed. Gur n& th s tantrum# cha ns de)eloped on her arms and le&s and 0 be&an to feel hea)y. 0 then be&an th n+ n& of my fam ly# my mother spec f cally and thou&hts of &ett n& stuc+ n a coma# .h ch 0 do bel e)e led to my subconsc ous to pan c further because t me seemed to narro. e)en further. CThe one 0 lo)eC then led me nto a bac+ room and .ell# not to &et )ul&ar# but .e be&an ha) n& se1 and r &ht before my Cor&asmC she started scream n& at me not to &o# at .h ch po nt 0 felt myself be n& pulled a.ay 4 and n fact 0 .as be n& pulled a.ay. 7o. hereEs .hat really ble. my m nd about the .hole e1per ence: 0 then a.o+e to dayl &ht and rushed out of my room to f nd my mother and stepdad stand n& n the l ) n& room. 0 be&an e1pla n n& my e1per ence to them both. Bo.e)er# my stepdad be&an pre4&uess n& my .hole e1per ence dead on# .h ch 0 8uest oned. 0 then too+ out my phone and not ced there .ere scratches and dents all o)er t. 0 handed my phone to my mom to loo+ at the dama&e and as she h t the bac+ l &ht button 0 @ORE 2'-0 shot up almost mmed ately after open n& my eyes# t .as st ll dar+ outs de 0 loo+ed at the t me..9:$= a.m.


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REVOLUTION We believe that everybo y i! "oi#" to e$i!t i# t%o %orl ! !oo# Sponsors and investors are needed for translation into other languages this free ebook and other our books, videos, et ! "lso #e need finan ial support to pro$ote the phase #orld#ide! %et&s hange the #orld together' (ake a part in it'


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,&a*ter 7% Full-Fled1ed Tra#el! i P&a!e


Bere .e . ll concentrate not on the fact of out4of4body e1per ence tself# but on the act ) t es carr ed out dur n& t: translocat on . th n the phase space and controll n& t# f nd n& ob6ects# and e1per mentat on. These pract t oners occas onally apply the r out4of4body e1per ence to.ards some &oal or another# and these e1per ences are on a .holly other le)el than s mply appear n& n the phase. The phase tra)els ntroduced here e1h b t a &reater de&ree of s+ ll 4 and n some cases luc+ 4 than those of the f rst sect on. Th s# ho.e)er# does not sa)e the pract t oners from ma+ n& a sle. of m sta+es# .h ch often pre)ent them from e1per enc n& ma1 mum success. Dnaly, n& these m sta+es . ll allo. the reader to a)o d them n h s o.n pract ce. Rudol*& T&e Rock' $ou tai !2 /SA 0 .as mo) n& .hen 0 .o+e up# and 0 tr ed )ar ous pos t ons for FFD (forced fall n& asleep) and they d d not .or+ so f nally 0 lay out flat on my bac+ and be&an &o n& throu&h the rela1at on rout nes and then .hen t felt r &ht 0 started the bra n s8uee,e# phantom . &&le# l sten n& n# etc. @ th n three to f )e m nutes 0 found myself mmed ately n a phase. 0 .as at a mall. 0 dec ded to &et up from the bench 0 .as s tt n& on and &o to the menEs room ( %.&.? no deepening and no plan of action). Ds 0 .as .al+ n& 0 not ced as the t les on the .all started chan& n& from a d n&y .h te to a spar+l n&# br &ht .h te and blac+ chec+erboard. %y feet d ssol)ed and 0 floated up a fe. feet and be&an float4fly n&. 0 .ent past a rounded .all and thou&ht# Cthere should be a chocolate shop beh nd th s .allC. But as 0 started to &o

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throu&h t 0 stopped and thou&ht 0 .anted to &et out of there and do someth n& better. 0 .ent to the front entry.ay and t .as a f ne p ece of arch tecture . th sh ny marble reach n& to much h &her he &hts than .ould be e1pected for a mall. 0 .as float n& up to the top but &a)e up and 6ust .ent throu&h the .all to the outs de. 0 had tunnel ) s on so 0 started do n& my S Fon& and then CClar ty 7o.-C e1clamat ons and my ) s on mpro)ed. 0 then remembered my Eto doE l st and be&an fly n& off nto the clouds (th s t me .as a *uf le)el of Bea)en). 0 reached a place of oran&ey# creams cle l +e clouds and there .as a blac+ spec+ sort of shaped l +e the 'olo lo&o &uy n the m ddle of t and 0 thou&ht# CthatEs meC. 7oth n& else .as happen n&# so 0 came bac+ to my body (%.&.? wrong action) and started .r t n& t do.n. Rudol*& T&e Rock' $ou tai !2 /SA 0 th n+ 0 may ha)e had three )ery lon& OBEs last n &ht. 0 .o+e up around ::49am and be&an the bra n s8uee,e and then phantom . &&l n& and suddenly t .as as f 0 had pro6ected nto the phase. 0 spent a lon& t me . th my brothers en6oy n& a n ce ) s t. Then# 0 landed bac+ n my body. 0 .as th n+ n& about &ett n& up to .r te t do.n but 0 .anted to pro6ect a&a n and 0 d d. 0t only ta+es a fe. seconds once 0 ha)e mana&ed the f rst e1 t. 0 mmed ately landed bac+ n the e1act same place . th my brothers as thou&h noth n& had chan&ed (%.&.? no deepening). @e .ere do n& a pro6ect to&ether but 0 told them 0 had other th n&s to do and that 0 .as &o n& to ta+e off alone (%.&.? wrong action). They nodded to me and 0 turned to run and then be&an fly n&. 0 .ent to a lar&e bu ld n& and nteracted . th some attract )e .omen (%.&.? no plan of action) for a .h le but local secur ty came to stop me and 0 fle. up to an upsta rs room (%.&.? wrong action) and 0 .anted to fly throu&h a . ndo. but t felt )ery real 44 so real 0 .ondered f 0 .ould be able to &o throu&h t. 0 aff rmed to myself that 0 .as OBE but

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slo.ed do.n as 0 approached t and then fle. throu&h . th no trouble. Then 0 .ent to a room . th a lar&e table .here men .ere &athered and tal+ n&. 0t felt l +e an e1clus )e club of sorts. There .as a ban8uet la d out . th del c ous food prepared n .ays 0 had ne)er seen before and 0 do)e n and .as ha) n& a &reat t me. 0 .as con)ers n& . th a couple &uys and 0 ment oned that 0 .as OBE and that 0 had a body far a.ay n another state. They 6ust loo+ed at me . th blan+ stares and one 8u c+ly loo+ed do.n and .al+ed a.ay. Then 0 be&an spea+ n& . th the man across the table from me and he ment oned someth n& that rem nded me of one of my CDct on 'lanC tems. 0 told h m .hat 0 .anted to do and he mot oned to a .oman stand n& beh nd me and 0 could hear her tal+ n& to someone. Be sa d# C@ell then# she s the one you should tal+ toC. 0 turned around and tr ed to ntroduce myself but landed bac+ n my body ( %.&.? no aintaining). 0 made the dec s on to lea)e the 6ournal as de and pro6ect a&a n# hop n& that 0 .ould remember all th s n the morn n&. 0 pro6ected a&a n and arr )ed mmed ately at a busy street corner. 0 as+ed someone f he +ne. ho. 0 could f nd th s .oman 0 had been d rected to n the pr or OBE and he po nted her out n the cro.d. 0 .ent o)er to her and .e sat do.n on the curb and be&an spea+ n& and she &a)e me a n c+name that 0 could call her and t .asnEt unt l after 0 had &otten up and .as ha) n& coffee that 0 lau&hed and made the connect on to someth n& 0 had 6ournaled on a fe. days a&o. %y alarm .ent off and 0 &ot up... other. se 0 th n+ 0 could ha)e &one on for another hour or more. Aor1e A to io .ecerra Perea Hidal1o2 $G+ico Dfter .a+ n& up around >:"" D% (on a hol day# of course)# 0 had brea+fast and .ent bac+ to sleep. Then# after ha) n& an e1tremely .e rd dream# 0 mana&ed to a.a+en . thout mo)ement. 0 mmed ately tr ed to separate by roll n&# and fa led. Then 0 tr ed forced fall n& asleep (FFD) follo.ed by

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phantom . &&l n&# but th s t me 0 tr ed to mo)e my le&s and feel the mo)ement. *uddenly# 0 not ced that 0 .as already stand n& ne1t to my bed# but . th my blan+et st ll o)er my body. Dfter ta+ n& t off# 0 started to deepen n the phase# touch n& and peer n& at e)eryth n&# and mmed ately after feel n& myself n a hyper4real st c en) ronment# 0 started to e1plore my o.n house (%.&.? no plan of action). The t me .as chan& n& constantly bet.een day and n &ht# and n the ne1t room 0 found my uncle# .atch n& TV. 0 .as so e1c ted about the phase and so cur ous that 0 tr ed to e1pla n to h m that e)eryth n& .as non4phys cal# 6ust to .atch h s react ons. Be sa d 0 .as cra,y# &nored me and cont nued .atch n& the TV. Then 0 thre. the TV. throu&h the . ndo. and cont nued to the ne1t room. *uddenly# 0 came bac+ to my body ( %.&.? no aintaining) and started the separat on a&a n. 0 separated a&a n n my room. Th s t me# t .as n &ht. 0 started to call a .oman 0 .as loo+ n& for by name# but 0 started to ha)e problems . th my )o ce# so 0 dec ded to trans4locate to my school. 0 closed my eyes# and ma& ned the place. *uddenly 0 started to feel a sensat on of fl &ht# and after open n& my eyes 0 .as already there. The place .as pretty d fferent than n real ty# but 0 en6oyed t a lot more than f t .ere as usual. 0 spent a lot of n4phase t me loo+ n& for that .oman# as+ n& people# call n& her name# . th no results. 0n the end# 0 lost consc ousness and fell nto a normal dream. Dny.ays# t .as a .onderful e1per ence. Aor1e A to io .ecerra Perea Hidal1o2 $G+ico 0 &ot consc ous dur n& a dream .hen 0 .as about to &o upsta rs at home# 6ust after a false a.a+en n&. The sta rs .here so frea+ n& scrambled that 0 mmed ately &ot luc d. *uddenly# the phase faded out# and before 0 could real ,e .hat .as happen n&# 0 .ent bac+ to the dream. 0 appeared n the m ddle of a hu&e street (%.&.? no deepening). 0 d dnEt ha)e any plan# because 0 .as not e1pect n& th s e1per ence#

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and so nstead of th n+ n& about t 0 dec ded to e1plore runn n& and 6ump n& bet.een cars and bu ld n&s n a + nd of e1treme par+our style. 0t had been one of the most ) ) d and fun phase e1per ences 0 ha)e e)er had. 0 ha)e no .ords to descr be the feel n& of complete freedom 0 had at those moments. Dfter e1plor n& half of the ent re c ty (0 .as runn n& really fast) 0 started to ha)e some ser ous problems . th the phase stab l ty# and so 0 dec ded to a.a+en by myself before fall n& nto a normal dream and los n& the prec ous memor es of th s e1per ence (%.&.? wrong logic). Aor1e A to io .ecerra Perea Hidal1o2 $G+ico E)eryth n& started as a normal dream. 0n my dream# 0 .as try n& to fall sleep n my bed# . th no success. *uddenly# 0 started to hear stran&e and loud no ses outs de# so 0 turned my head to the . ndo. n order to see .hat the hec+ .as happen n&# and .hat 0 sa. really scared me. There .as a 2FO fly n& throu&h the c ty# as f t .ere loo+ n& for people to abduct. 0t stopped r &ht o)er my house. 0 closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. *uddenly# 0 a.a+ened# . th absolutely ,ero mo)ement# and 0 had the dea of try n& the abduct on method or the fear method. 0 started to recall the fear 0 .as ha) n& a fe. seconds earl er and also tr ed to ma& ne the abduct on. *ounds and ) brat ons started to ar se and 0 mmed ately tr ed to separate by 6ust stand n& up. 0t .or+ed. Dfter deepen n& by palpat on# 0 not ced that three of my best fr ends .ere . th me. They .ere .atch n& TV. 0tEs funny that althou&h my nat )e lan&ua&e s *pan sh# the TV pro&ram .as narrated n En&l sh# and 0 could understand e)eryth n&. Then 0 mo)ed nto the l ) n& room# and# follo. n& my act on plan# 0 tr ed to translocate to (ondon. 0 had a lot of problems . th translocat on th s t me. 0 started to ) sual ,e B & Ben n front of me# and .h le the ma&e .as form n&

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beh nd my eyel ds# t stopped and the morphed nto a .e rd Iapanese bu ld n&. D lot of samura sold ers started to 6ump out of the bu ld n& n order to attac+ me. 0 thou&ht that t .as because 0 .as los n& luc d ty# so 0 used peer n& to deepen the phase# closed my eyes# and suddenly the ma&e of a s. tch appeared before them. 0 focused my attent on on the l &ht s. tch# and .h le translocat n& 0 tr ed to ) sual ,e (ondon# but 0 ended up n a + nd of formal meet n& on the coast. 7o. 0 real ,e that 0 .as at The Ba&ue# Bolland. 0 tr ed to do an e1per ment. 0 too+ out my 'od Touch and suddenly t morphed nto my cellphone. 0 too+ a loo+ to the screen and the only th n& 0 .as able to see .ere stran&e symbols. Then# 0 .al+ed throu&h the cro.d of people. %y father came and as+ed me .hat 0 .as loo+ n& for. 0 told h m that 0 .as loo+ n& for a person )ery mportant to me. 0 +ept loo+ n& for V ctor a (thatEs her name) . th no luc+# and suddenly the phase )an shed. Once bac+ n my body# 0 separated a&a n. One of my fr ends .as st ll n my room. 0 translocated myself to my school# and 0 suffered such a loss of luc d ty that 0 entered my classroom# sat n my des+# and pa d attent on to the class lesson. *uddenly# 0 stood up and sa d to myself C@BDT TBE BE(( DRE AO2 GO07FL-C 0 left the classroom# d d some deepen n&# and thre. my bac+pac+ a.ay. D fr end came up to me and sa d# Chey# your bac+pac+-C 0 told h m# Cyou can ha)e tC. 0 canEt remember .hat happened ne1t. 0 probably fell asleep (%.&.? no aintaining). The ne1t th n& 0 remember s that 0 .as at a car4.ash stat on. 0 had a bottle n my hands and started to e1per ment . th t. 0 poured the bottle onto the floor .h le try n& to feel the bottle st ll f lled up . th .ater. Ds a result# 0 had a bottomless bottle n my hands... A*ril 4% Al!to Ralei1&2 /SA

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0 .as sleep n&# m nd n& my bus ness n a dream one day# .hen all of a sudden lots of n n6as started attac+ n& me thro. n& +n )es at me. 0 deflected one of the +n )es and then 0 real ,ed 0 .as dream n&. 7o. luc d# 0 be&an fly n& around and deflect n& +n )es# ha) n& fun ( %.&.? no deepening). 0 d dnEt ha)e t me to e1per ment n the astral plane because 0 .as busy deflect n& +n )es. %ore and more n n6as started attac+ n& me. @hen 0 ran a.ay and came to an open n& outs de (%.&.? no plan of action )# a lar&e army of n n6as stared me do.n# and 0 +ne. there .ere too many. 0 started shoot n& ce balls out of my hands n a flo. n& mot on as 0 be&an to free,e the ent re army of n n6as. Ds 0 .as free, n& them# 0 felt a sharp pa n p erce my bac+. 0 had been stabbed by a s.ord. The fun .as o)er. 0 forced myself to .a+e up (%.&.? wrong action). Dfter a.a+en n&# my boyfr end called me. Before say n& hello# he sa d# CDpr l# please &o bac+ to sleep so 0 can ta+e my s.ord out of your bac+.C 0 told h m about my dream# and he sa d that he sent the n n6as nto my dream to d stract me so that he could put a s.ord blade nto my bac+ to test my ntent ons re&ard n& h m. Th s pro)es to me that the mo) e# /nception# s VERA 'O**0B(ETat'a a 6i!ele#a Ba cou#er2 ,a ada Geferred method. Dbout = D%. Ears plu&&ed# .ear n& a mas+. Try n& to do the techn 8ues: phantom . &&l n&# obser) n& ma&es# l sten n& n. 7oth n& s .or+ n&. 0 feel too a.a+e but 0 am st ll try n& and alternat n& each techn 8ue . th forced fall n& asleep. Dt certa n po nt 0 real ,e that 0 am st ll n my bed .atch n& TV. 0 ha)e a TV set n my bedroom but not th s one and at a d fferent spot. The TV that 0 see s my old one and no. s at my momEs house. Ds soon as 0 see th s 0 real ,e that 0 am n the phase. 0 am loo+ n& at the screen and th n+ n& about my plan ( %.&.? no deepening). 7o.# one of the tems on my Ephase to4do l stE

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s to f nd out .hat happened to my dad .ho d sappeared a lon& t me a&o and 0 donEt e)en +no. f he s al )e or not. *o on TV 0 see a person .al+ n& a.ay. The person loo+s l +e one of the s n&ers my dad l +ed )ery much and also resembled a lot. *o 0 start call n& h m# dad# dad. The person on the screen turns h s head and start transform n& nto my father and 0 feel the sensat on of be n& pulled nto th s p cture. 0n a second he and 0 are stand n& n front of each other n the m ddle of my bedroom. Be s .ear n& a cap and a l &ht colored 6ac+et . th a yello. s.eater st c+ n& out of the 6ac+et. (ater 0 as+ed my mom f he e)er .ore anyth n& l +e that. *he sa d no# ho.e)er she ment oned that th s descr pt on matched more my dadJs brother# my uncle# .ho 0 ne)er met. *o 0 am hu&& n& my dad and tell n& h m that 0 am so happy to see h m and start n& to e1pla n that 0 learned to lea)e my body. 7o d alo&# ho.e)er# too+ place. Be .as there but that .as t# he .asnJt respond n&# .asnJt do n& anyth n& and f nally he d sappeared. Then 0 remember loo+ n& at myself n the m rror# there .as me e1actly as 0 .as at that t me n real ty# n a t4sh rt and pa6ama pants. 0 remembered that 0 need to do deepen n& techn 8ues# but f rst 0 dec ded to f nd a pen and notepad and .r te e)eryth n& do.n# r &ht there n the phase# so 0 .onJt for&et. 0 found a notepad (0 ha)e t n real ty) and a th c+ red pen (donJt ha)e t n real ty). 7o.# because 0 .as .ear n& a sleep4 mas+# n the phase 0 somet mes had normal ) s on# and somet mes my s &ht .as bloc+ed by the mas+. *o as soon as 0 .as all set to .r te e)eryth n& do.n# 0 real ,ed that my sleep4mas+ .as bloc+ n& my ) s on. 0 started to pull t off my face th n+ n& that 0 should not open my eyes because 0 m &ht .a+e upO and b n&o# 0 .o+e up (%.&.? no re-entering). Tat'a a 6i!ele#a Ba cou#er2 ,a ada 0 am n (D r &ht no.# part c pat n& n an e1per ment at the OBE Research Center that % +e s lead n&.

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TodayEs ass &nment .as: us n& the d ffered method and cycles of nd rect techn 8ues# roll (or le) tate# or cl mb) out of the body and meet the al ens that are .a t n& for us there (th s .as a &oal for th s e1per ment). D&a n# 0 .o+e up a b t d sappo nted because t .as t me to &et ready for our second sess on and none of the techn 8ues .or+ed. 0 .as n my (D hotel room. 0t loo+ed d fferent from ho. my room loo+s n real ty but 0 &uess n my m nd t .as 6ust a d fferent room (not my bedroom at home)# so 0 .as not really pay n& attent on to the fact that the ma n door and . ndo.s had s. tched places# t .as much l &hter n color and o)erall amount of l &ht n the room# there .ere some staff around# a camera that 0 donEt ha)e# and +n c++nac+s e)

*o 0 started becom n& a.are .hen 0 .as n the and not ced that the .ater drops on the .alls .ere dar+ n color. 0 dec ded to stop n& and then .hen 0 .as bac+ n the room# &ett n& ready# e)eryth n& felt so real that 0 donEt e)en +no. .hy 0 dec ded to chec+ f t .as the phase.

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0ma& ne t yourself: yesterday you .ent to bed# then you .o+e up th s morn n&# sho.ered# &ot ready# d d th s# d d that and then dec ded to chec+ f t .as the phase 4 and t turned out that 0T 0* (-) *o 0 dec ded 6ust for the hec+ of t to test f t m &ht be the phase by 3breath n& . th the nose p nched5 techn 8ue and of course t d d not .or+ at f rst# because 0 had been do n& t . th the 3ho. can t be the phase# e)eryth n& s so real5 thou&ht. But 0 +ept try n& and after a th rd attempt a r &ot out from beh nd my ears and 0 happ ly conf rmed for myself that 0 .as totally n the phase. 0 felt )ery happy. 0 started r s n& n the a r and fle. n a couple of c rcles under the ce l n&. Then# 0 felt the need to deepen and 0 really focused on that. 0 loo+ed a fe. t mes at my palms. 0 loo+ed at myself and not ced 0 .as .ear n& a to.el .rapped around me. Then 0 started touch n& e)eryth n& n the room. 0 too+ a camera and put t on the floor# th n+ n& that 0 . ll chec+ later t tEs &o n& to be on the floor n real ty. (donEt +no. .hat had &otten nto me# thatEs a po ntless test# 0 &uess 0 6ust remembered someone do n& th s once) Dt f rst t felt that my hands .ere numb# but as 0 .as touch n& e)eryth n& 0 &ot bac+ my sense of touch. * nce percept on .as bac+ to $"";# t .as t me to &o loo+ for al ens. They .ere not n the room. 0 loo+ed outs de of the hotel . ndo. and sa. some road . th hu&e fallen branches on t# a cha n4l n+ fence and some &reenery and trees beh nd t. Dl ens .ere not there e ther. *o 0 dec ded to &et nto the corr dor# 0 opened the door# t .as really dar+ ns de# e)en the l &ht from the room could not penetrate t. 0 thou&ht# al ens must be there# so 0 stepped nto the dar+ness... Dt least : t ny hands touched my shoulder... 0 totally frea+ed and .o+e up... (%.&.? no re-entering) ,rai1 P% 4o! A 1ele!2 /SA 0 too+ a nap from $":4" am to $$:!" am. 0 tr ed to fall asleep so 0 could pract ce upon a.a+en n&. 0 .as ha) n&

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d ff cult es n fall n& asleep so 0 thou&ht noth n& .as &o n& to happen. Dfter a.h le 0 must ha)e fallen asleep as 0 not ced a float n& type of sensat on. 0 then dec ded to separate ho.e)er 0 felt l +e noth n& .as happen n&. Then 0 not ced 0 .as loo+ n& do.n at some dr n+ n& &lasses that are on the top shelf. 0 real ,ed 0 .as out of the body. Th n&s .ere not )ery clear so 0 tr ed to start loo+ n& at ob6ects and feel n& them. 0 told myself to &o see al ens. The ne1t scene 0 .as near a mounta n n a clear n& . th trees around t. There .as a space sh p. There .ere t.o al ens . th helmets on. They also had a type of robot . th them. 0t .as about = ft tall and .as s l)er n color. The al ens d d not appear to be fr endly. @hen the alarm .ent off 0 felt l +e 0 .as $"" m les a.ay and t .as d ff cult to come bac+ to the phys cal body. .o A t(er*2 .el1iu) 0 entered the phase th s morn n&. %ore or less l +e the pre) ous t mes# only th s t me 0 rolled del berately o)er to the other s de of the bed. 0 came do.n on the floor# .h ch became ) s ble .hen 0 opened my eyes. 0 touched the sheets. E)eryth n& turned )ery real and 0 thou&ht to myself# am 05 because 0 .as so o)er.helmed by the ) ) dness. The l &ht .as d m and 0 as+ed for more l &ht but t d dnJt chan&e. The room .as a comb nat on of our room no. and my room .hen 0 .as a ch ld. 0 p nched my nose and bloc+ed my a r.ays but 0 could breathe normal. 0 stood up and .ent to the door ( %.&.? no plan of action). 0 opened t. 0t .as dar+ outs de. Then 0 sa. that there .as a dra. n& on the outs de of the door. 0t .as a l ttle f &ure and .hen 0 loo+ed more closely t be&an to mo)e h s head. 0 .anted to touch t# but 0 felt paraly,ed. %y arms felt )ery hea)y. Once 0 had almost touched t# 0 .o+e up ( %.&.? no re-entering).

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.o A t(er*2 .el1iu) Th s morn n& 0 had a d ff cult phase entrance. @ thout feel n& much 4nearly no ) brat ons4 0 tumbled out of bed. 0t .as )ery dar+ and my consc ousness .as unstable. 0 made se)eral .e rd mo)ements# st ll half unconsc ous. Dfter a fe. moments 0 ended up s tt n& a&a nst the bed ( %.&.? no deepening). 0t .as st ll dar+# but consc ousness .as better and 0 spo+e to myself# say n& someth n& about the envelope. 0 cra.led on my hands and +nees to the other s de of the bed .here my beds de table .as. E)eryth n& loo+ed real st c and the envelope .as n ts place. 0 p c+ed t up and felt that there .as someth n& small and th c+ n t. 0 r pped t open and n t .as a sh ny pac+a& n& of a coo+ e or someth n& l +e that. 0 opened t and found that t .as a chocolate. 0 b t nto t and t .as del c ous. 0t had coconut n t. Ds 0 .as che. n& on the chocolate# 0 closed my eyes for a moment to concentrate on ts taste. The taste rema ned the same and there .as of course my smac+ n&# but 0 felt pressure n my head# .h ch .as bu ld n& up. 0 opened my eyes a&a n and the pressure d sappeared. 0 no. came across a l ttle d lemma. *hould 0 eat the .hole chocolate# or should 0 start my m ss on of translocat onL 0 dec ded to do the latter and thre. the chocolate a.ay. 0 stood up and started runn n& . th eyes closed. The runn n& d dnJt feel natural but 0 .as mo) n& any.ay. 0 felt no .alls# no res stance of any + nd. Because of the closed eyes# 0 a&a n felt a foul com n& so 0 opened my eyes 4 but e)eryth n& rema ned )ery dar+ and 0 .as afra d of los n& t. 7ormally# my e1per ence .ould ha)e ended there. 0nstead of & ) n& up# 0 +ept runn n& and opened my eyes as . de as 0 could.

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Th s apparently helped# because suddenly a l &ht appeared at the end of some tunnel (no 7GE tunnel). @hen 0 came out of the tunnel 0 .as f lled . th 6oy0 sa. a blue ocean . th b & .a)es str + n& a&a nst the roc+s. 0 .as on a road hu&& n& a beaut ful roc+y coastl ne. The s &ht .as ma&n f cent. 0 .as on a bus or someth n& 4 0 sa. truc+s on the road that had problems because of the b & .a)es. *hortly after th s 0 .o+e up (%.&.? no aintaining). 7ote: @hen 0 .as runn n& n order to translocate# 0 d dnJt th n+ of a part cular locat on. D fe. days a&o 0 fantas ,ed about .here 0 .ould translocate. 0n my fantasy# 0 .ould end up n a $=th century sa l n& sh p on the blue ocean. Aa!o Ne( York2 /SA 0 .o+e up not try n& to mo)e but that .as unsuccessful. 0 dec ded to try some cycles any.ay and be&an . th phantom . &&l n&. To my surpr se 0 felt my body &o nto sleep paralys s and &et numb (%.&.? no separation). Then 0 s. tched to l sten n& n# but then 0 dec ded to try and separate by roll n& o)er. There .as res stance# but t ended up .or+ n& and 0 stood up. 0 .as s+ept cal as to .hether 0 .as really n the phase# e)en thou&h 0 ha)e had lots of e1per ences before. 0 &uess t .as because the trans t on bet.een .a+ n& and dream n& ne)er felt so consc ous and self4 nduced before. 7ot to ment on that t only too+ about one m nute. 0 hear my mother n the + tchen. 0 d d a real ty chec+ by try n& to put my r &ht nde1 f n&er throu&h my left palm. 0t .as a stru&&le# but t .or+ed 4 so 0 +no. 0 am n the phase. 0 .al+ out nto the + tchen and my mother says &ood morn n&# 0 & )e her a + ss on the chee+ and cont nue do.n the hall.ay (%.&.? no plan of action). 0 touch the .alls as 0 am .al+ n& to stab l ,e the e1per ence# e)en thou&h 0 donEt need to. 0tEs pretty dar+ ns de the house but 0 can see that t s sunny

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outs de. 0 am n my sh rt and bo1ers# althou&h normally 0 6ust &o outs de and clothes appear on me . thout me not c n&. 0 open the front door and see all of the upsta rs ne &hbors outs de on the porch. 0 close the door bac+ 6ust to double chec+ that 0 am phas n& before 0 &o outs de n my bo1ers# 0 do the real ty chec+ and t .or+s a&a n# so 0 &o outs de. By th s t me the ne &hbors .ere &o n& upsta rs. 0t s ndeed sunny outs de and there s a l ttle + d outs de sort of na&& n& me# but 0 &nore h m. 0 half4heartedly try to create a portal and teleport by &o n& throu&h the floor but ne ther of those .or+. 0 .al+ do.n the bloc+ and 0 try th s hopp n& th n& that 0 read about to &et around faster# but 0 donEt l +e t. 0 fly up.ards and donEt ha)e much control... 0 +eep &o n& h &her and h &her and ha)e to &rab on to these l nes to pre)ent me from lea) n& the atmosphere. 0t .as a lon& phase and for some reason 0 lost a chun+ of memory here (%.&.? no aintaining). 0 donEt remember .here 0 landed# 0 remember b ts and p eces but my memory + c+s n .hen 0 am n a department store and 0 see a &uy that loo+s fam l ar. 0 as+ h m# CdonEt 0 +no. youLC Be sha+es h s head 3no5 and +eeps .al+ n&. Be loo+s susp c ous so 0 +eep an eye on h m. Be meets . th another &uy and he po nts at me and they start runn n& after me. 0 duc+ beh nd some people as they run by and 0 &o the other .ay. 0 &o out of an emer&ency e1 t e1pect n& the alarm to sound# but t doesnEt. There are t.o loc+ed &ates lead n& to sta rs that &o to the roof. 0 melt throu&h both &ates and &o to the roof. 0 fly a.ay and they come out and start fly n& after me. 0 use mental ener&y to fly faster but t snEt enou&h. @e battle for a .h le# and then 0 end up n a portal ns de some sort of spacesh p. 0 am dr ) n& t throu&h these tunnels that rem nd me of the %atri4. 0 crash nto the .alls a l ttle but for the most part 0 am &ood. 0 pull up nto the place that these tunnels lead to. Th s part s bor n& so 0 . ll s+ p t. 0 .al+ out of th s bu ld n& and 0 am n a c tyscape full of people. 0 .al+ do.n th s bloc+ and my ) s on &ets sort of d fferent# almost mo) e l +e. 0 .al+ n th s hotel lobby and

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people are s tt n& around. 0 dec de to loo+ for someone to ha)e to se1 . th to end the e1per ence because 0 .ant to remember e)eryth n&. Dll of the females around are e ther not attract )e or too youn&. 0 loo+ bac+ at the hotel door and there s a lady loo+ n& at me but she turns a.ay 8u c+ly. 0 .as cur ous .hy she .as loo+ n& at me and .ho she .as so 0 &o outs de. *he s + nd of n a pan c runn n& to.ards a blac+ )an. 0 run after her and pull open the door before they pull off. There s a &uy n the dr )erJs seat and she s cry n& n the passen&erJs seat. *he sa d that .hen my fr end &ot h s promot on (from the bor n& part of the e1per ence 0 s+ pped earl er) she .as forced to set h m up and that th s s the &uy that made her do t. 0 started punch n& h m n the phase and th s caused me to lose my proper frame of m nd to ma nta n and 0 .o+e up (%.&.? no re-entering). Aa!o Ne( York2 /SA 0 .a+e up to sl &ht consc ousness and 0Em unsure f 0 ha)e mo)ed or not. %y f rst thou&ht s to &o bac+ to sleep# but then 0 dec de to try to enter the phase. 0 apply forced fall n& asleep and mmed ately start to feel ) brat ons. They fluctuate bet.een stron& and m ld and 0 start to feel them subs de. 0 then remember .hat 0 al.ays tell myself: f 0 &et ) brat ons# then 0Em already n the phase. *o 0 try to roll out of my body... There s res stance# but 0 am able to do t. 0 stand up n my current apartment and t s completely dar+. Ds 0 am .al+ n& to the front door# 0 try to put my r &ht nde1 f n&er throu&h my left palm to ma+e sure 0 am n the phase. 0t .or+s# and so 0 open the door to the hall.ay but t loo+s noth n& l +e my actual hall. 0t s st ll )ery d m and there s another &entleman there. 0 po nt to d fferent areas and say the .ord 3l &hts5# and sure enou&h# one4by4one they come on. 0 +eep touch n& th n&s to en&a&e the senses as 0 am .al+ n&. 0 .al+ nto a room . th a youn& boy n t and he s .atch n& TV. 0 th n+ about my plan of act on and remember that 0 .anted to try the teleportat on techn 8ue n *OBT. 0

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had pre) ously been teleport n& by melt n& throu&h the floor but t .as unrel able and 0 .ould end up n dar+ness somet mes. 0 had read n Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming that clos n& your eyes n a dream can cause you to .a+e up# but 0 f &ured that f % chael does t all the t me then th s snJt fact. 0 as+ the boy .here should 0 &o... to a football &ameL Be says yes# but then 0 f &ure that s nce 0 ha)e ne)er actually been to a football &ame# 0 should &o to a bas+etball &ame nstead. 0 close my eyes and concentrate on .here 0 .anted to &o. 0 start to feel mo)ement and e)en &et the feel n& you &et .hen &o n& do.n a hu&e drop on a rollercoaster. @hen the mo)ement stops# 0 open my eyes. 0t has .or+ed# and 0 am stand n& n the m ddle of an arena .h le a bas+etball &ame s &o n& on. 0 ta+e a step onto the court and mmed ately the referee blo.s the .h stle to stop the &ame and &et me off of the court. 0 &o s t n the stands and be&an tal+ n& to one of the prett er & rls. 0 donEt remember .hat .e .ere tal+ n& about# but after a short .h le she .ants to e1 t the ma n arena and &o to.ards the concess on stands and bathrooms. Aou can &uess .here the rest of the e1per ence .ent. $att&ia! Hol9er Bie a2 Au!tria 0 had a luc d dream. 0t .as a dream 0 ha)e 8u te often: &o n& home from .or+ and real , n& 0Em m ss n& my su tcase. Ds soon as 0 &ot home n my dream# sure enou&h my su tcase .as stand n& there. 0 then became a.are of a d scont nu ty: 0 remembered that 0 had punched the fle1t me cloc+ at .or+ .hen lea) n&# but the card for th s .as n my su tcase. Bo. could 0 ha)e done th s f my su tcase .as at homeL Th s must be a dream- 0 became luc d# and as usual at th s occas on 0 mmed ately .o+e up n my e1c tement. Bo.e)er# 0 nstantly entered the ) brat onal state# .h ch seemed )ery stron& and stable. 0 tr ed the roll n& out method and t .or+ed perfectly.

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Ds usual# 0 reached for the s l)er cord# but only felt someth n& l +e m ld electr cal ener&y n my nec+ .here the cord s usually located (%.&.? no deepening). F rst off# 0 dec ded to .al+ nto my motherEs room . th .hom 0 .as l ) n& at the t me (%.&.? no plan of action). 0 e1pected to see her n bed and for an nstant 0 thou&ht 0Ed see e1actly th s# her face on the p llo. (0 couldnEt see )ery .ell ho.e)er)# but then 0 real ,ed that she must ha)e been n the l ) n& room s nce she al.ays &ot up )ery early and must surely ha)e been a.a+e at th s t me 4 t must ha)e been a real ty fluctuat on. 7e1t# 0 loo+ed nto one of the m rrors n my motherEs room# .onder n& .hat 0 .ould see. @hat 0 sa. .ere se)eral d st nctly separated body parts of m ne float n& around 4 l +e a photo&raph of me had been cut nto a 6 &sa. pu,,leThen 0 loo+ed at my hands# they started to melt unt l the stumps loo+ed cut off# 6ust l +e the p cture n the m rror. 7e1t 0 cont nued nto the l ) n& room# loo+ n& for my mother# but 0 d dnEt see her. 7o. 0 dec ded that 0 f nally had to lea)e my apartment# someth n& 0 had ne)er accompl shed n all my years of OBEs. @ thout any d ff culty 0 .al+ed throu&h the closed ma n door and out nto the corr dor. The l &ht out there seemed to be on# but 0 real ,ed that 0 .as ha) n& some sort of tunnel ) s on# a )ery narro. f eld of ) e.. 0 demanded more ener&y and better s &ht# but th s d dnEt help much. Ds 0 .al+ed do.n the corr dor# phys cal real ty d sappeared more and more to.ards the end of the hall.ay (.here n real ty the door to my &randmotherEs apartment .as located# .here 0 .anted to &o)# there .as 6ust some + nd of rectan&ular portal. 7o. only half consc ous# 0 dec ded to return to my body and end the e1per ence because 0 d dnEt .ant to r s+ los n& my memory of t (%.&.? wrong logic). That )ery nstant# 0 a.o+e phys cally n my bed (%.&.? no re-entering). Ole1 Su!&c&e ko $o!co(2 Ru!!ia (ast n &ht 0 spent about an hour de)elop n& the nterplay of ma&es n my m nd after 0 no left felt any feel n& of

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+ nesthet c sense. 0 .as ly n& on my bac+ n an uncomfortable pos t on. Dfter sl d n& to.ards sleep for some t me# 0 felt sl &ht ) brat ons and echoes of sounds from the dream .orld# but the uncomfortable pos t on st ll h ndered me. 0n the end# 0 thou&ht the hec+ . th t# and dec ded to l e do.n ho.e)er .as comfortable# and turned o)er to l e on my stomach. Gesp te the fact that the mo)ement upset the process# after about f )e m nutes the state be&an to return and bu ld up. 0 .as able to &et a l ttle ) brat on th s t me# althou&h 0 .as unable to ampl fy t. 0 dre. a p cture of my + tchen n my m nd# and because the ma&es n that state .ere really ) ) d# stron&# and real st c# after some t me 0 understood that not only .ere my attent on and a.areness there# but so .ere my bod ly sensat ons. 0 .as 8u te surpr sed that the phase had been so easy to fall n to (there .as no doubt that th s .as the phase). 0 6umped out throu&h the . ndo. and be&an to fly around the courtyard. Dctually# t .as the f rst t me that 0 had flo.n only upon a s n&le mental command# . thout any phys cal effort (%.&.? no deepening and no plan of action ). The courtyard bore only $"; s m lar ty to ts real4l fe counterpart# but 0 .as not at all surpr sed by th s# and 0 s mply en6oyed t as much as 0 could# as 0 .as able see and .as not mmed ately thro.n out. But# after ha) n& loo+ed at and ta+en n the c ty# the thou&ht of .hether or not th s .as the phase and not 6ust a luc d dream occurred. 0 .as so consc ous n the dream that 0 .as able to +no. about and comprehend such terms# and d fferent ate bet.een them 4 can you ma& neL- 0 ha)e to add that 0 &a)e l ttle attent on to my memory# so 0 canJt say ho. much of my 3self4a.areness5 .as there# but 0 .as a.are enou&h to be able to d fferent ate bet.een the phase and a luc d dream (or at least th n+ about the d fference). 0 e)en .ent and as+ed people around f t .as the phase or a luc d dream. *ounds funny# doesnEt tL The funn est th n& .as that they ans.ered that t .as a d fferent .orld# and they refused to d scuss the top c any further . th me. Then# 0

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dec ded to not &et my m nd all m 1ed up and 6ust &o . th the plot# .h ch turned out to be 8u te lon& and un nterrupted- 0 recalled a moment from the day before ho. 0 had la n do.n and nduced the phase .h le ly n& on my bac+# and ho. 0 had turned o)er and flo.n a.ay. 0 recalled all th s per od cally dur n& the course of the phase# and real ,ed that 0 should try to as+ about .hat had been &o n& on . th me on the forum later. Then# later n the phase# 0 found myself n a basement. Ds there .as 6ust a really nasty smell there# 0 dec ded that 0 had already had enou&h and that t .as t me to &o bac+. That happened e)en more eas ly# as soon as 0 thou&ht about &o n& bac+ (%.&.? wrong action)# a ) brat on as l &ht as a bree,e .ent throu&h me and then 0 .as bac+ n my body . th full a.areness and a .ell4rested body and m nd. 0 .as completely refreshed- Dnd thatJs desp te the fact that 0 remember e)eryth n&# e)ery second of the dream# from the moment 0 started fly n&Aai)e $u o9 4u d0ui!t Ora 1e ,ou t'2 /SA% 0 &ot up at = am# made coffee then 0 .ent bac+ to bed around =::" am. 0 started rela1 n& and putt n& myself n a med tat )e state and do n& the breath n& techn 8ues (from % chael Radu&aJs boo+) to nduce myself nto fall n& asleep. *uddenly 0 felt a 6olt# r &ht there and then 0 +ne. that t .as the moment 0 ha)e been .a t n& for to be a.are of the phenomenon. 0 cont nue to rela1# nhal n& and e1hal n&. *uddenly# 0 &ot up from my bed# loo+ed around# and proceeded to scan my bedroom. 0 then started to do the deepen n& techn 8ue that 0 had learned and .as start n& to apply: touch n& the .alls# te1tures# rubb n& the palms of my hands# loo+ n& at my arms# and say n& to myself# 3 s th s a dream# or am 0 out of my bodyL5 (%.&.? wrong logic) The te1ture of the fabr c of the thermo 0 .as .ear n& .as real# 0 touched the .all and t .as sol d ( %.&.? no plan of action). 0 +ne. from hear n& t that you can &o throu&h .alls#

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but th s d dnJt happen. 0 loo+ed a&a n around my room and suddenly e)eryth n& turned &reen# l +e a forest4&reen color# e)en my thermo sh rt. 0t .as a )ery ntense emerald4&reen color. 'eaceful and yet so ntense# 0 .as fully a.are of .hat .as &o n& on# and at the same t me )ery e1c ted. 0 remembered that 0 needed to be )ery a&&ress )e n my deepen n& techn 8ue# and so 0 cont nued touch n& e)eryth n& n my surround n&s and cont nued to rub my hands# touch n& my arms and try n& to loo+ at myself. 0 +ne. t .as me. 0t .as so real# t .as a.esome- 0 donJt understand .hy# but 0 .as th n+ n& of my brother and out of he appeared n my room. 0 d dnJt pan c# 0 then proceeded to open the door n my bedroom and e)eryth n& .as so d fferent. 0 .as &o n& do.nsta rs and e)eryth n& .as st ll &reen around the house. 0t loo+ed l +e an old $?!"s house. 0 cont nued &o n& to the ne1t le)el and sa. : blac+ do&s and the r ha r .as lum nat n& l +e neon blue l &hts# t .as ncred ble. 0 .as th n+ n& to myself# 3o+ay# th s s enou&h (%.&.? wrong logic) of the e1per ence for r &ht no.#5 and .ent bac+ to my body. @hen 0 .o+e up# 0 started to .r te do.n e)eryth n& as 0 d dnJt .ant to for&et anyth n&# s nce 0 .as told to document my e1per ence and pro&ress. 6are Ne( York2 /SA =(((%kare 5:H%blo1!*ot%co)> %eet n& . th OBE fr ends n Cal forn a and shar n& the r e1c tement mot )ated me to .ant to try someth n& ne. and see f 0 could &et OOB .h le tra)el n& on the plane to home# s nce 0 +ne. t .ould be a lon& tr p and 0 could sleep. 0 .as concerned t m &ht not happen# as 0 ha)e ne)er attempted th s n a no sy# bumpy# mo) n& en) ronment# but st ll .anted to try. 0 used my usual aff rmat ons and ) sual ,at on before sleep# and remember be n& surpr sed to feel my left +nee float n& up as 0 sat n the plane seat. (0 .as n a . ndo. seat# ne1t to the . n& of the plane.) 0t d dnJt br n& me to

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a.areness of poss bly be n& OOB# as my m nd re& stered t as someth n& nterest n& but not that unusual. 0t .as at that po nt that .e had to ha)e h t some turbulence# or maybe my seatmate mo)ed sl &htly to bump me# but 0 felt my astral le& 8u c+ly and hea) ly s n+ bac+ nto my phys cal body# enou&h to startle me to more a.areness. 0 real ,ed# 3hey .o.- 0 @D* start n& to &et OOB-5 @ thout .a+ n& completely# 0 settled bac+ n and soon found both +nees no. float n& up# to the po nt .here 0 felt totally s8u shed n the seat- 0 .ondered ho. do 0 &et out fully .h le s tt n& n th s plane seatL-L 0 thou&ht a chan&e n pos t on m &ht help# so 0 leaned bac+# fall n& throu&h the bac+ of the seat# and then used a 3float n&5 ) sual ,at on to try to l ft. %y ne1t memory s of see n& the ce l n& of the plane only nches from my face0 no. real ,ed 0 .as out-- 0 .as so thr lled# yet 0 told myself not to &et too e1c ted. 0 remember th n+ n& 0 should )er fy t by mo) n& my hand throu&h the roof of the plane (%.&.? no deepening). Ds 0 placed my hand part ally throu&h the ce l n& successfully# 0 fearfully remembered 0 .as n a mo) n& a rplane and maybe shouldnJt d sturb some mportant 3. r n&5 or such and so pulled my hand bac+ n 8u c+ly- (Th s sho.s me ho. stron& my bel efs .ere that you 6ust donJt &o outs de or mess . th a mo) n& a rplane-) 7e1t# 0 .as do n& handstands on the bac+ of the seats# flopp n& myself nto unsuspect n& passen&ersJ laps# and then mo)ed to the front of the plane. 0 found t.o open seats ne1t to a youn& male and thou&ht 0Jd 6ust stop here to chec+ out f rst class. @h le there# the ste.ardess made some announcement# and 0 real ,ed that no one .as too happy about her d sturb n& the r 8u et. 0 could feel the passen&ersJ N rr tat onJ and e)en sensed some Nd scontentJ from the ste.ardess as she performed her 6ob. Dt that po nt .e d d h t turbulence# and 0 a.o+e fully from my e1per ence. 0 .as so happy to ha)e succeeded- 0 +ne. 0 had felt Nconf nedJ to the ns de of the plane by my fear of caus n& problems should 0 ha)e e1 ted t.

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6are Ne( York2 /SA =(((%kare 5:H%blo1!*ot%co)> 0 found myself 3a.a+e5 ly n& on the couch# and be n& a.are of a sense of FEDR- 7ot so much a sense of me be n& fearful# but fear that .as assoc ated . th someone 8u te close to my body as t lay on the couch (%.&.? no separation)0 d dnJt really see th s person at f rst# 0 6ust felt the fear ener& es emanat n& from h m or her# .h ch of course# to be honest# made me 6ust a l ttle b t concerned. %y fear d ss pated mmed ately .hen 0 real ,ed th s .as a )ery small ch ld stand n& ne1t to me- (Be couldnJt ha)e been more than ! years old# l +ely lessO) 0 .as at f rst cau&ht off4&uard# .onder n& 37o. .hat do 0 doL-5 (%.&.? no deepening and no plan of action ) Then 0 sensed an adult presence also nearby at the bottom of the couch area. Th s .as a female# clearly seen# short sandy4 colored ha r and small &lasses and a pet te frame. 0 someho. +ne. she .as .a t n& for th s ch ld to +no. she .as there. 0Jm not sure ho. 0 d d t# but turn n& to face the ch ld# 0 sent lo)e and e)en tr ed to hu& h m . th my ener& es. Be calmed mmed ately and 0 told h m# 3loo+ .hoJs here-5 as 0 p c+ed h m up and handed h m to th s .oman. 0 ha)e no dea ho. 0 +ne. .hat to do# or f 0 .as do n& the r &ht th n&# 0 6ust d d .hat felt to be r &ht. The .oman sm led# the ch ldJs ener& es calmed and chan&ed# and then they both d sappearedE#alda! 4it&ua ia 0 .as on my one4and4a4half .ee+ dry spell and 0 .as not try n& to &et nto the phase. But 0 bro+e my dry spell by becom n& consc ous . th n a dream. Once 0 understood that 0 .as n the phase# 0 mmed ately tr ed to do deepen n&# but 0 fa led and &ot thro.n bac+ nto my body. Refus n& to surrender# 0 someho. mana&ed to reenter my phase 4 ADA(Table

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*o# after successfully reenter n& my phase# 0 performed deepen n& and throu&hout all of the phase 0 d d ma nta n n&. %y plan .as to tal+ . th my subconsc ous and as+ for my talents and a 8u c+ .ay to earn money. Dfter summon n& my dream character to tal+ . th me# 0 started the con)ersat on. 0t .as a )ery stran&e con)ersat on# because she +ept as+ n& non4related th n&s .h ch 0 canEt remember. Dfter f nally as+ n& the 8uest on 0 had .anted to as+# she ans.ered# CEat n&C. *he sa d th s and noth n& more after that. ThatEs .hen my phase ended (%.&.? no aintaining and re-entering)# after about $" m nutes of be n& n t. E#alda! 4it&ua ia %y brea+ from the phase .as st ll on# so 0 dec ded not to try nd rect techn 8ues. 0 found myself a.a+e after about < hours of sleep but . thout us n& an alarm# althou&h 0 &nored th s and .ent to sleep a&a n. Then# 0 had a consc ous a.a+en n& and t already felt l +e 0 .as n the phase. 0ndeed# a )ery stran&e feel n&. 0 thou&ht# C@ell# 0 should try us n& a separat on techn 8ueC. Dnd 0 d d. 0t .or+ed and 0 separated. 0 .as stand n& n my room# but my body .as not n bed# so 0 started doubt n& f 0 .as really n the phase# e)en thou&h separat on had felt )ery real. 0 mmed ately p nched my nose and 0 could breathe n throu&h t. 0 rubbed my hands and touched e)eryth n& around me. Once 0 felt that my phase had &ood 8ual ty# 0 started act n& as planned. 0n the end# t .as )ery n ce phase e1per ence # but 0 had for&otten to do ma nta n n& and .o+e up after about $" m nutes. E#alda! 4it&ua ia The alarm cloc+ on my phone bro+e (donEt as+ ho. that happened)# so lately 0E)e been try n& to .a+e up after < hours of sleep . thout any + nd of de) ce to help me. Dnd 0 succeeded today. 0 .o+e up# .ent to the bathroom and .ent bac+ to sleep. The thou&ht of consc ous a.a+en n& .as &o n&

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throu&h my head as 0 dr fted nto a dream. 0 mana&ed to e1 t that dream# and so 0 .o+e up . thout mo) n& (%.&.? no separation). Dnd then 0 had to face my b &&est d ff culty 4 loud no ses (my fam ly .as up )ery early prepar n& to &o to .or+ and they .ere shout n& for no &ood reason). 0 dec ded not to let th s chance sl p a.ay and performed obser) n& ma&es. 0t .or+ed mmed ately and there .as no need to perform separat on techn 8ue. 0 ended up n the phase. Dfter successfully enter n& the phase# 0 mmed ately performed deepen n&. 0 also performed ma n ta n& throu&hout the phase. %y plan .as to try shapesh ft n& and turn nto a .olf. 0 tr ed ma& n n& myself becom n& one and started runn n& on my hands and le&s l +e a do&# but 0 fa led# and so 0 tr ed a&a n. Dfter a fe. unsuccessful tr es# 0 started hear n& loud no ses and thou&ht that t .as my parents# so 0 had to do someth n&. 0 performed deepen n&# but to no end... 0 lost control and .o+e up. 0 tr ed to re4enter# but fa led. S&au $i ea*oli!2 /SA Dfter a.a+en n& . thout mo) n&# 0 be& n nd rect techn 8ues. 0 am st ll )ery sleepy. 0n an C ma& ned mo)ementC cycle 0 be& n to feel )ery real sensat ons and lose all connect on . th my phys cal body. 0 am bl nd n the phase. 0 rub my hands# arms# le&s# and face unt l 0 &et s &ht. Oddly# at f rst t s only ma& ned s &ht l +e n a normal dream# but t 8u c+ly becomes complete s &ht l +e n real l fe. The phase s st ll )ery .ea+# but 0 be& n my plan of act on. 0 should ha)e deepened further throu&h peer n& or other opt ons# but d dnEt. 0 . ll pay for th s shortly. 0 am n my bedroom. %y . fe s there but# than+fully# no one else s. 7o stran&ers m ll n& about l +e usual. 7ormally she snEt there. 0Em st ll &ro&&y so 0 be& n to tal+ to her# but then remember my plan of act on and &o do.nsta rs. 0 .al+ throu&h my l ) n& room on my .ay to the + tchen and touch the .all to chan&e ts color. 0t turns yello.# e)en

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thou&h 0 had meant the .alls to turn blue. 0 should ha)e deepened s nce th s .as an nd cat on 0 d dnEt ha)e complete control. 0nstead# 0 cont nue nto the + tchen. There are t.o stran&ers n my + tchen at our brea+fast noo+. Th s snEt uncommon. They &nore me. 0 open the refr &erator . th the ntent on that a small ) le of a l 8u d . ll be n t. Th s l 8u d . ll help deepen and len&then the phase (0 tell myself th s to nduce a placebo type effect). The fr d&e s full of food# but the only dr n+s are =42p and m l+. @e ne)er ha)e = 2p. 0 close the refr &erator and open t a&a n . th the placebo ntent on. Once a&a n# t s full of food and the = 2p and m l+. 0 dr n+ the = 2p tell n& myself t s my Cphase pot on.C 0 should ha)e deepened further once a&a n s nce my lac+ of control o)er my refr &erator tems and &eneral &ro&&y state sho.ed a )ery .ea+ phase. 0 cont nue my plan of act on by &o n& outs de to our &arden. @hen 0 step outs de# my ) s on &oes a.ay. 0Ed ne)er lost ) s on before n the phase. 0 then be& n rubb n& my hands and try to deepen# but 0 am so &ro&&y and the phase s so .ea+ 0 am already close to e1 t n& nto sleep l +e 0 do all too often. 0n the end 0 do restore ) s on# but no. t snEt as real st c as t normally s. 0t s near real l fe. 0 .al+ to one of my &rape) nes and ma+e t &ro. out the full yearJs & and produce r pe fru t. The fru t s )ery s c+ly loo+ n& and tasteless. Th s lac+ of control should ha)e s &naled me to deepen# but 0 cont nue on. *uddenly# 0Em not n my yard. 0 am n a random place . th t.o people 0 +no. from my past. They are tal+ n& to me. 0 ha)e almost ent rely lost luc d ty and no lon&er ha)e control o)er my phase. @e are by a pool and one fr end thro.s the other n. Th s s )ery dream4l +e and not )ery luc d# but 0 do ha)e a l ttle luc d ty. 0 do f nd a tree that loo+s l +e my cho+echerry and t has mature fru t. 0 ta+e a berry and eat t. 2nl +e the &rapes# t tastes 6ust l +e a cho+echerry# .h ch s to say t tastes )ery

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b tter and a.ful. 0 start sp tt n& t out e) and th n+ n&# C.hy .ould 0 taste th s and not my &rapes# th s s a.ful# but my &rapes are a.esome-C Then 0 return to my body. 0t s no. > D% (%.&.? no reentering). %y memory of the ent re e1per ence s some.hat d m n shed. 0 am fa rly certa n 0 had sl pped nto a complete dream state n there because t d dnEt 8u te feel completely real l +e a normal phase e1per ence should. S&au $i ea*oli!2 /SA 0 had a re&ular separat on# but no ) s on. 0 felt around# but the furn ture 0 felt .asnEt my furn ture. 0 thou&ht t .ould be cool to be n a mounta n cab n# and .hen 0 &a ned ) s on 0 .as n an unfam l ar mounta n cab n. D&a n# 0 .as alone. 0t .as completely real a&a n# l +e my last e1per ence. 0 .as so e1c ted 0 started runn n& around (after do n& deepen n&). 0 ran around the house e1plor n& for a .h le unt l 0 .as out breath (%.&.? no plan of action). Then# 0 .as afra d that all the hea)y breath n& .ould .a+e me up. Th s t me# the thou&ht of ha) n& a real body nstantly made the phase e1per ence .ea+en# so much so that 0 .as afra d 0 .ould fall asleep. 0 be&an to deepen. Then 0 sa. a 6u& of a dr n+ n the + tchen and told myself t .ould help me deepen. 0t .as the most del c ous th n& 0E)e e)er tasted. 0E)e eaten and drun+ n the phase before# and t al.ays tasted l +e .hate)er 0 thou&ht t .ould. 0 d dnEt ha)e any e1pectat ons# only that of deepen n&. 0t .as l +e a s.eet carbonated dr n+# only . thout any b te. 0t .as truly ndescr bable. *tran&ely# the dr n+ d d deepen me bac+ to complete real sm# and 0 .as so e1c ted that 0 ran around e1plor n& a&a n. Then# once a&a n# 0 became afra d of .a+ n&. Th s t me# that thou&ht brou&ht me bac+ to bed. 0 attempted to separate# but then my . fe called for me and so 0 &ot r &ht up. Dfter a fe. moments 0 real ,ed that 0 .as st ll n the phase. 0 actually only &ot up n the phase# but

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t too+ me a fe. moments to real ,e th s. 0 .as bac+ n my house. Dfter some t me n my house# 0 a.o+e n my bed for real# but 8u c+ly re4entered the phase nto my house once more. 0 .as &o n& to do a fourth reentry# but my real . fe shoo+ my arm dur n& separat on to &et me up for the day# because t .as .ell past the t me 0 normally &et up. 0Em not sure ho. lon& 0 had slept for before 0 entered the phase the f rst t me. 0 do remember ha) n& a )ery ) ) d normal dream dur n& that t me. 0 may ha)e also fallen asleep bet.een phase e1per ences# but 0 st ll remember them be n& so real that 0 doubt t. 0 &ot up for the day $.9 hours after f rst .a+ n& up for the deferred method (the phase l +ely happened 6ust n the last fe. m nutes). Ale+a der 4eleko# Sai t Peter!bur12 Ru!!ia @hen 0Em dream n& 0 usually mo)e by ta+ n& &reat leaps# much further than a +an&aroo# about $""4:"" yards. Th s happens re&ularly n my dreams# and 0 usually mmed ately real ,e that 0Em n a dream. Gur n& one of the leaps# 0 real ,ed .h le a rborne that 0 .as dream n& and also real ,ed that 0 .as able to land n a small d rty pond. Ds e1pected# 0 landed r &ht n the pond and .ent deep under the .ater (%.&.? no deepening). Dnd at that )ery moment# 0 found myself n the stenc l# . th my hands and head half stuc+ n t. 0 &ot a l ttle ner)ous that th s attempt .ould also be unsuccessful# and so 0 mmed ately tr ed to separate from my body. 0 .as unable to &et my head or hands out# and for the f rst t me 0 tr ed to turn around round my a1 s and mana&ed to &et out. Then 0 e ther sl pped do.n or fell from the bed# but 0 d d not feel any pa n. 0 cra.led for $4! meters and then felt that 0 could &o bac+. 0 started to touch the ru& and some other th n&# thou&h 0 donJt +no. e1actly .hat t .as as t .as

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dar+# and# lo and behold: . th n !"4:" seconds 0 probably felt .hat small + ttens feel .hen the r eyes open for the f rst t me. E)eryth n& .as fo&&y and blurry at f rst# but then a p cture started to appear# the room f lled . th l &ht# and colors became br &ht and ) ) d. 0 tr ed )ery hard to restra n my e1c tement# and# to my surpr se# .as able to. 0 .al+ed around my apartment th n+ n& about .hat 0 should do (%.&.? no plan of action). Real , n& that 0 d d not ha)e that much t me# 0 dec ded to tal+ to an elderly man .ho .ould my 8uest ons. 0 dec ded that there .ould be an omn sc ent elderly man beh nd the apartmentEs front door# .h ch 0 .as about to open. Dnd there he .as# half4bald# about <" years old# n a &rey coat .a t n& for me. 0 as+ed h m the 8uest on# 3@hat should 0 do to &et nto the phase more oftenL5 But he started to tell me about ho. he .as raped as a ch ld. Dnd to be more prec se# th s .as already not an elderly man# but an elderly .oman. 0 .as not )ery nterested n hear n& her story# thus 0 tr ed to mo)e a.ay from her# su&&est n& that .e could tal+ later. But the elderly .oman .as pers stent# and 0 d d not .ant to offend her# because 0 thou&ht that th s .as an unusual phase . th ts o.n set of rules# and namely that once you ha)e as+ed an old .oman a 8uest on# you are supposed to be courteous and l sten to the ent re (%.&.? wrong logic). 0 .ent . th her to the + tchen of my apartment. The telephone suddenly ran&. 0 &ot scared that the telephone .as r n& n& n my apartment and .ould .a+e me up# .h ch s .hy 0 mmed ately started to loo+ at my hand n order to ma nta n. But the sensat ons .ere 8u te stable# and 0 stopped do n& that. Then# me and th s lady .anted to coo+ someth n& n my + tchen. *he sa d that 0 could heat a fry n& pan . thout &as. But 0 nstead dec ded to try the techn 8ue of putt n& the hands to&ether and blo. n& on them# and returned bac+ nto my body (%.&.? no re-entering). Da iel .i!trita2 Ro)a ia

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0 set my alarm for 9 D%# as 0 had &one to bed at m dn &ht- The alarm .ent off# 0 s lenced and &ot out of bed at 9:$" D%# .ent to the + tchen# ate someth n&# smo+ed a c &arette# and then &ot bac+ to bed . th intention. *o# 0 do not +no. ho. 0 &ot nto the phase a&a n# 0 th n+ 0 6ust .o+e up nto t. 0 remember )ery .ell be n& n a stran&e room a&a n# and my ) s on .as blurry. 0 remember the place as be n& )ery colorful. 0 had shouted aloud# 30 need clear ) s on5# and then repeated myself. Dnd as 0 had shouted# 0 found myself peer n& at the .alls of the room before me. Dfter fe. seconds# e)eryth n& .as a crystal4clear as the p cture from a Bluray d sc. 0 deepened by punch n& the .alls. Th s t me# l +e e)ery other t me 0 obser)ed the deta ls of my f st enter n& nto the .all# 0 felt t so real st cally. 0t .as as f the .all .as made from rubber. 0 sa. and felt ho. t moulded tor my f st. The .all e)en chan&ed color: t .ent from yello. to blu sh. Ds s typ cal of me# 0 had no plan of act on. E)en .hen 0 ha)e a plan of act on# 0 do not recall t )ery .ell .hen n the phase. *o 0 found a m rror. 0 loo+ed at my reflect on# e)eryth n& .as normal. Then 0 closed my eyes and ntended to see my muscles as be n& lar&er. @hen 0 opened my eyes# my chest seemed pretty b &# but t loo+ed l +e t .as the chest of a =" year old. 0 thou&ht# 3.hat the hec+L5 0 closed my eyes a&a n and created my ntent on# more ntensely th s t me. @hen 0 opened them a&a n# to my surpr se 0 .as l +e V n G esel: b & chest# .ell def ned# b & arms etc. 0 sa d# 3damn 0 loo+ a.esome-5 *o from there on 0 th n+ 0 pretty much lost t ( %.&.? no aintaining). But t .as &reat any.ay... Rob' Au!tralia 0 had an a.a+en n& and mmed ately attempted to roll out. That d dnJt .or+# so 0 tr ed bra n stra n# but st ll noth n&... *o 0 phantom . &&led# not sure .h ch part of my

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body# 6ust someth n& 4 anyth n&# as 0 .as determ ned to separate. 0t .or+ed# and 0 felt myself mo) n& up.ard and for.ard and then 0 seemed to &et a l ttle stuc+# and so 0 thou&ht# 3Oh# 0 am 6ust &o n& to stand up 4 they say that .or+s .hen you are stuc+.5 0 mmed ately stood up# my le&s from the +nees do.n .ent throu&h my bed. 0t .as )ery pleasant to be free of my body. The .hole mo)ement of separat on had a sl &ht# effer)escent t n&l n& sensat on (as you see on *tar Tre+ .hen they are translocat n&# .e. 3Beam me up *cotty.5) 0 mo)ed to the s de of my bed# but 0 hadnJt opened my eyes yet as 0 .as a teeny b t an1 ous (e1c ted) about .hat 0 .ould see .hen 0 d d. 0 naturally started touch n& e)eryth n& . th n reach: the .all# the bed# and the stool at the end of my bed. 0 then opened my eyes. 0 mmed ately felt and sa. a small dar+ shado. at my feet. 0 +ne. t .as Tsar# my %otherJs Blue Russ an cat. Dlthou&h he does not l )e . th me at the moment# 0 +ne. t .as h m. Ds 0 mo)ed a.ay from room# 0 cau&ht a &l mpse of my body ly n& n my bed: my mouth .as sl &htly open and 0 could hear myself softly snor n&. 0 had no des re to loo+ d rectly at my body. 0 .as thr lled to be out. 0 stepped nto my l ) n& room (%.&.? no plan of action). To my left .as a lamb and a sheep and se)eral bro.n sh4blac+ &eese. 0 .as del &hted to see them there n my l ) n& room. 0 felt Tsar at my feet a&a n. %y attent on .as dra.n to .hat .as outs de throu&h the . ndo.. There 0 sa. colorful# t. rl n& carn )al r des. The colors .ere not br ll ant as 0 had hoped they m &ht be# ho.e)er .hen 0 loo+ed d rectly at one t t. rled faster. There .ere a mult tude of b rds n the s+y# pass n& o)erhead. 0t .as 8u te surreal. 0 &ot the same feel n& as 0 &ot .hen .atch n& the scene .hen b rds fle. by n the mo) e *urassic =ark. Bac+ n my l ) n& room# the an mals had &one but 0 not ced .et# sloppy b rd dropp n&s on the carpet (nau&hty &eese-). 0 loo+ed at my hand t .as not normal. Balf .as natural flesh# and the other half .as l +e moulded# s+ n tone

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plast c# as n the mas+ the 'hantom of the Opera .ears. 0 .as not at all perturbed at ts appearance. 0 6ust thou&ht# 3oh# thatJs nterest n&.5 %y ne1t thou&ht .as# 30 am &o n& po+e my f n&er throu&h my hand.5 0 d d# and then 8u c+ly remo)ed t# th n+ n& to myself# 3ee...- 0t .or+s.5 D&a n# 0 .as not perturbed. 0 mo)ed nto the + tchen. 0t .as as f bur&lars had been there. There .as bro+en &lass.are and croc+ery all o)er the bench. 0 am presum n& t .as those nau&hty &eese a&a n. Dny.ay# 0 turned to the refr d&erator and sa. a bro+en m rror on the floor and .ondered .here t had come from. The refr d&erator door .as a6ar# 0 opened t further and d sco)ered that the )e&etable cr sper had a m rrored front and t had been smashed. 0 opened the free,er door to see about > cups of ce cream (the commerc al + nd# someth n& l +e Cornetto). The r l ds had been peeled off and st c+y ce cream had run and dr pped e) @as t those b rds a&a nL 0 turned bac+ nto the l ) n& room to see more runny b rd dropp n&s than there .ere before. 'u,,led# 0 .ondered ho. 0 .as &o n& to clean up th s mess. 0 then heard people outs de and loo+ed do.n throu&h the . ndo.. (0 l )e upsta rs.) There .ere half a do,en people dressed n dar+ blue .or+manJs clothes do.n there tal+ n&. One of them .as a .oman .ho shot me an unpleasant loo+ and sa d someth n& that 0 couldnJt hear. 0 felt threatened. D l ttle ner)ous# 0 .a ted for them to pass underneath my apartment# but they d dnJt appear on the other s de of the bu ld n&. 'he.- (0n real ty# my apartment s suspended bet.een t.o bu ld n&s# cars and pedestr ans pass under.) *tand n& on the threshold of the l ) n& room and + tchen# 0 dec ded to fly and see ho. that felt. 0 ,oomed around the ce l n& a couple of t mes. 7o. stand n& n the l ) n& room# contemplat n& .hat 0 should do ne1t# 0 felt a l ttle bored. 0 f &ured 0 m &ht as .ell &o bac+ to my body (%.&.? wrong logic). 0 mo)ed to my bed and cra.led nto my body. 0 felt a l ttle d she)eled and

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crumpled n there# but as soon as 0 felt smooth and comfortable 0 opened my eyes. Ni a .ri!ba e2 Au!tralia 0 .o+e up. 0 needed to &o to the bathroom# but dec ded to &nore the need. 0 felt l &ht ) brat ons and d d forced fall n& asleep. 0 +ne. 0 .as n the phase. 0 could feel myself mo) n&# but the ) brat ons .erenEt there anymore. 0 thou&ht to myself# CthatEs odd... oh .ell# 6ust roll out-C *o 0 d d0 .as on my husbandJs s de of the bed and 0 couldnEt see properly. %y eyes felt stuc+ to&ether. Dfter some stra n n&# 0 could see out of my left eye f ne and not ced a .hole lot of p llo.s and blan+ets p led on the floor. 0 thou&ht# Cho. d d all that &et thereLLC 0 tr ed to open my r &ht eye# but the eyel ds .ere stuc+ to&ether. 0 tr ed phys cally open n& t . th my f n&ers# but t .as stuc+ l +e &lue. 0 thou&ht# C.hat f 0 r p my eyel d#C but +no. n& full .ell 0 couldnEt. Then# 0 real ,ed that the reason my eye .as not open n& .as because 0 had to deepen- 0 closed my eyes and frant cally started touch n& e)eryth n& 0 could. 0 touched the .alls# my husbandJs beds de table# and +noc+ed o)er e)eryth n&. 0 could hear &lass h tt n& the table. 0Ed +noc+ed o)er a &lass of .ater. 0 st ll couldnEt see- 0 sort of stalled# and d dnEt +no. .hat to do. Then# 0 remembered that .h le n the phase# 0 had .anted to st c+ my head out of my closed bedroom . ndo.# loo+ out# and 6ump- (my bedroom s on the !nd floor) 0 ran e1c tedly to the . ndo. and stuc+ my head out- Argh## /t works# So cool# 0 6umped out# and before 0 h t the &round 0 sa d# C0 .ant to fly.C 0 too+ off and fle. around my house and the others around t. Ahhh so this is what it feels like. 0t .as ama, n&Then all of a sudden 4 *'(DT- 0 fell out of the s+y- Gow rude# 0 6umped up and tr ed a&a n. 0 d dnEt ta+e off# but sort of ho)ered and then fell a&a n. 0 d d th s t. ce# and on the th rd t me 0 too+ off. 0 fle. do.n the road. 0 st ll couldnEt see out of

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my r &ht eye# and thou&ht# 30 .onder f 0 can ma+e t ra nL5 0 sa d# C0 .ant t to ra n#C and t started ra n n&- Ds soon as t had started ra n n&# 0 could see out of both eyes. 0 . ped my face. There .ere beaut ful cool ra n drops as 0 .as fly n&- 0t .as so peaceful. 0 d dnEt .ant t to end. 0t d d ho.e)er end# and 0 found myself s tt n& on the s de of the road a bloc+ o)er from my house. 0 real ,ed 0 needed to &o to the bathroom- 5a n it# 0 .o+e up. Th s .as the coolest th n& 0 ha)e e)er e1per enced n my l fe 4 so much fun- 0 canEt .a t for more OBEEs 4 br n& t on.ori! .e der $o!co(2 Ru!!ia 0 became consc ous n my dream almost mmed ately after fall n& asleep. 0 .as n my apartment stand n& n the corr dor. Be n& surpr sed by ha) n& so suddenly found myself n the phase# 0 started to touch the .alls . th my hands to test the r f rmness or# Crealness#C as .ell as to ntens fy the phase by touch n&. 0 entered the room ( %.&.? no plan of action). There .as a bed stand n& ne1t to the .all# . th my mother sleep n& on t. 0 could not see her face# only her body under the blan+et. The room and corr dor .ere e1act repl cas of the r real4l fe counterparts. @h le th n+ n& about my sleep n& mother# 0 suddenly started to feel some.hat uneasy. @hen 0 approached the . ndo.# 0 sa. a &rotes8ue landscape beh nd t that .as s m lar to p ctures from mo) es about catastrophes: a .asteland# houses n ru ns# odd p leups of bu ld n& mater als# slabs of concrete# &arba&e# craters from e1plos ons here and there# and 0 not ced human f &ures n some places. Fear n& a foul caused by the fact that 0 .as ta+ n& n a panoram c ) e. (the ) e. from the . ndo. spanned $>" de&rees and cut off at the hor ,on# .h ch s n fact almost e1actly as the ) e. from my apartment s n real l fe)# 0 turned bac+ nto the room and started to touch the .ardrobe# and then +nelt do.n to touch the floor. Dll the .h le# my fear had been &ro. n& stron&er and stron&er: both out of th n+ n&

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about my sleep n& mother and due to the ) e. from the . ndo.. Dn1 ety turned nto real fear . th n a matter of se)eral seconds# and then &raduated nto terror and pan c. 0 lost the ab l ty to th n+ cr t cally. 0 had only one thou&ht: 0 had to &o bac+ to my body ( %.&.? wrong logic). 0 darted bac+ to my bed and suddenly found myself ly n& on t. 0 closed my eyes# but could not understand f 0 .ere n my real body or st ll n the phase. %y terror &re. e)en stron&er .hen 0 half4 opened my eyes and sa. that my mother .as &ett n& up from her bed. *he loo+ed l +e a character from a horror mo) e and apparently .as host le to me. 0 .anted to d sappear# d ssol)e# and .a+e up- 0 hect cally tr ed to recall the techn 8ues for an emer&ency e1 t from the phase# but . th poor results: 0 tr ed to free,e# rela1 and touch my f n&ers to my toes n order to feel a connect on . th my real body. Dt some moments 0 felt l +e 0 had t# th n+ n&# 3The connect on had been restored-5 0 opened my eyes# but real ,ed that 0 .as st ll n the phase .hen 0 sa. that the room had chan&ed# and .as no. a.ash . th &arba&e. The fact that the attempts +ept end n& . th false a.a+en n&s .as dr ) n& me cra,y. 0 .as espec ally shoc+ed .hen 0 &ot up after one of the false a.a+en n&s and sa. my mother stand n& at my bed# st ll loo+ n& threaten n&ly at me# l +e a )amp re or a ,omb e from a horror mo) e. 'lus# she started to reach out to.ard me . th her hands0 ne)ertheless +ept on and tr ed to free,e and . &&le my toes# th s t me . thout open n& my eyes# and not chec+ n& .here 0 .as. 0 started to calm do.n after some t me# but 0 .as unable to feel my real body# .h ch .as conf rmed by the fact that sounds .ere com n& n from the phase: 0 heard sparro.s ch rp n& outs de the . ndo.# thou&h t real ty t .as too late for sparro.s to be out. Bo.e)er# the ch rp n& and the assoc at ons that t brou&ht ( .e. day# .armth# sparro.s# and sun)# probably helped me a lot and calmed me do.n# as 0 f nally mana&ed to sense my real body and found myself n real ty. 7e)ertheless# after 0 &ot up# 0 mmed ately started to )er fy for about half a m nute that 0 .as no lon&er n the

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phase by touch n& ob6ects# ma+ n& sure that they .ere hard# and feel n& all of my bod ly sensat ons. Su)er !u)er%*&a!eF1)ail%co) Dll my entr es nto the phase .ere spontaneous ) a luc d dream n& or n a state of )ery d m consc ousness. Th s .as my f rst fully consc ous separat on. Because of th s# t felt l +e RED( F27. 0 returned from a bus ness tr p and .ent to bed . th an eye4mas+ on at : '%. 0 attempted to enter the phase by d rect methods# but fell asleep. 0 .o+e up n about : hours . thout mo)ement# but . th a feel n& that 0 had .o+en up completely (%.&.? no separation). 7e)ertheless# someth n& told me to try to mo)e my arm 4 n case t .as my phantom arm. The arm started to r se to&ether . th the du)et. 0 had a feel n& that the du)et .as co)er n& my head as .ell (.h ch .as not true)# and therefore dec ded to ra se the arm h &her to test .hether t .as my phantom arm or not# as at some po nt there .ould be l &ht from the . ndo. f t ndeed .as my real arm. 7o# there .as no l &ht and 0 real ,ed t .as my phantom arm. 0 tr ed to roll out . th the arm. Dt f rst# separat on .as part al. 0 tr ed a&a n and rolled out from the bed and ended up on all fours on the floor. V s on appeared almost mmed ately. 0 started palpat n& the floor# .alls# and . ndo. shades# feel n& the te1ture. Then 0 rose and started clapp n& my hands. There .as sound. Then 0 .ent to e1plore the rooms ( %.&.? no plan of action). 0 passed by a m rror. 0 loo+ed at myself and sa. myself there . th dar+ &lasses and a . de sm le# althou&h 0 .as not sm l n& at the t me. 0 .ent nto a room and sa. a beaut ful part t on .all made nto an a8uar um. 0 sa. people beh nd the part t on and .ent there K and then# a foul- (%.&.? no aintaining)Dn attempt to separate a&a n d d not .or+. %y ma n m sta+e n the phase .as n not ta+ n& the clues that the deepen n& .as not suff c ent. The clues .ere: no chan&e n percept on of real sm after appl cat on of

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deepen n& techn 8ues# the .ea+ sound of my hands clapp n&# and the stran&e reflect on of myself n the m rror. Ao& $erritt Hou!to 2 /SA 0 already had a fe. successes . th astral pro6ect on# but they hadnEt lasted lon&# and 0 had ne)er made t out of my house. 0 consulted . th a fr end and she told me there .as a sort of &ra) ty that tended to pull you bac+ nto your body f you stayed too close to t# and that .hat she d d .as try to mmed ately lea)e the locat on of the phys cal body so that the pull .ould be .ea+er. *o# 0 set my ntent ons on lea) n& my house as 8u c+ly as poss ble on my ne1t successful attempt. Dfter a fe. days 0 had a pro6ect on. Dnd 0 remembered that 0 had .anted to &et out of the house th s t me# and so as soon as 0 rose up off the bed 0 started runn n& do.n the hall# do.n the sta rs# and to the front door. 0 opened the door (or at least t felt l +e 0 opened the door) and ran outs de. 0 had done t. @ th n seconds of lea) n& my body# 0 made t outs de the house. 0 hadnEt really planned .hat 0 .ould do once outs de and 0 6ust started runn n& throu&h the yard and to.ards the street. 0 happened to loo+ bac+ to.ard the house# and 0 sa. a couple of l ttle red eyes n the dar+ness. Dnd those eyes .ere mo) n& too- 0 could see that t (.hate)er t .as) .as runn n& too# and 0 .as afra d that t .as runn n& after me- 0 &ot scared and mmed ately found myself bac+ n my body ( %.&.? no aintaining and no re-entering). Th s pro6ect on .as spec al because t .as the f rst t me 0 .as able to lea)e the house and the f rst t me 0 encountered another ent ty .h le outs de my body. Ale+ei Te!le ko $o!co(2 Ru!!ia Dctually# 0 .as not plann n& to tra)el that n &ht# but .hen 0 .o+e up around m dn &ht 0 dec ded to try to enter the phase ne)ertheless. 0 started to perform phantom mo)ements

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. th my arms# but then a stron& sleepy lethar&y o)ercame me and 0 suddenly .anted to & )e up my attempts to enter the phase and s mply fall asleep. Bo.e)er# 0 .as pers stent and cont nued to perform phantom mo)ements . th my arms. 0nstead of feel n& the usual ) brat ons that occur .hen th s techn 8ue s performed# 0 s mply fell asleep and cont nued the phantom mo)ements .h le dream n&. Because of that# my consc ousness apparently d d not fall asleep completely# and 0 became a.are that 0 .as dream n&. 0 mmed ately cl mbed out of my body. There .as no ) s on# consc ous a.areness .as no more than 9";# so the phase .as not that deep. 0n order to ma nta n the phase# 0 mmed ately started chaot cally touch n& e)eryth n& around me. 0t helped. V s on came# thou&h t .as mur+y. 0 then found myself n my apartment. 0 dec ded to str )e to deepen. Dfter 0 had ach e)ed a stable phase# 0 dec ded that t .ould be &ood to &rab a snac+ and headed for the fr d&e (%.&.? no plan of action).

0 should add that 0 .as on a str ct d et at the t me and .as cra) n& someth n& s.eet or fr ed. Bo.e)er# .hen 0 opened the fr d&e# 0 .as 8u te d sappo nted. There .as a lot

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of food n the fr d&e# but all of t re8u red preparat on (ra. meat# f sh# d ll# etc.). Bo.e)er# there .as a bottle of spar+l n& m neral .ater on a spec al shelf n the fr d&e. @ thout & ) n& t any thou&ht# 0 too+ the bottle and started to chu& t. Dll of the sensat ons .ere 6ust as n real l fe: 0 felt the bubbles from the carbonat on# that pecul ar taste that m neral .ater has# and also ho. the .ater .ent do.n my throat. 0n &eneral# e)eryth n& .as 8u te real st c# thou&h there .as no sensat on of my stomach f ll n& up . th .ater and# moreo)er# the .ater felt some.hat dry. 0t sounds funny# but that )ery feel n& of .aterJs dryness spo led my o)erall mpress on some.hat. Dfter a foul# 0 real ,ed that a poss ble reason for th s m &ht ha)e been dryness n the mouth of my real body. 2sually# f there are# for e1ample# cand es n the + tchen or n the fr d&e# 0 actually ta+e a handful of them and consume them .h le tra)el n& throu&h the phase. Dfter &o n& to the fr d&e# 0 .anted to see someth n& nterest n&. 0 dec ded to employ the techn 8ue for creat n& ob6ects and people# and so 0 closed my eyes and focused on the ma&e of a & rl .hom 0 .anted to see at that )ery moment. 0 aff rmed my des re# and 0 then opened my eyes# concentrat n& on the area to my s de. The a r &re. m sty at f rst# and then the person 0 .as e1pect n& mater al ,ed out of the a r# and came to l fe# seem n&ly fully autonomous and . th free . ll 4 she had the same manner of spea+ n& as n real l fe# and acted n the same .ayO Dodd Stol(ort&' Be tura2 /SA 0 set my alarm to &o off n < hours# but 0 .o+e up to ) brat ons after 9 hours of sleep ( %.&.? no separation). *tra n n& the bra n .or+ed really .ell and the ) bes &ot stron&er and stron&er (%.&.? no separation). @h le they .ere &ett n& stron&er# 0 told myself that f 0 heard any + ds com n& n the room or felt the bed sha+e# that t .as fa+e- Th s s because 0E)e been fooled too many t mes.

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%y body started &ett n& loose and floaty and before 0 +ne. t# 0 .as 6ust out- G dnEt ha)e to separate%y nec+ has been messed up s nce Dpr l and the last couple .ee+s 0E)e made t my &oal to do someth n& about t n the phase (0 &ot the dea from the thread CBeal n& n the phaseC by Ieff on the forum). 0 .anted to try some + nd of manual st mulat on# but 0 d d not see my body on the bed. 0nstead# 0 not ced my s ster4 n4la. .as sleep n& . th my . fe n my bed. 0 .anted to accompl sh my &oal before 0 fouled. * nce 0 d dnEt see my body# 0 recalled % chael tal+ n& about ta+ n& p lls. 0 .as a l ttle .orr ed about ta+ n& random p lls# so 0 d d a real ty chec+ f rst and then .ent for t. @hen 0 .o+e up 0 not ced .e rd t n&l n&# ) brat ons n my nec+ and 0 feel pretty &ood today-- 0Ed say a !"; mpro)ement- D@E*O%EDodd Stol(ort&' Be tura2 /SA 0 .as .a+ n& up and felt a stran&e feel n& n my hands and feet. 0 also not ced 0 .as sleep n& n the babyEs bed but# l +e most dreams# d d not th n+ anyth n& of t. %ean.h le# / felt the presence of so eone standing by y bed. 0t .as a stran&e feel n& and the presence that made me 8uest on luc d ty# so 0 stuc+ my hand throu&h the .all# and BD%- 0 .as no. luc d. *o 0 &rabbed my = year old son# put h m on my shoulders and told h m .e .ere &o n& fly n&. 0 6umped up but noth n&. *o 0 dec ded to .al+ throu&h the .all. Ds 0 d d so# e)eryth n& .ent blac+ and 0 +ne. 0 .as los n& the phase. 0 rubbed my hands to&ether and .a ted pat ently for the phase to return. To my surpr se# t d d- 0E)e been able to reco)er phases before# but none after los n& them as lon& as 0 had here. *o th s t me 0 dec ded to not do anyth n& unt l 0 .as able to ma+e the phase more stable. 0 rubbed my hands some more and e)eryth n& became so ) ) d- 0 st ll had my son on my shoulders# and dec ded to 6ust 6ump throu&h the .all and

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0 &ently floated do.n to the street 4 man# .hat a rush- 0 then too+ another hu&e leap and floated do.n a&a n ( %.&.? no plan of action). E)eryth n& faded and 0 d d not feel any hands that 0 could rub to&ether# and so t ended ( %.&.? no aintaining). 0E)e heard of people ly n& st ll after phases and be n& able to re4enter the phase# but 0 .as not able to do t. $att&e( S&ea ,a ada 0 .as ha) n& a dream# and at the end of the dream# 0 could feel the sh ft n consc ousness as 0 came bac+ to my bed (%.&.? no separation). 0 attempted rubb n& my hands to&ether# and 0 dec ded to ncorporate rubb n& my face as .ell. 0t be&an to start to feel real st c# so 0 start n& putt n& more .or+ nto t. Then# 0 tr ed to &et up. 0mmed ately after try n& to &et up# 0 8uest oned .hether th s .as the phys cal .orld or not. Re&ardless# 0 +ept on try n&. 0 had to put n a lar&e amount of effort nto t# but 0 e)entually mana&ed to &et myself out of bed. 0 couldnJt open my eyes. 0 tr ed to force them open . th my hands and &ot a l ttle b t of l &ht n. Then 0 remembered that somet mes you donJt ha)e ) s on# and that you need to do &round n& techn 8ues. 0 be&an feel n& the .alls and soon enou&h my ) s on be&an to come to me. 0n the process# 0 could hear a .oman 0 +no. & ) n& orders to someone. @hen my ) s on came# she .as &one. 0 pro6ected nto my brotherJs room nstead of my o.n# but no. the .hole house .as d fferent. There .ere people e) dressed n hunt n& un forms. 0 .al+ed nto one room and there .as a des+ . th a & rl 0 +no. beh nd t (%.&.? no plan of action). *he seemed to be n char&e of .hat .as &o n& on around there. @e tal+ed for a m nute and then someone came n . th a dead moose n a hu&e ba&. 0t .as 8u te stran&e. 0 proceeded to .al+ else# but 0 donJt +no. ho. 0 &ot there. 0t .as a hu&e room# . th shel)es full of VB* tapes on one s de and someone play n& the p ano. They .ere

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play n& Ie. sh mus c# 0 th n+# and people .ere all around# l sten n&. @e .al+ed nto another room and someone started danc n&. 0 be&an to dance . th them# 6ust fool n& around. E)erybody came nto the room and .atched us dance or 6o ned us. 0 started to lose the phase# and could part ally feel myself ly n& n my bed. 0 felt around try n& to &round myself a&a n but t .as too late. 0 could feel the s des of my bed. 0 tr ed to &et out of my body once a&a n but t ne)er .or+ed. $att&e( S&ea ,a ada 0 felt as f 0 .as ly n& n my bed at f rst# but at the same t me 0 felt l +e 0 .as n a dream. 0 could hear a &ame sho. or someth n& on a tele) s on# so t .as def n tely n my head. 0 rela1ed and +ne. 0 .as e ther n a dream# or about to be. Dll of a sudden# 0 .as thrust nto the phase. 0 landed n a &rassy f eld n a place l +e my to.n# but ha) n& a b t of a d fferent appearance. 0 .al+ed alon&# and felt the &rass and other th n&s as 0 d d. 0 crossed a road as a hu&e )eh cle came do.n the road. The )eh cle h t me and +noc+ed me do.n# but luc+ ly t d dnJt hurt. 0 felt as f 0 .as obser) n& a mo) e. 0t felt &reat. *uddenly# 0 real ,ed .hat my plan .as. 0 really .anted to try and fly and &o ) s t someone that 0 +no.. 0 6umped a couple t mes to no a)a l. Then# 0 6umped and be&an to fly a l ttle. Dll of a sudden# the pol ce came and pulled me out of the s+y (%.&.? wrong action) and accused me of terror sm- 0 ended up be n& let off because they really donJt +no. .hat the hec+ they .ere tal+ n& about. 0 .ent home after th s. 0 really .anted to try and ) s t my fr end a&a n# so 0 .ent and put my shoes on. Dt that po nt# 0 started th n+ n& about my phys cal body# and so 0 mmed ately stopped th n+ n& about t and cont nued . th the shoe th n&. 0 .al+ed outs de# and then 0 start th n+ n& about .hat the .orld around me loo+ed l +e. 0 &a,ed up beh nd my house# .here there are usually a fe. h lls. They .ere hu&e no. and )ery &rassy nstead of roc+y. Th s amused me and 0 loo+ed around some more. 7o. there .ere h lls n my front

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yard. Ds 0 &a,ed up at the s+y# 0 not ced someth n& ama, n&. There .ere moons of e)ery d fferent shape and s ,e# d ffer n& from the normal color. *ome .ere pale blue. *ome of them .ere o)al and some .ere round. 0t .as a really fantast c s &ht. Dfter th s# 0 cont nued on my .ay to ) s t my fr end. 0 started .al+ n& do.n the road# try n& to fly a&a n and a&a n. %y brother sho.ed up and 0 told h m .hat 0 .as do n&. Be su&&ested that he & )e me a boost. 0 told h m that 0 m &ht end up hurt n& myself l +e that# and so he doesnJt do t. 0 +ept try n&. 0 e)en 6umped off someoneJs head .hen 0 sa. them com n& up the road. 0 &uess 0 f nally &a)e up on t. There .as a small lapse bet.een then and .hen 0 ended up n my house (%.&.? no aintaining). Once 0 d d end up n my house# .e .ere ha) n& someth n& to eat. Ds 0 .as s tt n& at the + tchen table# 0 all of a sudden .o+e up (%.&.? no re-entering). 0t feels really nterest n& to 6ust .a+e up peacefully n your bed after an e1per ence l +e that. ,&ri! ,&rilleI*kF&ot)ail%co) 0 .o+e and started to apply the nd rect techn 8ues after an attempt to separate. 7oth n& happened... 0 remembered to +eep do n& cycles# and once 0 reached the fourth cycle and .as really stru&&l n& to not fall asleep# 0 not ced that 0 .as hear n& a beep n& no se# and so 0 started l sten n& n. 0 donEt really remember# but 0 th n+ 0 tr ed to separate n my bedroom at that po nt. 0 teleported and suddenly found myself stand n& n a shopp n& mall. 0 sort of +ne. t .as a dream# but my m nd couldnEt accept t# and so 0 .as both a.are and una.are at the same t me. But then my 3a.are half5 dec ded to touch the &round and e)eryth n& 0 sa. around. The dream .as no. perfectly clear. 0 tr ed to summon a person.0 thou&ht# Caround that corner 0 . ll meet my fr end Iohanna.C Once 0 .al+ed past t# 0 sa. her- *he had on d fferent clothes than usual# but her face loo+ed all the same. 0 tal+ed to her .h le s mply adm r n&

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the ) ) d .orld and pro6ect ons of people 0 +no.. *he then &a,ed at me for se)eral seconds and + ssed me- 0 .as shoc+ed# because 0 donEt ha)e feel n&s for her. Bo.e)er# here 0 lost luc d ty (%.&.? no aintaining)... D)itr' .olotko# $o!co(2 Ru!!ia The follo. n& all occurred after 0 .o+e up# and then be&an to do,e off a&a n. 0 lay on my s de and .as be& nn n& to fall asleep# .hen 0 sa. some fu,,y ma&es from a pre) ous dream. %y body be&an to f ll . th hea) ness# 0 pract cally stopped feel n& t. % ld ) brat ons arose. 0 mmed ately remembered about the phase# and 6ust rela1ed... 0ma& ne my surpr se .hen 0 felt that 0 .as separat n&. %y heartbeat abruptly ncreased dur n& the process. 0 separated# and found myself suspended n the a r (0 st ll couldnEt see yet). *o 0 started fla l n& my arms and le&s# sp nn n& n the dar+ness# try n& to fly as far a.ay as poss ble from my body. 0 came up a&a nst someth n& sol d (the ce l n&# 0 th n+). %y le&s then s.un& do.n to the left# and 0 assumed a )ert cal pos t on. 0 started rubb n& my hands# try n& to see them. %y ) s on &radually came to me. 0 f nally sa. my o.n hands. They .ere smaller than n real ty# and seemed to ha)e a &reen hue to them. Then 0 re) e.ed the s tuat on: 0 .as n my old apartment# but the furn ture .as chaot cally arran&ed. 0 be&an to palpate and scrut n ,e e)eryth n&. %y ) s on .as ncred bly sharp# much clearer than n real ty (0E)e become 8u te nears &hted o)er the last t.o years). *tran&ely enou&h# 0 felt as f my eyes .ere closed# but that 0 could ne)ertheless see. 0 then .as someho. able to turn off my ) s on. 0 do)e nto the floor (%.&.? no plan of action). 0 fle. do.n for some t me. Then# 0 stopped and turned my ) s on bac+ on. 0 .as n outer space# and sa. totally stran&e planets. Because 0Em afra d of he &hts# 0 turned off my ) s on a&a n and . shed to f nd myself n another place# one .here 0Ed ha)e someth n& sol d to stand on. Dfter a fe.

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moments# 0 felt 0 .as stand n& on someth n&. 0 turned my ) s on bac+ on. 0 .as n the desert. *tran&e an mals .ere &ra, n&# there .ere p &eons e) and po+er ch ps scattered all o)er the sand. For some reason# 0 f &ured 0 .as near (as Ve&as. 0 .al+ed around a b t. Once 0 started loo+ n& around# my f eld of ) s on be&an narro. n&. Ds soon as there .as noth n& but a small peep4hole of ) s on left# 0 be&an rubb n& my hands to&ether and loo+ n& at them. %y ) s on returned after se)eral seconds. Then# a p &eon ran up to me . th the clear ntent on of b t n& my le&. 0 be&an runn n& a.ay# + c+ n& up sand at the b rd (%.&.? wrong action). ThatEs .hen t all ended. 0 found myself bac+ n my body# and opened my eyes (%.&.? no re-entering). Ya G#o9de# $o!co(2 Ru!!ia @hen mplement n& the count n& techn 8ue# 0 thou&ht about par+s# and an ma&e of a photo&raph of an autumn par+ appeared before me. 0 tr ed to br n& the ma&e to l fe# as f 0 .ere mo) n& the deta ls of t. 0ns de# 0 felt that 0 .as n a state su table for try n& to enter the phase# and .as able to d )e nto the p cture upon my f rst attempt. 0 no. found myself n that autumn par+# t .as )ery beaut ful. 0n an effort to deepen# 0 started to palpate e)eryth n& around me: lea)es# the bar+ on the trees# and my o.n hands. The state stab l ,ed# and 0 .ent for a .al+ around the .onderful par+. 0t .as full of b rds s n& n& and cr sp lea)es. Ds pre) ously planned# 0 dec ded to play t by ear. The f rst th n& that came to m nd .as the 8uest on of ho. my future home .ould loo+# someth n& that 0 had been th n+ n& a lot about. 0 concentrated# and transported to that home us n& the method of closed eyes. 0 found myself near a )ery beaut ful house. 0 had ne)er e)en daydreamed about so beaut ful a house n real l fe. 0 .al+ed to.ards t# rubb n& my hands to&ether all the .ay n order to deepen the state. Once 0 &ot closer# the home be&an

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to chan&e and ta+e d fferent forms at a speed commensurate . th the thou&hts n my head. Then# .al+ n& around the house for some t me# peer n& at and touch n& the furn ture# 0 had the thou&ht that the house someho. rem nded me of a beaut ful hotel# and then the house turned nto a hotel. 0t stood before me l +e one of those hu&e beach4s de tour st resorts n E&ypt. 0 entered the enormous hotel. 0t .as full of &uests. 0 .al+ed amon& them# tal+ n& . th some# and touch n& at others out of cur os ty. Then 0 .ent nto the restaurant# and sa. there a )ar ety of d shes. 0 sampled some of them. Then# 0 .ent out for a .al+ ns de the hotel# cont nu n& to tal+ to people 0 encountered alon& the .ay. 0nternally# 0 had been as+ n& myself about the near future n real l fe# and try n& to f &ure out .ho or .hat could tell me about t. %y . fe Dle1andr a appeared# and .e started to .onder to&ether about our near future# as .e .ere 8u te nterested to +no. about t. %y . feEs double beha)ed e1actly l +e my spouse n real l fe# . th the same character tra ts. Dle1andr a proposed that .e try to en6oy oursel)es# and th n+ of someth n& to do by the sea. For e1ample# .e could &o do.n the &reat .ater4sl de at the hotelEs .ater par+. @e .ent up to the h &hest .ater sl de# .h ch .as so h &h up that 0 became short of breath. 0 real ,ed that &o n& do.n such an enormous .ater sl de .ould be &ood for ma nta n n& and stab l , n& the phase state. 0t absolutely .asnEt clear .hy there .asnEt a s. mm n& pool at the end to land n. 0 f &ured that t perhaps .asnEt such a &ood dea to sl de do.n# as .e .ere 8u te h &h up. But Dle1andr a .ent f rst# and 0# l +e a real &entleman# sl d do.n after her. But then# as 0 had &uessed# the sl de ended 9" yards from the &round. Dt the bottom .as asphalt. There .as no t me left to concentrate and ma& ne that there .ould be a s. mm n& pool at the end of the sl de. 0 fle. r &ht onto the asphalt. $$"; Real sm. @h le 0 .as st ll fly n&# 0 f &ured that the land n& .ould be 8u te pa nful. 0 landed . th a thud r &ht on my feet. The pa n ran up my ent re body# espec ally my sh ns

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and +nees. Once the real ,at on came that 0 had modeled that pa n before my descent merely by th n+ n& about t# the pa n mmed ately )an shed. Then Dle1andr a dec ded to ha)e more fun 4 she .as already n a pa nfully playful mood. *he found some + nd of amusement4cannon that .ould shoot us 8u te far nto the sea. *he a&a n dec ded to &o f rst# and 0 .ent r &ht after her. 0t shot us :""44"" yards out from the shore. @h le 0 .as fly n& beh nd Dle1andr a# 0 became 8u te afra d. @hy so far out nto the seaL @ould .e be able to s. m bac+ to shoreL 0 often mentally compare the phase space to the real .orld# and can state that they are often nd st n&u shable from each other. Th s s espec ally true of a )ery real st c phase .hen you as+ yourself the 8uest on# CDnd e1actly .here am 0 r &ht no.LC Dt such moments# the only th n& that helps s a deep analys s of the s tuat on and th n+ n& about the body# but do n& so r s+s fouls occurr n&. *he .ent f rst nto the .ater# and 0 after her. Gue to the he &ht and speed from .h ch 0 fell# 0 do)e 8u te deeply nto the .ater. 0 felt l +e 0 .as suffocat n&. 0 could not breathe under.ater# and started loo+ n& for Dle1andr a. 0 spotted her coura&eously s. mm n& do.n n the ocean depths. 0 came to my senses# and started concentrat n& on breath n& under.ater. 0 .as successful# but the .e &ht and depth of the .ater unner)ed me. 0 do.n to catch up . th Dle1andr a. @e deeper and deeper# o)ercom n& the .ater pressure . th d ff culty. @e .ent do.n to $9"" feet belo. sea4le)el. 0mpressed by .hat 0 sa.# 0 .as at loss for thou&hts# as the e)ents ta+ n& place .ere completely nd st n&u shable from real ty. @e e)en deeper# and someth n& cau&ht our eye. @e up closer# and sa. someth n& l +e a ca)e n the coral reef. @hen .e .ent do.n a l ttle deeper# the seabed .as clearly ) s ble. @e spotted a tunnel that led nto a ca)e# and to.ards t. Dle1andr a seemed to ha)e already +no.n the

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.ay. 0 follo.ed beh nd her# not 8u te understand n& .here .e .ere &o n&# but trust n& her completely. @e nto the ca)e# and surfaced ns de the pool of .ater ns de t nto an a r4f lled space. The chamber had . ndo.s l +e those of an a8uar um. One could .atch all + nds of beaut ful f sh s. mm n& r &ht past th s sea4ca)e. @e .ere &reeted by four .omen n the ca)e# .ho appeared to ha)e been .a t n& for us. They sat us do.n ne1t to each4other. They loo+ed l +e 6ournal sts and anchor.omen. 0 stopped mo) n& once 0 sat do.n# and started to fade out. 0 be&an to focus on ssues concern n& our future# for&ett n& to ma nta n the phase. 0 started as+ n& them my 8uest ons once the ne.scast started. Then# 0 acc dentally thou&ht about my body# and a foul occurred (%.&.? no re-entering). 0 ne)ertheless obta ned a lot of ) sual nformat on# .h ch 0 later d st lled nto e)ents and ma&es. T.o .ee+s later# 0 .ent on )acat on to a b & hotel n the real .orld# .here 0 sa. the same ma&es that .ere descr bed abo)e and occurred n th s phase. Of course# the correspondence .as not $"";# but the o)erall p cture of the s tuat on completely co nc ded n terms of mean n& and s &n f cance. breadba!!ed cabeludoF&ot)ail%co%uk *o last n &ht after about 4 hours of sleep# 0 .o+e up and d d a fe. l ttle th n&s# .ent to the bathroom# l t some ncense# and then .ent bac+ to bed. Ds 0 .as fall n& asleep# 0 started to obser)e dream ma&es com n& n and out of my a.areness. Once 0 felt that one .as stron& enou&h# 0 6ust &ot up and fell off the end of my bed. 0 .as no. n the phase. 0 .as n complete dar+ness# .h ch happens to me a lot .hen 0 e1 t my body# and so 0 started deepen n& techn 8ues unt ll 0 could see. BereEs the nterest n& part: 0E)e been .ant n& to do an OBE 3test5 for a .h le# and so before &o n& to bed that n &ht 0 had shuffled a dec+ of cards and put one

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h &h up n my room .here 0 couldnEt see t (0 hadnJt loo+ed at t). Ds soon as 0 could see after deepen n&# 0 cl mbed up and loo+ed at the card. @hat 0 sa. .as the > of d amonds. Dfter do n& th s 0 6umped out my . ndo. and e1plored a 3phase5 &arden. T.o al en4l +e creatures dro)e up and pulled out &uns on me# but 0 d sarmed them 8u c+ly. 0 stole the r car and dro)e around crash n& nto th n&s for fun. Then 0 had a false a.a+en n&. 0 .as bac+ n my room# but had .o+en up n a stand n& pos t on# and 0 so nstantly +ne. 0 .as st ll n the phase. Th s t me# 0 dec ded to try someth n& else 0 had .anted to try. 0t m &ht sound a b t cra,y# but 0 spo+e to the plants n my room# 0 made them &ro. hu&e and they f lled my room. 0t loo+ed spectacular. Then# the sp r t of the plants man fested as my ba&# .h ch .as stran&e# and he spo+e l +e an old En&l sh man. 0 donEt really remember .hat he sa d. *hortly thereafter 0 .o+e up for real# and t too+ me a l ttle .h le to remember .hat 0 had done n the phase# but once 0 d d 0 6umped up and chec+ed the card to see f 0 .as r &ht. 0t turned out to be the > of clubs# so 0 &ot the su t .ron& but the number r &ht- 0 .as st ll pretty happy 4 e)en thou&h 0 d dnEt &et t $""; correct# t .as close enou&h for mebreadba!!ed cabeludoF&ot)ail%co%uk *o 0 .o+e up at <::" th s morn n&# d d a fe. th n&s# and .ent bac+ to bed. 0 d dnEt do any techn 8ues as such# but t too+ me so lon& to &et bac+ to sleep that 0 felt myself enter sleep paralys s# and so as soon as 0 felt the moment .as r &ht 0 &ot up and fell off the end of my bed (seems to be becom n& my standard e1 t procedure these days). Dfter some deepen n& 0 .al+ed out my room and sa. my reflect on n a m rror: 0 .as .ear n& a hat# .h ch .as conf rmat on for me that 0 .as no. n the phase# as 0 ha)enEt .orn a hat n years. *o 0 .anted to repeat my pre) ous test n a sl &htly d fferent manner. 0 &ot my s ster to .r te do.n a : d & t

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number and put t n her room to see f 0 could read t n the OBE state. 0 .al+ed n her room and her boyfr end .as asleep# 0 called out h s name a fe. t mes and tr ed to con) nce h m t .as a phase but he seemed sleepy and d dnJt respond. The results from loo+ n& at the number .ere nconclus )e# as 0 perhaps hadnEt deepened enou&h and t .asnEt )ery stable. Dny.ay# after also tell n& my s ster that th s .as a phase and they could both do .hat they .anted# 0 d )ed throu&h the floor to relocate. 0 ended up n an old l brary and tr ed some deepen n&# and the normal method of touch n& e)eryth n& .or+ed. There .as also a CG on the floor# 0 .anted to use more senses than touch to deepen further# and so 0 l c+ed the CG. Dt f rst t d dnJt taste of anyth n&# but after a fe. l c+s t + nd of tasted ho. 0 suppose a CG .ould. Th s d d seem to ma+e my surround n&s more real st c. (ast n &ht before bed# 0 .as read n& a h &hly nterest n& .ebs te on the 0llum nat # actually made by some members. 0 f &ured 0 .ould try to f nd out more about them n the phase# and so 0 called out# 30llum nat 5. Before 0 f n shed the .ord# : cha rs mo)ed by themsel)es nto a small ro. and a )o ce sa d# 3ta+e a seat5# and so 0 d d. The .alls of the l brary opened up nto a sta&e and many robed f &ures be&an to put on a sho. and s n& (noth n& l +e 0 .as e1pect n&-). *hortly after t be&an# 0 thou&ht to myself# 3 f 0 6ust s t here and .atch 0 . ll probably .a+e up soon5# and lo and behold after th n+ n& that 0 pretty much .o+e up stra &ht a.ay ( %.&.? no re-entering). 'erhaps 6ust ha) n& the thou&ht of .a+ n& up made me lose the phase 8u c+erL Dlso# 0J)e not ced that f 0 ha)e an dea of .hat 0Jm &o n& to do n the phase# t &enerally comes . th some e1pectat ons of .hat . ll occur .hen 0 try t. 7ot on one occas on has try n& an dea out e)er met my e1pectat ons (0Jm not say n& t has been better or .orse# but 6ust completely d fferent to .hat .ould e1pect). 0n the phase 0 .ould e1pect happen n&s

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to occur based on e1pectat ons# but clearly th s snEt 8u te the case. breadba!!ed cabeludoF&ot)ail%co%uk (ast n &ht 0 had .hat seemed l +e a )ery lon& phase e1per ence. 0 .ent to bed at $:"" D% and as 0 .as fall n& asleep 0 started to not ce some ) suals# and e)entually found myself n a room that .as dar+ and dull. 0t seems my e1per ences from fall n& stra &ht asleep al.ays seem to be th s .ay. 0n add t on# t felt )ery unstable and 0 felt some n) s ble force pull n& me around l +e t .as try n& to &et hold of me. * nce 0 ha)enEt had luc+ us n& sensory ampl f cat on to enhance my ) suals n pre) ous d rect e1per ences# 0 dec ded to try someth n& sl &htly d fferent. 0 sat n my normal med tat on pos t on and too+ some deep breaths. Ds 0 f rst sat do.n# the 3force5 .as stron& and 0 +ept mo) n& around# l +e on a sh p n a storm# but after a fe. deep breaths the force .ea+ened and my ) suals enhanced. 0 fle. out the . ndo. and shortly thereafter a.o+e a&a n n dar+ness. 0 real ,ed t .as a false a.a+en n&# and remember feel n& uncomfortable a&a n and so 0 started to s n& my fa)or te Bob %arley son&. 0 remember a man n a su t .ho .as 3com n& after me5 as f 0 d dnEt belon& there and .as try n& to ta+e me a.ay. 0 tr ed to ma+e h m d sappear# but t d dnEt .or+# and so 0 .ent for h m. Be then deflated l +e a balloon and fell to the floor. 0 .as n .hat seemed l +e a club# and 0 as+ed one .oman 3.hat s the truth about th s real tyL5 *he repl ed# 30tEs all stat st cs.5 0 found th s confus n&# and so .al+ed around a l ttle try n& to dec de .hat to do (%.&.? no plan of action). 0 remembered a .ebs te someone posted on a .h le a&o . th some 3tests5# one of .h ch .as to dra. the nf n ty s &n on a door then .al+ throu&h t. 0 found a door and scratched the 3ome&a5 s &n on t and .al+ed throu&h. 0t .as 6ust another room n the club# . th a bar# and t.o men. One

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of them seemed )ery busy (0 assumed he .as the mana&er) and the other .as s tt n& and dr n+ n&. The mana&er .al+ed past me and 0 as+ed h m to tell me someth n& . se. Be sa d# 3bad soc+s50 spo+e to the other man br efly but canEt really remember the con)ersat on. 0 .ent out of the room and sat . th some people. 0 p c+ed up a t ssue and transformed t nto a cheeseca+e# t tasted so del c ous# so &ood n fact n made me .ant to ha)e se1# and so 6umped on a nearby lady# as .e be&an .e started to fly throu&h the a r# 0 remember fly n& throu&h trees and could feel the lea)es caress n& my s+ n as .e fle.. Dt the po nt of cl ma1 0 a.o+e a&a n# n dar+ness. 0 .as st ll n the phase# th s t me n some sort of factory# . th a hu&e &reen mach ne# 0Jm not sure .hat ts purpose .as. The phase characters told me that t re8u red a spec al co& to .or+H 0 th n+ they called t a trigadore (L)co&. Dfter th s# 0 remember a fr end of m ne com n& nto the room# upset# and 0 &a)e h m some ad) ce. 0 told h m that somet mes you ha)e to for& )e yourself and not be too hard on yourself. Th s seemed to cheer h m up. D&a n 0 .as sh fted nto dar+ness# almost hop n& 0 .as a.a+e th s t me 4 but no# 0 .as st ll n the phase. 0 dec ded to attempt to .a+e myself up (0 thou&ht t m &ht not .or+# but 0 tr ed any.ay)# and 6ust ended up feel n& a sensat on of mo)ement and re4appear n& n dar+ness. 0 found myself bac+ n the club .here 0 .as pre) ously# at th s po nt 0 .as start n& to &et concerned as t had felt l +e 0 had been n the phase for too lon&. 0 .al+ed around the bar and as+ed a .oman# 30f 0 .as luc d for the .hole n &ht# ho. lon& .ould t feel l +eL5 0 then real ,ed t .as a fool sh 8uest on# as t me n the phase cannot really be establ shed. 0 re4phrased the 8uest on# as+ n& .hen 0 m &ht .a+e up# and she sa d 3somet me today5. *hortly after th s# 0 a.o+e for real. Th s phase felt l +e t .ent on for a&es# and more happened that 0 ha)enEt .r tten here or ha)e for&otten. @hen 0 e)entually .o+e for real# 0 loo+ed at the t me: $:4: D%. 0 had only slept for about 4" m nutes but t felt l +e much

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lon&er. 0 tr ed my hardest to remember as much as 0 could# 0 .anted to .r te t do.n then# but 0 d dnEt .ant to .a+e my & rlfr end# and so 0 dec ded a&a nst t. Arli do .ati!ta 4o do 2 /6 Th s s my )ery f rst OOBE n .h ch 0 could seem n&ly see the phys cal .orld as t s. 0 sa. myself and my partner ly n& n bed and e)eryth n& .as crystal clear. 0 had the sensat on of be n& catapulted out of my body as 0 heard a no se l +e a stone +noc+ n& the ns de of a buc+et. 0 .atched my .h te ce l n& approach n& me )ery 8u c+ly# and 6ust as 0 thou&ht 0 .as &o n& to crash nto t# 0 slo.ed do.n r &ht up a&a nst t. 0 ne)er actually rema ned n one locat on. 0 mo)ed constantly. The mo)ement .as &radual# as thou&h 0 .ere mo) n& n frames of space 4 f th s ma+es any sense to the reader. Then 0 could see e)eryth n& n my bedroom. 0 .as near the ce l n&# and a feel n& of e1c tement caused me to bounce all o)er the place at ama, n& speed# . thout actually touch n& any ob6ects. 0 . shed to nspect my body closely# and nstantly 0 found myself ne1t to t as f by teleportat on ( %.&.? no plan of action). 0t .as )ery .e rd. 0n t ally 0 had felt l +e 0 .ere 6ust a 3float n& head5# but upon see n& my phys cal body# 0 started to loo+ around for my ne. body. *uddenly# a transparent )ers on of my hands and arms could be seen. 0ns de my ne. l mbs# 0 could see mo) n& patterns and could ma+e out someth n& l +e transparent )e ns and .hat loo+ed l +e a flu d runn n& throu&h them. Bo.e)er# th s .as unl +e .hat 0 ha)e seen thorou&hly llustrated n human anatomy boo+s. 0 then fle. out of my bedroom . ndo.# and sa. the landscape outs de n the early hours of the morn n&. 0 .as ho)er n& $9 feet abo)e the &round and as 0 mo)ed 0 sa. a l ttle & rl n my ne &hborJs . ndo. loo+ n& at me. 0 fle. to.ards her# a b t confused because she could see me# and 0 as+ed her# 3can you see meL5 0t seemed l +e 0 had pro6ected th s to her as a thou&ht form. *he shoo+ her head n den al#

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.h ch contrad cted the fact that she had responded. *he seemed terr f ed# so 0 ho)ered a.ay and bac+ to my room. @hen 0 .o+e up (%.&.? no re-entering)# 0 thou&ht to myself# C@as t an ntense luc d dreamL @as t )ery accurate about the real ty 0 +no.LC Dfter all# 0 +ne. my ne &hbors and had ne)er seen that l ttle & rl (she seemed to be about 9 years old) before. Then# n the follo. n& days# 0 not ced that my ne &hborJs dau&hters had fr ends around and they seemed to stay o)er. On one part cular day# my partner sent me to the f sh4and4ch p shop. On the .ay there 0 .ent past our local Bapt st church. 0 sa. my ne &hbor tal+ n& to some people outs de# and suddenly 0 sa. the l ttle & rl- *he .as real as she came runn n& out of the church . th other ch ldren. *he ne)er sa. me as she .as ha) n& fun runn n& around the adults . th her fr ends. Then 0 real ,ed that 0 .as probably see n& her for the f rst t me . th my phys cal eyes. But ho. could 0 ha)e a ) sual memory of herL Arli do .ati!ta 4o do 2 /6 Dfter an e)entful day at the par+ . th our ch ldren# *tacey and 0 .ent to bed around $!::" D%. 0Jd had a &lass of m l+ and a couple of chocolate d &est )e b scu ts before &o n& to bed. 0 .as so t red that t d dnJt ta+e me lon& to fall asleep. 0 .o+e up at :.9" D% to use the bathroom. %y sleep nert a symptoms .ere stron& and t felt l +e the perfect opportun ty for an out4of4body e1curs on. 0 lay do.n feel n& l +e a dead .e &ht and 6ust rela1ed. *oon 0 entered a fam l ar state of clar ty and the h ss n& pulsat on returned. 0 remember th n+ n& that perhaps the 3p neal en& ne5 had &n ted and .as re)) n& up to a rollercoaster of rush n& sounds. @hat follo.ed .as a sensat on of detachment from e)eryth n&# but 0 .as st ll consc ous of ly n& n bed . thout ) s b l ty. *uddenly# 0 could hear )o ces as thou&h a rad o had been s. tched on n my head. 0 couldnJt understand .hat they sa d# but someho. the aud o focused on a part cular

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female )o ce .h ch spo+e as thou&h t .ere del )er n& a lecture (%.&.? no separation). The sub6ect4matter appeared to be consc ousness tself# and a sentence stuc+ out to me: 3The N0J s the center of consc ousnessH therefore .e are all centers of consc ousness.5 The )o ce then proceeded to d )ul&e a deep secret about real ty that made me e1per ence an ep phany# and yet 0 donJt recall .hat .as sa d. The )o ce turned nto a .h sper and .as dro.ned out by orchestral mus c and clapp n&. Th s .as follo.ed by a ) brat onal sur&e# and subse8uently 0 appeared to ha)e separated from my body solely by . ll n& myself out. V s on .as ha,y# but 0 could d st n&u sh my bedroom en) ronment (%.&.? no deepening). 0 sh fted n m da r nto the hall.ay and to.ards the m rror on the .all# .h ch loo+ed &rey and absolutely non4reflect )e. 0 &l ded throu&h t as 0 . shed to see %ar&e# *taceyJs deceased &randmother. @hat s unusual about .hat follo.ed s that 0 .as not tra)el n& throu&h a dar+ )o d as s typ cal .hen 0 plun&e nto the hall.ay m rror. 0nstead# 0 .as ,oom n& past treetops# rooftops# roads and )eh cles. @hen 0 came to a halt# 0 sa. that 0 .as at &round le)el# s+ tter n& throu&h an alley l ttered . th rubb sh n broad dayl &ht. The colors of the en) ronment .ere dull and 0 tr ed to ma+e them br &hter . th my m nd# but to no a)a l. 0n)oluntar ly# 0 teleported to another sett n&. 0n t ally# t .as hard for me to see .here 0 .as because 0 +ept laterally ,app n& from surface to surface# unable to f 1ate on a part cular locat on. 0 mana&ed to slo. do.n my mo)ement near the ce l n& of .hat loo+ed l +e a lar&e bathroom. 0 sa. a l ttle & rl# .ho appeared to be e &ht or n ne years of a&e# n a tub full of d rty .ater# and her &ro&&y face .as barely st c+ n& out. 0 could see her s.allo. n& .ater and lots of ha rs unt l her head .as completely mmersed. D sco.l n& man entered the room. Be .as tall# stoc+y# and h s ha r .as short# dar+ and sp +y. @ de4eyed and n a fren,y# th s character dro.ned the ch ld by press n& her head further do.n us n& a plun&er. 7e ther characters too+ any not ce of my presence. The ntens ty of the e1per ence .as alarm n&

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and 0 .as l terally n f &ht4or4fl &ht mode as 0 . tnessed that cr me. %y perspect )e chan&ed &al)an cally and 0 appeared to be n the tub no.. The room .as the same but the l &ht n& .as d fferent. The same sco.l n& man came n and proceeded to.ards me. 0n a refle1 act on# 0 ascended to the ce l n& and# .hen 0 loo+ed do.n# 0 obser)ed a na+ed boy n the tub# scream n& n sheer horror. %erc lessly# the man dro.ned the boy# and# as he d d so# he blamed the ch ld for .hat .as happen n& to h m and accused h m of be n& the reason .hy he .as a monster. Be &ro.led and shoo+ the boy under.ater. The ch ldJs efforts to brea+ free .ere fut le. 0 mo)ed about the room uncontrollably as 0 attempted to see .hat else .as &o n& on. 0 re&a ned phys cal a.areness n sleep paralys s# hop n& that .hat 0 had e1per enced .as ma& ned. %y head h ssed a&a n. 0 heard more )o ces n my head as thou&h they .ere en&a&ed n d alo&ues . th class cal mus c nter)als. 0 separated a&a n# but th s t me# nto a dar+ )o d. 0 . shed to see %ar&e and felt hands &r pp n& me on e ther s de and lead n& me 0 sa. l &ht ahead and found myself n a cr sp en) ronment. *harp colors def ned a surreal scenery composed of .hat appeared to be Roman ru ns n a forest. 0 set out to loo+ for %ar&e there but encountered a bald blac+ man nstead. 0 as+ed h m .ho he .as and he told me h s name .as e ther * mTo or IoTo F &o. @e spo+e n 'ortu&uese. 0 as+ed h m .here .e .ere and he told me that .e .ere n the same place all the t me. The con)ersat on then became more )a&ue and dreaml +e. Dt t mes 0 had the mpress on that he could say .hat 0 .as th n+ n& and ) ce )ersa. 0t .as as f .e .ere someho. connected. 0 .as unsure .hether 0 could at t mes control h s speech# or f the fact that 0 .as th n+ n& .hat he sa d at t mes .as co nc dental. Ds 0 re&a ned phys cal a.areness# 0 heard m ld sho.ers n my head and my body felt cold. 0t .as =::" D%. D)itr' Plot ik

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$o!co(2 Ru!!ia Return n& from a n &ht out# .e .andered nto a shop called CThe %a& c *toneC. @e bou&ht a druse p ece (small crystals encrusted on the surface of a roc+ or m neral# n our case# amethysts). Dccord n& to my & rlfr end# the roc+ helps one to Ctune n to oneEs dreamsC. To that end# one s mply needed to put the p ece on the headstand of oneEs bed# and 6ust &o to sleep. ThatEs 6ust .hat .e d d. @e had to &et up really early the ne1t morn n& (at about 9 am) n order to ma+e t for an e1curs on. Ds t .ere# .e d dnEt ha)e t me to .aste# but 0 ne)ertheless made an attempt to Ctune nC to my dreams. 0 feel asleep at some po nt# but cont nued on to dream that 0 .as ly n& on the bed and try n& to tune4 n for an e1 t from the body. Dt that )ery moment# 0 felt a l &ht t n&l n& n my bac+# a + nd of l fe ener&y. 0 e)en tr ed to fac l tate the sensat on# th n+ n&# C&reat# tEs com n&# so act-C. 0t ntens f ed# and no. felt l +e .a)es &o n& up and do.n my sp ne (%.&.? no separation). D character st c sensat on# lon& for&otten# .ent throu&h my body. The sensat on could not be cons dered pleasurable n any .ay# and thatEs .hen 0 thou&ht to myself# Cno. 0 remember .hy 0 had stopped ntent onally try n& to enter the phase.C Bo.e)er# t .as already too late to turn bac+. Dt some moment 0 .as l fted up# barely ha) n& t me to loo+ bac+ at the couch. 0 soon found myself n a spac ous room (%.&.? no deepening). 0t .as so lar&e that the only th n& that 0 could see clearly .as the .all ne1t to me. There .ere also some people n the room. They all .anted someth n& from me and +ept com n& up to me . th stup d prete1ts. 0 +ept tell n& them to Cbu,, offC# and tr ed to dr )e them a.ay. 0 had only one thou&ht n my head: C0E)e &ot to f nd my & rlfr endC. 0 tr ed as hard as 0 could to remember .here .e had fallen asleep# but my memory +ept fa l n& me. G fferent characters constantly d stracted me the .hole t me# one of them .as espec ally pers stent. Dt one po nt# he e)en ns sted that 0 help h m to open h s bottle of . ne . th a cor+scre.. 0 dec ded to help h m# and once 0 had opened the bottle# 0 thou&ht: C@hy notL

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0E)e ne)er tr ed out . ne n phase#C and put the bottle r &ht to my l ps. The . ne tasted really funny# more l +e .atered4 do.n blac+berry 6am . th p eces of fru t float n& around. The unf n shed bottle someho. .as no lon&er n my hands# and 0 cont nued try n& to &et out of that room. The only th n& 0 could f nd to deepen . th .as the .all of a stran&e construct on made of .ooden plan+s. 0t .as .h te.ashed . th .hat seemed to be an o l4based pa nt (more than anyth n& else# t rem nded me of an outhouse). 0 .as about to po+e my head n .hen an assert )e type .arned that# C... tEs a portal from .h ch un n) ted &uests are able to crash n...C 7ot ea&er myself to cl mb n there# 0 contented myself . th ta+ n& off a small dar+ m rror from the outer .all. 0 played around a b t . th my reflect on (.h ch d d not al.ays .ant to follo. .hen 0 mo)ed my head)# but those characters m ll n& about stuc+ to me l +e &lue. 0 then dec ded to ha)e some fun# and be&an loo+ n& nto the m rror to&ether . th those compan ons# n pa r . th one at a t me. Bo.e)er# the r reflect on .as 8u te d fferent from the r out.ard appearance. 0 &ot 8u c+ly bored . th th s &ame# and told e)erybody to &o a.ay a&a n. 0 f nally dec ded to &et out of that bu ld n&# concentrat n& on .here the place at .h ch .e .ere sleep n& m &ht be. 0 abruptly opened a door# but .as d sappo nted. There .as an unfam l ar outdoor scene on the other s de. 0t seemed to be 6ust before da.n outs de# the dar+est hour. * n&le cars .ent do.n the street. 0 be&an to peer at the cars par+ed at the curb. They had 8u te a funny4loo+ n& appearance. *uddenly# a car off the street and to.ards me. 0t dro)e up to me# and 0 could see an nterest n&4loo+ n& .oman s tt n& beh nd the .heel. *he .as .ear n& mostly &reen. @e tal+ed# and 0 couldnEt &et past the dea that she .as spea+ n& Cboo+ shlyC# as f 8uot n& the l nes from a character n $?th century l terature. 0 told her# C7o. youEre say n& all that and so on...C *he loo+ed at me# and 0 not ced her stran&e eyes. *he had &reen ladybu&s nstead of ord nary pup ls. 0 real ,ed that 0 .as be& nn n& to return to real ty (%.&.? no aintaining).

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0 .o+e up (%.&.? no re-entering). 0 real ,ed that 0 .as ly n& on my bac+ . th my arms at my s des# and hold n& my & rlfr endEs hand n m ne. *he suddenly .o+e up too# and be&an to relate her e1per ence... Nade9&da $a!lo#a $o!co(2 Ru!!ia @e .ere already a b t stressed out on the n &ht that t happened# because .e had to .a+e up )ery early the ne1t day n order to &o on an e1curs on. @e .ere afra d that .eEd o)ersleep. 0 had .o+en up se)eral t mes o)er the course of the n &ht# and f nally dec ded to use the nocturnal a.a+en n&s to enter the phase. 0 successfully Ce1 ted the bodyC# and stood up on the pull4out bed (%.&.? no deepening). 0 .as n the same room that 0 had fallen asleep n# but d sco)ered that there .ere t.o m rrors on the .all that .erenEt there n real l fe. 'eer n& nto one of the m rrors# 0 not ced that 0 .asnEt .ear n& the same clothes that 0 had fallen asleep n. 0 then recalled my C dee f 1eC 4 to .h s+ my boyfr end nto my o.n phase e1per ence. 0 .ent o)er to the couch he .as sleep n& on# pulled h m up by the arm# and too+ h m up to the m rror. 0 .as then th n+ n&# C*o maybe heEll see h mself n the m rror and become consc ous .h le n my phaseLC @e stood n front of the m rror# and 0 sa. our reflect ons d ffus n&. 0 f &ured that 0 had been unsuccessful once a&a n# and so 0 let h m &o. But 0 resol)ed to cra.l nto the m rror myself n order to translocate. 0 &ot up onto the table# put my hand nto the m rror# and started mo) n& n head4f rst. 0 suddenly real ,ed that the m rror .as CclosedC 4 that there .as noth n& but dar+ness and a .all beh nd t# and thus 0 .ouldnEt be able to translocate 0 then opted to employ the techn 8ue of Crotat onC. 0 started turn n& and ma& n n& a fa)or te b rch4tree forest from one of my tra)els n the phase. 0 really .anted to &o there a&a n. 0 turned and turned# but could not enter nto the forest# e)en thou&ht t .as ) ) dly flash n& before my eyes. 0 .as

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unable to come to a halt n t me. 0n the end# 0 landed n my motherEs apartment. There .as a toy stuffed rabb t ly n& on the floor. 0 too+ t by the hand# f &ur n& that f 0 started to lose the phase# 0 .ould f ddle . th t n order to stay n. Then# 0 sa. another m rror on the .all# and dec ded to ha)e a loo+ at my reflect on. 0 loo+ed# but the reflect on .as not of me# but of some blurred creature# l +e a &host. 0 e)en became some.hat fr &htened. That fear returned me bac+ to the body (or so 0 thou&ht .h le st ll n the phase)# . th the stuffed an mal st ll n my hands. 0 found myself bac+ on my bed# but 0 d dnEt & )e up there. 0 dec ded to try another .ay to &et my boyfr end to 6o n me n the phase (after all# t &ets lonely .al+ n& around all alone there-). 0 &rabbed h s hands and started sl d n& out of bed. @e actually fell off the bed# but d d not land on the floor. 0t .as as f .e had fallen from a cl ff# and .ere suspended n a r. E)en thou&h t .as dar+ n the room that .e .ere sleep n& n# there .as dayl &ht all around us dur n& our fall. E)eryth n& .as really br &ht# much br &hter than n the e1per ence that 0 had 6ust had. 0 .as sure that 0 had been successful n pull n& h m nto the phase . th me- But then 0 sa. that the arms hold n& me .ere clearly not h s. 0 lo.ered my eyes# and sa. that 0 .as embrac n& another manBe loo+ed some.hat l +e my boyfr end# but h s face .as more a&ed and a b t d fferent# .h le h s ha r .as lon&er and &athered n a ponyta l. 0 push h m a.ay and as+ed# C@ho are youLC Dnd he responded# C@ell# 0E)e already told you my name. Or maybe youEre 6ust see n& the futureLC 0 calmed do.n a b t and told h m# C0 need a dress# 0 donEt .ant to run around half na+ed.C Be repl ed# C*o letEs &o buy oneC. 0 turned around# and sa. a shop. @e .ent n 4 actually# .e ho)ered n about a foot off the &round. @e .ere &reeted by a mulatto shop+eeper# he sho.ed me all the dresses han& n& on the rac+. 0 .as n ecstasy- 0 stepped to.ards the rac+... and nstantly found myself bac+ n my body (%.&.? no reentering)(Table

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@hat a shame# not to ha)e been able to .ear those cute dresses at least n the phase-


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REVOLUTION We believe that everybo y i! "oi#" to e$i!t i# t%o %orl ! !oo# Sponsors and investors are needed for translation into other languages this free ebook and other our books, videos, et ! "lso #e need finan ial support to pro$ote the phase #orld#ide! %et&s hange the #orld together' (ake a part in it'


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,&a*ter 3% Practitio er!

Aour e'!


Well-6 o(

'resented ne1t are out4of4body e1per ence accounts from the most famous authors and researchers n the f eld: %uldoon# (aBer&e# %onroe# Castaneda# and Bruce. Bo.e)er# f the r e1per ences are to be compared . th some of those from the pre) ous sect on# t .ould turn out that some humble freshman from the countrys de s able to e1ceed all of them n terms of understand n& ho. to use techn 8ues to control and apply the phenomenon 4 . th the poss ble e1cept on of *tephen (aBer&e. The e1planat on for th s s s mple: the +no.led&e .e ha)e no. could only ha)e ar sen than+s to the foundat on they la d# .hate)er ts 8ual ty. 0t s no e1a&&erat on to state that the r .or+ .as re)olut onary for ts t me. But no. .e l )e n a completely d fferent era# . th contemporary ad)ances n technolo&y and techn 8ue. D t me . ll come .hen our currently up4to4date +no.led&e becomes ant 8uated. 0n order to & )e the reader pract ce at ndependent analys s# these e1per ences are pro) ded . thout commentary re&ard n& m sta+es. Father your coura&e and# us n& the analyses n pre) ous sect ons of th s boo+ as a &u de# comb the e1per ences of the author tat )e f &ures for .hat modern +no.led&e no. reco&n ,es as the most typ cal and common m sta+es: - no separationH 4 no deepeningH 4 no plan of actionH 4 no aintainingH 4 no re-enteringH S'l#a A% $uldoo The projection of the Astral Body =3H7H>

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D fe. morn n&s a&o# 0 a.o+e at about s 1 oEcloc+ and lay a.a+e for about t.enty m nutes. Then 0 do,ed off to sleep a&a n# and dreamed that 0 .as stand n& on the same spot .h ch 0 occup ed n the metronome dreams4 n the nstances 0 told you about before. 0 dreamed that my mother .as s tt n& n a roc+ n& cha r# and she sa d to me: CGo you +no. youEre dream n&LC 0 repl ed: CBy &osh# 0 am# arenEt 0LC That ended the dream# and t seemed that 0 had no sooner sa dC By &osh# 0 amC than 0 a.o+e n the phys cal body# n bed. 0 .as consc ous# but unable to mo)eH 0 could not utter a sound# could not mo)e my eyel ds. Th s cond t on pre)a led for about three m nutes# and all the t me my ent re body +ept t. tch n&# espec ally the l mbs . Then 0 suddenly became normal. Dbout t.o seconds later a loud rap sounded4as f some one had struc+ the ron of the bed a blo. . th a hea)y mallet. The no se .as so loud that 0 Cduc+ed#C as t rather fr &htened meO Remember# 0 .as perfectly consc ous for about t.o seconds before th s rap sounded. 7o one .as near# and th s occurred n full l &ht. These phys cal man festat ons are certa nly nterest n& to me# at least4as 0 ne)er before ha)e e1per enced such th n&s. But then# ne ther ha)e 0 e)er tr edH these th n&s came about by themsel)esO Robert A% $o roe Journeys Out of the Body =3HJ3> O0 .o+e up early and .ent out to ha)e brea+fast at se)en4th rty# then returned to my room about e &ht4th rty and lay do.n. Ds 0 rela1ed# the ) brat ons came and then an mpress on of mo)ement. *hortly thereafter# 0 stopped# and the f rst th n& - sa. .as a boy .al+ n& alon& and toss n& a baseball n the a r and catch n& t. D 8u c+ sh ft# and 0 sa. a man try n& to put someth n& nto the bac+ seat of a car# a lar&e sedan. The th n& .as an a.+.ard4loo+ n& de) ce that 0 nterpreted to be a small car . th .heels and electr c motor. The man t. sted and turned the de) ce and f nally &ot t nto the bac+ seat of the car and slammed the door. Dnother 8u c+

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sh ft# and 0 .as stand n& bes de a table. There .ere people s tt n& around the table# and d shes co)ered t. One person .as deal n& .hat loo+ed l +e lar&e .h te play n& cards around to the others at the table. 0 thou&ht t stran&e to play cards at a table so co)ered . th d shes# and .ondered about the o)erlar&e s ,e and .h teness of the cards. Dnother 8u c+ sh ft# and 0 .as o)er c ty streets# about f )e hundred feet h &h# loo+ n& for ChomeC Then 0 spotted the rad o and remembered that the motel .as close to the and almost nstantly 0 .as bac+ n my body. 0 sat up and loo+ed around. E)eryth n& seemed normal. 0mportant aftermath: The same e)en n&# 0 ) s ted some fr ends# %r. and %rs. D&ne. Bahnson# at the r home. They .ere part ally a.are of my Cact ) t es#C and on a sudden hunchr 0 +ne. the morn n& e)ent had to do . th them. 0 as+ed about the r son# and they called h m nto the room and as+ed h m .hat he .as do n& bet.een e &ht4th rty and n ne that morn n&. Be sa d he .as &o n& to school. @hen as+ed more spec f cally .hat he .as do n& as he .ent# he sa d he .as toss n& h s baseball n the a r and catch n& t. (Dlthou&h 0 +ne. h m .ell# 0 had no +no.led&e that the boy .as nterested n baseball# althou&h th s could be assumed.) 7e1t# 0 dec ded to spea+ about the load n& of the car. %r. Bahnson .as astounded. E1actly at that t me# he told me# he .as load n& a Van GeFraff &enerator nto the bac+ seat of h s car. The &enerator .as a lar&e# a.+.ard de) ce . th .heels# an electr c motor# and a platform. Be sho.ed me the de) ce. (0t .as eer e to see phys cally someth n& you had obser)ed only from the *econd Body.) 7e1t# 0 told about the table and the lar&e .h te cards. B s . fe e1c ted at th s one. 0t seems that for the f rst t me n t.o years# because they had all ar sen late# she had brou&ht the morn n& ma l to the brea+fast table and had passed out the letters to them as she sorted the ma l. (ar&e .h te play n& cards- They .ere )ery e1c ted o)er the e)ent# and 0 am sure they .ere not humor n& me.

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0n th s morn n& ) s t to %r. Bahnson and h s fam ly# the t me of ) s t co nc des . th actual e)ents. Dutosu&&est on halluc nat on# ne&at )eH no consc ous ntent of ) s t# althou&h unconsc ous mot )at on poss ble. 0dent cal reports . th cond t ons of actualO Robert A% $o roe Journeys Out of the Body =3HJ3> OThe ) brat ons came 8u c+ly and eas ly# and .ere not at all uncomfortable. @hen they .ere stron&# 0 tr ed to l ft out of the phys cal . th no result. @hate)er thou&ht or comb nat on 0 tr ed# 0 rema ned conf ned r &ht .here 0 .as. 0 then remembered the rotat n& tr c+# .h ch operates 6ust as f you are turn n& o)er n bed. 0 started to turn# and reco&n ,ed that my phys cal .as not Cturn n&C . th me. 0 mo)ed and after a moment 0 .as Cface do.n#C or n d rect oppos t on to the placement of my phys cal body. The moment 0 reached th s $>"U pos t on (out of phase# oppos te polar tyL)# there .as a hole. ThatEs the only .ay to descr be t. To my senses# t seemed to be a hole n a .all .h ch .as about t.o feet th c+ and stretched endlessly n all d rect ons ( n the )ert cal plane). The per phery of the hole .as 6ust prec sely the shape of my phys cal body. 0 touched the .all# and t felt smooth and hard. The ed&es of the hole .ere relat )ely rou&h. (Dll th s touch n& done . th the non4phys cal hands.) Beyond4throu&h the noth n& but blac+ness. 0t .as not the blac+ness of a dar+ room# but a feel n& of nf n te d stance and space# as f 0 .ere loo+ n& throu&h a . ndo. nto d stant space. 0 felt that f my ) s on .ere &ood enou&h 0 could probably see nearby stars and planets. %y mpress on# therefore# .as of deep# outer space# beyond the solar system# far n an ncred ble d stance. 0 mo)ed caut ously throu&h the hole# hold n& onto ts s des# and po+ed my head throu&h carefully. 7oth n&. 7oth n& but blac+ness. 7o people# noth n& mater al. 0 duc+ed bac+ n hurr edly because of the utter stran&eness. 0 rotated bac+

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$>"U# felt myself mer&e . th the phys cal# and sat up. 0t .as broad dayl &ht# 6ust as .hen 0 had left .hat seemed a fe. m nutes before. (apsed t me: one hour# f )e m nutes-.. Robert A% $o roe Journeys Out of the Body =3HJ3> OTh s .as a most unusual and ) ) d e1per ence# and 0 donEt +no. f 0 .ant any more l +e t. 0 .ent to bed late# )ery t red# around t.o n the morn n&. The ) brat ons came n promptly . thout nduct on# and 0 dec ded to Cdo someth n&C n sp te of the need for rest. (%aybe th s s rest.) Dfter mo) n& out eas ly# and ) s t n& se)eral places n 8u c+ se8uence# and remember n& the rest need# 0 attempted to &et bac+ to the phys cal. 0 thou&ht of my body ly n& n bed# and almost mmed ately# 0 .as ly n& n bed. But 0 8u c+ly real ,ed someth n& .as .ron&. There .as a bo1l +e contrapt on o)er my feet# e) dently to hold the sheet off my le&s. There .ere t.o people n the room# a man and a .oman dressed n .h te .hom 0 reco&n ,ed as a nurse. They .ere tal+ n& softly a short d stance from the bed.


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Dfter a moment# the t.o stopped tal+ n& and the .oman (nurse) turned and .ent out of the room# and the man approached the bed. 0 &re. pan c+y because 0 d dnEt +no. .hat he .as &o n& to do. 0 became more so as he bent o)er the bed and held &ently but f rmly onto each of my arms at the b ceps# and loo+ed at me . th bul& n&# &l sten n& eyes. @orst of all# 0 desperately tr ed to mo)e# but could not. 0t .as as f e)ery muscle n my body .ere paraly,ed. 0n.ardly# 0 .r thed n pan c# try n& to &et a.ay as he brou&ht h s face do.n closer to me. Then to my utter aston shment# he bent o)er further and + ssed me on each chee+# and 0 actually felt h s .h s+ersH the &l sten n& n h s eyes .as tears. Be then stra &htened up# released my arms# and .al+ed out of the room. Throu&h my terror# 0 +ne. that my . fe had not ta+en me to the hosp tal# that th s man .as a stran&er# that 0 .as a&a n n )ery much the .ron& place. 0 had to do someth n&# but all the . ll 0 could muster d dnEt ha)e any effect. * 0 became a.are of a h ss n& n my head# much l +e a stron& steam or a r h ss. Throu&h some d m +no. n&# 0 concentrated on the h ss and be&an to pulsate t# .e.# modulate t soft and loud. 0 made the pulsat n& &o faster and faster n fre8uency# and n a fe. moments t had accelerated to a h &h4order ) brat on. 0 then tr ed to l ft out and succeeded smoothly. %oments later# 0 .as con)er& n& . th another phys cal body. Th s t me# 0 .as caut ous. 0 felt the bed. 0 heard fam l ar sounds outs de the room. The room .as dar+ .hen 0 opened my eyes. 0 reached for the place .here the l &ht s. tch should be# and t .as there. 0 turned on the l &ht and s &hed . th &reat# &reat rel ef# 0 .as bac+O Ste*&e 4a.er1e Lucid Dreaming =3HK:> ODs 0 .andered throu&h a h &h4)aulted corr dor deep . th n a m &hty c tadel# 0 paused to adm re the ma&n f cent arch tecture.

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*omeho. the contemplat on of these ma6est c surround n&s st mulated the real ,at on that 0 .as dream n&0n the l &ht of my luc d consc ousness# the already mpress )e splendor of the castle appeared e)en more of a mar)el# and . th &reat e1c tement 0 be&an to e1plore the ma& nary real ty of my Ccastle n the a r.C @al+ n& do.n the hall# 0 could feel the cold hardness of the stones beneath my feet and hear the echo of my steps. E)ery element of th s enchant n& spectacle seemed realV n sp te of the fact that 0 rema ned perfectly a.are t .as all a dreamFantast c as t may sound# 0 .as n full possess on of my .a+ n& facult es .h le dream n& and soundly asleep: 0 could th n+ as clearly as e)er# freely remember deta ls of my .a+ n& l fe# and act del berately upon consc ous reflect on. Aet none of th s d m n shed the ) ) dness of my dream. 'arado1 or no# 0 .as a.a+e n my dreamF nd n& myself before t.o d )er& n& passa&e.ays n the castle# 0 e1erc sed my free . ll# choos n& to ta+e the r &ht4 hand one# and shortly came upon a sta r.ay. Cur ous about .here t m &ht lead# 0 descended the fl &ht of steps and found myself near the top of an enormous subterranean )ault. From .here 0 stood at the foot of the sta rs# the floor of the ca)ern sloped steeply do.n# fad n& n the d stance nto dar+ness. *e)eral hundred yards belo. 0 could see .hat appeared to be a founta n surrounded by marble statuary. The dea of bath n& n these symbol cally rene. n& .aters captured my fancy# and 0 proceeded at once do.n the h lls de. 7ot on foot# ho.e)er# for .hene)er 0 .ant to &et n my dreams# 0 fly. Ds soon as 0 landed bes de the pool# 0 .as at once startled by the d sco)ery that .hat from abo)e had seemed merely an nan mate statue no. appeared unm sta+ably and om nously al )e. n& abo)e the founta n stood a hu&e and nt m dat n& &en e# the Fuard an of the *pr n&# as 0 someho. mmed ately +ne.. Dll my nst ncts cr ed out CFlee-C But 0 remembered that th s terr fy n& s &ht .as only a dream. Emboldened by the thou&ht# 0 cast as de fear and fle. not

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a.ay# but stra &ht up to the appar t on. Ds s the .ay of dreams# no sooner .as 0 . th n reach than .e had someho. become of e8ual s ,e and 0 .as able to loo+ h m n the eyes# face to face. Real , n& that my fear had created h s terr ble appearance# 0 resol)ed to embrace .hat 0 had been ea&er to re6ect# and . th open arms and heart 0 too+ both h s hands n m ne. Ds the dream faded# the &en eEs seemed to flo. nto me# and 0 a.o+e f lled . th ) brant ener&y. 0 felt l +e 0 .as ready for anyth n&... ,arlo! ,a!ta eda The Art of dreaming =3HH3> ODs 0 .as .atch n& a . ndo. n a dream# try n& to f nd out f 0 could catch a &l mpse of the scenery outs de the room# some . ndl +e force# .h ch 0 felt as a bu,, n& n my ears# pulled me throu&h the . ndo. to the outs de. Iust before that pull# my dream n& attent on had been cau&ht by a stran&e structure some d stance a.ay. 0t loo+ed l +e a tractor. The ne1t th n& 0 +ne.# 0 .as stand n& by t# e1am n n& t. 0 .as perfectly a.are that 0 .as dream n&. 0 loo+ed around to f nd out f 0 could tell from .hat . ndo. 0 had been loo+ n&. The scene .as that of a farm n the countrys de. 7o bu ld n&s .ere n s &ht. 0 .anted to ponder th s. Bo.e)er# the 8uant ty of farm mach nery ly n& around# as f abandoned# too+ all my attent on. 0 e1am ned mo. n& mach nes# tractors# &ra n har)esters# d s+ plo.s# thrashers. There .ere so many that 0 for&ot my or & nal dream. @hat 0 .anted then .as to or ent myself by .atch n& the mmed ate scenery. There .as someth n& n the d stance that loo+ed l +e a b llboard and some telephone poles around t. The nstant 0 focused my attent on on that b llboard# 0 .as ne1t to t. The steel structure of the b llboard &a)e me a fr &ht. 0t .as menac n&. On the b llboard tself .as a p cture of a bu ld n&. 0 read the te1tH t .as an ad)ert sement for a motel. 0 had a pecul ar certa nty that 0 .as n Ore&on or northern Cal forn a.

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0 loo+ed for other features n the en) ronment of my dream. 0 sa. mounta ns )ery far a.ay and some &reen# round h lls not too far. On those h lls .ere clumps of .hat 0 thou&ht .ere Cal forn a oa+ trees. 0 .anted to be pulled by the &reen h lls# but .hat pulled me .ere the d stant mounta ns. 0 .as con) nced that they .ere the * erras. Dll my dream n& ener&y left me on those mounta ns. But before t d d# 0 .as pulled by e)ery poss ble feature. %y dream ceased to be a dream. Ds far as my capac ty to perce )e .as concerned# 0 .as )er tably n the * erras# ,oom n& nto ra) nes# boulders# trees# ca)es. 0 .ent from scarp faces to mounta n pea+s unt l 0 had no more dr )e and could not focus my dream n& attent on on anyth n&. 0 felt myself los n& control. F nally# there .as no more scenery# 6ust dar+nessO ,arlo! ,a!ta eda The Art of Dreaming =3HH3> O0t seemed at that t me that e)ery brea+throu&h n dream n& happened to me suddenly# . thout .arn n&. The presence of nor&an c be n&s n my dreams .as no e1cept on. 0t happened .h le 0 .as dream n& about a c rcus 0 +ne. n my ch ldhood. The sett n& loo+ed l +e a to.n n the mounta ns n Dr ,ona. 0 be&an to .atch people . th the )a&ue hope 0 al.ays had that 0 .ould see a&a n the people 0 had seen the f rst t me don Iuan made me enter nto the second attent on. Ds 0 .atched them# 0 felt a s ,able 6olt of ner)ousness n the p t of my stomachH t .as l +e a punch. The 6olt d stracted me# and 0 lost s &ht of the people# the c rcus# and the mounta n to.n n Dr ,ona. 0n the r place stood t.o stran&e4loo+ n& f &ures. They .ere th n# less than a foot . de# but lon&# perhaps se)en feet. They .ere loom n& o)er me l +e t.o & &ant c earth.orms. 0 +ne. that t .as a dream# but 0 also +ne. that 0 .as see n&. Gon Iuan had d scussed see n& n my normal a.areness and n the second attent on as .ell. Dlthou&h 0 .as ncapable of e1per enc n& t myself# 0 thou&ht 0 had understood the dea of d rectly perce ) n&

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ener&y. 0n that dream# loo+ n& at those t.o stran&e appar t ons# 0 real ,ed that 0 .as see n& the ener&y essence of someth n& unbel e)able. 0 rema ned )ery calm. 0 d d not mo)e. The most remar+able th n& to me .as that they d dnEt d ssol)e or chan&e nto someth n& else. They .ere cohes )e be n&s that reta ned the r candlel +e shape. *ometh n& n them .as forc n& someth n& n me to hold the ) e. of the r shape. 0 +ne. t because someth n& .as tell n& me that f 0 d d not mo)e# they .ould not mo)e e ther.

0t all came to an end# at a & )en moment# .hen 0 .o+e up . th a fr &ht. 0 .as mmed ately bes e&ed by fears. D deep preoccupat on too+ hold of me. 0t .as not psycholo& cal .orry but rather a bod ly sense of an&u sh# sadness . th no apparent foundat on. The t.o stran&e shapes appeared to me from then on n e)ery one of my dream n& sess ons.

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E)entually# t .as as f 0 dreamt only to encounter them. They ne)er attempted to mo)e to.ard me or to nterfere . th me n any .ay. They 6ust stood there# mmob le# n front of me# for as lon& as my dream lastedO ,arlo! ,a!ta eda The Art of Dreaming =3HH3> O0 had a most unusual dream. 0t started . th the appearance of a scout from the nor&an c be n&sE .orld. The scouts as .ell as the dream n& em ssary had been stran&ely absent from my dreams. 0 had not m ssed them or pondered the r d sappearance. 0n fact# 0 .as so at ease . thout them 0 had e)en for&otten to as+ don Iuan about the r absence. 0n that dream# the scout had been# at f rst# a & &ant c yello. topa,# .h ch 0 had found stuc+ n the bac+ of a The moment 0 )o ced my ntent to see# the topa, turned nto a blob of s ,,l n& ener&y. 0 feared that 0 .ould be compelled to follo. t# so 0 mo)ed my &a,e a.ay from the scout and focused t on an a8uar um . th trop cal f sh. 0 )o ced my ntent to see and &ot a tremendous surpr se. The a8uar um em tted a lo.# &reen sh &lo. and chan&ed nto a lar&e surreal st portra t of a be6e.eled .oman. The portra t em tted the same &reen sh &lo. .hen 0 )o ced my ntent to see. Ds 0 &a,ed at that &lo.# the .hole dream chan&ed. 0 .as .al+ n& then on a street n a to.n that seemed fam l ar to meH t m &ht ha)e been Tucson. 0 &a,ed at a d splay of .omenEs clothes n a store . ndo. and spo+e out loud my ntent to see. 0nstantly# a blac+ manne8u n# prom nently d splayed# be&an to &lo.. 0 &a,ed ne1t at a saleslady .ho came at that moment to rearran&e the . ndo.. *he loo+ed at me. Dfter )o c n& my ntent# 0 sa. her &lo.. 0t .as so stupendous that 0 .as afra d some deta l n her splendorous &lo. .ould trap me# but the .oman mo)ed ns de the store before 0 had t me to focus my total attent on on her. 0 certa nly ntended to follo. her ns deH ho.e)er# my dream n& attent on .as cau&ht by a mo) n& &lo.. 0t came to me char& n&# f lled . th hatred. There .as loath n& n t and

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) c ousness. 0 6umped bac+.ard. The &lo. stopped ts char&eH a blac+ substance s.allo.ed me# and 0 .o+e up. These ma&es .ere so ) ) d that 0 f rmly bel e)ed 0 had seen ener&yO Robert .ruce Astral Dynamics =3HHH> O0 a.o+e at about t.o n the morn n&# ly n& on my bac+ . th my .hole body ) brat n&. 0 could feel myself about to spontaneously pro6ect. %y arms and le&s .ere already start n& to float out. Bo.e)er# 0 d d not .ant to pro6ect. 0 .as t red and had a busy day ahead of me# and 6ust .anted to &o bac+ to sleep. 0Ed been ha) n& a )ery nterest n& dream up unt l then and .anted to &o bac+ nto t f 0 could. 0 felt hea)y and slu&& sh but mana&ed to roll onto my left s de. The ) brat ons stopped mmed ately and the hea)y s n+ n& feel n& soon left me. Bappy no.# 0 snu&&led do.n and rela1ed bac+ nto myself# concentrat n& on the dreamscape 0 had 6ust left and the name 0 had & )en t: CDd)anta&eC. 0 hoped th s .ould ta+e me bac+ nto t# as th s tr c+ often seemed to .or+. Dfter only a fe. seconds# 0 popped d rectly nto the dream 0Ed left earl er. The trans t on .as breathta+ n&. There .as a full cont nuance of .a+ n& consc ousness. 0 d d not fall asleep and then .a+e up . th n the dream# but pro6ected d rectly nto t from the full .a+ n& state. 0 suddenly appeared n a busy# br &htly l t department store# 6ust l +e the one 0Ed been dream n& of earl er. 0n front of me# a dar+4ha red youn& .oman .as sett n& up a d n n& room d splay. 0 sa. people e) shopp n&# ser) n&# pac+ n& shel)es# etc. E)eryth n& loo+ed and felt real# stable# and sol d. 0t .as s mply m nd4blo. n&- 0 6umped up and do.n fe. t mes to feel the .e &ht of my body# then p nched myself# COuch-C Th s hurt 6ust as t .ould n real l fe# and my body .e &ht felt normal. 0 .as fully dressed and could e)en feel the te1ture of my soc+s .hen 0 . &&led my toes ns de my shoes.

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0 &lanced at my hands. They loo+ed normal and d d not melt. 0 tr ed creat n& an apple n my hand# but noth n& happened. The dreamscape 0 .as n d d not .a)er n the sl &htest. Cur ous# 0 thou&ht# n a normal luc d dream the en) ronment can be altered and anyth n& can be created by ma& n n& t. Re&ardless# 0 .as fully a.are that 0 .as dream n&. 0 .al+ed o)er to the youn& .oman and as+ed her .hat she .as do n&. *he told me they .ere &ett n& ready for the b & day# .hate)er that .as. 0 p c+ed up a lar&e )ase of flo.ers from the table n the m ddle of her furn ture sett n&. The ch na felt l +e real ch na and the flo.ers smelled l +e real flo.ers. 0 pulled a rose petal off and ate t. 0t tasted dry# scented# and fa ntly b tter# 6ust as a rose petal should taste# but the taste d d not l n&er n my mouth as t normally .ould# 0 t pped the )ase and splashed some of the .ater nto my hand. 0t felt cold and .et# 6ust l +e real .ater. 0 braced myself# hop n& that 0 .as truly ns de a luc d dream as 0 bel e)ed. 0 yan+ed the l nen tablecloth from under the ma n table sett n& n the d splay. 0t almost .or+ed# but the )ase and a couple of plates smashed no s ly on the floor. D fe. people loo+ed# but no one seemed to care about the brea+a&e# not e)en the shop ass stant .hose d splay 0 had 6ust ru ned. *he .ent on unpac+ n& and arran& n& th n&s as f noth n& had happened# sha+ n& out another l nen tablecloth as she bus ed herself resett n& the table. %ore conf dent no.# 0 .al+ed do.n an a sle and pushed o)er se)eral lar&e p eces of cheaploo+ n& pottery from the top shelf# one at a t me. 0 loo+ed around to see f anyone not ced. These made )ery loud smash n& sounds and bro+en p eces fle. n all d rect ons. D fe. people loo+ed o)er# but no one seemed to care. Reassured by th s# 0 .al+ed o)er to the chec+outs and 6umped up onto one of the benches. D fe. people loo+ed at me# but no one seemed to care and no one sa d anyth n&. 0 sl pped bac+ nto my body and rolled onto my bac+ th n+ n&# C@o.- That .as ncred ble ... so real-C 0 fou&ht to

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control my e1c tement and settled bac+ nto myself a&a n# try n& to &et bac+ nto the dream. Th s .as &ett n& really nterest n&. 0 held the store and ts name n m nd a&a n and tr ed to s n+ bac+ nto t# but to no a)a l. The ) brat ons started up a&a n and 0 felt myself start n& to pro6ect. Th s t me the pro6ect on refle1 cau&ht hold and bu,,ed me out of my body. 0 came to rest at the foot of my bed. The house .as d m and 8u et as 0 floated around my bedroom dec d n& .hat to do. 0 too+ a 8u c+ loo+ at my hands. They loo+ed stran&ely elon&ated and started melt n& a.ay. 7ot .ant n& to cont nue the OBE# 0 do)e bac+ nto my body and opened my eyes. 0 lay there for a moment# then closed my eyes and tr ed to &et bac+ nto the dream. The ) brat ons started up a&a n and another .a)e of fall n&# float n& hea) ness came o)er me as 0 started pro6ect n& a&a n. 0 fou&ht t off and rolled o)er onto my r &ht s de. The pro6ect on symptoms stopped# but 0 couldnEt &et bac+ nto my dream. 0 rolled o)er onto my left s de and settled bac+ nto myself a&a n. Th s pos t on felt much better. Bold n& the ma&e and name of the dreamscape n m nd a&a n# 0 soon found myself bac+ there. 0 reappeared n the store .here 0 had started dur n& my last ) s t# se)eral m nutes a&o. The same shop ass stant .as bus ly sett n& up the same d n n& d splay. The )ase 0Ed bro+en earl er .as .hole a&a n and bac+ on the table .here t had been earl er. 0 .al+ed throu&h the store# loo+ n& for s &ns of dama&e from my earl er ) s t. E)eryth n& 0 had bro+en earl er .as .hole and bac+ on the shel)es a&a n. 0t .as l +e noth n& had e)er happened. Th s .as ncred ble- 7o matter .hat 0 d d# the scenar o restored tself. 0 sl pped bac+ nto my body a&a n and rolled o)er to my bac+# try n& to settle myself and &et bac+ nto my dream. 0 th n+ my e1c tement had nterrupted t. The ) brat ons started a&a n# so 0 rolled o)er to my left s de a&a n. 0 .as &ett n& the han& of th s no.# and real ,ed that pro6ect n& nto the dream .as much eas er from my left s de. *ettl n& bac+ nto myself and hold n& the storeEs ma&e and name n my m nd a&a n# 0

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sl pped bac+ nto the store. E)eryth n& .as normal and 0 .as bac+ .here 0 had or & nally started from a&a n# . th the same youn& lady bus ly sett n& up her d n n& d splay. *he loo+ed up and sm led as 0 .a)ed# then happ ly .ent about her .or+. 0 dec ded to e1plore further af eld before anyth n& else happened# and .al+ed out past the ser) ce des+ nto the mall. 0 .al+ed for some t me# e1plor n& the hu&e mall. There .ere a fa r number of people around. E)eryone seemed )ery busy shopp n&# or preoccup ed . th .hate)er they .ere do n&. Of note# all the ch ldren 0 sa. .ere )ery 8u et and .ell beha)ed# .al+ n& l +e pol te l ttle robots bes de the r mothers. There .as some l &ht bac+&round or&an mus c play n& and the usual no se of people 8u etly bustl n& about. D fe. people .ere tal+ n& on telephones here and there# but no one seemed to be chatt n& or tal+ n& to each other. 'eople ans.ered .hen 8uest oned# but the r repl es .ere un nterest n& and not )ery helpful. 0t seemed mposs ble to start a con)ersat on that d d not n)ol)e tal+ n& about the personEs mmed ate tas+ at hand. E)eryone seemed to lac+ personal ty# l +e bac+&round characters n a mo) e. On the surface th s dreamscape .as ncred bly real# maybe too real# but beneath the surface t lac+ed someth n&. Th s loo+ed l +e real l fe# but .as def n tely not the same type of real l fe 0 am fam l ar . th. 0 had dec ded to loo+ for a .ay out of the mall and do some further e1plor n& .hen 0 suddenly felt .ea+ and hea)y. The stren&th flo.ed out of me and 0 felt l +e 0 .as mo) n& n slo. mot on. %y le&s floated up.ard as 0 fell e)er so to the floor# settl n& there .ea+ and paraly,ed. 'eople stepped o)er and around me as 0 lay there# but no one pa d any attent on to me. 0 felt l +e a ch ldEs balloon bobb n& about on the floor. 0 .as .ea+ and hea)y and could no lon&er feel the normal .e &ht of my body# nor could 0 feel the floor beneath me.

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0 sl pped bac+ nto my body a&a n# com n& . de a.a+e th s t me. 0 rolled o)er to my bac+ and lay there ponder n& the s &n f cance of these e1per ences. The ) brat ons d d not start up th s t me# probably because 0 .as pretty much . de a.a+e no.. 0t .as ob) ous to me that my rest n& pos t on had been affect n& the d fferent types of e1per ences 0Ed been ha) n&. 0 .as far too e1c ted and . de a.a+e by no. to do any + nd of further e1plorat on . th th s phenomenon# so 0 &a)e up and .ent to &et a dr n+ and record th s e1per ence n my 6ournalO


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REVOLUTION We believe that everybo y i! "oi#" to e$i!t i# t%o %orl ! !oo# Sponsors and investors are needed for translation into other languages this free ebook and other our books, videos, et ! "lso #e need finan ial support to pro$ote the phase #orld#ide! %et&s hange the #orld together' (ake a part in it'


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,&a*ter 8% T&e Aut&orL! E+*erie ce!

Belo.# the author presents the most nterest n& e1cerpts from h s phase tra)el lo&: t happened to h m for the f rst t me n the fall of $???# .hen he .as a sen or n h &h school. One of the nterest n& th n&s about these e1cerpts s that they descr be the de)elopment of a personal pract ce from the teena&e years throu&h the present day. 0tEs .orth not n& that my many years of e1per ence and thousands of phases lo&&ed ha)e had a stron& effect on the pract cal s de of my pract ce. 0 lon& a&o real ,ed those des res and .ants that e)eryone has# and at that 4 many t mes o)er. 7o.adays# 0 mostly do techn cal e1per ments# research# and hone my s+ lls# all .h le obta n n& elementary sat sfact on from the pract ce tself and the ) ) dness of sensat on n t. ThatEs .hy e)en the most recent e1cerpts from my lo& are not character st c of the phase as t s usually pract ced. They are merely the most llustrat )e e1amples. Dn unprepared aud ence .ould s mply not understand ord nary phases. Ds . th the pre) ous sect on# the reader s encoura&ed to e1erc se h s theoret cal +no.led&e by underta+ n& an ndependent and cr t cal analys s of the e1per ences descr bed. October 3HHH Fal!e Alie Abductio 0 .ent to bed . th a feel n& that 0 had lost another $! prec ous hours of my l fe. Then 0 suddenly .o+e up. 2nfortunately 0 canJt say e1actly for ho. lon& 0 had been asleep# but# probably# for t.o or three hours. %y m nd .as clear. Dnd there .as someth n& else. Before 0 could determ ne anyth n& else# a sudden thou&ht paraly,ed me: 0 .as be n& ta+en a.ay# 0 .as be n& abducted by TBE%- That thou&ht struc+ me. @hat 0 felt that moment could be compared to the &reatest shoc+# the only

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d fference s that 0 had all the symptoms of shoc+ at once. %y .orld turned ups de do.n# as d d my ns des. Dt that moment 0 couldnJt e1pla n e)en to myself .hy 0 .as so sure that 0 .as be n& abducted by e1traterrestr als# but 0 had no doubt that my &uess .as r &ht. 0 +ne. t# 0 s mply +ne. t. Dnd .hat happened ne1t pro)ed that 0 .asnJt &o n& mad. @hen that thou&ht came to my m nd# 0 &ot a feel n& that h &h4tens on current .ent throu&h my body. 0t d dnJt harm me# but made e)ery cell of my body ) brate. Dnd# the most mportant th n& .as that 0 could not mo)e. Only my eyel ds obeyed me. 0 had ne)er been so scared n my l fe. Dll the sensat ons .ere more than real# and so my last doubts d sappeared. 0n my m nd 0 +ept as+ n& those creatures to postpone my 6ourney# say n& that 0 .asnJt n the mood# and that e)eryth n& .ould be f ne the ne1t t me. Dt the same t me# 0 damned myself for my .ea+ness. 0 understood that such th n&s do not happen e)ery other day. 0 .as ly n& on one s de fac n& a .all# and so 0 could not see the rest of the room# althou&h 0 d dnJt hope to see anybody because 0 dec ded that they .ere do n& t from the r sh p# but for all that 0 .as sure that they d d hear my thou&hts. %ean.h le# t seemed that my mood d dnJt bother them as someth n& l fted me up from my bed. %y heart could not ha)e been beat n& faster. 0 pleaded them to stop. Dnd they d d. Ds caut ously as they had l fted me up# they put me do.n. 0 couldnJt ha)e been happ er. 0 felt that 0 .as born a&a n. D s &h . th rel ef escaped my lun&s. But t .as too early for champa&ne. 7ot & ) n& me a chance to en6oy my luc+y escape# they l fted me up a&a n and carr ed me to the . ndo.. 0 st ll could not mo)e# no matter ho. hard 0 tr ed. Then someth n& roused my nterest and 0 almost for&ot ho. fr &htened 0 .as. 0 .as mo) n& feet f rst to.ards the . ndo. but 0 could see that t .as closed. *o# 0 became cur ous about ho. they .ere &o n& to dra& me outs de. E)eryth n& .as so real that 0 d d hope that they .ouldnJt use me for &lass brea+ n&. Dnd 0 +ne. that they .ouldnJt do t. Be n& the representat )es of an ad)anced

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+ nd# they .ould f nd the .ay to spare me from unpleasant e1per ences and sa)e the . ndo.s. @hen 0 .as near the . ndo. 0 closed my eyes n order to ntens fy the ne. sensat ons and not to brea+ the . ndo. (0 donJt +no. or .hy 0 dec ded th s .ould help). But 0 felt almost noth n&# only some mpercept ble plane .ent throu&h my body from toes to head. 0 opened my eyes. 0 .as outs de# on the le)el of the th rd floor 6ust oppos te my . ndo.. The cloudless s+y .as studded . th stars. 0Jd ne)er loo+ed at the stars from that pos t on# and t .as unfor&ettable. By that t me 0 had mana&ed to beat my fear# and so .hat .as the po ntL 0 dec ded to ma+e the most of t. 0 .as e)en &lad that the al ens hadnJt l stened to me and had dra&&ed me out of bed# because 0 .ould ne)er ha)e dared to do t myself. %y fear subs ded and 0 mana&ed to rela1# and e)en compla ned about the .eather# as t .as rather cold and 0 .as .ear n& DdamJs costume. 0 6ust mana&ed to reconc le myself . th dest ny and started to loo+ at the br &ht s de. The ne1t moment# 0 .as already n my room and n my bed. Only after $ to ! years .ould 0 start to understand that t .as 6ust my f rst spontaneous phase e1per ence# and that t had noth n& to do . th al ens. Februar' 7@@3 A Gla!! o" Auice 0 a.o+e at n &ht and thou&ht of the phase. That thou&ht e)o+ed stron& e1c tat on border n& on fear# than+s to .h ch 0 fell r &ht nto the phase. 0 be&an e1per ment n& . th ) brat ons# but .as st ll afra d to separate. The ) brat ons &radually became so po.erful that they s mply thre. me out of my body. Dfter ha) n& o)ercome my fear . th &reat d ff culty# 0 then floated about the room. Ds my s &ht returned# n &ht turned to day. 0 then came bac+ do.n and stood on the floor# e1tremely fr &htened by the realness of e)eryth n& &o n& on.

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Bo.e)er# there .as a table at the . ndo. of the room that shouldnEt ha)e been there. But 0 d dnEt e)en stop to th n+ about that# as 0 .as ne)ertheless st ll n shoc+ o)er .hat .as &o n& on. Concentrat n& on the s tuat on at hand# 0 not ced a &lass . th some + nd of l 8u d n t on the table. 0 &ot the dea of test n& out ho. real the sense of taste .ould be. *t ll totally surpr sed by the realness of e)eryth n&# 0 .ent up to the table# p c+ed up the &lass# and held t up to my eyes n order to &et a better loo+ at t. 0 then hes tantly brou&ht t to my l ps# and too+ a s p. %y Fod- 0 d dnEt e1pect t to be that real st c. 0t .as a &lass of tomato 6u ce. 0 could feel ts te1ture . th my l ps# ton&ue# and palate. By the t me t h t my throat# 0 .as already sa)or n& the taste. 0 felt the cold from the &lass on my hands and l ps 4 e)eryth n& .as nd st n&u shable from real l fe. Rel sh n& both the taste of the 6u ce and my tr umph n enter n& the phase# 0 8u etly thou&ht about the ne. front ers open n& up before me .h le 8uench n& my th rst. Bo.e)er# 0 completely for&ot about the need for concentrat on# and had a foul. 0 .as n a &reat mood all the ne1t day after ha) n& d sco)ered th s e1per ence. $a' 7@@3 $a+i)u) Dee*e i 1 R &ht after d nner# 0 dec ded to enter the phase us n& the d rect method. To that end# 0 started mplement n& the dott n& techn 8ue (concentrat n& my attent on on d fferent parts of the body). Bo.e)er# 0 encountered d ff cult es dur n& rela1at on: 0 could not stop my m nd from &ett n& d stracted . th other thou&hts. Only . th &reat d ff culty .as 0 able to concentrate on the tas+. 0 +ept to rela1at on. Then# 0 once a&a n employed dott n& for about !" m nutes# but noth n& .or+ed. Bo.e)er# .ea+ ) brat ons arose from t me to t me. %ean.h le# 0 became more and more sleepy. Dt one po nt my consc ous a.areness chec+ed out# but then 8u c+ly came bac+ (th s d dnEt seem to last more than a m nute# .h ch .as conf rmed by my alarm4cloc+ upon return n& to the body)

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under the nfluence of my prel m nary ntent on not to fall asleep. 0 then be&an to feel alert and .as en)eloped by ) brat ons# .h ch occurred on the r o.n n am d the trans t on bet.een phys olo& cal states. 0 .as eas ly able to ampl fy the ) brat ons. Then 0 rolled out. Bo.e)er# the ) brat ons be&an to d e do.n# and 0 .as returned bac+ to my body. 0 tr ed to separate a&a n by cl mb n& out. 0 .as able to do th s desp te &reat d ff culty. 0 .as no. suspended n an ndeterm nate space of )a&ue sensat on. @h le separat n&# 0 felt a stron& feel n& of d scomfort that nearly persuaded me to cut the attempt short. Bo.e)er# 0 +ne. that that th s somet mes happens and al.ays occurs before plun& n& nto a more stable phase. 0n order to deepen th s phase# 0 dec ded to employ le) tat on. 0t succeeded# and 0 der )ed real pleasure from th s process. For some reason# the le) tat on d d not lead me nto the deepest phase# and so 0 be&an to fall head4f rst n order to further deepen t. The mo)ement and deepen n& brou&ht a feel n& of sl &ht uneas ness that bordered on fear# but 0 .as able to +eep t under control from the outset. 0 soon real ,ed that 0 .as n the deepest state that 0 had e)er been n. Th s ncreased my an1 ety. For the sa+e of e1per ment# 0 +ept &o n& deeper and deeper. 0 be&an to ha)e thou&hts about the mposs b l ty of return n& to the body from such depths. %y ) s on faded n and out# because 0 .as made uncomfortable only by my feel n&s# and not by .hat 0 could see around. Once my ) s on came to me# .hat 0 sa. cannot be descr bed n .ords. ThatEs ho. uncommon# ndescr bable# and real st c t .as. 0t .as as f 0 .ere see n& . th some other or&an of s &ht# one far more ad)anced than the human eye. 0 couldnEt feel my body (ne ther my real or phantom one). For the f rst t me n my l fe# 0 phys cally felt my thou&hts: .hen 0 started th n+ n& about someth n&# 0 be& n to automat cally mo)e throu&h space. %ean.h le# 0 could clearly tell that my thou&hts .ere caus n& th s mo)ement. %y bra ns

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.ere someho. be n& .rac+ed by thou&ht. (th s .as the f rst t me 0 had e)er had th s e1per ence# and so 0 canEt say ho. real st c t .as# or f t could actually be e1per enced n a normal state. 7onetheless# the sensat on .as 8u te real st c). Real , n& ho. deep 0 .as n the phase# 0 dec ded to &et out of there# as 0 .as afra d for my l fe. Ds t s easy to suppose# th s .as# to put t l &htly# not easy. 0 be&an to feel fear. 0 .as completely unable to enter my body or &et control of t. Once .as f nally able to feel t# t felt l +e someone elseEs. Contrary to my e1pectat ons# e)en concentrat n& on my b & toe d d not help. 0nstead of &ett n& me out of that state# rela1at on deepened t. Then# 0 &ot completely lost: .hat normally helped .asnEt .or+ n&# and there .ere no other effect )e methods to employ. Dfter lon& desperate attempts# 0 f nally mana&ed to enter my body. Th s only happened than+s to attempts to mo)e any body part 0 could# n add t on to concentrat n& on breath n&. Au e 7@@3 A Do)ed Paradi!e 0 suddenly became a.are that 0 .as n a dream. 0 felt 6oy and sat sfact on. The pos t )e emot ons .ere so plent ful that# ha) n& become a.are of my presence n a .orld outs de of real ty# 0 tr ed to share my emot ons . th passersby. 0 d dnEt e)en care that there .as no po nt n do n& th s. 0t should be noted that 0 d d not ha)e to return to my body n order to deepen the state and separate once a&a n# as s normally to be done# as there .as an mmed ate and atyp cal real sm to my surround n&s. 0t .as that )ery real sm that had led me to become a.are that 0 .as dream n& n the f rst place. 0 .as n a )ery nterest n& place: there .as no s+y 4 nstead of t there .as a lo.# lar&e blue dome# .h ch d str buted a stran&e l &ht across the ent re spaceH the scenery all about recalled a corner of parad se: there .ere a lot of founta ns# streams# and numerous arch tectural cur os t es of un+no.n purpose. There .ere flora and fauna

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e) all the streams .ere teem n& . th myr ad types of f sh# all the trees .ere al )e . th the ch rp n& of floc+s of e1ot c b rds (from s mple &reen parrots to those of fantast c appearance). There .as so much to ta+e n all around. @here)er one loo+ed# there .ere beaut ful flo.ers and trees of all d fferent shapesH many people m lled about on all + nds of bus ness# pay n& not the sl &htest de&ree of attent on to me# and there .ere many ob6ects . th unfam l ar ob6ects around. Dll .as d st n&u shed by a r ch d splay of l fe n all ts man festat ons. E) .as cro.ded# peopled# and there .as pract cally no free place to stand. E)eryth n& l terally teemed. Bo.e)er# there .as room enou&h to mo)e about. 0 .as se ,ed by ntense emot on ar s n& from such an uncommon# and# most mportantly# real st c and ) ) d landscape. E)eryth n& could be ta+en n ) sually# and n m nute deta l. There .as a lot of e)eryth n& around to obser)e# 0 d d so . th rel sh. 0n other .ords# 0 performed the techn 8ue of concentrat on# 0 d dnEt e)en ha)e to th n+ about procedures for ma nta n n&. 0 d dnEt feel at all l +e carry n& out my pre) ously planned tas+s. 0 d dnEt need anyth n& else but to en6oy the s mple pleasure of obser) n& th s l ttle corner of parad se. 0 felt l +e a stran&er n a stran&e .orld# and .as )ery happy to ha)e landed n such a place# and been able to e1per ence t f rsthand. For th s# 0 .as s ncerely &rateful for the phase. *ometh n& l +e th s .ould ne)er ha)e happened n real l fe. The thou&ht occas onally came to me that th s .as not s mply my nner .orld# but actually some real one. Bo.e)er# the la.s accord n& to .h ch t operated .ent a&a nst th s. The only th n& that could ha)e startled me .as the realness of the s tuat on. %y nner .orld could not accept such th n&s# as 0 had already &ro.n accustomed to th n+ n& about real ty n a d fferent .ay o)er the course of my l fe. %y presence n th s parad se .as threatened by the poss b l ty of my consc ous a.areness chec+ n& out# and me subse8uently fall n& asleep. 0 started to become 8u te .orr ed about th s# and so had to perform some act )e e1erc ses n

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order to +eep my a.areness from submer& n&. @ thout th n+ n& t. ce# 0 dec ded to start tal+ n& . th people there# because th s .as al.ays one of the most nterest n& th n&s to do. 2nfortunately# e)eryone present there .as unfam l ar . th me from real ty. But that d d not bother me too much# because an nterest n& scene started to de)elop before my eyes. The t.o men started s n& n& some son&s# before that they had been 8u etly s tt n& on a bench and en6oy n& some un+no.n l 8u d from . nes+ ns. From the tone of the r )o ce and the r appearance# one could eas ly &uess at the alcohol c nsp rat on for the r )ocal concert. Dfter s n& n& the refra ns of some .ell4+no.n son&s# they &raduated to obscene l mer c+s and 6o+es. ThatEs .hen t &ot really nterest n&. 0 e1pected them to rec te only th n&s that 0 already +ne.# but to my total surpr se# th s .as not to be the case. 0 stood there and l stened )ery carefully to e)eryth n&. E)en thou&h the l mer c+s .ere funny# 0 .as more shoc+ed than amused# as 0 had ne)er heard any of them before. Th s meant that at that moment# my bra n .as l terally compos n& 8u te h &h 8ual ty stuff on the fly# . thout any nter)ent on n the process on my part. 'erhaps 0 had once been un. tt n&ly e1posed to e)eryth n& that 0 heard n that .orld# and s mply not pa d attent on to t# and no. t .as com n& bac+ to me n th s form. Then# 0 suddenly &ot the dea that 0 should en6oy myself n a more act )e and unusual .ay. Dfter all# one ou&ht l )e n the moment... $arc& 7@@7 Heali 1 $'!el" Dfter one of many morn n& a.a+en n&s# 0 hadnEt mo)ed at all phys cally# and mmed ately be&an try n& to separate from the body. 0 real ,ed after a couple of seconds of try n& that separat on .ould not happen r &ht then# and so 0 peered nto the )o d before my eyes# try n& to d scern any ma&es. There .erenEt any# and so after a fe. seconds 0 started . th

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phantom . &&l n&# .h ch man fested tself some.hat n the feet: both feet nched up some.hat# and them came bac+ do.n. %ean.h le# my ears .ere f lled . th a soft no se# and there .as a sl &ht 3bu,,5 n my body. 0 tr ed to ncrease the ampl tude of the mot on for 9 to $" seconds# but .as st ll unable to ach e)e anyth n&. 0n order to o)ercome th s barr er of some sorts# 0 dec ded to s. tch to the techn 8ue of obser) n& ma&es for some t me# and then cont nue . th phantom . &&l n&. Bo.e)er# the ma&es came on so stron& that 0 real ,ed that 0 could s+ p phantom . &&l n&# as t .ould be much eas er to s mply use the ma&es. Before my m ndEs eye appeared a r )er# and beh nd t a steep h ll .ooded . th tall trees. 0 be&an to peer nto t# try n& to ta+e n the .hole p cture. 0t mmed ately became sharper and sharper. 0 real ,ed after ! to 4 seconds that 0 .as ) e. n& the p cture 6ust as f from a . ndo. n real l fe. Ds soon as that real ,at on came# 0 rolled out of my body and nto the room. 0 8u c+ly &ot to my feet and started palpat n& and try n& to see. %y ) s on returned at once. The phase .as suff c ently deep that 0 could see e)eryth n& as clearly as n real ty. %ean.h le# us n& the deepen n& techn 8ues led to e)eryth n& becom n& much more ) sually ntense and colorful than 0 .as accustomed to n real l fe. Th s startled me a b t. The thou&ht of return n& to the body e)en flashed throu&h my m nd# but 0 .as able to o)ercome t# and mmed ately concentrated on the &oals that 0 had set: treat n& h &h blood pressure# conduct n& an e1per ment on the ) scos ty of flu ds# and some tems of fun to mpro)e my mood. 0 opened the door of my .ardrobe# .h ch n real ty conta ned a bo1 of med c nes. 0 loo+ed for the dru& that .as to help me my blood pressure or at least ma+e t eas er to deal . th my cond t on. Gel) n& nto the pac+a&e# 0 too+ out the )ar ous tubes of o ntments# pac+a&es# and spray4 cans# peer n& at them n order to ma nta n the phase. 0 also tr ed to f &ure out .hat the med c nes .ere# and .hether or not 0 needed them.

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0t too+ some t me# as for $9 to !" seconds 0 couldnEt f nd anyth n& .orth.h le. Then 0 suddenly pulled out some blue bottle . th p lls. On t .as .r tten# C( fe% 1 4 ( fe . thout Bypertens on. Dll the best products n oneC. Th s .as )ery close to .hat 0 .as loo+ n& for# so 0 mmed ately too+ t.o tablets# che.ed them# and s.allo.ed. They .ere a.fully b tter and d stasteful. Dt one po nt# that b tter taste e)en made me for&et that 0 .as n the phase and that 0 def n tely needed to do someth n& to +eep t from be n& o)er. 0nstead of lett n& that happen# 0 bent do.n and co)ered my face . th my hands. *uddenly# a stran&e .a)e of unusual sensat ons coursed throu&h my body. %y head and ent re face started to f ll up . th blood# caus n& s.ell n& n my l ps# nose# chee+s# and eyel ds. 0t &oes . thout say n& that th s .as an unpleasant sensat on. 0t .as more than unusual. Th s .as espec ally true of the sensat ons 0 felt ns de my head. 0t .as as f t .ere heat n& up and e1pand n&. 0 f &ured at that po nt that 0 had done someth n& .ron&. Ds soon as 0 thou&ht that# 0 felt as f a balloon f lled . th cold .ater had burst n my head. Bere the heat turned to cold# and my head and body CdecompressedC bac+ do.n to s ,e. 0 felt an uncommon l &htness and freshness ns de. 0 had the sensat on of ha) n& tapped a ne. reser)e of stren&th and l fe4ener&y. 0n order to not ha)e to search for that blue bottle a&a n# 0 set t on the r &ht corner of the shelf. Dfter.ards# 0 dec ded to cement the effect by perform n& a phys cal e1erc se that had al.ays caused pa n n my head due to he &htened blood pressure. 0 ran nto the hall.ay and sat on the floor# . th my bac+ a&a nst one .all and feet to.ards the other. 0 pushed off . th my le&s .h le press n& my bac+ a&a nst th s .all# thus s mulat n& bear n& a phys cal load. Dll the .h le# 0 tr ed to peer at all around me# concentrat n& on my pos t on. The .all .ouldnEt & )e# and 0 had to ma+e Berculean efforts to someho. stra &hten my le&s. 0 bent my

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le&s bac+ a&a n# and then returned to try n& to stra &hten them out. 0 had phys cally e1erted myself more than once n the phase# .h ch had al.ays been accompan ed by ncreased blood pressure n the head. Th s .as often pa nful# and the d scomfort .ould e)en last throu&hout the morn n& after a.a+en n&. Th s t me# my head felt easy and l &ht. 0 6ust concentrated on the phys cal effort# and not on ho. hard th s e1erc se .as to perform. 0n add t on# 0 tr ed to del berately rel e)e my head of that hea) ness and pressure# try n& to create subconsc ous pro&ramm n& for the phys cal .orld. 0n add t on to all of the abo)e# 0 d d my best to & )e myself hypnot c su&&est ons. That done# 0 mo)ed on to the ne1t tems n my plan of act on.... A*ril 7@@7 A P&a!e Go e to Wa!ted ODfter another a.a+en n&# 0 dec ded to try to enter the phase. E)en thou&h there .ere no symptoms of the phase be n& close# 0 .as mmed ately able to roll out. *urpr sed at ho. easy t had been to roll out# 0 be&an to deepen by palpat on: f rst 0 ran my hand alon& the len&th of the bed# and then started patt n& do.n ob6ects near t. The sensat ons &radually became ncreas n&ly real. But st ll 0 could not see. *o# 0 dec ded to cont nue . th palpat on# hop n& that ) s on .ould come by tself# as t al.ays had before n such cases. Dfter ta+ n& se)eral footsteps about the apartment# ) s on came bac+ to me some.hat blurr ly. 0 .as eas ly able to deepen t by concentrat n& on my hands. 0nstead of do n& anyth n& product )e l +e conduct n& research# 0 dec ded to ha)e some fun. To start . th# 0 s+yroc+eted throu&h the apartments abo)e m ne# e1per enc n& the unfor&ettable feel n& of fly n& throu&h concrete floors. 0 then repeated the mot on n the oppos te d rect on# all the .ay do.n to the &round floor. 0 could see ho. my ne &hbors had decorated the r homes throu&h that

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fl &ht up and do.n the apartment comple1. There .as a &reat temptat on to cause ha)oc n the apartment on the f rst floor# but 0 .as e)en more nterested n fly n&. *o# 0 blasted off headlon& at an an&le up throu&h the .all and out nto the open a r. 0 fle. about 9" yards out and ho)ered o)er the apartment comple1Es play&round. 0n order to stay n the phase# 0 .ould loo+ at my hands from t me to t me# and only then ta+e n the landscape n bet.een do n& so. %y heart leaped at the he &ht. 0 could feel .afts of a r com n& from b rds fly n& by. Th s all &a)e me a real h &h. Dt one po nt 0 faded some.hat and almost lost the phase# but mana&ed to create ) brat ons throu&h stra n n& the bra n. 0 .as lon& able to ma nta n the phase after that by controll n& the ) brat ons# . thout ha) n& to resort to concentrat on. 0 then came up . th a br ll ant dea 4 0 dec ded to try to test myself n the role of a f &hter p lot. 0t .as not easy to concentrate on th s &oal. 0 8u c+ly p c+ed up speed# and ya.ed to the s de. The h &her the speed 0 fle. at# the louder the scream n& n my ears. 0 felt the madden n& )eloc ty and F4force . th e)ery cell n my body. Of course# 0 could ha)e chosen to feel only the mo)ement tself# but 0 del berately tuned n to the sensat on of all the aerodynam c effects. D r .h stled by . th ncreas n& .armth as t flo.ed around me. 0t .as only . th d ff culty that 0 o)ercame nst nctual fear that 0 had brou&ht n . th me from the real .orld. Clouds .h ,,ed by abo)e# and belo. me .ere homes# forests# and people 4 e)eryth n& .as so real that 0 had to really ponder .hat .as &o n& on# and .hat to ma+e of t... Aa uar' 7@@8 A Aour e' i to Outer S*ace %y body .as st ll )ery t red# e)en thou&h 0 had already been able to sleep for se)eral hours that n &ht. Ds soon as 0 lay do.n# 0 almost mmed ately felt ) brat ons occurr n&# but .as not rela1ed enou&h to br n& them up to full force. Dt the moment# the best .ay to rela1 and enter the phase seemed to me to be throu&h Ctrans4a.a+en n&C (the free4float n&

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state of m nd). 0 turned out to be r &ht# as after the f fth or s 1th t me 0 felt ntense ) brat ons en)elop n& me from all s des. 0n th s case# there .as no need to ampl fy the ) brat ons or deepen the phase# as my body .as t red# and t .ould create a most deep state all on ts o.n n order to more 8u c+ly restore ts ) tal ener& es. 0 6ust lay for some t me and obser)ed the chan&es occurr n& . th n me. Bo.e)er# 0 could not rema n dle for lon&# lest 0 un ntent onally fall asleep. 0 spent some t me on f 1 n& my secondary attent on on a)o d n& fall n& asleep and n)oluntary e1 t from the phase. 0 rolled out. Ds usual# 0 rolled out of the bed as f for real# but not h tt n& the floor. 0nstead# 0 ho)ered abo)e the floor as f 0 had fallen on a one4foot h &h n) s ble a r mattress. 0 ha)e rolled out hundreds of t mes# but 0 al.ays e1per ence doubt n the bac+ of my m nd that 0 am actually fall n& out of bed n real ty. D mult tude of deas flashed throu&h my m nd on ho. to use th s pos t on. 0 mmed ately formulated an appro1 mate plan of act on# .h ch ncluded those senseless th n&s that 0 sa)e for a ra ny day. Bo.e)er# 0 f rst dec ded for the umpteenth t me to obser)e outer space scenes. 0 too+ up my &oal: the Cosmos. Bere 0 .as mmed ately p c+ed up by a myster ous force that .h s+ed me a.ay at brea+nec+ speed. %y ) s on 8u c+ly came bac+ to me# and 0 found myself float n& n an un+no.n part of the Cosmos. 0 donEt +no. ho. true4to4l fe the sensat ons .ere# as 0 ha)e ne)er been n outer space. 7onetheless# 0 probably e1per enced t 6ust l +e t .ould be n real l fe. * &ht .as the predom nate sense here# 0 stopped pay n& attent on to the other four. Ta+ n& n the &ala1y . th n my f eld of ) e. brou&ht fantast c pleasure. The unusualness n the ) sual percept on cons sted n the uncommon .ay that my eyes had to focus# as .e rarely use our eyes n that .ay n real l fe. Ta+ n& n the &ala1y re8u red my eyes to fully uncross and loo+ at the s &ht n parallel. The &ala1y seemed as f t .ere al )e# and 0 sa d to myself that th s .as probably the most beaut ful th n& that 0 had e)er seen.

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Bo.e)er# 0 couldnEt stay there for lon&# as there .as noth n& to concentrate my sense of s &ht on# because the ob6ects .ere )ery far a.ay. 0 returned to the )o d# and# suspended n a stat c pos t on# created stron& ) brat ons. For a .h le# 0 s mply en6oyed th s uncommon sensat on. 0t .as nterest n& to obser)e the character st cs of th s phenomenon. @hen 0 ra sed my arms and brou&ht my palms to.ards my face# 0 felt stron&# .arm . nd stream n& from them to my face. 7o se f lled my ears. @hen 0 palpated my head . th my hands# t seemed as f 0 .as touch n& my unprotected bra n# but there .as no pa n. 0 en6oyed th s state for some t me# plun& n& n some un+no.n d rect on. Dfter a short fl &ht# 0 .as e6ected bac+ nto my room at home. Th s t me e)eryth n& n t corresponded $""; to real ty# enou&h thou&h 0 had not set myself that &oal. 7oth n& nterested me n the room# and so 0 .al+ed throu&h my bedroom door nto the other rooms# . th e)eryth n& as n real l fe. 0 d dnEt ha)e to loo+ lon& for ad)enture# as 0 found my mother and brother n the other room# both of .hom 0 had not seen for a .h le. 0 spo+e . th them about anyth n& that came to m nd# 6ust for the sa+e of hear n& the r )o ces and &ett n& a chance to loo+ at them. Th s .as a real & ft for me. But 0 faded out a b t# and .as only able . th &reat d ff culty to re&a n control o)er the state throu&h the nfamous techn 8ue of fall n& head4f rst O October 7@@5 A $urdered Frie d GonEt .atch the morn n& ne.s and eat at the same t me. 0 )om ted all todayEs brea+fast nto the to let after .atch n& the ne.s report that someone 0 +ne.# far from a pass n& ac8ua ntance# had been brutally + lled that n &ht. Be had tr ed to call me a couple of .ee+s before# but 0 hadnEt been n the mood to accompany h m on another one of h s dr n+ n& bouts. For my o.n peace of m nd# 0 dec ded to someho. try to ma+e amends.

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0 lay do.n. @ th &reat d ff culty# 0 calmed do.n and be&an to focus my attent on on phantom . &&l n& . th my arm. 7o . &&l n& occurred at f rst# but once t came# t started 8u c+ly ncreas n& n ampl tude. D short lapse n consc ousness occurred after about $" m nutes# and 0 .as able to eas ly &et up out of bed. 0 d dnEt need to deepen. Dfter clos n& my eyes# 0 mmed ately focused my attent on on the ma&e of my fr end. Then# someth n& p c+ed me up and mo)ed me n an un+no.n d rect on. Dfter se)eral seconds# 0 .as l terally thro.n nto the + tchen of h s apartment. Ds usual# he sat n a cha r at a table cluttered . th co&nac. Be d dnEt pay any attent on to me. Be d dnEt loo+ &ood# . th many bru ses and cuts on h s face and arms. Dlthou&h there .as almost no blood# t .as all a.ful to loo+ at due to the hyper4real sm# and 0 be&an to feel nauseated a&a n. @hen 0 came closer# he turned to me and sobbed... 0 tr ed to as+ h m .hat had happened# because they d dnEt say e1actly .hat had occurred on the ne.s. 0t turned out that h s l festyle lay at the cause of t all. Be started shout n& that he .anted to l )e# and that he .ould no lon&er act l +e that f he could only l )e a&a n. 0 apolo& ,ed for not ha) n& p c+ed up the phone. 0 loo+ed at h m for the last t me. Dnd# act n& a&a nst my bel efs# 0 returned to my body. By e)en n&# h s e1planat on of .hat had happened .as conf rmed. Ds for h s beha) or and e1ternal appearance# they .ere understandably tr &&ered by my st ll ra. emot ons. 0 th n+ that f 0 meet h m n se)eral months# heEll loo+ and act d fferently. Dece)ber 7@@K T'ra o!auru! Re+ 0 .o+e up dur n& a dayt me nap. @h le st ll n a state# 0 tr ed to roll out of my body and fly up nto the a r# but noth n& happened. Bo.e)er# 0 felt that 0 .as n a state )ery close to that of the phase. 0 tr ed forced fall n& asleep# and then felt lapses of consc ousness# dur n& .h ch ma&es fl c+ered before my eyes. D fe. seconds later# 0 dec ded to try

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separat n& from my body a&a n. %ean.h le# 0 +ne. that f that d dnEt .or+# 0 could s. tch to obser) n& ma&es# as they .ere already there. Bo.e)er# that turned out not to be necessary# as 0 .as eas ly able to s mply &et up out of my body. %y ) s on mmed ately came to me. 0 .as 8u c+ly able to ma+e the state that 0 .as n e1tremely real st c by palpat n& and peer n& at ob6ects around me. 0 also mana&ed to 8u c+ly palpate my body# all the .h le creat n& and ampl fy n& ) brat ons n order to cement myself n a deep phase. @h le 0 had a clearly4formulated plan of act on re&ard n& study n& the phase# 0 had already re4thrashed ts deta ls se)eral t mes that .ee+. Dt that moment# 0 really 6ust .anted to use the phase for my o.n personal en6oyment# and do someth n& 0 .as loo+ n& for.ard to for a .h le. Dt one of my sem nars about a .ee+ before# 0 had told my students about ho. t .as poss ble to &o for a .al+ amon& d nosaurs. D des re to do so no. burned . th n me# as 0 had not done anyth n& of the sort for a lon& t me. *o 0 scrapped my pre) ous plan of act on# closed my eyes# and concentrated my attent on on the Tyrannosaurus re1. 0 then felt the sensat on of mo)ement. The translocat on too+ lon&er than usual. Th s .as normal for such a s tuat on# because t .as s mply psycholo& cally d ff cult to bel e)e one .ould see d nosaurs# e)en thou&h 0 had succeeded n do n& so many t mes before. The rat onal bra n tends to ha)e d ff cult es . th th n&s l +e encounter n& d nosaurs. 0 ne)ertheless mana&ed to &et myself to&ether and concentrate my attent on. Then# 0 landed on someth n& soft. 0t .as a patch of moss n the forest. 0 be&an to scrut n ,e the moss and palpate t . th my hands. V s on almost mmed ately came to me# and became ncred bly sharp. 0 crouched on all fours and stared for a .h le at e)eryth n& r &ht n front of me 4 ma nly small t. &s of )ar ous shapes and decayed lea)es. There .ere also all + nds of nsects cra.l n& around.

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0 then focused my attent on on my o.n feel n&s and percept ons. 0 .as st ll .ear n& the same t4sh rt and shorts that 0 had fallen asleep n. %y body tself seemed unusually pale. Bo.e)er# 0 .as most surpr sed at ho. hard t .as to breathe. 7ot only .as the a r saturated . th ndescr bably4 repu&nant odors# t also turned out to be 8u te hot and hum d. Try n& to breathe n only throu&h my nose made me d ,,y. %ean.h le# the a r .as so hot that breath n& n throu&h my mouth hurt my throat. 0n the end# 0 dec ded to breathe n throu&h my mouth# and .as able to ban sh the pa n. 0 turned my attent on to my surround n&s. There .as forest all around. Very l ttle sun made t throu&h the canopy. The trees .ere )ery tall# and had lon& stra &ht trun+s. There .ere plants all around that loo+ed l +e ferns# but they .ere nearly my he &ht. 0 had found myself n a small clear n& . thout trees. The .hole place .as f lled . th sounds that .ere unnatural for a forest. 0nstead of b rds ch rp n&# 0 heard .h stl n& and croa+ n&. 0 heard roar n& from t me to t me com n& from n the d stance. 0 +ept hear n& crac+l n& and then someth n& crash n& to the &round. 0 could hear a lot of rustl n& and dull thuds com n& from beh nd the bushes about th rty yards a.ay from me. 0 mmed ately understood that thatEs .here my ob6ect )e .as. By the t me 0 dec ded to head for my d nosaur# 0 .as already tch n& from constant attac+s by e1ot c nsects of all colors and s ,es# both terrestr al and a rborne. @h le head n& for the tar&et# 0 all the .h le scrut n ,ed my arms and the lea)es that 0 had r pped off . th my hands. 0 ntent onally made r &ht for the tree trun+s ahead. 0 +ept spec al tabs on the hyper4real sm of the e1per ence# as th s .as the most mportant factor here. The ) brat ons d dnEt d e do.n one b t# as 0 constantly +ept them &o n& r &ht from the start. 0 .ent up to the bushes and caut ously peered throu&h them. There .as a stream flan+ed by a muddy ban+# from .h ch an enormous patch of horseta l shot up. %y ob6ect )e .as .ad n& r &ht n the m ddle of the stream# 0 almost shouted out n ecstasy at the s &ht of t. 0 +ept 8u et only out

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of a des re to not attract ts attent on. That could ha)e ru ned e)eryth n&. 0 tr ed to a)o d dra. n& ts attent on not so much because 0 .as some.hat afra d# but more out of a des re to s mply .atch th s ma&n f cent creature from the s de# and feast my eyes on ts beauty. 0 had already seen a T. re1 at least f )e t mes before# but th s one .as much lar&er than all of the pre) ous ones. E)en the the color of ts s+ n .as d fferent 4 sl &htly dar+er and . th spots. For some reason# th s one seemed to be a female. The & ant paused at some po nt# apparently react n& to me. 0 mmed ately returned my attent on to peer n& at the lea)es and the nsects on them# so as not to nterfere n the s tuat on . th the d nosaur# and also rema n n a deep phase. 0 .as 8u te afra d that th s phase m &ht not be suff c ent for more sensat ons 4 and so nstead of st c+ n& t out# 0 8u c+ly ran up beh nd the T. re1. 0t mmed ately turned n my d rect on# but 0 concentrated as much as 0 could on the thou&ht that t .ould see me as a fr end and not a foe. R s+ n& the phase# 0 e)en stopped n order to pro&ram the s tuat on. 0ts hu&e head loo+ed at me for se)eral more seconds# and then calmly bent do.n. 0t seems that t had a ) ct m there. 0 ran up to ts mass )e ta l. 0 8u c+ly peered at t up close# and then mo)ed to ts face. 0 .as mean.h le n a pan c o)er the phase and ts depth# and so made &reat effort to ampl fy the ) brat ons 0 .as feel n&. Dlso# 0 petted the rept le the .hole t me# for no. mo) n& my hands do.n ts s de# and stepp n& nto the cool .ater up to my an+les. E)eryth n& .as already so e1traord nary# and 0 d dnEt .ant to be e6ected nto real ty by ma+ n& a stup d mo)e. Fear of the monster had already completely subs ded# but 0 started to &ro. a l ttle concerned o)er the &reat depth of th s phase. The un.holesome dea of stay n& there fore)er suddenly came o)er me. Bo.e)er# the nst nct of self4preser)at on +ept me to my senses. 'ull n& up the rept leEs mass )e and muscular frame# 0 &ot up to the front of t. 0 had not seen tyrannosauruses up so

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close that often before# so 0 .as a b t amused by ho. helplessness ts forearms appeared# almost l +e puny un.ebbed fl ppers (Tyrannosauruses only ha)e t.o cla.ed l mbs). They are &enerally cons dered to be )est & al# but th s rept le .as clearly us n& them to help tself to the carcass of another b & l ,ard# hold n& t up. 0n turn# the prey seemed to be 8u te u&ly and bony. 0ts nnards .ere han& n& out of the lar&e 6a.s of the d n n& rept le. 0 s8uatted do.n 6ust a yard a.ay from the d nosaurEs mu,,le and .atched the scene. 0t d dnEt pay me any attent on# e)en .hen 0 &rabbed the &narled le& of ts ) ct m ( t loo+ed l +e a ch c+en4le&# but a hundred t mes lar&er)# and thre. t as de. The T. Re1# st ll &nor n& me# ra sed ts head and .ent stra &ht for the del cacy. 0ts mo)ement seemed to re8u re a lot of effort# and all the muscles of ts haunches s mply pushed for.ard .hen e1erted. 0 could see that the beast .as ncred bly stron&. Dfter &o n& half.ay to.ards ts pr ,e and scann n& ts surround n&s# the l ,ard turned a&a n to the carcass. 0t be&an to &o at t a&a n. 0 had already made up my m nd to feed h m by hand# but then some + nd of alarm .ent off. Su c+ly real , n& that t .as com n& from outs de the . ndo. n the phys cal .orld# 0 mmed ately dun+ed my head under.ater n order to &et r d of that sound by pro&ramm n& the 8ual t es of the space around. 0t .as ndeed 8u eter under.ater# but the alarm .as st ll aud ble. @h le obser) n& the pebbles at the bottom of the clear .ater# 0 plu&&ed my ears . th my f n&ers. The sound became e)en 8u eter. Employ n& the stra n n& the bra n techn 8ue made the ) brat ons st ll stron&er# creat n& a no se that 0 be&an to l sten n to. The alarm sound .ent a.ay. 0 surfaced# too+ my f n&ers out of my ears# and then t occurred to me that t could ha)e been a car alarm. CDnd .hat f that .as from my carLC 4 0 thou&ht. Curs n& all earthly matters# 0 recalled my body n order to return bac+ nto t. Dnd t .as only 6ust upon feel n& the phys cal body that 0 remembered that my car had already been at the mechan cEs for se)eral days no.... 0 heard the alarm a&a n# but t .asnEt com n& from my car. Dnd so# there .as no po nt n cutt n& the

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phase e1per ence short. 0 tr ed to &et bac+ nto the phase once a&a n# but the .a l of the alarm d d not stop# and so all of my attempts to return to the phase .ere n )a n. Au1u!t 7@@K A E+*eri)e t a d a 4o#e Stor' 0 .o+e up at about >:"" am and too+ a cold but .as st ll unable to &et nto .or+ mode. 0 dec ded to &o bac+ to sleep. F )en that th s .ould be a &ood t me ma+e attempts to enter the phase# 0 dec ded to try ma+e a &o of t. Bo.e)er# 0 .asnEt n the mood to try anyth n& but phantom . &&l n&. 7ot really e1pect n& anyth n& to come of t# 0 half4heartedly and monotonously tr ed to Croc+ the boatC . th one hand. That hand# n turn# 8u c+ly y elded and started mo) n&# thou&h n t ally . th l ttle ampl tude. Dlready ha) n& pract cally fallen asleep# 0 not ced that the ampl tude had ncreased dramat cally and my hand be&an to l terally sl p out of my body. 0 dec ded to mon tor the s tuat on more closely# and .as able to mo)e my forearm further and further to each s de. Dt some po nt# 0 .as able to trace a full c rcle . th t. 0t then occurred to me that there had been a mar+ed chan&e n my sense of bod ly percept on. *ometh n& clearly started to occur. 0 tr ed to roll out. That d d not .or+# but ) brat ons arose upon attempt n& t. Th s ser)ed as a s &nal to try more act )ely to roll out. 0 tr ed a&a n 4 and t .or+ed. Franted# there .as some d ff culty and slu&& shness n)ol)ed# but t .or+ed. 0 rolled out off the bed# but the state .as unstable: there .ere no d st nct sensat ons# and 0 .as dra.n bac+ nto my body. 0 be&an errat cally palpat n& e)eryth n&. The pull on my body &radually d sappeared# and after 9 to $" seconds my s &ht started to return. 0 used t to deepen by peer n&. That pro)ed to be the dec s )e factor. The phase became hyper4 real. 0 remembered r &ht then and there .hat needed to be tr ed n th s phase# and 0 be&an from the most mportant tem 4 e1per ment n& . th translocat on. 0 had .anted to chec+

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once a&a n ho. d ff cult t .as to translocate n space us n& the door techn 8ue. F rst# 0 closed the door. 0 focused my attent on on there be n& an aud tor um beh nd t n .h ch 0 .as to & )e a lecture. 0 opened the door# .al+ed nto the aud tor um# and closed the door once a&a n beh nd me. 0 then focused my attent on on the other s de of the door be n& the .e &ht4room of the &ym that 0 &o to. 0 opened the door# and loo+ed n to the .e &ht4room. Then# 0 shut the door and opened t a&a n 4 the .e &ht4room .as st ll there. 0 .ent nto t and closed the door beh nd me. 0 then focused on deep outer4space be n& beh nd the door. 0 opened the door# .h ch led nto the hall.ay that .ould ha)e been there f 0 .ere really n the .e &ht4room. 0 closed the door and concentrated e)en harder on outer4space be n& beh nd t. 0 started to open the door# but someth n& seemed to be hold n& t bac+ from the other s de. 0 had to use force to &et the door to bud&e. Dfter that# t opened all the .ay eas ly. Dt that po nt# 0 not ced that the phase space be&an to blur. Bo.e)er# 0 mana&ed to concentrate and restore ts real sm by stra n n& the bra n. Beh nd the door .as deep outer4space. 0 stood at the entrance to the .e &ht room# and l terally a step n front of me .as endless e1panse . thout be& nn n& or end. 0 could breathe freely. Dn cy draft came n throu&h the door. E1per ments ha)e sho.n that unless one s s mply &o n& from one room nto another# translocat n& us n& doors s one of the more d ff cult methods. *uch d ff culty s probably only due to the nternal psycholo& cal bloc+s that people ha)e. @h le stand n& and analy, n& .hat .as happen n&# 0 .as suc+ed nto a stenc l. The only th n& that 0 could do at that )ery moment .as &rab at the door handle# .h ch 0 d d almost automat cally. 0 then felt myself ly n& n my body. Bo.e)er# my hand .as clearly st ll &rasp n& the door handle. 0 be&an mo) n& the phantom hand on e)ery plane# and soon felt that 0 .ould be able to separate. 0 eas ly rolled out and found myself n my room.

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0 8u c+ly brou&ht the state to a le)el of hyperreal sm throu&h peer n& nterspersed . th palpat on. Real , n& that 0 had already ach e)ed my pr mary ob6ect )es# 0 &a)e n to a des re to meet . th a & rl .hom 0 had not seen for a .h le# but st ll had feel n&s for. 0 .ent to the bathroom door# and opened t . thout a shred of doubt that she .ould be on the other s de. Dnd thatEs 6ust ho. t happened. 0 opened the door and sa. beh nd her the nter or of my old apartment .here she used to ) s t me. 0 had of course hoped to ha)e seen her na+ed n the bathtub# but th s scenar o .as not bad at all. *he .as s tt n& on the couch and loo+ n& out the . ndo.. 0 felt that she understood that 0 .as close4by. 0 .ent up and sat do.n on the floor ne1t to her. 0 cuddled up to and started be n& affect onate . th her. Than+s to the hyper4 real sm of the e1per ence# the sensat ons .ere ncred bly ntense and ama, n&. * mply stro+ n& her s+ rt and 6ac+et .as a stunn n& e1per ence# as t once .as n real ty. 0t .as e1tremely pleasant to feel her soft and .arm body under her clothes# pantyhose# and +nee4h &h stoc+ n&s. Once 0 brou&ht my hand to her head and be&an ta+ n& her ha r a.ay from her face# she turned to.ard me and sm led. Dfter see n& the &a,e of those same )ery eyes and that same sm le# there .as noth n& 0 could do n response but sm le. 0 cont nued to mo)e my hands o)er her face# head# and body n order to ma nta n the phase. Ber eyes .ere sad# her sm le seemed to be am d tears. But all the .h le# her e1press on .as more open and s ncere than t had e)er been n real ty. *he also started to smooth my face and hands. *he then came to as+ me ho. 0 .as do n& and .hat 0 had been up to. 2nderstand n& that such commun cat on .as only a formal ty of secondary mportance n the phase# 0 ans.ered only n monosyllables# all the .h le en6oy n& the fact that 0 .as ne1t to her# could feel her touch# see her eyes# and hear her pa nfully fam l ar )o ce. *urpr s n&ly# 0 .as not o)er.helmed

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by the unbr dled se1ual nst ncts that usually ar se .hen contact n& the oppos te se1 n phase. Dfter spend n& some more t me . th her# 0 dec ded that t .as t me to br n& the meet n& to a close# as 0 could see her another t me. Before me st ll rema ned the tas+ of enter n& and e1 t n& my body mult ple t mes. 'ract c n& that s+ ll had been a part of my prel m nary plan of act on. 0 ntent onally returned to my body and mmed ately be&an try n& to e1 t t. 0 .as eas ly able to roll out. 0 returned bac+ to my body# and then rolled out of t a&a n. Bo.e)er# my connect on to real ty &reatly ncreased after that last return# and t too+ a fa r amount of effort to l terally fly out of my body. 0 .ould also ha)e to employ the techn 8ue of forced fall n& asleep. Ba) n& found myself float n& once a&a n n the center of the room# 0 clearly understood that there .as no po nt n return n& bac+ a&a n to the body. @ thout e)en bother n& to stren&then the phase throu&h deepen n&# 0 ne)ertheless ntent onally rushed bac+ to my body n order to d sco)er the l m t of my o.n capab l t es# and further ref ne my s+ ll at e1 t n& the body. Cau&ht n a stenc l# 0 .as at f rst barely able to mo)e# but then 0 .as se ,ed by a .a)e of a.a+en n&. 0 s. tched to forced fall n& asleep# and then on to obser) n& ma&es .hen forced sleep d d not .or+. 7o ma&es appeared. 0 a&a n be&an to try to d ) de# but then arose the feel n& of ha) n& fully a.a+ened. 0 started try n& to mo)e my hands do.n alon& my body and bac+. 'hantom mo)ement arose after se)eral seconds# and my consc ousness mmed ately submer&ed deeply# s n+ n& a.ay from the outs de .orld. 0 focused e)en more on mo)ement# and t occurred e)en further. 0 started to try to &et up. 0 .as able to# but )ery slu&& shly. %y body seemed to be se)eral t mes hea) er than t really .as. Dny rela1at on on my part mmed ately na led me bac+ to the stenc l. Dt some po nt 0 mana&ed to completely separate# and found myself ne1t to the bed. 0 tr ed chaot cally to use all a)a lable

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deepen n& techn 8ues# but noth n& helped# and 0 .as returned to my body. 0 .as done for that sess on. Aa uar' 7@@H Obtai i 1 I "or)atio Once 0 &ot nto bed# 0 found myself n the mood to try enter n& the phase us n& a d rect techn 8ue. Dfter ha) n& la d do.n for a b t and some end4of4the4day reflect on# .h ch calmed and rela1ed me to some e1tent# 0 be&an to concentrate my attent on on ma& ned rotat on alon& my head4to4toe a1 s. 0 .as unable to rotate more than half.ay for the f rst m nute. But then 0 .as able to rotate all the .ay around# and t &ot eas er and eas er . th each m nute. 0 rotated n one d rect on# and then another. 0 per od cally lapsed nto sleep and shallo. dream n&. 0 d d not e)en try to attempt separat on .hen surfac n&# because 0 d d not feel any phase symptoms. Dt one po nt# consc ous a.areness san+ nto unconsc ous for a lon&er per od of t me than before (0 almost completely fell asleep). @hen 0 came to# the rotat on .as some.hat slu&& sh. 0 ntens f ed the rotat on# .h ch then spun me around l +e an electr c motor: my .hole body .as abu,, . th ) brat ons# e)en thou&h the rotat on .as st ll ma& nary# and not as perceptually real as usual. 0 also heard no se. 0t became clear that f 0 .as not already n the phase# then 0 .as close to t# and so 0 tr ed to roll out for the f rst t me. 0t .or+ed l +e a charm. Bo.e)er# 0 d d not fall onto the floor# but floated an nch or t.o abo)e t# as t seemed to me. @ast n& no t me# 0 abruptly stood up n the m ddle of the room. 0 couldnEt see the room around me# but clearly understood that 0 .as n t. 0 8u c+ly be&an to palpate the floor# closet# bed l nen# my o.n torso# and so on. On the .hole# 0 could mmed ately tell that the phase .as deep# e)en thou&h 0 couldnEt see. 0 d d e)eryth n& more out of hab t# and n order to ensure a lon& and conf dent phase. %oreo)er# the lapse n consc ousness .as recent# and t .ould be necessary to fully re&a n consc ousness before &o n& nto act on# other. se 0 m &ht eas ly dr ft out of the phase. Dfter 9 to $"

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seconds of palpat on# my ) s on returned. Ds soon as t d d# 0 stared at my hands# peer n& at all the l nes on my palms and f n&ers. The phase became not only real n terms of percept on 4 t became hyper4real. Dt that moment# 0 8u c+ly def ned my &oals: to obta n nformat on about phase tra n n&# and to conduct an e1per ment on the connect on bet.een the body perce )ed n the phase and the phys cal body left beh nd on the bed. 0 d dnEt n t ally recall .hat else had 0 .anted to do# but f &ured that 0Ed remember the other tas+s .h le complet n& the f rst t.o. Dll that thou&ht on my plan of act on d d not ta+e more than t.o seconds. 0 then closed my eyes and concentrated on f nd n& a . se old man. 0 abruptly fle. off# and 8u c+ly enou&h found myself n a hut# enter n& as f sta&&er n& n after fly n& throu&h the .all. The . se man sat fac n& a.ay from me# so 0 8u c+ly .al+ed around to face h m# and then as+ed h m ho. 0 could mpro)e my teach n& methodolo&y at sem nars. 0 e1pected that he .ould once a&a n propose certa n tr c+s4of4the4trade and spec al techn 8ues. 0nstead# he une1pectedly sa d that t .as .orth .or+ n& more act )ely on the emot onal factor and espec ally mot )at on# as many s mply do not ma+e the necessary effort# ma nly because they donEt understand .hat a.a ts them and ho. nterest n& t s. E)en thou&h the r techn 8ue should be corrected# thereEs not po nt n do n& so .hen they arenEt al.ays mot )ated and do not perform the techn 8ues thorou&hly. Ba) n& obta ned .hat 0 needed and ha) n& set ts analys s as de for later# 0 too+ ad)anta&e of the opportun ty and as+ed a 8uest on concern n& my personal relat onsh ps . th people that 0 care about n my l fe. Bo.e)er# the response caused me to fade out# and my m nd .andered for a couple of moments# .h ch .as enou&h for e)eryth n& to become blurred. Real , n& that d rectly employ n& ma nta n n& techn 8ues .ould be useless at th s po nt# 0 6ust tr ed to ma nta n the phase by &rabb n& the sa&eEs beard. 0 ended up n my body# but . th my hand st ll hold n& h s beard# .h ch 0

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stron&ly clutched n my hand n order to ampl fy the flo. of sensat ons as much as poss ble. Rubb n& my hand . th the beard# 0 .as able to almost effortlessly &et out of bed. Dfter palpat n& the nearby space . th my free hand and real , n& that the state .as stable enou&h# 0 be&an try n& to scrut n ,e the hand . th the beard# hold n& t close to my eyes. %y ) s on started to return# and . th n se)eral seconds 0 .as already able to see the space and my hand tself 8u te clearly. 0n t lay a th c+ clump of &ray ha r. Th s made me lau&h. 0 tr ed not to &et d stracted# and .as able to conta n myself. Then# 0 be&an to study the connect on bet.een the body that s ) s ble on the bed from the phase# and the real phys cal one. 'erhaps the phase space tself came to my a d# because t .as prec sely at that t me that 0 sa. my body ndeed ly n& on the bed. 0 had been en6oy n& th s s &ht less and less fre8uently# thou&h at the be& nn n& of my pract ce 0 e1per enced t . th nearly e)ery e1 t from the body. @atch n& myself from the outs de .as once a&a n not )ery pleasant# someth n& 6ostled me ns de and aroused m 1ed feel n&s. Th s .as perhaps because the person 0 .as loo+ n& at d d not e1actly correspond to ho. 0 e1per ence myself to be. 0 be&an to touch h s feet# stomach# and head. Contrary to old . )esE tales# th s d d not cause any &ett n& pulled nto a stenc l 4 th s process deepened and ma nta ned my phase# as t .as a type of sensory ampl f cat on. Dt some po nt# touch n& and e1am n n& the face# 0 all too clearly real ,ed that t .as me. E)eryth n& faded for a moment# and 0 e)en felt someoneEs hands on my face. But 0 .as then able to &o bac+ to .hat 0 .as do n&# and cont nued on . th the same clar ty of purpose. 0 .rapped up the e1per ment. Bere t da.ned on me that 0 could not remember .hat else 0 had .anted to do. Su te d sappo nted# 0 no. had to &o on . th do n& the f rst th n& that popped nto my head# so as not to .aste the rest of the phase as a result of my poor memoryO $arc& 7@@H

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A / e+*ectedl' 4o 1 P&a!e 0 had put a lot of .or+ nto the boo+ the day before# .rapp n& up a three4day sess on. %y bra n .as st ll )ery t red# and .ould need more than the pre) ous n &htEs sleep to recuperate. Dfter .or+ n& another hour from > to ? am# 0 fell asleep. 0 .o+e up around d nnert me# ate# and .as once a&a n unable to res st fall n& asleep. Dfter about another hour or t.o of sleep# 0 .o+e up mot onlessly to part al consc ous a.areness after a ) ) d dream. 0 real ,ed that my m nd .as clear and rela1ed enou&h to try to enter the phase. %oreo)er# 0 had an ntense des re to do so. 0 tr ed separat n& 4 and noth n&. 0 be&an obser) n& ma&es. Dt f rst they .ere 8u te dull. 0 could ma+e out a forest landscape n the d stance. 0t 8u c+ly became more and more real st c# and seemed to be suc+ n& me n. Bo.e)er# 0 d dnEt feel l +e .a t n& for t to pull me n# and so 0 tr ed once a&a n to roll out. 0 .as only able to ma+e se)eral de&rees of mo)ement# and then 0 .as stuc+ a&a n. 0 returned to my body# and once a&a n rushed to force myself to roll out. 0 .as able to mo)e s &n f cantly farther# but .as st ll stuc+. 0 returned a&a n# and e)en more forcefully started roll n& out# th s t me meet n& no res stance. 0 felt the phase to be fa rly .ea+. E)en deepen n& techn 8ues hardly helped. 0 had no ) s on# and the sensat ons had less than 9"; the stab l ty of those of real l fe. 0 .as nearly pulled bac+ nto my body. 0 tr ed palpat on on the ob6ects n my room . th double effort# and mean.h le ran around n order to obta n more sensat ons. 0t too+ effort# but the s tuat on started to stab l ,e. Once 0 could feel that 0 .as stably n the phase# 0 put my hands to my eyes and a&&ress )ely tr ed to see throu&h the dar+ness. * &ht 8u c+ly came# and 0 could see the .hole room no less ) ) dly than n real l fe. * nce the phase st ll seemed unstable to me and dest ned to be short4l )ed# 0 dec ded to put as de my plan of act on and nstead pract ce s+ lls that 0 had not used n a .h le. F rst# 0 .ent up to the .all and started to forcefully

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+noc+ on t . th my +nuc+les. 0 mmed ately felt sharp and unpleasant pa n. 0 concentrated my attent on# and the pa n 8u c+ly subs ded. 0 +noc+ed e)en harder. There .as no pa n. 0 punched the .all se)eral t mes . th all my stren&th# brea+ n& the surface of the dry.all and lea) n& a dent. There .as no pa n at all. 0 then loo+ed at my sl pper ly n& ne1t to the bed# and tr ed to mo)e t 6ust by loo+ n& at t. Dfter some hes tat on# the sl pper started to mo)e a b t# thou&h reluctantly. 0 not ced that the real sm of the space around me sa&&ed some.hat and e)eryth n& seemed to fade a b t 4 after.ards# the sl pper bent to my e)ery . ll. 0 mo)ed t across the floor and made t mo)e throu&h the a r. 0 f nally dashed t a&a nst the . ndo.# shatter n& t. D cold draft ble. n. 0 then tele+ net cally fl pped the bed o)er and nstalled t on the ce l n&# all by star n& at t. 0 then focused my attent on on the l &ht4bulb of the lamp# try n& to turn t on by force of . ll. The l &ht bulb fl c+ered on# and then off. 0 ncreased the depth of the phase to a hyper4 real st c state throu&h peer n& and palpat on# and then tr ed llum nat n& the l &ht4bulb a&a n. Th s pro)ed to be more d ff cult. 0t d dnEt part cularly .ant to obey my . ll. But after a fe. seconds# t &ently reddened# and then l t up. 0 f n shed my phase s+ lls tra n n& sess on by concentrat n& on the bed# . ll n& t to catch f re. 0t mmed ately started smolder n&. Then# small ton&ues of f re erupted here and there. @ th n a fe. seconds# the .hole bed .as on f re# f ll n& the room . th a sulphur c smell and a lot of smo+e. Rubb n& my hands to&ether n order to deepen the state# 0 .ent up to the bro+en . ndo.# startled that the phase had lasted so lon&# as t had n t ally been so unstable. 0 dec ded to use the last moments of t to ta+e off nto outer4space n one of those ultrafast mach nes featured n the mo)e C*tar @arsC. 0 focused my attent on on the dea# closed my eyes n ant c pat on# and mmed ately felt myself mo) n&. 0 &radually felt the sensat on that 0 .asnEt stand n&# but s tt n& on and s n+ n& nto a comfortable cha r that had 6ust appeared. 0 no.

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felt that 0 .as dressed n some + nd of spacesu t# and hold n& a p lotEs 6oyst c+ n my &lo)ed hands. Ds soon as 0 focused my attent on on that tact le sensat on and had already dec ded to br n& bac+ my s &ht# a horr bly loud sound started blar n&. D force of t tan c proport ons pulled me from the cha r and coc+p t that 0 .as n# ts safety restra nts nearly tear n& me apart. The shoc+ forced my eyes open. Fortunately# my eyes d d not open to the phys cal .orld. But unfortunately# 0 sa. that 0 .as approach n& a hu&e spacesh p at h &h speed# . th spar+s fly n& about all around me. There .as already noth n& that 0 could do. Dfter another second# there .as noth n& but dar+ness# and 0 .as .e &htless. Ve1ed at the nterrupt on of such an nterest n& ad)enture# 0 totally for&ot to employ further techn 8ues# and soon real ,ed that 0 .as ly n& n bed# and could feel dayl &ht throu&h my eyel ds. 0 f &ured that t .as t me to &et up and cont nue .r t n& the boo+. @ thout attempt n& to &et bac+ nto the phase# 0 .ent to the bathroom to .ash up# mean.h le reflect n& on .hat had happened. 0 loo+ed n the m rror# and d d not mmed ately real ,e .hat .as happen n&: 0 had hu&e beer4belly. Dt f rst 0 .as n shoc+# because 0 had de)oted so much ener&y to &ett n& r d of th s CtrophyC that 0 &ot from Cbul+ n& upC and hea)y .e &ht tra n n&. Ta+ n& the belly n my hands# 0 s8uee,ed and rolled the layers of fat. 0 then real ,ed that 0 had ne)er had a belly l +e th s before. Dnd then came the ep phany 4 0 .as st ll n the phase- One can only ma& ne my rel ef ... Aa uar' 7@3@ A 4o 1 Wa' "or a S&ort P&a!e 0 .o+e up somet me at about ? am# and my f rst thou&ht .as that 0 had .o+en up too alertly to do anyth n& . th the phase. Ds al.ays# 0 forced myself to st ll try to do someth n&. The a.a+en n& .as so alert that t .as some.hat d ff cult to con) nce myself to th s end. The s tuat on .as a&&ra)ated by phys cal mo)ement 4 0 .as ly n& do.n uncomfortably on my stomach.

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0 mmed ately performed forced fall n& asleep for a fe. seconds# caus n& me to feel a sharp plun&e n my mental state# as f 0 .ere retreat n& deep nto myself. 0 tr ed to separate r &ht then# but noth n& happened: ne ther le) tat on# nor roll n& out# nor &ett n& up. 0 started perform n& one of my fa)or te techn 8ues: phantom . &&l n&. 7o mo)ement arose. D fe. seconds later# 0 tr ed ) sual , n& my hands. Then obser) n& ma&es. There .as no result# but 0 noted that my hear n& .as fad n& out: 0 already couldnEt clearly hear sounds com n& from outs de the . ndo. or the room. That def n tely meant someth n&. 0 a&a n tr ed phantom . &&l n&# but noth n& happened after se)eral seconds of try n&. 0 dec ded to do ) sual ,at on of the hands to&ether . th forced fall n& asleep. 0 started .a) n& my hands n front of my face# and then rubb n& may palms to&ether# try n& to d st n&u sh all th s ) sually. %ean.h le# 0 feel nto a deeper state# lead n& my consc ous a.areness nto the )o d. 0t .as r &ht then that 0 not ced that 0 sensed my hands to be less under the p llo.# and more n front of my face. Once my consc ous a.areness &ot d stracted by th s# e)eryth n& stopped r &ht then and there. 0 a&a n be&an to fade out# and then tr ed to feel and see my hands n front of me. @ th my rema n n& remnants of a.areness# 0 be&an to not ce that my handsE presence n front of my face .as ncreas n&ly palpable# and 0 e)en be&an to be able to ma+e them out ) sually. Ds soon as 0 real ,ed that 0 could see them# 0 react )ated my consc ous a.areness# and started try n& to d scern the hands as clearly as poss ble. Dnd after a couple of seconds# they became as clearly ) s ble as they .ould be n real ty. 7o. 0 could feel them $"";# and e)en for&ot about .here they .ere ly n& n real ty. 7ot more than :" seconds had elapsed so far from the moment of n t al a.a+en n&. Dfter that# 0 6ust &ot up off the bed# 8u c+ly mentally runn n& o)er my plan of act on. But then# the telephone ly n& on the floor ne1t to the bed une1pectedly started r n& n&. 0 p c+ed t up# and could feel not only ts phys cal features# but e)en ho. t ) brated out the r n&4tone. %y collea&ue from

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.or+ flashed on the caller 0G. 0 .ondered .hat he .ould say to me n the phase# and so 0 pressed the button to ta+e the call. To my surpr se# the phone +ept on r n& n&. 0 became confused. 0 a&a n pressed the button to ta+e the call# but to no end. 0 real ,ed that the phone .as probably also r n& n& n real ty. Ds soon as that real ,at on h t me# 0 .as nstantly bac+ n my body. The phone .as really r n& n&. Dnd ndeed# t .as my collea&ue from .or+ call n&. The 8uest on rema ns as to .hy that sound d dnEt mmed ately +noc+ me out of the phase. 'erhaps because the phase space .as o)erlapp n& the real .orld n a completely lo& cal .ay. Dece)ber 7@3@ Tur i 1 i to 4e i ;! $u))' 0t .as an e1haust n& day: fly n& nto *eattle from (D# and then dr ) n& out to Aelm 6ust n t me for the f rst sess on of a sem nar. ThatEs .hy the plan .asnEt to enter the phase# but to at least catch up on some sleep. 0 a.o+e 8u te early the ne1t morn n&# and .ent r &ht for the + tchen to &et a taste of the del c ous treats that my hostess had ba+ed. 0t .as already fa rly l &ht outs de# and 0 &ot a chance to en6oy the beauty of the broo+ and p ne forest outs de the . ndo.. 0 thou&ht about ho. n ce t must be to l )e n a place . th such scenery. Dfter ha) n& en6oyed some tasty treats . th a &lass of m l+# 0 .ent to &o bac+ to bed. Ds 0 lay do.n# 0 nearly mmed ately heard some no se. Th s .as pu,,l n&# as the phase rarely comes to me so 8u c+ly and . thout lapses n consc ousness. %ean.h le# such no se s a def n t )e s &n that a phase s already n pro&ress. *ometh n& .asnEt r &htO Then# t f nally da.ned on me: up n these northern parts at th s t me of the morn n&# t s mply couldnEt ha)e been as l &ht outs de as t had seemed to me .hen 0 .as .al+ n& about the &uest story of the house. 0t had all happened n the phase- The treats# the m l+# and ta+ n& n the landscape. Dnd e)en 0# . th all of my e1per ence# .ould ha)e ne)er f &ured

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that out f t .erenEt for that no se .h ch betrayed the fact that 0 .as n the phase once 0 returned to my body. 0ncred bleO 0 rolled out of my body r &ht a.ay and &ot on . th a ser es of e1per mentsO Ds soon as my obl &atory plan of act on had been completed# 0 .as returned bac+ to my body. 0 rolled out a&a n . th ease and dec ded to 6ust run throu&h the beaut ful en) rons of the fabled l ttle to.n of Blueberry B ll# upon arr ) n& there by force of . ll. The place .as 8u te mpress )e. 0 rushed throu&h the . ndo. and be&an spr nt n& around the house from a d stance of $"" yards# ntently scrut n , n& e)eryth n& 0 came across. %y secondary plan of act on complete# 0 .as returned bac+ to my body. 0 couldnEt recall anyth n& else mportant to do. But 0 had to s8uee,e e)eryth n& out of th s phase# and use t for st ll more. For some reason# out of the blue 0 &ot the stran&e dea of turn n& up ns de Vlad m r (en nEs mumm f ed body at h s tomb n %osco.Es Red *8uare. @ thout f rst separat n&# 0 be&an try n& to feel myself be n& h m. %y body mmed ately shortened n stature. 0 be&an to feel myself n the e1act body pos t on that h s mummy l es n# as .ell as n ts cloth n&. For the f rst t me n a lon& .h le# once 0 be&an to feel the surround n& en) ronment# be n& n the phase felt )ery scary. The ncred ble realness of sensat on e)o+ed some stran&e terror that made me dec de to cut the phase short# a&a nst my o.n ad) ce. 0 returned to my body . th only m nor d ff culty. 0 opened my eyes. 0t .as p tch blac+ all around me. The t me .as ! am. 0 .ent bac+ nto (en nEs body# but the terror d d not return. Th s .as unfortunate# as 0 .ould l +e to e1per ence such e1traord nary feel n&s a&a n. *ee n& as the nearly dumbfound n& account of my ad)enture .as llustrat )e of many tems on the curr culum# 0 dec ded to share t and e)eryone at the ne1t dayEs sem nar &ot a &ood lau&h out of t. $a' 7@33

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A T'*ical I #e!ti1ati#e P&a!e 0 a.o+e at < D%# turned on C77# and had a b te to eat# as s my custom. Dfter catch n& the latest ne.s# 0 turned off the tele) s on. 0 then be&an to attent )ely re) e. my plan of act on for the dayEs upcom n& phases and add n ne. deta ls. The morn n&Es f rst phase .as to be de)oted to an e1per ment on ma nta n n& by means of assum n& an e1tremely uncomfortable or e)en pa nful pos t on . th the perce )ed (subtle) body. The second phase .ould be needed to underta+e an e1per ment on the cons stency of bod ly percept on: someho. separate or cut off an arm and see .hat happens . th sensat ons. Other tems on the plan of act on for th s and subse8uent phases cons sted of more do.n4to4earth and e)eryday &oals. Dt <:!" D% 0 closed the balcony door# nserted earplu&s# and put on a sleep n& mas+ to +eep sunl &ht from nterfer n&. Dfter ly n& do.n n a comfortable pos t on on my stomach# 0 once a&a n thou&ht about my plan of act on. 0 dec ded to enter the phase us n& a d rect techn 8ue. 0 d dnEt start off . th the techn 8ue r &ht a.ay. 0nstead# 0 dec ded to reach the ed&e of sleep f rst. 0 &ot lost n thou&ht at some po nt# and my ma& n n&s turned nto ep sodes that en)eloped me. %y m nd .as then abruptly returned to the body# and 0 tr ed to separate# but unsuccessfully. 0 then be&an to do the rotat on techn 8ue 8u te and pass )ely. %y a.areness once a&a n be&an to fade# and another shallo. lapse n consc ousness too+ place. On the .ay bac+ up# ne ther stand n& up# nor le) tat n&# nor roll n& out .ere successful as separat on techn 8ues. %ean.h le# 0 could clearly sense an approach n& phase. 0 started do n& sensory4motor ) sual ,at on# ma& n n& that 0 had already separated and .as .al+ n& about the room .h le deepen n& the phase. Those ma& ned sensat ons started becom n& real after another m cro4lapse n consc ous a.areness about three m nutes n. Ds soon as the sensat ons had become true4to4l fe# 0 rap dly made them hyper4real st c throu&h a m 1 of palpat on# peer n&# and focused ntent on. Then# 0 fell bac+.ards to the

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floor and folded my le&s underneath# try n& to recreate a pull n& feel n& n my h ps that had once helped me to stay n the phase for a lon& t me. Th s t me# ho.e)er# my le&s bent 8u te fle1 bly# and so no pa n or stra n arose. Feel n& that the phase .ould soon end any.ay# 0 be&an to t. st my le&s e)en more ntensely. % ld pa n f nally came. Real , n& that 0 couldnEt hope for much more at that po nt# 0 dec ded to see .hether such .ea+ sensat ons .ere enou&h for ma nta n n& the phase. 7o. fad n&# 0 +ept my le&s n as pa nful a pos t on as poss ble. 0 started count n& the seconds that .ent by# all the .h le en6oy n& a tran8u l ty uncharacter st c of the phase. Dfter all# stay n& n the phase for as lon& as poss ble usually re8u res chaot c act on n order to st mulate all of the senses. Dt !< seconds n# the sensat ons abruptly be&an to d ss pate# as d d the pa n. *e)eral seconds later# 0 .as bac+ n my body. 0 .as unable reenter the phase state# .h ch meant that t had fully run ts course. 0 be&an fall n& bac+ asleep . th the ntent on of repeat n& the test dur n& my ne1t phase e1per ence# and only then mo) n& on to the other act ) t es on my plan of act on. The nd rect method .ould br n& me t. ce more nto the phase that morn n&# allo. n& me to cont nue on . th the e1per ment. Aet another phase .ould come than+s to becom n& consc ous .h le dream n&# and all th s by ?::" D%.


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REVOLUTION We believe that everybo y i! "oi#" to e$i!t i# t%o %orl ! !oo# Sponsors and investors are needed for translation into other languages this free ebook and other our books, videos, et ! "lso #e need finan ial support to pro$ote the phase #orld#ide! %et&s hange the #orld together' (ake a part in it'


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O l' "or E+*erie ced Practitio er!


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E teri 1 t&e P&a!e State

,&a*ter 3 M Ge eral .ack1rou d

THE ESSEN,E OF THE PHASE PHENO$ENON The term phase state (or s mply phase) encompasses a number of . dely +no.n d ssoc at )e phenomena# many of .h ch are referred to by )ar ous terms# such as astral tra)el or out4of4body e1per ence. Th s concept also ncludes the more pra&mat c term luc d dream n&# but s not l m ted to the sense and form mpl ed by that e1press on. Bence# the term phase has been ntroduced to ease the study of phenomena that e1 st beyond hab tual K and often naccurate4 assoc at ons and stereotypes. The term out4of4body e1per ence s accurate to the e1tent that t descr bes the sensat on felt by a person e1per enc n& the phase phenomenon. A phase has two pri ary attributes? +.$ practitioners possess full, conscious awareness during the e4perience, and ,.$ practitioners recogniCe a genuine separation fro the physical body. * multaneously# the de&ree to .h ch pract t oners perce )e the phase en) ronment affects the le)el of sensory e1per ences there n# .h ch often occur n a h &her form than

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the sensory e1per ences of .a+efulness. Th s concept s d ff cult to ma& ne . thout f rsthand e1per ence of the phase. Dnd so# t s not . thout reason that th s pract ce s cons dered to be a h &her state of self4hypnos s or med tat on# and s often referred to under d fferent names as the h &hest poss ble human ach e)ement n )ar ous rel & ous and myst cal mo)ements (yo&a# Buddh sm# etc.).

0n essence# the phase s an une1plored state of m nd .here one s unable to control or feel the phys cal body. 0nstead# space percept on s f lled . th real st c phantom e1per ences. Interesting Fact! Sensations in the phase state can be so realistic that practitioners who unintentionally enter it often believe they are still in the physical body, and that the e4perience is occurring in the waking state. These types of unintended e4cursions ost often occur at night or early in the orning.

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0t s bel e)ed that one person n t.o on th s planet . ll encounter th s phenomenon at least once n h s l fe. Bo.e)er# .hen the )ar ab l ty and d ffer n& le)els of depth of the state are ta+en nto cons derat on# pract cally e)eryone has encountered t n one .ay or another. * nce the phase s a rare sub6ect of study# many .ho nad)ertently enter t do not real ,e .hat has ta+en place once they return to .a+efulness. %any do not ass &n any s &n f cance to the occurrence of a phase en) ronment that s not fully formed because shallo. phases donJt lea)e the same 6olt n& mpress on as deep states. Elus )e as the phase may seem# th s s an e1tremely common phenomenon# access ble to anyone . ll n& to consc ously learn and apply the correct methods of ach e) n& and ma nta n n& t. Interesting Fact! . and D3 year-olds have studied at School of Out-of-Body Travel se inars. %eanwhile, even as any trouble the selves over the issue of how uch age hinders or helps in the practice, these people de onstrated so e of best results in their groups. E)en a sc ent f c approach to the phenomenon states une8u )ocally that the phase s access ble to all# barr n& ser ous bra n patholo& es. Th s has been unamb &uously conf rmed by e1per mental research. Therefore# thereEs no sense n reason n& that the phase s someth n& d ff cult# access ble only to a small c rcle of people# or out of anyoneEs reach. G ff cult es n master n& t attest only to techn 8ue4 related m sta+es# and not to the naccess b l ty of the phenomenon. S,IEN,E AND THE PHASE

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*c ence f rst accepted the poss b l ty of the phase state . th n the dream consc ousness conte1t . th Re th BearneEs $?=9 e1per ment at En&landEs Bull 2n )ers ty. O)er the course of the e1per ment# pract t oner Dlan @orsley .as able to ma+e del berate and pre) ously a&reed eye mo)ements at the same that an ERF mon tor nd cated h s bra n .as n a state of sleep. *e)eral years later# *tephen (aBer&e .ould perform a s m lar e1per ment at *tanford 2n )ers ty that became .ell +no.n due to h s act )e contr but on to the de)elopment of th s f eld of study. Su te a number of sc ent f c e1per ments ha)e been conducted .orld. de to pro)e the e1 stence of the phenomenon and n)est &ate ts nature. For e1ample# e1per ments on three phasers at the %a1 'lan+ 0nst tute n Fran+furt (!"">) demonstrated the follo. n&: the lar&est d fference bet.een the states of .a+efulness# the phase# and rap d4eye4mo)ement (RE%) sleep s obser)ed at the 4" B, fre8uency# and s concentrated n the frontal parts of the bra n. Essent ally# t .as demonstrated that the phase s someth n& n4bet.een .a+efulness and RE% sleep. 7otably# those )ery parts of the bra n that are )ery much respons ble for consc ousness and .hose de)elopment d st n&u shes humans from pr mates turn out to be the most act )e .h le n the phase. Th s .or+ .as underta+en by I. Dllan Bobson# 2rsula Voss# Roma n Bol,mann# and 0n+a Tu n.

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They are cred ted . th demonstrat n& the d fference bet.een states of consc ousness at 4" B,. %ore n4depth e1planat ons of the nature of the phase state phenomenon rema n to be d sco)ered. @ th each pass n& year# the sc ent f c commun ty ncreas n&ly real ,es ho. mportant the study of th s state s# reco&n , n& that t enables a better understand n& of the mechan sms respons ble for consc ousness and ho. )ary n& states of .a+efulness and sleep ar se. There s also a theory .h ch states that the phase s a product of the e)olut on of human consc ousness: consc ousness f rst arose n and occup ed .a+efulness# and then &radually be&an to seep nto the RE% state# the ne1t4 closest state st ll free of consc ous a.areness. 'oss bly# consc ous e1 stence n t.o .orlds 4 .a+efulness and the phase 4 . ll be as commonplace for men and .omen of the future as be n& a.are only dur n& .a+efulness s today. Bo.e)er# there s also a completely oppos te theory .h ch ma nta ns that phase ab l ty used to be nherent# but s &radually d sappear n&. 0t po nts to the fre8uent ease . th .h ch youn&er ch ldren enter the phase# but later lose the ab l ty . th a&e due to ts ne&lect. ESOTERI, AND $YSTI,A4 EEP4ANATIONS Dlthou&h the &eneral tone of th s learn n& mater al has so far +ept to a suff c ently mater al st tac+# t s not theor , n& about the phase that br n&s people to&ether# but ts pract ce. 'ract ce s nd sputable# .h le theory al.ays leads to content on. For that reason# t ma+es no d fference at all .hat the pract t oner cons ders the nature of the phenomenon to be# nclud n& f he sees esoter c or myst c mot fs n t. E)eryone has the r &ht to the r o.n outloo+ and t s by no means the a m of th s boo+ to nfluence any l fe ph losophy or encoura&e t to.ards some theoret cal bent. @hatEs most

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mportant s that the reader be able to &et real pract ce . th the phenomenon. 2nfortunately st ll# there s no clear def n t on of the phenomenon n esoter c culture# nor an unamb &uous term for t. Gepend n& on the esoter c pract ce# the phase state s alternat )ely lumped n . th astral pro6ect on or out4of4body tra)el# and somet mes . th luc d dream n&. 'ostulated s some essence (the soul or astral body) lea) n& the phys cal plane and f nd n& tself n a) the phys cal .orld# b) the dream .orld# or c) the astral plane# etc. %ean.h le# the number of .orlds that can be ) s ted )ar es depend n& on the myst cal school. For e1ample# the astral plane can be the h &her one or the one# or also the mental plane# ether c plane# and so on and so forth. 0n some myst cal schools th s s cons dered a h &her e1per ence n terms of oneEs personal pract ce and state of be n&# .h le n others t s e8uated to the phys cal .orld# and s but a layer bet.een more ethereal realms. Iust the same# e1planat ons of the nature of the phenomenon and ts s &n f cance also )ary . dely. 0t s also often cons dered to be the same state that people e1per ence .hen dy n&. 0n many Eastern pract ces and rel & ons# l +e Buddh sm for e1ample# .here the ma n &oal s to stop the cycle of re ncarnat on throu&h rema n n& consc ous .h le dy n&# t s bel e)ed that consc ous dy n& can only be accompl shed throu&h ab l ty to enter the phase# .h ch .ould be a form of tra n n& for the moment of death and rema n n& consc ous dur n& t. There are endless d sa&reements re&ard n& ho. luc d dream n& ( .e. dream consc ousness) actually d ffers from so4 called Cout4of4body tra)elC and .hether ts class f cat on under the phase s 6ust f ed. The same contro)ersy e1tends to another esoter c term 4 astral pro6ect on. Gowever, such doubts only trouble novices and those whose ac0uaintance with the phase is superficial. @ot a single e4perienced practitioner can une0uivocally differentiate these pheno ena, although e4planations for this ay vary. For e1ample# .hen class fy n& all these phenomena to&ether# one pract t oner . ll

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conclude that tEs ndeed a parallel .orld# .h le another m &ht ma nta n that tEs all &enerated by the m nd. There are many reasons to class fy luc d dream n& ( .e. dream consc ousness) to&ether . th out4of4body tra)el. Th s s not only because e1 st n& research and a mass )e number of peoplesE e1per ences eas ly pro)e t. There are a number of 8uest ons that adherents of d ) d n& phase phenomena nto )ar ous states cannot F rst# .hy do luc d dreamers and out4of4body tra)elers use the )ery same techn 8ues to ach e)e the r states# but merely call the result by d fferent namesL *econd# .hy are the fundamental propert es of the out4of4body plane and luc d4dream n& .orld e1actly the sameL Th rd# f the .orld of dream n& can ta+e on any e1ternal form . th any propert es# then ho. does one d fferent ate real e1 t of the soul from the body nto the phys cal .orld 4 or a parallel astral one 4 from a s mulated dreamscapeL %any can offer theoret cal e1planat ons# but not one that can be appl ed or pro)en n pract ce. 'eople usually encounter e1treme phys olo& cal d ff culty n lea) n& beh nd the dea of there be n& a myr ad of .orlds that they can fall nto. Th s s usually t &htly nter.o)en . th the r l fe ph losophy and .orld) e.# .h ch can be pulled at the seams by such 8uest on n&. Bo.e)er# e)en opponents of class fy n& phase e1per ences to&ether can eas ly use the techn 8ues to ach e)e them n a .ay compat ble . th the r outloo+. Th s a&a n demonstrates the secondary role of theory and the o)err d n& mportance of pract ce. WHY ENTER THE PHASE< *uch a 8uest on can only ar se from not fully understand n& the propert es of the phenomenon and ts nature. @hen one suddenly understands at a certa n moment that he s 6ust as real as he normally s# and s stand n& that s not n the phys cal .orld . th h s same hands and body# and can touch e)eryth n& around h m and

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d scern f ne deta ls# such much emot on st rs up ns de h m that no 8uest ons ar se at all. This is the ost a aCing e4perience that a person can attain# The n t al phase encounter s al.ays 6olt n& and somet mes fr &hten n&. Gepend n& on the nd ) dual# fear e1per enced dur n& n t al encounters . th the phase occurs n about one4th rd of all cases. E)en )eteran pract t oners encounter fear# .h ch spea+s to the profound nature of the phase state. @ th t me# as rapture ebbs and emot ons .ane# thou&hts turn from the fact of the phenomenon tself to.ards ho. to someho. use t. Dnd here# a fantast cally d )erse f eld of pract cal appl cat on opens up before the pract t oner. These appl cat ons K .h ch th s boo+ commun cates K are not to be assoc ated . th the many unpro)en and dub ous methods often descr bed n sundry esoter c l terature. The nformat on presented here n s )er f able# pract cal# and atta nable. @hate)er the nature of the phase 4 a state of m nd# or perhaps an e1ternal e1per ence 4 th s s the sole opportun ty to: ) s t any part of the .orld or un )erseH see people .ho are out4of4reach n real l fe# nclud n& relat )es# the deceased# celebr t es# and )ar ous creaturesH commun cate . th the enormous resources of the subconsc ous m nd and obta n nformat on from tH real ,e des res that are unatta nable n real l feH model art st c product onsH nfluence phys olo&y# and more. These are not dull e1per ences. They are em nently personal and real. THE 4IFESTY4E OF A PRA,TITIONER 0t must be sa d that )ar ous d ets# e1erc ses# r tuals# and so forth do not produce not ceable supplementary effects to proper pract ce of the phase. 7aturally e1 stent psycholo& cal and phys olo& cal comfort s of the utmost mportance. Thus# methods recommend n& o)ereat n&# under4eat n&# or torment n& oneself . th )ar ous d ets and stran&e e1erc ses

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are useless and ult mately detr mental to a pract t onerJs .ellness and balance# n)ar ably produc n& a ne&at )e mpact on the effect )eness of techn 8ues tau&ht n th s &u deboo+. Ddd t onally# no mean n&ful assoc at on has been found bet.een pract ce of the phase and .hat may be construed as 3bad hab ts5. Re&ardless of a l festyleJs null effect on phase ach e)ement# a healthy# act )e l festyle . ll al.ays be recommended to en6oy a &ood 8ual ty of l ) n&. Interesting Fact! /f one believes that it is necessary to position one"s bed with the headboard facing the northwest or so e other direction in order to have ore effective out-of-body e4periences, then doing so will invariably have a positive effect on results. Gowever, the issue at hand is not the positioning of the body, but a belief that is akin to an intention, which in turn is enor ously i portant. 0t has been obser)ed that a re&ular and orderly l festyle ncreases the fre8uency of &enu ne# last n& phase e1per ences. *leep n& normally and soundly s the most bas c e1ample of a l festyle cho ce that produces d rect# pos t )e mpact on results# espec ally .hen a pract t oner comm ts to a full n &htEs rest se)eral t mes a .ee+. 0n order to better understand the proper approach to the pract ce# tEs .orth enumerat n& four types of people .ho usually ha)e the 8u c+est and best results. F rst# people .ho are mathemat cally ncl ned. The more e1actly the nstruct ons & )en n th s te1tboo+ are follo.ed# the &reater the r effect )eness. 'eople . th mathemat cal m nds mmed ately &et and clearly understand the .hole procedure n ts ent rety# .h ch s .hy they ha)e better success n carry n& t out. 7e1t are the athletes. The r pract ce s fac l tated by the r clar ty of purpose as .ell as ab l ty to focus and push

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themsel)es. Th rd are those .ho lo)e to sleep. D successful pract ce can def n tely be pred cted for a person .ho falls asleep eas ly and can slumber for $" to $! hours# often .a+ n& up and then fall n& bac+ asleep throu&hout. F nally# ch ldren. The r success s ensured not only by phys olo& cal factors# but also n much part by a clar ty of m nd yet to be encumbered . th useless +no.led&e and hamstrun& by e1cess )e analys s. 'ract cal nstruct ons reach the r m nds unh ndered and are eas ly follo.ed unerr n&ly. There s absolutely no re8u rement to fall nto the abo)e cate&or es n order to ta+e up the pract ce of phase states. Aou need only separate out and understand .hat e1actly helps these types of people# try to f nd s m lar tra ts n yourself# and then accentuate them n your o.n pract ce. * m larly# certa n types can be s n&led out .ho often ha)e d ff cult es n be& nn n& the r pract ce of the phase. F rst are those .ho ha)e l &ht# br ef# or f tful sleep due to phys olo& cal tra ts# l festyle# or the r .or+. 7e1t are act )e pract t oners of esoter c techn 8ues . th many years of e1per ence. The m nds of such people are so .e &hed do.n by )ar ous theor es and pract ces that t can be s mply mposs ble to con)ey e)en the bas cs re&ard n& techn 8ues to them# as they mmed ately nterpret e)eryth n& n the r o.n d osyncrat c .ay and synthes ,e t . th other accumulated +no.led&e. Then there are people .ho are s mply nattent )e. The r problem cons sts n fre8uently focus n& on secondary matters# all .h le blatantly &nor n& .hatEs most mportant. 0f a pract t oner f ts nto one of the abo)e cate&or es# that doesnEt mean that noth n& . ll .or+ for h m or that heEs better off not ta+ n& up th s pract ce. The truth s that th s pract ce .or+s for e)erybody# tEs 6ust that some of the hab ts of the abo)e &roups can nterfere . th the r de)elopmental path. 0f you reco&n ,e such tendenc es n yourself# all that you ha)e to do s to try to o)ercome or m t &ate them. One of the ain criteria for a successful start to one>s out-of-body practice is to approach it with a blank slate. /f a practitioner has read, heard, or tried out even so ething

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having to do with this pheno enon, he>s better off forgetting about it or at least putting it aside for now. And that blank slate should be carefully and e4actly inscribed with these instructions, which have been proven to work by thousands across the globe. D number of pract ces and past mes ha)e been found to ha)e a pos t )e effect on the pract ce of out4of4body tra)el. Sports help one learn to focus on &oals# push oneself# and o)ercome .ea+nesses. The pract ce of stopping internal dialog allo.s one to concentrate ntensely and a)o d needless analys s .hen des red. Self-hypnosis and editation also allo. one to learn to concentrate# as .ell as ha)e control o)er the m nd and body. Bo.e)er# you should ne)er e1haust your ener& es and enthus asm by ta+ n& up an e1cess )e number of pract ces at once. That usually leads to o)erall lac+ of results. There should be no neurot c sm or obsess )eness n approach n& the phase 4 as they reduce odds of success to ,ero. Dll act ons should be cool and self4assured# . thout lett n& the mportance of the end4&oal st r one up nto a fren,y. *ound sleep s one nd cator of correctness of approach and follo. n& the nstruct ons. 0f all of the methods are mplemented correctly# the pract t oner . ll al.ays en6oy sound sleep. Con)ersely# f tful and chron cally l &ht sleep# as .ell as nsomn a# al.ays ser)e as symptoms of errors n oneEs )ery approach to the pract ce. OneEs &eneral feel n& of .ell4 be n& s also a &ood nd cator. Correct pract ce of the phase . ll ne)er cause fat &ue# nor br n& out emot onal or phys cal e1haust on. To the contrary# the phase should be emot onally n) &orat n& and ener& , n&. To put t s mply# the pract ce should not cause any d scomfort# e)en dur n& unsuccessful attempts. PRA,TI,E REGI$E: 7 TO 3 DAYS PER WEE6


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/t is never reco end to practice the phase state ore than , or B days a week# Th s s cate&or cally forb dden for no) ces and s mot )ated by e1ternal factors# n add t on to a .hole sle. of other reasons# ma nly psycholo& cal. 0deally# o)er the f rst months or e)en years# tEs best to only concentrate on attempts before days off from .or+# .hen thereEs no need to .a+e up early or tEs poss ble to ta+e afternoon naps. @ever ake any atte pts at leaving the body on other days. 5uring the , try to divert yourself fro the phase and busy yourself with atters and other practices far re oved fro it. Of course# f the phase starts to occur spontaneously dur n& such brea+s# then thereEs no need to run a.ay from t. Ta+e ad)anta&e of those opportun t es# ma+ n& use of your ent re techn 8ue reperto re and pract cal s+ ll. O)er t me# only e1per enced pract t oners . ll be able to set themsel)es an deal schedule that does not affect the 8ual ty of the r attempts. *ome may e)en do t e)ery day. Bo.e)er# thereEs no sense n forc n& yourself to that le)el. 0tEs s mply not poss ble for the a)era&e no) ce# no matter ho. .ell he has p c+ed up on the all the most mportant aspects of the pract ce. Interesting Fact! (ven the School>s beginner se inars take the for of B-days of lessons with two nights of practice in a row. 'or a large nu ber of reasons, this is ;ust as effective as if the se inar lasted for an entire 3 days, for e4a ple. 0f a pract t oner has been try n& phase entrance techn 8ues e)ery day or almost e)ery day# he should ta+e a brea+ for $ to ! .ee+s n order to start do n& them on the r &ht schedule4 t.o or three t mes per .ee+. Aou should try to enter the phase only ! to : days a .ee+# re&ardless of .hether or not your attempts are

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successful. Th s should be a s mply mandatory rule# so that you donEt suffer from emot onal e1haust on or h t a .all . th your pract ce. @hen correctly follo. n& t# you can ha)e many phase e1per ences o)er a s n&le day# .h ch s .hy e)en ! to : days a .ee+ s totally suff c ent for ma+ n& constant pro&ress. 0&nor n& th s rule can lead to 8u te se)ere conse8uences for oneEs pract ce: phase entrance . ll s mply not happen at all# and a bloc+ n oneEs pract ce may ar se due to the lac+ of success. That bloc+ . ll .orsen unt l complete loss of fa th n oneEs o.n ab l t es or e)en the phenomenon tself occurs. The only cure s an e)en lon&er brea+ dur n& the .ee+# .h ch t s helpful to ta+e per od cally any.ay# e)en .hen oneEs pract ce s successful. To put t bluntly# a phaser should +eep to a certa n rhythm and cycle dur n& &ood t mes and bad# as does the rest of the .orld. A4GORITH$ FOR $ASTERING THE PHASE D no) ce pract t oner must understand the procedure for learn n& and master n& phase entry. Th s procedure cons sts of se)eral pr mary steps# each of .h ch s a un 8ue sc ence unto tself. $. The f rst and most mportant step addresses the techn 8ues used to enter the phase state. 0t s not necessary to master e)ery type of entrance techn 8ue (d rect# nd rect# dream consc ousness). (earn n& and apply n& the eas est techn 8ues pro) des the necessary prere8u s tes to more ad)anced methods. !. Contrary to popular op n on# the need for consc ous techn 8ues does not cease upon phase entrance. 0t s absolutely necessary to learn and apply methods for deepen n& the phase to ach e)e a cons stently hyper4 real st c en) ronment. Fa l n& to apply deepen n& techn 8ues almost &uarantees that e1per ences . ll be dull# un nterest n&# and subse8uent pract ce short4l )ed.

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'ract t oners should mmed ately learn and apply deepen n& techn 8ues after master n& any one entrance method. :. The th rd step n)ol)es master n& techn 8ues for ma nta n n& the phase# as . thout them the a)era&e person .ould ha)e phase e1per ences of much shorter durat on than s poss ble. @hen n the phase# the 8uest on of ho. to lea)e t almost ne)er occurs. On the contrary# one s normally thrust from t n the course of se)eral seconds f one s mply does noth n&. 4. Dfter learn n& all the necessary techn 8ues for master n& the phase state# t s t me to learn and apply methods of control# .h ch encompass the ab l ty to translocate# f nd and nteract . th ob6ects# nfluence surround n&s# and so forth. 9. Once the pre) ously noted steps ha)e been accompl shed# a pract t oner may proceed to apply phase e1per ences to enhance e)eryday l fe. O)er the course of th s &u deboo+# .e . ll e1am ne do,ens of these )aluable appl cat ons n &reat deta l.

@ th bas c s+ lls mastered# remember that pract c n& the phase s .orth.h le and effect )e only .hen the results are cons stent. 0f a pract t oner enters the phase only once a

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month# the e1per ence . ll be too emot onal to allo. for obser)at on of mportant pr nc ples and methodolo& es. The phase should be encountered at least once a .ee+. @or+ n& to.ard a le)el h &her than a .ee+ly phase entry s amb t ous# e)en benef c al. Real st cally# t.o to four phase e1per ences per .ee+ m &ht be cons dered the le)el of a master# but th s s far from the up.ard boundary (!4< phases per one day-). Ds a rule# no) ce pract t oners ach e)e the phase less often than s des red. Bo.e)er# . th re&ular attempts# success occurs more and more fre8uently# .h ch should help alle) ate any frustrat on result n& from fa led attempts. E)ery budd n& phaser should real ,e that the nstruct ons & )en n th s te1tboo+ are the best tools for the a)era&e person to ach e)e the phase state. Bo.e)er# many ha)e the r o.n phys olo& cal and l festyle d osyncras es# and so someth n& m &ht not su t them or m &ht be counter to the r nature. % nor ad6ustments to the nstruct ons are perm ss ble from the )ery be& nn n&. Ds lon& as theyEre m nor. *ubstant al chan&es are only for people . th substant al e1per ence# and should only be made us n& tr ed and true methods. The methods .or+ for e)eryone n any case# but for the e1per enced pract t oner they are merely a template that can be f ne4tuned to further mpro)e results. 0f noth n& at all .or+s for a pract t oner# then tEs not a 8uest on of method but a 8uest on of ho. .ell the method s be n& appl ed. Th s s .hy ntroduc n& substant al chan&es at be& nn n& sta&es s cate&or cally forb dden. The a m of th s boo+ s to lay a stron& foundat on for nd ) dual pract ce that s de)o d of any dub ous elements. *ome th n&s m &ht not be as fancy or fantast cal as one m &ht . sh. On the other hand# e)eryth n& descr bed here s bac+ed up by the facts. E)eryone has the r &ht to choose the r o.n path# personal4& ph losophy# and nterpretat on of .hat s &o n& on .hen bu ld n& the foundat on of the r nascent pract ce.


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TYPES OF TE,HNIQ/ES There are three pr mary types of techn 8ues that ma+e t poss ble to enter the phase: direct# indirect and drea consciousness. These methods are performed .h le ly n& do.n or recl n n&# eyes closed# and the body n a state of total rela1at on. Interesting Fact! Often, people have an out-of-body e4perience without prior knowledge or belief in the pheno enon. /t ;ust happens, and a large body of evidence has been gathered to support this fact. (ven ore interesting is that spontaneous e4periences often occur after a brief study of aterial about the topic, like this guidebook... 5irect techni0ues are perfor ed without any noticeable lapse in consciousness. <hile practicing direct techni0ues, a lapse into sleep for less than 3 inutes is not considered a breach of the techni0ue. By def n t on# d rect techn 8ues encompass the performance of spec f c act ons for a pre4def ned nter)al of t me. *uccessfully appl ed# d rect methods result n a phase entrance . thout pass n& throu&h any ntermed ary states. For ?"; of the populat on# these techn 8ues are the most d ff cult because the m nd naturally e1 sts n an e1cess )ely act )e state. 0t has been clearly pro)en . th n the *choolJs student body that no) ce pract t oners do not benef t from be& nn n& a tra n n& re& men . th d rect techn 8ues. Th s s because d rect techn 8ues re8u re a thorou&h understand n& and masterful appl cat on of nd rect techn 8ues n order to be effect )e. The ncorrect not on that the phase state s e1tremely d ff cult to enter s due to the fact that people are more often dra.n to the more d ff cult d rect techn 8ues. 0t s

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al.ays better to approach d rect techn 8ues only after becom n& e1pert n the use of nd rect techn 8ues. /ndirect techni0ues are techni0ues that are put into practice upon awakening fro sleep. The effect )eness of nd rect techn 8ues s not dependent on the len&th of the prere8u s te sleep cycle. 0nd rect techn 8ues can be used .h le e1 t n& a full n &htJs sleep# after a dayt me catnap# or follo. n& se)eral hours of deep sleep. The most mportant th n& s that there s a lapse of consc ousness nto sleep before mplement n& the techn 8ues. 0nd rect techn 8ues are the eas est techn 8ues to pract ce# .h ch s .hy many pract t oners use them to enter the phase. *leep naturally pro) des the m nd . th deep rela1at on# .h ch s often d ff cult to ac8u re by other methods. * nce sleep s re8u red to perform nd rect techn 8ues# t s a con)en ent# oft4occurr n& means to conduct e1per ments . th the phase. 7o) ce pract t oners benef t &reatly from the use of nd rect techn 8ues# and learn f rsthand the poss b l ty of phase entrance. 5rea consciousness is ac0uired by techni0ues that allow entrance to the phase through what is co only referred to as lucid drea ing. 0n th s case# the phase be& ns .hen the a.areness that a dream s occurr n& happens . th n the dream tself. Dfter becom n& consc ous .h le dream n&# se)eral types of act ons can be performed# nclud n& deepen n& or return n& to the body and roll n& out# .h ch . ll be descr bed later. @hen deepen n& techn 8ues are appl ed n the conte1t of a consc ous dream# the sensory percept ons of the phase surpass those of normal .a+efulness. Techn 8ues that fac l tate dream consc ousness are usually cate&or ,ed separately from methods used to perform out4of4body tra)elH n pract ce# ho.e)er# t s apparent that the character st cs of dream consc ousness and out4of4body tra)el are dent cal# .h ch places both phenomena d rectly n

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the phase. These pract ces are d ff cult because# unl +e other techn 8ues# they do not n)ol)e spec f c act ons that produce nstantaneous results. D lar&e measure of preparatory steps must be obser)ed that re8u re t me and effort . thout any &uarantee of results. Bo.e)er# dream consc ousness techn 8ues are not as d ff cult as d rect techn 8ues. %oreo)er# the ma6or ty of pract t oners# .hether us n& nd rect or d rect techn 8ues# e1per ence spontaneous a.areness .h le dream n& . thout ha) n& to apply techn 8ues a med at dream consc ousness. E)ery phaser f nds the r o.n balance bet.een all of the methods for enter n& the phase based on the r ab l t es to .or+ on them# the r nd ) dual pred spos t ons# and the r )ery understand n& of ho. to perform them. *ome .or+ . th only one type of techn 8ue. %ost often tEs the nd rect method or dream consc ousness. Bo.e)er# .hene)er poss ble tEs best to str )e for balance and d )ers fy phase entrances as much as poss ble. %oreo)er# pract cally e)eryth n& becomes ach e)able . th pract ce# and n th s f eld noth n& s mposs ble. @ th a balanced approach and all th n&s be n& e8ual# the d rect method . ll account for about $9; of all e1per ences# the nd rect method 9"; (half of those be n& mmed ate separat ons upon a.a+en n&# and the other half us n& the techn 8ues)# .h le the rema n n& th rd of e1per ences . ll be had than+s to dream consc ousness. Bo.e)er# at t mes the boundary bet.een methods s so hard to p n do.n that t somet mes appears mposs ble to ass &n a phase entrance to a spec f c method. 0n add t on to the techn 8ues descr bed abo)e# there are also non4autonomous means and tools: )ar ous de) ces# pro&rams# e1ternal nfluences# and so forth# .h ch can be used to enter the phase. 0t s necessary to ment on that these are only useful to pract t oners .ho are able to enter the phase . thout supplementary ass stance. Var ous chem cal substances and herbal supplements ha)e been recommended to ass st phase entrance# thou&h

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us n& them s unl +ely to do any &ood# and use of these has ne)er y elded the effect that can be ach e)ed throu&h unadulterated pract ce. Ds such# the use of a chem cal crutch s re&arded here as completely unacceptable. ,ONTRAINDI,ATIONS E1act sc ent f c proof that enter n& the phase s dan&erous K or e)en safe 4 does not e1 stH there has ne)er been an e1haust )e# controlled study to pro)e e ther suppos t on. Bo.e)er# s nce the phase e1 sts at the fr n&es of naturally4occurr n& states of m nd# t can hardly be assumed dan&erous. 7otably# the phase s accompan ed by rap d eye mo)ement (RE%)# .h ch e)ery human e1per ences for up to ! hours each n &ht# and th s be& ns to e1pla n the phase e1per ence as ent rely safe and natural. Dlready conf rmed are the psycholo& cal nfluences of the phase on the phys cal m nd and bodyH namely# the emot onal effects that can occur dur n& the onset of the phase state. 'hase entry s a )ery profound# ncred ble e1per ence that may nduce fear# .h ch s n)o+ed by a natural nst nct for self4preser)at on. The phase can create stress. Th s s espec ally true for no) ces and those poorly ac8ua nted . th the nature of the phenomenon and techn 8ues used to control t. @ thout +no.led&e and proper pract ce# a fear4 nduced react on can escalate nto full4blo.n terror. Dfter all# .h le n the phase# fantasy 8u c+ly becomes real ty# and ret cent fears can ta+e on hyper4real st c 8ual t es. @hen th s occurs# tJs not the phase en) ronment# but the fear that s treacherous. 0t &oes . thout say n& that fear s a to1 c nfluence# espec ally to sens t )e souls# the elderly# and people . th phys cal a lments# l +e certa n card o)ascular cond t ons. Th s does not mean that persons n these &roups should absta n from pract c n& the phase. The solut on s to learn about and a)o d common stressors assoc ated . th the pract ce# +no. the mechan cs of

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controll n& ob6ects# and understand the pr nc ples of ma+ n& an emer&ency e1 t. F )en the poss b l ty of ne&at )e phase e1per ences# t could be ad) sed that pract t oners l m t the t me n phase to f fteen m nutes# thou&h t s 8u te e1cept onal to ma nta n the phase for such durat on. 'roposed t me l m ts are ent rely theoret cal and mot )ated by the fact that natural RE% does not normally last lon&er than f fteen m nutes# and# at the r s+ of s de effects due to the alterat on of natural cycles# e1per ments d rected at unnaturally prolon& n& RE% are not recommended. RE,O$$ENDATIONS FOR /SING THE G/IDE.OO6 Gur n& classroom nstruct on at the *chool of Out4of4 Body Tra)el# se)eral +ey factors are +no.n to produce pos t )e and ne&at )e effects on the l +el hood of success dur n& nd ) dual pract ce: Po!iti#e E""ect o Practice Dttent )e# thorou&h study of the course mater al. Cons stent .or+ . th pract cal elements. G l &ent complet on of techn cal elements. Ne1ati#e E""ect o Practice

Basty and nattent )e study of course mater als. 0ncons stent appl cat on of techn 8ues. Dppro1 mat n& the techn 8ues outs de of recommended &u del nes. D rela1ed approach to the D hyster cal approach to the sub6ect matter. matter# 3 dWe f 1e5. Reep n& a 6ournal of all D lac+ of personal analys s n t al attempts# follo.ed by .hen problems or a lac+ of record n& successful phase success are encountered. entrances.

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Ddher n& to the recommended number of da ly entrance attempts. Re&ular attempts and pract ce. 2nderstand n& that the author +no.s h s f eld .ell.

E1cess )e number attempts per day. *porad c pract ce re& men.


30 also +no. e)eryth n& 0 need to and . ll do as 0 .antC. Th s att tude s &ood only for those .ho ha)e a &reat amount of real pract cal e1per ence. Read n& a lot on the sub6ect or s mply ha) n& +no.led&e of t s not e1per ence.

EEER,ISES Que!tio ! @h ch alternat )e states are ncluded n the term 3phase5L Bo. does the phase d ffer from out4of4body tra)elL 0s the percept on of real ty d fferent n .a+ n& l fe than n the phase .orldL Goes the phase ha)e appl cat ons for day4to4day l feL @hat s+ lls must be learned before proceed n& to pract cal use of the phaseL Bo. many types of autonomous phase entrance techn 8ues are thereL @hat s the d fference bet.een d rect and nd rect techn 8uesL @h ch techn 8ues are eas est for the ma6or ty of pract t onersL


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0s t .orth trust n& )ar ous de) ces and pro&rams that prom se to be able to help one enter the phase stateL @hy or .hy notL *hould one eat meat .hen pract c n& the phaseL Ta!k!

$. Try to remember f you ha)e e1per enced phase encounters n the past. !. 0f you ha)e encountered the phase# .hat type of techn 8ue &a ned entranceH d rect# nd rect# or consc ous dream n&L :. 0f poss ble# as+ some fr ends and ac8ua ntances about the sub6ect of out4of4body tra)el or consc ous dream n&. Go any of them remember a s m lar e1per enceL @hat .as t l +eL


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,&a*ter 7 M I direct $et&od

THE ,ON,EPT OF INDIRE,T TE,HNIQ/ES Fenuine practice of phase entrance is best begun with the easiest, ost accessible ethods? indirect techni0ues, which are conscious actions perfor ed upon awakening fro sleep. *ome cr t cs ncorrectly assume that nd rect techn 8ues are not deal# and prefer to start . th d rect techn 8ues. Bo.e)er# do n& so pro) des no &uarantee of success and results n a lar&e amount of .asted t me and effort. Starting practice with indirect techni0ues guarantees entrance into the phase. D spec f c un )ersal techn 8ue that su ts e)ery pract t oner s a myth s nce nd ) duals d ffer . dely n personal ty# psycholo&y# and learn n& speed. Bo.e)er# there s a relat )ely easy un )ersal al&or thm# or procedure# that accounts for the character st cs of each person and allo.s for the most rat onal# effect )e .ay to atta n the n t al phase entrances. Th s al&or thm encompasses cycl c pract c n& of the nd rect techn 8ues co)ered n th s chapter. @ thout e1cept on# these techn 8ues 4 desp te the r )ary n& de&rees of d ff culty 4 are su table for e)ery pract t oner .ho . shes to e1per ence the phase. Results can be e1pected mmed ately follo. n& the f rst fe. attemptsH ho.e)er# to ach e)e measurable results# an a)era&e of f )e consc ous attempts must be made. %a+ n& more than f )e attempts e)en o)er the course of a s n&le day s f ne# too. There s noth n& d ff cult to understand about perform n& the techn 8ues s nce they are clearly la d out and

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based on real nternal processes. &e arkably, due to correctly practiced indirect techni0ues, ore than half of students at the live school attain phase entrance after only two days. Interesting Fact! %any e4perienced practitioners prefer to bypass the effort associated with direct techni0ues and hone their skills through the sole use of indirect techni0ues. 0n order to ensure that oneJs efforts are most fru tful and product )e# .e are &o n& to nd ) dually e1am ne each step and pr nc ple beh nd the act ons n &reat deta l. (et us start from a descr pt on of the techn 8ues themsel)es# .h ch . ll actually apply pract cally 6ust as much to d rect techn 8ues as to nd rect techn 8uesH as they only d ffer n character and len&th of appl cat on. There are plenty of techn 8ues# so after pract c n& all of the nd rect techn 8ues presented n th s chapter# a pract t oner should be able to choose three or four of the most stra &htfor.ard# nd ) dually effect )e methods. *eparat on techn 8ues . ll be e1am ned later. They are completely d fferent from usual techn 8ues# .h ch only br n& one nto the phase# but do not necessar ly themsel)es lead to separat on from the body. 0t s often also necessary to +no. ho. to stop perce ) n& oneJs phys cal body after employ n& these techn 8ues. 0t s necessary to understand .hen to employ these techn 8ues# and the mportance of .a+ n& from sleep . thout open n& the eyes or mo) n& the body. Dttempt n& to enter the phase mmed ately upon a.a+en n& must be learned and pract ced to mastery s nce t const tutes the ma n barr er to successful pract ce. Dfter e1am n n& the per pheral nformat on surround n& nd rect techn 8ues# the cycles of nd rect techn 8ues . ll be e1am ned# nclud n& .hat they are# ho. they .or+# and ho.

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they are best used. *uccessful phase entrance s the d rect result of perform n& these cycles. Bo.e)er# there are e1cept ons# and t s not completely necessary to proceed . th these cycles f oneEs o.n m nd someho. h nts .hat e1actly one should start from# .h ch .e . ll also e1am ne separately.

PRI$ARY INDIRE,T TE,HNIQ/ES @ota Bene# The techn 8ues descr bed belo. are the s mple components of nd rect techn 8ue cycles. %erely mplement n& each techn 8ueJs descr pt on s far from effect )e. Of the l st & )en belo.# t behoo)es the nd ) dual pract t oner to choose the most comprehens ble and nterest n& techn 8ues# then act )ely study and apply the nstruct ons for use. Ob!er#i 1 i)a1e! Te!ti 1 I di#idual E""ecti#e e!!% 0mmed ately after .a+ n& from sleep# rema n mot onless# eyes closed. Obser)e the blan+ space before the eyes for : to 9 seconds and try to

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locate reco&n ,able p ctures# ma&es# or symbols. 0f noth n& appears dur n& th s e1erc se# the techn 8ue should be subst tuted. 0f someth n& appears# cont nue to pass )ely obser)e the ma&es. %ean.h le# the ma&es . ll become ncreas n&ly real st c# l terally en)elop n& the pract t oner. Go not a&&ress )ely e1am ne the deta ls of the ma&e# or t . ll )an sh or chan&e. The ma&e should be e1per enced as a panorama# ta+ n& e)eryth n& n. Obser)e the ma&es as lon& as the 8ual ty and real sm ncreases. Go n& so y elds t.o poss ble results: the pract t oner becomes part of the surround n&s# and has ach e)ed the phase# or the ma&e becomes borderl ne or absolutely real st c# and separat on from the phys cal body s poss ble. Trai i 1% To tra n the use of th s techn 8ue# l e do.n n the dar+# eyes closed# and obser)e the blac+ness for se)eral m nutes# dent fy n& any spec f c ma&es that may ar se from s mple spots or floaters# and then &radually trans t on to .hole p ctures# scenes# or scenar os. @ th pract ce# th s techn 8ue s )ery easy and stra &htfor.ard. D common m sta+e made dur n& pract ce of th s techn 8ue s .hen the pract t oner a&&ress )ely attempts to con6ure ma&es )ersus pass )ely obser) n& .hat s naturally presented. P&a to) (i11li 1 =)o#e)e t> Te!ti 1 I di#idual E""ecti#e e!!% 0mmed ately after .a+ n& from sleep# rema n mot onless# eyes closed. Try to . &&le a part of the body for : to 9 seconds# but . thout us n& any muscles. 0f noth n& mo)es dur n& the attempt# try a d fferent techn 8ue. 0f a sensat on of . &&l n& occurs# e)en n the sl &htest# cont nue to employ the techn 8ue# str ) n& to ncrease the ran&e of mo)ement as much as poss ble. Th s techn 8ue should be performed )ery a&&ress )ely# not pass )ely. Ds soon as the ran&e of mo)ement nears or e1ceeds four nches 4 .h ch may ta+e 6ust se)eral seconds 4 the follo. n& s tuat ons may ar se: one momentar ly f nds oneself someho. n the phase# or the . &&led part of the body be& ns to mo)e freely. The occurrence of mo)ement

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dur n& pract ce of th s techn 8ue allo.s the pract t oner to trans t on to a separat on techn 8ue and attempt to lea)e the body. @h le pract c n& phantom . &&l n&# stron& ) brat ons may occur# am d .h ch separat on may be attempted. *ounds also often ar se# allo. n& the opportun ty to pract ce l sten n& n# .h ch can lead to phase entrance. The phantom . &&l n& techn 8ue s not meant to produce an ma& ned mo)ement by a phantom body. The po nt of the techn 8ue s to attempt the mo)ement of a phys cal body part . thout us n& muscular act on. That s# the focus should rest upon an nternal ntent on of mo)ement . thout phys cal act on. @hen the sensat on occurs# t d ffers l ttle from ts real counterpart and s often accompan ed by hea) ness and res stance. Fenerally# there s )ery l ttle ran&e of mo)ement at f rst# but . th concentrated effort the ran&e of mo)ement not ceably ncreases.

0t does not matter .h ch part of the body s used to e1erc se phantom mo)ement. 0t may be the .hole body or 6ust one f n&er. 7e ther s the speed of the mo)ement

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mportant. 0ncreased ran&e of perce )ed mo)ement s the a m of the techn 8ue. Trai i 1% To tra n the techn 8ue of phantom . &&l n&# rela1 a hand for se)eral m nutes .h le ly n& do.n# eyes closed. Then# a&&ress )ely en) s on the follo. n& hand mo)ements# . thout mo) n& any muscles# for t.o to three m nutes each: rotat n&# up4do.n# left4r &ht# e1tend n& the f n&ers and dra. n& the f n&ers to&ether# clench n& and unclench n& a f st. 7o sensat ons . ll occur at f rst. Fradually# the sensat on of muscular act on . ll become so apparent that the perce )ed mo)ement . ll be nd st n&u shable from real mo)ement. Gur n& the f rst tra n n& attempts# pract t oners are often tempted to open the r eyes to see f actual mo)ement s occurr n& K thatJs ho. real the sensat on feels. Bi!uali9atio Te!ti 1 I di#idual E""ecti#e e!!% 2pon a.a+en n& . thout mo) n& your body or open n& your eyes# try to peer at someth n& pre) ously determ ned and close (44< nches from the eyes) for : to 9 seconds. For e1ample# th s may be your o.n hands rubb n& to&ether# or an apple. 0f no ma&ery ar ses . th n 9 seconds# s. tch to another techn 8ue. 0f e)en dull ma&ery ar ses# +eep . th the techn 8ue and try to scrut n ,e t as best you can. The ma&e . ll then become more ) ) d and color saturated. Ds soon as t s becomes perceptually real# you can separate from the body. @hen perform n& the techn 8ue# a)o d the most common m sta+e: only ma& n n& see n& the ob6ect# nstead of ha) n& a real ) s on of t. The +ey d fference bet.een obser) n& ma&es and peer n& s n the act )e des re to see someth n& pre) ously determ ned# nstead of pass )ely peer n& nto the )o d n search of some spontaneous ma&ery. Trai i 1% 0n order to pract ce the techn 8ue# lay do.n . th your eyes closed n a dar+ room and try to spot )ar ous predeterm ned ma&es n the )o d before your eyes# start n& from the s mple (apples# candles# an M# etc.) and mo) n& on to the compl cated (landscapes# room nter ors# act on scenes#

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and so on). Try to be able to see all of the deta ls of the ) sual ,ed ob6ects as clearly as poss ble. The more ) ) d and the more deta led they are# the better the end result. 0tEs also des rable to try to see ob6ects that are 6ust abo)e eye4le)el# across from the forehead. I)a1i ed )o#e)e t Te!ti 1 I di#idual E""ecti#e e!!% 2pon a.a+en n&# . thout f rst mo) n& your body or open n& your eyes# try to feel some ma& ned mo)ement for : to 9 seconds. For e1ample# th s may be runn n&# pull n& a rope# etc. 0f no result occurs after se)eral seconds# s. tch to another techn 8ue. 0f the sensat on of mo)ement s feeble# or the feel n& of be n& n t.o bod es at once ar ses# +eep . th the techn 8ue and ncrease the de&ree of real sm of the sensat on as h &h as poss ble: to the le)el of real feel n&. Dt that moment# the ma& ned sensat on . ll become dom nant# and you can try to separate from your body# as youEll be already n the phase. @hen mplement n& th s techn 8ue# spontaneous translocat on often occurs to some place or another 4 after .h ch separat on s already unnecessary. Trai i 1% 0n order to pract ce the techn 8ue# l e do.n . th your eyes closed n a dar+ room and try to feel# as authent cally as poss ble# ma& ned mo)ement of )ar ous + nds: s. mm n& freestyle# runn n&# n&# pedal n& . th your hands and feet# pull n& rope# rubb n& your hands to&ether n front you# etc. *uch tra n n& . ll help you to learn to 8u c+ly create the ntent on of feel n& a spec f c sensat on# .h ch . ll play a +ey role r &ht .hen t counts. 4i!te i 1 i Te!ti 1 I di#idual E""ecti#e e!!% 0mmed ately after .a+ n& from sleep# rema n mot onless# eyes closed. Try to l sten to no se n your head. Go th s for : to 9 seconds . thout mo) n& and . thout open n& the eyes. 0f noth n& happens dur n& th s per od of t me# s. tch to another techn 8ue. 0f any sounds l +e bu,, n&# humm n&# ra) n&# h ss n&# .h stl n&#

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t n+l n&# or melod es occur# l sten attent )ely. @ th results# the sound . ll ncrease n )olume. ( sten n as lon& as there s some dynam sm n the )olume of the sound. @hen the sound stops# or the no se becomes loud enou&h# a separat on techn 8ue may be attempted. *omet mes# the no se tself thro.s one nto the phase .h le l sten n&. Dt a certa n sta&e# sounds may be e1tremely loud and ha)e e)en been descr bed as comparable to the roar of a 6et4en& ne. The act on of l sten n& n cons sts of act )ely and attent )ely e1plor n& a sound# the .hole of ts tonal ty and ran&e# and ho. t reacts to the l stener. There s an opt onal techn 8ue +no.n as forced l sten n& n# .here t s s mply necessary to stron&ly .ant to hear no se# and mean.h le ma+e ntu t )e nternal efforts# .h ch# as a rule# are correct. 'erformed correctly# forced sounds . ll ntens fy the same .ay as those perce )ed . th the standard l sten n& n techn 8ue. Trai i 1% 0n order to pract ce l sten n& n# l e do.n n a s lent place# eyes closed# and l sten for sounds or & nat n& n the head. These attempts are usually cro.ned . th success . th n se)eral m nutes of try n&# and one starts to hear that no se that absolutely e)eryone has . th n. One s mply has to +no. ho. to tune n to t. Rotatio Te!ti 1 I di#idual E""ecti#e e!!% 0mmed ately after .a+ n& from sleep# rema n mot onless# eyes closed. 0ma& ne the phys cal body s rotat n& alon& an a1 s for 9 to $" seconds. 0f no unusual sensat ons occur# try another techn 8ue. 0f ) brat ons occur dur n& rotat on or the mo)ement suddenly feels real st c# then cont nue the rotat on techn 8ue as lon& as there s pro&ress n the sensat onJs de)elopment. There are se)eral poss ble outcomes .hen rotat on s pract ced. The ma& ned rotat on s replaced by a )ery real sensat on of rotat n& alon& an ma& ned a1 s. @hen th s occurs# a pract t oner may eas ly lea)e the body. The other outcome s the sudden presence of stron& ) brat ons or

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loud sounds# am d .h ch separat on from the body s poss ble. Gur n& rotat on# separat on has been +no.n to spontaneously occur and the pract t oner enters the phase. Trai i 1% To pract ce rotat on# ma& ne re)ol) n& around the head4to4foot a1 s for se)eral m nutes .h le ly n& do.n# eyes closed. 0t s not necessary to focus on the ) sual effects of rotat on or m nute sensat ons n the body. The +ey factor s the )est bular sensat on that ar ses from nternal rotat on. Ds a rule# many pract t oners e1per ence d ff culty perform n& full rotat on. One person may be l m ted to ?" de&rees of mo)ement .here another e1per ences $>" de&rees. @ th cons stent# correct pract ce# full :<" de&ree rotat on . ll occur. Several doCen secondary and i4ed techni0ues are presented in a separate section at the end of the te4tbook ()hapter +,$. SE4E,TING THE RIGHT TE,HNIQ/ES The ne1t step to master n& nd rect techn 8ues s choos n& the r &ht techn 8ues that su t nd ) dual pred spos t ons. There s no po nt n &o n& for one techn 8ue or another only because they loo+ nterest n& and because someone .rote a lot or spo+e a lot about them. The cho ce should be based str ctly upon .hat su ts an nd ) dual pract t oner. Out of all of the enumerated pr mary nd rect techn 8ues# pract cally only stra n n& the bra n .or+s eas ly and 8u c+ly for ?9; of pract t oners. Dll other techn 8ues .or+ mmed ately for only about !9; to 9"; of pract t oners dur n& n t al tra n n&. Bo.e)er# after se)eral tra n n& sess ons# each techn 8ue y elds results for =9; of en&a&ed pract t oners. One .ay or another# e)ery pract t oner should dent fy a certa n set of techn 8ues that .or+s best. D set should cons st of no less than three techn 8uesH four or f )e s e)en better to

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allo. more opt ons and pract cal comb nat ons. 7on4.or+ n& techn 8ues should not be d scarded .holesale by the nd ) dual# because they afford an opportun ty to ach e)e success throu&h ne.# pre) ously unrespons )e e1per ences. To ensure the correct select on of techn 8ues# each should be separately pract ced o)er a per od of at least three days. To th s end# one should e1per ment . th each of the pr mary techn 8ues for ! to $" m nutes dur n& the day. Th s re& men allo.s a prec se determ nat on of the techn 8ues that . ll y eld the best results for the pract t oner. Gur n& the process of select n& personal ,ed techn 8ues# a pract t oner learns and reta ns the techn 8ues n an nt mate# personal .ay# .h ch pos t )ely affects ho. techn 8ues are used dur n& cr t cal moments. GonEt put off attempts to enter the phase on .ee+s .hen youEre tra n n&. 0nstead# do both n parallel. Bo.e)er# before &o n& to sleep# ne)er e)er tra n f that you plan to use techn 8ues the ne1t morn n&. 0n th s case# tEs much better to tra n techn 8ues dur n& the day or n the morn n&. Th s s one of the most cr t cal errors that no) ces comm t. Tra n n& the n &ht before an attempt br n&s nternal e1haust on n ts .a+e and d ss pates ntent on. Dfter a result# a pract t oner . ll ha)e far attempts at n &ht and n the morn n&# and they . ll be much less focused and of 8ual ty. 0t s .orth not n& that the f nal select on of techn 8ues should be )ar ed. For e1ample# choos n& both stra n n& the bra n and stra n n& the body . thout us n& muscles s po ntless because they are pract cally one and the same. %ore often than not# they . ll both e ther .or+ or not .or+. Th s s .hy techn 8ues should n)ol)e )ar ous types of sensory percept on: ) sual# aud o# + nesthet c# )est bular# ma& nary sense percept on# and nternal stra n. Remember that pr or t es and &oals chan&e . th t me# and that a techn 8ue that fell flat dur n& n t al attempts may une1pectedly pro)e )aluable later on. Be fle1 ble. 7o set of techn 8ues should be car)ed n stone. 0n fact# the set may chan&e se)eral t mes

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o)er the f rst fe. .ee+s as the pract t oner d sco)ers .hat produces the best nd ) dual results. To close th s sect on# a l st deta l n& the most effect )e nd rect techn 8ues has been pro) ded. Th s l st .as comp led . th classroom data from the *chool of Out4of4Body Tra)el and may pro)e helpful n determ n n& an effect )e set of nd rect techn 8ues. T&e $o!t E""ecti#e I direct Tec& i0ue! at Sc&ool o" Out-o"-.od' Tra#el Se)i ar! =7@3@-7@33> *. mm n& Techn 8ues (0ma& ned %o)ements) !9; 'hantom @ &&l n& !"; Obser) n& 0ma&es !"; Rotat on !"; Other Techn 8ues $9; SEPARATION TE,HNIQ/ES (et us be& n . th a totally shoc+ n& fact: dur n& 9";(-) of successful nd rect entr es nto the phase# t s not necessary to perform any spec f c phase entry techn 8ues# as separat on techn 8ues are mmed ately successfulO Th s has been stat st cally pro)en at *chool of Out4of4Body Tra)el sem nars and n the analyses of other sources. Con)ersely# an ncorrect understand n& of separat on techn 8ues may lead to undes rable conse8uences. 0t s poss ble for a pract t oner to enter the phase state and be unable to separate from the body. Therefore# t s )ery mportant to understand ho. separat on techn 8ues .or+ s nce they are often a +ey to success. Interesting Fact! &elatively often, a practitioner will try to e ploy separation techni0ues to no effect. Gowever, he will later une4pectedly

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understand that he had been lying in a different position than he sensed that he was in, and in fact, it had only been necessary for hi to stand up. This happens ostly a ong beginners and is indicative of an incorrect understanding of separation techni0ues. Dt t mes a pract t oner need only th n+ about separat on# and t happens. Th s s a rar ty# .h ch e1pla ns the e1 stence of a .hole ser es of au1 l ary techn 8ues. The most mportant separat on techn 8ues are roll n& out# &ett n& up# cl mb n& out# and le) tat on.

Rolli 1 out @h le a.a+en n&# attempt to roll o)er to the ed&e of the bed or the .all . thout us n& any muscles. GonJt .orry about fall n& out of bed# h tt n& the .all# or be concerned . th the deta ls of ho. th s techn 8ue should feel. Iust roll. Getti 1 u* 2pon a.a+en n&# attempt to &et out of bed . thout phys cal e1ert on. Th s should be performed n a .ay that s most comfortable for the pract t oner. ,li)bi 1 out

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@h le a.a+en n&# try to cl mb out of the body . thout us n& any muscles. Th s techn 8ue &enerally comes to m nd .hen a part al separat on has been ach e)ed throu&h the use of other techn 8ues# or one part of the body has completely separated. 4e#itatio 2pon a.a+en n&# attempt to le) tate up.ard# parallel to the bed. @h le attempt n& to le) tate# do not .onder ho. t should be accompl shedH e)eryone ntu t )ely +no.s ho. to le) tate from the r e1per ences n dreams. Falli 1 out 'ract cally the same as le) tat on: upon a.a+en n&# try to s n+ do.n throu&h the bed. Pulli 1 out Bere# upon a.a+en n&# try to e1 t the body throu&h the head# as f escap n& from a l dded cocoon. .ack(ard! roll Dfter a.a+en n&# try to perform a bac+.ards somersault o)er the head . thout us n& any phys cal muscles. .ul1e t&e e'e! 2pon a.a+en n&# bul&e out or . den the eyes . thout open n& them. Frontal mo)ement to.ard separat on may result. I)a1i i 1 Your!el" Alread' Se*arated Aou can ma& ne yourself already separated and ns de your room# try n& to feel your separated body as ntensely as poss ble. Aour sensat ons . ll &radually flo. nto your subtle body from your phys cal one# and become 6ust as real st c. Tra !locatio

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Aou can try to employ the translocat on techn 8ue . thout f rst separat n&# .h ch . ll lead to both translocat on and separat on occurr n& at once. Teleportat on . th eyes closed .or+s best for th s. Fli1&t Aou can try to feel yourself fly n& at h &h speed. *eparat on techn 8ues are un ted by a s n&ular dea: noth n& should be ma& ned# mo)ement should be attempted . thout the use of phys cal muscles. The techn 8ues produce the same sensat ons of mo)ement felt n real l fe. 0f noth n& happens mmed ately after try n&# then the techn 8ue s not &o n& to .or+# thou&h t may del )er results at a later t me. D pract t oner . ll nstantly be able to reco&n ,e f the techn 8ue has .or+ed. Bo.e)er# people are often unprepared for the realness of the sensat ons and th n+ that they are ma+ n& a phys cal mo)ement nstead of real , n& that a part or all of the body has separated. Dfter th s unfortunate fa lure# careful analys s helps to understand .hat happened and plan for a successful retry. 0f separat on .as ncomplete or too+ place . th some d ff culty# th s s a s &nal that the techn 8ue s be n& performed correctly# but that stren&th and a&&ress )e effort are re8u red from th s po nt to ach e)e complete separat on. For e1ample# f some mo)ement be&an and then stopped after ha) n& made some pro&ress# then one should &o bac+ and mo)e e)en harder once a&a n n the same d rect on. 0n order to pract ce separat on techn 8ues# l e do.n . th the eyes closed and attempt all of them o)er the course of se)eral m nutes. D separat on attempt has l +ely been accompl shed f no muscles t. tch or stra n and a sensat on of mo)ement occurs. There . ll be a stron&# almost phys cally palpable nternal effort to perform a mo)ement. 7aturally# no phys cal mo)ement actually occurs and the pract t oner rema ns prone and mmob leH ho.e)er# at the r &ht moment# these act ons . ll lead to an easy entrance nto the phase.

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Interesting Fact! Appro4i ately +2 to B2 of the ti e that the phase is practiced, one realiCes i ediately upon awakening that one has already separated. This eans that one ay already go so ewhere and stand, lie down, sit down, etc. This is not however beco ing conscious in a drea , but an actual awakening. 0t s also .orth d scuss n& ho. to conduct yourself upon separat on f one of the phase creat on techn 8ues starts .or+ n&. 0n such a s tuat on# tEs mportant to real ,e that separat on should be done . th the same body and same sensat ons that .ere obta ned .hen perform n& the techn 8ue. For e1ample# .hen rotat n&# you need to stand up us n& the same sensat ons of rotat n&# and .hen obser) n& ma&es you need to separate us n& the same body that sees the ma&es# etc. Ddd t onally# tEs mportant not to completely return bac+ to the body f your phase creat on techn 8ue n)ol)es the sensat on of part al separat on from the body. For e1ample 4 f rotat on .or+ed# then before try n& to separate# there s no need to fully turn bac+ nto the body and mer&e . th t. *eparat on .ould mmed ately become much more d ff cult. 0tEs better to do t on the fly after halt n& rotat on n a pos t on perpend cular to your phys cal body. The same temptat on can ar se dur n& phantom . &&l n&# .hen separat on should be& n from the arm that be&an to mo)e 4 .e. do not mo)e t bac+ nto the phys cal body. The same &oes for all of the part al separat on techn 8ues. 0f a no) ce has learned throu&h pract ce .hat phantom . &&l n& s and ho. t feels# then he may proceed to separat on l +e he .ould to phantom . &&l n&# but th s t me mo) n& h s ent re body. That s# th s s an attempt to mo)e

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. th the perce )ed ( .e. subtle) bodyH not a muscle s to be mo)ed n the phys cal one. The ost i portant thing is to i ediately realiCe that logically speaking, if indirect techni0ues have worked or awakening has ;ust occurred, then the practitioner is already in the phase. All of his sensations are no longer co ing fro his physical body, although it ay see that they do. All that re ains is to stand up, roll out, and levitate, as if doing so with the physical body. 7o) ces and the ne1per enced often try to d sco)er some tell4tale s &n of separat on# and e1pect to encounter t n pract ce. Dctually# there are a .hole )ar ety of sensat ons that occur dur n& th s process. Those .ho do not +no. th s often .aste a lar&e number of e1per ences .hen they encounter une1pected s tuat ons. ThatEs .hy tEs &ood to al.ays be prepared for any e)entual ty and +no. the pr mary separat on scenar os obser)ed n ??; of all cases. Types *ensat on: of 'hase Entrances (*eparat ons) ( sted by

- Ordi ar' )o#e)e t Gere, separation usually see s like a co pletely ordinary ove ent, as if it were ade with the physical body. The practitioner si ply stands up, rolls out, or levitates as if he were doing so in reality. - Se*aratio Actual direct separation of the subtle body fro the physical one, as if the practitioner were actually e4iting so ething. 5espite the fact that this sensation gave its na e to the entire process of entering the phase (6separation7$, direct separation occurs 0uite rarely and the ter is inaccurate in ter s of sensation. - Pulli 1 A feeling of a ass of gu y rubber stretching fro every part of your subtle body and pulling it back

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into your physical one. 'orcefully overco e that feeling of being pulled in, and it will dissipate. - Slu11i!& e!! The subtle body beco es 0uite heavy, as if it weighed several ti es ore. The sluggishness will dissipate in proportion to the counteracting force applied. - A(ake i 1 to Se*aratio The practitioner awakens or surfaces fro a lapse in consciousness in an already separated state, and does not need to separate or use a phase creation techni0ue. Si ply get up and go forth. - Stuck .od' Part! So e parts of the subtle body can beco e stuck in a physical stencil during the process of separation. 'or e4a ple, this often occurs with the legs, trunk, head, and pelvis. /n such situations you need to fully break free with all your ight by changing the direction of your e4ertion. - .ei 1 i T(o .odie! at O ce A feeling arises of not really being in the phase and not really lying in bed, but of truly being in the phase and also truly lying in bed at the sa e ti e. Eou need to try to press on through with the situation, transferring all of your sensations into your phase body, which will beco e the only one perceived. - S*o ta eou! Full Se*aratio =W&e Per"or)i 1 Tec& i0ue!> <hen perfor ing any techni0ue, you ay spontaneously find yourself having already fully separated into your roo or into any other place in the phase. There>s no need to return back into your physical body in order to 6properly7 separate. - .ei 1 Pulled Out b' So)eo e or So)et&i 1 /n this case, separation occurs not fully by one>s own will, but due to help fro a phase ob;ect. 'or e4a ple, so eone starts pulling at your legs or lifting

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up your entire body. The i portant thing in this situation is not to rela4, but to start oving on your own as soon as possible. Such a situation often occurs with so-called 6Ialien abductions7, which are actually spontaneous and unrecogniCed phase e4periences the a;ority of the ti e. - Suctio <hen perfor ing techni0ues like observing i ages or visualiCation, practitioners are often co pletely sucked in to the i agery being observed, with all the acco panying sensations. This i agery then beco es a full-fledged phase space of its own. There>s no need to return back into your physical body in order to 6properly7 separate. - Putti 1 Your All i to a Tec& i0ue <hen perfor ing sensory- otor visualiCation and several other techni0ues, a convergence between separation and the techni0ue itself occurs. This leads to there no longer being a need for separation in the traditional sense. 'or e4a ple, during sensory- otor visualiCation, the practitioner initially begins by actively i agining that he is walking about a roo , but that i agined perception gradually orphs into the real sensation of actually being in the roo . %eanwhile, when phanto wiggling it only re ains to stand up fro the body in which wiggling is felt, and so on. There>s no need to return back to the physical body in order to separate 6properly7. - Drea) ,o !ciou! e!! Beco ing fully consciousness while drea ing with full cogniCance of what is occurring is also a separate phase entrance ethod, but one that does not involve direct or indirect techni0ues. There>s no need to return back to the body in order to separate 6properly7, although any do so in order to obtain ore vivid sensations.

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THE .EST TI$E TO PRA,TI,E The +ey to pract ce s the 8uant ty and 8ual ty of attempts made that hone a pract t onerJs s+ lls. There are se)eral . ndo.s of t me best su ted for employ n& nd rect techn 8ues.

To be& n# t should be stated that sleep follo.s a cycl cal pattern. @e a.a+en e)ery hour4and4a4half and then 8u c+ly fall asleep a&a n# .h ch & )es r se to sleep cycles. Furthermore# .e e1per ence t.o pr mary sta&es of sleep: rap d eye mo)ement (RE%) sleep# and non4rap d eye mo)ement (7RE%) sleep. 7RE% sleep ncludes many nternal sta&es. The more .e sleep# the less the body needs deep 7RE% sleep# and the more t me .e spend n RE% sleep. 'hase entrance s most l +ely to occur dur n& RE% sleep. The best .ay to mplement nd rect techn 8ues s by the deferred ethod. The a m of the method s to nterrupt a sleep cycle dur n& ts f nal sta&e and then d srupt t a&a n after fall n& bac+ to sleep# .h ch ma+es sleep l &ht dur n& the rest of the sleep cycle. *leep accompan ed by fre8uent nterrupt ons can be put to product )e uses. Interesting Fact! <hen the deferred ethod was first ade andatory at a B-day School of Out(Table

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of-Body Travel se inar in *une ,--1, the overall success rate i ediately doubled. For e1ample# f a pract t oner (letJs call h m Iac+) &oes to sleep at m dn &ht# then Iac+ should set an alarm for < oJcloc+ n the morn n&. 2pon a.a+en n&# Iac+ should en&a&e n some sort of phys cal act ) ty# l +e &o n& to the bathroom# &ett n& a dr n+ of .ater# or read n& a fe. pa&es of th s boo+. Dfter.ard# Iac+ should &o bac+ to bed th n+ n& about ho.# . th n the ne1t t.o to four hours# he . ll .a+e up mult ple t mes and ma+e an attempt to enter the phase dur n& each a.a+en n&. 0f Iac+ &oes to bed earl er# then h s alarm cloc+ should be set bac+ by that amount of t me# s nce s 1 hours of n t al sleep s the opt mal len&th of t me. 0f Iac+ sleeps less than s 1 hours# then the second half of h s n &htJs sleep . ll be too deep. 0f Iac+ sleeps lon&er than s 1 hours# then there . ll be l ttle t me rema n n& for attempts# or Iac+ may not e)en be able to fall asleep. 0f a pract t oner naturally .a+es up n a forceful manner# t . ll be d ff cult to re&a n sleep. Thus# t . ll not be necessary for the pract t oner to &et out of bed . th the a d of an alarm. The pract t oner should attempt to &o r &ht bac+ to sleep. 0f a pract t oner s able to fall bac+ asleep after as much as 49 m nutes of be n& a.a+e# then tEs better to +eep to that )ery nter)al# as t allo.s one to obta n the h &hest probab l ty of success dur n& subse8uent a.a+en n&s. 7aturally# the deferred method s most appl cable n cases .here t s poss ble to sleep as lon& as a pract t oner des res# . thout ha) n& to .a+e up early. 7ot e)eryone en6oys such lu1ury on a da ly bas s# but nearly e)eryone has days off .hen t me may be set as de to pract ce the deferred method. /t is in large easure due to the deferred ethod that classroo courses at the School of Out-of-Body Travel allow up to ,JB of class participants to enter the phase in the course of a single weekend#

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The second most effect )e . ndo. of t me for enter n& the phase s ordinary orning awakening. Th s &enerally occurs dur n& l &ht slumber follo. n& a full n &htJs sleep. Dnother effect )e t me to pract ce nd rect techn 8ues s after a.a+en n& from a dayt me nap. Once a&a n# th s type of sleep . ll be l &ht and short# .h ch pro) des the body needed rest .h le allo. n& memory and ntent on to be +ept ntact throu&h the moment of a.a+en n&. D&a n# not e)eryone has the lu1ury of ta+ n& dayt me naps# but f such a chance ar ses# then t .ould be )ery benef c al to ta+e ad)anta&e of the opportun ty. @ightti e awakenings are the least effect )e t mes for phase e1per mentat on because the bra n st ll re8u res a lot of deep sleep at th s t me. D.a+en n& at n &ht# the m nd s 8u te .ea+ and hardly capable of any effort. E)en f some results are obser)ed# a.a+en n& often ends . th 8u c+ly fall n& bac+ asleep. Th s s not to say that normal pract ce of the phase cannot occur at n &htH t 6ust .onJt be as effect )e as at other t mes. The n &htt me opt on s best for those .ho lac+ an opportun ty to use other . ndo.s of t me for pract c n& the phase. 2nderstand that .e a.a+en at n &ht e)ery ?" m nutes# .h ch s .hy a m n mum of four a.a+en n&s s almost &uaranteed .hen sleep n&# e)en for 6ust s 1 hours. @hen the pract t oner +no.s about th s and str )es to se ,e those moments# . th t me he . ll actually se ,e them and ta+e ad)anta&e of them. ,ONS,IO/S AWA6ENING )onscious awakening s .a+ n& up . th a part cular thou&ht n m ndH deally# a thou&ht about nd rect techn 8ues. 0n order to start us n& nd rect techn 8ues upon a.a+en n&# t s not suff c ent to ha)e a cursory +no.led&e of the techn 8ues to be used .hen .a+ n&. Gue to the pecul ar t es of the human m nd and ts hab ts# t s not al.ays easy .hen

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.a+ n& to recall any part cular mot )e or dea. The &oal of consc ous a.a+en n& s to pract ce nstant act on . thout be n& dle after .a+ n& up. Interesting Fact! There e4ists a belief that the pheno enon of out-of-body travel is practically unattainable, and is accessible only to an elect few through practices that re0uire secret knowledge. Gowever, the greatest difficulty when trying to e4perience out-of-body travel in a short period of ti e lies only in i ediately re e bering about the techni0ues upon awakening without oving. This is all si ple and straightforward. But it is precisely this trifle that is the largest stu bling block when trying to e4perience such an unco on pheno enon. Th s s not d ff cult at all for appro1 mately =9; of the populat on. Bo.e)er# for the other one48uarter of the populat on# th s s a d ff cult barr er to entry that can e)en seem nsurmountable. 0f such thou&hts ar se# one should s mply understand that th s cannot be so# and that pers stent attempts and tra n n& are the +ey solut on. The reasons .hy people are unable to remember pract c n& the phase upon a.a+en n& are: not be n& n the hab t of mmed ately do n& anyth n& upon a.a+en n&# a des re to sleep lon&er# a des re to &o to the bathroom# be n& th rsty# a des re to suddenly start sol) n& day4to4day problems# and so on. Consc ous a.a+en n& . th the ntent of attempt n& an nd rect techn 8ue should be a pract t onerJs pr mary &oal# .h ch should be pursued at e)ery cost. The speed at .h ch the phase s learned and e1per enced depends on th s.

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There are se)eral effect )e tr c+s to learn n& consc ous a.a+en n&: I te tio u*o "alli 1 a!lee*: Th s s the )ery mportant to successfully ach e) n& consc ous a.a+en n&. D )ery clear sc ent f c fact has been pro)en by somnolo& sts (sc ent sts .ho study sleep): upon a.a+en n&# people usually th n+ about .hat they had been th n+ n& about before fall n& asleep. Th s phenomenon s easy to obser)e f the sleeper s e1per enc n& a ser ous l fe problemH they fall asleep . th the problem and .a+e . th t. *o# n a case l +e th s# f d ff cult es at the front of the m nd are replaced . th a des re to pract ce the phase# th s . ll produce the des red effect. 0t s not necessary to th n+ solely about consc ous a.a+en n& .h le fall n& asleep. 0t s suff c ent to s mply aff rm the ntent on clearly and d st nctly# e)en stat n& the ntent on out loud. 'ract c n& these types of consc ous act ons .h le enter n& sleep . ll do much to promote the success of nd rect techn 8ues upon a.a+en n&. Ge eral i te t: The more clearly a pract t oner concentrates on the mportance and necess ty of .a+ n& up and mmed ately remember n& to pract ce the techn 8ues# the more sol d the ntent . ll become# and the more l +ely the process . ll fulf ll ts role and actually lead to results. A""ir)i 1 de!ire!: *omet mes an nternal ntent on s s mply not enou&h for some people# or they are unable to properly aff rm one by ) rtue of nd ) dual character st cs. 0n th s case# an aff rmat on of des res should be ntroduced at the phys cal le)el. Th s could be n the form of a note . th a descr pt on of a &oal placed ne1t to the bed# under oneJs p llo.# or hun& on the .all. 0t could be a con)ersat on . th fr ends or fam ly about the part cular des re# or by repeatedly )ocal , n& the act ons that need to be performed upon a.a+en n&. 0t could e)en be an entry n a d ary# blo&# or te1t n& on a mob le phone.

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Interesting Fact! There are known incidences of practitioners 6progra ing7 food and water to induce phase entrance. They are essentially e ploying both auto-suggestion and the placebo effect by progra ing their subconscious ind to perceive that food as bringing not only satiation, but also a high probability of entering the phase. A al'9i 1 u !ucce!!"ul a(ake i 1!: Dnaly, n& unsuccessful attempts at consc ous a.a+en n& s e1tremely mportant. @hen remember n& the fa led attempt after se)eral m nutes# se)eral hours# or e)en later n the day# focus on t and resol)e to succeed dur n& the ne1t attempt. Geep e1plorat on of the fa lure s h &hly effect )e and pract cal s nce the pract t oner s learn n& .hat .or+s# .hat doesnJt .or+# and ma+ n& healthy resolut ons to.ard success. ,reati 1 )oti#atio : The &reater the des re to enter nto the phase to accompl sh a &oal there# the 8u c+er successful consc ous a.a+en n& s ach e)ed. %ot )at on s be created by a &reat des re to do or e1per ence someth n& n the phase. 0n &eneral# pre) ous ) s ts to the phase are &reat mot )at on# but an un n t ated person does not +no. t and . ll need someth n& to .h ch they can relate. For some# th s could be a ch ldhood dream of fly n& to %ars# for others t could be the opportun ty to see a lo)ed one .ho has passed a.ay# for another t could be the chance to obta n spec f c nformat on# or nfluence the course of a phys cal llness# and so forth. Ds de from natural methods to ach e)e consc ous a.a+ n&# there are )ar ous de) ces and tools that fac l tate a measure of success. These . ll be co)ered n Chapter 9 n the

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sect on descr b n& non4autonomous .ays of enter n& the phase. The best o ent for conscious awakening is while e4iting a drea . This is the ost effective and productive ti e to atte pt separation or perfor ing the techni0ues. Dt th s moment# phys cal a.areness of the body s at a m n mum. D.areness at the )ery end of a dream often occurs after n &htmares# pa nful e1per ences n the dream# fall n& dreams K any dream that causes a sudden a.a+en n&. @ th t me# one should de)elop a refle1 that enables one to perform planned act ons at the moment of a.a+en n&# but .hen consc ousness tself has not yet had t me to return. Th s type of refle1 s h &hly benef c al to se , n& the most fru tful of opportun t es to enter the phase. Gue to )ar ous psycholo& cal and phys olo& cal factors# t s not poss ble for e)ery person to ach e)e consc ous a.a+en n& after e)ery sleep cycle. Thus# there s no po nt n becom n& upset f consc ous a.a+en n& does not occur e)ery t me. E1per enc n& only ! to : a.a+en n&s per day s normalH th s s suff c ent enou&h to attempt phase entrance ! to 9 t mes per .ee+ .hen pract ced da ly. 0t s not .orth &ett n& carr ed a.ay . th an e1cess )e number of attempts. Gur n& the *choolJs courses# t has been noted that do n& $" consc ous a.a+en n&s or more (some students try !" or e)en :") o)er the course of one n &ht and morn n& rarely y elds results. Th s s due to the fact that f one sets oneself a &oal that s des red so much that ts real ,at on brea+s the natural rhythms of the body# one depr )es oneself of the ntermed ate# trans t onal states that ma+e the phase effect )e. D pract t oner may also 8u c+ly become emot onally e1hausted from the lar&e number of attempts and be unable to push l m ts n the r &ht d rect on. The ups de s that one . ll s mply t re out. 0f that starts to happen# t s better to calm do.n and try to approach the matter n a more rela1ed manner# e)enly and &radually.


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AWA6ENING WITHO/T $OBING Dlon&s de remember n& the phase mmed ately upon .a+ n&# another mportant re8u rement s a.a+en n& . thout mo) n&# .h ch s d ff cult s nce many people .a+e up and mo)e. 2pon a.a+en n&# scratch n&# stretch n&# open n& the eyes# and l sten n& to real sounds should be a)o ded. Dny real mo)ement or percept on . ll )ery 8u c+ly d s nte&rate the ntermed ate state and ntroduce real ty# the act )at on of the m nd and ts connect on to the sensory or&ans. Dt f rst# a.a+en n& . thout mo) n& seems d ff cult or e)en mposs ble. Bo.e)er# t has been pro)en that th s s remed ed for throu&h act )e attempts and the des re to ach e)e set &oals. 'eople often cla m that they cannot a.a+en . thout mo) n&# that tJs an mposs ble e1per ence. Bo.e)er# after se)eral attempts# t . ll happen# and t . ll occur more and more fre8uently . th pract ce. Thus# f there s d ff culty n a.a+en n& . thout mo)ement# do not despa r# 6ust +eep try n&. *ooner or later# the body . ll y eld to the pract ce# and e)eryth n& . ll happen smoothly. D.a+en n& . thout mo) n& s )ery mportant because# for the ma6or ty of people# e1per ments . th the phase are not poss ble e1cept n the f rst .a+ n& moments .here .a+ n& . thout mo) n& sets the sta&e for successful nd rect techn 8ue cycles. Often# a pract t oner . ll ma+e $" unsuccessful attempts and mo)e .h le a.a+en n&. Once the pract t oner learns to cons stently .a+e calmly and &radually# success 8u c+ly follo.s. Ho(e#er2 i" a a(ake i 1 i! co !ciou!2 but (it& )o#e)e t2 t&at doe! ot )ea t&at t&e *ractitio er ca ot i))ediatel' )ake a atte)*t to "all i to t&e *&a!e% Suc& atte)*t!2 alt&ou1& t&e' (ill be about 7 ti)e! le!! e""ecti#e t&a u!ual2 !&ould e#ert&ele!! be )ade% A ' o**ortu it' to *ractice (&ile (aki 1 !&ould ot be (a!ted% It )u!t o l' be ke*t i )i d t&at o e

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)u!t "ir!t eutrali9e t&e e""ect! o" t&e )o#e)e t i order to o ce a1ai "all i to a i ter)ediate !tate% I t&e ca!e o" )o#e)e t2 it i! e+tre)el' &el*"ul to be1i *ractice (it& "orced "alli 1 a!lee*% 4i!te i 1 i al!o (ork! (ell2 a! doe! ob!er#i 1 i)a1e!% A"ter *er"or)i 1 t&e!e2 c'cli 1 )a' be1i % WARNING??? IF YO/ WA6E /P AFTER OR TO PHYSI,A4 $OBE$ENT2 IT WO/4D .E A SERIO/S $ISTA6E TO FORGO AN ATTE$PT? YO/ HABE TO TRY ANYWAY? NOBI,ES OFTEN GET THEIR FIRST EEPERIEN,E TWO TO THREE TI$ES 4ATER THAN THEY NOR$A44Y WO/4D D/E TO THIS $ISTA6E% Dfter phys cal mo)ement# the success rate for attempts us n& nd rect techn 8ues s usually substant ally merely due to the fact that pract t oners lose conf dence n both themsel)es and the success of the current attempt. Ds a result# the attempt tself s mply becomes poor n 8ual ty and lac+luster. Bo.e)er# f the attempt s ne)ertheless performed self4assuredly and as f no mo)ement had occurred# then odds of success . ll rema n pract cally und m n shed. D.a+en n& . thout mo)ement# desp te all ts mportance# s not a &oal n and of tself# and also not .orth suffer n& o)er. @hen a.a+en n&# f there s &reat d scomfort# someth n& tches# a need to s.allo. ar ses# or any manner of natural refle1# t s better to deal . th t and then act accord n& to pract ces recommended .hen mo)ement upon a.a+en n& happens. 7ot all mo)ements upon a.a+en n& are real and# f only for th s reason alone# .hen mo)ement occurs# nd rect techn 8ues should follo.. Interesting Fact! :p to ,-2 of sensations and actions that happen upon awakening are not real as they see , but are phanto .


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False sensat ons occur n . dely d )erse .ays. 'eople often do not understand .hat s &o n& on . th them . thout ha) n& e1per enced the phase. For e1ample# a person may th n+ they are scratch n& the r ear . th the r phys cal hand .hen they are really us n& a phantom hand. D person may hear pseudo4sounds n the room# on the street# or at the ne &hborJs . thout not n& anyth n& unusual. Or# a person may loo+ around the room . thout +no. n& that h s eyes are actually closed. 0f a pract t oner reco&n ,es such moments for .hat they are# they may mmed ately try to separate from the body. ,Y,4ES OF INDIRE,T TE,HNIQ/ES Thus far# nd rect techn 8ues used for phase entrance and techn 8ues for separat on n the phase ha)e been co)ered. Consc ous a.a+en n& and the best t mes to pract ce t ha)e also been e1am ned. 7o.# a spec f c al&or thm of act on for nd rect techn 8ues . ll be presented. Follo. n& th s al&or thm prom ses 8u c+ and pract cal results. 0t ou&ht to be clearly understood that the more natural and sound sleep preced n& an attempt s# the better the effect from a.a+en n& and the h &her the odds of success. @hat s needed s to fall soundly asleep and sleep sound thereafter# after .h ch a sound a.a+en n& can be put to &ood use. Cycles of nd rect techn 8ues can occas onally be successfully used dur n& f tful sleep# but n most cases th s s a pure .aste of t me and ener&y. @hen sleep n& poorly# tEs better to do no techn 8ues at all and a.a t sound sleep# as opposed to spend n& all your t me try n& to snatch the phase from the 6a.s of a .ear some and hardly sal)a&eable s tuat on. Dl&or thm of Dct on upon D.a+en n&: 3 Te!ti 1 Se*aratio Tec& i0ue! (it&i : Seco d! Ds noted abo)e# 9"; of success . th nd rect techn 8ues s mmed ate due to the fact that the f rst seconds after

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.a+ n& up are the most useful for enter n& the phase. The less t me that has elapsed after a.a+en n&# the better. Con)ersely# f one l es do.n e1pect n& someth n& to happen# chances 8u c+ly d ss pate. Thus# upon a.a+en n&# preferably . thout f rst mo) n&# a pract t oner should mmed ately try )ar ous separat on techn 8ues# l +e roll n& out# &ett n& up# or le) tat on. 0f a techn 8ue has suddenly started to y eld results for appro1 mately for :49 seconds# then separat on from the body should be attempted up to full separat on. *omet mes nert a# d ff culty# or a barr er . ll ar se dur n& a separat on attempt. 7o attent on should be & )en to these problems. 0nstead# resol)e to separate 4 dec dedly and a&&ress )ely cl mb out of the body. Reep n m nd that try n& to mmed ately separate upon a.a+en n& s a s+ ll of the utmost mportanceH one that s .orth hon n& from the )ery be& nn n&# ne)er for&otten. Interesting Fact! 'or so e practitioners having trouble reaching the phase, one otivation for separating without using any techni0ues is an unwillingness to 6bang their heads against techni0ues7 any further. This forces the to catch the right o ent of awakening uch earlier on and push the selves uch harder during it. The result is that they are practically always able to achieve the phase upon that first step. 7 T&e ,'cle o" I direct Tec& i0ue! to /!e i" O e i! / able to Se*arate 0f separat on does not occur after se)eral seconds# t most l +ely means that separat on . ll not occur# re&ardless of elapsed t me n effort. Th s s .here the pract t oner must resort to other techn 8ues.

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The pract t oner should already ha)e chosen a m n mum of three pr mary or secondary techn 8ues that su t a pract cal reperto re. Bere s .here the techn 8ues are put nto act on. @ota Bene# /n order to give a specific e4a ple, we will e4a ine the use of three specific techni0ues, which should be replaced with a tested and chosen set of techni0ues. The follo. n& operat onal techn 8ues shall be used as e1amples: obser) n& ma&es (a)# phantom . &&l n& (b)# and l sten n& n (c). Dfter an unsuccessful attempt at separat n&# the pract t oner mmed ately starts obser) n& the )o d before the eyes. 0f ma&es be& n to appear . th n : to 9 seconds# obser)at on should cont nue . thout scrut n , n& the ma&es n deta l# or the ma&e . ll e)aporate. Ds a result of th s act on# the ma&e . ll 8u c+ly become more and more real st c and colorful# en&ulf n& the pract t oner. 0f e)eryth n& comes to&ether correctly# a sudden translocat on nto the p cture . ll occur# or# .hen the p cture becomes )ery real st c# attempt to separate from the body. 0f noth n& happens after : to 9 seconds# then the pract t oner should trans t on to the techn 8ue of phantom . &&l n&. For : to 9 seconds# the pract t oner 8u c+ly searches the ent re body for a part that can be . &&led. Or# the ent re per od of t me s spent n an attempt to . &&le a spec f c body part: a f n&er# hand# or le&. 0f the des red effect occurs# then the pract t oner should cont nue . th the techn 8ue and ach e)e the ma1 mum poss ble ran&e of mo)ement. Gur n& th s process# a number of th n&s can happen# nclud n& spontaneous separat on# a successful separat on attempt# free mo)ement of the . &&led part# or the presence of sound or ) brat ons. Dll of these e)ents are of &reat ad)anta&e. 0f noth n& . &&les o)er the course of : to 9 seconds# then the pract t oner should mo)e on to l sten n& n. The pract t oner should try to detect an nternal sound. 0f the sound s there# l sten and try to ampl fy t. Ds a result# the no se may &ro. nto a roar and spontaneous separat on . ll occur# separat n& throu&h the use of a techn 8ue . ll be

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poss ble# or ) brat ons . ll occur. 0f no no se occurs o)er the course of : to 9 seconds# then the ent re cycle should be repeated. 0t s benef c al to e1am ne the reason beh nd the use of a set of three nd rect techn 8ues. Th s s mot )ated by the fact that the body often reacts to techn 8ues n )ery pecul ar .ays. For one person# a techn 8ue may .or+ one day and not .or+ on another day# .h ch s .hy f only one techn 8ue s used# e)en a )ery &ood techn 8ue that .or+s often# a pract t oner can m ss out on a lot of d fferent e1per ence throu&h the lac+ of )ar ety n pract ce. Thus# a pract cal reperto re should cons st of se)eral techn 8ues. Interesting Fact! So eti es, the first techni0ue that works for a practitioner never results in a repeat of phase entrance again, although other techni0ues that were not i ediately effective at the novice stages of practice later begin to work regularly and successfully. 0t s also mportant to understand that the techn 8ues themsel)es . ll .or+ 8u te poorly and rarely f performed merely for the 3sa+e of appearances5. Aou need to & )e them your all# try n& to &et nto them . th all of your sensat ons and all of your be n&. Try no matter .hat to ha)e all of your sensat ons become one . th the techn 8ues. D phaserEs m nd must be fully focused on e)ery aspect of each techn 8ue be n& performed. 0n th s case cycl n& nd rect techn 8ues s an easy .ay to e1 t the body# as e)eryth n& starts off 8u te r &ht and .or+s . th ease. 0f the pract t oner doesnEt rema n a.are of th s# he r s+s .ast n& h s t me and ener&y. 3 Re*eati 1 t&e ,'cle o" I direct Tec& i0ue! 0f the f rst cycle of : techn 8ues does not y eld any clear results# th s does not mean that all s lost. E)en f the techn 8ues do not .or+# they st ll dra. the pract t oner closer

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to the phase state and t s s mply necessary to cont nue us n& the techn 8ues by a&a n obser) n& ma&es# phantom . &&l n&# and l sten n& n K and repeat n& th s process at least three t mes.

Ba) n& performed one cycle of techn 8ues# one can eas ly &o on to do n& a second cycle# a th rd one# a fourth one# and so on. 0t s 8u te probable that dur n& one of these cycles# a techn 8ue . ll suddenly pro)e tself# e)en thou&h t had not been .or+ n& at all 6ust a fe. seconds beforehand. D ser ous pract t oner should comm t to a m n mum of 4 cycles. The problem l es n the fact that t s psycholo& cally d ff cult to do someth n& that has sho.n tself not to .or+# and one may & )e up ta+ n& further act on# e)en thou&h one could be at the cusp of fall n& nto the phase. Reep try n&# and then try a&a n# and a&a n- There ha)e been cases .here t too+ ten cycles to produce results. D monumental effort# yes# but one .orth the outcome. But donJt do t for more than one m nute. 8% Falli 1 A!lee* (it& t&e Po!!ibilit' o" Tr'i 1 A1ai %

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0f a pract t oner s unable to enter the phase after perform n& cycles and attempts to separate# or e)en f e)eryth n& .or+ed out# t s st ll better to &o bac+ to sleep to fac l tate subse8uent attempts. D&a n# t s )ery mportant to &o to sleep . th a clearly def ned ntent on of actually perform n& the cycles upon a.a+en n&. *uch ntent on )astly ncreases the probab l ty that the ne1t attempt . ll occur soon. That s# one should not fall asleep . th an empty head and the des re to s mply &et a &ood n &htJs sleep. @hen us n& the deferred method# clear ntent on s mandatory# as se)eral attempts are poss ble o)er the course of a sleep cycle. E)en f only a fe. attempts are made accompan ed by dec ded and concentrated effort# then the four steps descr bed n the al&or thm . ll undoubtedly produce entrance nto the phase. 0t must al.ays be +ept n m nd that one of the most common m sta+es no) ces ma+e s s mply ly n& n bed .h le n the phase. Fenerally spea+ n&# for each successful attempt no) ces ha)e# there are ! to : attempts .here the phase had also occurred# but they d dnEt ta+e ad)anta&e of the moment and m ssed separat n& by the s+ n of the r teeth. For e1ample# any techn 8ue .or+ n& e1tremely .ell mmed ately after a.a+en n& s a sure s &n of the phase. 0nstead of cont nu n& to l e do.n n the phase and play . th one techn 8ue or alternate throu&h other ones# try as hard as you can to &et out of your body. Dny poss ble e) dence of a techn 8ue .or+ n& should be tested n the same .ay. 0t s also mportant to mmed ately ta+e ad)anta&e of a techn 8ue .or+ n&. @hen someth n& starts .or+ n&# a no) ce . ll often# for some reason# fa l to ta+e mmed ate ad)anta&e of the moment. The phase s then already o)er . th n se)eral seconds# and the techn 8ues no lon&er .or+. 0f an opportun ty to enter the phase snEt ta+en ad)anta&e of as soon as occurs# the . ndo. of t me for lea) n& the body . ll s mply close . th n se)eral seconds. ThatEs .hy t s necessary to try to

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lea)e your body mmed ately upon any techn 8ue .or+ n& substant ally .ell. Other. se# the moment . ll be lost. 0n order to more effect )ely use the system of nd rect cycles# t s necessary to d scuss .hat to do f one techn 8ue starts .or+ n&# but pro&ress then ceases dur n& the cycle and phase entry does not occur.

F rst# understand that f a techn 8ue has be&un to .or+# only lac+ of e1per ence and s+ ll . ll pre)ent the phase. *econd# barr ers are o)ercome by temporar ly s. tch n& to other techn 8ues. (et us suppose that no se ar s n& .hen l sten n& n &ro.s louder and louder and then pea+s n )olume. 0t .ould surely be benef c al to s. tch to forced fall n& asleep or obser) n& ma&es for se)eral seconds# and then return to l sten n& n. The sound may then become much louder and pro) de an opportun ty to proceed . th the techn 8ue. *omet mes# t ma+es sense to brea+ off se)eral t mes nto )ar ous techn 8ues and then return to the pr mary techn 8ue that y elded some results. The most mportant th n& s to ne)er & )e up on a techn 8ue that has be&un .or+ n& e)er so sl &htly. 0n

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essence# t s a road s &n to the shortest path to the phase# and should al.ays be follo.ed. 0t s often poss ble to s multaneously perform t.o or e)en three techn 8ues and e1per ence no ne&at )e effect on results. 0t s also normal and natural to s+ p around from techn 8ue to techn 8ue# de) at n& from a spec f c plan of act on. For e1ample# sounds often ar se dur n& phantom . &&l n&. 0n th s case# a pract t oner may 6ust s mply s. tch o)er to l sten n& n. Other oft4encountered results pa r n&s are: ma&es from sound# sound from rotat on# sound from stra n n& the bra n# a stra n on the bra n from l sten n& n# ) brat ons from rotat on# ) brat ons from phantom . &&l n&# and so forth. 5uring initial atte pts at using cycles of indirect techni0ues, the proble of confusion during a critical o ent ay arise, when a novice practitioner suddenly forgets e4actly what to do and how to do it. This is nor al, and the solution is to i ediately do whatever co es to ind. &esults can be achieved in this anner. <hen a practitioner is ore rela4ed about the practice, such proble s will no longer occur. HINTS FRO$ THE $IND Var ed cycles of nd rect techn 8ues s an almost mandatory precond t on for &ett n& the best result. There are some e1cept ons. *omet mes# throu&h nd rect nd cators# a pract t oner may be ncl ned to be& n . th certa n techn 8ues# re&ardless of .hat had been planned. These are a sort of h nt from the body and the ab l ty to use such cues plays an e1tremely mportant role n the use of nd rect techn 8ues because they enable a pract t oner to substant ally ncrease the effect )eness of h s pract ce. Hi t No% 3: I)a1e!

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0f the pract t oner becomes a.are upon a.a+en n& that some ma&es# p ctures# or remnants from dreams are before h m# then he should mmed ately proceed to the techn 8ue of obser) n& ma&es# . th all of the results that ar se from t. 0f th s does not lead to anyth n&# then cycl n& . th a set of techn 8ues should be& n. Hi t No% 7: Noi!e! 0f the pract t oner real ,es upon a.a+en n& that he hears an nternal no se# roar n&# r n& n&# .h stl n&# and so forth# then he should mmed ately be& n from the techn 8ue of l sten n& n. 0f th s has no effect# then cycles of nd rect techn 8ues ou&ht to commence. Hi t No% 3: Bibratio ! 0f a pract t oner feels ) brat ons throu&hout the body .h le a.a+en n&# they should be ampl f ed throu&h the use of stra n n& the bra n or stra n n& the body . thout us n& muscles. @hen the ) brat ons reach the r pea+# the pract t oner can try to separate. 0f noth n& happens after se)eral attempts# nd rect techn 8ue cycles should start. Hi t No% 8: Nu)b e!! 0f a pract t oner .a+es to numbness n a body part# phantom . &&l n& of that part should be attempted. 0f no result s ach e)ed after se)eral attempts# cycl n& should be tr ed. Of course# t s better to refra n from techn 8ues f the numbness s )ery ntense and causes substant al d scomfort. Hi t No% :: Paral'!i! 0f the pract t oner feels that h s body s mmob l ,ed and that he s unable to mo)e a muscle upon a.a+en n&# then he has encountered sleep paralys s (sleep stupor). Th s phenomenon s a s &n that one s n the phase# and t only rema ns for the pract t oner to someho. separate from the body no matter .hat# as .ell as o)ercome the n &ht terror that often ar ses dur n& sleep paralys s.

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These h nts may ar se not only mmed ately upon a.a+en n&# but also upon an attempt to perform cycles of techn 8ues. 0f the h nts are more pronounced than the results of the techn 8ues themsel)es# then t ma+es sense to turn oneEs attent on to them or e1plo t them concurrently . th techn 8ues. 0t s also necessary to s mply understand .hat the h nt s try n& to tell you: for e1ample# f some unreal sensat on suddenly ar ses on ts o.n upon a.a+en n&# then t s necessary to s mply ntens fy t and lea)e the body r &ht then. 0f you follo. th s &eneral pr nc ple# then you donEt need to +no. e1actly .hat the h nts are or .hat e1actly to do .hen they occur. E)eryth n& should happen ntu t )ely and eas ly. The po nt s that there are a lar&e number of other phase man festat ons n add t on to the f )e h nts abo)e that one should be al.ays ready for. Bo.e)er# t .ould be s mply mposs ble to descr be them all# let alone remember them. AGGRESSION AND PASSIBITY Gur n& the pract ce of nd rect techn 8ues# nclud n& techn 8ue cycles# unsuccessful attempts may result n fall n& asleep or becom n& completely a.a+e. These results nd cate a def c ency or e1cess of a&&ress on. 0f a pract t oner usually falls asleep .h le attempt n& to enter the phase# then more a&&ress )e act on s needed .h le perform n& nd rect techn 8ues. 0f# on the other hand# most attempts end n a full and alert a.a+en n&# then a&&ress on should be curbed and techn 8ues should be conducted more and n a more rela1ed manner. Balance bet.een pass ) ty and a&&ress on s mperat )eH the phase state s eas ly atta ned by those pract t oners .ho f nd a stable med um bet.een pass ) ty and a&&ress on. The ssue of a&&ress on re8u res a closer e1am nat on. Kuite often, atte pts at indirect techni0ues are ade

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leisurely, without desire or real effort, to 6check the off the list7. &esults are ore easily realiCed if the practitioner possesses an aggressive desire to enter the phase. %ore often than not, practitioners lack aggressive desire, instead of having too uch of it. Thus, each effort re0uires a distinct want to succeed. THE .ER$/DA TRIANG4E OF ATTE$PTS *uccess at enter n& the phase depends on t.o factors: 8uant ty and 8ual ty of attempts. Dccord n&ly# the &reater the 8uant ty of h &h48ual ty attempts# the &reater the odds of ha) n& a phase e1per ence. Bo.e)er# pract cally all pract t oners encounter certa n psycholo& cal d ff cult es that depr )e them of :" to =9; of all attempts. That s# phasers often e1per ence only half of .hat they could due to certa n patterns of thou&ht. Th s ma nly occurs dur n& t.o common s tuat ons n .h ch pract t oners s mply lose all des re to e)en try: a) e1cess )ely alert a.a+en n& b) a.a+en n& to phys cal mo)ement. E)en f a phaser suddenly dec des to & )e t a try n such s tuat ons# h s attempts are understandably performed .a)er n&ly and poorly# .h ch s e8u )alent to not try n& at all. Bo.e)er# n the absolute ma6or ty of such cases# no attempt s e)en made. The h lar ty of the s tuat on cons sts n the probable falseness of the sensat ons of both e1cess )ely alert a.a+en n& and a.a+en n& to phys cal mo)ement. For e1ample# the thou&ht# C0 .o+e up .ay too alertly# noth n&Es &o n& to .or+ no.C s usually mmed ately follo.ed by fall n& bac+ asleep. Bo.e)er# a substant al port on of mo)ements upon a.a+en n& are false# e)en thou&h t may seem that they are made . th the phys cal body. But e)en f there s an actual alert a.a+en n& and actual phys cal mo)ement# the l +el hood of enter n& the phase does not actually decrease as much as one m &ht th n+. ThatEs .hy t s not only poss ble try

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to enter the phase n such s tuat ons 4 t s a must. Those .ho follo. th s s mple pr nc ple alone may en6oy t. ce as many phase e1per ences as those .ho do not. Bo.e)er# m ndfulness of th s pr nc ple alone s often nsuff c ent to compensate for psycholo& cal certa nty that noth n& . ll .or+ dur n& a spec f c attempt. 0n order to sol)e th s problem# one may use one a most effect )e psycholo& cal tr c+ based on self4decept on. 0f t seems to the pract t oner that there s no sense n ma+ n& an attempt as noth n& . ll .or+ any.ay# he ou&ht th n+ e1actly as follo.s: CDlr &ht# enter n& the phase . ll hardly .or+ out# but no. 0Em &o n& to s mply pract ce for future attempts and do e)eryth n& as f these .ere deal cond t onsC. Dfter.ards# a h &h48ual ty 3pract ce sess on5 . ll occur# dur n& .h ch t m &ht be easy to ha)e a real phase e1per ence. *o# f t seems that noth n& at all . ll happen upon an a.a+en n&# then s mply & )e t a &o and pract ce cycl n& nd rect techn 8ues# . thout .orry n& about the outcome. 0t should also be noted that a phaser . ll often lose out on an attempt throu&h the bel ef that he has to catch the r &ht moment of be n& half4a.a+e. %any th n+ that catch n& that moment s a mandatory prere8u s te for the nd rect method. 0t &enerally s# but that moment of trans t on usually doesnEt be& n at the second one a.a+ens 4 rather# t ar ses r &ht .hen perform n& cycles of techn 8ues- That s# the moment of be n& half4a.a+e s not so much someth n& to catch upon a.a+en n&s# but more someth n& to nduce us n& the techn 8ues themsel)es 4 .h ch s actually e1actly .hat theyEre there for. ThatEs prec sely .hy thereEs no sense n & ) n& up a chance for an attempt. E)ery pract t oner s mply needs to be .ell a.are that one may fall nto the phase upon any a.a+en n&# no matter .hat t may seem and no matter .hat thou&hts may cross oneEs m nd. ThatEs .hy you need to not o)er4analy,e or o)er4 th n+ t# but s mply to mechan cally try# try# and try a&a n.


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FOR,ED FA44ING AS4EEP - $AEI$/$ EFFE,T There s a tr c+ techn 8ue for ma+ n& most phase entrances successful: forced fall n& asleep. 0t can be used . th the follo. n& s tuat ons and )ar at ons: as an ndependent techn 8ueH .hen no other techn 8ue .or+sH upon e1tremely alert a.a+en n&H .hen a.a+en n& to phys cal mo)ementH n case of ntense phys cal st mul from oneEs phys cal surround n&sH .hen &ett n& a poorly .or+ n& techn 8ue to y eld results# and so on. 0n essence# th s s a l fesa)er techn 8ue for all those s tuat ons .hen someth n& snEt .or+ n& as one .ould l +e t to# or not as one had planned. Interesting Fact! )orrectly using forced falling asleep in con;unction with indirect techni0ues can realistically bring odds of success to near +-percent. That this, practically all atte pts to e4it the body upon awakening can beco e successful. Odds of enter n& the phase d m n sh . th e)ery second .hen us n& cycles of nd rect techn 8ues upon a.a+en n&. Forced fall n& asleep# to put t s mply# s a .ay to reel that reced n& l fel ne to the phase bac+ to.ards you. 0t tr c+s the bra n# .h ch . ll react automat cally to all your act ons and 8u c+ly thrust you nto an ntermed ate state that s easy to use to enter the phase. @hat the pract t oner does s try to fall asleep as dec dedly and as 8u c+ly as poss ble# but .h le ma nta n n& the ntent on of not los n& consc ousness. The most mportant th n& s to not &et cau&ht up n ho. to do t. E)eryone ntu t )ely +no.s ho. to do t# because e)eryone has had to force themsel)es to fall asleep at one po nt or another. Aou need only to &et pulled n to a .a)e of sleep ness and catch t at the last second. 0tEs 8u te s m lar to real l fe s tuat ons .hen

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there s )ery l ttle t me to sleep# and one ne)ertheless has to catch some rest. Th s techn 8ue s to be performed . th that )ery determ nat on to fall asleep 8u c+ly 4 but of course# here you do not fall completely asleep. I de*e de t Tec& i0ue Th s techn 8ue s used as an alternated techn 8ue .hen cycl n& upon a.a+en n&. O)er the course of : to 9 seconds# the pract t oner tr es to abruptly# determ nedly# and forc bly fall asleep# ma nta n n& the ntent on of e ther not actually fall n& asleep or of com n& bac+ to h mself at the last moment before los n& consc ousness. Dfter.ards# separat on can often eas ly be successful. 0n add t on# the follo. n& sensat ons may ar se# .h ch only need be ntens f ed n order to def n t )ely fall nto the phase: ) brat ons# ma&ery# no se# and so on. 0n case of alert a.a+en n& or a.a+en n& to mo)ement# t s recommend to be& n cycl n& techn 8ues from forced fall n& asleep. Interesting Fact! So e practitioners get forced falling asleep so well that they use nothing else besides alternating it with separation techni0ues upon awakening. Periodic AdNu!t)e t o" t&e State Th s s used n4bet.een any techn 8ues or n4bet.een full cycles of techn 8ues. 0t s also called the Gnepropetro)s+ method. 0n th s case# the dea s that : to 9 seconds of cred bly m tat n& fall n& asleep can not only con6ure the phase all on ts o.n# but also cause a + nd of thro.bac+ to a more trans t onal state# thus ncreas n& the effect )eness of all subse8uent act ons. Each t me before perform n& techn 8ues or full cycles of techn 8ues# the pract t oner s mply thro.s h mself bac+ nto a sleep er state ) a forced fall n& asleep n order to ncrease the r effect )eness. Thus# n correctly mplement n& forced fall n& asleep# a s tuat on occurs n .h ch

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all act ons are performed as f mmed ately upon a.a+en n&# .hen odds of success are h &hest. Interesting Fact! At an e4peri ental se inar held August ,+-,B, ,--. in 5nepropetrovsk (:kraine$, A- participants were asked to perfor andatory cycles of all the indirect techni0ues together with the techni0ue of forced falling asleep. The success rate for the whole group reached D32 after only two nights, not counting those participants who ade no atte pts at all. This was the ost successful se inar into ,-++, and the syste first tested out there took on the na e IThe 5nepropetrovsk %ethod7. .ackdro* "or All Tec& i0ue! Th s s to be employed s multaneously . th all nd rect techn 8ues# as a bac+drop to them. @h le perform n& any techn 8ue# the phaser should try to fall asleep s multaneously# as f the techn 8ue be n& performed (phantom . &&l n&# rotat on# etc.) .ere necessary not for phase entrance# but for accelerat n& fall n& asleep. D phaser should s mply try to fall asleep to the techn 8ue be n& performed . thout actually fall n& asleep. Dny techn 8ue . ll usually be& n to .or+ at that moment# and t can be eas ly brou&ht to the phase. One no lon&er needs to employ or cont nue on . th concurrent forced fall n& asleep at th s po nt. For e1ample# f a pract t onerEs hand d d not start mo) n& . th n a fe. seconds of a&&ress )e phantom . &&l n&# he . ll then be& n try n& to . &&le h s hand .h le try n& to fall asleep at the same t me. The hand . ll usually y eld to . &&l n& . th n se)eral seconds# and the ran&e of mot on . ll be& n to ncrease. Bac+drop forced fall n& asleep may be ncluded n the rout ne both from the start of attempts# as .ell as only .hen the techn 8ues themsel)es are

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not .or+ n&. Such an approach often guarantees the greatest odds of success for indirect techni0ues. Interesting Fact! <hen perfor ed properly, backdrop use of forced falling asleep akes the choice of techni0ue perfor ed upon awakening inconse0uential, as any techni0ue will i ediately start working. .ri 1i 1 t&e Tec& i0ue! to ,o)*letio Th s s to be used n cases .hen some nd rect techn 8ue has be&un .or+ n&# albe t 8u te .ea+ly or nsuff c ently. Bere# n order to br n& the .or+ n& techn 8ue up to the r &ht de&ree of man festat on# the pract t oner should be& n to perform forced fall n& asleep n parallel to t# 6ust as s done . th bac+drop forced fall n& asleep. That s# the phaser should try to seem n&ly fall asleep to the techn 8ue be n& performed. Ds a result# the part ally man fest n& techn 8ue . ll start to .or+ much better r &ht then# and allo. for the phase to be reached much sooner. Gesp te all the mer ts of forced fall n& asleep and opportun t es t offers# t 8u te rarely .or+s at *chool of Out4 of4Body Tra)el sem nars for be& nners. 0t s often put for.ard as an element for ad)anced pract t oners .ho ha)e reached the ne1t le)el of soph st cat on. The problem cons sts n the fact that forced fall n& asleep s nearly al.ays d ff cult for no) ces to conceptual ,e. 0n add t on# nformat on o)erload leads to an nab l ty to d &est add t onal nformat on# and r s+s cro.d n& out more elementary tas+s at the start of oneEs pract ce. Th s s pr mar ly .hy forced fall n& asleep must be approached carefully. 0deally# the phaser h mself should start to feel t approach on ts o.n. Th s often occurs after one has already had a f rst e1per ence. ThereEs no sense n nclud n& t n the f rst th n&s to be learned. Rather# t should only be used

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to f ne4tune the effect )eness of attempts us n& nd rect techn 8ues. The e1cept on .ould be s tuat ons .here forced fall n& asleep s the last tool that hasnEt yet been tr ed# and noth n& else can be made to .or+ upon a.a+en n&. The most mportant th n& s to ne)er try th s techn 8ue f you donEt understand t. D pract t oner may lose out on real e1per ence n search of a s l)er bullet. Be .ould .aste t me and ener&y on th n&s obscure to h m# and therefore# that .h ch s bound to be neffect )e. Con)ersely# f a pract t oner mmed ately understands forced fall n& asleep and s fam l ar . th t# then he may d )e r &ht nto try n& t n h s pract ce. @hat follo.s s a )ery character st c e1ample of ho. th s techn 8ue can be ncorrectly understood: (et us assume that a phaser tr es to perform forced fall n& asleep n some .ay# but that t doesnEt .or+. Dt the end of the attempt# the d sappo nted pract t oner dec des to fall fast asleep n order to catch the ne1t a.a+en n&. Dnd tEs 6ust at that moment that he be& ns to feel an mm nent approach of the phase () brat ons# ma&ery# no se). On th s the second try# he has done e)eryth n& the r &ht .ay 4 naturally and unaffectedly. @hereas before he had o)er4thou&ht and o)er4compl cated h s act ons .hen try n& to do the techn 8ue# no. he has been do n& e)eryth n& correctly 4 he s mply be& ns fall n& asleep# as forced fall n& asleep should be done. /t>s worth paying close attention to the fact that novices often get results fro indirect techni0ues not while cycling the , but only when they want to fall asleep 0uickly after a failed atte pt in order to catch one ore awakening. The ma n problem .hen perform n& forced fall n& asleep s the r s+ of eas ly fall n& asleep for real# no matter ho. a.a+e oneEs m nd seems before us n& th s techn 8ue. Th s should al.ays be remembered# and the len&th of t me that th s method s carr ed out should be carefully )ar ed. 0n most cases# only se)eral seconds are necessary n order to &et results. *omet mes t needs to be done for lon&er# and somet mes the phaser falls asleep after t.o seconds of perform n& the techn 8ue# althou&h t may seem to h m that

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he had a.o+en too alertly and that noth n& at all .ould .or+ for h m. STRATEGY FOR A,TION *ome m sta+enly bel e)e that nd rect techn 8ues . ll produce 8u c+# easy results# l +e a p ll. Gesp te the fact that the techn 8ues descr bed n th s &u deboo+ are the best means to enter n& the phase# stron& effort st ll needs to be e1erted. Th s s not mportant for some# as e)eryth n& comes 8u te eas ly to them# but for others th s s of &reat mportance. 0nd rect techn 8ues . ll def n tely .or+ f pract ced cons stently and as descr bed. 0t has already been noted that n the ma6or ty of cases# ma+ n& se)eral concentrated attempts upon a.a+en n& . thout mo)ement s suff c ent enou&h to produce results. 0t may ta+e a lot of t me and effort to ach e)e phase entrance# so pract t oners .ho set &oals and .or+ d l &ently . ll be presented . th a cro.n of success. Dttempts are mportant n lar&e measure not only for the f nal result# but also for the process tself. Gur n& pract ce# the pract t oner ndependently learns and sol)es ssues that may not ha)e been understood n the &u deboo+. Other t mes# the pract t oner . ll encounter s tuat ons that ha)e ne)er been descr bed at all. 0tJs mposs ble to prepare a student for e)ery poss ble scenar o# so as a pract t oner mo)es deeper nto pract ce# a un 8ue# nd ) dual perspect )e and portfol o of e1per ences de)elops# .h ch . ll certa nly pro)e useful n the future. 2nt l then# d l &ent pract ce of the nformat on presented n th s boo+ . ll ready a pract t oner for that personal front er. Dct ons n pract ce re8u re str ct attent on. *tudy the techn 8ues and select those that .or+ best. *et the &oal of cons stent# consc ous .a+ n& . thout mo)ement. *et an ob6ect )e of perform n& cycles of nd rect techn 8ues .h le .a+ n& up# day n and day out. <ith such a clear course of

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action, the practitioner should never defocus his attention or dissipate his energy on other related actions, like, for e4a ple, on direct techni0ues for entering the phase. 0f the nd rect techn 8ues do not .or+ n the course of se)eral days# cont nue try n&. Dt latest# results occur n a matter of .ee+s 4 not months or years# l +e some sources ma nta n. Foals are to be stubbornly pursued 4 step4by4step# f rmly# and d l &ently. 0f no results occur after $" to !" attempts# t s better to cease pract ce for a .ee+ and ta+e a rest# and then return . th a fresh resol)e to master the pract ce. 0nterest n&ly enou&h# t s e1actly dur n& such a brea+ that spontaneous entrances nto the phase throu&h the most d )erse methods occur. 0f success s st ll elus )e e)en after ! .ee+s of try n&# then a thorou&h analys s of the re& men should be conducted to root out any ob) ous m sta+es or def c enc es. 0f o)ercom n& them pro)es d ff cult or mposs ble# s. tch n& o)er to d rect techn 8ues s not recommended s nce they pro)e much more d ff cult than nd rect techn 8ues. 0nstead# techn 8ues for enter n& the phase throu&h consc ous dream n& should be pract ced. 0t s also not .orth s+ pp n& o)er problemat c areas and try n& to ma+e up for m sta+es by e1pend n& e)en more effort. For e1ample# &nor n& the precond t on of a.a+en n& . thout mo) n& . ll pro)e fru tless. Bypass n& th s re8u rement .or+s for )ery fe. people. Fac n& e)ery problem head4on and .or+ n& hard to brea+ throu&h . ll be r chly re.arded . th unfor&ettable# treasured e1per ences. Reep try n&TYPI,A4 $ISTA6ES WITH INDIRE,T TE,HNIQ/ES 0nternal certa nty that noth n& . ll happen nstead of bel e) n& n pos t )e results.

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*topp n& the performance of techn 8ues after an unsuccessful cycle .hen a m n mum of four cycles should be pract ced. Constantly a.a+en n& to mo)ement nstead of rema n n& st ll. 'erform n& d rect techn 8ues n the e)en n&. 'erform n& nd rect techn 8ues n the e)en n&# nstead of upon .a+ n& up n the morn n&. 'erform n& nd rect techn 8ues for an e1tremely lon& per od of t me (! m nutes or more). Th s s a complete .aste of t me n most cases. *. tch n& from techn 8ues that ha)e be&un to .or+ nstead of follo. n& them throu&h to the end. 'ass )ely perform n& techn 8ues nstead of be n& determ ned and a&&ress )e. 'erform n& each techn 8ue separately for too lon& a per od of t me# e)en f the techn 8ue does not .or+# nstead of s. tch n& to another techn 8ue . th n se)eral seconds. E1cess )e th n+ n& and analys s .h le perform n& nd rect techn 8ues# .h ch re8u re mental tran8u l ty and nner st llness. *topp n& and concentrat n& on unusual sensat ons .hen they ar se )ersus cont nu n& the techn 8ue that brou&ht them about n the f rst place. E1tremely lon& ant c pat on upon a.a+en n& nstead of mmed ately perform n& techn 8ues. 'remature attempts at separat n&# nstead of perform n& phase creat on techn 8ues throu&h to the end of pro&ress. Bold n& the breath .hen unusual sensat ons appear. Be calm nstead. Open n& the eyes .hen the only recommended mo)ement s breath n& or mo) n& the eyes beh nd closed l ds. Be n& a& tated nstead of rela1ed.

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Ceas n& attempts to separate e)en .hen part al success s met. *tra n n& the phys cal muscles .h le perform n& the techn 8ues )ersus rema n n& phys cally mot onless. 7ot pract c n& after an alert a.a+en n&# .hen techn 8ues are best appl ed 4 espec ally n the e)ent of .a+ n& . thout mo)ement. %erely ma& n n& the techn 8ues nstead of really understand n& them and perform n& them# f# of course# one s not perform n& rotat on or other ma& ned techn 8ues. * mply . &&l n& phantom l mbs nstead of employ n& a f 1ed determ nat on to ncrease the ran&e of mo)ement Fall n& r &ht asleep dur n& forced fall n& asleep# nstead of ha) n& the f rm ntent on of cont nu n& efforts . th n only 9 to $" seconds. *crut n , n& the deta ls of ma&es .hen us n& the techn 8ue of obser) n& ma&esH the .hole ma&e should be obser)ed panoram cally lest t d sappear. 0ntent onally try n& to force p ctures .hen obser) n& ma&es# nstead of loo+ n& for .hat s naturally presented. * mply hear n& no se .hen employ n& the techn 8ue of l sten n& n# nstead of attent )ely try n& to pay attent on# catch someth n&# and l sten n. EEER,ISES Que!tio !

$. @hy are nd rect techn 8ues the eas estL !. @hy . ll one techn 8ue .or+ for some people and not for othersL :. Bo. many attempts are necessary n order to enter the phaseL

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4. @hen obser) n& ma&es# should a p cture be con6uredL 9. Bo. s phantom . &&l n& d fferent from ma& ned mo)ementL <. @here does sound come from .h le l sten n& nL =. Bo. s forced l sten n& n d fferent from normal l sten n& nL >. @hen employ n& the techn 8ue of rotat on# should one try to rotate or s mply ma& ne the rotat onL ?. @hat s phys cally stra ned .hen us n& the techn 8ue of stra n n& the bra nL $". Bo. s stra n n& the bra n d fferent from stra n n& the body . thout us n& musclesL $$. *hould a pract t oner fall asleep .hen us n& the forced fall n& asleep techn 8ueL $!. Dccord n& to stat st cs from classes held at the *chool of Out4of4Body Tra)el# .h ch nd rect techn 8ues are the most effect )eL $:. @hy should one pract ce all of the pr mary techn 8ues n a rela1ed stateL $4. @hat helps pract t oners to enter the phase one4th rd of the t me .h le us n& nd rect techn 8uesL $9. 0s le) tat on the most popular separat on techn 8ueL $<. @hat s the essent al d fference bet.een nd rect techn 8ues and separat on techn 8uesL $=. Bo. does the separat on techn 8ue of roll n& out d ffer from the nd rect techn 8ue of rotat onL $>. 0s t necessary to ma& ne anyth n& .h le try n& to separateL $?. @hen s the best t me to use nd rect techn 8uesL !". Can techn 8ues that are trad t onally used upon a.a+en n& be attempted dur n& the dayL Bo. effect )e are these techn 8ues dur n& the dayL !$. 0s becom n& consc ousness .h le dream n& the same as consc ous a.a+en n&L !!. @hen employ n& nd rect techn 8ues# does an nab l ty to a.a+en . thout mo) n& ha)e an effect on oneEs pract ceL

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@hat are the components of the al&or thm of cycl n& nd rect techn 8uesL !4. @hat f rst step must be ta+en .h le cycl n& throu&h nd rect techn 8uesL !9. Bo. many d fferent techn 8ues should a cycle cons st ofL !<. @hat s the m n mum number of cycles that must be pract cedL !=. 0f a lot of t me has passed after a.a+en n&# s th s &ood or bad for cycles of nd rect techn 8uesL !>. @hat must be done f a techn 8ue &ets stuc+ at an unsat sfactory le)el of resultsL !?. 0f the cycles do not .or+# .hat should be doneL :". @hat are h nts from the m ndL :$. 0n .hat cases s t necessary to ntroduce a&&ress )e effort .hen perform n& nd rect techn 8uesL Ta!k $. 2pon a.a+en n&# perform a full cycle of nd rect techn 8ues# and repeat th s e1erc se unt l phase entrance s ach e)ed.


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,&a*ter 3 M Direct $et&od

THE ,ON,EPT OF DIRE,T TE,HNIQ/ES 5irect techni0ues for entering into an out-of-body e4perience are used without prior sleep by perfor ing specific actions while lying down with the eyes closed. The ad)anta&e of d rect techn 8ues s that# n theory# they can be performed at any moment. Bo.e)er# a lar&e dra.bac+ e1 sts n the len&th of t me t ta+es to master the techn 8ues. Only 9"; of pract t oners ach e)e success after ma+ n& attempts o)er a per od of ! to : .ee+s. For some# an ent re year may pass before results are real ,ed. The d ff culty n ach e) n& results . th d rect techn 8ues s not a problem of naccess b l ty# but the natural psycholo& cal character st cs of the nd ) dual. 7ot e)eryone s able to clearly understand the spec f c nuances n)ol)ed# .h ch s .hy some . ll cont nually ma+e m sta+es. %any pract t oners str )e to master d rect techn 8ues r &ht a.ay because they appear to be the most con)en ent# stra &htfor.ard# and concrete techn 8ues. Bo.e)er# t s a &ra)e m sta+e to be& n attempt n& and master n& phase entrance from th s le)el. 0n ?"; of cases .here no) ces be& n the r tra n n& . th d rect techn 8ues# fa lure s &uaranteed. %oreo)er# a )ast amount of t me# effort# and emot on . ll be .asted. Ds a result# complete d s llus onment . th the ent re sub6ect of phase e1per ences s poss ble. 5irect techni0ues should only be practiced after astery of the easiest indirect techni0ues or how to beco e conscious when drea ing. /n any case, difficulties will not wear one down afterwards, as it will be e4ceedingly clear fro one>s

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own e4perience that the phase is not a fig ent of the i agination. Also, an advanced knowledge of indirect techni0ues will ake it considerably easier to achieve direct entry into the phase. 0t s also .orth al.ays +eep n& n m nd the a)era&e amount of t me phasers spend on d rect and nd rect techn 8ues to ach e)e results. For e1ample# a no) ce e1pends an a)era&e of 9 m nutes(9 attempts) on nd rect techn 8ues for each phase e1per ence (a)era& n& both successful and unsuccessful attempts)# but :"" m nutes(!" attempts) on d rect techn 8ues for each phase e1per ence. Dn ad)anced phaser a)era&es less than a m nute($4! attempts) perform n& nd rect techn 8ues for each phase e1per ence# but :" m nutes on d rect techn 8ues(!4: attempts). Sual ty of the phase e1per ence s not dependent upon the chosen entrance techn 8ue. G rect techn 8ues do not necessar ly pro) de a deeper# more last n& phase o)er nd rect techn 8ues. G rect techn 8ues are better su ted for some pract t oners and not others# but th s can only be sa d for a m nor ty of the pract c n& populat on. %ean.h le# nd rect techn 8ues are access ble to absolutely e)eryone all of the t me. Interesting Fact! /n order to obtain best results at traditional B-day School of Out-of-Body Travel se inars, instructors either co pletely o it the direct techni0ues, or wait until the last day to teach the , so as not to te pt novices to use the and subse0uently ruin the group>s success rate. 0f a pract t oner has dec ded to be& n pract ce . th d rect techn 8ues or has &a ned the necessary e1per ence . th nd rect techn 8ues# the underly n& pr nc ples of the techn 8ues must st ll be learned. @ thout these# noth n& . ll occur# e1cept co nc dentally and n rare cases. The +ey to the

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successful use of d rect techn 8ues rests n ach e) n& a free4 float n& state of consc ousness. Bo.e)er# .e . ll f rst e1am ne a lar&e )ar ety of )ery useful aspects and factors that ma+e d rect entry nto the phase much eas er. F rst# .e . ll e1am ne .hen t s best to perform the techn 8ues and ho. ntens )ely to e1erc se the r pract ce. Then# .e . ll e1am ne the )ery mportant factor of body pos t on# and the no less cruc al ssue of ho. lon& the techn 8ues should be performed. Then# .e . ll br efly n)est &ate the ssue of rela1at on# and then .e . ll mmed ately mo)e on to the actual d rect techn 8ues. Only after co)er n& all of the abo)e are .e able to del)e nto the ssue of .hat a free4float n& state of consc ousness s and ho. to ach e)e t. THE .EST TI$E TO PRA,TI,E The ssue of t me s not mportant . th nd rect techn 8ues s nce the ma6or prere8u s te s that they are performed mmed ately after a.a+en n& occurs. 0n the case of d rect techn 8ues# the ssue of t m n& s much more cr t cal. 7aturally# the best method for f nd n& the r &ht t me to perform d rect techn 8ues s the same as nd rect techn 8ues K the deferred ethod. Bo.e)er# there are some ser ous d fferences here. F rst of all# one may nterrupt oneJs sleep at pract cally anyt me of the n &ht or early morn n&. *econd# after ha) n& .o+en up (94$9 m n.)# one should not fall bac+ asleep# but should mmed ately proceed to the techn 8ues. G rect techn 8ues are many t mes more effect )e . th the deferred method than at any other t me. Th s s due to the fact that . th the deferred method# the m nd does not ha)e t me to become $""; alert# and t s easy to fall nto the altered state of consc ousness that . ll allo. results. @hen t comes to spec f c steps# one should a.a+en n the m ddle of the n &ht e ther on oneEs o.n or . th the help of an alarm cloc+. Then# one should &et up and do someth n& for

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: to $" m nutes# and then l e do.n a&a n n bed and perform the techn 8ues. 0f t s probable that the pract t oner . ll .a+e up n too alert a state# and thus not e)en be sleepy# then the nter)al bet.een a.a+en n& and perform n& the d rect techn 8ue should be shortened# and th n&s should be done dur n& that per od of t me. 0t should be noted that . th th s setup# a free4float n& state of m nd plays a far lesser role that . th other procedures. The second most effect )e . ndo. of t me s before fall n& asleep at n &ht# .hen the pract t oner &oes to bed. Gur n& th s per od of t me# the bra n needs to shut do.n the body and m nd n order to rene. ts stren&th# .h ch has been e1pended o)er the course of the day. Th s natural process can be ta+en ad)anta&e of by ntroduc n& certa n ad6ustments to t. Dttempts at perform n& d rect techn 8ues dur n& the day are less effect )e. Bo.e)er# f fat &ue has already had a chance to bu ld up by th s t me# th s can be ta+en ad)anta&e of because the body . ll try to fall nto sleep. Th s s espec ally su ted for those .ho are accustomed to napp n& dur n& the day. Fenerally# other . ndo.s of t me produce a substant ally .orse result# .h ch s .hy one should start . th perform n& d rect techn 8ues n the m ddle of the n &ht# or before a n &htEs sleep. Only after such techn 8ues ha)e been mastered . ll t be poss ble to e1per ment . th dayt me attempts. INTENSITY OF ATTE$PTS The de&ree of enthus asm that s de)oted to any pursu t s d rectly related to successfully reach n& a &oal. Bo.e)er# t s )ery mportant to +no. .hen to ease up# espec ally . th the del cate matter of phase entry. One attempt per day us n& a d rect techn 8ue s suff c ent. 0f more attempts are made# the 8ual ty of each attempt . ll suffer cons derably.

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Interesting Fact! %any approach direct techni0ues as if digging a ditch? the ore - the faster and the better. The result? doCens of atte pts that yield no fruit. D lot of pract t oners bel e)e that do,ens of attempts o)er the course of a day . ll y eld the phase. Th s s not the path to success and . ll 8u c+ly lead to d s llus onment . th the pract ce. E)en f after a .ee+ or a month no results are seen# d rect techn 8ues should be attempted only once da ly (!4: days per .ee+). 'ers stent# analyt cal# and sens ble# stubborn resol)e to pract ce properly . ll produce the des red effect. D/RATION OF AN ATTE$PT 0t s useless to attempt enter n& the phase us n& a d rect techn 8ue by ly n& n bed and resol) n& ne ther to sleep nor &et up unt l the phase occurs. *uch coarseness n handl n& the del cate nature of the m nd . ll produce noth n& bes des rap d emot onal e1haust on. R & d t meframes apply .h le perform n& d rect techn 8ues before a sleep or n the m ddle of the n &ht. G rect techn 8ues attempts should only last $" to !" m nutes. (on&er durat ons nh b t sleep ness because the m nd . ll concentrate too lon& on the techn 8ues# and the des re to fall asleep . ll d ss pate# result n& n nsomn a that often lasts se)eral hours. O)erdone efforts ne&at )ely affect natural enthus asm due to lost sleep and be n& t red the follo. n& day# .h ch s compounded by the real ty of a &ro. n& number of fa led attempts. 0f d rect techn 8ues produce no effect o)er the course of $" to !" m nutes before sleep or n the m ddle of the n &ht# then t s better to &o to sleep . th the thou&ht that

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e)eryth n& . ll .or+ out another t me. Th s s the pos t )e outloo+ a pract t oner ou&ht to al.ays ma nta n. .ODY POSITION @ th nd rect techn 8ues body pos t on snJt mportant s nce consc ous a.a+en n& re&ardless of body pos t on s the &oal. Bo.e)er# the pos t on of the body s cruc al .h le pract c n& d rect techn 8ues. There s not an e1act body pos t on that each pract t oner should assume s nce# once a&a n# nd ) dual character st cs and nst ncts d ffer . dely. There are spec f c rules that allo. one to select the r &ht pos t on# based on nd rect nd cators. %any hold a bel ef that the correct pose s that of a corpse K ly n& on the bac+ . thout a p llo.# le&s and arms stra &htened. Th s not on has probably been borro.ed from other pract ces cla m n& that t helps ach e)e an altered state of m nd. Bo.e)er# th s pos t on ser ously mpa rs the efforts of the ma6or ty of pract t oners. The corpse pose should only be used .hen t s probable that a pract t oner . ll 8u c+ly fall asleep .h le perform n& techn 8ues n th s pose# e)en thou&h t &enerally pre)ents sleep. 0f a pract t oner e1per ences d ff culty fall n& asleep and s constantly a.a+e .h le perform n& d rect techn 8ues# then the most comfortable pos t on for the nd ) dual should be used. /f sleep co es 0uite easily to a practitioner, a less natural position should be taken. /f a practitioner e4periences fewer gaps in consciousness when the techni0ues are perfor ed and has a harder ti e falling asleep, a ore co fortable a position should be used. Gepend n& on the s tuat on# there are many poss ble pos t ons: ly n& do.n on the bac+# on the stomach# on the s de# or e)en n a half4 recl ned pos t on. 0t s poss ble that a pract t oner . ll ha)e to chan&e pos t ons from one attempt to another# ntroduc n& ad6ustments related to a free4float n& state of m nd.

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%oreo)er# no more than : days per .ee+ should be spent on the d rect techn 8ues. The same &oes for the pract ce of the phase tself. Th s l m t may only be ra sed n case of a h &h le)el of e1per ence and nearly all of oneEs attempts be n& successful. RE4AEATION By nature# one should clearly understand that d rect techn 8ues are n and of themsel)es rela1at on methods# nasmuch as no phase can occur . thout one be n& rela1ed. Dccord n&ly# one can &o mmed ately nto the phase . thout any pr or rela1at on. * nce the most effect )e . ndo. of t me for us n& d rect techn 8ues occurs before sleep and at n &ht# and lasts only $" to !" m nutes n any case# add t onal t me should not be .asted on try n& to rela1# nor should t me for rela1at on be subtracted from the re8u s te $" to !" m nutes. Correct and 8ual ty rela1at on s a d ff cult pursu t and many &o about t n the r o.n .ay# produc n& an effect oppos te to that of natural rela1at on. For e1ample# many endea)or to rela1 the r bod es to such a de&ree that n the end the m nd s as act )e as t .ould be .h le try n& to sol)e a d ff cult mathemat cal e8uat on. 0n th s type of s tuat on# enter n& the phase s mposs ble. The body automat cally rela1es .hen the m nd s rela1ed. The body# n turn# . ll ne)er rela1 f the m nd s act )e. Therefore# t s better for be& nners refra n from the trouble of the nuances of rela1at on and sa)e the r ener& es for more elementary matters. 0nstead of forc n& a techn cal rela1at on# a pract t oner should s mply l e do.n for se)eral m nutes and th s . ll pro) de the best rela1at on. (y n& do.n act )ates natural rela1at on processesH the most po.erful + nd. Complete# peaceful rela1at on may only be coerced by those . th spec al ,ed# n4depth e1per ence. Fenerally# these

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are people .ho ha)e spent a &reat amount of t me and effort master n& trance and med tat )e states. Rela1at on n these cases should ta+e no more than $ to : m nutes and no lon&er# as .hen a pract t oner s e1pert at rela1at on t s suff c ent to 6ust th n+ about t# and t occurs. Dll 8ual ty rela1at on techn 8ues may .ell ser)e as d rect techn 8ues# f a free4float n& state of m nd occurs .h le they are e1erc sed. Dfter &a n n& the necessary e1per ence . th trance and med tat on# a pract t oner of these mental arts may proceed to master n& the phase. BARIATIONS OF /SING DIRE,T TE,HNIQ/ES Techn 8ues used to &a n d rect entrance to the phase are e1actly the same as those used dur n& nd rect attempts. The only d fference s n the method of mplementat on. Bo.e)er# s nce d rect techn 8ues mostly re8u re pass ) ty# not all techn 8ues .or+ e8ually .ell for both d rect and nd rect entr es nto the phase. For e1ample# act )e techn 8ues l +e stra n n& the bra n cannot be used to &a n a smooth entrance nto the phase. G rect techn 8ues d ffer from nd rect techn 8ues n the r mplementat on because of the slo.# halt n& product on of results that occurs from the be& nn n& of a d rect attempt throu&h the end of t. 0f upon a.a+en n& someth n& happens to .or+# then th s can pract cally al.ays lead to entrance nto the phase. For e1ample# the same phantom . &&l n& before sleep can be& n 8u c+ly enou&h# but ran&e of mo)ement . ll not be easy to ncrease# and the ent re mplementat on of the techn 8ue . ll rely on protracted# rhythm c mo)ement. Results ta+e much lon&er: ten m nutes nstead of ten seconds. These d fferences also apply to e)ery techn 8ue descr bed n th s &u deboo+. ( +e . th the pract ce of nd rect techn 8ues# to be& n the pract ce of d rect techn 8ues# a pract t oner should choose ! or

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4 of the most su table techn 8ues from those that pro)e most effect )e for the nd ) dual. The pr mary d fference n .or+ n& . th d rect techn 8ues s the t me that t ta+es to e1erc se each. 0f test n& a spec f c nd rect techn 8ue ta+es only : to 9 seconds# then n th s case se)eral m nutes . ll be spent. Gurat on )ar es depend n& on certa n factors. There are three pr mary .ays of perform n& the techn 8ues: class cal# se8uenc n&# and cycl n& 4 s m lar to the cycl n& used . th nd rect techn 8ues. To understand .h ch )ar ant should be used# cons der the follo. n& table: Bariatio ! o" /!i 1 t&e Tec& i0ue! ,la!!ical =*a!!i#e> #ariatio : One attempt of $ techn 8ue. The techn 8ue may be alternated after each attempt. W&e to /!e It

4 .hen learn n& d rect techn 8uesH 4 .hen a pract t oner &enerally sleeps poorlyH 4 f attempts lead to .a+ n& upH 4 f attempts . th other )ar at ons occur . thout lapses n consc ousnessH 4 f the body and consc ousness are n a rela1ed stateH Se0ue ci 1 =)iddle>: 4 used f fall n& asleep occurs One attempt . th ! to : .h le us n& the class cal techn 8ues for $ to 9 )ar at on# or f cycl n& results m nutes. Techn 8ues are n becom n& . de a.a+eH alternated nfre8uently. 4 .hen a pract t oner D&&ress on fluctuates . th &enerally falls asleep 8u c+lyH the len&th of t me that the techn 8ues are performed. ,'cli 1 =acti#e>: 4 f the class cal and Dl&or thm of cycl n& : se8uenc n& )ar at ons put

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techn 8ues l +e . th nd rect entry to the phase# but perform n& each techn 8ue for $" seconds to $ m nute# and not : to 9 seconds.

one asleepH 4 .hen one &enerally falls asleep )ery 8u c+lyH 4 can also be employed .hen e1hausted or sleep depr )edH

D pract t oner should al.ays be& n . th the class cal )ar at on# .e. us n& one techn 8ue o)er an ent re attempt. Gue to the unusual nature of the efforts n)ol)ed# a be& nnerJs enthus asm may susta n a completely alert state. (ater# ho.e)er# stron&# prolon&ed lapses of consc ousness nto sleep may occur. Bere# t may be necessary to ncrease the le)el of act ) ty by trans t on n& to the se8uenc n& )ar at on. *e8uenc n& s the pr mary )ar at on used for d rect techn 8ues because of ts elast c ty n appl cat on. 0t can be pass )e f a pract t oner alternates t.o techn 8ues for f )e m nutes each o)er the course of $9 m nutes. 0t may also be a&&ress )e f three techn 8ues are se8uenced for one m nute each. E)eryth n& bet.een these t.o e1tremes allo.s for proper pract ce of the techn 8ues and select on of the best )ar at on to ach e)e a free4float n& state of m nd. 0f fall n& off to sleep stubbornly occurs e)en . th the act )e form of se8uenc n&# then one should start cycl n& throu&h nd rect techn 8ues# but perform n& each techn 8ue for $" seconds to $ m nute. Ds .or+ o)er many months . th the techn 8ues s mpl ed# one should not torment oneself f on one day one does not .ant to do someth n&. Other. se# one may 8u c+ly t re out. E)eryth n& should be a pleasure to do and not cause any e1cess )e emot onal tens on. THE FREE-F4OATING STATE OF $IND There are almost nf n te descr pt ons of d rect entry techn 8ues offered n l terature# stor es# on the 0nternet# and

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at sem nars. *omet mes# one descr pt on fundamentally d ffers from another. 0n the ma6or ty of cases# ho.e)er# common threads e1 st that un te almost e)ery descr pt on of a part cular techn 8ue: short lapses n consc ousness# memory &aps# and dr ft n& n and out of sleep# all of .h ch are hallmar+s of the free4float n& state of m nd. Dfter any of these phenomena occur# all manner of unusual pre4phase or phase sensat ons ar se. (apses n consc ousness may last for seconds# se)eral m nutes# or more than an hour. They may ran&e from a s mple loss of consc ousness to entrance nto a full4fled&ed dream. They may be s n&ular and rare# or may occur se)eral t mes o)er the course of a m nute. @hate)er a lapse enta ls# the m nd atta ns a mode of operat n& that s deal for phase e1per mentat on# pro) ded the pract t oner s able to refra n from deep sleep and 8u c+ly return to a consc ous# .a+ n& state. 7ot e)ery lapse of consc ousness leads to the phase. The lapse must ha)e suff c ent depth to be effect )e. Thus# . th e)ery unsuccessful lapse# another deeper lapse should be ncurred.


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The pr mary pract cal dra.bac+ of the free4float n& state of m nd s the poss b l ty of fall n& completely asleep dur n& lapses nstead of only temporar ly d pp n& nto sleep. Techn 8ues are def n tely necessary to ensure the des red result. *uch techn 8ues more or less fulf ll an au1 l ary funct on# and thus one need not be str ct about them. Interesting Fact! /t does not atter which direct techni0ue is usedH as long as it leads to lapses in consciousness, success is possible. @hen perform n& the )ar at ons of the techn 8ues# a pract t oner can be& n to )ac llate bet.een full alertness and complete asleep# com n& to# and then nodd n& off a&a n. To a)o d fall n& asleep re8u res a stron& des re to return to .a+efulness. Th s s accompl shed by a stron& resol)e on the part of the pract t oner# e)en f# .h le perform n& a d rect techn 8ue# dr ft n& n and out of sleep occurs. The pract t oner must f rmly assert that at the moment consc ousness tapers off# a.a+en n& . ll mmed ately occur. On the other hand# f lapses do not occur# and are replaced by complete alertness# the follo. n& tr c+s of the trade may help: full concentrat on on mental act ons or# con)ersely# mus n& and daydream n& n parallel . th the techn 8ue be n& used. 0t should be noted that these are only effect )e at the n t al sta&es of .or+ n& . th d rect techn 8ues s nce such techn 8ues ha)e a stron& sleep4 nduc n& effect. 0f d rect techn 8ues do not lead to l &ht sleep or s n&ular lapses after a lon& per od of re&ular pract ce# then t must be assumed that the pract t oner s deal n& . th some apprec able error n techn 8ue or n the len&th of performance. The number of lapses that occur may be re&ulated by body pos t on dur n& pract ce or by chan& n& the )ar at on used .h le perform n& techn 8ues.

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Enter n& the phase . th a free4float n& state of m nd most often occurs as the result of three +ey factors. F rst# one techn 8ue or another may be& n to .or+ .ell dur n& a lapse. *econd# nearness to the phase may une1pectedly man fest tself throu&h sounds or ) brat on after a lapse. Gur n& th s# trans t on n& to techn 8ues that correspond to the abo)e symptoms (l sten n& n# stra n n& the bra n) may be appl ed. Th rd# .hen e1 t n& a lapse# t s somet mes easy to separate or 8u c+ly f nd a .or+ n& techn 8ue by pay n& attent on to n t al nd cators. Interesting Fact! There is a theory that there is no such thing as a direct phase entrance ethod, and that all direct ethods are actually a subcategory of the indirect ethod. The only difference would be that direct techni0ues involve inducing icro-sleep, which authentically i ics falling asleep, creating a physiological state closer to natural awakening, when it is easy to enter the phase. (apses n consc ousness are not bound to occur n $""; of cases. Bo.e)er# str ) n& to ach e)e lapses plays a )ery mportant role s nce they are not al.ays perce )able# and a lapse occurrence s not al.ays ob) ous. They can be )ery short n durat on or shallo.. Or# they may not occur at all. 7onetheless# properly appl ed techn 8ues to produce lapses may & )e entrance to the phase. Th s s espec ally true of the deferred method for d rect phase entrance. 0t s also .orth not n& that lapses n consc ousness can be so shallo. and br ef that a phaser may s mply be unable to reco&n ,e them. A/EI4IARY FA,TORS

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0t can be cate&or cally stated that there s one s tuat on n .h ch a pract t oner . ll constantly ha)e problems . th the d rect method# or ne)er &et t to .or+: e1cess )e des re to &et results r &ht here and no.. 0f a pract t oner lays n bed . th the thou&ht that he . ll enter the phase no matter .hat us n& the d rect method# then he m &ht as .ell not ma+e any attempt at all. *uch e1cess )e des re ne) tably f nds phys olo& cal e1press on n the form of a lac+ of lapses n consc ousness# or the r .ea+ depth. The problem s that pract cally e)ery ne. pract t oner ma+es th s m sta+e. G rect techn 8ues are often cons dered d ff cult due to th s seem n&ly nconse8uent al and barely percept ble m sta+e. Interesting Fact! 'or ost practitioners, a key piece of advice is to let go of a burning desire to enter the phase no atter what when using the direct ethod. ThatEs .hy there should be an element of nner st llness and nd fference to the end result before be& nn n& an attempt# let alone dur n& t. Aou need to let &o of try n& to control t# and s mply comm t yourself to enter n& the phase. OneEs m nd should be completely st ll and almost completely nd fferent as to ho. successful the attempt . ll be: f t .or+s 4 &reat. 0f not 4 .ho caresL There should be ntent on to enter the phase# but that ntent on ou&ht be +ept ns de# and not f nd e1press on n e1cess )e des re or control o)er the s tuat on. 2nt l a pract t oner learns to ha)e st llness n h s approach to d rect phase entrance methods# he cannot hope to obta n any real pract cal e1per ence. 0n the best case# only one attempt n f fty . ll result n the phase# e)en thou&h most of h s attempts could ha)e met . th success. 0tEs enou&h to cons der that all ad)anced users of the d rect techn 8ue benef t from amb )alence to.ards the result# .hether or not del berately. Con)ersely# all attempts by no) ces are

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accompan ed by e1cess )e des re to obta n a result that they ha)e to ha)e# and th s s the ma n reason for lac+ of success. Dnaly, n& a typ cal e1ample of ho. the d rect techn 8ue can .or+ should ma+e the s tuat on clearer: say someone acc dentally descr bed the d rect techn 8ues r &ht a.ay .hen tell n& another about the phase. B s nterest per+ed# the ne.ly4 n t ated &oes home and be& ns ma+ n& an attempt 6ust for lau&hs# . thout e1cess )e des re. 0t turns out that th s .or+s on the f rst try. Be e1per ences a turbulent and hyper4 real st c phase. 7o. that he +no.s .hat all of the fuss s about# he lon&s to &o there a&a n. On the ne1t day# he &oes bac+ to bed . th a clear recollect on of those electr fy n& e)ents that he so des res to re4e1per ence. But no.# h s m nd cra)es results so much that h s body s phys olo& cally unable to fall nto the state that had preceded h s f rst successful attempt 4 an attempt made . thout any e1cess )e effort. Ds a result# those same d rect techn 8ues no lon&er br n& the phase. Dnyone bel e) n& that &ett n& results s a matter of techn 8ue (and not real , n& tEs a matter of att tude to.ards the process) .ould be dumbfounded. 2s n& d rect techn 8ues n the e)en n& or n the m ddle of the n &ht ta+e ad)anta&e of the bodyJs natural state of fat &ue and for pract cal purposes th s natural t redness may be ampl f ed. For e1ample# d rect techn 8ues more eas ly lead to success f the pract t oner s cons derably sleep4depr )ed. %oreo)er# n such a state# nduc n& a free4float n& state of m nd may be for&one. The most mportant th n& s s mply not to fall asleep mmed ately# n add t on to employ n& the appropr ate )ar at ons . th the techn 8ues. @ llful depr )at on of sleep s torturous and useless e)en thou&h &reat results may be ach e)ed by an e1per enced and +no.led&eable pract t oner n a se)erely fat &ued state. Be& nners are better off approach n& all forms of pract ce n a natural# balanced .ay. Dn ntense lon& n& to sleep s not l m ted to lon& per ods of sleep depr )at onH phys cal and emot onal fat &ues also play mportant roles. 0n that case# the most mportant th n& s not

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to fall asleep .hen perform n& the techn 8ues# and thus one must select a more act )e techn 8ue )ar at on than usual. The abo)e not. thstand n&# factors such as fat &ue and sleep depr )at on are only to be used on those rare occas ons caused by e1ternal c rcumstances. ThereEs no sense n putt n& your body throu&h ntent onal m sery by try n& to force fat &ue or e1tended per ods of sleep depr )at on. *uch s tuat ons are pract cally the e1clus )e doma n of no) ces 4 an e1per enced phaser .ould al.ays &o to sleep .hen e1hausted. *acr f c n& the health n such a .ay s po ntless .hen already ha) n& re&ular and eas ly4entered phases. The d rect techn 8ues# after all# should only be performed .hen n a normal phys olo& cal state# and . th en6oyment. D pract t oner should ta+e pleasure n the )ery process of us n& the method# and not re&ard t as a t resome chore needed to enter the phase. Th s s the ma n reason .hy a pract t oner should perform h s fa)or te techn 8ues .hen heEs most n the mood for them. The phase should ne)er be sou&ht by try n& oneEs . ll or body. @ th the d rect method# there s a d rect relat onsh p bet.een en6oyment and effect )eness: the more the process ma+es you rr table# the .orse the free float n& state of m nd ar ses and the the odds of success 4 and ) ce4)ersa. There are se)eral s &nposts that . ll clearly nd cate .hether or not a phaser s on trac+ to reach h s &oal of master n& the d rect method. F rst# an unsuccessful attempt should not cause one to feel rr table or feel one s .ast n& t me. ThatEs the f rst s &n of a strate& c m sta+e re&ard n& the process. There can be no tal+ of a ha) n& a sol d d rect4 entrance phase e1per ence as lon& as th s happens. 7e1t s en6oyment of the )ery process of perform n& the techn 8ues. 0f a pract t oner en6oys .or+ n& . th the techn 8ues he s do n& and f nds them pleasant# then they . ll also .or+ much better and be much more l +ely to lead to the phase. 0n add t on# d sappo ntment rarely accompan es unsuccessful attempts .hen one has such an att tude. One must al.ays sho. respect for the techn 8ues# and not treat them as a

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bor n& chore necessary to &et nto the phase. 0f such a problem e1 sts# one should recons der oneEs att tude to.ards the techn 8ues and try to become nterested n the mere performance of them. Dlthou&h the techn 8ues are not e)en of secondary mportance for d rect phase entrance# they can ser)e as a rel able &au&e of the 8ual ty of the attempt. STRATEGY FOR A,TION 0f a no) ce be& ns h s pract ce from the d rect techn 8ues# then he does so at h s o.n r s+ and per l# ha) n& shunned recommendat ons based on .or+ . th thousands of people. @hen unsuccessful# pract t oner h mself .ould be solely to blame for the .asted t me and effort. 0t should al.ays be remembered that many e)en 8u te4accompl shed pract t oners try to a)o d us n& the d rect method to enter the phase. G rect techn 8ues seldom produce 8u c+ and clear results# unl +e enter n& the phase ) a becom n& consc ous .h le dream n& or throu&h the use of nd rect techn 8ues. Dt f rst# d rect techn 8ues produce sporad c results# .h ch s .hy the path of pract ce should not be& n . th d rect techn 8ues hop n& for fast re.ard. 0t s better to systemat cally pract ce a techn 8ue# .or+ n& to.ard mastery on a cons stent bas s. There s no cause for .orry f results are not ach e)ed after a month of attempts. D cont nual effort to analy,e pract ce and mpro)e should be the pr mary focus because fa lures are al.ays caused by d st n&u shable m sta+es. Dlthou&h d ff cult es may ar se . th d rect techn 8ues# one should ne)er abandon .hat .or+ed unt l then ( .e. nd rect techn 8ues)# as th s could temporar ly depr )e one of the e1per ence that one has en6oyed so far. D comb nat on of d rect and nd rect techn 8ues should ne)er be used dur n& the course of a s n&le day s nce th s .ould be detr mental to pract cal focus and enthus asm. 0t s

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better to separately perform each type of techn 8ue on d fferent days. TYPI,A4 $ISTA6ES WITH DIRE,T TE,HNIQ/ES (ac+ of a free4float n& state of m nd# e)en thou&h t s mandatory. Dssum n& an ncorrect pos t on .hen ly n& do.n. 'erform n& d rect techn 8ues dur n& the day .hen a pract t oner s ne1per enced# nstead of n the e)en n& or at n &ht. 'erform n& more than one attempt per day. 'erform n& protracted rela1at on before the techn 8ues# e)en .hen th s may play a ne&at )e role. 'erform n& the techn 8ues for too lon& .hen they should be e1erc sed for no more than !" m nutes. For&ett n& to aff rm a stron& ntent on of a.a+en n& dur n& a lapse of consc ousness. Fall n& asleep dur n& lapses n a free4float n& state of m nd# nstead of .or+ n& to.ard mult ple lapses .h le a.a+en n&. For&ett n& separat on techn 8ues and a.a t n& some un+no.n e)ent upon emer&ence from a lapse# nstead of ta+ n& ad)anta&e of the moment. E1cess )ely alternat n& the techn 8ues n a pr mary reperto re# nstead of test n& them n a planned and systemat c manner. Bold n& the breath .hen unusual sensat ons are encountered. Dl.ays be calm. Balt n& pract ce .hen unusual sensat ons occur .hen t s necessary to cont nue .hat brou&ht about the sensat ons. E1cess )e e1c tement .h le perform n& d rect techn 8ues.

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(ac+ of a&&ress on dur n& attempts due to fat &ue and sleep depr )at on. (ac+ of a clear plan of act on. 2nderstand n& and plann n& the use of d st nct )ar at ons of the techn 8ues beforehand s cruc al to the analys s of subse8uent errors n pract ce. EEER,ISES Que!tio !

$. @h ch techn 8ues should be mastered before proceed n& to d rect techn 8uesL !. *hould results from the use of d rect techn 8ues be e1pected after se)eral days or a .ee+L :. 0s t better to pract ce d rect techn 8ues dur n& the day or n the e)en n&L 4. 0s t correct to perform three d rect attempts per dayL 9. @h ch body pos t on should be assumed .hen suffer n& from nsomn aL <. @h ch body pos t on should be used by a person .ho falls asleep 8u c+lyL =. Bo. much t me should be spent on a s n&le d rect attemptL >. @hen can d rect attempts be made for a lon&er per od of t me than usualL ?. @hat s the best .ay for an ne1per enced pract t oner to rela1L $". Can d rect techn 8ues subst tute rela1at on techn 8uesL $$. Can rela1at on techn 8ues subst tute d rect techn 8uesL $!. Bo. many )ar at ons for perform n& d rect techn 8ues are thereL $:. 0n .hat case s the )ar at on of se8uenc n& . th d rect techn 8ues employedL

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@h ch techn 8ue may not be used for d rect entrance to the phase . th the &oal of creat n& a free4float n& state of m ndL $9. @hat happens to consc ousness .h le n a free4float n& state dur n& d rect techn 8uesL $<. *hould a.a+en n& be attempted f fall n& asleep occurred .h le us n& d rect techn 8uesL $=. @hat s the probab l ty of enter n& the phase . thout a free4float n& state of consc ousnessL $>. @hat do unsuccessful attempts us n& d rect techn 8ues most often end nL $?. 0s se1ual act ) ty before an e)en n& attempt us n& a d rect techn 8ue benef c alL Ta!k $. @hen perform n& d rect techn 8ues# try to ach e)e no less than three lapses n consc ousness before !" m nutes elapse# or before you fall asleep. Repeat th s challen&e unt l phase entrance s ach e)ed.


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,&a*ter Drea)i 1

.eco)i 1

,o !ciou!


THE ,ON,EPT OF TE,HNIQ/ES INBO4BING .E,O$ING ,ONS,IO/S WHI4E DREA$ING The techni0ues for phase entrance via beco ing conscious while drea ing are based on reaching consciousness and self-awareness during a drea , which, regardless of drea 0uality, can be transitioned into a fully realiCed phase e4perience. Contrary to popular op n on# ha) n& an out4of4body e1per ence throu&h dream n& d ffers l ttle from other techn 8ues. The outcome s st ll cate&or ,ed as a d ssoc at )e e1per ence: be n& fully consc ous .h le remo)ed from the percept on of a phys cal body. The real sm of a phase nduced throu&h becom n& consc ous n a dream does not d ffer from phases entered us n& other techn 8ues# and# .hen deepened# the phase offers more ) ) d and luc d e1per ences than those of e)eryday l fe. 0f a pract t oner becomes a.are of a dream .h le n t (usually accompan ed by a clear real ,at on that t s 36ust a dream5)# then the phase s e1per enced from that moment for.ard. Be& nners often confuse the not on of becom n& consc ous .h le dream n& . th nduced dream n&. Dn nduced dream s the dream of a spec f c top c# pro)o+ed on demandH th s does not presuppose consc ousness. %oreo)er# not all pract t oners clearly understand .hat t means to be fully consc ous .h le dream n&. Consc ousness .h le dream n& s al.ays present to some e1tent# but t s necessary to be as

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consc ous as one .ould be n a .a+eful state. D.areness s not poss ble as lon& as the plot of the dream cont nues. @hen full understand n& occurs that e)eryth n& around s 6ust a dream# a person drops the dream and starts do n& only .hat he .ants to do at that )ery moment. Dnd after a.a+en n&# he should not th n+ that .hat happened .as absurd or une1pla nable. Gur n& the process of becom n& consc ous n a dream# a pract t onerJs act ons must be completely subord nated to the des re to e1per ence a 8ual ty phase. Th s s .hy# upon becom n& consc ous n a dream# proceed n& to techn 8ues related to deepen n& and ma nta n n& s cruc al. Techn 8ues for becom n& consc ous n a dream d ffer )ery much n nature from other techn 8ues# and there are &ood reasons .hy these methods are d fferent ated from other pract ces# l +e so4called astral pro;ection or out-of-body e4perience (OBE). Bo.e)er# the r character st cs d ffer )ery l ttle n terms of results. The techn 8ue4related pecul ar t es rest n the fact that spec f c act ons are not re8u red to produce mmed ate# concrete results. Dll techn 8ue4related elements are performed outs de of .hen consc ousness .h le dream n& occurs. Th s s because t s mposs ble to ta+e some act on f you are not consc ous and do not real ,e that you are dream n&. Dll efforts are d rected at ma+ n& that )ery real ,at on someho. occur. Interesting Fact! (ven if a practitioner pays no heed to the techni0ues for beco ing conscious while drea ing, but applies direct or indirect techni0ues, on average each third phase will still occur through beco ing conscious in a drea . This has been statistically proven at se inars of the School of Out-of-Body Travel.

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%any str )e to ach e)e consc ousness dur n& each dream o)er the course of an ent re n &htH ho.e)er# th s s rarely poss ble due to phys olo& cal barr ers. There s a &ood reason that sleep and dreams are an mportant part of a human l fe. There s an mportant need to s. tch off not only body# but also consc ousness# so that t may unconsc ously s ft and process the )ast )olume of nformat on obta ned n e)eryday l fe. The t meframe for ach e) n& consc ous dream n& s )ery d ff cult to est mate due to the nature of re8u red act ons. 0ntens ty and ntent on def n tely e1ert hea)y nfluence. D pract t oner may become consc ous n a dream .hen f rst laps n& nto sleep# re&ardless of .hen t occurs. Or# . th re&ular attempts# th s could happen n t.o .ee+s to a month. 7e)ertheless# these techn 8ues prom se a much h &her l +el hood of success than d rect methods# and can be compared . th nd rect techn 8ues 4 nfer or to the latter only n terms of the speed at .h ch results are ach e)ed and the amount of effort re8u red. Techn 8ues used to atta n dream consc ousness should not be comb ned . th other types of techn 8ues. 0t s better to focus on one th n& at a t me. /nterestingly, when a techni0ue is practiced on a regular basis, there is nearly a +--2 guarantee that drea consciousness will spontaneously occur. A practitioner ust know how to react when this happens. .EST TI$E FOR .E,O$ING ,ONS,IO/SNESS WHI4E DREA$ING Ds . th other phase entrance methods# the best t me for becom n& consc ousness .h le dream n& occurs .hen us n& the deferred method. That s# tEs necessary to sleep for 9 to = hours# then .a+e up and perform phys cal act ) t es for : to 9" m nutes n order to consol date the effect of the a.a+en n&# and f nally &o bac+ to sleep . th the ntent on of

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becom n& consc ousness dur n& dream ep sodes to follo.. The lon&er the nterlude before &o n& bac+ to sleep# the h &her the odds of success. There are some pract t oners .ho are able to fall bac+ asleep after a lon& nterrupt on. %ean.h le# others are unable to fall asleep after only se)eral m nutes of be n& a.a+e# and so they should ma+e the brea+ as br ef as poss ble. Consc ousness .h le dream n& also ar ses eas ly dur n& a dayt me nap. 0t can also occur n the m ddle of the n &ht# but for phys olo& cal reasons such e1per ences tend to be br ef and are usually mar& nally luc d. TE,HNIQ/ES FOR .E,O$ING ,ONS,IO/S IN A DREA$ 0t s poss ble to s multaneously pract ce se)eral techn 8ues for becom n& consc ous n a dream s nce e)ery techn 8ue s d rectly compat ble . th and complementary to others. Re)e)beri 1 Drea)! There s a .ell4+no.n and . despread of fallacy that supposes that dreams do not occur for some people. E)eryone dreams# but not e)eryone remembers the r dreams. E)en those .ho act )ely dream remember only a small fract on of these n &htly e1curs ons. Bence# one should not th n+ that t s mposs ble for someone .ho does not remember dreams to become consc ous n one. *uch a person should s mply try to use the techn 8ues. Dt the same t me# there s a d rect correlat on bet.een the number of dreams remembered and the probab l ty of becom n& consc ous .h le dream n&. That s .hy de)elop n& the ab l ty to remember dreams s cruc al. 0n essence# the ab l ty to ach e)e dream consc ousness rests . th the consc ous m nd# .h ch s )ery much nterconnected . th memory4related processes.

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Consc ousness s naturally nherent n dreams# but t lac+s rap d# operat )e memory. Greamers may +no. .ho they are# the r names# ho. to .al+# and ho. to tal+# but may not +no. ho. surround n& e)ents are related# or the nature of the r s &n f cance. By ncreas n& the fre8uency of remembered dreams# short4term dream memory becomes more de)eloped# .h ch enables more real st c dream e1per ences follo.ed by a h &her probab l ty of dream consc ousness. There are three techn 8ues ded cated to ncreas n& the number of remembered dreams. The f rst s to s mply recall the deta ls of dreams upon a.a+en n&. @ th n the f rst fe. m nutes of .a+ n& up# try to remember as many dreams from the n &ht before as poss ble. Th s should be done . th a &reat amount of attent on and d l &ence because th s e1erc se stren&thens the memory. 0f poss ble# dur n& the day# or# better yet# before &o n& to sleep at n &ht# recall the pre) ous n &htJs dreams once a&a n as t s h &hly benef c al. @r t n& dreams do.n n a spec al dream 6ournal s much more effect )e than s mple recall. Record dreams n the morn n& .h le memor es are st ll fresh. The more deta ls recalled .hen record n& the dream# the better the ult mate results. Th s s a )ery attent )e approach that demands a h &her a.areness than s mple recollect on. @r t n& dreams n a 6ournal s &n f cantly ncreases a.areness of act ons and asp rat ons. Dnother .ay of remember n& dreams s to create a map of the dream .orld. Th s s called dream carto&raphy and s s m lar to +eep n& a 6ournal# thou&h an enhanced le)el of a.areness s de)eloped by connect n& dream ep sodes on a map. F rst# record one dream# descr b n& locat ons and e)ents# .h ch are plotted on the map. Th s carto&raph c process s repeated . th each subse8uent dream# and after se)eral dreams an ep sode . ll occur that s someho. related to the locat on of a dream that has already been recorded. The t.o

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dreams that too+ place near each other are plotted ne1t to each other on the map. O)er t me# more and more nterrelated dreams . ll occur and the map . ll become ncreas n&ly concentrated rather than d sconnected. Ds a result# the fre8uency and real st c 8ual ty of remembered dreams . ll ncrease# and the dreamer . ll ncrease the ab l ty to ach e)e consc ousness .h le dream n&. 0t s best to set remembered dreams to memory after temporary a.a+en n&s )ersus .a t n& unt l morn n&. To accompl sh th s# t helps to ha)e a pen and a p ece of paper nearby so that a pract t oner may 8u c+ly 6ot do.n a phase or se)eral +ey .ords from the plot of the dream before fall n& bac+ asleep. 2s n& th s nformat on# the ma6or ty of dreams are 8u c+ly and completely recalled. The n t al result from e1erc s n& these techn 8ues s a rap d ncrease n the number of remembered dreams. @hen th s number becomes s &n f cant ( bet.een f )e and ten per n &ht)# dream consc ousness follo.s on a re&ular bas s. I te tio 0ntent on s cruc al to the success of any techn 8ue. @ th re&ard to dream consc ousness# ts s &n f cance s mult pl ed. The creat on of ntent on s ne1tr cably l n+ed to the creat on of nternal asp rat on# .h ch has re)erberat ons n both consc ous and unconsc ous states. 0n real ty# an ele)ated de&ree of ntent on operates as a po.erful method of mental pro&ramm n&. Th s techn 8ue s performed before fall n& asleep by aff rm n& a stron& des re to become consc ous .h le dream n&. For best results# alon&s de a stron&# clearly def ned ntent on# th n+ throu&h .hat act ons . ll be ta+en .hen dream consc ousness s ach e)ed. ,reati 1 a A c&or * nce dream consc ousness s not l n+ed to spec f c act ons that ta+e place . th n a dream and sensory percept on

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cont nues to operate n the dream state# t s poss ble to de)elop and use an art f c ally cond t oned refle1 to ach e)e consc ousness. The essence of th s techn 8ue s to tra n the consc ousness to un formly react to certa n st mul that occur .h le be n& a.a+e and .hen dream n&# establ sh n& a hab t of spec f c response e)ery t me a certa n s tuat on occurs. For e1ample# .h le a.a+e# a pract t oner may as+# 3Dm 0 dream n&L5 e)ery t me they see an anchor. Dn anchor s any ob6ect that s often encountered .h le a.a+e and .h le dream n&. E1amples of anchors nclude a pract t onerJs o.n hands# red ob6ects# or runn n& .ater. @hen f rst us n& th s techn 8ue# a pract t oner . ll be unable to 8uest on .hether a dream s n pro&ress e)ery t me a pre4establ shed anchor s encountered. Bo.e)er# . th tra n n& and a stron& des re th s techn 8ue 8u c+ly produces results. O)er t me# subconsc ous 8uest on n& of the pract t onerJs state becomes hab t# happen n& .h le a.a+e and dream n&. The end result s dream consc ousness.


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Natural A c&or! 0n add t on to creat n& del berate anchors that nduce consc ous dream n&# natural anchors should be & )en focused attent on. These are ob6ects and act ons that re&ularly cause dream consc ousness# e)en .hen consc ousness s not des red. Be n& a.are of the e1 stence of natural anchors actually doubles the chances of the r appearance. The follo. n& e1per ences are common natural anchors that are present n dreams: death# sharp pa n# ntense fear# stress# fly n&# electr c shoc+# se1ual sensat ons# and dream n& about phase entrance or the phase en) ronment. @hen attempt n& dream consc ousness# dent fy n& natural anchors produces results nearly $""; of the t me. One may try to start fly n& each t me that one ans.ers the 8uest on. Th s s of course po ntless .hen n .a+ n& real ty. Bo.e)er# .hen dream n&# th s . ll most l +ely lead to fl &ht and once a&a n pro)e that e)eryth n& around s 6ust a dream. Sel"-A al'!i! Cons stent analys s of dreams helps to ascerta n reasons for an absence of consc ous a.areness: these analyses are s &n f cant to atta n n& dream consc ousness. O)er the course of a l fet me# the m nd &ro.s accustomed to the parado1 cal nature of dreams and pays less attent on to them. Th s becomes apparent .h le try n& to understand that a red crocod le s not only unable to tal+ to us# but that t also cannot be red# nor can t rent an apartment. @h le dream n&# these mposs b l t es are ne)er called nto 8uest on. The essence of self4analys s s remember n& dreams and th n+ n& hard about .hy the r parado1 cal features had not been ade8uately reco&n ,ed n the dream state. @ th e1per ence# the e)eryday analys s of the correspondence of dreams to real ty be& ns to ha)e an effect on a pract t onerJs reason n& . th n the dream state. For e1ample# that red crocod leJs presence n a rented apartment could cause doubts that & )e pause for reflect on# .h ch could

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n turn lead to the understand n& that e)eryth n& happen n& s 6ust a dream. A,TIONS TO .E DONE WHEN .E,O$ING ,ONS,IO/S WHI4E DREA$ING To ensure that dream consc ousness leads to a fully de)eloped phase e1per ence# one of three spec f c act ons must be ta+en. The best s the techn 8ues for deepen n&# .h ch should be mmed ately appl ed once dream consc ousness occurs. Geepen n& must be performed . th n the dream ep sode before all other techn 8ues. Go n& so ) rtually &uarantees entrance to the phase. The cho ce of act ons that follo. deepen n& s dependent upon a pract t onerJs predeterm ned plan of act on n the phase. @hen becom n& consc ous .h le dream n&# t s 8u te dan&erous to try to return to oneJs body n order to roll out of t r &ht a.ay unless one has deepened beforehand. Th s could result n a s tuat on .here# after ha) n& eas ly returned to oneJs body# one .ould not be able to separate from t# as the phase becomes s &n f cantly .ea+er .hen phys cal sensat ons co nc de . th the pos t on of a real body. 0f one s to employ such an opt on# then n order to return to oneJs body one should s mply th n+ about t# .h ch s often suff c ent to ma+e the trans t on occur almost mmed ately. Dnother opt on s the use of translocat on techn 8ues to arr )e at a des red place . th n the phase .orld. 0t s also dan&erous to employ th s )ar at on . thout f rst deepen n&H translocat n& n a shallo. phase ma+es a return to the .a+eful state )ery l +ely. Translocat on s often accompan ed by a substant al decrease n the depth of the phase state.


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STRATEGY FOR A,TION To ach e)e dream consc ousness# constant pract ce s h &hly necessary because sporad c pract ce . ll fa l to de)elop the re8u s te bac+&round thou&ht processes. Ds a rule# employ n& phase entry techn 8ues . th n the conte1t of dream consc ousness produces results after se)eral .ee+s# and the effects of the techn 8ues are ncreas n&ly pronounced . th t me. 0f there are no results . th n a month or t.o# refra n from these techn 8ues for a per od of t me# ta+e a brea+ for a .ee+ or t.o# and resol)e to assume a fresh start later. 'ract t oners often stop us n& these techn 8ues after n t al results as later effects become elus )e and the fre8uency of dream consc ousness rap dly decl nes. These techn 8ues should not be abandoned after f rst y eld n& results# thou&h a &radual decrease n pract ce s &enerally acceptable. TYPI,A4 $ISTA6ES WHEN PRA,TI,ING .E,O$ING ,ONS,IO/S WHI4E DREA$ING 'erce ) n& the state of dream consc ousness as a non4 phase state e)en thou&h th s phenomenon s one and the same . th the phase. Dttempt n& dream consc ousness .h le perform n& other phase entrance techn 8ues .hen t s better to focus on dream consc ousness alone. @hen fall n& asleep# lac+ n& suff c ent des re to e1per ence consc ous dream n& e)en thou&h th s s cr t cal. Cont nu n& to y eld to the plot of a dream e)en after ach e) n& dream consc ousness# .hereas subse8uent act ons must be ndependent and based on free . ll.

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0ncorrectly n& the 8uest on 3Dm 0 dream n&L5 .h le dream n&. For&ett n& to mmed ately be& n deepen n& techn 8ues .hen dream consc ousness has been ach e)ed. @hen e1erc s n& memory de)elopment# recall n& the most ) ) d dreams nstead of e)ery dream. 0ncons stent concentrat on .h le pract c n& dream consc ousness techn 8ues. EEER,ISES Que!tio !

$. @hat s the d fference bet.een an out4of4body e1per ence and dream consc ousnessL !. Dfter atta n n& dream consc ousness# does the real st c 8ual ty of the surround n&s d ffer from that of .a+efulnessL :. @h ch techn 8ue can be used n a dream to become consc ous n tL 4. 0s t poss ble to ach e)e dream consc ousness after the f rst attemptL 9. 0s t true that not all people dreamL <. @hy s learn n& to remember as many dreams as poss ble mportant for becom n& consc ous .h le dream n&L =. @hat s dream carto&raphyL >. To e1per ence dream consc ousness# .hat must be done .h le fall n& asleepL ?. Could a tape measure become an anchor used to ach e)e dream consc ousnessL $". @hat e1per ences n dreams often spontaneously & )e r se to a state of consc ous a.arenessL $$. @hat must mmed ately be done after becom n& consc ous .h le dream n&L

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Ta!k $. Try to ach e)e at least one consc ousness. nstance of dream


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,&a*ter : M No -auto o)ou! $et&od!

THE ESSEN,E OF NON-A/TONO$O/S $ETHODS FOR ENTERING THE PHASE @on-autono ous ethods of entering the phase are various types of e4ternal influences that are able to help put a practitioner into the phase state. Computer pro&rams# de) ces# )ar ous phys cal act ons# the a d of a helper# or e)en chem cal substances are e1amples of non4autonomous methods. 0n rare cases# these methods actually help# .h le some h nder the poss b l ty of a &enu ne phase e1per ence. 7e)er count on a ma& cal substance or mach ne to automat cally el m nate the d ff cult es assoc ated . th phase entrance. 0f such a substance e1 sted# the .hole top c of phase e1per mentat on .ould e1 st at an ad)anced le)el of de)elopment and pre)alence n soc ety. 0n actual ty# there are no de) ces or methods able to cons stently pro) de access to the phase state. Dt best# these e1 st n a lar&ely supplementary capac ty# and the more a pract t oner s able to do on h s or her o.n# the more helpful and effect )e these supplements are. 0f phase entry has not been mastered autonomously# then results throu&h the use of supplements . ll be totally acc dental. The reason beh nd the .ea+ effect )eness of non4 autonomous methods of phase entrance rests n the fact that the phys olo& cal process respons ble for the phase e1per ence cannot be e1actly def ned. Only &eneral t es are +no.n# noth n& else. 0n order to &a n a clear understand n& of the

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state# the processes that & )e r se to t must be d scerned and analy,ed. Dll e1 st n& technolo& es ha)e e ther blundered do.n a clearly m sta+en path (synchron , n& the hem spheres of the bra n)# or tra)eled to.ard the detect on and use of nd rect nd cators (cue n& technolo& es). ,/EING TE,HNO4OGIES Of all non4autonomous ass stance methods# cue n& technolo& es y eld the best results. The operat n& pr nc ple beh nd cue n& technolo& es s 8u te s mple: a de) ce detects rap d eye mo)ement (RE%) and sends s &nals to a sleep n& pract t oner# prompt n& dream consc ousness or an a.a+en n& that may be follo.ed by nd rect techn 8ues. Cue n& pro&rams or de) ces may also send nd cators o)er spec f c nter)als of t meH these are rece )ed dur n& RE% sleep and are meant to cause a sleep n& pract t oner to a.a+en and attempt nd rect techn 8ues. %ore soph st cated RE%4detect n& technolo& es may be purchased at spec al ,ed stores or throu&h onl ne merchand sers. RE%4detect n& technolo& es .or+ by ) rtue of spec al n &ht mas+ e8u pped . th a mot on sensor that detects the fre8uency of spec f c eye mo)ements that occur dur n& RE% sleep. @hen the eye mo)ements reach RE% 8ual ty# the de) ce sends d screet s &nals to the pract t oner throu&h l &ht# sound# ) brat ons# or a comb nat on of these. 0n turn# the pract t oner must d scern the s &nal and react to t .h le sleep n& . th the &oal of phase entry throu&h dream consc ousness. The effect )eness of RE%4detect n& de) ces s more plaus ble n theory than n pract ce. The m nd 8u c+ly de)elops a tolerance for these types of e1ternal st mul and stops react n&# and# as a result# such technolo& es are hardly used more than one or t.o n &hts per .ee+. *econdly# a pract t oner . ll detect only a small port on of the s &nals# and consc ous react on occurs n e)en nstances.

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Cue n& technolo& es are best used to send s &nals that allo. a pract t oner to a.a+en . thout mo) n& dur n& RE% sleep# .h ch fac l tates a h &h probab l ty of phase entrance throu&h nd rect techn 8ues. 'r c n& of these 3m nd4mach nes5 (the common mon +er of any de) ce that purports to produce altered consc ousness) . dely )ar es and s determ ned by 8ual ty of RE% detect on and s &nal n&. D)a lable models nclude: Gream*tal+er# Gream%a+er (7o)aGreamer)# RE%4Greamer# Dstral Catapult# amon& many others. * nce the use of these de) ces does not &uarantee ncreased success n pract ce# n)est n& money n the technolo&y s not recommended. 0f a pract t oner s cur ous about cue n& technolo& es# s m lar de) ces may be constructed at home us n& a spec al computer pro&ram and a run4of4the4m ll opt cal mouse. Ges &ns for a home&ro.n setup are eas ly located on the 0nternet. Dnother do4 t4yourself .ay of e1per ment n& . th cue n& s throu&h the use of a computer# a mus c player# or e)en the alarm cloc+ funct on on a mob le phone. The pract t oner sa)es short sounds or phrases# played as an alarm e)ery $9 to :" m nutes .h le sleep n&. These sounds . ll s &nal the pract t oner to .a+e up and attempt nd rect techn 8ues. 0f the pract t oner dec des to use cue n& technolo&y# se)eral fundamental pr nc ples should be cons dered as results . ll be less l +ely f they are &nored. F rst# m nd4 mach nes should be used no more than t. ce a .ee+. Other. se# too h &h a tolerance . ll be bu lt up# render n& the mach nes neffect )e. *econd# use cue n& technolo&y n comb nat on . th the deferred method# .h ch .as co)ered n the sect on on nd rect techn 8ues. 0t s better to sleep for s 1 hours . thout d stract on and then# after sleep has been nterrupted# put on a sleep4mas+ or earp ece and cont nue sleep n&. *leep . ll be l &ht for the rema n n& t.o to four hours as there . ll be more RE% sleep# ma+ n& t eas er for the m nd to detect cue n& s &nals. F nally# master nd rect techn 8ues before ma+ n& use of cue n& technolo& es to atta n dream consc ousness and subse8uent phase entrance.

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WOR6ING IN PAIRS @or+ n& n pa rs s cons dered the second most effect )e non4autonomous method of enter n& the phase. One pract t oner s to be the act )e one# and the other f lls the role of helper. The act )e pract t oner attempts to enter the phase .h le the helper pro) des )ar ous types of support to th s end. For e1ample# the act )e pract t oner l es do.n n bed .h le the helper stays nearby# .a t n& for the act )e one to fall asleep. @hen sleep occurs# the helper obser)es the eyes of the act )e# .atch n& for the s &ns of RE% sleep# .h ch s ma nly character ,ed by 8u c+ eye mo)ements. @hen RE% s apparent# the helper .h spers to the sleeper# commun cat n& that e)eryth n& the pract t oner s e1per enc n& s a dream. The helper may )ary the )olume of the .h sper# use touch to stren&then the s &nal# or sh ne a flashl &ht on the sleeperJs eyel ds K .h ch s )ery effect )e. The act )e pract t oner should detect the s &nals . thout .a+ n& and nd cate a state of consc ous a.areness by perform n& 8u c+# cycl cal eye mo)ements. 0f no such nd cat on s & )en# the helper cont nues to rouse the act )e pract t oner# .ho may f nally .a+e. 0f the act )e pract t oner s unable to stay n the dream# nd rect techn 8ues should be performed. The act )e pract t oner should under no c rcumstances mo)e upon a.a+en n& or .aste )aluable seconds before trans t on n& to nd rect attempts. 0f phase entrance does not occur after e1erc s n& the techn 8ues# the pract t oner should a&a n fall asleep . th the ntent on of ma+ n& another attempt. Fenerally# se)eral such attempts are enou&h to &lean results. @or+ n& n pa rs s best performed 6ust pr or to a dayt me nap# or . th the same deferred method used for nd rect techn 8ues 4 an early4morn n& nterrupt on of a pract t onerJs n &htt me sleep.

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TE,HNO4OGIES FOR IND/,ING THE PHASE The amb t on to create a de) ce that fac l tates 8u c+ and easy phase entrance has led to the appearance of assorted technolo& es that cla m to fulf ll such a role. Ds already stated# none of these de) ces has been pro)en effect )e. The most famous of these s the Bem 4*ync system# .h ch purports to synchron ,e the t.o hem spheres of the bra n. Bem 4*ync .as de)eloped by Robert %onroe# an Dmer can esoter c sm e1pert and researcher. The dea beh nd Bem 4*ync s that out4of4body sensat ons may be nduced by ach e) n& synchron ,at on of the bra nJs t.o hem spheres. Bo.e)er# th s type of approach y elds a parado1 for the lac+ of sc ent f c (or pseudo4sc ent f c) e) dence that hem spher c synchron ,at on nfluences sensory percept on. Dctually# t s the cerebral corte1 and const tuents that are pr mar ly respons ble for sensory percept on. Dt the be& nn n& of the !"th century# t became clear that the +ey roles n sensory processes are played by )ary n& le)els of nh b t on and act ) ty n the cerebral corte1. *ynchron ,at on de) ces ha)e no effect on the operat on of the cerebral corte1. The dea of us n& sounds of )ar ous fre8uenc es to nduce a spec f c le)el of electr cal act ) ty n the bra n s# so far# cons dered mposs ble. Thus# the sounds and no ses used to ass st separat on from the body cannot d rectly affect the process# but merely ser)e as cue n& s &nals. *uch a system .or+s only after ha) n& been used for a lon& t me# f t .or+s at all. %oreo)er# t m &ht only .or+ once or t. ce. 2sually# t ne)er .or+s at all. 7e)ertheless# synchron ,at on systems are able to help pract t oners reach a free float n& state of consc ousness s nce the systems pre)ent sleep or nduce .a+efulness# pro) d n& fert le &round for d rect phase entry. The dea of nduc n& )ar ous phase states throu&h sound has &a ned . de attent on. %any other pro&rams and technolo& es ha)e appeared as a result# nclud n&# for e1ample# the Bra n @a)e Fenerator (B@F)# .h ch allo.s the

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pract t oner to ndependently e1per ment . th a . de array of sounds and fre8uenc es and )ar ous methods of transm ss on. The effect s the same: cue n& dur n& sleep or the ma ntenance of a trans t onal state. Thus# there s no not ceable d fference bet.een us n& mach nes and l sten n& to s m lar sounds or mus cal compos t ons. 0nasmuch as the de) ces descr bed abo)e ha)e not del )ered notable result# the search for ne. technolo& es cont nues unh ndered. The number of deas for e1ert n& non n)as )e nfluence o)er the bra n and ts const tuent parts s ncreas n&. For e1ample# there s a theory that phase e1per ences may be nduced by electroma&net cally st mulat n& the left an&ular &yrus. Bo.e)er# th s# l +e all other non4autonomous methods# s str ctly based on theory. Dt present# cons stent# focused# and unass sted pract ce s the s mplest and only &uaranteed means to ach e) n& phase entrance. HYPNOSIS AND S/GGESTION Bypnos s s a l ttle4stud ed method of enter n& the phase. The dea s that a hypnot st s able to cause a person to enter the phase throu&h su&&est on or aff rmat on. There s no doubt that hypnos s s an nterest n& concept# espec ally for persons .ho eas ly y eld to of su&&est on. Bo.e)er# such nd ) duals account for only $; of the populat on. Gue to spec f c character st cs of human percept on# the chances are n l that hypnos s s a l +ely condu t to phase entrance. *o# t seems unl +ely that hypnot c techn 8ues . ll become .ell4+no.n# or that a top4notch hypnot st .ould# throu&h su&&est on# eas ly be able to lead a sub6ect d rectly nto the phase. Bo.e)er# t s completely feas ble that hypnot c su&&est on may promote ncreased fre8uency of dream consc ousness or a.a+en n& . thout mo) n& (and remember n& to do nd rect techn 8ues). Bere a&a n# th s

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method s only a fac l tator# .h le actual phase entrance depends on the efforts of the pract t oner. PHYSIO4OGI,A4 SIGNA4S The s mplest .ay to supplement the pract ce s establ sh n& a rem nder that prompts consc ous a.a+en n& and subse8uent nd rect techn 8ues. Th s may be accompl shed by bl ndfold n& the eyes or ty n& a cord taut around an arm or le&. The dea s that the rem nder s mmed ately felt .hen the pract t oner .a+es# prompt n& the attempt of nd rect techn 8ues. 0n actual ty# m nd4mach nes .or+ us n& the same pr nc ple s nce these are most effect )e as cues that arouse an ntent on to perform a spec f c act on. D more soph st cated e1ample of a rem nder s .hen a pract t oner do,es off n a pos t on meant to cause numbness to a certa n body part. @h le a.a+en n&# the pract t oner . ll ta+e the phys cal numbness as a cue to pract ce nd rect techn 8ues. D secondary benef t to th s method of phys olo& cal s &nal n& s that the numb body part may eas ly be used to perform phantom . &&l n&. Fall n& asleep .h le ly n& on the bac+ . th an arm beh nd the head# or by ly n& d rectly on an arm are effect )e e1amples. These and other postures . ll mpede c rculat on# cause numbness# and promote a.a+en n&. 7aturally# the numbness should not be e1cess )e. G )erse e1per ments that e1plo t phys olo& cal needs are espec ally popular for nduc n& consc ous a.a+en n& or becom n& consc ous .h le dream n&. For e1ample# a pract t oner may for&o .ater o)er the course of the day before attempt n& to enter the phase. The effect s an acute th rst .h le dream n&# .h ch may be used to commun cate that the dream state has ta+en o)er. Or# th rst causes repeated a.a+en n&s# dur n& .h ch the pract ce of nd rect techn 8ues may commence. Dn alternat )e to depr ) n& the

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body of .ater s nclud n& more salt n foods consumed before &o n& to sleep. Dnother method s to dr n+ a lot of .ater before sleep# caus n& the pract t oner to a.a+en# naturally produc n& an opportun ty to perform nd rect techn 8ues. 2s n& th s has been +no.n to result n dream consc ousness. Dnother popular method helps . th d rect techn 8ues. 0t .or+s by fall n& asleep .h le +eep n& the forearm propped up at the elbo.. @hen the pract t oner falls asleep# the forearm falls to the bed as the body shuts do.n. Feel n& the arm fall s &nals a lapse of consc ousness# after .h ch d rect techn 8ues may be attempted. 0f th s method fa ls to produce results on the f rst try# t may be repeated by ra s n& the forearm before fall n& asleep a&a n. Th s method helps some# but rarely on the f rst try. 0t should not be counted on as panacea. ( +e all other non4autonomous methods# pract c n& phase entrance us n& phys olo& cal s &nals should not be done on a re&ular bas s. There are more pleasant# autonomous techn 8ues that only re8u re natural . and healthy des re. THE ,OFFEE $ETHOD Out of all of the substances used for pract c n& the phase# only coffee s read ly obta nable. Bo.e)er# t should only be ta+en by no) ces .ho sleep too hard. For e)eryone else# thereEs no sense n us n& t# as oneEs pract ce should be natural. The essence of the th s tact c s to use the deferred method n con6unct on . th ta+ n& coffee. For e1ample: a pract t oner sleeps for < hours# &ets up# dr n+s coffee# and &oes bac+ to sleep . th the ntent on of catch n& the ne1t a.a+en n& n order to use nd rect techn 8ues or n e1pectat on of becom n& consc ousness .h le dream n&. Than+s to coffeeEs n) &orat n& propert es# one . ll be at a h &her state of a.areness dur n& subse8uent a.a+en n&s# and

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a.a+en n&s themsel)es . ll be more fre8uent. There . ll also be a h &h l +el hood of becom n& consc ousness .h le dream n&. @h le some hold tEs best to ta+e a double dose of the dr n+# such th n&s are purely nd ) dual# and e)eryone has to f nd .hat .or+s for them. *ome en6oy the same le)el of success .hen dr n+ n& blac+ tea nstead of coffee.

,HE$I,A4 S/.STAN,ES * nce the be& nn n&# the h story of ad)ances n phase entrance methodolo& es has ncluded a d rect l n+ to the use of consumable supplements# start n& . th plants and mushrooms n anc ent t mes. The use of spec al ,ed herbs# mushrooms# and cact s st ll pract ced n solated cultures: * ber an shamans and 7orth Dmer can 0nd ans# for e1ample. Dm d the hun&er for altered states of a.areness# these chem cal supplements ha)e reached e)ery corner of the de)eloped .orld. Bo.e)er# the prol ferat on of these substances has caused a mar+ed de&radat on n the pro&ress of modern phase pract ce. The names and descr pt ons of these )ar ous chem cal concoct ons# herbs and plants ncluded# are not .orthy of nclus on n th s te1t. They are off c ally cons dered lle&al n some countr es .h le st ll a)a lable n the pharmac es of othersH ne)ertheless# they are all dan&erous. There are t.o pr mary problems . th us n& such supplements. F rst# pract c n& the phase throu&h the consumpt on of chem cal substances and )ar ous herbal supplements s not a path to de)elopment# but to ru n. Gru& abuse and personal de)elopment are polar oppos tes# n no .ay compat ble. Cheap thr lls are cons stently follo.ed by chem cal dependenc es and health problems. *econd# althou&h a user may e1per ence phase sensat ons under the nfluence of such substances# the 8ual ty

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of e1per ence s completely d fferent. 0t s not only the stab l ty or depth of the phase that are affected by these supplements# but also a userJs consc ousness and a.areness. The use of substances and the resultant alterat on of mental processes ne&at )ely mpact self4a.areness. The phase must be accompan ed by t.o th n&s: out4of4body sensat ons and a complete# consc ous a.areness. 0f one of these s m ss n&# then the state e1per enced# by def n t on# s not the phase. @hen descr pt ons of these chem cally 3enhanced5 e1per ences are stud ed# the hallmar+ of e)ery one s a complete lac+ of control. 2s n& any type of chem cal or herbal substance to reach the phase must be ruled out. *ummar ly# these ma+e t mposs ble to e1per ence the phase and ult mately destroy phys cal and mental health. THE F/T/RE OF NON-A/TONO$O/S $ETHODS FOR ENTERING THE PHASE E)en thou&h no benef c al non4autonomous technolo& es currently e1 st# the future s . de open for them. @ th the de)elopment of effect )e technolo& es# the phase . ll cease to be the e1clus )e doma n of the n t ated and become a . despread pract ce. Only then . ll the (somet mes 6ust f ed) stereotypes and pre6ud ces connected to the myst cal nature of the phenomenon be d spelled# and only then . ll the phase &a n the necessary attent on from researchers needed to ably de)elop the sc ence of phase pract ce. @hen e1ternally appl ed methods that cause phase entrance are d sco)ered# the human e1per ence . ll drast cally chan&e. Those technolo& es for nduc n& and mon tor n& phase e1per ences . ll open up ncred ble poss b l t es. For e1ample# t . ll be poss ble to part c pate n a mo) e nstead of 6ust .atch n& tH people . ll be able to try and e)aluate products . thout lea) n& homeH tra)el throu&hout des &ned

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.orlds . ll ta+e placeH computer &ames . ll be subst tuted . th analo&ous e1per ences nclud n& real phys cal sensat ons. The ult mate step .ould be the un f cat on of phase e1per ences nto a collect )e# parallel .orld nte&rated to e1 stent d & tal net.or+s: the %atr 1 (the % ndnet). 2s n& th s %atr 1# t . ll be poss ble to commun cate . th someone on the other s de of the planet 4 not 6ust throu&h a broadband ) deo l n+# but l terally tLte M tLte. Th s ) s on of the future s a drop n the ocean of poss b l t es that . ll open . th phase entrance technolo& es. The f rst step to.ard the future s a thorou&h# pra&mat c# and correct appl cat on of the techn 8ues no. a)a lable. TYPI,A4 $ISTA6ES WITH NON-A/TONO$O/S TE,HNIQ/ES The bel ef that de) ces are able to cause phase entrance f autonomous techn 8ues fa l# e)en thou&h t s much eas er to enter the phase throu&h str ctly nd ) dual efforts. @ast n& a lar&e amount of t me and effort on )ar ous technolo& es to create a phase state. 2s n& cue n& technolo& es on a da ly bas s# e)en thou&h they arenJt supposed to be used more than t. ce a .ee+. 2s n& cue n& technolo& es all n &ht lon&# .hen t s much better to use these n con6unct on . th the deferred method. 2s n& cue n& technolo& es . thout aff rm n& a personal ntent on of appropr ate react on to the s &nals: th s s cruc al to cue effect )eness. @or+ n& n pa rs dur n& the f rst hours of n &htt me sleep# e)en thou&h RE% sleep occurs nfre8uently dur n& them# and at that for only short per ods of t me.

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@h le .or+ n& n pa rs# the helper & ) n& an act )e pract t oner too stron& a s &nal. * &nals should be +ept d screet to pre)ent .a+ n& the sleeper. Employ n& an amateur hypnot st to ncrease the fre8uency of dream consc ousness. The use of hypnot c su&&est on on a pract t oner .ho s not suscept ble to hypnos s. 2s n& phys olo& cal s &nals on a da ly bas s and thus caus n& phys cal d scomfort )ersus &ett n& en6oyment out of the pract ce. The bel ef that chem cal substances are the normal path to d ssoc at )e e1per ences. Dct n& on th s bel ef s e8u )alent to dru& abuse. EEER,ISES Que!tio !

$. Dre techn 8ues based on breath n& be cons dered non4 autonomous methods of enter n& the phaseL !. @h ch non4autonomous and non4chem cal means allo. phase entrance after the f rst attemptsL :. @hy s t st ll not poss ble to create a de) ce that causes phase entryL 4. Dre cue n& technolo& es benef c al to o)ercom n& d ff cult es . th consc ous a.a+en n&L 9. @hat happens f a pract t oner uses cue n& technolo& es for se)en days n a ro.L <. Can cue n& technolo& es ma+e use of l &ht s &nalsL =. Can feast n& on peanuts before sleep help the process of phase entryL >. @ ll putt n& a t &ht rubber band around an an+le promote phase entryL ?. @h le .or+ n& n a pa r# are both pract t oners re8u red to enter the phaseL

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Can the helper be compared to a cue n& de) ce .h le .or+ n& n a pa rL $$. @hen should the helper & )e the s &nal that the act )e pract t oner s dream n&L $!. @ould a hypnot st ma+ n& su&&est ons about enter n& the phase be helpful to e)ery pract t onerL $:. @hy do phase4 nduc n& technolo& es somet mes .or+# e)en thou&h these are based on fla.ed theor esL $4. @hat s absent n a phase nduced by chem cal substancesL


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REVOLUTION We believe that everybo y i! "oi#" to e$i!t i# t%o %orl ! !oo# Sponsors and investors are needed for translation into other languages this free ebook and other our books, videos, et ! "lso #e need finan ial support to pro$ote the phase #orld#ide! %et&s hange the #orld together' (ake a part in it'


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$a a1i 1 t&e Out-o"-.od' E+*erie ce

,&a*ter 5 M Dee*e i 1

THE ,ON,EPT OF DEEPENING 5eepening refers to techni0ues that induce realistic perception and awareness in the phase state. The phase s not an e1act# f 1ed state .here a pract t oner s e ther present or not. 0t s a realm of states character ,ed by a trans t on from the usual percept on of the phys cal body to a complete al enat on from t# .h le ma nta n n& consc ousness and real ty of percept on# albe t n a d fferent frame of space. The trans t on be& ns . th percept on of the natural# phys cal body follo.ed by a moment of amb &u ty .here a clear e1per ence of body s nterm n&led . th a sense of the perce )ed body. Dfter.ard# the perce )ed body enters the phase space# .h le the phys cal body becomes a memory. Dt th s po nt# the perce )ed senses may be 8u te dullH for e1ample# ) s on may be blurred or completely absent. Geepen n& techn 8ues sol)e the problem of d m n shed or absent sensory percept on n the phase. *ensory e1per ences . th n a fully real ,ed phase e1per ence are as real st c as those n e)eryday real ty. 0n almost one4half of all cases# pract t oners obser)e that real ty4 based surround n&s pale n compar son to the ) brant deta l

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and color of the phase space. To th s end# after enter n& the phase# a pract t oner must perform deepen n& techn 8ues to enhance and sol d fy the de&ree and 8ual ty of phase real ty.

Full spat al percept on n the phase only occurs after deepen n& techn 8ues ha)e been appl ed. There .ould be no po nt to rema n n& n the phase . thout deepen n&. For e1ample# .hat s the po nt n f nd n& a person n phase# f t s not e)en poss ble to d scern h s or her eyes thereL /n a considerable nu ber of cases, deepening is not necessary, since the phase e4perience is co pletely realistic, if not hyper-realistic. /n cases like these, deepening ay be bypassed. Geepen n& s also related to the len&th of t me a pract t oner may rema n n the phase. 0f an act on s ta+en . thout a deep# real st c phase# the e1per ence . ll al.ays be se)eral t mes shorter n durat on than a phase .here deepen n& techn 8ues had been appl ed. The propert es of the phase space )ery much depend on ts depth. @hen surround n&s are blurry and unclear# the stab l ty of ob6ects s )ery .ea+. There s a d rect correlat on bet.een the real sm of a phase and a pract t onerJs le)el of a.areness# so t s e1tremely mportant to ensure a deep phase n order to promote ma1 mum a.areness.

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Interesting Fact! The realis of a deep phase space is often so great that it causes uncontrollable fear or shock.

Geepen n& should only be performed follo. n& complete separat on from the body. 0f n t ated before separat on# the phase may end prematurely. 0f complete separat on does not occur# pr mary deepen n& should be used. Ds re&ards the deepen n& techn 8ues themsel)es# there s one ma n one and there are se)eral subs d ary ones. The ma n techn 8ue# .h ch does not present any d ff cult es# s suff c ent for ha) n& a successful pract ce. Interesting Fact! /gnorance of deepening techni0ues has led to a great nu ber of baseless theories and superstitions. So e practices treat differing phase depths as various states and

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even worlds. /n reality, there are si ple actions that ensure a singular phase e4perience. PRI$ARY DEEPENING TE,HNIQ/ES The &oal of pr mary deepen n& s to ach e)e complete separat on from the body# allo. n& further act ons . th n the phase. 'r mary deepen n& enta ls ach e) n& t.o pr nc pal ob6ect )es: complete separat on from the phys cal body and anchor n& the perce )ed body . th n the phase space. @hen separat on from the body occurs throu&h the use of a separat on techn 8ue# a posture must be assumed that s completely d fferent from the posture of the real# phys cal body. The &reater the de&ree of postural s m lar ty bet.een the phys cal and perce )ed bod es# the more shallo. and br ef the phase . ll be. For e1ample# n the case of hor ,ontal le) tat on# a ?" de&rees turn must mmed ately be performed# arms and le&s spread# adopt n& a )ert cal posture. 2nder no c rcumstances should a pract t oner n the phase rema n n a posture dent cal to that of the phys cal body. 0f a pract t oner s pulled bac+ to.ard the body after separat on# anchor n& should be n t ated that fac l tates stand n& or s tt n& n the phase. Res st n& the &ra) ty of the phys cal body s paramount to rema n n& n the phase. The result of . llful res stance s d rectly proport onal to the de&ree of appl ed effort. 0t . ll help to &rab hold of surround n& ob6ects and hold on to themH any means of anchor n& the perce )ed body . th n the phase are appropr ate. 0t s poss ble to start rotat n& around an a1 sH not s mply ma& n n& the rotat on# but perform n& t . th the perce )ed body as .ell.


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DEEPENING THRO/GH SENSORY A$P4IFI,ATION The more a phase s e1per enced by the sensory facult es# the deeper and lon&er the phase . ll be. *ensory ampl f cat on n the phase s the most effect )e deepen n& techn 8ue prec sely because t allo.s the act )at on of pr mary nternal sensat ons dur n& the trans t on from real ty to the phase. There are se)eral .ays to perform sensory ampl f cat on. =alpation s the f rst deepen n& techn 8ue that should be recalled .hen enter n& the phase.

V s on may be absent at the be& nn n& of a phase e1per ence# but the sensat on of occupy n& a def ned space s almost al.ays present. 0n the case of a completely absent sense of s &ht# only tact le4+ nesthet c percept on s poss ble. That s# mo)ement throu&hout a space and touch n& ob6ects there s the only opt on .hen ) s on s absent. The sense of touch plays a +ey role n the percept on of e)eryday real ty. Th s s elo8uently demonstrated by 'enf eldEs cort cal homunculus featur n& the parts of the body that correspond

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to cort ces of the bra n respons ble for the r operat on. 0t demonstrates ho. our actual self4percept on s completely d sproport onal to the s ,e of parts of the body. Dccord n&ly# f the sense of touch s act )ely used n the phase space# t s only natural that the phase . ll deepen and reach ts ma1 mum potent al. 'alpat on s performed by fleet n&ly touch n& anyth n& that may be found n the mmed ate surround n&s. Th s should be done by 8u c+ly but carefully perce ) n& the feel of surfaces and shapes. Bands should not rema n on a part cular place for more than one second# rema n n& constantly n mot on to locate ne. ob6ects. The &oal of palpat on s to touch and also to learn someth n& about encountered ob6ects or shapes. For e1ample# f one feels a mu&# one may touch t not only from the outs de# but also from the ns de. Once a pract t oner has rolled out of the body# the bed may be touched# as .ell as the floor# the carpet# nearby .alls# or a beds de table.


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Dnother palpat on techn 8ue s performed by rubb n& the palms a&a nst each other as f try n& to .arm them on a cold day. Blo. n& on the palms also produces sensat ons that . ll help deepen the phase. * nce tact le percept on of the .orld s not l m ted to the palms# the hands should be mo)ed o)er the ent re body .h le n the phase to e1c te and fully act )ate the sense of touch. Ds soon as palpat on be& ns# the feel n& that the phase s deepen n& and becom n& f 1ed soon follo.s. 2sually# t ta+es f )e to $" seconds of palpat on e1erc ses to reach the ma1 mum le)el of deepen n&. Dfter perform n& th s techn 8ue# the pseudo4phys cal sensat ons . ll be nd st n&u shable from those of e)eryday real ty. 0f ) s on s absent on phase entry# t 8u c+ly emer&es dur n& palpat on. =eering s the pr mary techn cal )ar at on of sensory ampl f cat on. Bo.e)er# t s not al.ays n t ally access ble s nce t re8u res ) s on# .h ch may be& n as absent n the phase. Once ) s on appears or has been created us n& spec al techn 8ues (see Chapter >)# peer n& may be& n. The effect )eness of th s techn 8ue or & nates n the fact that ) s on s the humanJs pr mary nstrument of percept on. Therefore# by e1c t n& ) s on to ts ma1 mum potent al . th n the phase# t s poss ble to atta n a fully mmers )e phase state that s completely apart from normal real ty. 'eer n& should be done at a d stance of four to s 1 nches from ob6ects . th n the phase. D pract t oner should &lance o)er the m nute deta ls of ob6ects and surfaces to br n& def n t on to the phase space .h le ncreas n& the 8ual ty of ) s on. @hen loo+ n& at hands# the l nes of the palm or the f n&erna l and cut cles should be e1am ned. 0f obser) n& a .all# study the te1ture of ts .allpaper. @hen loo+ n& at a mu&# one should loo+ carefully at ts handle# the cur)e of ts r m# or any nscr pt ons. Dttent on should not rema n on one area of an ob6ect for more than half a second. Dct )e obser)at on should constantly mo)e to ne. ob6ects and the r m nute deta ls# approach n& ob6ects or p c+ n& them up to

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dra. them nearer. 0tJs best .hen ob6ects are near one anotherH other. se# too much t me s spent mo) n& around.

'eer n& br n&s 8u c+ and clear results. 2sually# f ) s on s blurry and there s a yearn n& to return nto the phys cal body# . th 6ust :4$" seconds of peer n& all of th s . ll be &one . thout a trace. Dfter peer n&# ) s on ad6usts as 8u c+ly and clearly as f a camera lens .as correctly nstalled n front of the eyes# captur n& the ma&e n the sharpest of focus. Si ultaneous peering and palpation pro) de the ma1 mum poss ble deepen n& effect n the phase. Th s method of sensory ampl f cat on en&a&es the t.o most mportant percept ons# thus the effect s t. ce &reater than .hen the t.o act ons are separately performed. 0f ) s on s present n the phase# s multaneous peer n& and palpat on s an absolute necess ty because t fac l tates &ood phase depth n the 8u c+est and s mplest manner.

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The comb nat on of palpat on and peer n& must not only be performed s multaneously# but also upon the same ob6ects. For e1ample# a pract t oner may loo+ at h s hands and s multaneously rub them a&a nst each otherH or .h le loo+ n& at a coffee mu&# all of ts parts may be obser)ed and touched at the same t me. 0t s necessary to ma nta n dynam sm of act on# remember n& that feel n&s should be e1per enced not half4heartedly# and remember n& that full concentrat on on sensory ampl f cat on s an e1cellent means to a deep# 8ual ty phase. *ensory ampl f cat on comes ntu t )ely .hen you remember a s mple rule: f some sensat ons are lac+ n& or f one of the f )e senses s dull and )a&ue# then that sense needs to be he &htened as much as poss ble us n& the phase space. The pre) ously lac+ n& sensat on . ll become ntense and h &hly4char&ed. 0n case of d m ) s on# for e1ample# one ou&ht to scrut n ,e someth n& more and more f 1edly from a close d stance. @hen e1per enc n& .ea+ bod ly percept on# palpate your body and mo)e t n as many d fferent .ays as you can. SE,ONDARY DEEPENING TE,HNIQ/ES Di#i 1 Head"ir!t G ) n& headf rst s used f sensory ampl f cat on techn 8ues do not .or+# or .hen the pract t oner n the phase s located n an undef ned space .here there s noth n& to touch or loo+ at. Th s techn 8ue .or+s than+s to the unusual )est bular sensat ons that t causes# .h ch help to enhance percept on. Th s techn 8ue s performed . th the eyes shut f ) s on s a)a lable and the pract t oner l terally d )es headf rst nto the floor or space at the feet. D feel n& of mo)ement a.ay from the phys cal body . ll mmed ately ar se dur n& the fl &ht do.n# and the d )e tself . ll be e1per enced as f t s really happen n&. * multaneously# the surround n& space may dar+en and become colder. D& tat on or fear may also appear.

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Dfter 9 to $9 seconds of fl &ht# the pract t oner e ther arr )es n an undeterm ned place n the phase or h ts a dead end# l +e a .all. 0n the case of a dead end# a translocat on techn 8ue should be used. Translocat on may also be attempted f deepen n& does not occur dur n& the fl &ht# f sense percept on stops mpro) n&# or f a &ood de&ree of real sm has already been ach e)ed. Dn alternat )e to the translocat on techn 8ue: hold the hands about four to s 1 nches n front of the face and try to obser)e them . thout open n& the eyesH th s . ll mo)e the pract t oner to another random locat on. @hen fall n& headf rst# do not th n+ about the floorH assume that t . ll be penetrated. Th s )ery effect )e f the phase has not reached a fullness of depth. D des re to not s mply fall do.n obser) n& oneJs percept ons# but nstead race s. ftly do.n.ard .h le try n& to mo)e a.ay from the body s e1tremely mportant. 0n case of fa lure to do so# nstead of deepen n&# such a fall may lead to a return to the state of be n& a.a+e# .e. to a foul. Bibratio ( +e fall n& headf rst# the ) brat on techn 8ue should be used f sensory ampl f cat on techn 8ues do not .or+# or .hen the pract t oner n the phase s located n an undef ned space .here there s noth n& to touch or loo+ at. Th s techn 8ue .or+s than+s to the unusual )est bular sensat ons that t causes# .h ch help to enhance percept on. Dfter separat n& from the body# t s normally 8u te easy to create ) brat ons by th n+ n& about them# by stra n n& the bra n# or by stra n n& the body . thout us n& muscles. The occurrence of ) brat ons pro) des a s &n f cant opportun ty to deepen the phase. Dn ad)anta&e of th s techn 8ue s that t does not re8u re any prel m nary act ons and thus may be pract ced at any moment. The bra n s stra ned to the ma1 mum e1tent poss ble# .h ch causes ) brat ons that may be ntens f ed and mana&ed throu&h spasmod c or prolon&ed stra n n&.

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0f th s techn 8ue does not produce deepen n& after 9 to $" seconds# the techn 8ue has to be chan&ed or act on should be ta+en at the pract t onerJs current depth n the phase. A11re!!i#e Actio Th s techn 8ue may be used as an alternat )e to any other deepen n& techn 8ue s nce t can be used at any moment. 'ract c n& th s techn 8ue only re8u res a&&ress )e act on of the perce )ed body. D pract t oner may run# roll on the floor# perform &ymnast cs# or mo)e the arms and le&s. %a1 mum act ) ty and a&&ress on are paramount to the successful use of th s techn 8ue. 0f the pract t oner s stuc+ n a dar+ space# .a) n& the arms and le&s from s de to s de s appropr ate. 0f the pract t oner s n .ater# s. mm n& . th determ ned# po.erful stro+es .ould be su table recourse. The type of act on )ery much depends on the spec f c s tuat on alon& . th an a&&ress )e des re on the part of the pract t oner. Ds a rule# the effect of such mo)ements and relocat ons comes 8u te 8u c+ly# espec ally f attent on s focused on all the accompany n& sensat ons. I)a1i i 1 Realit' Th s nterest n& techn 8ue should be used by e1per enced pract t oners# or f all other deepen n& techn 8ues fa l. D pract t oner a&&ress )ely ma& nes be n& located n the phys cal .orld# e1per enc n& ts ntr ns c real ty of percept on# and not n the phase. Th s should be done .h le n a state of separat on from the body . th a sense of ) s on present. 0f successful# the surround n& phase space . ll mmed ately br &hten and sensory percept on of the phase . ll e1ceed the normal e1per ence of real ty. 0f th s techn 8ue produces no clear results after a fe. seconds# another techn 8ue should be used.


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GENERA4 A,TIBITY Dll deepen n& techn 8ues should be pract ced . th a h &h le)el of a&&ress on# and . th no pauses# only cont nuous# del berate act on. 0f techn 8ues are pract ced n a calm# rela1ed manner# then deepen n& attempts . ll most often result n fall n& asleep or return n& to the body. Dny deepen n& techn 8ue should be performed 8u te ntensely. The ent re process should be some.hat hurr ed and a&&ress )e. There should be no pause# but only act )e# flu d# and concentrated effort# preferably coupled . th constant maneu)er and mo)ement around the space one s n. 0n add t on# t should be +ept n m nd that no deepen n& techn 8ue should be performed Cas a choreC# but . th the ntense des re and ntent on of deepen n&. 0f th s s done# the techn 8ues . ll be start to be performed n an deal .ay. The phaser must try no matter .hat to mer&e nto the phase .orld . th all of h s senses4 t . ll become all the more real st c. Interesting Fact! There are known cases of certain swear words being used as a deepening techni0ue to help e4press out one>s intention to deepen. Such an approach ay be used during phase entrance in order to aintain and control the phase space. TYPI,A4 $ISTA6ES D/RING DEEPENING For&ett n& to perform deepen n& techn 8ues .hen necessary. Balt n& deepen n& techn 8ues before reach n& ma1 mum real sm n the phase.

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Carry n& out unnecessary deepen n& .h le at a suff c ent depth. Carry n& out ma n deepen n& techn 8ues pr or to ha) n& become completely separated from the body# althou&h at th s t me only pr mary deepen n& should be used. Cont nu n& deepen n& techn 8ues .hen results ha)e already been ach e)ed. Dlternat n& too 8u c+ly bet.een deepen n& techn 8ues nstead of concentrat n& on each of them for at least 9 to $" seconds. 'erform n& the techn 8ues and calmly nstead of a&&ress )ely. Obser) n& ob6ects located too far from the eyes dur n& ) sual sensory ampl f cat on nstead of the re8u red four to f )e nches. @hen peer n&# scrut n , n& a s n&le deta l of an ob6ect for too lon& .hen t s necessary to 8u c+ly s. tch from one deta l to another. Ta+ n& n a .hole ob6ect .hen peer n& .h le only parts of t should be obser)ed. Concentrat n& too lon& on the deta ls of a s n&le ob6ect nstead of focus n& on d fferent ob6ects n 8u c+ success on. (on& palpat on of a s n&le ob6ect dur n& sensory ampl f cat on nstead of rap dly s. tch n& from one ob6ect to another. Geepen n& .h le stand n& n place .hen t s mportant to ma nta n constant mot on. Fall n& headf rst . th the eyes open# althou&h the eyes must be shut to a)o d crash n& nto the floor. Fall n& headf rst . thout the des re or ntent on of fall n& far and 8u c+ly. For&ett n& to use translocat on techn 8ues after h tt n& a dead end. For&ett n& to alternate deepen n& techn 8ues f some of them are not .or+ n&.

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Fear of the hyperreal sm of the e1per ence and halt n& deepen n& nstead of calmly cont nu n& . th the techn 8ue. EMERC0*E* Que!tio !

$. Dfter .h ch phase entrance techn 8ues s deepen n& necessaryL !. @hy s phase deepen n& necessaryL :. Dre there cases .here phase deepen n& s unnecessaryL 4. @hat le)el of real ty should be ach e)ed by deepen n&L 9. @hen should deepen n& be& n after enter n& the phaseL <. Goes deepen n& nfluence the len&th of a phase e1per enceL =. @hy s pr mary deepen n& necessaryL >. %ay one touch oneJs head .hen the perform n& sensory ampl f cat onL ?. *hould a pract t oner loo+ at curta ns .h le peer n&L $". 0s t effect )e to apply peer n& at phase ob6ects from a d stance of $ to $.9 yardsL $$. Can peer n& be used dur n& palpat onL $!. @hen should the eyes be closed .h le fall n& headf rstL $:. @ould thro. n& punches l +e a bo1er help a pract t oner to deepenL $4. Bo. calmly should the deepen n& techn 8ues be performedL Ta!k! $. Ge)ote the ne1t three successful phases to perfect n& deepen n& techn 8ues# us n& all of the methods descr bed n th s chapter. !. Try 6ud& n& .h ch techn 8ue su ts you best from personal e1per ence.

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,&a*ter J M $ai tai i 1

THE GENERA4 ,ON,EPT OF $AINTAINING =hase aintenance or 6 aintaining7 refers to techni0ues that allow a practitioner to re ain in the phase for the a4i u a ount of ti e possible. @ thout +no.led&e of 3ma nta n n&5 techn 8ues# the durat on of the phase . ll be se)eral t mes shorter than t could other. se be. The shortest phases last 6ust a fe. seconds. Be& nn n& pract t oners usually fear not be n& able to e1 t a phaseH th s shouldnJt e)er be a concern because the real challen&e s be n& able to ma nta n the phase state# .h ch s eas ly lost unless phase ma ntenance techn 8ues are used.


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'hase ma ntenance cons sts of three pr mary pr nc ples: res st n& a return to the .a+eful state (+no.n as a foul)# res st n& fall n& asleep# and res st n& a false e1 t from the phase. Res stance to return n& to the body s self4e1planatory# .hereas res stance to fall n& asleep s unclear to many. 7ot e)eryone +no.s that almost half of phase e1per ences usually end n a 8u te tr ) al .ay 4 fall n& asleep. D person usually loses attent )eness# h s or her a.areness d ss pates# and e)eryth n& around &radually loses clar ty and turns nto .hat s for all ntents and purposes a usual dream. Res st n& a false e1 t from the phase (false a.a+en n&s) s a lot more surpr s n& and dramat c. *omet mes a pract t oner detects an mpend n& e1 t from the phase and subse8uent deepen n& techn 8ues fa l to .or+# result n& n .hat seems to be a return to the body and phys cal real ty. *ure that the phase has ended# a pract t oner may stand up and then fall asleep after perce ) n& a fe. steps. 0n such cases# fall n& asleep most often happens . thout any mo)ement# but .h le st ll ly n& n bed. The problem s that the d fference bet.een the phase and real ty can be so subtle that n terms of nternal or e1ternal nd cators# the phase pract cally canJt be d st n&u shed from real ty. Therefore# one must +no. the necessary act ons to ta+e n the e)ent that the phase ceases# s nce the end of a phase could actually be a tr c+ and purely ma& ned. There are spec f c solut ons for the three problems descr bed n add t on to &eneral rules that apply to any phase e1per ence. *tudy n& these rules should be & )en 6ust as h &h a pr or ty as study n& the spec f c solut ons# s nce only some of them# .hen appl ed separately# may help one to rema n n the phase se)eral t mes lon&er than usual. 0n some cases# techn 8ues for ma nta n n& are not appl cable. Bo.e)er# +no.led&e of ho. to ma nta n s useful for the ma6or ty of e1per ences. Dlso# there m &ht be s tuat ons .hen someone need only res st a foul# .h le someone else may need to res st fall n& asleep. Dll of th s s

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)ery spec f c to each case and can be determ ned only n pract ce. @ th perfect +no.led&e of all the techn 8ues for ma nta n n&# a phase may last t.o to four m nutes# .h ch doesnJt sound l +e an e1tended durat on# but really s. D part cular ty of the phase space s that ach e) n& someth n& and mo) n& around n t ta+es a m n mum amount of t me# mere seconds. Thus# so much can be done dur n& : m nutes n the phase that one l terally needs a l st# so as not to .aste any t me. There are theor es that ha)e ne ther been pro)en nor d spro)en cla m n& that t me n the phase contracts and e1pands relat )e to real t me. Thus# one m nute of real t me .h le n the phase may feel much lon&er n terms of phase t me. 'ercept on of t me )ar es from pract t oner to pract t oner. 7o) ces espec ally perce )e a real m nute as more l +e 9 to $" m nutes n the phase. Th s s determ ned by the part cular t es of nd ) dual psycholo&y# state of m nd# and the type of e)ents that occur n the phase. 0n order to understand ho. lon& a phase really lasted# one does not need to try us n& a stop.atch n the real .orld. 0t s better to count ho. many act ons too+ place n t and ho. much t me each of them could ha)e ta+en. The result . ll d ffer from oneJs f rst rou&h est mate se)eral t mes o)er. The ma1 mum durat on of the phase depends hea) ly on the ab l ty to apply phase ma ntenance techn 8ues. *ome pract t oners ha)e d ff culty brea+ n& the t.o4m nute barr er .h le some f nd t easy to rema n n the phase for $" m nutes or lon&er. 0t s phys cally mposs ble to rema n n the phase fore)er because e)en a !"4m nute phase s unheard of. TE,HNIQ/ES AND R/4ES AGAINST RET/RNING TO THE .ODY


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Of the follo. n& techn 8ues# constant sensory ampl f cat on and as4needed sensory ampl f cat on are appl ed the most often .h le perform n& phase ma ntenance. Bo.e)er# unl +e . th other techn cal elements of phase e1plorat on# secondary techn 8ues of ma nta n n& often become the most used and the most appropr ate for certa n nd ) duals. Thus# all the techn 8ues should be stud ed# but the f rst t.o should be cons dered )ery carefully. ,o !ta t Se !or' A)*li"icatio The same sensory ampl f cat on descr bed n the chapter on deepen n& (Chapter <) also appl es to 3ma nta n n&5. 0n essence# ha) n& ach e)ed the necessary depth of phase# one should not stop to act )ely a& tate h s or her percept on# but should +eep on do n& th s all the .h le# albe t not as act )ely as dur n& deepen n&. The dea s that dur n& the ent re durat on of the phase# all act on should be focused on e1per enc n& the ma1 mum poss ble amount of tact le4+ nesthet c and ) sual percept ons. Th s enta ls constantly touch n& and e1am n n& e)eryth n& n m nute deta l. For e1ample# f pass n& by a boo+case# touch and e1am ne some of the boo+s n t# nclud n& the r pa&es and corners. Tact le obser)at on should be performed on e)ery encountered ob6ect. 'alpat on may be appl ed separately as a bac+&round sensat on. Th s s done n order not to o)erload the sense of s &ht. The hands should be touch n& someth n& all the t me# or better st ll# rubb n& each other. A!-Needed Se !or' A)*li"icatio Dpply n& the as4needed sensory ampl f cat on techn 8ue s no d fferent than constant sensory ampl f cat on. 0t s used only .hen a foul (a return to a .a+eful state) s mm nent or .hen phase ) s on starts to blur and fade. For e1ample# .h le tra)el n& n the phase e)eryth n& may start to blur# s &nal n& a .ea+en n& of the phase. Dt th s moment# the pract t oner should touch e)ery a)a lable ob6ect and obser)e e)eryth n& n

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f ne deta l. Ds soon as e)eryth n& returns to a clear and real st c state# act ons may be cont nued . thout need n& to perform ampl f cat on.

,o !ta t Bibratio Th s techn 8ue s used to ma nta n constant# stron& ) brat ons n the phase. Ds pre) ously noted# ) brat ons are &enerated by stra n n& the bra n or tens n& the body . thout us n& muscles. %a nta n n& stron& ) brat ons . ll ha)e a pos t )e effect on the len&th of the phase. Stre 1t&e i 0n th s case# only f s &ns of a nd cators nclude 1 Bibratio ! a! Needed ) brat ons are created and stren&thened foul become apparent. E1amples of foul dual ty of percept on or blurred ) s on.

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*tren&then n& ) brat ons . ll help to deepen the phase# allo. n& a pract t oner to stay and cont nue . th n the phase. Di#i 1 Head"ir!t Th s techn 8ue s the same as the deepen n& techn 8ue of the same name. 0f a phase s about to d ssol)e# d )e headf rst . th the eyes shut and a des re to d )e as 8u c+ly and deeply as poss ble. Ds soon as phase depth returns# translocat on techn 8ues may be used to +eep from arr ) n& at a dead end. Forced Falli 1 A!lee* Ds soon as nd cators of a foul appear# mmed ately l e do.n on the floor and attempt forced fall n& asleepH the same as the phase entry techn 8ue. Dfter successfully perform n& the techn 8ue (:4$"sec.) # a pract t oner may &et up and cont nue to tra)el throu&h the phase s nce the percept on of real ty and ts depth . ll most l +ely be restored. Res st actually fall asleep. Rotatio 0f nd cators of a foul appear# the pract t oner should start rotat n& around the head4to4feet a1 s. 2nl +e the phase entry techn 8ue of the same name# the mo)ement does not ha)e to be ma& ned. Th s s an absolutely real rotat on n the phase. Dfter se)eral re)olut ons# depth . ll be restored and act ons may be cont nued. 0f nd cators of a foul pers st# rotat on should cont nue unt l proper depth s ach e)ed. ,ou ti 1 Gur n& the ent re phase# count to as lar&e a number poss ble 4 not 6ust for the sa+e of count n&# but . th a stron& des re to reach the h &hest number poss ble. Count n& may be performed s lently or out loud. Th s techn 8ue .or+s by creat n& a stron& determ nat on to rema n n the phase by pro) d n& a &oal that re8u res act on n the phase.

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4i!te i 1 i 0f there are any bac+&round sounds s m lar to those heard .h le enter n& the phase 4 rumbl n&# .h stl n&# r n& n&# bu,, n&# or s ,,l n& K these sounds may be used to prolon& durat on of the phase by a&&ress )e attempts at l sten n& n# hear n& the ent re ran&e of nternal sounds. The forced l sten n& n techn 8ue may also be used for phase ma ntenance. Hooki 1 o to t&e *&a!e Dnother nterest n& method of 3ma nta n n&5 s hoo+ n& onto the phase. 0n the e)ent of an mpend n& foul# &rab onto an ob6ect n the phase act )ely palpate or s8uee,e t. E)en f a return to the body occurs dur n& th s techn 8ue# the hands . ll cont nue to hold the phase ob6ect and the phys cal hands . ll not be perce )ed. Be& nn n& . th these phantom feel n&s n the hands# separat on from the body s poss ble. Dny nearby ob6ect may be hoo+ed: the le& of a cha r# a dr n+ n& &lass# a door+nob# a stone# or a st c+. 0f there s noth n& to &rab hold of# clasp the hands to&ether or b te do.n on a l p or the ton&ue.

T.o rules res st a phase m &ht end and th s are l +e pract t oner to

apply to us n& the techn 8ues that help to e1 t. F rst of all# ne)er th n+ that the phase result n a return to the bodyH thou&hts l +e pro&ramm n& that mmed ately send the a .a+ened phys cal state. *econdly# do not

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th n+ about the phys cal body. Go n& so . ll also nstantly return the pract t oner to the body# e)ery t me. TE,HNIQ/ES AND R/4ES FOR RESISTING FA44ING AS4EEP ,o !ta t / der!ta di 1 o" t&e Po!!ibilit' o" Falli 1 A!lee* %ost of the t me# fall n& asleep .h le n the phase can be o)ercome by a constant a.areness that sleep s poss ble and detr mental to a cont nued phase. D pract t oner must al.ays cons der the probab l ty of fall n& asleep and act ons must be carefully analy,ed to ensure that they are based on real des res and not on the parado1 cal not ons common to dreams. Periodic A al'!i! o" A(are e!! 'er od cally as+ n& the 8uest on# 3Dm 0 dream n&L5 .h le n the phase helps appra se s tuat ons and the 8ual ty of the act ons be n& performed at any moment. 0f e)eryth n& meets the standards of full phase a.areness# act ons may be cont nued. Ds+ed on a re&ular bas s# th s 8uest on becomes hab t automat cally used .h le trans t on n& to the phase state. 0f you +eep as+ n& th s 8uest on re&ularly# sooner or later t . ll ar se automat cally at the moment .hen you are actually trans t on n& nto a dream. Th s . ll then help one to 3.a+e up5# after .h ch t s poss ble to cont nue to rema n n a full4fled&ed phase. The fre8uency of the 8uest on should be based on a pract t onerJs ab l ty to cons stently rema n n the phase. 0f a phase usually lasts f )e to $" m nutes or more# t s not necessary to as+ the 8uest on more than once e)ery ! m nutesH other. se# th s 8uest on has to be as+ed fre8uently# l terally once a m nute# or 6ust a l ttle less often. .e Ob!er#er

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There s another mportant rule related to res st n& fall n& asleep: no pract t oner should en&a&e or part c pate n spontaneous e)ents occurr n& n the phase. E)ents that are not planned or del berate lead to a h &h probab l ty of be n& mmersed n the s de act on# .h ch results n a loss of concentrated a.areness. TE,HNIQ/ES AGAINST FA4SE AWA6ENINGS * nce the techn 8ues for test n& the realness of the end of the phase are a l ttle a.+.ard and demand add t onal attent on to act ons# they should only be used n those cases .hen they are ndeed re8u red. 2nt l then# one should s mply bear them n m nd and use them only n moments of doubt. The same methods may be used to safely determ ne .hether or not the pract t oner s n the phase .hen us n& techn 8ues for enter n& t. H'*er-,o ce tratio * nce the cessat on of the phase e1per ence may be s mulated and no d fferent n terms of percept on from a real e1 t# d fferences bet.een the phys cal .orld and the phase .orld must be act )ely d scerned. 0n other .ords# a pract t oner must +no. ho. to determ ne .hether a &enu ne phase e1 t has occurred. Dt present# only one e1per ment s +no.n almost to &uarantee an accurate result. The phase space cannot . thstand prolon&ed close ) sual attent on to the m nute deta ls of ob6ects. @ th n se)eral seconds of acute e1am nat on# shapes be& n to d stort# ob6ects chan&e color# produce smo+e# melt# or morph n other .ays. Dfter e1 t n& the phase# loo+ at a small ob6ect from a d stance of four to s 1 nches# and rema n focused on t for $" seconds. 0f the ob6ect does not chan&e# a pract t oner can be assured that the surround n&s are real ty. 0f an ob6ect s someho. d storted or as+e.# a pract t oner +no.s that the

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phase s ntact. The s mplest opt on s to loo+ at the t p of the f n&er s nce t s al.ays close at hand. 0t s also poss ble to ta+e a boo+ and e1am ne ts te1t. Te1t n the phase . ll e ther blur or appear as alphabet cal & bber sh# or be full of ncomprehens ble symbols.

Au+iliar' Tec& i0ue! There are a )ar ety of other procedures to test for the occurrence of a foul. Bo.e)er# s nce any s tuat on# any 8ual ty# or any funct on can be s mulated n the phase# these procedures are not al.ays appl cable. For e1ample# some su&&est that t s suff c ent to attempt do n& someth n& that s real st cally mposs ble# and# f a pract t oner s n the phase# the mposs ble act on . ll be poss ble. The problem . th th s su&&est on s that the la.s of the phys cal .orld may be s mulated n the phase# and so fly n&# pass n& throu&h .alls or tele+ nes s may not be poss ble n e)en the deepest phase. 0t has also been su&&ested that loo+ n& at a cloc+ t. ce n a ro. may help a pract t oner determ ne .hether or not the phase s ntactH alle&edly# the cloc+ . ll d splay a d fferent

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t me each t me t s obser)ed. Bere a&a n# the cloc+Js d splay may not chan&e n the phase. One of the most undeser)edly popular real ty chec+s cons sts of try n& to breathe out throu&h a p nched nose. 0f you are able to do so# cons der yourself n the phase. Bo.e)er# f there s ser ous doubt re&ard n& the nature of the space you are n# th s method may y eld a false pos t )e o)er one4th rd of the t me. That s# you may be unable to breathe out throu&h a p nched nose e)en .hen n the phase. Of all the au1 l ary procedures# one deser)es ment on and .or+s n the ma6or ty of cases: search n& for ncons stenc es . th real ty n the surround n&s. Dlthou&h the usual surround n&s of a pract t oner may be $""; accurately s mulated n the phase# t s )ery rare. Therefore# t s poss ble to f &ure out .hether a phase s ntact by carefully e1am n n& the room .here e)eryth n& s ta+ n& place. 0n the phase# there . ll be someth n& e1tra or someth n& . ll be m ss n&H the t me of day or e)en the season . ll be ncons stent . th real ty# and so on. For e1ample# .hen )er fy n& .hether a foul occurred# a room may be m ss n& the table support n& a tele) s on set# or the table may be there# but be a d fferent color. There s also a 8u te lo& cal method for determ n n& .hether or not a pract t oner s n the phase. 0f an e1per enced pract t oner e1per ences doubt as to .hether the phase has really ended# then that one doubt s nearly al.ays suff c ent to conclude that e)eryth n& around s st ll the phase. GENERA4 R/4ES FOR $AINTAINING The rules for ma nta n n& the phase deal . th res st n& all or most of the problems .h ch cause a phase to end. *ome of these rules are capable of ncreas n& the len&th of stay n the phase by many t mes and must be follo.ed. T&e *ractitio er !&ould ot look i to t&e di!ta ce% 0f fara.ay ob6ects are obser)ed for a lon& per od of t me# a

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foul may occur# or one may be translocated to.ards these ob6ects. 0n order to loo+ at d stant ob6ects . thout problems# a pract t oner has to employ techn 8ues for ma nta n n&. For e1ample# from t me to t me the pract t oner should loo+ at h s hands# rub them a&a nst each other# or ma nta n stron& ) brat ons. ,o !ta t acti#it'% 2nder no c rcumstances should a pract t oner rema n pass )e and calm n the phase. The more act ons performed# the lon&er the phase s. The act ons K the shorter the phase. 0t s enou&h to pause for thou&ht# and e)eryth n& stops. Pla o" actio % There should be a clear plan of act on cons st n& of at least !4: tas+s to be carr ed out n the phase at the earl est opportun ty. Th s s necessary for se)eral mportant reasons. F rst# the pract t oner must not pause n the phase to th n+ about 3.hat to do ne1t5# .h ch fre8uently results n a foul. *econd# ha) n& a plan# the pract t oner . ll subconsc ously perform all of the act ons necessary for stay n& n and ma nta n n& the phase to carry out all the tas+s that ha)e been planned. Th rd# ntell &ent and pre4planned act ons perm t focused ad)ancement of purposeful act ons )ersus .ast n& phase e1per ences on .hate)er comes to m nd at a & )en moment. Fourth# a plan of act on creates necessary mot )at on and# conse8uently# pronounced ntent to perform the techn 8ues to enter the phase. 0n other .ords# ha) n& a clear and )ery nterest n& plan of act on can substant ally ncrease odds of land n& n the phase# somet mes manyfold. %ean.h le# the plan tself should be actually nterest n&# cur ous# or e1tremely mportant# as .ell as 4 and th s s ) tal 4 spec f c. Interesting Fact! :pon three-day School of Out-of-Body Travel se inars achieving consistently high effectiveness (a 8- - D-2 success rate$, group success began being evaluated not only by the fact of phase entrance, but also

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co pletion of the group>s shared plan of action. :p to a third of participants usually achieve both. Such e phasis during training sessions has been able to double the average duration, 0uality, and fre0uency of novices> initial atte pts. Sto**i 1 t&e ID% The less nternal d alo&ue (0G) and reflect on that occurs n the phase# the lon&er t lasts. Dll th n+ n& must be concentrated on .hat s be n& ach e)ed and perce )ed. Tal+ n& to oneself s completely proh b ted. The reason for th s s that many thou&hts may act as pro&ramm n& n the phase and e)en announc n& them nternally may ntroduce alterat ons# nclud n& ne&at )e ones. For e1ample# th n+ n& about the body cause a return to t. The pract t oner may also &et lost n thou&ht# .h ch . ll lead to a foul. Dlso# sporad c thou&hts usually and 8u te eas ly cause the pract t oner to s mply fall asleep. I te tio % Dny techn 8ue or method for ma nta n n& the phase must be accompan ed by f 1ed and clear ntent to stay n the phase for as lon& as poss ble. *omet mes the mere ntent on of ha) n& a lon&4last n& phase s enou&h# and no ma nta n n& procedures are necessary. A *ractitio er )u!t tr' to re-e ter t&e *&a!e a"ter e+*erie ci 1 a "oul% Dl.ays remember that a typ cal phase e1per ence cons sts of se)eral repeated entr es and e1 ts. Essent ally# n most cases t s poss ble to re4enter the phase throu&h the use of separat on or phase state creat on techn 8ues mmed ately after return n& to the body. 0f the pract t oner has 6ust left the phase# the bra n s st ll close to t and appropr ate techn 8ues may be appl ed n order to cont nue the 6ourney. TYPI,A4 $ISTA6ES WITH $AINTAINING


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For&ett n& to try to re4enter the phase after t s o)er# althou&h do n& so &reatly helps to ncrease the number of e1per ences. *tay n& focused on techn 8ues for 3ma nta n n&5 nstead of perform n& them as bac+&round tas+s. Fett n& d stracted by e)ents and dropp n& phase ma ntenance techn 8ues nstead of cont nually perform n& .hatJs needed to ma nta n the phase. *uccumb n& to the dea that ma nta n n& s not necessary .hen the phase appears )ery deep and stable# e)en thou&h these could be false sensat ons. 2s n& the necessary techn 8ues too late. *topp n& due to uncerta nty about further act ons# .h le there must al.ays be a plan. For&ett n& that t s poss ble to fall asleep n the phase . thout real , n& t. Reco&n , n& the r s+ of fall n& asleep must be a pr mary focus. Fett n& pulled nto e)ents occurr n& n the phase nstead of obser) n& and controll n& them from the outs de. For&ett n& that techn 8ues for 3ma nta n n&5 must al.ays be used to rema n n as deep a phase as poss ble# and not 6ust for ma nta n n& any odd state. *topp n& the use of techn 8ues for 3ma nta n n&5 dur n& contact . th l ) n& ob6ects# .hen the techn 8ues must be used constantly. Count n& . thout the des re to count as h &h as poss ble. 'erform n& ma& ned rotat on nstead of real rotat on. 'ass )eness and calmness nstead of constant act ) ty. E1cess )e th n+ n& and nternal d alo&ue .hen these should be +ept to an absolute m n mum.


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Que!tio ! $. @hat s a foulL !. @hat s the m n mum durat on of the phaseL :. @hat do phase ma ntenance (3ma nta n n&5) techn 8ues counteract bes des fouls and fall n& asleepL 4. @hy m &ht a pract t oner th n+ that the phase has ended .hen t actually s st ll n pro&ressL 9. *hould 3ma nta n n&5 techn 8ues al.ays be usedL <. @hat pr mary techn 8ues .or+ a&a nst the occurrence of foulsL =. Bo. can a pract t oner hoo+ onto the phaseL >. @h le n the phase# .hat do thou&hts about the body lead toL ?. @hat 8uest on should be as+ed n the phase n order to reduce the probab l ty of fall n& asleepL $". @hat happens to an ob6ect dur n& hyper4concentrat onL $$. Bo. else# apart from hyper4concentrat on# m &ht a pract t oner effect )ely reco&n ,e a false foulL $!. @h le n the phase# s t perm tted to loo+ nto the d stance for a lon& t meL $:. @hat s 0G and ho. does the de&ree of t affect the durat on of a phase e1per enceL $4. @hat should a pract t oner al.ays do after an nad)ertent return nto the bodyL Ta!k! $. Gur n& the ne1t fe. phases# ded cate yourself to the s n&le &oal of ma nta n n& as lon& as poss ble# us n& as many ma nta n n& techn 8ues as you can.


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!. F &ure out .h ch techn 8ues ha)e pro)en the most effect )e and comfortable for you# so that you may use these later. :. 0ncrease the durat on of your a)era&e phase to at least ! m nutes (e)aluated ob6ect )ely).


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,&a*ter K M Pri)ar' !kill!

THE ESSEN,E OF PRI$ARY S6I44S @hen deal n& . th a fully4real ,ed phase# re8u s te +no.led&e s not l m ted to entry techn 8ues# deepen n& and ma ntenance of the state# translocat on# or f nd n& and nteract n& . th ob6ects. 0n order to feel comfortable# a pract t oner has to master or at least accl mate h mself to a .hole ser es of techn 8ues to correctly react n any number of s tuat ons. For e1ample# a pract t oner needs to +no. ho. to create ) s on# f t s absent. Dct ons nclud n& passa&e throu&h a .all or ta+ n& fl &ht n a deep phase do not happen eas ly# althou&h these act ons may be assumed natural occurrences# s nce the phase e1 sts apart from the phys cal .orld. 0n add t on to techn 8ues that allo. nteract on . th the phys cal sett n& and surround n&s of the phase# methods must learned and appl ed to counteract fear f t forces a pract t oner to consc ously and cons stently lea)e the phase. D pract t oner does not ha)e to +no. all the pr mary s+ lls by heart# but t s necessary to pay close attent on to some of them: emer&ency return# creat on of ) s on# translocat on throu&h ob6ects# and contact . th an mate ob6ects. For many# s+ lls ded cated to f &ht n& fear . ll also pro)e e1tremely rele)ant. The f nal cho ce of methods that re8u re added focus on the part of the pract t oner must be made on the bas s of personal e1per ences and problems faced .h le n the phase# s nce d fferent pract t oners often ha)e completely d fferent types of problems.

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DIS,ERNING THE PHASE 'roblems . th phase dent f cat on dur n& entry often ar se at the n t al sta&es of study n& the phase. D pract t oner s mply cannot understand .hether or not he or she s already n the phase. Th s uncerta nty can man fest .h le ly n& do.n or .h le pract c n& n other postures. 0f a pract t oner s s mply ly n& do.n# phys cally perce ) n& h s o.n body# and do n& noth n&# then t s ndeed d ff cult to determ ne .hether or not he s present n the phase. 0t s suff c ent to note that there m &ht be no s &ns of a phase state. On the contrary# there may be a host of s &ns and unusual sensat ons# but they by no means necessar ly nd cate the onset of the phase. The problem of the uncerta nty of a phase state s al.ays sol)ed throu&h act ons. 0f the pract t oner s ly n& do.n# then standard separat on techn 8ues may produce nd cat on of phase ach e)ement 4 n the ma6or ty of cases K s nce such techn 8ues may often be ncorrectly performed. 0t s poss ble to perform techn 8ues that are only ach e)able n the phase state. 0f a pract t oner stands up and does not reco&n ,e h s surround n&s# then t can be assumed that the pract t oner s stand n& up n the phase. Bo.e)er# often based on the obser)at on that 3e)eryth n& s as n real ty5# a pract t oner may stand up and note that e)eryth n& s n fact 3as n real ty5 s mply because the pract t oner s st ll n 3real ty5. 0n to th s d lemma# the phenomenon of hyper4concentrat on has been pre) ously ment oned n relat on to ma nta n n& phase. By us n& hyper4concentrat on# t s al.ays poss ble to ascerta n .hether the pract t oner s n the phase. Bo.e)er# as a rule# hyper4concentrat on s rarely necessary. %ost often# the follo. n& s &ns nd cate that separat on has occurred n the phase: unusual sensat ons n the body dur n& mo)ement# e1treme t &htness dur n& mo)ement# a stron& phys cal ur&e to l e bac+ do.n#

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d s6o ntedness of surround n&s# and blurred or complete absence of ) s on. Often# the problem res des n the use of d rect techn 8ues .here the pract t oner e1pects fast results and attempts to determ ne .hether the phase has been ach e)ed. Ds a pr nc ple th s should not be done. @hen us n& d rect techn 8ues# the phase man fests tself clearlyH therefore# f an attempt to determ ne ts presence s made# t s an nd cator that the phase s 8u te l +ely st ll far off. E$ERGEN,Y RET/RN% PARA4YSIS *tat st cs sho. that n one4th rd of n t al phase e1per ences# a pract t oner s faced . th a de&ree of fear that forces a return to the body. 'er od cally# e)en e1per enced pract t oners face s tuat ons that re8u re an abrupt return to .a+efulness. Th s presents a number of concerns. 0n and of tself# return n& to the body s almost al.ays unproblemat cH remember n& and th n+ n& about the body often suff ces and . th n moments the pract t oner s returned to the body from .hate)er locat on n the phase. Ddm ttedly# t s ad) sable dur n& th s type of s tuat on to shut the eyes and absta n from touch n& anyth n&. Ds a rule# .hen these act ons are performed# s mply stand n& up n the phys cal .orld s all that s re8u red to complete a returnH ho.e)er# th s s not al.ays s mply ach e)ed. *omet mes after reenter n& the body# the pract t oner suddenly real ,es that phys cal funct onal ty has ceased due to the onset of sleep paralys s# or the sensat on that the body has been s. tched off. Gur n& sleep paralys s# t s mposs ble to scream# call for help# or e)en mo)e a f n&er. 0n the ma6or ty of cases# t s also mposs ble to open the eyes. From a sc ent f c po nt of ) e.# th s s a case of an abrupt# unnatural nterrupt on of the rap d eye mo)ement (RE%) phase of sleep# dur n& .h ch th s paralys s s al.ays present# and t can pers st for some t me after the phase s nterrupted.

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Th s s .here t &ets nterest n&. 'eople n the phys cal .orld are accustomed to an mportant rule: f you . sh to ach e)e someth n&# then do t# and do t as act )ely as poss ble. Th s rule# thou&h &ood# s not al.ays appl cable to certa n cond t ons l n+ed to the phase# and appl es least of all to e1 t n& the phase. *omet mes e1treme effort ma+es t poss ble to brea+ throu&h sleep paralys s and resume mo)ement# thou&h most of these efforts tend to e1acerbate mmob l ty. Gue to the unusual nature of a ne&at )e s tuat on follo. n& a del berate# fear4 nduced return to the body# the depth of the phase may &reatly ncrease because of the bodyJs natural# protect )e nh b t on of funct ons or & nat n& n the cerebral corte1H th s results n e)en &reater a& tat on and &reater fear. The paralys s &ro.s stron&er. Th s s a ) c ous c rcle that leads to unpleasant feel n&s and emot ons# .h ch may e)aporate any des re to pract ce the phase. 0&norance of correct procedures has led to the . despread op n on that such ad)erse s tuat ons may ma+e t mposs ble to come bac+ from the phase at all. These op n ons suppose that t s# therefore# dan&erous to &et n)ol)ed . th the pract ce. Bo.e)er# the solut on to th s problem rests n )ery s mple act ons and procedures that can pre)ent a lar&e number of ne&at )e e1per ences: ,o)*lete Rela+atio 0n the sect on on deepen n& and ma nta n n&# t .as noted that the more act )e a pract t oner s .h le n the phase# the better. Con)ersely# f there s less act ) ty# the 8ual ty of the phase decl nes# allo. n& for an easy e1 t. Thus# n order to lea)e the phase# the pract t oner only needs to completely rela1 and &nore any perce )ed sensat ons# act ons# or thou&hts. D pract t oner may also rec te a prayer# mantra# or rhyme# s nce that helps the consc ousness to be d stracted from the s tuat on more 8u c+ly. Of course# one needs to calm do.n and try to &et r d of the fear# .h ch n and of tself s capable of +eep n& such a state &o n&.

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'er od cally# the pract t oner should try to mo)e a f n&er n order to chec+ .hether attempts at rela1at on ha)e had an effect. ,o ce tratio o a Fi 1er D pract t oner e1per enc n& sleep paralys s should try mo) n& a f n&er or a toe. Dt f rst th s .onJt .or+# but the pract t oner has to concentrate prec se thou&ht and effort on the act on. Dfter a l ttle .h le# the phys cal f n&er . ll be& n to mo)e. The problem . th th s techn 8ue s that the pract t oner may acc dentally start ma+ n& phantom mot ons nstead of phys cal mo)ements# .h ch s .hy an understand n& of the d fference bet.een the t.o sensat ons s necessary# s nce t s often not )ery ob) ous. ,o ce tratio o Po!!ible $o#e)e t! The phys olo&y of sleep paralys s# the phase state# and dreams are such that .hen the pract t oner s n one of these states# some act ons are al.ays assoc ated . th mo)ements made n the real body. Th s s true .hen mo) n& the eyeballs# the ton&ue# or .h le breath n&. 0f the pract t oner concentrates attent on on these processes# t s poss ble counteract nh b t ons to phys cal mo)ementH as a result# a sleep4paraly,ed pract t oner . ll become able to mo)e n real ty. Ree#aluati 1 t&e Situatio 2nder normal c rcumstances# del berate e1 t from the phase s not the norm. Gel berate e1 t s commonly caused by certa n fears and pre6ud ces. 0f a pract t oner s not able to act )ate the body us n& other emer&ency return techn 8ues# a careful cons derat on of the poss b l t es offered by the phase s recommended. There are many nterest n& and useful th n&s that can be e1per enced n the phase. @hy ru n the poss b l ty of &reat opportun ty because of a baseless fearL To be fa r# t must be noted that emer&ency e1 t techn 8ues do not al.ays .or+. Ds a rule# after a lon& per od

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of sleep depr )at on# or at the be& nn n& of or n the m ddle of a n &htJs sleep# the ur&e to sleep s so &reat that t s d ff cult to res st the sleep paralys s phenomenon. 0n th s respect# ree)aluat n& the s tuat on s h &hly recommended so that a pract t oner s able to ta+e ad)anta&e of the s tuat on )ersus suffer n& by t. *leep paralys s s eas ly transmuted nto a phase state by means of nd rect techn 8ues. By the way, knowing how to e4it paralysis is i portant not only for practitioners of the phase, since such paralysis occurs even without the phase for appro4i ately one-third of the hu an population at least once in a lifeti e. /t usually happens before or after sleep. FIGHTING FEAR Fear n the phase s a )ery common occurrence. The pract t oner may e1per ence fear at any sta&e# althou&h t s e1pressed much more clearly dur n& n t al pract ce. The causes of fear are )ery d )erse: a feel n& that return n& to the body s mposs bleH a fear of deathH .orry n& that someth n& bad s &o n& to happen to the bodyH encounter n& someth n& scary and terr ble n the phaseH pa nful sensat onsH o)erly sharp# hyper4real st c sensat ons. Interesting Fact! 'ear is often specific in the phase and depends on the practitioner>s current life situation. 'or e4a ple, young others often begin to fear entering the phase ;ust as they>re entering it out of a sense that they would risk leaving their children behind. /t often worry that they si ply ight not return or undergo an unsafe situation.


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One fear dom nates all others: the nst nct of self4 preser)at on# .h ch# . thout any apparent reason# can nduce a feel n& of absolute horror K a feel n& that cannot be e1pla ned or controlled. For a no) ce str c+en by nsurmountable fear that causes paralys s# there s only one .ay to &radually o)ercome t. Each t me a no) ce enters the phase# an attempt should be made to &o a step further than the pre) ous t me. For e1ample# n sp te of feel n& terr f ed# the pract t oner should try to ra se the hands and then mo)e them bac+ to the n t al pos t on. The second t me# the pract t oner should attempt to s t do.n. The th rd t me# stand n& up should be attempted. The fourth t me# .al+ n& around n the phase s ad) sed. Then# after ncremental steps to.ard e1per enc n& the harmlessness of the phase state# product )e# calm act on may ensue. Interesting Fact! 'ear itself can be used to enter the phase and re ain there for a long ti e. Once the phase is entered, fear should be allayed if it begins to cause proble s for the practitioner. For a pract t oner .ho faces per od cal fears# real , n& that there s no real dan&er encoura&es pro&ress n pract ce. 2r&es to rap dly return to the body are then made baseless. *ooner or later# calmer thou&ht dom nates e)ents n the phase# and fear happens less often. @hen deal n& . th momentary fear caused by e)ents n the phase# the s mplest solut on s to tac+le t head4on and follo. throu&h to the end n order to a)o d a fear4dr )en precedent. 0f a pract t oner al.ays runs a.ay from undes rable e)ents# the e)ents . ll occur more and more fre8uently. 0f a pract t oner s ncapable of fac n& fear n the phase# t s best to use the translocat on techn 8ue to tra)el

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Buy a hard copy on althou&h th s solut on only produces temporary rel ef. PHASE O.AE,T AGGRESSION AND ATTA,6S 0tEs .orth ta+ n& a moment to &o nto deta l on phase ob6ects beha) n& a&&ress )ely to.ards pract t oners# as many are concerned about th s ssue. Bo.e)er# one fact that says a lot should be cons dered mmed ately: these types of ssues usually concern or are encountered by the esoter cally4 m nded# or those .ho ha)e read much eclect c l terature on the sub6ect of phase states. *uch ssues are rare amon& those . th a mater al st outloo+. Bere# phase ob6ects are pro)o+ed to react ad)ersely by ncorrect beha) or on the part of pract t oners. 0tEs enou&h to note that many authors .r t n& on the phase de)ote up to half of the r boo+s to the sub6ect of protect on from such attac+s. Of course# a ne&at )e e1per ence s sure to follo. a close read n& of such mater al. %oreo)er# the ne&at )e e1per ence .ould occur . thout ade8uate understand n& of the occurrence 4 and such understand n& .h ch .ould other. se remedy the ssue. The f rst th n& to +no. n th s re&ard s: no th n& and no person n the phase presents any real threat. The pract t oner h mself s able to control e)eryth n& that occurs. ThatEs .hy thereEs no po nt n fear n& anybody or anyth n& n the phase# no matter ho. threaten n& they may seem or .hat someone may ha)e sa d or .r tten about t. The second th n& to +no. s: the only th n& that can and does attac+ s the pract t onerEs o.n fear# be t consc ous or unconsc ous fear. The propert es of the phase space are such that a no) ceEs nab l ty to control the process . ll lead to h s subconsc ous e1pectat ons caus n& much to happen to h m. ThatEs prec sely .hy a st ll C&reenC phaser .ho has read much about Castral attac+sC . ll encounter mater al ,ed and hyper4 real st c fears that not only terror ,e# but also cause true pa n:

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beat n&s# abuse# torture# suffocat on# and the l +e. 2nt l the reason for them s understood# the problem . ll rema n unsol)ed. %oreo)er# all + nds of absurd theor es about e) l be n&s thus f nd conf rmat on# .h ch s .hy old . )esE tales cont nue to ha)e . de currency# e)en n our modern era. Dn e1per enced pract t oner controls h s ent re e1per ence from be& nn n& to end# and h s subconsc ous e1pectat ons donEt nterfere . th the beha) oral mechan sms of the phase space. Thus# attac+s are a rar ty. Dnd e)en f they occur# th s problem s eas ly resol)ed by counteract )e assert )eness or a s mple attempt to face the unpleasantness head on. ,REATION OF BISION V s on s often a)a lable at the )ery be& nn n& of a phase# espec ally .hen the pract t oner uses ma&e obser)at on and ) sual ,at on techn 8ues to enter. *omet mes ) s on appears . th n the f rst fe. seconds. Other t mes# t man fests dur n& the deepen n& process. Bo.e)er# there are cases .here ) s on s not a)a lable and must be created 8u c+ly# at any cost. V s on may arr )e as soon as t s thou&ht about# but f th s does not occur# a spec al techn 8ue s necessary.

To create ) s on# a pract t oner needs to br n& the hands four to s 1 nches n front of the eyes and try to detect them throu&h the &rayness or dar+ness. 'eer n& a&&ress )ely and

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attent )ely at the m nute deta ls of the palms . ll cause them to become ) s ble# much l +e f they .ere be n& de)eloped on 'olaro d f lm. Dfter se)eral seconds# ) s on . ll become clear# and alon& . th the palms# the surround n&s . ll also become ) s ble. 2nder no c rcumstances should the phys cal eyel ds be opened. V s on . ll appear on ts o.n and . ll not d ffer from that of real tyH mean.h le# the phys cal sensat on of opened eyes . ll emer&e. 0t s poss ble to shut the eyes n the phase an nf n te number of t mes# e)en . thout ha) n& opened them at all# s nce the latter s not needed for creat n& ) s on. Bo.e)er# the eyel ds may only be opened .h le e1per enc n& a )ery deep phase# as open n& the eyes . ll cause a return to .a+efulness dur n& a shallo. phase. The pract t oner must also +eep n m nd that ) s on should only be created after a complete separat on from the body and a subse8uent translocat on has been ach e)ed. Dttempt n& to ) e. the hands dur n& fl &ht or .h le ho)er n& n an un dent f ed space leads to arb trary translocat on. ,ONTA,T WITH 4IBING O.AE,TS T.o problems may surface .h le con)ers n& . th an mate ob6ects n the phase: s lence or a return to the body. 0n ) e. of the fact that many phase appl cat ons are based on contact . th people for one purpose or another# t s necessary to understand ho. to correctly mana&e contact . th l ) n& ob6ects. 0n order to a)o d a foul (e6ect on from the phase nto real ty)# the elementary rules of 3ma nta n n&5 must be obser)ed. For e1ample# act )ely obser)e the fac al features or cloth n& of a person you .ant to commun cate . th. @h le commun cat n&# the pract t oner should constantly rub the hands to&ether or ma nta n stron& ) brat ons by stra n n& the bra n. Remember to perform the techn 8ues to a)o d becom n& absorbed n commun cat on.

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D more comple1 problem s o)ercom n& the commun cat )e unrespons )eness of ob6ects n the phase. 0n many cases# the speech of an ob6ect s bloc+ed by the nternal stress of the pract t oner. *omet mes the problem stems from an e1pectat on that an ob6ect . ll not be able to commun cate n the phase. 0t s mportant to treat the ob6ects n a calm manner. There s no use try n& to shout or beat the ob6ect to force commun cat on. On the contrary# t s much more effect )e to treat the ob6ect &ently# . thout apply n& pressure. Go not peer at an ob6ectJs mouth e1pect n& sounds to emer&e. 0t s better to loo+ else.hereH ta+ n& a pass )e nterest n commun cat on &enerally y elds the best results. Ds a rule# after the f rst t me that commun cat on . th a l ) n& ob6ect s successful# future attempts &o unh ndered. Commun cat on methods n the phase should be no d fferent than those used n ord nary l fe: tal+ n&# fac al e1press ons# &estur n& . th the hands# body lan&ua&e. Telepathy may be used too. READING


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Read n& te1t n the phase may be accompan ed by a number of d ff cult es. F rst# small pr nt becomes lle& ble because the effects of hyper4concentrat on may d stort te1t. Th s problem s sol)ed by us n& lar&e4font te1tual sources of nformat on. For e1ample# the te1t of a normal boo+ blurs .hen obser)ed too attent )ely# but the lar&e font on the co)er of a boo+ s eas ly read s nce ts s ,e s suff c ent for rap d read n& . thout deta led scrut ny. The second problem encountered .h le read n& n the phase s .hen te1t s le& ble but s completely mean n&less n compos t on# .e. & bber sh. Th s problem s sol)ed by turn n& o)er the pa&es# loo+ n& for a readable messa&e. 0t s also poss ble to f nd another copy or create t ane. us n& the ob6ect4f nd n& techn 8ues. The same appl es to cases .here the te1t s seen as a set of ncomprehens ble symbols or s &ns. @h le read n& n the phase# the pract t oner should not for&et about perform n& 3ma nta n n&5 techn 8ues to pre)ent a foul by becom n& too rela1ed. BI.RATIONS The phase s often accompan ed by an unfor&ettably unusual sensat on that may be used successfully to enter# deepen or ma nta n t. 0t s d ff cult to descr be t better than the sensat on of a hea)y current pass n& throu&h the ent re body . thout caus n& any pa n. 0t may also feel l +e the .hole body s contract n&# or a t n&l n& sensat on s m lar to numbness. %ost often# the sensat ons are s m lar to h &h4 fre8uency ) brat ons of the body# .h ch e1pla ns the or & n of the term 3) brat on5. 0f the pract t oner s not sure .hether or not he e1per enced ) brat ons# then there s a &ood method to sol)e h s problem: real ,e that f he really d d# he . ll not ha)e any doubts about t. 0n all other cases# .hen there are doubts and

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uncerta nty# the pract t oner s def n tely not deal n& . th ) brat ons# or s deal n& . th another form thereof. 0f you ha)e e1per enced ) brat ons at least once# the recollect on of these sensat ons helps &reatly dur n& the s multaneous appl cat on of nd rect techn 8ues. V brat ons are created# supported and stren&thened by stra n n& the bra n or tens n& the body . thout us n& the muscles. For ) brat ons to appear# t often suff ces merely to th n+ about them. Gur n& the f rst e1per ence# one should e1per ment . th them for a .h le by roll n& them around the body and ts parts# as .ell as stren&then n& and .ea+en n& them. Gowever, one should not think that the presence of vibrations is a necessary condition for being in the phase. %any no) ces often str )e not for the phase but for ) brat ons# after .h ch the former must supposedly follo.. That should not be the case. There are ndeed spec f c techn 8ues that ma+e t poss ble to &et nto the phase by creat n& ) brat ons# but n all other cases they are not necessary and some pract t oners may ne)er ha)e them at all. TE,HNIQ/ES FOR TRANS4O,ATING THRO/GH O.AE,TS 0n a deep phase# the propert es of the surround n& en) ronment become )ery s m lar to the phys cal .orld. Bo.e)er# t may somet mes be necessary to pass throu&h a .all or translocate to a)o d a phys cal barr er n the phase. There are t.o bas c opt ons for pass n& throu&h barr ers l +e .alls. 2sually# master n& these re8u res se)eral attempts. Interesting Fact! /f a practitioner concentrates on the physical sensations associated with passing through a wall, it is possible to get stuck. A practitioner ay even e4perience the feeling of obstructed breathing when this happens.

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Ra*id De"ocu!ed Pe etratio Run or 6ump at a .all . th a burn n& des re to penetrate t. GonJt focus on the .allH nstead concentrate on the mmed ate surround n&s. Go not try to ta+e anyth n& from the current locat on s nce th s may mpede a successful passa&e throu&h the .all. T&e ,lo!ed E'e! Tec& i0ue @hen approach n& a .all# the pract t oner must close h s eyes and completely focus on a des re to pass throu&h t .h le ma& n n& that the .all does not e1 st# or that t s transparent and penetrable. *urface res stance should be pressed throu&h# cont nu n& on . th the a&&ress )e des re and concentrat on. F4IGHT Ta+ n& fl &ht n the phase s a s mple matter of remember n& past dreams of fl &ht. 7oth n& needs to be tensed# no .ord needs to be sa d. Dttempt n& fl &ht . th closed eyes produces a h &h rate of success# but presents an ncreased probab l ty of nad)ertent translocat on. 0f a fl &ht attempt s unsuccessful# a pract t oner may try 6ump n& from a h &h ele)at on or from a . ndo.. The natural nst nct of dream fl &ht ta+es o)er and the fall becomes a controlled fl &ht. Bo.e)er# 6ump n& from . ndo.s or other ele)at ons s ad) sable only to pract t oners . th e1per ence# s nce no) ces may not al.ays be able to determ ne .hether they are n the phase or n real ty. 0n case of d ff cult es . th ta+e4off# you can also try to 6ump up and stay a rborne for as lon& as you can. 0tEs better to do t n ncremental bounds# as that +eeps you more act )e 4 .h ch s safer n terms of ma nta n n& the phase. @hen fly n& n a deep phase# another problem bes des ta+ n&4off may ar se: ma nta n n& the phase state. 0n order to

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a)o d a return to the body or sleep# fly n& has to be as ener&et c and sensat on4 nfused as poss ble. To that end you can also +eep up ) brat ons# as .ell as per od cally rub to&ether and scrut n ,e your hands. 0n certa n cond t ons# fly n& n the phase can not only +eep the state stable# but also e)en deepen t. Th s happens dur n& a&&ress )e fl &ht . th sharp turns and constantly fly n& close4by )ar ous ob6ects n order to ) sually nspect them. The most mportant th n& s to try not to fly n a rela1ed# la d4bac+ manner or ta+e n the scenery# as th s . ll 8u c+ly lead to the end of the phase. S/PER-A.I4ITIES The real sm of the phase space does not mpose l m ts on the ab l ty to perform act ons that cannot be performed n the phys cal .orld. 0t s mportant to remember that only a pract t onerJs apprehens on places l m ts on .hat may be done n the phase. For e1ample# f a pract t oner needs to &et to a locat on 4 e)en )ery far a.ay 4 t may be reached by teleportat on. 0f an ob6ect needs to be mo)ed from one s de of the room to the other# t may be mo)ed by tele+ nes s. One of the ma6or benef ts of the phase e1per ence s unencumbered freedom of act on. To master unusual ab l t es# only a fe. phases need to be spent on concentrated de)elopment of the methods. Teleki e!i! 0n order to learn tele+ nes s (mo) n& ob6ects by thou&ht)# the pract t oner concentrates on an ob6ect .h le e1per enc n& a deepened phase# and attempts to mo)e the ob6ect by th n+ n& about the mo)ement. The only re8u red act on s a&&ress )ely . ll n& the ob6ectJs mo)ement. 7o spec f c e1ternal act ons are re8u red. E)eryone nherently +no.s ho. to do th s. 0f attempts are unsuccessful at f rst#

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press on. Before too lon&# the full effect of the pract t onerJs . ll y elds results. 2s n& th s ab l ty helps to encoura&e a &ood phase e1per ence by pro) d n& a tool for carry n& out planned tas+s. P'roki e!i! 0&n t n& an ob6ect n the phase 6ust by star n& at t re8u res a stron& des re to heat up and set f re to the ob6ect. 'erformed successfully# an ob6ect . ll smo+e# d stort# dar+en and then burst nto flames. Tele*at&' To de)elop telepathy n the phase# t s necessary to peer at an mate ob6ects .h le l sten n& n surround n& e1ternal and nternal sounds . th the ntent on of the r hear n& thou&hts. E)en e1per enced pract t oners encounter d ff culty .h le de)elop n& telepathy# but .hen successful# contact . th people n the phase s substant ally s mpl f ed. 2s n& telepathy# d scern n& the thou&hts of people# an mals# and ob6ects s poss ble. Bo.e)er# th s should not be ta+en too ser ously# s nce t s merely the nature of the phase to s mulate .hat s e1pected. THE I$PORTAN,E OF ,ONFIDEN,E D cruc al factor n de)elop n& phase ab l t es s self4 conf dence n the ab l ty to use the s+ lls. 0n t ally# these ab l t es are absent because the human bra n# tuned n to ord nar ness# bloc+s conf dence n the ab l ty to do anyth n& unusual. Ds soon as stron& conf dence s reached n the performance of phase ab l t es# e)eryth n& becomes easy to ach e)e. Dlthou&h conf dence n phase ab l t es may &ro. stron&# pract t oners should rema n soundly a.are that ab l t es n the phase are l m ted to the phase. Dttempt n& tele+ nes s#

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pyro+ nes s# or transmutat on n the real .orld may .aste t me and ener&y. TRANS$/TATION INTO ANI$A4S %any pract t oners act )ely e1per ment . th the r bod ly form dur n& the phase# .h ch can ta+e on any appearance than+s to the propert es of the phase space. *uch e1per mentat on# desp te be n& some.hat d ff cult# s 8u te popular and nterest n&. 7early e)ery ad)anced phaser e1per ments . th t sooner or later. Interesting Fact! =eople appear in hu an for while in the phase only because they are accusto ed to it fro everyday life. Actually, you can feel every fine detail while inhabiting any body or any thing, as there is no personal 6body7 as such in the phase. D d st nct )e tra t of e1per ments . th altered phys cal percept on s the unbel e)ably f ne deta l of sensat on. 0f a phase pract t oner ta+es on the form of a l ,ard# he . ll be able to feel not only h s ta l# but also that h s ton&ue s no. for+ed. %ean.h le# f a pract t oner ta+es on the form of a .olf# then he . ll feel the na ls on h s pa.s# and e1per ence ncred bly he &htened sense of smell. The same appl es to e)ery poss ble sense# the true4to4l feness of .h ch depends on oneEs mastery o)er ncarnat n& n the phase. One feels as f ne. parts of the bra n act )ate that are respons ble for the sensory percept on of body parts that humans donEt ha)e. *uch body parts can then not only be felt# but also controlled. For e1ample# f a pract t oner has become a b rd n the phase# then he . ll not only feel h s . n&s# but also be able to control them as f he had been born . th them. *uch reor&an ,at on of percept on s poss ble for

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all human sensat ons and th s appl es not only to an mate ob6ects# but also to nan mate ones: stones# trees# furn ture# etc. @ thout further ado# here are the techn 8ues for transform n& oneEs embod ment: Tra !)utatio u*o Se*aratio 0mmed ately after separat on# the pract t onerEs attent on s focused on h s already ha) n& ach e)ed h s des red embod ment. Th s must not merely be ma& ned 4 nstead# one must try to feel the ne. embod ment mmed ately. For e1ample# f a phaser .ants to transform nto a sna+e# then after roll n&4out he must try no matter .hat to mmed ately feel h mself roll n& out .h le n the elon&ated body of a sna+e# and not of a person. 0f th s s not successful# then other transmutat on techn 8ues need to be tr ed# as th s one s to be used only at the be& nn n& of a phase entrance. 0f transmutat on s successful# then one should mmed ately mo)e on to deepen n& the phase .h le n the obta ned embod ment# l +e after a con)ent onal separat on. D' a)ic Tra !)utatio @h le st ll n human form n the phase# one should br s+ly m tate the mo)ements of the tar&et an mal .h le ta+ n& on ts e1ternal appearance. Gur n& th s process# tEs mportant to not only m tate the mo)ement of the creature# but also try to feel oneself be n& t. The pract t oner . ll &radually ta+e on all of the anatom cal sensat ons and e1ternal appearance of the tar&et form. For e1ample# f the pract t oner has dec ded to become a t &er# then he should try to run n leaps on h s four e1trem t es# try n& to feel the ent re body of the b & cat alon& . th ts sensat ons# start n& from the touch of ts pa.s and cla.s on the earth to the t p of ts ta l. Tra !)utatio u*o Tra !locatio @hen us n& the techn 8ue of translocat on ) a teleportat on . th eyes closed# you need to focus your

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attent on not so much on the translocat on dest nat on as on your e1ternal appearance and nternal sensat ons. Once translocat on has ta+en place# the phaser . ll turn up n the r &ht place and n the r &ht form. For e1ample# f a pract t oner has dec ded to become a d sembod ed sphere# then he should close h s eyes n the phase and focus on both the thou&ht4 form of the place .here he .ants to appear and on h s sensat ons. Dn mmed ate sensat on of fl &ht and &radual feel n& of transformat on of bod ly percept on . ll ar se. Gepend n& on the de&ree of concentrat on# the fl &ht may come to an end at the des red place . th n se)eral seconds# and the pract t oner .ould mmed ately ha)e spher cal ) s on and correspond n& bod ly sensat ons. Tra !)utatio t&rou1& I te tio E1per enced pract t oners or those .ho can eas ly concentrate the r . ll are often able to ta+e on the form they .ant . thout us n& any spec al techn 8ues. 0t s often enou&h for them to s mply ntensely des re to ta+e on one form or another# and that form comes to them# be t abruptly or &radually. 2lt mately# th s s .hat all phasers should str )e for. For e1ample# f a pract t oner has dec ded to transform nto a dra&on# then he . ll concentrate h s ntent on on that des re# and h s bod ly sensat ons . ll &o nto a state of flu1# and then stab l ,e a&a n once he has already transmutated. Dlternat )ely# he . ll s mply be& n to perce )ably mutate nto a f re4breath n& dra&on. Dlso of &ood help .hen perform n& th s techn 8ue are el 1 rs# tablets# and pot ons that can be pro&rammed n the phase to ha)e a spec f c effect .hen ta+en. @ th all such techn 8ues 4 and the ent re pract ce of the phase tself 4 ntent on# self4assurance# des re# and purposefulness ha)e s &n f cant mportance. Rno. n& spec f c techn 8ues s often unnecessary f you ha)e a f rm des re that you unhes tat n&ly .ant to ach e)e no matter .hat. 'roblems . th ntent on and self4assurance al.ays l e at the root of lac+

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of success at transmutat n& n the phase. 'hasers often s mply lac+ conf dence n the r ab l ty to transmutate# .h ch f nds e1press on n fa led attempts to ta+e on another bod ly form. Dny lac+ of conf dence .hen perform n& the transmutat on techn 8ues n the phase . ll al.ays be e) dent n the f nal result. %ean.h le# lac+ of conf dence nd cates a certa n le)el of self4analys s# .h ch n turn s a symptom of nsuff c ent concentrat on on the techn 8ue. ThatEs .hy total concentrat on on and putt n& oneEs all nto a techn 8ue pract cally &uarantees successful results. @hen t comes to deepen n& and ma nta n n&# t s mportant to ma+e the transformat on of oneEs e1ternal appearance 8u c+ly# or .hen feel n& constantly ) ) d sensat ons and act ons. Other. se# a foul . ll occur f one dra&s out transmutat on or other. se performs t ,ONTRO44ING PAIN Dlon& . th all the pos t )e e1per ences and sensat ons that may be en6oyed n the phase# e1per ences of a pa nful nature may also man fest. 'unch n& a .all n a deep phase state . ll cause the same pa n as f a .all had been struc+ n phys cal real ty. *ome act ons n the phase may una)o dably cause unpleasant feel n&s of pa nH therefore# t s necessary to +no. ho. to a)o d pa nful act ons. Focus n& on an nternal conf dence that pa n . ll not result from an act on . ll alle) ate the problem. D pract t oner may e1per ment . th th s type of focus by pummel n& a .all .h le resol) n& that there s no pa n. 0f the e1per ment succeeds# then obta n n& the same result . ll ne)er a&a n re8u re the same le)el of effortH th n+ n& that the phase s pa nless . ll suff ce.


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$ORA4 STANDARDS IN THE PHASE From the )ery be& nn n&# t should be understood that the moral compass of the phase space has noth n& n common . th the soc etal norms and la.s of the phys cal .orld. The phase space seem n&ly m tates the phys cal .orld . th all ts propert es and funct ons only because .e are accustomed to them and are not e1pect n& anyth n& else. %oral pr nc ples and rules apply only to the place .here they .ere de)eloped. 0t does not ma+e sense to profess them .h le n the phase. The pract t oner should not refra n from certa n act ons n the phase because some .ould be unacceptable# mproper# or bad n the real .orld. These are merely beha) oral patterns that are hardly su ted to the .orld of the phase# .here e)eryth n& operates on the bas s of ent rely d fferent la.s. The only moral rules that m &ht e1 st n the phase are those that the pract t oner establ shes. 0f des red# complete# unh ndered freedom may be e1per enced. ST/DYING POSSI.I4ITIES AND SENSATIONS 7o) ce pract t oners should not mmed ately rush to.ards a s n&le spec f c &oal f lon&4term pract ce s des red. 0t s better to e1tens )ely n)est &ate the phase and ts surround n&s before focus n& on accompl shment. Th s . ll bu ld nt macy . th the e1per ence and allo. unh ndered entry and nteract on . th the phase. Ds n real ty# learn n& .hate)er f rst re)eals tself s the +ey to ncreas n& and spec al , n& +no.led&e. D be& nn n& pract t oner should at f rst en6oy the s mple fact of actually be n& n the phase# then learn ts deta ls and funct ons. Once ns de the phase# a pract t oner should e1plore t# e1am n n& and nteract n& . th e)eryth n& encountered.

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Be should also try to fully sharpen all the feel n&s poss ble n the phase n order to fully understand ho. unusual t s n ts real sm. D pract t oner must e1per ence mo)ement: .al+ n&# runn n&# 6ump n&# fly n&# fall n&# s. mm n&. Test the sensat ons of pa n by str + n& a .all . th a f st. The s mplest .ay to e1per ence taste sensat ons s to &et to the refr &erator and try to eat e)eryth n& that you f nd there# at the same t me not for&ett n& to smell each tem. @al+ throu&h the .alls# translocate# create and handle ob6ects. E1plore. Dll these act ons are )ery nterest n& n and of themsel)es. The poss b l t es really are nf n te. Bo.e)er# only .hen they are .ell understood and thorou&hly e1plored can t be sa d that the pract t oner really +no.s .hat the phase s about. TYPI,A4 $ISTA6ES WITH PRI$ARY S6I44S @hen try n& to d scern .hether or not a phase s ntact# 6ud&ment s based on s m lar ty to the departed phys cal en) ronment. 0n the phase# phys cal attr butes are s mulat ons. Byper4concentrat n& on an ob6ect for too short a t me .h le try n& to determ ne .hether the surround n&s are n the phase or n the phys cal .orld. Gel berately attempt n& to end the phase prematurely .hen the ent re natural len&th of the phase should be ta+en ad)anta&e of. 'an c n case of paralys s nstead of calm# rela1ed act on. Refusal to pract ce the phase because of fear# thou&h th s problem s temporary and resol)able. Open n& the eyes at the n t al sta&es of the phase# s nce th s fre8uently leads to a foul.


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'remature attempts to create ) s on n the phase# .hereas separat n& from the body and deepen n& should occur. E1cess )e haste .h le creat n& ) s on# as n the ma6or ty of cases ) s on appears naturally. @h le concentrat n& on the hands to create ) s on# do n& so at an e1cess )e d stance )ersus the recommended four to s 1 nches. For&ett n& about the techn 8ues for 3ma nta n n&5 .h le n contact . th l ) n& ob6ects. For&ett n& to shut the eyes or defocus ) s on .hen translocat n& throu&h .alls or other sol d ob6ects. Ges r n& to do someth n& superhuman n the phase . thout the re8u red nternal des re and conf dence. Fear of e1per enc n& pa n n the phase nstead of learn n& to control t. Obser) n& moral standards n the phase .hen they do not apply. D tendency to mmed ately use the phase for someth n& pract cal nstead of f rst thorou&hly e1plor n& and nteract n& . th the surround n&s. EEER,ISES Que!tio !

$. Dre there s+ lls n the phase that must f rst be mastered before the phase may be used to ts full e1tentL !. 0s t poss ble to understand .hether a phase s ntact by attempt n& to flyL :. Bas a pract t oner most l +ely &otten up n the phase or n real ty f there are doubts about th sL 4. 0s t suff c ent to th n+ about the body n order to return to t# and s t only re8u red to return nto the body n order to control tL

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9. @h ch arm should be act )ely and a&&ress )ely mo)ed to o)ercome sleep paralys sL <. 0s t poss ble to tell 6o+es to oneself to o)ercome sleep paralys sL =. 0s t poss ble to mo)e the phys cal eyes .h le n the phaseL >. @hat should be done f sleep paralys s cannot be o)ercomeL ?. Can sleep paralys s occur . thout pract c n& the phaseL $". @hat f fear s not addressed and con8ueredL $$. 0s t poss ble to &radually master the phase n order to o)ercome fearL $!. 0s there cause for fear of anyth n& n the phaseL $:. Dt .hat po nt can ) s on be created n the phase by open n& the eyel ds and not throu&h the use of spec al techn 8uesL $4. @hat .ould happen . th an attempt to open the eyes after s tt n& up n bed# .e.# before becom n& completely separated from the bodyL $9. @hy may contact . th l ) n& ob6ects n the phase cause a return to the bodyL $<. @hat problems m &ht occur f a pract t oner stud es the mouth of a tal+ n& ob6ectL $=. 0n the phase# ho. 8u c+ly can small te1t be readL $>. @h ch s eas er to read n the phase: te1t n a ne.spaper or te1t on a lar&e b llboardL $?. 0s t poss ble to see h ero&lyphs nstead of te1t .h le read n& n the phaseL !". 0s t poss ble to burst throu&h a .all after runn n& up to t . th the eyes shutL !$. @h ch muscles of the body must be tensed to start fly n& n the phaseL !!. Dre there any e1trasensory ab l t es that are naccess ble n the phaseL !:. Can a pract t oner transform nto a ball .h le n the phaseL !4. Bo. does pa n n the phase d ffer from pa n n the phys cal .orldL

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*hould a pract t oner & )e up a seat to an elderly person .h le n the phaseL !<. Gue to moral cons derat ons# .hat s proh b ted n the phaseL Ta!k! $. Gur n& your ne1t phase sess on# .al+ around your home n)est &at n& the rooms# + tchen# and bathroom n deta l. !. (earn to pass throu&h .alls. Completely ded cate one lon& phase e1per ence to perfect n& th s s+ ll. :. (earn to fly n the phase. 4. @h le n a deep phase# learn to control pa n by h tt n& a .all . th your f st. 9. @h le n the phase# learn tele+ nes s (the ab l ty to mo)e ob6ects by thou&ht) and pyro+ nes s (sett n& ob6ects on f re# also performed by thou&ht). <. Ged cate a len&thy phase e1per ence to an e1per ment . th ) s on: create t f t s not already a)a lable# and then shut your eyes and recreate ) s on. Go th s at least ten t mes o)er the course of a s n&le phase =. Ged cate a lon& phase to search n& for d fferent + nds of te1ts n order to e1per ment . th read n& )ar ous s ,e fonts.


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,&a*ter H M Tra !locatio

a d Fi di 1 ObNect!

THE ESSEN,E OF TRANS4O,ATION AND FINDING O.AE,TS ( +e e)eryday real ty# the phase space cannot be used for certa n purposes f t s not +no.n ho. to mo)e around and f nd necessary th n&s. 0n a .a+eful state# t s more or less +no.n .here someth n& s located and ho. to reach t. 0n the phase# the same assumpt ons cannot apply s nce phase mechan sms .or+ by d fferent pr nc ples. The reason for address n& translocat on and f nd n& ob6ects n the same chapter s because both techn 8ues rely on the same mechan cs. 0n other .ords# the same methods 4 . th m nor e1cept ons 4 can be appl ed to both translocat on and f nd n&. Dfter study n& the techn 8ues descr bed n th s chapter# a pract t oner n the phase . ll be able to &o to any locat on and f nd any ob6ect. The only l m tat ons that e1 st are those of the ma& nat on and des reH f these are unl m ted# so are the poss b l t es. Re&ard n& translocat on# attent on should not be focused on methods for tra)el n& throu&h nearby spaces. For e1ample# a pract t oner may s mply .al+ nto an ad6acent room# or out to the street ) a the corr dor or throu&h the . ndo.. These are natural# easy act ons. D pract t oner should nstead concentrate attent on on ho. to mo)e to remote dest nat ons that cannot be 8u c+ly reached by phys cal means.

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0t s mportant to ment on the necessary safety procedures for translocat on. *omet mes# due to a lac+ of e1per ence# a pract t oner may m sta+e the phase for real ty# and real ty may be m sta+en for the phase. % sta+ n& the phase for real ty mpl es no dan&er s nce a pract t oner s mply bel e)es that an entry attempt .as unsuccessful. Bo.e)er# f real ty s m sta+en for the phase# a pract t oner may perform dan&erous or e)en l fe4threaten n& act ons. For e1ample# after &ett n& out of bed n a .a+eful state# th n+ n& that e)eryth n& s happen n& n the phase# a be& nner may approach a . ndo. and 6ump out of t# e1pect n& to fly# as s customary n the phase. For th s reason alone# shortcuts to fl &ht should only be ta+en after &a n n& a le)el of e1per ence that ma+es t poss ble to unamb &uously d st n&u sh the phase from a .a+eful state. 0f a &l tch occurs .hen pract c n& translocat on techn 8ues (for e1ample# land n& n the .ron& place)# a pract t oner should s mply repeat the techn 8ue unt l the des red result s obta ned. E ther .ay# n t al tra n n& s a must n order to ma+e e)eryth n& eas er for you later on. Ds far as ob6ect4f nd n& techn 8ues are concerned# these are used for both nan mate and an mate ob6ects. 0n other .ords# these techn 8ues are e8ually effect )e for f nd n&# for e1ample# a person or a utens l. Bo.e)er# there are se)eral techn 8ues that are only su table for f nd n& l ) n& ob6ects. .ASI, PROPERTY OF THE PHASE SPA,E Dll methods for controll n& the phase space stem from a pr mary la.: the de&ree of chan&eab l ty of the phase space s n)ersely proport onate to the depth of the phase and the stab l ty of ts ob6ects. That s# the deeper and more stable the phase# the more d ff cult t s to perform someth n& unusual n t because n a deep# stable phase# the la.s of t be& n to closely resemble those of the phys cal .orld.

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Dll translocat on and f nd n& ob6ects techn 8ues are based on +no.led&e of methods that e1plo t th s pr mary la.. The secret l es n the fact that not only phase depth affects the controllab l ty of the phase# but so does phase stab l ty# .h ch n turn depends to a lar&e e1tent on the number of sensat ons e1per enced n the phase. The techn 8ues for translocat on and f nd n& ob6ects are used .hen these e1per enced sensat ons are .ea+ened throu&h certa n act ons.

0n other .ords# f a pract t oner located n the phase holds a red penc l and e1am nes t# tact le and ) sual percept ons are en&a&ed# .h ch under sharp a& tat on cause the ob6ect to e1 st n ts complete form. Bo.e)er# as soon as the eyes are shut# the stab l ty of penc l ma&e .ea+ens. 0n th s s tuat on# t . ll be enou&h for the pract t oner (after suff c ent tra n n&) to concentrate on bel e) n& that the penc l s dar+4blue n order for t to appear dar+ blue after open n& the eyes. Th s phenomenon occurs because the color of the penc l s no lon&er determ ned by perceptual areas of the bra n and# therefore# t s poss ble to chan&e t.

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0f a red penc l s placed on a table and the pract t onerJs eyes are shut# and there s concentrat on on a thou&ht that the penc l s no lon&er on the table# then after open n& the eyes# the pract t oner . ll f nd that the penc l has d sappeared. 0n essence# .hen the penc l s ly n& on the table and the pract t onerJs eyes are closed# no percept on s be n& n)ested n the penc l 4 the pract t onerEs eyes do not see t and h s s+ n does not touch t. The penc l only rema ns as a memory# .h ch the pract t oner mod f es us n& autosu&&est on.

2s n& certa n techn 8ue4related methods# a pract t oner may cause the stab l ty of the phase state to rema n n flu1 us n& techn 8ues that best su t the pract t onerJs nd ) dual personal ty. TE,HNIQ/ES FOR TRANS4O,ATION Tra !locatio duri 1 Se*aratio The eas est .ay to translocate s to do so .h le separat n& from the body. Employ n& th s techn 8ue s e1tremely s mple and con)en ent. 0t may be comb ned . th almost any separat on techn 8ue and s performed by focus n& on the ma&e and feel of a des red locat on dur n& the n t al

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sta&es of e1 t n& the body. 0t s e)en better to ma& ne that phase entry . ll occur and separat on . ll complete n a chosen locat on. Interesting Fact! After having changed place of residence, the practitioner will very often continue for so e ti e to separate fro the body in the sa e house where he was used to doing this previously. D dra.bac+ of th s techn 8ue s that separat on occurs only n the be& nn n& of the phase e1per ence and# therefore# can only be used once. Other opt ons should be cons dered after the f rst translocat on. Tra !locatio t&rou1& a Door 0n order to use th s techn 8ue# approach any door . th the stron& bel ef that t leads to the re8u red locat on. Dfter open n& the door# the pract t oner . ll see and be able to step nto the dest nat on. 0f the door .as or & nally open# t must be completely shut before apply n& the techn 8ue. D dra.bac+ to th s techn 8ue s that ts pract ce al.ays re8u res a door. 0f there s no door# users of th s translocat on techn 8ue should create one us n& an ob6ect f nd n& techn 8ue. Tra !locatio t&rou1& Tele*ortatio To apply th s techn 8ue# shut the eyes ( f ) s on s present)# and then concentrate attent on on a thou&ht4form or ma&e of a locat on n the phase. Dt th s moment# there . ll be a sensat on of s. ft fl &ht and . th n ! to $" seconds# the dest nat on . ll be reached. The success of th s techn 8ue depends on a stron& concentrat on upon a s n&le &oal: the des red locat on. The techn 8ue must be performed )ery clearly# conf dently# a&&ress )ely# and . thout d stract ons. Dny unrelated

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thou&hts ha)e a profoundly ne&at )e nfluence on ts performance. They unnecessar ly prolon& the fl &ht# cause a foul# or result n arr ) n& at an undes red locat on. O*e Tra !locatio t&rou1& Tele*ortatio (it& t&e E'e!

Th s techn 8ue s d ff cult because t re8u res an unstable phase space caused by a stron& des re to translocate to another locat on. @hereas dur n& teleportat on by fl &ht . th eyes shut the pract t oner d sentan&les h mself from the current locat on# that s not the case here. Therefore# th s techn 8ue should be used only by e1per enced pract t oners .ho are conf dent that they are capable of rema n n& n the phase. Ds far as mplement n& the techn 8ue s concerned# the pract t oner s mply needs to stop and concentrate on the thou&ht that he s already present n the des red locat on and focus on ts ma&e. 0t s mportant to not stare at or touch anyth n& dur n& the thou&ht. *urround n& space . ll d m# blur and then d sappear dur n& th s t me# and then the ntended locat on . ll &radually start to appear. The rate of space metamorphos s depends on the de&ree of des re to reach the re8u red locat on. 0f concentrat on s .ea+ or phase depth s poor# then after space destab l ,es# t m &ht not be restored 4 and a return to the .a+eful state . ll occur. Tra !locatio (it& ,lo!ed E'e! Th s s one of the eas est techn 8ues. To use th s techn 8ue# the pract t oner s mply needs to shut the eyes and ha)e an ntense des re that# .hen the eyes are ne1t opened# the re8u red locat on . ll be reached. 0n order to cons derably ncrease the effect )eness of th s techn 8ue# t .ould be useful to ma& ne# at the moment you close your eyes# that you ha)e already reached the des red locat on. 0n order to stay n the phase# tEs better to perform th s techn 8ue .h le mo) n&# .e. .al+ n&# runn n&# or fly n&. For e1ample# n order to &et to

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3po nt D5# close your eyes# focus your attent on on already be n& n 3po nt B5# and then open your eyes there.

Tra !locatio b' ,o ce tratio o a Re)ote ObNect To perform th s techn 8ue# the pract t oner should peer from a d stance at a m nor deta l of the des red locat on. The &reater an ntent on to see an ob6ectJs deta l# the 8u c+er the arr )al at the ob6ectJs locat on. D dra.bac+ to th s techn 8ue s that th s type of translocat on s poss ble only for places that are already ) s ble# albe t from a &reat d stance. Tra !locatio b' Pa!!i 1 t&rou1& a Wall Th s techn 8ue s performed by .al+ n& or fly n& throu&h a .all . th the eyes shut and a f rm con) ct on that the re8u red locat on s beh nd the .all. The barr er does not necessar ly ha)e to be a .all. 0t can be any non4transparent ob6ect throu&h .h ch a pract t oner may .al+ or fly: a screen# a .ardrobe# and so on. The ma n dra.bac+ of th s techn 8ue s the necess ty of appropr ate s+ lls for penetrat n& throu&h sol d ob6ects of the phase. Dnother necessary cond t on for apply n& th s techn 8ue s the presence of barr ers to pass throu&h.

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Tra !locatio t&rou1& Di#i 1 Th s techn 8ue s dent cal to pass n& throu&h .alls . th the only d fference be n& that nstead of a .all 4 .h ch may not al.ays be a)a lable 4 the pract t oner . ll use the floor or the &round. The pract t oner must d )e headf rst . th the eyes shut and ha)e complete conf dence that the re8u red locat on s underneath the sol d surface. The ab l ty to pass throu&h sol d ob6ects s# naturally# also re8u red. D pract t oner may d )e throu&h the floor or the &round# and also nto any flat hor ,ontal surface: a table# a cha r# a bed# and so forth. Tra !locatio t&rou1& Rotatio To apply th s techn 8ue# a pract t oner n the phase . ll start rotat n& on an a1 s .h le s multaneously concentrat n& on a bel ef that a des red locat on . ll be reached once rotat on s stopped. The eyes must be shut dur n& the rotat on# or ) s on must not be focused on anyth n& n part cular. Ds a rule# t.o to f )e re)olut ons on an a1 s are suff c ent. Once a&a n# e)eryth n& depends on the ab l ty to fully concentrate on a des red &oal . thout any d stract ons. Tra !locatio t&rou1& a $irror Gue to the spec al propert es of m rrors and peopleEs superst t ous bel efs about them# they can be used to eas ly translocate n the phase. To that end tEs enou&h to 6ump or d )e nto any lar&e m rror encountered alon& the .ay. %ean.h le# you can focus your attent on on the locat on you .ant mmed ately be n& beh nd t. Gue to the propert es of m rrors# you often donEt e)en ha)e to close your eyes or turn around .hen penetrat n& the r surface. Interesting Fact! <hen novices at School of Out-of-Body Travel se inars are asked to take a look in the irror during their first phase, it is rare for two descriptions of the event to be

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si ilar, as everything happens differently for each person? so e see their actual reflection, others see nothing, still others see different people, and in so e cases the ove ents of the reflection don>t atch those of the practitioner, etc. Once at a se inar, +8 were able to look at a irror while in the phase, and no two people had si ilar e4periences. O.AE,T FINDING TE,HNIQ/ES Tec& i0ue o" Tra !locatio Dll translocat on techn 8ues are also appl cable to ob6ect f nd n& techn 8ues s nce the use of both techn 8ues re8u res alter n& the surround n& space. 0nstead of concentrat n& on a locat on# the pract t oner s to focus on the spec f c deta l of a space that s to be found or chan&ed. Ds a result# f nd n& the necessary ob6ect (pro) ded th s techn 8ue has been mastered) s &uaranteed# but ma nta n n& the or & nal locat on .here the act on be& ns s not &uaranteed. 0f the &oal s to f nd an ob6ect .h le rema n n& n the present locat on# use the spec al ,ed techn 8ues descr bed later on: techn 8ues that chan&e only a port on of the phase space. Fi di 1 b' ,alli 1 a Na)e Th s techn 8ue s only used to f nd l ) n& ob6ects. The pract t oner must call a person or an an mal by name to cause the an mate phase ob6ect to enter or appear nearby. The call should be loud# nearly a shout# other. se t . ll not al.ays .or+. Fenerally# t s often enou&h to pronounce a name se)eral t mes to ach e)e results. 0f the des red an mate ob6ect does not ha)e a name or the pract t oner does not +no. t# then any name or &eneral summon n& . ll do# l +e# 3Come here-5 Th s should be done

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.h le mentally focus n& on a clear person or an mal.

ma&e of the des red

Fi di 1 b' I 0uir' To perform th s techn 8ue# approach any person n the phase and as+ h m (or her) .here to 8u c+ly f nd a des red ob6ect. Dn accurate s usually & )en stra &ht a.ay# and t should be follo.ed. Bo.e)er# to a)o d .ast n& t me# do not for&et to ment on that the ob6ect must be found 38u c+ly5# or spec fy that the ob6ect should be 3nearby5. Gur n& th s commun cat on# under no c rcumstances should there be a doubt about the accuracy of the nformat on# s nce other. se t may lead to a s mulat on of .hat s e1pected. The dra.bac+ of th s techn 8ue s that t re8u res the presence of an an mate person and &ood s+ ll at commun cat n& . th ob6ects n the phase# .h ch can pro)e d ff cult. Fi di 1 b' Tur i 1 Arou d 0n order to use th s techn 8ue# the pract t oner must concentrate and ma& ne that the re8u red ob6ect s located beh nd h s bac+# and after turn n& around he . ll actually see t there# e)en f t .as not there 6ust a moment earl er. Th s .or+s best f the pract t oner# pr or to turn n& around# has not seen the place .here the ob6ect s e1pected to appear. Fi di 1 Arou d a ,or er @hen approach n& any corner# concentrate and ma& ne that the re8u red ob6ect s 6ust around the corner. Then# after turn n& the corner# the ob6ect . ll be found. Dnyth n& that l m ts space ) s b l ty may be re&arded as a corner. Th s does not ha)e to be the corner of a house or another type of bu ld n&H t could be the corner of a .ardrobe# the corner of a truc+# etc.


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The dra.bac+ of th s techn 8ue s that t re8u res the a)a lab l ty of a suff c ently lar&e corner that bloc+s the ) e. of anyth n& around the other s de of t. Fi di 1 i t&e Ha d Th s techn 8ue s# n essence# only appl cable to f nd n& ob6ects that can f t n or be held by the hand. To perform th s techn 8ue# concentrate on the dea that the ob6ect s already n hand. Dt that moment# the pract t oner must not loo+ at t. *oon after be& nn n& to concentrate on th s dea# the pract t oner . ll at f rst feel a sl &ht sensat on of the ob6ect ly n& n h s hand# follo.ed by a full sensat on and appearance of the des red ob6ect. Fi di 1 b' Tra !)utatio Th s techn 8ue d storts the phase space .h le not completely d sen&a& n& a percept on of the space. The pract t oner must & )e stron& attent on to a thou&ht that a re8u red ob6ect s &o n& to appear n a des red locat on. There must be suff c ent conf dence that the pract t onerJs des res . ll be real ,ed. Dt th s moment# the process of metamorphos s . ll be& n: space . ll d stort and d m# and the re8u red ob6ect . ll be& n to man fest tself. Dfter th s# br &htness and focus . ll be restored . th necessary alterat ons made present n the phase space. Th s techn 8ue s relat )ely d ff cult to perform n compar son to others# and# therefore# t s better to use t only after a h &h le)el of e1per ence has been reached# as t s d ff cult to rema n n the phase dur n& any metamorph c process. Ds s e) dent n the name of th s techn 8ue# t can be used to f nd ob6ects and also create ne. ob6ects from found ob6ects.


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TYPI,A4 $ISTA6ES WITH TRANS4O,ATION AND FINDING O.AE,TS Dpply n& translocat on and ob6ect f nd n& techn 8ues . thout the precond t on of a steady phase. 0nsuff c ent concentrat on on a des re to tra)el to a locat on or to f nd an ob6ect. Goubt n& that results . ll be ach e)ed nstead of ha) n& complete conf dence. 'ass )e performance of the techn 8ues nstead of a stron& des re and h &h le)el of a&&ress on. For&ett n& to repeat translocat on or ob6ect f nd n& techn 8ues .hen the techn 8ue d d not .or+ or .or+ed ncorrectly dur n& the f rst attempt. Fett n& d stracted by e1traneous thou&hts dur n& the len&thy process of teleport n& . th eyes shut. Total concentrat on s re8u red at all t mes. Dpply n& the techn 8ue of teleportat on . th eyes open . thout ade8uate e1per ence. Fa l n& to mmed ately translocate .hen us n& the closed eyes techn 8ueH th s may nduce fly n& a la teleportat on techn 8ue. Floss n& o)er m nute deta ls or only obser) n& the broad features of a remote ob6ect .h le apply n& translocat on by concentrat on. D delayed des re to mo)e .h le translocat n& dur n& separat on. Dn nstantaneous des re to mmed ately mo)e s necessary. For&ett n& to f rst shut a door completely .hen us n& translocat on throu&h a doorH other. se# there . ll be contact . th .hat s already beh nd t. 2s n& a translocat on techn 8ue to &o throu&h a .all . thout +no. n& ho. to pass throu&h sol d ob6ects. 'ay n& too much attent on to the process of translocat on throu&h a .allH th s leads to be n& trapped n the .all.

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For&ett n& to shut the eyes .h le translocat n& d ) n& headf rst. The eyes should rema n closed unt l after the techn 8ue s complete. 0nsuff c ent nternal assoc at on . th an an mate ob6ect .h le f nd n& t by call n& ts name. Try n& to f nd an ob6ect ) a nterro&at on nstead of pass )ely commun cat n& . th l ) n& ob6ects of the phase. 2s n& d stant corners .hen apply n& the techn 8ue of f nd n& an ob6ect around the corner. Choose nearby corners to a)o d .ast n& prec ous tra)el t me. Dpply n& transmutat on techn 8ues . thout possess n& suff c ent e1per ence n mana& n& the phase space. EEER,ISES Que!tio !

$. @hat becomes poss ble . th the ab l ty to translocate n the phaseL !. @hat becomes poss ble . th the ab l ty to f nd ob6ects n the phaseL :. @hat do translocat on and f nd n& ob6ects techn 8ues ha)e n commonL 4. @hat s the sole l m tat on on the poss b l t es offered by translocat on and f nd n& ob6ectsL 9. Bo. may one translocate across )ery short d stancesL <. @hen may the techn 8ue of fl &ht by 6ump n& out of a . ndo. be attemptedL =. @hat should be done f translocat on and ob6ect f nd n& techn 8ues do not y eld the re8u red resultL >. 0s t poss ble to f nd a person from real l fe us n& the techn 8ue of f nd n& ob6ectsL ?. Goes the stab l ty of space decrease n a deep phaseL

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@hat are the fundamental components of space and ob6ect stab l tyL $$. Bo. lar&e s the role of aud tory percept on n the stab l ty of spaceL $!. @hat s most mportant .h le us n& a teleportat on techn 8ueL $:. @hat does speed of mo)ement depend on dur n& teleportat onL $4. *hould a no) ce apply the techn 8ue of teleportat on . th open eyesL $9. @hat techn 8ue m &ht the translocat on . th closed eyes techn 8ue turn ntoL $<. *hould lar&e or small deta ls be scrut n ,ed .h le translocat n& by concentrat on on remote ob6ectsL $=. 0s the techn 8ue of translocat on dur n& separat on appl ed after separat on or .h le be& nn n& to separateL $>. @hen apply n& the techn 8ue of translocat on throu&h a door: s t better f the door s open or closedL $?. @hy m &ht translocat on by pass n& throu&h a .all fa lL !". @hen us n& translocat on by d ) n&# s t mportant to be n a place .here there s someth n& to stand onL !$. @h le apply n& the techn 8ue of rotat on# should rotat on be ma& ned or realL !!. 0s t poss ble to use a translocat on techn 8ue to attempt f nd n& ob6ectsL !:. @hen us n& the techn 8ue of call n& by name# .hat should be done f the name of a des red person n the phase s un+no.nL !4. @h le loo+ n& for an ob6ect us n& the method of n8u ry# s t mportant to spec fy that the ob6ect needs to be found 38u c+ly5L !9. Bo. far bac+ must a turn occur .hen the techn 8ue of f nd n& ob6ects by turn n& s be n& usedL !<. @ould the corner of a fence be su table for apply n& the techn 8ue of f nd n& ob6ects around the cornerL !=. 0s t necessary to shut the eyes .h le us n& the transmutat on techn 8ueL

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Ta!k! $. Ged cate the ne1t three phases to e1per ments . th translocat on techn 8ues# us n& all of them and tra)el n& .here)er you .ant. !. Dfter e1per enc n& three phases ded cated to translocat on# select the techn 8ues that .or+ best for you. :. Gur n& the ne1t phase# tra)el to the E ffel to the %oon# and to the homes of some of your relat )es. 4. Ged cate the ne1t three phases to e1per ments . th the full ran&e of techn 8ues for f nd n& ob6ects# nclud n& translocat on techn 8ues. 9. Dfter three phases ded cated to f nd n& ob6ects# select the techn 8ues that you are most comfortable . th. <. 0n the ne1t phase that you e1per ence# f nd your mother# and then at the same locat on locate th s te1tboo+# a red &lobe# and a &reen rose.


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,&a*ter 3@ M A**licatio

THE ESSEN,E OF APP4I,ATIONS OF PHASE STATES 'hase percept on n t ally causes so much emot on and )ar ety of e1per ence that the pract t oner s often not concerned . th the 8uest on of ho. the phase m &ht be purposefully used. The cr t cal 8uest on of appl cat on becomes e)en more cruc al as e1per ence ncreases. Dppl cat on of the phase becomes more ) ) d a&a nst the bac+&round of understand n& ho. the phenomenon can pro) de a means of &a n n& nformat on and ne. e1per ences. *ome approach the phase pract ce . th a predeterm ned &oal# un nterested n anyth n& else. @ th a spec f c &oal# the problem of .here the &oal came from m &ht ar se# as the phase phenomenon s .rapped n a th c+ layer of pre6ud ces and stereotypes# .h ch often ha)e no bear n& on the real ty. The pr mary purpose of th s chapter s to prec sely separate real ty from f ct on. 0ts second purpose s to pro) de a deta led descr pt on of .hat may be obta ned from the pract ce of phase e1per ences. E)ery pro)en and access ble pract cal appl cat on of the phase s based on three 8ual t es: a) appl cat on founded on the phaseJs ab l ty to s mulate any ob6ect and any space . th any propert es and funct onsH b) appl cat on based on the opportun ty to connect . th the subconsc ous m nd n order to obta n nformat onH c) appl cat on based on the phaseJs ab l ty to mpact a pract t onerJs phys olo&y. %ost mportantly# noth n& descr bed n th s chapter s d ff cult to ach e)e. Dny appl cat on may be ach e)ed dur n&

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the )ery f rst phase f a pract t oner mana&es to focus and apply the appropr ate techn 8ues for translocat on or f nd n& ob6ects. Re&ardless of .hether the pract t oner adheres to a myst cal or pra&mat c .orld) e.# a full ran&e of access s nherently poss ble. 'oss ble appl cat ons of the phenomenon certa nly e1ceed the scope of descr pt ons related throu&h th s chapter. 0t s poss ble that other appl cat ons s mply ha)e not been pro)en yet# and# so far# the correct methods of pract c n& these are st ll un+no.n. Only the pract t oner may determ ne the l m ts of poss b l ty . th n the phase. Of course# common sense should be appl ed 4 other. se# t .ould be lo& cally and psycholo& cally d ff cult to d sen&a&e m sconcept ons. The goal of this book is to provide a real (though ini al$ foundation that is fir and unyielding, whatever the circu stance. /f the practitioner follows a strict approach to practice, it will be uch ore difficult to beco e lost during further practical and theoretical studies. APP4I,ATIONS .ASED ON SI$/4ATION %any .onder about the nature of the phase state n relat on to the bra n# .e. .hether or not the phase s all n oneJs head. But n the conte1t of apply n& the phase# th s s not a )al d concern. 'ercept on of the ent re phys cal en) ronment s performed throu&h sensory or&ans. 0n the phase# percept on s the same# somet mes e)en more real st c. @hether e)eryth n& descr bed n th s chapter occurs n real ty or s merely s mulated ma+es no d fference n terms of the encountered sensat ons. Tra#eli 1 Around the world? 0t s poss ble to reach any po nt of the planet# and t s part cularly nterest n& to re) s t places .here the pract t oner once l )ed or ) s ted# and ) s t

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places that the pract t oner has a stron& des re to ) s t. E)ery s &ht and beauty of the Earth become access ble# be t the E ffel or an sland n Ocean a# the 'yram ds of E&ypt# or Dn&el Falls. Through Outer Space? Dlthou&h human+ nd s not &o n& to reach %ars any t me soon# any pract t oner may stand on ts surface and e1per ence ts un 8ue landscape throu&h the use of translocat on n the phase. There s noth n& more ama, n& than obser) n& &ala1 es and nebulae# planets# and stars from the )anta&e po nt of deep space. Of all phase appl cat ons a)a lable# th s one pro) des pract t oners . th the most str + n& aesthet c e1per ences. To different places in ti e? Th s ma+es t poss ble to ) s t a ch ldhood# to see .hat a person . ll loo+ l +e n the futureH a pre&nant .oman n the phase may see .hat her ch ld . ll loo+ l +e. Tra)el far bac+ n t me and . tness the construct on of the 'yram ds at F ,a# see 'ar s n the $=th century# .ander amon& the d nosaurs of the Iurass c per od. Through different worlds? Tra)el a .orld that has been descr bed n l terature or 6ust n)ented by the pract t oner# de)eloped n the ma& nat on. These could be e1traterrestr al c ) l ,at ons# parallel .orlds# or un )erses from fa ry tales and f lms. Dny dest nat on s nearby. E cou ter! <ith relatives? * nce relat )es cannot al.ays see each other# there s the remar+able poss b l ty to meet each other and tal+ n the phase. Of course# th s does not enta l mutual presence. 0t s enou&h for one person to possess the re8u red des re 4 the second person may ne)er e)en +no.. Real , n& the des re to contact a close relat )e and e1chan&e nformat on s a treasure. <ith ac0uaintances? C rcumstances often pre)ent see n& people .ho are mportant. Th s s an opportun ty to real ,e a des re and f nally meet that certa n person a&a n.

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<ith the dead? Re&ardless of the nature of the phase phenomenon# noth n& else y elds the poss b l ty to see# tal+ to# and embrace a deceased lo)ed one. These are ) ) d# personal e1per ences# access ble to e)eryone# and ach e) n& these encounters does not re8u re ma6or d ff culty. Coura&e s the only necess ty. From a techn 8ue4 related po nt of ) e.# a stable phase and appl cat on of the f nd n& ob6ects techn 8ue sets the sta&e for .hat at f rst may seem mposs ble. 0t should be noted that .hen a deceased person s encountered n the phase# the d stort ons caused by the ob6ect f nd n& techn 8ue may lead to some )ery undes rable occurrences. <ith celebrities? Throu&h the use of ob6ect f nd n& techn 8ues# a pract t oner has the opportun ty to meet any famous person. Th s could be a h stor cal persona# a contemporary pol t c an# or an art st. 0n the phase state# they are all access ble for any type of nteract on. For e1ample# a pract t oner could meet Iul us Caesar# Iesus Chr st# 7apoleon# Church ll# *tal n# B tler# El) s 'resley# %ar lyn %onroe# and a &reat many others. Reali9i 1 De!ire! E)eryone has dreams. Re&ardless of .hether they e)er come true n real ty# the r real ,at on may at least be en6oyed n the phase. *ome dream of a ) s t to (as Ve&as# some to dr )e a Ferrar # some ) s t Outer *pace# others .ould l +e to bathe n a p le of money# and some des re se1ual e1per ences . thout l m ts. Dll of these may f nally be e1per enced n the phase. Alter ati#e to t&e Birtual World 0n the phase# youn& men may part c pate n &ame battles as f the battles .ere real. D pract t oner can ) s t unusual .orlds and places .h le en6oy n& completely real st c sensat ons# feel a .eapon n h s hands# and e)en the smell of &unpo.der. 0f des red# e)en the sensat on of battle

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.ounds may be e1per enced. Fam n& poss b l t es n the phase are not l m ted by the of a m croprocessor# but the e1tent of a pract t onerJs ma& nat on. APP4I,ATIONS .ASED ON ,ONTA,T WITH THE S/.,ONS,IO/S $IND 0f obta n n& access to nformat on n the phase seems natural from a myst cal or esoter c po nt of ) e. ( n l &ht of )ar ous f elds of nformat on and other such phenomena)# then ho. .ould t be for a mater al st .ho doesnEt e)en bel e)e n such th n&sL Dssume that the phase state s 6ust an e1cept onally unusual state of bra n and that percept on . th n t s no more than an unusually real st c play of ts funct ons. Dssume that a pract t oner n the phase dec des to tra)el to a forest. To do so# the translocat on . th closed eyes techn 8ue s used# and# as a result# a forest appears. @hat happens f the ) s on conta ns )ery deta led +no.led&e of forests# .hat forests cons st of# and .here forests or & nateL The bra n creates a hyper4real st c space super or to that of e)eryday real ty# cons st n& of m ll ons of blades of &rass# lea)es# hundreds of trees# and a mult tude of sounds. Each blade of &rass has depth and bu ld# not 6ust a po nt. Each leaf also cons sts of component parts. D un 8ue# natural pattern ma+es up the bar+ of each tree. *uddenly# a . nd be& ns to blo. throu&h the forest# and m ll ons of lea)es and blades of &rass# follo. n& a mathemat cal model of the propa&at on of a r masses# be& n osc llat n& n a .a)el +e fash on. Thus# a certa n resource ns de us s capable n mere seconds not only of creat n& m ll ons of deta ls n the des red scene# but also to control each of those deta ls nd ) duallyE)en f the phase s 6ust a state of m nd# th s does not mean that there are no sources of nformat on . th n t. The m nd possesses &reat comput n& ab l ty and s e8u pped to

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ma& ne the full e1tent of the mposs ble. 7o computer# ho.e)er po.erful# s capable of s m lar feats. D pract t oner s able to someho. tap nto ama, n& resources .h le n the phase. 0t only rema ns to learn e1actly ho. to ach e)e mastery. 0t s poss ble that the phase space s &o)erned by the subconsc ous m nd. Th s means that the pract t oner s able to contact the subconsc ous .h le n the phase state. Gur n& e)eryday l fe# the subconsc ous m nd sends nformat on based on calculat ons determ ned by enormous capab l t es. Bo.e)er# humans ne ther hear nor perce )e these s &nals because people are accustomed to rece ) n& nformat on l n&u st cally. The subconsc ous m nd hardly operates . th n the l m tat ons of lan&ua&e. Commun cat on . th the subconsc ous m nd on a consc ous le)el s only poss ble . th n the phase. 0f all phase ob6ects are created and controlled by the subconsc ous m nd# then t s poss ble to use them as translators. For e1ample# .hen tal+ n& to a person n the phase# normal .ords are heard .h le the ob6ect and commun cated nformat on s controlled by the subconsc ous m nd.


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Dn e1planat on of ho. nformat on s obta ned n the phase can hardly be une8u )ocally pro)en. 'erhaps there are other und sco)ered resources. But that s not so mportant. The most mportant th n& s def n tely +no.n: ho. to obta n nformat on n the phase. The al&or thm for obta n n& nformat on from the phase s not comple1. Dfter enter n& the phase# only the techn 8ues for obta n n& nformat on and the methods of )er fy n& t need to be learned n order to ncrease the amount of +no.led&e &leaned from the phase. Based on the pra&mat c e1planat on of the nature of the phase as an unusual state of bra n controlled by the subconsc ous# t may be assumed that the amount of nformat on obta ned n the phase s l m ted. 0f the phase e1 sts . th n the conf nes of the bra n# then the bra n can only operate on data that has been rece )ed by t s nce b rth. 0ndeed# t appears that e)eryth n& perce )ed throu&h the sensory or&ans s remembered and correlated . th other data. Th s s true not only of the percept ons .e are a.are of# .h ch compr se only a small fract on of total sensory nput# but also the enormous )olumes of nformat on re& stered at the subconsc ous le)el. 0f any e)ent s actually a conse8uence of other e)ents# .h ch .ere# n turn# also conse8uences of pre) ous happen n&s# then noth n& occurs by chance. The n t al data s +no.n 4 therefore t s poss ble to calculate .hat s mpl ed by t. Ds a result# f e)eryth n& s based solely on the resource of the subconsc ous m nd# then nformat on may be obta ned about e)eryth n& that s related to an nd ) dual l fe: the pract t onerJs e1per ences and the e1per ences of those . th .hom the pract t oner e1per ences l fe. Both our o.n future and past# and the future and past of others can be f &ured out. Dll n all# n order to approach +no. n& the .hole of the nformat on a)a lable n the phase# personal +no.led&e capac ty .ould need to ncrease by $"" or e)en $#""" t mes.

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The only nformat on that s not a)a lable n the phase s that about .h ch the subconsc ous m nd does not ha)e any prel m nary nformat on. For e1ample# .here to purchase a . nn n& lottery t c+et that . ll . n m ll ons of dollars cannot be learned s nce there s no data that could support the necessary calculat on. The subconsc ous m nd . ll also not be able to sho. the pract t oner .hat a random street n a small to.n on the other end of the Earth loo+s l +e. D pract t oner should not try &uess n& .hat nformat on the subconsc ous m nd has to offer and .hat t doesnJt because m sta+es are eas ly made. For e1ample# f a pract t oner has ne)er been to 'ar s and ne)er seen the E ffel t m &ht be assumed that the pract t onerJs subconsc ous m nd +no.s noth n& about t e ther. Bo.e)er# o)er the course of h s l fe# h s m nd has already rece )ed an enormous 8uant ty of nformat on about t from p ctures# photo&raphs# stor es# ) deos# boo+s# and so forth. There are three bas c techn 8ues for obta n n& nformat on n the phase. Each of them has ts ad)anta&es and d sad)anta&es that must be stud ed and learned before use. A i)ate ObNect! Tec& i0ue To perform th s method of obta n n& nformat on# the pract t oner# n a full deep phase# must locate a person by techn 8ues for f nd n& ob6ects and procure the necessary nformat on from that person throu&h the use of s mple 8uest ons. 0f the re8u red nformat on s l n+ed to a certa n person# then that person should be located n the phase. 0f the nformat on s not related to anyone n part cular# then t s poss ble to create a un )ersal nformat on source# .h ch must be assoc ated . th . sdom and +no.led&e. For e1ample# th s could be a . se recluse# a .ell4+no.n ph losopher# or a &uru. The ad)anta&e of th s techn 8ue s that t s easy to pose add t onal 8uest ons and t s also eas er to )er fy .hate)er nformat on s obta ned. D dra.bac+ of th s techn 8ue s that#

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for many# t s d ff cult to commun cate . th l ) n& ob6ects n the phase because of an ob6ectJs unrespons )eness or a pract t onerJs problems . th ma nta n n& the phase .h le tal+ n& . th ob6ects. I a i)ate ObNect! Tec& i0ue 2se techn 8ues for f nd n& ob6ects n order to locate nformat on from sources l +e nscr pt ons# boo+s# or ne.spapers. @h le try n& to locate the source of nformat on# remember to concentrate on a bel ef that .hat s found . ll ha)e the des red nformat on. *ource types are not l m ted to paper med aH e)en rad os or tele) s ons may be .atched or l stened to# and computer search en& nes and f le systems also may produce results. D hu&e dra.bac+ of th s techn 8ue s that cons derable compl cat ons ar se f an add t onal or a follo.4up 8uest on emer&es# .h ch may cause the pract t oner to ha)e to stop and repeat the search n& process. The ups de to th s techn 8ue s that f a pract t oner has problems commun cat n& . th an mate ob6ects# th s techn 8ue can temporar ly ser)e as a reasonable alternat )e. E*i!ode Tec& i0ue 0n order to rece )e nformat on us n& th s method# ma& ne an e)ent or ser es of e)ents that . ll commun cate the des red nformat on. Then# mo)e to the area .here predeterm ned e)ents are e1pected to ta+e place by us n& translocat on techn 8ues. Dfter arr ) n& at the dest nat on# use ) sual obser)at on to understand .hat s ta+ n& place and the nformat on that the e)ents are commun cat n&. The ep sode techn 8ue s su table only for cases .here nformat on can be obta ned by obser)at on. Gow to verify the infor ationN The techn 8ues for rece ) n& nformat on n the phase are not comple1 and pro)e successful after 6ust a fe. attempts. Bo.e)er# as .as already ment oned earl er# the propert es of phase spaces that do not

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fall under the cate&ory of ) ) d percept on are not part cularly stable 4 not only n terms of appearance# but also n terms of the r propert es. Correctness of nformat on also depends on the ob6ects themsel)es. The problem rests n that the pract t oner may not be able to properly control the ob6ect n 8uest on and may rece )e false nformat on. Interesting Fact! The phase space is not everyday realityH therefore, it should not be treated with the nor al belief that every observation should be regarded as fact. E)en .hen a pract t oner has learned to f nd an mate and nan mate ob6ects . th an absence of doubt# there s st ll no &uarantee that the rece )ed nformat on s al.ays accurate. D fe. techn 8ue4related tr c+s are able to test an ob6ectJs ab l ty to spea+ the truth. For e1ample# an ob6ect can tal+ about someth n& . th absolute conf dence# but that does not mean that .hat t commun cates s all true. 0f doubt s e1per enced .h le f nd n& the ob6ect# then doubt may ha)e an effect on .hat the ob6ect says. Th s s .hy doubt must be a)o ded at all costs 4 althou&h be& nners are bound to n t ally ha)e problems . th th s. To determ ne .hether an ob6ect s able to & )e accurate nformat on# a control 0uestion should be as+ed. 0t essent ally cons sts of as+ n& some )ery s mple 8uest ons and obser) n& the ob6ectEs react on. For e1ample: CBo. much s t.o t mes t.oLC# C@hatEs my nameLC# CBo. old am 0LC# and C@here do 0 l )eLC# and so on. 0f the ob6ect s unable to e)en such s mple 8uest ons correctly# then there s no sense n try n& to obta n further nformat on from t. The pract t oner must ha)e made comm tted some errors .hen creat n& the ob6ect. D proper ob6ect . ll rema n s lent or say that t does not +no. the to the control 8uest on.

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Dfter any nformat on s obta ned# t must be conf rmed. Th s s done by means of a clarifying 0uestion. The pract t oner needs to as+ the ob6ect .here the nformat on came from to f nd out the deta ls that offer proof of the nformat onJs authent c ty n the real .orld. The ob6ect may also be as+ed the same 8uest ons more than once# pro) ded they are re.orded. The ans.ers to re.orded 8uest ons must be dent cal. Remember# the more mportant the nature of the nformat on and the more ser ous act on t mpl es# the more effort needs to be n)ested n )er fy n& t n the real .orld s nce a certa n percenta&e of the nformat on s bound to be ncorrect desp te correct performance of nformat on4related techn 8ues. Dpproach n& the obta nment of nformat on . th as s mple 8uest ons as poss ble s also e1tremely mportant. The s mpler the nformat on that needs to be found out# the better. Ds soon as a phaser becomes able to do th s n h s pract ce# he can mo)e on to more d ff cult and more mportant tas+s. ThereEs no sense n be& nn n& such e1per ments . th someth n& ncred bly d ff cult. 0f a pract t oner s unable to count ho. many pa rs of shoes there are n h s foyer# then heEll hardly be able to f nd out ho. to become a m ll ona re. 0n add t on to e)eryth n& else# tEs mportant to cons der ho. spec f c the needed nformat on s. 'ract t oners 8u te often see+ ans.ers to totally )a&ue or abstract 8uest ons .h le n the phase# .h ch leads to a lac+ of success. The more spec f c the 8uest on# the &reater the odds of obta n n& an to t. For e1ample# t hardly ma+es sense to e1pect a spec f c and clear to a )a&ue and all4encompass n& 8uest on l +e# C.hat a.a ts me n the futureLC 0tEs many t mes better to as+ a 8uest on re&ard n& ho. to ach e)e some e1tremely spec f c &oal n the future. Other e1amples: nstead of Cho. do 0 &et a ra se at .or+LC as+ Cho. can 0 ma+e my current pro6ect as successful as poss bleLC 0nstead of Cho. do 0 &et healthyLC as+# Cho. do 0 &et r d of my headacheLC and so on.

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The ab l ty to obta n und storted nformat on from the phase s cons dered to be a masterful s+ ll of nearly the h &hest order. *o .here do problems occurL Ds has already been noted# obta n n& nformat on s not anyth n& d ff cult from a techn cal po nt of ) e. 4 t suff ces to &et nto the phase and f nd someth n& out from ob6ects or the phase space. 'roblems occur on a completely d fferent plane# one that s much more d ff cult for people to control 4 the plane of thou&ht# mood# and bel ef 4 both the superf c al and deep4 founded )ar ety. One of the most e1c t n& and nterest n& tas+s of on&o n& modern research s the study of ho. the phase space# ts propert es# and funct ons depend on the nternal mental bac+&round of the pract t oner. Th s tas+ s made part cularly clear by the follo. n& e1ample. Th s e1ample . ll assume that the phase space s controlled by the subconsc ous m nd. 0t . ll also assume that a pract t oner has &otten nto the phase us n& an nd rect techn 8ue and has rolled out of h s body .h le n h s bedroom. 0t turns out that the subconsc ous .as able to &enerate the ent re room alon& . th m ll ons of m nute deta ls . th e1act prec s on n a matter of seconds# perhaps n a mere fract on of a second. 2n ma& nable s the amount of computat on that had to occur n order to so 8u c+ly &enerate e)eryth n&# up to e)ery thread n the curta ns and e)ery dot of n+ on the .allpaper# . thout ) olat n& any la.s of phys cs. 0tEs d ff cult to e)en fathom. 7e1t# the pract t oner dec des to perform a .ell4+no.n test . th a calculator. To th s end# he needs to f nd that computat onal tool and punch n the numbers to be crunched. Be . ll then )er fy the calculatorEs n the real .orld. Dnd so# he uses the techn 8ue of f nd n& and f nds a calculator. Be f nds the real th n&# and not 6ust a mere representat on of t. Th s ob6ect# desp te ts s ,e# s 8u te compl cated 4 yet the phase creates t . th s n&ular accuracy and prec s on. Dll of ts l nes# buttons# and cur)es are &enerated 4 all much more accurately than could e)er be dra.n. %oreo)er# th s calculator can e)en be ta+en apart# and

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ts nternal components may be e1am ned. E)eryth n& here s &enerated n only an nstant. But then the trouble starts. The pract t oner mult pl es ! by ! and &ets some odd result# e.&.: D':49B# 9LeE=4"4=... etc. That s# the result s anyth n& but the correct product. D parado1 cal s tuat on no. ar ses: the subconsc ous m nd &enerates a space around the pract t oner# accurate to an mposs ble de&ree and up to the m nutest deta l. Bo.e)er# th s )ery same subconsc ous m nd s unable to mult ply s mple numbers to&ether# a s mple math problem that the pract t oner h mself can sol)e . th n a second. GoesnEt th s s tuat on seem stran&eL Dctually# not at all. The phase space and ts comput n& resources are not at ssue here. For the phase# th s calculat on s not d ff cult at all. Th s s really a mere tr fle for the resource that the pract t oner has at h s d sposal# e)en f he h mself has d ff cult es . th mult pl cat on tables. The cru1 of the problem l es n the m nd of the pract t oner .hen he s perform n& th s & )en test. Be may s mply lac+ conf dence (and th s doubt . ll be reflected n the result). 0n add t on# there may be a mass of other thou&hts and feel n&s &o n& throu&h h s head# .h ch may br n& all of h s efforts to nau&ht. For some reason# t somet mes seems that a s m lar phenomenon perta ns not only to the phase# but also to the e)eryday phys cal .orld... D 8u te s m lar s tuat on ar ses . th the techn 8ue of translocat on n the phase . th eyes closed. 0t s enou&h to th n+ of someth n& e1traneous# enou&h to ha)e some doubt n the outcome of the fl &ht# and that fl &ht . ll then ta+e much lon&er# or e)en e6ect one nto a d fferent place# or s mply return one bac+ to the phys cal body. The )ery same mechan sms and systems are at play .hen obta n n& nformat on. @h le . th teleportat on tEs enou&h to translocate se)eral t mes n order to understand the essence the sou&ht# or to feel t# more protracted problems may de)elop . th obta n n& nformat on.

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One of the pro)en propert es of the phase state s that ts stab l ty and stead ness are d rectly proport onal to those of the person e1per enc n& the sensat ons t offers. For th s reason# the e1ternal character st cs of ob6ects tend to be )ery stable and unchan& n&. For e1ample# one cannot put oneEs arm throu&h a .all .hen n a deep phase. But at the same t me# the propert es and n) s ble funct ons of those same ob6ects can be )ery unstable and sens t )e to any mental d sturbance. That s .hy t s d ff cult to nstantly e)aporate .ater or turn t nto blue br c+ .h le n the phase# but .ater can eas ly be turned nto )od+a 4 a transubstant at on accompan ed by chan&e not only n taste and smell# but e)en n propert es .h ch affect the m nd of a person .ho dr n+s t. Dfter all# .ater and )od+a ha)e the same out.ard appearance# but only d ffer n terms of propert es. Dnd 6ust as .ell# an ob6ect created n the phase for the purpose of obta n n& nformat on s e1tremely dependent on the nternal state of the pract t oner. D polluted m nd muffles 6ust .hat the pract t oner .ants to learn# and bloc+s .hat phase ob6ects could eas ly con)ey to h m. For that )ery reason# a pract t oner des r n& to obta n nformat on n the phase should remember one mportant th n&: one must be not only e1ternally# but also nternally as nd fferent as poss ble to the nformat on one obta ns. 0n parallel . th th s# t s necessary to ha)e full and complete conf dence that e)eryth n& . ll .or+. Other. se# the ob6ect . ll )ac llate bet.een .hat one .ants to hear and .hat one s afra d to hear# nstead of a s mple transm ss on of nformat on occurr n&. Th s problem s o)ercome n lar&e measure throu&h pract ce# but there are some tr c+s that fac l tate th s tas+. The s mplest of these s as follo.s: the pract t oner as+s the ob6ect h s 8uest on ne ther po nt4blan+ nor r &ht a.ay# but une1pectedly dur n& con)ersat on on a s de top c. Th s approach s mply allo.s the pract t oner to rela1 and rema n nd fferent to .hat s happen n&# f at least for a short .h le.


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,REATIBE DEBE4OP$ENT *urely# any creat )e person read n& th s te1tboo+ has had deas occur more than once re&ard n& the broad poss b l t es of us n& th s phenomenon for art st c and cultural purposes. Dnd ndeed# t s d ff cult to ma& ne any l m tat ons n th s f eld. 0n add t on to there be n& no boundar es from a techn cal standpo nt# there are also no l m ts re&ard n& the type of creat )e output. The art st# the mus c an# the sculptor# and the des &ner . ll all be able to apply the pract ce of the phase to the r purposes. The e1per ences offered by the pract ce of the phase are suff c ent n and of themsel)es. They ndeed allo. one to &a n access to the &ush n& founta n of nsp rat on that s the human ma& nat on.

)reating works of art? 2s n& the methods of ob6ect f nd n& or translocat on# an art st c pract t oner can purposefully see+ an ob6ect n the phase that may be composed n real l fe. 0f necessary# t s poss ble to eas ly return to study an ob6ect n the phase. For e1ample# a pa nter may f nd a stunn n& landscape and put t to can)as n the real .orld .h le per od cally return n& to the same landscape n the phase. 9iewing future co pleted works of art? 0f an art st s n the process of real , n& an dea# then a prel m nar ly loo+ at the end result of a des &n may be seen n the phase. D pa nter can e1am ne a pa nt n& n ad)anceH a sculptor may see a completed sculpture# and an arch tect . ll be able to .ander throu&h a house that s st ll n the early sta&es of des &n. Dny creat )e .or+ can be s mulated n the phase. A source of inspiration and fantasy? The phase pract ce mparts deas and des res that pos t )ely affect creat )e endea)ors. Furthermore# the real ,at on of des res and tra)els throu&h unusual spaces e)o+e &reat emot ons# .h ch pro) de e1cellent nsp rat on.

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The dea of employ n& the phase to model creat )e output s ob) ous# as absolutely e)eryth n& may be created n th s state. The art st may create a landscape that he s only 6ust prepar n& to pa nt# or has already part ally s+etched out. Th s & )es h m an opportun ty to assess the result n ad)ance# and ntroduce any chan&es as necessary. Or he may re) e. all of the landscapes that he ntends to pa nt# and then choose the most prom s n& one to start .or+ on. Or# he can s multaneously e1am ne all the landscapes that he has e)er seen# as the phase space eas ly reproduces them for h m n f ne deta l. Th s poss b l ty offered by the phase s 8u te useful for the mus c an# as t allo.s h m to create mus cal scores of any comple1 ty# nclud n& those ma+ n& use of an orchestra or chorus# .hose members can led be eas ly and freely# . thout .orry n& about ho. d ff cult t s to do th s or that# and . thout ha) n& to a)o d o)er4stra n n& those mus c ans .ho must comply to h s e)ery demand. Dlso# he does not ha)e to .orry about .hether the orchestra# for e1ample# . ll able to mmed ately play the notes 6ust as he .ants# because the output . ll al.ays comply . th h s . shes. 7aturally# to th s end the student must f rst master ho. to control the phase# but s that really an obstacleL D sculptor or an arch tect can eas ly create anyth n& n the phase and re) e. t n e)ery deta l# and thus ha)e an ad)ance opportun ty to unco)er any .ea+ aspects of h s des &n. ThereEs no po nt n descr b n& ho. art sts of e)ery med um can ma+e use of the propert es of the phase# because such people can f &ure out those uses for themsel)es. 2ndoubtedly# an art st .or+ n& n any med um can f nd someth n& there for h mself. 0t must also be emphas ,ed that .or+s of art created n the phase state .onEt d sappear That s# there s no need to .orry about recast n& .or+s of art already created n pre) ous phase e1per ences. They are preser)ed there fore)er# and can al.ays be found there a&a n. 0n other .ords# any and all nformat on can be stored . th perfect f del ty.

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The only th n& a creat )e person may ha)e to .orry about s ho.# n the real .orld# to reproduce those .onderful masterp eces that he creates so eas ly n the phase. The fact s that the phase space s much more po.erful than our .a+ n& consc ous a.areness 4 that s# our capab l t es are much reduced dur n& .a+ n& l fe. Bo.e)er# there . ll al.ays be a chance to &o bac+ nto the phase and .or+ out the deta ls. 0n essence# e)eryth n& s l m ted only by our pr m t )e memory# .h ch s often unable to recall such lar&e amounts of nformat on dur n& .a+ n& l fe. SPORTS 0n many spheres of human act ) ty# s+ ll at comple1 phys cal mo)ements s 8u te mportant 4 somet mes e)eryth n& can depend on t. %ean.h le# motor s+ lls are the most mportant factor n the ma6or ty of sports# from mart al arts of any + nd to fenc n&# &ymnast cs# .e &htl ft n&# f &ure s+at n&# and so on. 0n many .ays# play n& these sports depends on learn n& to perform certa n mo)es automat cally. Dnd so# &ymnasts perform somersaults or some other feat do,ens of t mes o)er the course of a tra n n& sess on# and bo1ers de)ote half of the r .or+outs for months on end to pract c n& one and the same punch. For such people# there s one add t onal type of mo)ement tra n n& that may be performed n the phase. The potent al for such tra n n& n the phase may not n t ally be ob) ous# but mo)ement n the phase sets off the same bra n act ) ty as t does n .a+efulness# only ner)e mpulses are not sent to the muscles. Dccord n&ly# any mo)ement that has been .ell pract ced n the phase . ll rema n almost e8ually .ell pract ced n the real .orld. Th s phenomenon allo.s the tra n n& rout ne to be supplemented# or e)en subst tuted .hen n6ured or unable to tra n for any reason.


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Of course# one . ll ne)er become an Olymp c champ on by tra n n& e1clus )ely n the phase# but do n& so s st ll e1tremely effect )e. 0t turns out that pract t oners of East Ds an mart al arts are espec ally dra.n to the phase. Thus# many +arate enthus asts e ther perfect techn 8ues .h le n the phase# or s mulate &o n& up a&a nst stron&er r )als. E)en more nterest n&ly# some f nd .orld4reno.ned masters for personal nstruct on. Espec ally popular phase tra ners are *te)en *ea&al# Iac+ e Chan and# of course# Bruce (ee. *port n the phase can be comb ned . th the techn 8ue for obta n n& nformat on# .h ch s descr bed n th s boo+. The student can use that )ery techn 8ue to f nd out e1actly ho. to tra n# and .h ch technolo& es and opportun t es can be ta+en ad)anta&e of n order to mpro)e and become more successful at a & )en sport. Th s assumes# of course# that the student plays sports# someth n& al.ays recommended.

THE PHASE - AN A4TERNATIBE TO NAR,OTI,S @hen n search of ne. sensat ons and add n& color to l fe# a pract t oner can fully counter any ncl nat on to ta+e narcot c substances. The phase s essent ally an ndependent and safe .ay to ha)e far more po.erful e1per ences than could be had us n& any narcot c. The same may also part ally apply to alcohol# as nterest n t m &ht be d slod&ed by self4 de)elopment throu&h the phase. The opportun ty to use narcot cs .h le n the phase and ha)e the same sensat ons and e1per ences m &ht also ser)e as a .ay &et out of a dru& hab t n real l fe. E)en more press n& s the need for the phase to ma+e nroads nto myst cal schools .hose pract ces are often much based on )ar ous herbal or chem cal substances. 'eople often do not scorn controlled substances n the pursu t of Cpersonal de)elopmentC# Csp r tsC# or C&ett n& n touch . th the r h &her

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sel)esC. Bo.e)er# th s s nearly al.ays due to the s mple reason that such people are s mply una.are of the e1 stence of other methods for e1per enc n& a profoundly altered state of consc ousness. Tal+ . th any myst c burned4out by the use of )ar ous po.ders# tablets# &rasses# cact # or mushrooms# and theyEll freely adm t that they .ould ne)er ha)e underta+en such e1per mentat on f they had +no.n that there are s mple and eas ly4access ble phase entrance techn 8ues. 'eople ha)e &ro.n accustomed to the bel ef that anc ent shamans and %a& +ne. someth n& spec al and that the r techn 8ues .ere 8u te ad)anced. Bo.e)er# n nearly e)ery culture they man fested the r ab l t es nearly e1clus )ely than+s to the use of )ar ous st mulants. They .ere essent ally al.ays ta+ n& the easy route of de&radat on# nterpret n& narcot c4fueled halluc nat ons nstead of the pursu n& the + nd of personal de)elopment that modern people str )e for. 2nfortunately# lac+ of . despread +no.led&e re&ard n& nd rect techn 8ues for enter n& phase states has led to a s tuat on .here a mar+et has formed n the @est for chem cal substances for the pract c n& the phase. E)en thou&h success s &uaranteed ?"; of the t me .hen correctly perform n& nd rect techn 8ues# people are ndoctr nated to bel e)e that e1per ences are not a matter of techn 8ue or method# but rather of the presence or absence of some substance or another n the body. Ds a result# purely psycholo& cal dependence on the use of such substances de)elops# and pro&ress us n& techn 8ues to enter the phase s stunted. There canEt be any tal+ of a real pract ce at an ad)anced le)el .hen any au1 l ary substances are be n& used. The most mportant character st c of the phase s the fact that t can be ach e)ed ndependently. /NPROBEN EFFE,TS


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'eople often approach the pract ce of )ar ous phase states . th deep4rooted m sconcept ons about .hat can actually be ach e)ed throu&h pract ce. E)eryth n& l sted n th s sect on refers to these m sconcept ons. 0t has not been pro)en that any of these th n&s s mposs bleH ho.e)er# act ons should be based on pro)en and )er f ed methods n order to a)o d ma+ n& m sta+es and .ast n& t me. =hysical e4it? 0f the f rst e1per ence . th the phase phenomenon happens by acc dent# t s almost mposs ble not to nterpret t as a real separat on of the soul from the body K a phys cal e1 t. Th s s ho. the n t al phase e1per ence really feels. @ th e1per ence t becomes eas ly not ceable that certa n th n&s n real ty do not match th n&s n the phase# l +e the placement of ob6ects or furn ture n the house .here a phase s f rst encountered. 7o actual phys cal e1 t from the body has e)er been pro)en throu&h sc ent f c e1per mentat on and obser)at on. For e1ample# n the phase# t s not poss ble to fly around to locat ons n phys cal .orld# althou&h t may seem soH the locat ons that are e1per enced are produced . th n the m nd. 7or s t poss ble to p nch someone n the phase and then to f nd a bru se on the person .h le n real ty. Other worlds? The phase space s s m lar to the phys cal .orld# and a pract t oner may be ncl ned to th n+ that the soul has left the body. *omet mes the phase ta+es on an absolutely unnatural form. Ds a result# the pract t oner may dec de that a parallel .orld has been entered: the .orld beyond# the astral plane# mental space# or the ether. Dlthou&h tra)el n the phase can lead to many places# th s does not mean that the phase allo.s tra)el throu&h or use of actual# alternate .orlds. The pract t oner should be reasonable. 5evelop ent of super-abilities? 0t s part ally correct to cons der the pract ce of the phase as an e1trasensory ab l ty s nce t s an actual de)elopment of e1tremely unusual s+ lls that ha)e al.ays been cons dered myst cal. T mes ha)e

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chan&ed# and the phase should hardly be shuttled off to the esoter c# obscure corners of +no.led&e. There e1 sts an unpro)en theory that the pract ce of the phase can mpart unusual ab l t es. @h le l terature s full of references to th s effect# these ab l t es ha)e not yet been pro)en by anyone. The same appl es to ntent onally de)elop n& unusual ab l t es n the phase. Aes# these may be tra ned .h le n the phase# but th s does not mean that tra n n& n the phase . ll y eld the same results n the real .orld. 'ract ce should not be for the sa+e of ach e) n& super4 ab l t es s nce there are many pro)en appl cat ons that do translate to real ty n )aluable .ays. Be real st c. /SE OF THE PHASE .Y THE DISA.4ED @h le pract c n& the phase may st ll be ) e.ed by the ma6or ty as enterta nment or an element of self4de)elopment at best# phase pract ce ta+es on a .hole ne. mean n& for the phys cally d sabled. For them# the phase may be the only place .here the hand caps of real ty d ssol)e and d sabled pract t oners e1per ence a ran&e of poss b l ty &reater than that of the l fe e1per enced n real ty. D bl nd person . ll see a&a n n the phase# e)en more clearly than see n& people do n real ty. *omeone .ho s paraly,ed . ll be able .al+# run# and also fly. D deaf person . ll hear the murmur of streams and the ch rp n& of b rds. For the d sabled# the phase pract ce s a chance to d sco)er ne.# ncomparable .orlds free of phys cal l m tat on. 7aturally# there are some nuances that must be understood. F rst# for e1ample# f a person .as born bl nd# then there s the 8uest on as to .hether or not they .ould be able to see n the phase n the same .ay ord nary people see. Bo.e)er# th s ssue has not been fully stud ed# and bl nd people should s mply carry out the r o.n ndependent research. *econd# some types of d sab l t es can ne&at )ely affect the pract ce of the phase states. For e1ample# people

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.ho ha)e &one bl nd ha)e &reater d ff cultly catch n& the ntermed ate state bet.een sleep and .a+efulness s nce# unl +e see n& people# they may a.a+en . thout open n& the r eyes to the percept on of sound. Th rd# psycholo& cal factors may play a pronounced ne&at )e role. Certa n bel efs and att tudes that may present an obstacle. @hate)er the nd ) dual ssues# th s part cular area of phase appl cat ons re8u res add t onal study. 0t deser)es s &n f cant attent on because t s a )al d tool for the rehab l tat on of the d sabled. 0t s .or+able# un 8ue# and e1tremely surpr s n& n terms of the e1per ences that t offers. APP4I,ATIONS .ASED ON INF4/EN,ING PHYSIO4OGY =SHORT BERSION> There are three ma n elements that# . th the help of the phase# may nfluence the phys olo&y n )ery benef c al .ays. F rst# t s poss ble to contact the subconsc ous m nd to learn ho. to nfluence phys olo&y. *econd# the bra n reacts more stron&ly to sensat ons than to real e)ents. For e1ample# f runn n& .h le n the phase# the phys cal processes of the body .ould be cons stent . th the processes occurr n& n the body of a person runn n& n real ty: resp rat on accelerates# blood pressure ncreases# the heartbeat 8u c+ens# and e)en blood flo. to the feet becomes &reater. Th rd# .h le the pract t oner e1per ences profound chan&es of consc ousness n the phase# th s s .here all d rect and nd rect forms of autosu&&est on are most effect )e. 7ot all nfluences on phys olo&y are $""; effect )e. Bo.e)er# e)en . thout a &uaranteed rate of success# the effort to nfluence phys olo&y s .orthy of attent on because ama, n& results can be obta ned. Dl.ays remember that ach e) n& a &ood result may re8u re repeated nfluence from the phase. E)en n the phys cal .orld# med cat ons re8u re repeated n&est on.

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0f the &oal s to affect the course of a d sease# do not place all your hopes on the phase. The ser) ces of med cal doctors must be the f rst recourse. The more ser ous the llness# the more stron&ly th s rule appl es. Obtai i 1 I "or)atio 0nformat on on health problems may be obta ned us n& the same techn 8ues used for obta n n& nformat on. 0t s also poss ble to learn methods to remedy health problems# f such methods e1 st. Both of these poss b l t es apply to th rd part es be n& helped by efforts n the phase. 0nformat on &ather n& s the only pro)en .ay to nfluence the phys olo&y of other people by us n& the phase. For e1ample# t s poss ble to f nd a .ell4+no.n healer n the phase and as+ about personal health problems or the problems of a fr end or fam ly member. D clar f ed may be used n the ass stance of trad t onal med cal treatment. Atte tio "ro) Doctor! F nd a doctor n the phase by us n& the techn 8ue of f nd n& ob6ects and as+ the doctor to ta+e e1am ne or treat a +no.n llness or other health problem. For e1ample# n case of abdom nal pa ns the doctor may palpate the belly# apply pressure to )ar ous po nts# and perform a spec al massa&e. Dny act ons are poss ble# nclud n& an operat on. Dfter lea) n& the phase# the pract t oner . ll feel a pos t )e result. Taki 1 $edici e! The placebo effect s much stron&er n the phase than n real ty s nce all act ons occur n a h &hly mod f ed state of consc ousness and are perce )ed d rectly. Ob6ect locat n& techn 8ues may be used to f nd med cat ons used to treat e1 st n& problems. 0t s also poss ble to create self4made substances to produce the des rable effect. For e1ample# n case of an acute headache n real ty# a pract t oner may ta+e a pa n+ ller .h le n the phase and ts effect . ll be part ally felt n the .a+eful state.

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Direct E""ect Dn llness or problem may be d rectly affected by act ons n the phase. For e1ample# a sore throat may be .armed by en) s on n& a burn n& sensat on n the throat or by mo) n& to a hot locat on# l +e a sauna. 0f a pract t oner .ould l +e to ncrease phys cal fle1 b l ty# then stretch n& n the phase . ll cause the body to ad6ust to the none1 stent act on by rela1 n& and tens n& the correspond n& tendons and muscles. Pro1ra))i 1 Th s s noth n& more than normal autosu&&est on or auto4tra n n& n the phase# .h ch s more potent n the phase than real ty. D pract t oner should repeat a des red &oal s lently or aloud and# f poss ble# should ma& ne e1per enc n& the des red result. For e1ample# f the a m s to alle) ate depress on# a pract t oner should attempt to recreate a happy mood n the phase# e1per enc n& t to the fullest e1tent poss ble. * multaneously# s lent repet t on of a &oal . th complete understand n& and e1pectat on that e)eryth n& . ll be alr &ht and that e)eryth n& s .onderful . ll undoubtedly produce the des red effect. /!e"ul E+*erie ce! E)eryth n& . th useful propert es n real ty should be e1per enced as useful n the phase s nce the body . ll react n pract cally the same manner. 2seful e1per ences may nclude e1erc s n&# &o n& to the &ym# ha) n& a massa&e# ta+ n& mud or salt baths# and e1per enc n& pleasant emot ons. P!'c&olo1' 'ract c n& phase4related techn 8ues fa)orably affects the psycholo&y because t offers ne. opportun t es and e)o+es ne. emot ons. Bo.e)er# there are spec f c appl cat ons of the phase that produce d ffer n& psycholo& cal effects. For e1ample# t s poss ble to use the phase space as a br d&e for deal n& . th phob as by fac l tat n& a sett n& .here a

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pract t oner may confront and deal . th certa n fears. Var ous comple1es may be defeated n a s m lar manner. The use of a .ell4+no.n techn 8ue called re4) s t n& (recap tulat on)# .here a person re4e1per ences ad)erse e)ents .h le try n& to relate to them n a ne. .ay# has been used successfully n the phase. APP4I,ATIONS .ASED ON INF4/EN,ING PHYSIO4OGY =F/44 BERSION> Obtai i 1 i "or)atio Actions. The essence of th s techn 8ue s to obta n useful nformat on n the phase that can be appl ed to self4heal n&. The nformat on obta ned may perta n not only to act ons to be mplemented n real l fe# but also to act ons to be performed d rectly .h le n the phase. 0tEs poss ble to learn ho. to help another person# or learn .hat that other person needs to do to n order to o)ercome h s llness. For e1ample# f the pract t oner has some llness or other health4problem# he can learn n the phase .h ch med c nes .ould ha)e the best effect n the phys cal .orld# or .h ch act ons ta+en n the phase could help h m to reco)er from h s llness or affl ct on. Therapeutic indications. The therapeut c nd cat ons are endless. Ds the techn 8ue concerns obta n n& nformat on and +no.led&e# t can be used for any self4heal n& case# no matter .hat ts &ra) ty or )ar ety# and no matter .hether the ntent s to heal n real ty or .h le n the phase. (4a ple. For e1ample# a pract t oner has hurt h s le& .h le at .or+. ThereEs a bad pa nful bru se# and tEs ta+ n& a lon& t me to heal. Dnd so the 8uest on ar ses as to ho. to &et the bru se to start heal n& faster and become less pa nful. The pract t oner enters the phase and employs the techn 8ue for obta n n& nformat on throu&h an mate ob6ects# and to that end summons a sur&eon. Be br efly descr bes the problem and as+s for ad) ce. The sur&eon recommends that the pract t oner f rst &o for a short run n the phase n order to &et

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r d of the pa n or s mply stop feel n& t# and then# before return n& to real ty# smear some cool n&4a&ent onto the bru se and n6ect a lar&e dose of no)oca ne nto t. The phase sur&eon m &ht also ad) se h m to apply a compress us n& n&red ents that he had ne)er e)en thou&ht of# or ta+e a spec f c med c ne. The result s that all of the abo)e s mplemented both n the phase and n real ty# ach e) n& a result commensurate . th the 8ual ty of those act ons. (ffectiveness. Effect )eness ( n th s conte1t: the accuracy of +no.led&e obta ned throu&h the phase) s h &hly dependent on oneEs le)el of mastery 4 that s# on the ab l ty of the pract t oner h mself to obta n nformat on from the phase. For a no) ce# no more than !" to 4" percent of ad) ce obta ned may be accurate# but . th e1per ence that number may reach =" or e)en $"" percent. Cons der n& th s# t s ) tal to use the techn 8ues for )er fy n& obta ned nformat on. 5ifficulties. The ma n d ff culty . th th s type of heal n& us n& the phase l es n the fact that the pract t oner must posses an add t onal s+ ll: the ab l ty to obta n correct nformat on from the phase and# by corollary# the ab l ty to )er fy that nformat on. 0tEs usually necessary to s mply enter the phase# deepen t# and then perform the act ons one planned to do# all the .h le ma nta n n& the phase. But n th s case# e)eryth n& s much more d ff cult. The )ery accuracy of +no.led&e obta ned s h &hly dependent on ho. mpart al the pract t oner s to the nformat on he s rece ) n&# and ho. conf dent he s that he . ll be able to obta n accurate nformat on. Be should not ma+e the source of nformat on feel pressured to say .hat he .ants to hear. By do n& so# the pract t oner .ould cho+e off the flo. of accurate nformat on. 0tEs hard for the a)era&e person to Cturn4offC hab ts l +e th s . thout ser ous tra n n&# as e)eryone s accustomed to contemplat n& someth n& n the bac+ of oneEs m nd# or ha) n& some des red outcome for a con)ersat on. Accessibility. Of course# obta n n& nformat on n the phase for the purpose of heal n& s one of the most d ff cult

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processes of all# and so the no) ce s better off shy n& a.ay from t f he doesnEt ha)e a press n& need to &o throu&h . th the process. 2nl +e many other methods for heal n& throu&h the phase# t s necessary here to master the separate and d ff cult techn 8ue of obta n n& nformat on. Taki 1 )edici e! Actions. %ost people are a.are of the so4called placebo effect that occurs .hen su&ar4p lls adm n stered nstead of real pharmaceut cals .or+ 6ust as .ell as dru&s about one 8uarter of the t me. 0n the phase# th s feat can be pulled off much more mpress )ely and . th much &reater effect )eness# as not only may any p ll (or other dosa&e form) be &enerated# but ts effects can also be felt mmed ately. The phys cal body s mply has no other cho ce .hen t s & )en a p ll . th ascr bed propert es. Dll of th s forces the phys cal body to react to the e)ents ta+ n& place n the phase and recreate the effect n e)ery poss ble .ay n the pract t onerEs real4l fe or&an sm. Th s s a &reat method. The phys cal body s totally fooled# and forced to .or+ n a one .ay or another# sol)e a spec f c problem# or complete a certa n tas+. The +ey to understand n& ho. th s occurs l es n the follo. n& fact: the phys cal body reacts to all e1per ences n the phase state as f they .ere actually occurr n& n real ty# and attempts to phys cally adapt to phase e)ents by try n& to create the needed and h therto nsuff c ent effect. Th s s made clear by the follo. n& s mple lab e1per ment: .hen obser) n& a pract t oner .ho s runn n& .h le n the phase# chan&es n breath n& patterns are recorded# as s ncreased heart4rate# ele)ated blood4pressure# and e)en blood rush n& to the le&s. Dnd these are only e1ternal nd cators. Dlon& . th them come the same nternal endocr ne secret ons that .ould occur f the pract t oner .ere actually runn n& a race. These nternal processes can be understood throu&h the follo. n& e1ample: ta+ n& a shot of )od+a n the phase. One not only smells and tastes the )od+a# but also nstantly feels the correspond n& effect of

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ha) n& a shot# .h ch may part ally l n&er on after ha) n& returned to the .a+ n& state. But the )od+a may ha)e no nfluence f the pract t oner focuses on t ha) n& the same propert es as .ater. That s# the )od+a tself can thus lose ts natural propert es. Dnd so# .hen ta+ n& med c ne n the phase# one ou&ht try r &ht then and there to feel ts effect# and as ntensely as poss ble. For a lon& t me# there .as no e1planat on as to ho. ta+ n& med c ne n the phase n the form of placebos could be effect )e and .or+. Th s s espec ally cons der n& that the pract t oner +no.s that he s ta+ n& a placebo# no matter ho. ) ) d the sensat ons and react ons that accompany t. The came n late !"$" .hen yet another test on placebos .as performed at Bar)ard %ed cal *chool on pat ents suffer n& from rr table bo.el syndrome. The e1per ment .as un 8ue n that the pat ents +ne. that they .ere ta+ n& a placebo 4 that s# a su&ar p ll. 7e)ertheless# the &roup ta+ n& the pseudo4med c ne e1per enced nearly t. ce the symptom reduct on as the control &roup not & )en anyth n&. Dnd n a !""> Gu+e 2n )ers ty e1per ment on placebos# people .ere & )en fa+e pa n rel e)ers of supposedly d fferent pr ce ran&es. 0t turned out that the Ce1pens )eC pa n4+ llers .or+ed on >9; of test sub6ects# .h le the CcheapC ones .ere effect )e only for <$ percent. 0t s nterest n& to note not only the d fference n effect )eness bet.een the same su&ar p lls# but also that they .ere so effect )e to be& n . th. Th s e1per ment demonstrates that tEs actually better to ta+e .ell4 +no.n# .ell4ad)ert sed# and e1pens )e dru&s n the phase n order to obta n ma1 mum effect. The procedure for self4heal n& n the phase throu&h ta+ n& med c ne s as follo.s: the pract t oner must f nd (us n& the techn 8ues for f nd n& ob6ects) spec f c med c nes or create them# and then ta+e them n the usual .ay# act )ely try n& r &ht then and there to mmed ately feel the correspond n& effect. 0f t s not poss ble to feel the pr mary effect of a med c ne# then the most stron&ly assoc ated s de effects ou&ht be felt. The med c ne or heal n& substance tself

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may ta+e any form: tablets# p lls# dr n+able nfus ons# balsams# pot ons# etc. @hen a person ta+es these substances n the phase# the body . ll be& n to reproduce the r effect and assoc ated sensat ons. 0n add t on# a correspond n& react on . ll occur at the le)el of nternal bod ly funct ons 4 the same effect that the med c nal substance .as to ha)e brou&ht about. Th s s all 8u te s mple. Of substant al s &n f cance s the ab l ty to create oneEs o.n remed es . th the des red set of heal n& propert es. For e1ample# one can create and ta+e a p ll that has been pro&rammed . th the f nd n& ob6ects techn 8ue to s multaneously treat t.o or more d seases# e)en f no such dru& e1 sts n the phys cal .orld. %ean.h le# t s .orth not n& the re&ular ty . th .h ch n)ented substances are less effect )e than e1 st n& or .ell4+no.n ones 4 th s phenomenon s due to pract t oners ha) n& psycholo& cal bloc+s. Of course# n most cases t s not enou&h to ta+e a s n&le dose of a med c ne .h le n the phase. Therefore# tEs a &ood dea to &o on a + nd of treatment re& me# ta+ n& doses at re&ular nter)als# 6ust as f . th a real pharmaceut cal prescr pt on. 0n some compl cated s tuat ons# t s necessary to ta+e med c ne re&ularly n the phase o)er oneEs .hole l fe 4 6ust as n the phys cal .orld. 0t s .orth ment on n& one mportant tem on the sub6ect of dosa&e: t s n fact poss ble to st ll obta n a des red effect . thout ta+ n& any med c ne n the phase. Bo.e)er# t s d ff cult for a pract t oner to ma+e h s or&an sm .or+ n the des red .ay . thout a support n& anchor. The med c nes themsel)es are .hat &reatly fac l tate the act )at on of the des red self4heal n& pro&ram by act n& as anchors. Ds t turns out# the dosa&e amount does not ha)e any mportance at all. Bo.e)er# tEs better to follo. establ shed norms at the be& nn n& of oneEs pract ce# as th s act )ates subconsc ous pro&ramm n& correlat n& 8uant ty . th 8ual ty. 7onetheless# an o)erdose may ha)e ad)erse effects. Once a pract t oner learns to ndependently reproduce the effect of med c nes on

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h s body# t . ll be poss ble to use preparat ons n m nute amounts. @hen choos n& amon& )ar ous med c nes# the 8uest on may ar se as to .hether or not the s de effects that many of them ha)e . ll also occur n the phase. 0t can be conf dently stated that the nc dence of s de effects s reduced here by 9" to $"" percent# because as far as the subconsc ous m nd s concerned# any med c ne should heal f rst and foremost. %ean.h le# the body may not be pro&rammed to produce s de effects. F )en th s s tuat on# t s better not to use med c nes .hose s de effects are .ell +no.n# as n that case s de effects may not only ar se# but also be dom nant .hen certa n techn 8ue4related m sta+es are made. That s# the med c ne may do more to cause harm than to heal n the phase. Therapeutic indications. Therapeut c nd cat ons for ta+ n& any med c ne n the phase +no. pract cally no l m ts. Ds . th obta n n& nformat on# the phase can be employed to.ards accompl sh n& any ob6ect )e or tac+l n& any llness. (4a ple. *uppose a pract t oner catches a bad cold# result n& n the symptoms of headache# runny nose# cou&h# and fe)er. Be enters a deep sta&e# and# us n& the techn 8ue for f nd n& ob6ects# f nds on the n &htstand a bo1 of .ell4 ad)ert sed cold rel ef med c ne# the + nd that s d ssol)ed nto a &lass of .ater. Be then &oes nto the + tchen and drops a tablet nto a &lass of .ater# .h ch starts f ,, n& and d ssol) n&. Ds soon as the tablet d ssol)es# he dr n+s do.n the ent re &lass# try n& at the same t me to mmed ately feel ts effect: .armth courses throu&h h s body# a certa n feel n& of .ell4be n& ar ses# h s temperature &oes do.n# post4nasal dr p eases# and so on. Dfter return n& to the phys cal .orld# the pract t oner e ther mmed ately feels better# or the rel ef comes &radually from that po nt on. The procedure s then carr ed out se)eral t mes o)er the course of the ne1t se)eral days. The pract t oner may then separately mplement a pre)entat )e course of treatment# ma+ n& future colds m lder and much less fre8uent.

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Of course# the techn 8ue for f nd n& ob6ects can be employed to.ards a )ar ety of ends. For e1ample# you may f nd a &lass . th a cold4rel ef tablet already d ssol)ed nto t# and thus sa)e t me. (ffectiveness. For the no) ce# the effect )eness of ta+ n& med c ne n the phase as a means for heal n& ran&es from appro1 mately 9" to =" percent. That s to say# n the ma6or ty of cases there s a clear and stable effect. Cons der n& that p lls# for e1ample# are rarely th s effect )e n real l fe# t turns out that n many cases th s s the best of all a)a lable .ays to heal oneself. For e1per enced pract t oners# effect )eness reaches ?" to $"" percent. 0t s necessary at t mes to ad6ust the re&ular ty . th .h ch med c nes are ta+en .h le n the phase# as dosa&e ncrements are often cruc al to opt m , n& the effect. 5ifficulties. There are no substant al d ff cult es . th ta+ n& med c ne n the phase. Re8u red here are the bas c s+ lls of f nd n& ob6ects and the ab l ty to reproduce med c neEs effect .hen ta+ n& t 4 th s s accompl shed by s mply deepen n& oneEs des re for th s to happen. 0f th s s not ach e)ed on the f rst try# then t . ll .or+ by the second or th rd attempt. Accessibility. %ed c nes are the bas c means of nfluenc n& the or&an sm .h le n the phase state. Ds th s techn 8ue s both access ble and easy to master# e)en for no) ces# one should add t to oneEs reperto re r &ht a.ay and try to ach e)e results from the )ery f rst attempts. Th s s espec ally true# n ) e. of the techn 8ueEs h &h le)el of effect )eness. Direct i "lue ce Actions. G rect nfluence on the or&an sm .h le n the phase s attr buted to the effect of the body react n& at all le)els to the mpact of phase e1per ences# as .as descr bed n the sect on re&ard n& the techn 8ue of ta+ n& med c nes. That s# .hen someth n& s done to the or&an sm .h le n the phase# the effect s mmed ately felt there# and# at the same

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t me# there s a real effect on the body n the phys cal .orld# 6ust as f e)eryth n& .ere happen n& n real l fe. The ma n d fference . th techn 8ues for d rect nfluence s that the problem s approached not throu&h an ntermed ary (med c ne)# but s nstead tac+led d rectly. Th s s essent ally a more thorou&h method# but also a more d ff cult one. 0n pract ce# t .or+s l +e th s: a person &oes nto the phase state and be& ns to d rectly nfluence the s c+ or&an or or&an sm us n& all means at h s d sposal 4 both those that e1 st n the phys cal .orld and those that do not. %oreo)er# he can nfluence the body s mply at the le)el of percept on# . thout e1ternal contact. The )ery percept on of d rect nfluence s the +ey factor here. @ thout t# thereEs no real po nt to apply n& the techn 8ue 4 nota bene. There are many opt ons for d rectly nfluenc n& the or&an sm as a .hole or nfluenc n& ts nd ) dual parts: heat n&# cool n&# releas n& ener&y# numb n&# massa& n&# adm n ster n& n6ect ons# smear n& o ntments# rad at on treatment 4 n &eneral# e)eryth n& that s poss ble or mposs ble n real l fe. Th s process re8u res both ta+ n& the n t at )e and a creat )e approach. One may nfluence e ther the ent re or&an sm as a .hole# or any separate part of t .h le n the phase. For e1ample# one can eas ly .arm up the ent re body# heat up only the bra n# or e)en massa&e t# as ncred ble as that may sound. Thou&h th s may str +e some as unbel e)ably stran&e# one may actually put oneEs hand throu&h the body .h le n the phase# feel any or&an# and nfluence or affect t as necessary. Go n& th s feels so real st c that people are often lon& unable to br n& themsel)es to attempt t# f only out of the fr &ht that str +es them .hen they feel the r o.n hand pass n& throu&h the r o.n body and touch n& the r nternal or&ans. For e1ample# f a person .ants to ha)e an affect on the l )er# he . ll be able not only to hold t . th h s left hand# but also to d rectly feel the l )er tself# as .ell as the sensat on of hold n& t. Th s may be part cularly fr &hten n& .hen act n& on the heart or the bra n. The phase s the only

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place .here one may do all th s. Dnd th s s truly more than 6ust an ncred ble e1per ence that lea)es an emot onal mpress on last n& oneEs ent re l fe. * &n f cantly# one can affect not only a d sease# but also ts symptoms. By alle) at n& and el m nat n& symptoms# one . ll l +e. se nfluence the r source. Th s s espec ally mportant .hen the source of the symptoms themsel)es s not .ell understood. Of course# as . th most other techn 8ues for nfluenc n& the body .h le n the phase# a s n&le d rect treatment s often not enou&h. Ds a rule# the procedure should be performed se)eral t mes by enter n& the phase for se)eral days n a ro.# or e)en mplement n& a treatment re& me. E ther .ay# all th s depends on a pract t onerEs le)el of s+ ll n employ n& the techn 8ue. 0t &oes . thout say n& that an e1per enced pract t oner need perform far procedures than a no) ce. Therapeutic indications. G rectly nfluenc n& the or&an sm s eas est .hen t comes to a problem .hose local ,at on s +no.n. 0t s )ery d ff cult to d rectly nfluence an mpercept ble llness of an un+no.n nature that e1h b ts fe. symptoms. (4a ple. The e1ample of an n6ured le& . ll no. be ta+en up a&a n. The pract t oner enters a deep phase and mmed ately be& ns man pulat n& the le& n e)ery .ay poss ble. F rst# he concentrates on h s le& not hurt n& and be n& already healed# and tr es to c rculate nternally4 &enerated therapeut c heat and ) brat ons about t. The heal n& effect must be felt mmed ately. 0f there s t me left# the pract t oner uses the techn 8ue for f nd n& ob6ects to summon a syr n&e loaded . th pa n+ llers and fast4act n& bru se4treat n& med cat on. Be n6ects the ent re does nto h s le&# try n& to mmed ately feel the effect of the preparat on. Th s comes eas ly: the pract t oner feels numbness and pleasant sensat ons emanat n& from the shot. 0f poss ble# he f nally rubs n a spec ally created o ntment onto h s le&# further accelerat n& the heal n& process. @hen the pract t oner returns from the phase# he s l +ely to mmed ately feel that h s le& hurts a lot less# and that t . ll

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soon be& n to reco)er. 7e)ertheless tEs best to perform the same procedure se)eral t mes. Dnother e1ample: + dney stones. The pract t oner enters nto a deep phase# and for se)eral m nutes tr es to CblastC the + dneys . th .arm ) brat ons that d ssol)e the stones. To do th s# he f rst tr es to s mply feel h s + dneys# and then n)o+es the necessary processes n them by force of a stron& des re to do so. Dfter.ards# he sl ps h s hands nto h s abdomen# holds one + dney n each hand# and starts massa& n& them n such a .ay as to d ssol)e the stones n them. Then# he carefully sl ps h s f n&ers nto h s + dneys# and uses them to rub the stones nto a harmless po.der. For ma1 mum effect# the pract t oner should carry out th s procedure re&ularly and cons stently on th s problem# as t s not one that s 8u c+ly resol)ed. (ffectiveness. 0n most cases# the techn 8ue of d rect nfluence s a )ery effect )e means of treatment. Th s s espec ally true .hen the problem s palpable and ob) ous. Effect )eness can reach <" to >" percent e)en for a no) ce# to say noth n& of .hat more e1per enced pract t oners can ach e)e. 5ifficulties. G rectly nfluenc n& the or&an sm .h le n the phase n)ol)es no substant al d ff cult es. 0t s only necessary to feel the effect of such nfluence# .h ch s easy to do .hen des re s stron& enou&h# e)en . thout pr or tra n n&. There rema ns the m nor problem of fear ar s n& .hen hands are nserted nto the body# a phob a that tends to be d ff cult to o)ercome. Bo.e)er# the fear often becomes surmountable .hen oneEs &oal s ser ous enou&h. *omet mes cur os ty alone s not enou&h to br n& oneself to ha,ard the )enture. Accessibility. G rectly nfluenc n& an llness or health problem s suff c ently easy n the phase# n add t on to be n& 8u te effect )e. Therefore# e)en be& nners are encoura&ed to use th s techn 8ue from the r )ery f rst attempts and ne)er for&et about t# e)en after ha) n& mastered other techn 8ues for heal n& themsel)es .h le n phase states. Th s techn 8ue s one of the fundamentals.

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Pro1ra))i 1 Actions. The effect )eness auto4tra n n&# self4 pro&ramm n& and self4hypnos s ha)e been lon& establ shed. They ha)e been pro)en to br n& results e)en .hen performed .h le a.a+e. The deeper the trance state that they are mplemented n# the more effect )e they are. From th s perspect )e# the dea cannot but occur of also us n& s m lar techn 8ues to heal throu&h the phase# as the phase state s the deepest hypnot c trance state that can be ach e)ed consc ously and ndependently. %oreo)er# the usual trance state n .h ch self4hypnos s s performed does not e)en be& n to compare . th the phase n terms of substance or effect )eness. Therefore# self4pro&ramm n& s many t mes more effect )e n the phase than n any other state. Th s s# for all effect )e purposes# a ne. era of de)elopment for these + nds of technolo& es. 'ro&ramm n& n phase cons sts of creat n& self4fulf ll n& subconsc ous resolut ons. * nce a person n the phase s n the deepest of all poss ble altered states of consc ousness# th s s the most effect )e place for such pro&ramm n&. F )en the fact that much human llness s psychosomat c n nature# and yet st ll causes real suffer n&# pro&ramm n& techn 8ues employed n the phase can destroy such Cd seasesC at the root. 0n pract ce# one &ets nto the phase and ntroduces a resolut on d rectly at the subconsc ous le)el to remedy a spec f c health problem. There are se)eral )ar at ons of th s act on n the phase. F rst# one s mply can f rmly state oneEs resolut on aloud re&ard n& remedy n& a problem or re&ard n& oneEs .ell4be n&. *econd# pro&ramm n& can also be effected .ordlessly# at the le)el of speechless understand n& and ntent on. Th s second )ar at on s much more d ff cult than )erbal su&&est on# so t s better for the no) ce to shy a.ay from t. The durat on of one attempt should not ta+e up an ent re phase# as .hat matters here s not the len&th of an attempt# but tEs 8ual ty. @hatEs mportant s that the pro&ramm n&

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occurs n the subcorte1 at the deepest and most mean n&ful le)el# e)en f t lasts for only $" to $9 seconds. GonEt assume that se)eral .ords pronounced half4heartedly . ll do all of the .or+ on the r o.n# as f th s .ere the same th n& as cast n& a spell. These .ords need to be e1per enced and felt at all le)els of percept on and consc ousness a.areness. @hen pro&ramm n& your subconsc ous# t s )ery mportant to note that )erbal formulas should not conta n ne&at ons. For e1ample# one should not say# C0 do not ha)e nsomn a.C 0nstead# t s much better to aff rm# C0 sleep deeply and soundly# 0 fall asleep 8u c+ly.C Ds . th other techn 8ues for self4heal n& n the phase# act n& on a problem 6ust once s often not enou&h .hen pro&ramm n&. 0t s better to ntroduce resolut ons se)eral t mes on d fferent days. *omet mes tEs ad) sable to mplement an ent re treatment re& me. Therapeutic indications. 'ro&ramm n& for self4heal n& n the phase can be appl ed to almost any d sease or a lment# but t .or+s best of all for problems of personal psycholo&y or &eneral .ell4be n&. For e1ample# one may use t to mpro)e o)erall .or+ n& capac ty# alle) ate fat &ue and an1 ety# ncrease stam na# mpro)e o)erall health# bolster the mmune system# and much more. (4a ple. D pract t oner has an llness that s at a ser ous sta&e and accompan ed by fat &ue as .ell as rr tated mood# but has no poss b l ty of ta+ n& s c+4lea)e to &et better# as he needs &o to .or+ e)ery day. Dnd so# he enters a deep phase and be& ns to say aloud the follo. n& .ords: COnce 0 e1 t the phase# . th n a day 0 . ll feel buoyant# healthy# and act )e. 0 . ll be n a &ood mood and ha)e deal o)erall .ell4be n&. 0 am healthy. 0 am act )e. 0 am happy. 0 ha)e boundless ener&y# and 0 am full of ) tal ty.C %ean.h le# he does not merely utter these .ords# but also tr es to feel them# to e1per ence them. Of course# tEs better for h m to n t ate further procedures to treat the d sease tself before e1 t n& the phase. 0n any case# repeat n& such an aff rmat on almost mmed ately after return n& to real ty may also br n& sol d results.

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(ffectiveness. The effect )eness of pro&ramm n& for self4 heal n& throu&h the phase s not )ery h &h# as most people are unable to feel the self4pro&rammed resolut ons fully and deeply. Effect )eness for be& nners s . th n the bounds of :" and 9" percent. Effect )eness ncreases . th pract ce. 0nterest n&ly# a s n&le sess on s )ery often enou&h for e1per enced pract t oners 4 unl +e the case . th other methods for self4heal n& throu&h the phase. 5ifficulties. The ma n d ff culty ar s n& .hen us n& pro&ramm n& techn 8ues occurs . th be n& able to s ncerely feel the resolut on be n& made. Th s can be an nsurmountable obstacle for many due to the r psycholo& cal ma+eup or d ff cult es n understand n& .hat s &o n& on. 0t s also necessary to ma+e separate note of the fact that the process of pro&ramm n& may e6ect a pract t oner from the phase# as t tends to be rela1 n&. Thus# t s mportant not to for&et to employ some of the techn 8ues for ma nta n n& the phase .h le pro&ramm n&. For e1ample# one m &ht constantly rub the hands to&ether# scrut n ,e someth n& up4close# or +eep ) brat ons &o n& the .hole t me. Accessibility. Cons der n& l +el hood of effect )eness and techn cal d ff cult es# self4heal n& n the phase throu&h pro&ramm n& s often not )ery access ble for be& nners. Therefore# unless there s some spec f c &oal that can only be sol)ed only n th s .ay# t s better to use other techn 8ues. P!'c&olo1ical i)*act Actions. @hene)er t s necessary to sol)e problems related to psycholo& cal or psychosomat c llnesses# us n& the phase for psycholo& cal mpact s the most effect )e# clear# and pro)en .ay to nfluence the or&an sm. 0tEs not for noth n& that sc ence has documented ts effect )eness n stud es on luc d dream n&. The operat onal pr nc ples of th s techn 8ue are s mple: -The physical body adapts to events e4perienced in the phaseH

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-&e-e4periencing negative events of the past erases the i pression ade by the at the physiological levelH 0t .ould ser)e .ell to start by not n& that pract c n& the phase# e)en outs de the conte1t of self4heal n&# n and of tself has a po.erful# pos t )e# and fa)orable effect that . ll man fest tself n any nd ) dual pursu n& t. The po nt s that once someone has e1per enced the phase and real ,ed the true e1panse and endlessness of the .orldEs hor ,ons# he or she be& ns to relate to real l fe n a d fferent .ay. Be becomes more open# has ssues . th h mself and the .orld# and more soc able. %oreo)er# pract cal mastery of the phase bu lds nner centeredness 4 thou&h tEs real .or+. 'ract c n& the phase cannot but ha)e a benef c al effect on the nd ) dual# as t s a real form of self4actual ,at on n and of tself. 0t s both authent c and last n& self4actual ,at on 4 unl +e other pract ces that )er&e on delus on and con6ecture. Therapeutic indications. The follo. n& types of problems may be acted upon . th the help of psycholo& cal mpact n the phase: mental llnesses and other problems ( nclud n& phob as# fears# comple1es# ndec s on# depress on# soc al an1 ety# and much more). Th s techn 8ue for self4heal n& n the phase s ll su ted for cond t ons that are not of a psycholo& cal nature. The e1cept ons to that rule are llnesses caused by factors of a psychosomat c nature (accord n& to some reports# up to 9"; of all d seases fall nto th s cate&ory# but such d st nct ons are d ff cult to cate&or ,e on a case4by4 case bas s). (4a ple. D person s afra d to tra)el by a rplane (aerophob a). To sol)e th s problem# the person should enter a deep phase# and# by employ n& the techn 8ue of translocat on# f nd h mself n an a rplane &o n& throu&h rou&h turbulence. Gesp te the fact that all th s s not really happen n& n the phys cal .orld# the fear e1per enced . ll be >" to $!" percent that of a s m lar real4l fe s tuat on# as the real sm of the phase state s e1tremely ele)ated. There s pract cally no d fference bet.een sensat ons e1per enced n

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the phase and those of real l fe. Bo.e)er# there s no actual threat to l fe and l mb n the phase 4 the pract t oner understands th s subconsc ously# and tr es to stay n the a rplane as lon& as poss ble# &ett n& used to ts s.ay n&# sha+ n&# and sudden d ps. Only a couple of such r )et n& s mulat ons are usually enou&h to at least ta+e any phob a out of the forefront of oneEs m nd and stop t from caus n& further d stress# f not ndeed ban sh t. The ne1t e1ample to be cons dered s a scenar o .here a person had a )ery stressful e1per ence .h le st ll a ch ld: the death of a fa)or te puppy. 0n such cases# an a&e4old method .or+s 8u te .ell 4 commun cat n& . th the &e st of the departed (th s also .or+s . th human be n&s). Th s s 8u te a sure method# espec ally cons der n& that there s noth n& d ff cult about t from a techn cal po nt of ) e.. One need only enter a deep phase and apply the techn 8ue for f nd n& ob6ects. The e1act same puppy remembered from ch ldhood . ll appear. 0t . ll also l c+ oneEs face# play# bar+# and loo+ at ts o.ner . th loyal eyes# .a&& n& ts l ttle ta l all the .h le. The pract t oner . ll be able to once a&a n p c+ t up# pet t# touch ts fur# and feel ts .e &ht and .armth. The puppy . ll be 6ust the same as f encountered n real l fe. E)en .hen t playfully n ps at the hand# the o.ner . ll feel t. The f rst such meet n& . ll naturally cause some sadness and tears# but from then on# once one real ,es that one can cont nue to meet . th th s pet n phase# sadness . ll 8u c+ly recede to the bac+&round (as . ll all psychosomat c compl cat ons caused by the death of the belo)ed an mal). The pract t oner . ll be& n to feel that the puppy s really al )e. Dfter all# percept on ar ses from sensory nput# and not deduct )e reason n&. (ffectiveness. The nstruments for psycholo& cal mpact n the phase are 8u te effect )e. Ds psycholo&y s be n& d scussed# t s d ff cult to compare the effect )eness of th s techn 8ue . th other methods of treatment. 7onetheless# e)en for be& nners the rate of success reaches $""; dur n&

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the )ery f rst appl cat ons. ThatEs someth n& that really stands out. 5ifficulties. Ds t s the psyche and the m nd that are be n& mpacted by these techn 8ues for self4heal n&# a certa n amount of nternal effort s necessary to ach e)e results. For e1ample# f a person s try n& to o)ercome claustrophob a# then real fear . ll ar se .hen he f nds h mself n enclosed spaces .h le n the phase. Be . ll st ll ha)e to confront h s phob a on h s o.n. The phase here only pro) des a spr n&board for .or+ n& on oneself. 0t should ne)er be assumed that the ncred ble effect )eness of th s method comes out of th n a r# . thout effort on the part of the pract t oner. Accessibility. *elf4heal n& n the phase us n& the techn 8ue of psycholo& cal mpact s read ly access ble to be& nners# start n& from the r f rst phase entrances. Th s s because t does not re8u re any spec al s+ lls e1cept the ab l ty to translocate# and so th s course can be ta+en r &ht from the outset. Heali 1 Ot&er! 0n add t on to self4heal n&# the phase state of the m nd also pro) des some poss b l t es for ha) n& an nfluence on the health of others. 0tEs not ne.s that most people are f rstly nterested not n self4heal n&# but n help n& others. Th s s understandable# as perhaps they ha)e lo)ed ones .ho are for .hate)er reason unable to use the phase# or are e1tremely ne&at )ely pre6ud ced a&a nst such th n&s. 'erhaps the reader of th s boo+ s a profess onal .ho treats d seases n non4trad t onal .ays# or s a no) ce healer h mself. 0t s .ell to f rst emphas ,e that only one of the . de )ar ety of theoret cal .ays to ha)e an nfluence on another person n the phase s pro)en and absolutely pract cable# and t s techn 8ues for obta n n& nformat on. @h le the effects of all the other techn 8ues on the pract t oner h mself are beyond doubt and ha)e been pro)en e1per mentally# the r

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nfluence on other people rema ns theoret cal 4 as of yet# no one has been able to pro)e remote nfluence on another person n a controlled e1per ment. For e1ample# f you f nd a fr end n the phase and & )e h m some med c ne# the effect of that med c ne on h m . ll rema n theoret cal. 0t s mportant to real ,e that try n& to employ anyth n& but the techn 8ue for obta n n& nformat on r s+s t me and ener&y be n& spent n )a n. *ome certa nly . ll cla m to ha)e pro)en that t s poss ble to ha)e a d rect affect on another person throu&h the phase. Bo.e)er# only .hat each and e)ery person can accompl sh 4 l terally from the f rst t me 4 . ll be d scussed here. @hate)er the case may be# t can be def n t )ely stated here that e ther nfluenc n& another person remotely s mposs ble# as fe. ha)e reported results# or t s mply rema ns unclear ho. to do t. E ther .ay# n embar+ n& upon such h therto unpro)en e1per ments# one does so at oneEs o.n r s+ and per l. 0f remote nfluence throu&h the phase ne)ertheless sho.s tself to be .or+ n&# then t s already the pract t oner h mself .ho . ll ha)e to +no. .hat needs to be added so that the mpact on the other person br n&s stable results. OneEs theoret cal ) e. on the nature of the phase phenomenon . ll play an enormous role n oneEs cho ce of a course of act on. The mater al st . ll not ha)e any .ay of help n& another person bes des obta n n& nformat on. The occult st s hardly l +ely to encounter barr ers to h s pract ce. Th s s a cho ce for each person to ma+e. 0t should be understood that e)en f other techn 8ues allo. some nfluence on others# the results are clearly far from stable 4 as many . ll doubt the results due to a lac+ of emp r cal e) dence# and not out of the r o.n ) e.s or theor es. That )ery lac+ of emp r cal e) dence forbears a def n t )e statement here. *c ent f c e1per ments ha)e del )ered no conf rmat on to date. Of course# f one . shes to help another person# there s another pro)en .ay to do so bes des obta n n& nformat on: con) nc n& h m to pract ce the phase and employ the appropr ate techn 8ues for self4heal n& h mself. From a

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pra&mat c po nt of ) e. on the phenomenon# th s s a much surer .ay than try n& to nfluence another person from the phase. The techn 8ue of obta n n& nformat on . ll be of help for the pract t oner .ho has dec ded to heal another person. Th s techn 8ue s descr bed n deta l n th s boo+# alon& . th ho. to use t. The only d fference s that nformat on must be sou&ht on a part cular person# and not on oneself. The pract t oner may learn not only ho. to pro) de treatment n real4l fe# but also ho. to obta n a comprehens )e d a&nos s. 0t .or+s l +e th s: us n& the techn 8ue for obta n n& nformat on# one f nds a spec al st .ho . ll help deal . th the problem that oneEs ac8ua ntance s e1per enc n&. One then spea+s . th th s doctor about ho. to help h m# about .hat can be done n real ty# and so on... The phase doctorEs prescr pt ons andPor ad) ce are then relayed to the person for .hom they .ere obta ned. Dlternat )ely# the ent re phase e1per ence s related to the person n need. From a mater al st po nt of ) e.# t s necessary to note the fact that far from e)eryone can be helped us n& the phase. @ thout &o n& nto deta led e1planat ons# t . ll s mply be stated that the more one +no.s about a person# the more one . ll be able to f nd out about h m n the phase. E)en f one has only seen the personEs p cture# t s poss ble that one . ll nonetheless f nd out someth n& about h m# and be able to help h m n some .ay. But f one +no.s th s person personally# then the amount of nformat on obta ned about h m throu&h the phase . ll ncrease drast cally. D pract t oner should at least tal+ for a short .h le . th a person before attempt n& to obta n nformat on n the phase about h s health# or treatment methods best su ted to h s cond t on. T&eoretical (a'! to &eal ot&er! The follo. n& methods ha)e n no .ay been pro)en to .or+ n pract ce. One may e1per ment . th them at oneEs o.n personal d scret on. %oreo)er# f a pract t oner ntends to help people n these .ays# he should ne)er under any

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c rcumstances prom se to sol)e all of the r problems# because they should not for&o more trad t onal methods of treatment. D student ou&ht be sens ble and real st c n e)aluat n& h s capab l t es# espec ally f he s only 6ust start n& out . th h s pract ce# and most of h s ) e.s are based on borro.ed theor es# rather than on personal e1per ence. Dlso# all of these techn 8ues re8u re the ab l ty to f nd ob6ects. To better understand the essence of techn 8ues for treat n& other people# t s best to learn them by pract c n& on oneself. Th s chapter . ll only br efly descr be adapt n& some techn 8ues for .or+ . th others. Dlmost e)eryone as+s the 8uest on# C@ho are these sub6ects that .e are to f nd n the phase and healLC Th s 8uest on ar ses for one s mple reason: there are no clear common def n t ons re&ard n& the nature of the phenomenon tself that .ould allo. one to spea+ conf dently on ts part culars. %any people (up to !9; of the .orld populat on) st ll do not +no. that the Earth re)ol)es around the sun# rather than ) ce )ersa. *o tEs 8u te a trans t on from there to the phenomenon at hand... 2pon d sco)er n& .ho or .hat these phase sub6ects and ob6ects .ere# the e1planat on for the nature of the phenomenon tself .ould at last be at hand. For the mater al st# people n the phase# no matter .hat the r e1ternal real sm or bel e)ab l ty of beha) or# .ould be merely s mulated clones that ha)e no relat on to people or ob6ects n the real .orld. For the esoter c# the person or ob6ect n the phase .ould be the soul of a real person. *o tEs the same as usual: each person sees the .orld n accordance . th h s assumpt ons and +no.led&e. But caut on s al.ays ad) sed n such matters# as people all too eas ly succumb to the of p tfalls of )ar ous + nds# some of .h ch they cannot escape for the rest of the r l )es. Taking edicines. Ddapt n& th s techn 8ue to treat n& another person means that that person must f rst be found n the phase (us n& the techn 8ue of f nd n&). 0t s then necessary to adm n ster appropr ate med cat on depend n& on

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the nature of the health problems. 'oss b l t es nclude not only pharmacy dru&s# but also any poss ble fol+ remed es. For e1ample# f the other person has prolon&ed headaches# then he should be & )en po.erful pa n+ llers to s.allo.# as .ell as other dru&s that str +e at the headacheEs cause ( f +no.n). 5irect /nfluence. @ th d rect mpact on another person# after f rst f nd n& h m n the phase# t s necessary to .or+ d rectly and f 1edly on the problemat c or&ans# or on h s &eneral cond t on. To th s end# one may use off c al prescr pt ons or fol+ remed es# )ar ous + nds of massa&es# as .ell as anyth n& else that comes to m nd. For e1ample# a pat ent has bad sunburn. 0n add t on to all the other opt ons for treatment# one m &ht run oneEs hand o)er h s dama&ed s+ n# thus restor n& t (th s comes eas ly)# & )e h m n6ect ons to accelerate the heal n&# or use o ntments# and so on. =rogra ing. Dfter ha) n& found someone n the phase# one s mply loo+s h m n the eye and mpresses upon h m that he does not ha)e a part cular problem# that t . ll pass 8u c+ly# that he s healthy# ) &orous# happy# etc. 'erhaps a pract t onerEs fr end s chron cally fat &ued. 0n that case# after f nd n& h m n a phase# the pract t oner needs to con) nce h m that he s full of ener&y# act )e# has boundless ener&y# stron& mot )at on# s more &oal4determ ned than e)er# and so on. Dll th s must be sa d r &ht to h s face . th a f rm )o ce. There . ll hopefully be an mmed ately chan&e to h s countenance# thus conf rm n& the nstant effect. One may also obta n )erbal conf rmat on from h m that the pro&ramm n& s .or+ n&. =sychological / pact. 0n adapt n& th s heal n& techn 8ue to .or+ . th another person# one need f rst f nd that sub6ect# and then mmerse h m n the necessary feel n&s and e1per ences. For e1ample# a person s afra d of do&s. *o# the pract t oner f nds h m us n& the techn 8ues for f nd n& ob6ects# and then places h m n a s tuat on .here there are many do&s and they all are fr endly to h m# nu,,l n& up to one another# and play n&. Con)ersely# the pract t oner could place h m n a s tuat on .here there are do&s beha) n& )ery a&&ress )ely# threaten n& to b te. Bo.e)er# the a m here s to ensure that

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the person be n& helped doesnEt &et ner)ous# but nstead coolly beats off the do&s . thout e1per enc n& fear. 0t m &ht not be that easy# but the pract t oner should try to chan&e the att tude of the other person to the problem. 0t s also .orth not n& a&a n that th s techn 8ue can be appl ed n the most pra&mat c .ay poss ble 4 as+ n& the person . th health problems to ta+e up the pract ce of the phase h mself. * mply ha) n& the phase tself n oneEs l fe has an ndel bly pos t )e effect# not to ment on the poss b l t es for self4heal n& that come . th t. 'ract c n& the phase s one of the most nterest n& e1per ences one . ll e)er encounter. /f the goal is to affect the course of a disease, do not place all your hopes on the phase. The services of edical doctors ust be the first recourse. The ore serious the illness, the ore strongly this rule applies. TYPI,A4 $ISTA6ES WHEN /SING APP4I,ATIONS Dttempt n& an appl ed use of the phase . thout reach n& a &ood depth. Geepen n& must al.ays be performed before appl cat ons are attempted. Be n& so n)ol)ed n phase appl cat ons that 3ma nta n n&5 techn 8ues are for&otten. For&ett n& to cons der ho. to breathe .hen tra)el n& throu&h Outer *pace or under.ater# .h ch may lead to a feel n& of asphy1 at on. Concentrat n& on a certa n ob6ect .h le tra)el n& throu&h t me nstead of concentrat n& on t me tra)el# .h ch should be the focus s nce t s the po nt of perform n& the appl cat on. For&ett n& techn 8ues for 3ma nta n n&5 .hen an mate ob6ects are encountered# .hen these techn 8ues must al.ays be +ept n m nd.

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Dn nab l ty to o)ercome fear dur n& contact . th deceased people. Th s fear must be o)ercome once and t . ll ne)er resurface a&a n. ( m t n& des res .h le pract c n& the phase. There s no l m t to des re . th n the phase. ( m t n& the performance of certa n act ons# althou&h there are no customary norms of beha) or n the phase# unless the pract t oner dec des upon spec f c l m ts. @h le loo+ n& for nformat on n the phase# attempt n& to obta n +no.led&e .h ch clearly e1ceeds the scope of the subconsc ous m nd. Dpply n& the techn 8ue of obta n n& nformat on from an mate ob6ects . thout +no. n& ho. to commun cate . th them. For&ett n& to chec+ the ab l ty of an ob6ect to con)ey )al d +no.led&e. The probab l ty of bad nformat on s much h &her f t s not )er f ed. Fa l n& to )er fy nformat on n the phase before us n& t n real ty. For&ett n& to )er fy ser ous nformat on n real ty before us n& t. Ver f cat on absolutely must be performed to a)o d us n& bad nformat on n real ty. D s n&le attempt to nfluence the phys olo&y throu&h the phase. 0n the ma6or ty of cases# results are &a ned throu&h repeated effort. Dn attempt to cure some d sease only us n& the phase# .hereas t s compulsory to see+ med cal ad) ce. 0n t ally bel e) n& that the phase s the e1 t of the soul from the body# .h le th s s eas ly refuted n pract ce. Concentrat n& only on unpro)en appl cat ons# desp te all the e) dence out there that th s s most l +ely a .aste of t me.


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EEER,ISES Que!tio ! $. @hat are the three bas c appl cat ons of the phaseL !. Dre pro)en pract cal phase appl cat ons access ble to any pract t onerL :. @h le n the phase# s t poss ble to tra)el throu&h Dfr caL 4. 0s t poss ble to .al+ on the moon n the phaseL 9. 0s t poss ble# .h le n the phase# to appear at the t me of the EarthJs creat onL <. 0n the phase# s t poss ble to appear n the ma& cal .orld beh nd the loo+ n& &lassL =. @h ch relat )es can be met n the phaseL >. 0s t poss ble to meet and tal+ to your fa)or te actor n the phaseL ?. @here can one real ,e any cher shed dreamL $". Can a pract t oner appear n the computer &ame GoomL $$. Can a mus c an use the phase for creat )e purposesL $!. Goes the pract c n& the phase nfluence a personJs ma& nat onL $:. @hat most probably &o)erns the phase spaceL $4. @hat + nd of nformat on s obta nable n the phaseL $9. @h le n the phase# s t poss ble to f nd out .here the lost +ey to an apartment s locatedL $<. @hat + nd of people can d sco)er .here treasure s h dden n the phaseL $=. *hould any nformat on obta ned n the phase be construed as accurateL $>. *hould nformat on obta ned n the phase be )er f ed after .a+ n& up# e)en f tJs already )er f ed n the phaseL $?. *hould obta n n& nformat on occur before deepen n& has been performedL !". To obta n nformat on .h le us n& the an mate ob6ects techn 8ue# .ho should be tal+ed to f the &oal s to f nd out the thou&hts of a boss at .or+L

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Bo. m &ht nformat on from an an mate ob6ect be obta nedL !!. Can an nscr pt on on a .all be used as an nan mate source of nformat onL !:. 0s t poss ble to use the ep sode techn 8ue to learn .here one has lost the +ey to oneJs apartmentL !4. *hould a doctor be consulted before try n& to cure a d sease throu&h phase pract ceL !9. Dre results from nfluenc n& phys olo&y n the phase al.ays $""; &uaranteedL !<. @hat phase techn 8ues m &ht be used to nfluence the bod es of other peopleL !=. 0s t poss ble to obta n nformat on that can be used to nfluence the body and ts funct onsL !>. 0s t poss ble to ta+e a .ell4+no.n pa n+ ller n the phase and feel ts effects on e1 tL !?. 0s t poss ble to use autosu&&est on n the phaseL :". Can athletes use the phase to de)elop the r s+ llsL :$. 0s t real st c to e1pect that the soul . ll e1 t the body .h le pract c n& the phaseL :!. 0s t poss ble to enter a parallel un )erse throu&h the phaseL ::. *hould a pract t oner hope to de)elop super4ab l t es n the phaseL Ta!k! $. %eet your fa)or te s n&er and tra)el to your dream house n the phase. !. @h le n the phase# f nd a . se person .ho s an author ty on matters of the phase and learn from them .hat entrance techn 8ues . ll best su t your pract ce. :. Try to perce )e heat throu&hout the ent re body by translocat on to a sauna or throu&h auto4su&&est on.


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4. (earn to mo)e ob6ects by s mply star n& at them n the phase# and apprec ate the e1tent to .h ch th s s+ ll s reflected n real ty.


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REVOLUTION We believe that everybo y i! "oi#" to e$i!t i# t%o %orl ! !oo# Sponsors and investors are needed for translation into other languages this free ebook and other our books, videos, et ! "lso #e need finan ial support to pro$ote the phase #orld#ide! %et&s hange the #orld together' (ake a part in it'


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Au+iliar' I "or)atio

,&a*ter 33 M /!e"ul Ti*!

A PRAG$ATI, APPROA,H The only sure .ay to &et pract ce . thout unnecessar ly .ast n& t me s to ha)e a pra&mat c and rat onal approach to the nature and poss b l t es of the phase phenomenon. The ma6or ty of a)a lable nformat on re&ard n& d ssoc at )e phenomena s naccurate. Th s becomes ob) ous dur n& n t al entr es nto the phase. Th s s .hy pract ce should be& n from the perspect )e of a clean slate# us n& a lo& cal bear n& n th n+ n&: everything not confir ed by personal e4perience should be taken with a grain of salt. Th s means only personal e1per ence should be ta+en ser ously# not the e1per ence of ac8ua ntances# authors# teachers# blo&s# or forums. To err s humanH thus# t s also human to pass on errors. Ds a result# many parado1 cal old . )esJ tales concern n& the phase phenomenon ha)e become accepted a pr or . 7ot e)eryth n& .r tten n esoter c l terature should be thro.n out. *ome th n&s may poss bly be dra.n from t. Dfter

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read n& such l terature# a pract t oner should not assume that the ne. +no.led&e s a un )ersal truth. For a house to stand f rm# t needs a sol d foundat on. The only .ay to bu ld a &ood foundat on for phase pract ce s to approach the phenomenon n a do.n4to4earth manner# from a sc ent f c perspect )e# d scount n& any purported supernatural phenomena. Once a sol d foundat on has been establ shed# e)eryone has the r &ht to bu ld the r o.n truth on t. INDEPENDENT ANA4YSIS 0f a pract t oner s only nterested n ha) n& phase e1per ences# then the s mple study of th s &u deboo+ and other mater als may suff ce. Bo.e)er# f a pract t oner .ants to ach e)e the best results# ample focus must be & )en to nd ) dual thou&ht and format on of op n on based on personal analys s. 2nt l all 8uest ons are ans.ered throu&h a search for ans.ers n )ar ous sources of nformat on# no real pro&ress should be e1pected. %any th n&s cannot be descr bed or e1pla ned. The resolut on of many ssues . ll al.ays rema n up to nd ) dual 6ud&ment and understand n&. F nd n& all of the ans.ers s mposs ble. %oreo)er# try n& to possess all of the ans.ers s a ser ous nh b tor to real pro&ress because the pract t oner .ould ha)e to d &ress nto dub ous l terature and con)ersat on as de from real# format )e pract ce. The ad) ce and e1per ences of others may lead to error. 0n no case should there be any author t es or unach e)able deals. D lo& cal# e)en s+ept cal approach should be ta+en dur n& research and pract ce. The &oal of th s &u deboo+ s to pro) de the reader . th l near# factual nformat on suff c ent for the de)elopment of ndependent analys s. Each t me a pract t oner encounters some ncomprehens ble phenomenon or problem .hen perform n& phase techn 8ues# an ndependent analys s of the

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phenomenon should be formed before loo+ n& for the cause. 0f a see+er loo+s for ans.ers outs de of personal reason n&# there s a h &h r s+ of ass m lat n& and act n& upon a fallacy. %any pract t oners are not . ll n& to analy,e personal successes and fa lures# and nstead search all sorts of boo+s# .h ch often contrad ct one another. 2s n& a hod&e4pod&e of e1traneous# un)er f ed nformat on can only lead one to further# and 8u te nfect ous# fallacy.
Scale "or Di!co#eri 1 a d A al'9i 1 $i!take! i P&a!e E tra ce $et&od! a d P&a!e E+*erie ce! Becom n& consc ousness .h le dream n& method Ba)e a f rm ntent on

0nd rect method

G rect method

Ba)e an attempt upon a.a+en n& Ba)e any techn 8ue .or+ .hen alternat n& throu&h techn 8ues (already n the phase-) Ba)e a separat on

Ba)e lapses n consc ousness Ba)e a deep lapse n consc ousness (already n the phase-)

Ba)e a d p nto sleep

Ba)e an ep sode of consc ousness .h le dream n& (already n the phase-)

Ba)e a separat on

4 9 < =

Ba)e a deepen n& of the phase Ba)e a plan of act on real ,ed Ba)e a phase ma nta ned for a lon& t me Ba)e a secondary e1 t from the body

0n case of problems enter n& the phase or controll n& t# steps that .ere s+ pped or not completed should be determ ned us n& the scale.

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APPROA,H TO 4ITERAT/RE ( terature of e)ery sort has al.ays been the ma n )eh cle for d ssem nat n& nformat on about the phase state. The phase phenomenon s referred to by other terms: astral pro6ect on# out4of4body tra)el# or luc d dream n&. 0n add t on to d ssem nat n& nformat on# many boo+s are often )eh cles for d ssem nat n& fallac es. Th s s easy to reco&n ,e .hen research n& se)eral such boo+s and compar n& descr bed e)ents and theor es. The nformat on s more often than not contrad ctory and based on op n ons that ha)e ne)er been )er f ed by anyone# nclud n& the authors. The result s a mass of speculat on that has no bear n& on real ty# nearly al.ays accompan ed by a false certa nty about the sub6ect matter. Bo.e)er# unl +e the real .orld# the phase s not a place .here one can bel e)e oneJs eyes or feel n&s. The phaseEs appearance and 8ual t es depend )ery much on the person e1per enc n& t. For e1ample# f a pract t oner bel e)es upon enter n& the phase that h s body . ll be ly n& nearby on the bed# then t . ll al.ays be there. 0f a pract t oner bel e)es that the perce )ed body should al.ays be tethered to the phys cal body# then the pract t oner . ll al.ays see and e)en feel a tether n the phase. Th s s a s mple case of e1pectat ons becom n& real ty. * m larly# someone .ho has entered the phase by acc dent and th n+s that the t me of death has arr )ed may see an&els and a tunnel . th a l &ht at the end. 0f someone s e1tremely rel & ous# there may be a percept on that someth n& holy# e)en Fod# has appeared. 0f entry to the phase s construed as a result of be n& abducted by al ens# then that s e1actly .hat . ll happen. Th s .ould all be 8u te funny f t .ere not encountered all of the t me. 0f one has no doubts &o n& n# then the only th n& left to do s to bel e)e. To bel e)e# to tell others about t# and .r te boo+s about t...

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There are authors .ho mpart no llus ons# but t s often d ff cult for a no) ce to separate the truth from llus on or open fabr cat on# .h ch s .hy a s+ept cal approach to the contents of any boo+ s .arranted. The only truth con)eyed n any boo+ s that .h ch has been )er f ed by personal e1per ence. The rest should s mply be noted and poss bly ta+en nto cons derat on. 0n conclus on# boo+s should be stud ed to d sco)er techn 8ue4related nformat on that allo.s a pract t oner to enter the phase and control the e1per ence. Th s s the only po nt of ntersect on amon& all bel efs and theor es. PRA,TI,E ENBIRON$ENT * nce techn 8ues used to enter the phase are assoc ated . th a spec f c type of mental operat on# t s necessary to create comfortable cond t ons so that e1ternal d stracters are +ept to a m n mum. D room should ne ther be too cold or too hot# nor too br &ht. 'erform n& techn 8ues at a comfortable temperature n a dar+ened room or .h le .ear n& a sleep n& mas+ are .ays to promote unh ndered pract ce. Interesting Fact! /n bright roo s, wearing a sleeping ask over the eyes can double the success rate of atte pts, and also help one to enter a uch deeper and longer phase. 0nterfer n& no ses are often also ma6or d stracters and solat on from such no ses s necessary to successful pract ce. 0t s often suff c ent to turn off the phone and close doors and . ndo.s. 0f th s does not help# or f t s e1tremely loud outs de the . ndo.# one can use standard earmuffs. 0t s also helpful to & )e ad)ance not ce to people so that they are not alarmed. 0t s also preferable that no one s n the bed . th the pract t oner. %ost often# domest c an mals

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nterfere . th the performance of techn 8ues# .h ch s .hy they should be fed beforehand and +ept out of the room .here d rect or nd rect techn 8ues are pract ced. TA46ING WITH 4I6E-$INDED PEOP4E Freat benef t s der )ed by d scuss n& personal e1per ences . th other pract t oners. Th s leads to an e1chan&e of nformat on# ne. +no.led&e# and mutual help concern n& certa n problems and ssues. The &reatest effect comes throu&h commun cat on n person# and not solely throu&h ma l# forums# and blo&s. %eet n& face4to4face . th l +e4m nded people promotes camarader e and a useful +no.led&ebase to cons der dur n& nd ) dual pract ce. Gue to the fact that +no.led&e of the phenomenon s underde)eloped# d ff cult es may ar se n f nd n& someone to tal+ to. Th s can be sol)ed by personally shar n& phase e1per ences . th fr ends and fam ly members# re&ardless of .hether they are fello. pract t oners. 0t s e)en better to pass on tra n n& l terature# l +e th s &u deboo+. Interesting Fact! %ore and ore fa ilies all across the world en;oy the phase together. Out of all those registered with the OOB( &esearch )enter, the ost interesting is a fa ily in which 8 e bers representing three generations (ages +A-83$ co petitively practice the phase. /n another case, an 1year-old actively practices with his parents. The .ebs te also has a d scuss on forum de)oted to the phase# ma+ n& t poss ble to obta n and e1chan&e a lar&e amount of nformat on. The s te also has the contact nformat on for the coord nators of 'hase 'ract t oner

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Clubs all around the .orld# .h ch are non4commerc al assoc at ons of enthus asts .ho meet to e1chan&e and d scuss e1per ences. THE RIGHT WAY TO 6EEP A AO/RNA4 Reep n& a 6ournal can be of much help .h le learn n& and pract c n& the phase. @hen properly +ept# a 6ournal can help a pract t oner to de)elop an analys s that . ll ncrease the 8ual ty of phase e1per ences. By and lar&e# +eep n& a 6ournal helps to ron out a sporad c pract ce# turn n& t nto a structured d sc pl ne that can be mastered. Dn effect )e d ary should conta n a mass )e amount of nd cators that allo. a stat st cal study to unco)er patterns. 0t s essent al that each entry nclude the date# t me of day or n &ht# and a deta led account of entr es nto the phase and phase e1per ences. Gescr pt ons of m sta+es and a plan of act on for the ne1t phase should also be recorded. Gur n& the no) ce sta&es of pract ce# e)en not n& unsuccessful entry attempts s benef c al. (ater on# only successful phase e1per ences may be recorded. Bere s an e1ample of a proper 6ournal entry: Data: (4perience @o. +, *anuary 3th, ,--1 ,?+B =% E+*erie ce: / woke up early in the orning. After e4ercising, / took a shower and ate breakfast. / watched T9 and read books until lunch. / laid down for a nap at + =%, right after lunch. / felt like perfor ing indirect techni0ues, and affir ed this intention. / woke up the first ti e to ove ent, but after trying to e ploy forced falling asleep (in order to

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negate the effects of the ove ent$, / fell asleep. / woke up the second ti e without ove ent and tried to roll out. This didn"t work and / tried levitating and getting up. After that, / oved on to phanto wiggling. %ove ent occurred in y right hand. After doing this for several seconds, / decided to try listening in. Sounds started, but / was unable to ake the louder. Gowever, i ages appeared before y eyes and / started to view the . After they beca e realistic, / decided to try rolling out and it worked without a hitch. %y vision was di , as if through a veil. But then, the rest of the sensations / felt reached the verge of reality. This is when / went to the window. 'or so e reason, it was su er outside, and not winter. There was a red fire-truck outside the window. There were really low clouds in the sky. The sun was above the . @e4t, everything 0uickly faded away and / found yself back in y body. Then, / got up and looked at the ti e. /t was ,?+3 =%. $i!take!: +. <hen the phanto wiggling worked, / should have aggressively tried to increase the range of ove ent, and not si ply done wiggling, let alone change to another techni0ue. After all, if wiggling occurs, the phase can always be entered. ,. The sa e with the sounds. / had no great desire to a plify sounds or even listen in. (verything was done lackadaisically. B. / should have started with deepening and not actions, as visual sensations were not vivid. A. / should have e ployed techni0ues for aintaining. 3. Eou can"t look down for long without si ultaneously using techni0ues for aintaining, yet / took in everything outside the window and in the sky. 8. / forgot about the plan of action. D. / should have tried re-enter the phase. Pla o" actio "or e+t ti)e:
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+. 5efinitely deepen the phase as uch as possible. ,. / should try to go through a wall. B. Translocate to y Auntie in @ew Eork. A. Translocate to the Statue of !iberty and e4a ine her crown.


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,&a*ter 37 M A ,ollectio

o" 8: Tec& i0ue!

GENERA4 PRIN,IP4ES REGARDING THE TE,HNIQ/ES The techn 8ues deta led belo. may be used both . th a d rect method of enter n& the phase . thout pr or sleep# and . th an nd rect method performed upon a.a+en n&. The e1cept ons are the dream consc ousness techn 8ues# .h ch are l sted separately# althou&h they cannot but ha)e a d rect nfluence on the probab l ty of success of the other methods. Con)ersely# all of the other techn 8ues cannot but ha)e the s de effect of ncreas n& the probab l ty of dream consc ousness ar s n&. @ th a fe. e1cept ons# the l st does not nclude non4autonomous phase entrance techn 8ues based on e1ternal phys cal factors or chem cal nfluences. The spec f cs of us n& each method are descr bed n deta l n ts correspond n& sect on. Dll of the techn 8ues l sted belo. are to be used n accordance . th the nstruct ons for each method. Bo.e)er# t s necessary to f rst understand a fundamental d fference here. @ th an nd rect method upon a.a+en n&# the &oal s to f nd a techn 8ue that .or+s by 8u c+ly alternat n& throu&h the most nterest n& and ntu t )e ones. Ds soon as a techn 8ue starts .or+ n&# +eep . th t and ntens fy the effort# and then try to separate r &ht a.ay. 0t . ll become apparent ho. .ell a techn 8ue s .or+ n& by the ntens ty of ts effects. For e1ample# some ma& ned mo)ement may become real. Dny real sensat ons ar s n& from the techn 8ues upon a.a+en n& mean that they are .or+ n&# and that the pract t oner s already n the phase.

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The techn 8ues play a secondary role . th the d rect method# and ser)e to create a free4float n& state of m nd (fad n& out or act )at n& consc ousness# depend n& on the type of techn 8ue be n& performed) that s conduc )e to br ef lapses n consc ousness. The deeper a lapse# the better the chances of mmed ately enter n& the phase .hen resurfac n& from t. %ean.h le# techn 8ues may .or+ from be& nn n& to end. Bo.e)er# th s means noth n& . thout lapses n consc ousness# unl +e . th nd rect techn 8ues. 0tEs also mportant to remember that d rect techn 8ues performed . thout pr or sleep ha)e one4tenth the success rate of nd rect ones performed upon a.a+en n&. ThatEs .hy all the techn 8ues belo. can eas ly br n& results upon a.a+en n&# but be useless for no) ces .hen used at other t mes. Each techn 8ue s descr bed only n &eneral terms# and t s assumed that the pract t oner already has a bas c understand n& of all of the mechan sms by .h ch the phase occurs and s able to f ll n all of the add t onal nuances on h s o.n. *e)eral techn 8ue4based tr c+s can be used to substant ally mpro)e the odds of success of pract cally all of the techn 8ues l sted belo.. F rst# you should try to not s mply perform the techn 8ues Cfor the sa+e of appearancesC# but rather & )e them your all# try n& to become one . th them and put all of your sensat ons nto them. 7e1t# you can mo)e your &a,e up sl &htly# as naturally as poss ble. Th rd# be& n to use the techn 8ues by f rst ma& n n& yourself do n& a $>" de&ree turn alon& your head4to4toe a1 s. Fourth# .h le youEre perform n& your techn 8ues al.ays try to recall sensat ons of ho. they had already .or+ed n the past# or of past phase occurrences. F fth# you should al.ays ha)e a clear mot )at on for enter n& the phase. That mot )at on may perhaps ar se from the most nterest n& plan of act on you can th n+ of.


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TA.4E FOR ,REATING YO/R OWN TE,HNIQ/ES The techn 8ues descr bed belo. are but a drop n the ocean of the r myr ad poss ble )ar at ons. 0t suff ces to say that pract cally e)ery phaser . ll come up . th some techn 8ue elements ndependently and be successful at us n& them n pract ce. Cons der n& the many )ar at ons of certa n techn 8ues and the fact that se)eral of them can be used at the same t me# the total number of poss ble techn 8ues numbers n the thousands. Bo.e)er# all of them only d ffer n se)eral fundamental .ays# and +no. n& ho. they d ffer . ll allo. you to eas ly create as many techn 8ues as you .ant on your o.n. %oreo)er# understand n& the pr nc ples of creat n& techn 8ues ma+es t substant ally eas er to conceptual ,e and understand the techn 8ues themsel)es. D table for creat n& techn 8ues s presented belo.# but t s not to be o)erused 4 after all# techn 8ue s n the end a matter of secondary mportance .hen t comes to enter n& the phase. The most mportant th n& s to understand ho. the phase state ar ses# and then all of the techn 8ues . ll .or+. Other. se# you could +no. do,ens or hundreds of them# but to no pract cal end.
Table "or ,reati 1 P&a!e E tra ce Tec& i0ue! a d Ho( T&e' Work i Practice D Dct )e (sensory percept on) Obser) n& ma&es (h nt) 7o se (h nt) 'hantom . &&l n& Real rotat on

B Dct )e ( ma& ned) V sual ,at on 0ma& n n& sounds 0ma& ned mo)ement 0ma& ned rotat on

C 'ass )e (detect on) Obser) n& ma&es ( sten n& n

$ ! : 4

* &ht Bear n& R nesthes a Vest bular sense

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Tact le V brat ons Cell phone sensat on E1amples of m 1ed techn 8ues: V sual , n& the hands techn 8ue *. mmer Techn 8ue Dl en Dbduct on Techn 8ue Rope Techn 8ue *ensory4%otor V sual ,at on Techn 8ue $D# :B# !B(C)H :B# 9B(C)H 4B# 9BH $B# :B# 4B# 9BH $B# !B# :B# 4B# 9BH

@otes? This table does not include the sense of s ell due to its rare use, nor e otional sensations due to difficulty in con;uring the . %eanwhile, so e other ele ents are also left out. TE,HNIQ/ES .ASED ON $OBE$ENT Se*aratio tec& i0ue The pract t oner tr es to mmed ately separate from h s body . thout us n& any techn 8ues for creat n& the phase state: s mply roll out# le) tate# stand up# cra.l out# etc. P&a to) (i11li 1 tec& i0ue The phaser tr es to mo)e some part of h s body . thout mo) n& a muscle# and mean.h le . thout ma& n n& or ) sual , n& anyth n&. For e1ample# th s could be an arm# le&# shoulder# the head# or e)en the 6a.. @hen mo)ement ar ses# the ma n a m s to ncrease the ran&e4of4mot on as much as poss ble# but not necessar ly the speed of mo)ement or the port on of the body part be n& . &&led. I)a1i ed )o#e)e t tec& i0ue D phaser tr es to real st cally feel some mo)ement that he starts off by s mply ma& n n&. For e1ample# th s could be s. mm n&# runn n&# .al+ n&# fly n&# or peddl n& . th the le&s or arms. The pract t oner doesnEt ha)e to ) sual ,e the

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techn 8ue .hen perform n& t# as mo)ement tself s most mportant here. TE,HNIQ/ES INBO4BING SIGHT Ob!er#i 1 i)a1e! tec& i0ue The phaser peers nto the )o d before h s eyes . thout open n& them. Ds soon as he be& ns to see any ma&ery# he tr es to d scern t better by defocuss n& h s s &ht# as f he .ere loo+ n& beyond the ma&ery. Th s ma+es t become stead er and more real st c. Tec& i0ue o" #i!uali9atio The phaser tr es to real st cally see and d scern an ob6ect no more than < nches from h s eyes. TE,HNIQ/ES .ASED ON BESTI./4AR SENSE Tec& i0ue o" i)a1i ed rotatio The phaser tr es to ma& ne that h s body s rotat n& alon& h s head4to4toe a1 s. The end &oal s to replace ma& ned sensat ons . th real ones. Rotat on may &enerally ta+e place on any plane# but one shouldnEt try to ) sual ,e t or try to see oneself from the s de# as the ma n emphas s s on oneEs o.n )est bular sensat ons. Tec& i0ue o" real rotatio The phaser tr es to rotate the sensat on of h s phys cal body alon& h s head4to4toe a1 s. 0n th s case# the process need not be ) sual ,ed or ma& ned. Aou should start off from real sensat ons# althou&h the plane of rotat on may be chan&ed at . ll. S(i 1-!et tec& i0ue

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The phaser tr es to feel that he s r d n& a s. n&4set# or that h s body tself s roc+ n& . th the same ran&e of mot on. The pr mary &oal s to ach e)e the real st c sensat on of s. n& n& and try to ma+e :<"o re)olut ons. TE,HNIQ/ES INBO4BING HEARING Tec& i0ue o" li!te i 1-i The phaser l stens ns de h s head# try n& to hear f there s any no se or bac+&round stat c. 0f sound s heard# one must try to ampl fy t as much as poss ble throu&h the same pass )e l sten n& n. Tec& i0ue o" "orced li!te i 1-i The phaser tr es act )ely# and e)en stra n n&ly# to hear sounds ns de h s head or bac+&round stat c . th all h s m &ht. 0f th s .or+s# he tr es to ampl fy those sounds as much as poss ble us n& the same act )e l sten n& n. Tec& i0ue o" i)a1i i 1 !ou d! The phaser tr es to hear some spec f c sound ns de h s head. *omeoneEs )o ce# fam l ar mus c# and the sound of oneEs o.n name be n& called .or+ best of all. 0f such sound ar ses# then the pract t oner tr es to ma+e t as loud as poss ble. TE,HNIQ/ES .ASED ON TA,TI4E SENSATIONS ,ell-*&o e tec& i0ue The phaser tr es to feel some ob6ect ly n& n h s hand# e.&. a cell4phone# an apple# a TV remote control# etc. %ean.h le# one should try to ach e)e real st c sensat ons n full deta l.

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Tec& i0ue o" i)a1i ed !e !atio The phaser tr es to feel tact le sensat ons on h s body# start n& . th the sensat on that someone or someth n& s ly n& on h m# and end n& . th the feel n& of touch n& someone or someth n&. Strai i 1 t&e brai tec& i0ue The phaser tr es to stra n h s bra n e ther spasmod cally or cont nually# as f t .ere a muscle. Th s br n&s a feel n& of real stra n ns de the cran um# n add t on to pressure# no se# and ) brat ons. Th s s essent ally a techn 8ue of creat n& and ntens fy n& the ) brat ons that enable phase entrance. Tec& i0ue o" !trai i 1 t&e bod' but ot )u!cle! ( +e stra n n& the bra n# but . th the .hole body. tr es to stra n the body# but not the phys cal muscles. causes nternal tens on# no se# and ) brat ons# .h ch e)entually lead to the phase. t&e One Th s can

Tec& i0ue o" bodil' *erce*tio The phaser tr es to authent cally feel that h s body s be n& stretched apart# compressed# nflated# deflated# t. sted or other. se d storted n some .ay. TE,HNIQ/ES .ASED ON REA4 $OBE$ENTS AND SENSATIONS OF THE PHYSI,A4 .ODY Tec& i0ue o" e'e )o#e)e t The phaser ma+es abrupt left4to4r &ht or up4and4do.n eye mo)ements. The eyes are +ept closed the .hole t me. @hen properly perform n& the techn 8ue# ) brat ons and poss bly separat on . ll occur. Fore&ead dot tec& i0ue

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@ thout open n& h s eyes# the phaser d rects h s &a,e to.ards a dot on the center of h s forehead. Th s s not to be a forced or e1cess )ely a&&ress )e mo)ement. Th s . ll br n& the eyes nto a pos t on they naturally ta+e dur n& deep sleep# .h ch may lead to a refle1 )e entrance nto the phase or fac l tate the performance of other techn 8ues. Tec& i0ue o" breat&i 1 The phaser focuses h s attent on on the process of breath n& and all of ts aspects: the e1pans on and contract on of the chest ca) ty# the lun&s f ll n& . th a r# and the passa&e of a r throu&h the mouth and throat. D flu d trans t on to the phase may occur or ) brat ons may ar se. Rai!ed &a d tec& i0ue The phaser ra ses h s forearm from the elbo. .h le ly n& do.n and s mply falls asleep. Once the pract t oner fades out of consc ousness# h s forearm . ll drop# not fy n& h m that he can perform another techn 8ue or mmed ately separate# as the r &ht trans t onal state may ha)e occurred dur n& the lapse n consc ousness. Tactile irritatio tec& i0ue The pract t oner loosely t es h s an+le or .r st . th a cord# or puts on a sleep n& mas+. The sensat ons created by these fore &n ob6ects can rem nd the pract t oner to perform the r &ht act ons e ther upon a.a+en n& or mmed ately after a lapse n consc ousness. Tec& i0ue o" *&'!iolo1ical di!co)"ort The pract t oner eats l ttle throu&hout the day or dr n+s l ttle .ater .h le eat n& lots of salty th n&s. Con)ersely# the pract t oner m &ht dr n+ too much .ater o)er the course of the day before ma+ n& an attempt to enter the phase. The result n& phys olo& cal d scomfort . ll often a.a+en the pract t oner# nduce consc ousness .h le dream n&# or +eep

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h m from fall n& nto deep sleep .hen perform n& the d rect techn 8ues. TE,HNIQ/ES .ASED ON INTENTION AND FEE4INGS Tec& i0ue o" "orced "alli 1 a!lee* The phaser m m cs natural sleep .h le ma nta n n& control of h s consc ous m nd# and then e ther employs techn 8ues or mmed ately tr es to lea)e h s body at the last second before fad n& out. Th s techn 8ue can be used e ther on ts o.n# or n parallel . th any other techn 8ue. Tec& i0ue o" i te tio The pract t oner enters the phase only throu&h an ntense and focused ntent on of mmed ately e1per enc n& the phase. Dlternat )ely# th s may also be a calm but constant des re felt o)er the course of the day. 0ntent on s espec ally effect )e not only dur n& an attempt or lon& before one# but also e)ery t me you fall asleep# as th s moment can be ta+en ad)anta&e of us n& the d rect or nd rect method. Tec& i0ue o" recalli 1 t&e !tate @hen attempt n& phase entrance . th or . thout techn 8ues# the pract t oner tr es to recall 4 and thus nduce 4 the sensat ons of a pre) ously had phase e1per ence. Tec& i0ue o" recalli 1 #ibratio ! 0n order to nduce ) brat ons# the phaser tr es to s mply recall the sensat on of them n as much deta l as poss ble. 0ntensely des r n& ) brat ons can also nduce them. Tec& i0ue o" tra !locatio The pract t oner mmed ately tr es to employ the translocat on techn 8ue n a stubborn and self4assured manner . thout us n& a phase creat on or separat on techn 8ue.

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Tec& i0ue o" )oti#atio 0n order to ha)e a phase entrance occur spontaneously or &et techn 8ues .or+ better# the pract t oner creates a most nterest n& and mportant a plan of act on for the phase that he .ants to carry out no matter .hat. Tec& i0ue o" "ear The phaser tr es to recall someth n& as scary# a.ful# or &ra)eyard4l +e as poss ble# and ma& nes t r &ht ne1t to h m 4 th s s meant to e)o+e pure terror and horror# .h ch . ll ele)ate to a phas c state at the r &ht moment. The ma n def c ency of the techn 8ue s that fear can l n&er on nto the phase# and the pract t oner m &ht subse8uently try to &et out of the state. Tec& i0ue o" "li1&t @ thout us n& a phase creat on or separat on techn 8ue# the pract t oner tr es to con6ure the sensat on of fly n& r &ht from the start. Tec& i0ue o" cou ti 1 0n order to enter the phase# the pract t oner counts do.n from $"" to $. Gepend n& on the phase entrance method to follo.# he should e ther try to +eep h s attent on focused on count n&# or# con)ersely# try to ach e)e lapses n consc ousness. Tec& i0ue o" dotti 1 The pract t oner mo)es h s attent on to po nts on the s+ n atop of the lar&est 6o nts of the body# or mo)es h s a.areness to ns de the 6o nts themsel)es. Aou should pause at each po nt for se)eral seconds or breaths# try n& to feel them as d st nctly as you can.


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.EST OF THE $IEED TE,HNIQ/ES S(i))er tec& i0ue The phaser tr es to ma& ne the process of s. mm n& n as much deta l as poss ble# try n& to feel all of the phys cal sensat ons of the process and e)en feel the .ater surround n& h s body. Dny s. mm n& style may be used. (Best techn 8ue of !"$" and !"$$ at *chool of Out4of4Body Tra)el sem nars) Ro*e tec& i0ue The phaser ma& nes that a rope s dan&l n& abo)e h m# and that he s cl mb n& up t. %ean.h le# one should try to feel oneEs o.n arm mo)ements# the touch of the rope# and the sensat on of he &ht. V sual ,at on of the process may occas onally be added n. Tec& i0ue o" #i!uali9i 1 t&e &a d! The phaser tr es to feel that he s rubb n& h s hands to&ether# as f try n& to .arm them. %ean.h le# tEs mportant to try to feel the mo)ement of your hands# the feel n& of them com n& nto contact# the sound of rubb n&# and also try to see the .hole process n front of you. The ma& ned hands should be rubbed at a d stance of no more than < nches from your eyes. Se !or'-)otor #i!uali9atio tec& i0ue The phaser should try to ma& ne as f 1edly and act )ely as poss ble that he has already separated from h s body and s employ n& a techn 8ue for deepen n& the phase# nclud n& the ntens f cat on of e)ery sensat on poss ble. Be should ma& ne that he s .al+ n& ns de a room# scrut n , n& e)eryth n& from a close d stance# touch n& someth n&# and so on. That s# he should mmed ately deepen the phase . thout us n& techn 8ues to create the state or separate.


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/N,ONBENTIONA4 TE,HNIQ/ES Alie abductio tec& i0ue The pract t oner ma& nes that al ens ha)e n)aded h s bedroom and are &rabb n& h s an+les and pull n& h m out of h s body. Dlternat )ely# he ma& nes that he s be n& pulled out by a beam emanat n& from a spacesh p. Se+ tec& i0ue The pract t oner tr es to feel the nt mate sensat ons of the copulat )e act n as much deta l as poss ble. Th s .or+s better for .omen n the pass )e form. Toot&bru!& tec& i0ue The pract t oner tr es to feel that he s brush n& h s teeth. Be tr es to feel the mo)ement of h s hand# the sensat on of the brush n h s mouth# and the taste of toothpaste. Be can also try to add n sensat on by ma& n n& h mself stand n& n front of a m rror n a bathroom. W&i!*eri 1 *illo( tec& i0ue (y n& . th h s ear to h s p llo.# the pract t oner tr es to hear sounds# melod es# and )o ces com n& from t. Be can try to hear spec f c sounds# or s mply pass )ely l sten n to .hatEs there. TE,HNIQ/ES FOR .E,O$ING ,ONS,IO/S WHI4E DREA$ING A c&or tec& i0ue Gur n& .a+efulness# the pract t oner de)elops the hab t of analy, n& h s state .hene)er he encounters spec f c anchors: h s hands# the sound of .ater# peopleEs faces# etc. Th s pract ce . ll &radually trans t on o)er nto dream n&# & ) n& h m a chance to react to an anchor and real ,e that

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e)eryth n& around h m s a dream. Dn anchor should be someth n& encountered ne ther rarely nor fre8uently both .hen dream n& and dur n& .a+efulness. 0n order to &et a clearer understand n& of .hether one s surrounded by real ty or the dreamscape# one should try to le) tate or &o nto hyperconcentrat on .hene)er an anchor s encountered. Drea) )e)or' de#elo*)e t tec& i0ue The pract t oner recalls all of h s latest dreams both n the morn n& and n the e)en n&. For more sol d results# one should +eep a dream 6ournal and try to enter as many dream ep sodes nto t as poss ble. The more dreams that the pract t oner remembers# the more ) ) d future ones . ll become# and the more fre8uently he . ll become consc ous dur n& them. Tec& i0ue o" drea) )a*-)aki 1 Bere# the pract t oner not only +eeps a dream 6ournal# but also tr es to mar+ all of the places he dreamt he .as n on a spec al map. The ma n &oal s to create an nte&rated plane .here dream places mer&e to&ether nto a un f ed .orld. Tec& i0ue o" drea) a al'!i! @hene)er perform n& dream analys s# be t mentally or .hen +eep n& a dream 6ournal# the phaser should ta+e as cr t cal a stance as poss ble to.ards the lo& cal ncons stenc es that &o unnot ced .h le dream n&# as they can ser)e as a clear mar+er that one s n a dream. *uch cr t cal a.areness . ll &radually .or+ ts .ay nto oneEs dreams# enabl n& one to turn dreams nto the phase. Th s techn 8ue s espec ally effect )e .hen analy, n& dreams mmed ately upon a.a+en n&. THE HIGHEST TE,HNIQ/E T&e &i1&e!t u i#er!al tec& i0ue

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D pract t oner .ell ac8ua nted . th the phase . ll try to not use techn 8ues to create the necessary state. Be . ll attempt to obta n t mmed ately. Th s s s m lar to ntense ntent on to e1per ence the phase coupled . th focused recollect on of the sensat ons assoc ated . th t. Th s techn 8ue s only su table for phasers .ho ha)e form dable e1per ence.


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,&a*ter P&e o)e o


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STEPHEN 4A.ERGE *tephen (aBer&e .as born n $?4= n the 2n ted *tates. Dt the a&e of $?# he rece )ed a BachelorJs Ge&ree n mathemat cs from Dr ,ona *tate 2n )ers ty# after .h ch he enrolled as a &raduate student n the Chem stry pro&ram at *tanford 2n )ers ty. 0n $?<?# he too+ an academ c lea)e of absence. Be returned to *tanford n $?== and be&an study n& the human m nd# nclud n& sub6ects related to dream n&. (aBer&e rece )ed h s 'h.G. n psychophys olo&y n $?>". Be founded the (uc d ty 0nst tute n $?>=. *tephen (aBer&e has made the lar&est sc ent f c contr but on to the study of phase states. 0t suff ces to say that (aBer&e .as the f rst n the .orld to pro)e dur n& a full4 fled&ed sc ent f c e1per ment that t s poss ble to become consc ous .h le dream n& Th s .as done throu&h lo&& n& spec f c s &nals made . th the eyes by a person dream n& .h le sleep n& under measurement nstruments. These e1per ments also pro)ed that eye mo)ement n the phys cal body and perce )ed body are synchronous. !ucid 5rea ing# f rst publ shed n $?>9# s (aBer&eEs most .ell4+no.n boo+. (4ploring the <orld of !ucid 5rea ing# a boo+ that (aBer&e .rote . th Bo.ard Rhe n&old#

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.as publ shed n $??". 0t .as ma nly than+s to the efforts of (aBer&e that m nd4mach nes for ach e) n& dream consc ousness .ere created# such as Gream( &ht# 7o)aGreamer# and Gream%a+er. The +ey feature of (aBer&eJs .or+ and ach e)ements s an absolutely pra&mat c approach to the nature of the phenomenon. Dr&uably# he s one of the fe. authors and researchers totally lac+ n& n rrat onal ty. E)eryth n& that can be read and learned from h s boo+s s )er f able and access ble for e)eryone# . th no peddl n& of out4of4th s4.orld superpo.ers. ,AR4OS ,ASTANEDA Gue to Carlos CastanedaJs des re to follo. the sp r tual pract ce of the @arr orJs 'ath# .h ch enta ls eras n& oneJs personal h story# the deta ls of h s b o&raphy are unclear. Ds far as CastanedaJs early years are concerned# t can only be stated that he .as born outs de of the 2n ted *tates somet me bet.een $?!9 and $?:9. Be enrolled at the 2n )ers ty of Cal forn a# (os Dn&eles (2C(D) n the $?<"s# .here he rece )ed a 'h.G. n anthropolo&y on the bas s of h s boo+s. CastanedaJs ent re l fe path .as de)oted to study n& the teach n&s of a certa n Iuan %atus or Gon Iuan Cachora. 0t s more than l +ely that h s persona s a compos te4 ma&e of an 0nd an *haman# a sorcerer# and an he r of the culture of the anc ent 3Toltecs5. Castaneda .rote a do,en boo+sH ho.e)er# the boo+ The Art of 5rea ing ($??:) has the most to do . th the phase state. 0t conta ns se)eral effect )e techn 8ues for enter n& the phase throu&h dream consc ousness. B s sub6ect matter s soa+ed n a lar&e amount of myst c sm and ) rtually de)o d of any pra&mat sm.

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Gesp te the fact that the ma n or entat on of CastanedaJs .or+ d d not touch upon the phase state# he ne)ertheless became one of the found n& fathers of th s f eld# as h s &eneral popular ty reached mass )e proport ons .orld. de. Carlos Castaneda passed a.ay n $??>. RO.ERT A% $ONROE Robert %onroe .as born n the 2n ted *tates n $?$9. 0n $?:=# he &raduated from Oh o *tate 2n )ers ty . th a de&ree n En& neer n&. Be .or+ed for some t me as a rad o pro&ram producer and d rector unt l he establ shed h s o.n rad o company n 7e. Aor+# .h ch rap dly e1panded. 0n $?9<# h s company also conducted a study about the effect of sound .a)es on the ab l t es of the m nd. 0n $?9># %onroe had an acc dental personal e1per ence . th the phase phenomenon# .h ch stron&ly sto+ed h s nterest n the sub6ect to .h ch he .ould de)ote h s ent re career. 0n $?=4# he founded the %onroe 0nst tute# .h ch .as ent rely de)oted to study n& unusual states of consc ousness and the ab l ty to nfluence them throu&h aud o st mulat on and other technolo& es. One of ts ma n ach e)ements .as the creat on of the Bem 4*ync system# .h ch .as des &ned to help a person reach altered states of consc ousness# nclud n& out4of4body states# by synchron , n& the t.o hem spheres of the bra n. B s f rst boo+# *ourneys Out of the Body# .as publ shed n $?=$. T.o boo+s then follo.ed: 'ar *ourneys ($?>9) and :lti ate *ourney ($??4). Robert %onroe has# so far# made the lar&est contr but on to.ard popular , n& the phase state. Bo.e)er# he understood the phase more as an actual e1 t of the m nd from the body# .h ch s .hy the term 3out4of4body e1per ence5 (OBE) .as

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ntroduced. The boo+ *ourneys Out of the Body .as such a mass )e success that %onroe 8u c+ly became an und sputed author ty n the f eld. Bo.e)er# the lar&e nfluence of myst c sm on %onroeJs .or+ and ) e.s cannot be &nored. Th s s espec ally apparent after h s second boo+. The ma6or ty of phenomena descr bed n the boo+ ha)e not been )er f ed n pract ce. The only attempt at conduct n& a full4fled&ed sc ent f c e1per ment pro) n& that the m nd left the body .as unsuccessful. 0n the end# typ cal m sconcept ons about the phase became . despread# as d d a.areness of the e1 stence of out4of4body e1per ences. Robert %onroe passed a.ay n $??9. PATRI,IA GARFIE4D 'atr c a Farf eld .as born n $?:4 n the 2n ted *tates. From the a&e of $4# she +ept an un nterrupted da ly dream 6ournal that .ould allo. her and all of human ty &reat ns &ht nto dream phenomena assoc ated . th the phase. *he .as one of the founders of The Dssoc at on for the *tudy of Greams. Gr. Farf eld holds a 'h.G. n cl n cal psycholo&y. *he s the author of a &reat number of boo+s# . th the $?=4 best4seller )reative 5rea ing be n& the most . dely lauded. 0t .as one of the f rst p eces of l terature to approach the phase state n a pract cal and non4spec al st .ay# and rece )ed .orld. de nterest and apprec at on. The boo+ conta ns &ood pract cal &u del nes and also descr bes the dream n& pract ces of )ar ous cultures.


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SY4BAN $/4DOON *yl)an %uldoon .as born n the 2n ted *tates n $?":. Be s cons dered to be the Dmer can p oneer n the study of the phase# althou&h he used the esoter c term astral. Be nad)ertently .o+e up n the phase at the a&e of $!# .here he sa. a cord connect n& h s perce )ed body to h s real body. %uldoon f rst thou&ht that he .as dy n& dur n& the e1per ence# althou&h he e)entually concluded that th s .as an nstance of 3astral pro6ect on5. Be had repeated e1per ence . th the phenomenon# but .as st ll unable to become an ad)anced pract t oner due to a lac+ of full control o)er the pract ce. Dfter coord nat n& efforts . th Bere.ard Carr n&ton# the famous Dmer can n)est &ator of the un+no.n# the t.o publ shed the sensat onal# 6o ntly authored boo+ The =ro;ection of the Astral Body n $?!?. The authors publ shed t.o other boo+s: The )ase for Astral =ro;ection ($?:<) and The =heno ena of Astral =ro;ection ($?9$). Gesp te a lar&e ser) n& of esoter c sm# %uldoonJs boo+s# (espec ally the f rst one) conta n a lot of helpful# pract cal nformat on and e1planat on of the most d )erse phenomena that can occur dur n& the phase. Bo.e)er# %uldoon s cons dered to be the &reatest popular ,er of rrat onal esoter c terms and theor es# .h ch subse8uently became 8u te . despread. *yl)an %uldoon passed a.ay n $?=$. ,HAR4ES 4EAD.EATER Charles (eadbeater .as born n En&land n $>4= ($>94 accord n& to some sources). Dfter dropp n& out of O1ford due to hard t mes# (eadbeater became an orda ned pr est# but

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then became 8u te act )e n the occult. Th s led to h s becom n& a member of the Theosoph cal *oc ety n $>>:. (eadbeater became one of ts most famous part c pants. The comb nat on of a br &ht m nd# sc ent f c +no.led&e# and nterest n the paranormal led h m to publ sh many boo+s on many d )erse top cs. One of them# 5rea s? <hat They Are and Gow They Are )aused ($>?>)# .as one of the f rst .or+s to touch upon the phenomenon of the phase. (eadbeaterJs .r t n& s saddled . th a ton of esoter c terms and theor es. 0n t# the term astral plane s predom nantly used for the phase. 7e)ertheless# the boo+ s not . thout some helpful &u del nes concern n& techn 8ues. Charles (eadbeater passed a.ay n $?:4. RO.ERT .R/,E Robert Bruce .as born n En&land n $?99. Be has performed h s l feEs .or+ .h le l ) n& n Dustral a. Dfter study n& and promot n& d ssoc at )e phenomena for many years# by the be& nn n& of the !$st century he had become one of the lead n& author t es n the astral pro6ect on f eld. Be s also a spec al st n many other paranormal f elds of study. Robert Bruce .rote se)eral boo+s# the most mportant and .ell +no.n of .h ch s Astral 5yna ics ($???). The author holds 8u te open esoter c ) e.s# .h ch are )ery stron&ly reflected n h s theor es and term nolo&y. The helpful# pract cal &u del nes n h s boo+s are 8u te often loaded . th a lar&e amount of nformat on that has not been )er f ed or pro)en by anyone. Robert Bruce s also a propa&ator of

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typ cal superst t ons and stereotypes concern n& the phase phenomenon. RI,HARD WE.STER R chard @ebster .as born n 7e. Qealand# .here he st ll res des. Be s the author of about 9" publ cat ons that ha)e sold many m ll ons of cop es around the .orld. *ome of them# l +e Astral Travel for Beginners# are completely de)oted to the phase state. Bo.e)er# the boo+ s saturated . th . despread m sconcept ons about the phase phenomenon and m s&u ded theor es try n& to e1pla n t. The techn 8ue4related aspect of the boo+ s also presented neffect )ely. 0t s 8u te l +ely that the author h mself has no pract cal e1per ence# .h ch can also be sa d for the contents of h s other do,ens of boo+s de)oted to )ar ous top cs. ,HAR4ES TART Charles Tart .as born n the 2n ted *tates n $?:=. Be rece )ed h s 'h. G. n psycholo&y n $?<: at the 2n )ers ty of 7orth Carol na. Tart also rece )ed tra n n& at *tanford 2n )ers ty. Be .as one of the founders of transpersonal psycholo&y. Be became one of the most preem nent researchers of unusual states of a.areness after the publ cat on of Altered States of )onsciousness ($?<?)# the f rst boo+ that he .or+ed on. 0t .as one of the f rst boo+s to e1am ne enter n& the phase

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throu&h dream consc ousness. The boo+ rece )ed popular ty .hen the use (*G and %ar 6uana .ere often ) e.ed as )eh cles to ele)ated consc ousness# and the boo+ e)en descr bes the use of chem cal substances n the conte1t of phase states.


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,&a*ter 38 M Fi al Te!t

The 8uest ons on the test may ha)e one or more correct ans.ers# or none of the ans.ers may be correct. Thus# the 8uest ons must be read completely throu&h# and attent on must be pa d to the r mpl cat ons and f ner po nts. D studentJs theoret cal +no.led&e s cons dered to be sat sfactory f the correct ans.ers to at least one4half of the 8uest ons are & )en. 0f a score of less than 9"; s rece )ed# a student should study the .ea+ po nts a&a n or re4read the ent re &u deboo+. Other. se# t s 8u te probable that fundamental m sta+es . ll be made# .h ch . ll n turn nterfere . th nd ) dual pract ce. 0f a score of at least >"; s ach e)ed# then a theoret cal +no.led&e of the pract ce s at an ad)anced le)el# .h ch . ll surely ha)e a pos t )e effect on the pract t onerJs d rect e1per ences n the phase. Dns.ers are n the append 1 at the end of the &u deboo+. 3% Noi!e a d reali!tic i)a1e! u e+*ectedl' ari!e (&e *er"or)i 1 t&e i direct tec& i0ue o" *&a to) (i11li 1% W&at ca be do e< D) Cont nue . th phantom . &&l n&. B) *. tch to obser) n& ma&es or l sten n& n. C) Try to do all or some of the techn 8ues s multaneously. G) Choose the techn 8ue . th the stron&est precursors and cont nue . th that one.


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7% A *ractitio er u i te tio all' o*e ! t&e e'e! "or !e#eral !eco d! u*o a(ake i 1% W&at i! t&e be!t (a' to !tart i direct tec& i0ue! i t&i! ca!e< D) Dttempt n& to separate. B) The obser) n& ma&es techn 8ue. C) The rap d eye mo)ement techn 8ue. G) The forced fall n& asleep techn 8ue. E) 0tJs best to not start any techn 8ue and fall bac+ to sleep . th the ntent on of rea.a+en n& and try n& to do e)eryth n& a&a n . thout f rst mo) n&. 3% W&ic& actio ! are *re"erable "or *er"or)i 1 a direct tec& i0ue be"ore "alli 1 a!lee* "or t&e i1&t a"ter a lo 1 *eriod o" !lee* de*ri#atio or e+&au!tio < D) %onotonously perform n& the obser) n& ma&es techn 8ue. B) Be n& attent )e and concentrat n& on act ons. C) The absence of a free4float n& state of consc ousness. G) Su c+ly alternat n& techn 8ues. E) B &h48ual ty rela1at on. 8% $ild #ibratio ! occur (&e *er"or)i 1 a direct tec& i0ue% ,a t&e !trai i 1 t&e brai tec& i0ue be u!ed to a)*li"' t&e #ibratio !< D) Aes. B) 7o. C) 0t may be used# but for pract cal purposes 4 only .hen a pract t oner s e1hausted or sleep4depr )ed. G) 0t may be used# as lon& as the attempt to enter the phase s not be n& made dur n& the day. :% W&ic& o" t&e actio ! 1i#e belo( i crea!e t&e likeli&ood o" e teri 1 t&e *&a!e t&rou1& drea) co !ciou! e!! (&e u!ed ri1&t be"ore "alli 1 a!lee*< D) 'erform n& d rect techn 8ues.

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B) 0ntend n& to perform nd rect techn 8ues upon a.a+en n&. C) Recall n& dreams from the n &ht before. G) Creat n& a plan of act on for use n case of entrance to the phase n such a .ay. 5% I" a(are e!! occur! at t&e #er' la!t )o)e t o" a drea) t&at "ade! a(a'2 (&ic& o" t&e actio ! 1i#e belo( !&ould be u dertake i order to e ter t&e *&a!e a! !oo a! *o!!ible< D) Try to fall asleep a&a n n order to once a&a n become self4a.are .h le dream n&. B) 0mmed ately perform nd rect techn 8ues. C) Ta+e a brea+ and perform d rect techn 8ues later. G) *tart to recall that n &htJs dreams. J% W&ic& o" t&e!e are )o!t likel' to *roduce a 0uick *&a!e e tr' (&e a(ake i 1 i a !tate o" !lee* *aral'!i!< D) Rela1at on. B) Fall n& asleep . th the ntent on of becom n& self4 a.are .h le n a dream. C) %o) n& the phys cal eyes and ton&ue. G) G rect techn 8ues. K% W&at !&ould be do e (&e !*o ta eou!l' t&ro( "ro) t&e bod' (&ile l'i 1 do( or (aki 1 u* i t&e )iddle o" t&e i1&t< D) Return to the body and perform appropr ate separat on techn 8ues. B) 0mplement a predeterm ned plan of act on for the phase. C) Geepen mmed ately. G) Try to 8u c+ly establ sh ) s on# f t s not already present. E) Employ the forced fall n& asleep techn 8ue.

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H% W&ile tr'i 1 to e ter t&e *&a!e2 rolli 1 out (ork! at "ir!t2 but o l' *artiall'2 a d t&e )o#e)e t ca ot be e+te ded a ' "urt&er o )atter (&at e""ort i! )ade% W&at i! it be!t to do i t&i! !ituatio < D) Try to turn bac+ and roll out further once a&a n# and repeat se)eral t mes. B) *tart do n& cycles of nd rect techn 8ues. C) Ta+e a brea+ and try to separate after se)eral m nutes. G) Try to separate by le) tat n&# &ett n& up# or cl mb n& out. E) 2se any nd rect techn 8ue for phase entry and attempt roll n& out a&a n. 3@% A *ractitio er u e+*ectedl' 1et! !tuck i t&e "loor or (all (&ile rolli 1 out% W&at !&ould be do e to re!u)e t&e *&a!e< D) Force throu&h the obstacle. B) Employ translocat on techn 8ues. C) Dttempt to return to the body and roll out a&a n. G) 'erform sensory ampl f cat on. 33% Ho( )a' a *ractitio er dee*e t&e *&a!e (&ile "l'i 1 t&rou1& a dark "or)le!! !*ace (&ile !e*arati 1< D) Employ the techn 8ue of fall n& headf rst. B) There s no .ay to do th s. C) Create and ampl fy ) brat ons. G) Be& n self4palpat on. E) Translocate to another area n the phase and deepen t throu&h sensory ampl f cat on. 37% I" dee*e i 1 tec& i0ue! do ot co)*letel' (ork (it&i 3: to 3@ !eco d!2 (&at ca be do e< D) Cont nue try n& to &o deeper. B) E1 t from the phase.

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C) Dttempt to return to the body and once a&a n use phase entrance techn 8ues. G) 'roceed to perform n& predeterm ned act ons. 33% W&ic& tec& i0ue or (a' o" )ai tai i 1 t&e *&a!e !&ould be u!ed (&e tele*orti 1 !o)e(&ere (it& clo!ed e'e!< D) The techn 8ue of ampl fy n& and ma nta n n& ) brat ons. B) Tact le sensory ampl f cat on# feel n& the sensat on of rubb n& the hands to&ether. C) 7o techn 8ue. G) The techn 8ue of rotat on. E) Repeat n& aloud the des re to rema n n the phase. 38% I (&ic& !ituatio ! i! "alli 1 a!lee* i t&e *&a!e )o!t likel'< D) @hen loo+ n& for a des red person. B) @hen commun cat n& . th an mate ob6ects. C) @hen completely calm# ha) n& completely halted all act ) ty. G) @hen tra)el n& a mlessly. E) @hen ta+ n& part n s de e)ents. 3:% W&ic& o" t&e "ollo(i 1 i dicator! 1uara tee! t&at t&e *&a!e &a! bee e+ited a d t&e *ractitio er i! i realit'< D) D cloc+ sho.s the r &ht t me# and the same t me e)en f a pract t oner turns a.ay from t and then loo+s at t a&a n. B) *ensat ons are completely real st c. C) The presence of fr ends or fam ly n the room .ho commun cate . th the pract t oner. G) Dn nner feel n& that the phase has ended. E) 7oth n& happens after star n& at the end of a f n&er from close d stance for f )e to $" seconds.

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35% I (&ic& !ituatio ! !&ould tra#eli 1 i t&e *&a!e be deliberatel' di!co ti ued< D) @hen a fear that a return . ll be mposs ble# or a d rect fear of death ar ses. B) @hen there s a real poss b l ty that the pract t oner . ll be late for someth n& n the phys cal .orld. C) @hen fr &htened by some stran&e e)ents or ob6ects. G) @hen there s an ne1pl cable mortal fear of someth n& un+no.n or ncomprehens ble. E) 0f someone n the phase stron&ly ns sts that the pract t oner should return to real ty. F) 0f sharp pa n occurs n the body that s not caused by nteract on . th ob6ects n the phase .orld. 3J% W&at (ill )o!t likel' occur (&e tr'i 1 to e#ade !o)e a("ul bei 1 or da 1erou! *er!o < D) The ob6ect . ll &et bored and stop. B) Fear of the ob6ect . ll &o a.ay. C) The phase . ll occur more fre8uently# as .ell as be lon&er and deeper than usual. G) The pract t oner . ll become calmer and unner)ed less fre8uently. E) The more fear there s# the more often the ob6ect . ll chase the pract t oner. 3K% W&e !&ould e!tabli!&i 1 #i!io i t&e *&a!e be co !idered2 i" it &a! ot occurred o it! o( < D) 0mmed ately upon separat on . thout deepen n&. B) 0mmed ately after deepen n&. C) @h le fly n& throu&h dar+ space dur n& translocat on. G) @hen there s a des re to mmed ately e1plore the surround n&s after separat on has occurred. 3H% Ho( i! it *o!!ible to *a!! t&rou1& a (all (&ile !ta di 1 clo!e to it2 (it&out !to**i 1 to look at it "ro) clo!e ra 1e<

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D) By &radually push n& the hands and arms throu&h t# and then the ent re body and head. B) By &radually push n& the head throu&h t at f rst# and then the ent re body. C) By try n& to put a hole n t# and then e1pand n& the hole and cl mb n& throu&h t. G) By ramm n& t . th a shoulder# try n& to br n& t do.n. 7@% W&ile i t&e *&a!e2 a *ractitio er i! i a !ituatio (&ere t&e ar)! are totall' *aral'9ed a d i))obili9ed% T&i! &a**e ! i a roo) (it& a !i 1le e+it: a door t&at &a! !tarted to clo!e% W&at are t&e t(o ea!ie!t (a'! to kee* t&e door o*e < D) Order the door to stay open n a loud# mper ous# and assert )e manner. B) Free the arms and hold bac+ the door. C) *top the door . th tele+ nes s. G) Create a person throu&h the method of f nd n&. 73% W&at di""icultie! )a' ari!e "or a *ractitio er i t&e *&a!e (&ile u!i 1 t&e door tec& i0ue o" tra !locatio < D) The door . ll not open. B) The .ron& place s beh nd the door. C) 0t s not poss ble to use the hand to pull the door handle because the hand &oes throu&h the handle. G) G ff cult es . th nternal concentrat on occur at the cr t cal moment. E) D blac+ )o d often appears on the other s de of the door. 77% W&at are ece!!ar' co ditio ! "or 1etti 1 re!ult! (&e tra !locati 1 i t&e *&a!e a"ter rolli 1 out duri 1 i itial !e*aratio "ro) t&e bod'< D) Dbsence of ) s on. B) 'ract c n& after sunset.

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C) D f rm ntent on to end up G) Certa nty of the f nal result. E) The presence of ) brat ons. 73% A *ractitio er i! i a dark roo) i t&e *&a!e (&ere e#er't&i 1 i! *oorl' #i!ible% T&ere i! a c&a delier2 but o li1&t !(itc&% W&at i! t&e "a!te!t (a' to tur o t&e c&a delier to li1&t t&e roo)< D) Translocate throu&h teleportat on to the place .here the to&&le or s. tch for the l &ht n 8uest on s located. B) F nd a flashl &ht throu&h the method of f nd n& and llum nate the room . th t. C) Rub the l &ht bulbs n the chandel er . th the hands. G) Create a l &ht s. tch n the room us n& the method of f nd n& an ob6ect. E) Close the eyes and ma& ne that the room s already l t# and then open the eyes. 78% W&e co))u icati 1 (it& a a i)ate obNect i t&e *&a!e2 a de!ire to add a !*eci"ic *er!o to t&e !ce e ari!e!% W&ic& o" t&e "ollo(i 1 actio ! are ad#i!able o l' "or be1i er! i t&i! ca!e< D) 'ropose &o n& to a ne &hbor n& room .here the needed sub6ect . ll be presented throu&h the use of the door or corner techn 8ue. B) *ummon the needed person by call n& the r name loudly. C) Translocate bac+ to the same place# and ha)e both an mate ob6ects present there upon your return. G) Ddd the needed person throu&h the closed eyes techn 8ue. E) Ds+ the an mate ob6ect that you are tal+ n& to f t does not m nd add n& someone to the scene. 7:% W&ere i! o e tra !locatio tec& i0ue!< D) 0ns de a mammoth.





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B) To the past or the future. C) To hea)en. G) To an ep sode of the mo) e *tar @ars. 75% Ho( (ill a decea!ed *er!o i t&e *&a!e di""er "ro) t&eir li#i 1 !el" (&e correctl' *er"or)i 1 t&e tec& i0ue "or "i di 1 t&e *er!o < D) Only the pract t oner h mself can con6ure up d fferences# or not see or perce )e them. B) The deceased . ll ha)e a d fferent t mbre of )o ce. C) There . ll be a rad ant halo around the deceasedJs head. G) 'hys cal percept on of the deceased . ll be less real st c than n real l fe. E) The deceased . ll not remember anyth n&. 7J% W&at di""icultie! ca ari!e i t&e *&a!e (&ile obtai i 1 i "or)atio "ro) a i)ate !ource! o" i "or)atio < D) 0nab l ty to remember nformat on obta ned. B) *ources of nformat on are s lent. C) 0nade8uateness of the sources of nformat on. G) *e1ual attract on# f the source of nformat on s of the oppos te or des red se1. E) Be n& & )en false nformat on. 7K% Ho( )i1&t a *ractitio er accelerate t&e &eali 1 *roce!! o" a cold t&at i! c&aracteri9ed b' a !tu""' o!e a d a !ore t&roat< D) %a nta n n& and ampl fy n& ) brat ons for the ent re len&th of the phase# and enter n& t o)er se)eral days n a ro.. B) Ta+ n& asp r n and enter n& the phase o)er se)eral days n a ro.. C) Tra)el n& to hot places n the phase and enter n& t o)er se)eral days n a ro.. G) E1per enc n& stressful s tuat ons o)er se)eral phases.

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E) F nd n& a doctor n the phase and as+ n& h m .hat t s best to do n real4l fe or e)en n the phase tself. 7H% W&ic& o" t&e "ollo(i 1 ac&ie#e)e t! belo 1 to Ste*&e 4a.er1e< D) Found n& the (uc d ty 0nst tute. B) D 'h.G. n anthropolo&y. C) *c ent f cally pro) n& that luc d dream n& s poss ble. G) D 'h.G. n psychophys olo&y. E) 'ro) n& that eye mo)ements n the phase and n real ty are synchron ,ed. 3@% W&o o" t&e "ollo(i 1 a**roac&ed t&e !tud' o" t&e *&a!e !tate "ro) a *ra1)atic *oi t-o"-#ie( t&at (a! totall' de#oid o" occulti!)< D) *tephen (aBer&e B) Robert %onroe C) *yl)an %uldoon G) Charles (eadbeater E) 'atr c a Farf eld F) Carlos Castaneda


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,&a*ter 3: M T&e Hi1&e!t 4e#el o" Practice

THE PROFESSIONA4-,4ASS PRA,TITIONER Be n& &enerally ac8ua nted . th the nd rect techn 8ues as .ell as the elementary rules of deepen n& and ma nta n n& the phase may be cons dered the threshold le)el of pract ce. Geta led +no.led&e of the techn cal aspects of the pract ce may be cons dered the bas c le)el. To be d scussed no. s the h &her le)el of pract ce# .h ch d ffers substant ally from le)els on e)ery front. /f a practitioner is still unable to intentionally enter the phase at least several ti es a week, then he should not read this section. /t ay cause his ind additional confusion and distract hi with things that are not yet necessary and difficult to understand. /f he decides to read on anyway, he does so at his own risk and fully responsible for the conse0uences of his decision. @hen master n& the pract ce of the phase# the process s se8uent al: one starts . th s mple bac+&round +no.led&e and techn 8ues# and then .or+s oneEs .ay up to ncreas n&ly d ff cult th n&s. Bo.e)er# once a certa n le)el s reached# the process &oes bac+ the other .ay: oneEs ent re approach s mpl f es as one d scerns the underly n& pr nc ples. One cannot start off from those pr nc ples# as they can only be d scerned throu&h nd ) dual pract ce upon ha) n& mastered the bas cs. Th s comes naturally for many pract t oners. The a m of th s sect on s only to h &hl &ht th n&s that . ll be real ,ed consc ously or subconsc ously by a person constantly pract c n& the phase.

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0f a pract t onerEs m nd and attent on4span become ne) tably o)er.helmed . th a lar&e body of theoret cal +no.led&e# no need to .orry 4 e)eryth n& . th become s mpler . th e1per ence# and the d sc pl ne of pract c n& tself . ll br n& much more en6oyment. 'erhaps only the d sc pl ne n ts h &her form should be cons dered the real pract ce of the phase# as only then does t harmon ,e . th real l fe and br n& no d scomfort. D h &h le)el pract t oner can ach e)e the follo. n&: /ndirect techni0ues work no less than .-2 of the ti e. )onsciousness while drea ing can be obtained 1-2 of the ti e that one desires it. 5irect techni0ues work no less than 8-2 of the ti e. 5eepening takes a ini al a ount of ti e and is perfor ed while acco plishing a plan of action. %aintaining is less energy-consu ing and its effects ore prolonged. The phase can be applied in one way or another as soon as one desires to do so. (ven a oderate-level practitioner can enter the phase any ti es a day (B-8 ti es, not counting secondary entrances$. At a high level of practice, this should be nor al.

0f a phaser has not reached such a le)el n e)ery aspect# then he s st ll ma+ n& some fundamental m sta+es and therefore has someth n& to .or+ to.ards. 0f he has reached a h &h le)el# then he s already l ) n& n t.o .orlds# and before h m l es an unl m ted 2n )erse# .here no. only he alone can determ ne h s act ons and f nd mean n& n them. Be s at a po nt .here no one or anyth n& can ma+e any substant al correct ons to h s e1per ence.


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THE A.SO4/TE PRIN,IP4E 'ure des re s one of the core pr nc ples of a h &h le)el of pract ce. The pract t oner already +no.s .hat e1actly he needs from one techn 8ue or another. Be str )es to d rectly ach e)e h s a m throu&h a comb nat on of spec f c# focused des re and recall of the state. 0n other .ords# the phaser no. str )es to.ards a des re to accompl sh or e1per ence someth n&# and not to.ards &o n& throu&h r tuals n pursu t of some )a&ue &oal. 0n order to ach e)e someth n&# the pract t oner no. s mply . lls t. 0t s obta ned . thout any other act ons. There s no lon&er any po nt to most of the techn 8ues# .h ch only become necessary n spec al cases .hen they are the only .ay to ach e)e a result n d ff cult s tuat ons. INDIRE,T TE,HNIQ/ES @hen at a h &h le)el of pract ce# a phaser s not surpr sed by the phase tself (as s the case at other le)els). The only surpr se comes from unsuccessful attempts .hen he s unable to enter t. Th s s espec ally true re&ard n& nd rect techn 8ues. Three +ey factors lead to such a success rate. 0f techn 8ues performed upon a.a+en n& do not .or+ due to an a&&ress )e approach# th s s al.ays remed ed by correct use of forced fall n& asleep n parallel to the techn 8ues. They al.ays start to .or+# and so cho ce of techn 8ue s not mportant here. Dnd f a techn 8ue has started .or+ n& upon a.a+en n&# then thatEs a clear s &n of a deep phase. That s# .or+ n& techn 8ues are mar+ers of the phase. %any e1per enced pract t oners mmed ately be& n to use forced fall n& asleep n parallel . th perform n& the nd rect techn 8ues# .h ch s .hy they are e ther mmed ately able to e1 t the body# or the f rst techn 8ue that they use .or+s.

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Dn e1per enced phaser does not perform nd rect techn 8ues n order to obta n the r &ht state. Be mo)es d rectly to.ards that state# and m &ht perform some techn 8ue n order to control h s consc ous m nd. The tas+ s to obta n the r &ht state 4 a certa n phys olo& cal process 4 upon a.a+en n&. Dnd f that stateEs already there# and f that state s already 8u te fam l ar# then t only rema ns to &o for t- ThatEs the .hole secret. 0tEs almost mposs ble to descr be ho. t feels n .ords# yet many do t ntu t )ely n pract ce. 0tEs usually more a comb nat on of recollect on of the state# forced fall n& asleep# and an ntense des re to enter the phase no matter .hat. The most mportant th n& s to a m r &ht for the phase. 2nderstand n& a lo& cal fact dramat cally ncreases the effect )eness of nd rect techn 8ues: pract cally e)ery t me a pract t oner s .a+ n& up# he s already n the phase# be t a deep or shallo. form of t. 'hys olo& cally spea+ n&# a person .ho has 6ust .o+en up s n the phase by def n t on. Once a pract t oner understands th s# he . ll act n a much more self4 assured and focused manner dur n& attempts# and results . ll follo.. 0tEs no secret that a substant al port on of unsuccessful attempts 4 f not ?"; of them 4 are unsuccessful due not to any act on# but because lac+ of conf dence f nds e1press on n the results. Th s s due to the phaseEs tendency to model e1pectat ons. Aou e1pect noth n& to happen# and so e)en f you are n the phase 4 noth n& . ll happen. Bel e)e that you . ll do t r &ht here and no. because you are already n the phase 4 and en6oy the result- @e are actually already n the phase upon e)ery a.a+en n&. One can e)en ta+e the follo. n& approach to th s understand n&: .hen .a+ n& up# our tas+ s not to enter the phase# but to deepen t. Th s s eas ly obser)ed . th the techn 8ue of sensory4motor ) sual ,at on# .h ch essent ally cons sts n perform n& deepen n& . thout any separat on or pr or employment of techn 8ues. ThereEs a reason .hy th s techn 8ue .or+s .ell for e1per enced pract t oners# and no) ces ha)e a hard t me &ett n& t.

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DIRE,T TE,HNIQ/ES The ma n conclus on that an e1per enced pract t oner . ll come to s that d rect techn 8ues are actually easy# and not much more d ff cult than any other ones. The problems only l es n understand n& certa n subtlet es. Ds soon as they become clear# results are easy to obta n. Gesp te t be n& constantly emphas ,ed that the free4 float n& state of m nd s of dec s )e mportance# nearly all no) ces stubbornly loo+ throu&h all the )ar ous techn 8ues n search of a s l)er bullet. Bo.e)er# an ad)anced pract t oner . ll hardly e)er use techn 8ues. Be . ll mmed ately &o for the free4float n& state of m nd . th pract cally no effort or stra n. ThatEs .hy the same phrase al.ays comes from the mouths of e1per enced pract t oners: CThatEs r &ht# 0 donEt do anyth n& at all. 0 s mply l e do.n and .a t for the phase.C Dnd t 6ust comes 9"4="; of the t me. Th s comes n sharp contrast to some no) ces .ho s mply .aste much t me and ener&y ban& n& the r heads a&a nst the .all try n& to lea)e the r bod es# and as a result only $4!; of the r attempts result n success# .h ch s at best purely nc dental. (etEs ta+e up an e1ample of d rect phase entrance by the ad)anced pract t oner. The phaser determ nes the nterest n& th n&s he . ll do n the phase# l es do.n at bedt me n an uncomfortable pos t on for sleep n&# and s mply tr es to fall asleep .h le hold n& on to the thou&ht that tEd be s.ell to enter the phase. ThatEs all- Three to ten m nutes later# and heEs already cau&ht a lapse of consc ousness nto the phase. %ean.h le# f he felt that he .ould fall asleep 8u c+ly# heEd use cycles of techn 8ues to +eep h s consc ous m nd focused. 0f# on the other hand# h s m nd .ere e1cess )ely act )e# then he .ould monotonously perform some techn 8ue .h le ly n& n as comfortable a pos t on as poss ble for sleep. But n most cases# the 8u ntessence of d rect techn 8ues cons sts n attempt n& to fall asleep n an uncomfortable pos t on# all the

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.h le ha) n& the thou&ht of the phase n the bac+ of oneEs m nd. Or at least thatEs ho. tEs supposed to be# and thatEs 6ust ho. t often .or+s 4 for the s mple reason that those are the best cond t ons for ha) n& the r &ht + nd of prere8u s te lapses n consc ousness# on the rebound from .h ch the phase ar ses. 0f ten or f fteen m nutes &o by . thout result# then the phaser s mply &oes to bed or stops . th the attempt# as a d rect phase entrance attempt should be done . th en6oyment. 0f the phaser s not en6oy n& h mself# then thatEs a s &n that heEs ma+ n& m sta+es. %ean.h le# the most mportant mpro)ement a phaser can ma+e s n h s att tude to.ards the end &oal of an attempt. ThereEs a reason .hy he holds on to the thou&ht# C tEd be s.ell to enter the phaseC. That should be n the bac+ of h s m nd# but not at the center of h s attent on. The pract t oner should be nd fferent as to .hether or not anyth n& happens. Be should let &o of control# des re# and the feel n& that tEs mportant 4 and then e)eryth n& . ll .or+. 0f he l es do.n to perform a d rect techn 8ue . th ntense des re to enter the phase r &ht then and there and no matter .hat# then noth n& . ll happen. There .onEt be any phase . thout a cool# nd fferent att tude. 0f there s an1 ety or e1pectat on# noth n& . ll happen. Dn ad)anced pract t oner .ould not e)en attempt d rect techn 8ues f he felt e1cess )e an1 ety or des re re&ard n& phase entrance. Be only ma+es attempts .hen heEs cool and collected# as .ell as more or less nd fferent to the result. Geep do.n# of course# heEs not nd fferent. B s des re s deeply held 4 t s not of the superf c al type that phys olo& cally nterferes . th obta n n& results. Ds soon as the pract t oner understands the s &n f cance of th s pr nc pal# the effect )eness of h s phase entrance attempts . ll suddenly mpro)e. The only e1cept on m &ht be us n& the d rect method to enter the phase n con6unct on . th the deferred method. 0n th s case# the techn 8ues can ta+e on substant ally more mportance# and deeply4held ntent on less mportance. Th s depends on ho. lon& one has been a.a+e after sleep n&.

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*uch attempts are more s m lar to the nd rect method n terms of effect )eness. .E,O$ING ,ONS,IO/S WHI4E DREA$ING For the e1per enced pract t oner# becom n& consc ous .h le dream n& re8u res the least effort and attent on of all. Be essent ally only does t.o th n&s n order to &uarantee dream consc ousness dur n& the m ddle of the n &ht# or better yet 4 . th the deferred method. F rst# he creates an nterest n& plan of act on that . ll lure h m nto a dream. 7e1t# .h le fall n& asleep# he s mply des res to e1per ence dream consc ousness# but . thout d.ell n& on t too much or be n& obsess )e about t. ThatEs all- The pract t oner .ould be 8u te surpr sed f noth n& .or+ed at all. Once a&a n# e)eryth n& depends on correctly form n& an ntent on. Dn e1per enced pract t oner forms an ntent on n a fundamentally d fferent .ay than a no) ce. D no) ce .ould th n+ to h mself# C0 .ant to become consc ous n a dreamC# .h le a phaser .ould tell h mself# C0Ell soon become consc ous dur n& my dreamC# .h ch allo.s for the pro&ramm n& to ma+e t much deeper nto h s subconsc ous m nd. %oreo)er# h s pr or pract ce has already tra ned h m for that moment# and thereEs noth n& else that he needs to do. NON-A/TONO$O/S $ETHODS E1per enced and ad)anced pract t oners .ho ha)e ach e)ed a h &h le)el of control o)er phase entrance ne)er use any au1 l ary means# be they de) ces# .or+ n& n pa rs . th fr ends# aud o f les# chem cal preparat ons# herbal substances# etc. ThereEs s mply no need for them. 0f tEs much eas er for a no) ce to enter the phase by h s o.n efforts alone# then the same s true for an ad)anced phaser# but all

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the more so. The use of non4autonomous methods s al.ays the lot of those .ho search for an e1traneous solut on to the r o.n common m sta+es n us n& re&ular techn 8ues# nstead of correct n& those m sta+es l +e e)eryone else. DEEPENING The deepen n& techn 8ues used by an ad)anced pract t oner essent ally d ffer l ttle from those used at the bas c le)el. Bo.e)er# there are t.o fundamental d fferences n the .ay these techn 8ues are performed. F rst# an e1per enced phaser . ll prefer to perform deepen n& at the same t me he be& ns to mplement h s plan of act on. That s to say# he doesnEt do as a no) ce does: separate# deepen# and then mplement the plan of act on. 0nstead# he separates and mmed ately mplements h s plan of act on# n parallel to ntens fy n& the realness of h s sensat ons. Th s has benef c al effect on the 8ual ty of the deepen n&# and t s mply sa)es t me for other th n&s n the phase. *econd# ad)anced pract t oners and no) ces d ffer n the r ntent to deepen and ho. t they real ,e t. 0f# .hen perform n& a deepen n& techn 8ue# a no) ce . ll often e1pect results from the s mple fact of mechan cally perform n& some act on# then an ad)anced phaser . ll perform deepen n& techn 8ues . th the focused a m and des re of obta n n& a hyperreal st c phase# as f be n& pulled to.ards t by the techn 8ues themsel)es# all .h le recall n& the sensat ons of pre) ous e1per ences. The techn 8ues merely ser)e to help h m better e1press h s ntent on. $AINTAINING 'erhaps the only th n& that an ad)anced pract t oner m &ht st ll ha)e to stru&&le . th s ma nta n n& the phase.

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Bo.e)er# tEs only a stru&&le n a relat )e sense# and more of a stru&&le for perfect on. Dn essent al .ay that an e1per enced phaser d ffers from a no) ce s that the len&th of t me that he stays n the phase s fully suff c ent for h s needs. 7o matter ho. lon& he stays n the phase# th s durat on s mult pl ed by h s many phase entrances o)er the course of e)en a s n&le day. Ds a result# he al.ays accompl shes all of the tas+s he has set for h mself# and often 8u te 8u c+ly. Dnd f a pract t oner accompl shes all h s ob6ect )es# .hy should he be d ssat sf ed . th the durat on of a phaseL The f rst s &n of an ad)anced pract t oner s that he al.ays has a plan of act on for the phase. Dn nterest n& and useful one. Be al.ays +no.s .hat he . ll do n the phase and ho. he . ll apply t. Be al.ays .ants to enter the phase# as he al.ays has many th n&s to do n t# e)en f they somet mes ha)e noth n& to do . th the phys cal .orld. %oreo)er# many ad)anced pract t oners underta+e the r o.n stud es of the phase# .h ch ser)es to further st mulate the r o.n pract ce and personal de)elopment. The ma n problem no) ces ha)e n ma nta n n& the phase parado1 cally cons sts n fear of a foul# .e. an n)oluntary return to the body. Th s usually causes them to perform the ma nta n n& techn 8ues ncorrectly# and they nearly al.ays lac+ the ntent on of ma nta n n&# not to ment on conf dence n the r o.n ab l t es. But th s s a dec s )e factor .hen t comes to ma nta n n& the phase. A novice perfor s aintaining techni0ues in order to not be returned back to the body or not fall asleep, while an e4perienced practitioner perfor s aintaining techni0ues in order to aintain his presence in the phase. Ds a result# the former s often soundly thro.n out of the phase# .h le the latter has e1per ences that are many t mes lon&er and more rela1ed. E)en th n+ n& of oneEs o.n body .h le n the phase s frau&ht . th the dan&er of return n& to t# to say noth n& of techn 8ues .h ch are focused on the consc ous ab l ty to reenter the body.

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@h le n the phase and .hen perform n& any ma nta n n& techn 8ue# a pract t oner should be e1tremely conf dent that he . ll be n the phase for 6ust as lon& as he needs to be. *uch conf dence alone s suff c ent to substant ally prolon& the a)era&e phase. Bo.e)er# .hen ma nta n n& the phase# ad)anced pract t oners ha)e to face the real ssue of +eep n& the r m nds out of the r bod es 4 and th s means false fouls. The absolute ma6or ty of returns to the body from the phase are false. Gepend n& on oneEs personal character st cs and le)el of pract ce# from 9" to ?"; of all returns to the body can be false. ThatEs prec sely .hy the mandatory rule s: upon return n& to the body# one must try to separate from t a&a n. E)en .hen follo. n& th s rule# the e1per ence nonetheless often ends n a false a.a+en n& that s only reco&n ,ed some t me after the fact. The problem s part ally resol)ed by understand n& that a return to the body from the phase means noth n& at all. 0f t happens# tEs but a tr fle for oneEs pract ce not .orthy of the sl &htest attent on. 0f you .ere 6ust n the phase# then t canEt end so eas ly or 8u c+ly. An e4perienced practitioner should always (always#$ try to re-enter the phase and do it with as uch self-assurance as possible. And if one is at last unable to leave the body again, then one ust perfor at least two reality checks (hyperconcentration, breathing out through a pinched nose, looking for inconsistencies, etc.$, as there is a high likelihood that one is still nevertheless in the phase. Real ty chec+s alone can prolon& a phase e1per ence by up to !" percent. 0n summary# at h &her le)els of pract ce# a phaser must try to re4e1 t h s body. 0f he s unable to# then he must perform real ty chec+s. There are se)eral reasons .hy pract cally all pract t oners ha)e such problems . th false returns to the body. One of the ma n ones s a certa n lac+ of conf dence n oneEs o.n po.ers .hen ma nta n n& the phase# .h ch s remed ed by ntens fy n& oneEs ntent on and concentrat on. Bo.e)er# there s also a certa n problem that s pract cally

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res stant to controllable solut on and s brou&ht about by the astound n& character st cs of human consc ousness dur n& altered states: false memory. *omet mes# a cluster of false memor es 4 yet 8u te deta led and emot onally4char&ed ones 4 . ll suddenly appear n a phaserEs memory dur n& a phase e1per ence. Th s nd cates that he has lon& been n the phase# and thus 8u te a psycholo& cally accept n& state. Ds a result# a phaser may not put up much res stance to a foul# or e)en control the foul h mself. Ds soon as he returns to the body# heEll real ,e that the phase .as actually much shorter than t seemed to h s m nd. *omet mes only a deta led analys s can unco)er th s uncommon problem and br n& the pract t oner to understand that he .as not n the phase for the seem n& 9 m nutes# but merely $" seconds. The prescr pt on for th s stran&e tr c+ of the human m nd s ne)ertheless the same: mandatory re4 e1 ts from the body no matter .hat t seems or .hat one th n+s# and f th s s unsuccessful 4 real ty chec+s. ,ONTRO4 Dn e1per enced pract t oner . ll translocate . th n the phase and f nd ob6ects n t upon f rst attempt .hen us n& any techn 8ue# or 6ust pure . . thout us n& techn 8ues at all. 0tEs not hard at all for h m to l ft a house or a mounta n . th one f n&er# as h s m nd no lon&er harbors the b ases and patterns of the e)eryday .orld. Be can ta+e on any bod ly form and con6ure any sensat on# nclud n& those al en to human e1 stence or human +no.led&e. 0n other .ords# f there s someth n& a pract t oner canEt do n the phase# that means he hasnEt reached a h &h le)el of control o)er t# and has someth n& to .or+ on. The th n&s he has to .or+ on are 8u te clear: ntent on# self4assurance# and des re. Those are the )ery factors that determ ne e)ery facet of controll n& the phase. 0f someth n& doesnEt .or+ out# then m sta+es are to be sou&ht not n oneEs

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techn 8ue# but n ho. t s performed nternally# ns de oneEs subconsc ous m nd 4 .h ch . ll ne)er &ro. accustomed to the fact that the l m tat ons of the phys cal .orld no lon&er al.ays apply. APP4I,ATION Gesp te the fact that tEs not d ff cult for an ad)anced phaser to apply the phase to.ards any .ell4+no.n pract cal appl cat on# heEs unl +ely to do th s often. There are se)eral reasons for th s. F rst# .hen your tally of phase e1per ences numbers n the thousands# and you do t many t mes per day# your needs s mply cannot +eep up . th your e1per ence. * mply put# the phaser has already accompl shed e)eryth n& that he needed to# and returns to pract cal appl cat on only rarely. *econd# ad)anced pract t oners rarely see the phase as a means to sol)e some tas+ or problem. For them tEs s mply a l fe to l )e. Dfter all# .e donEt l )e here n the phys cal .orld for the sa+e of ach e) n& someth n& n the phase .orld. @e l )e for th s .orld. 0tEs the same . th the phase. 0tEs &ood# m raculous# and ma& cal only because t e1 sts# and .e can nhab t t. ThatEs .hy ad)anced pract t oners see+ noth n& n the phase. They are content . th the )ery fact of l ) n& n t.o .orlds. Obta n n& nformat on from the phase s ts most d ff cult appl cat on. Dll of the other appl cat ons present l ttle d ff culty# e)en for moderately ad)anced pract t oners. Bo.e)er# master n& the s+ ll of obta n n& cred ble nformat on s a 6ob thatEs ne)er f n shed. Techn 8ues ha)e been s mpl f ed as much as poss ble here. Dfter all# techn 8ues for obta n n& nformat on are needed to create ntermed ar es bet.een the pract t oner and h s subconsc ous m nd (or f elds of nformat on# as some bel e)e them to be). These ntermed ar es are necessary n order to better understand and clearly Csee and hearC the nformat on. But n the end# all these are ntermed ar es and

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r tuals for no) ces .ho donEt understand .hatEs &o n& on nternally. Bo.e)er# they do understand .hatEs &o n& on e1ternally# and so thereEs no other .ay to e1pla n t to them. 0n most cases# an e1per enced phaser . ll use the most clear4 cut .ay of obta n n& nformat on: &ett n& t d rectly. The pract t onerEs 8uest on s ra sed as a thou&ht4form# and the to t nstantly appears n h s memory# as f t .ere someth n& already +no.n. Th s s s m lar to the lon&4 reco&n ,ed phenomenon of false memory# but n th s case the memory doesnEt ha)e to be false 4 t can conta n truly useful nformat on. Other. se# the tas+ of f nd n& someth n& out can be set before entrance nto the phase# and the to t can be found n oneEs m nd mmed ately upon separat on. 0nfluenc n& phys olo&y occurs n the same .ay. The des red effect s ach e)ed not by ta+ n& p lls or other measures n the phase# but throu&h d rectly nduc n& t. %ean.h le# due to the spec al .ays n .h ch the subconsc ous m nd .or+s# tEs st ll somet mes recommended to use add t onal CcrutchesC n the form of p lls or the l +e n order to ncrease the effect )eness of the phys cal bodyEs react on. THE P4A,E OF THE PRA,TI,E IN 4IFE D h &h le)el phaser l )es n proper balance bet.een the pract ce and real l fe. Th s s reflected n a successful and content phys cal l fe that ne ther nterferes . th the pract ce nor detracts from t# but nstead enr ches t . th emot on. The phase enr ches phys cal l fe# and phys cal l fe enr ches the phase. 'roblems n day4to4day l fe ha)e a catastroph c effect on oneEs pract ce. Thus# e)en .hen n pursu t of a better phase pract ce# one should ne)er for&et the real .orld# .here consc ousness f rst arose. 0n the same )e n# the phase tself can be used . th . de appl cat on for oneEs career or bus ness. Dn e1per enced pract t oner al.ays +no.s .hen tEs t me for real l fe and .hen tEs t me for the phase. E)eryth n& &oes

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best .hen the t.o are +ept separate# and not ntert. ned. For e1ample# dur n& the .or+ n& day one must try not to th n+ of the phase# but nstead concentrate on more ) tal matters. @hen the t me comes to enter nto oneEs pract ce# t s necessary to turn oneEs attent on to only t# and put as de any press n& problems. D pract t oner . ll feel most comfortable .hen he clearly separates h s t.o l )es# and thus a)o d the &aps n pract ce that ne) tably occur unless th s ph losophy s follo.ed. Bo.e)er# th s s not to & )e the mpress on that ad)anced phasers must enter the phase e)ery day . thout e1cept on. They too ta+e brea+s# .hether by cho ce or due to e1ternal c rcumstances. TheyEre somet mes s mply not up to t for phys cal reasons. On a &ood .ee+ theyEll de)ote maybe :4 9 days to t# and be able to enter the phase from : to < t mes or more on each of those days. ThatEs about f )e hundred full4 fled&ed phase e1per ences per year# enou&h to ta+e lon& str des to.ards master n& the phenomenon. A.I4ITY TO TEA,H Once a phaser has ach e)ed a h &her le)el of pract ce# heEs no. a ne. type of person# and perhaps 4 n terms of the e)olut on of human consc ousness 4 a man or .oman of the future. Be s the +eeper of rare +no.led&e re&ard n& techn 8ues that s au&mented by h s personal pract ce. Be must real ,e and understand that h s s a 8u te rare and prec ous s+ ll# one that most can only dream of. Th s +no.led&e should not be appl ed merely to.ards personal betterment and l ) n& fully n t.o .orlds at once. The .orld s .onderful only .hen nternal and e1ternal harmony are n syner&y. D pract t oner should therefore al.ays pay more attent on to those around h m and the r ta+e on the phenomenon. The more people there are around the pract t oner .ho understand and pract ce the phase# the more

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comfortable he h mself . ll feel. Of course# +no.led&e of such h dden human ab l t es should only be passed on under the banner of theoret cal neutral ty and as pra&mat c a pos t on as poss ble# ensur n& the . dest poss ble recept on and a)o dance of the soc etal re6ect on that has been the bane of the pract ce s nce t me mmemor al. One can not only teach oneEs fr ends and fam ly# but also head a local 'ract t onersE Club# open a branch of the *chool of Out4of4Body Tra)el# .r te boo+s and art cles# launch .ebs tes# and )olunteer to part c pate n OOBE Research Center e1per ments. Ds your ach e)ements &ro.# you could e)en underta+e your o.n research at the Center. The most mportant th n& s not to let your e1per ence and +no.led&e &o to .aste- F nd a .ay to apply them to.ards help n& all of human ty. AouEre no. a spec al person# and tEs your turn to chan&e th s .orld-


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A**e di+

SEND IN YO/R EEPERIEN,ES? 0f youE)e been able to e1per ence out4of4body tra)el (enter the phase)# then the OOBE Research Center s al.ays nterested n study n& your e1per ence# as .ell as poss bly us n& t n ts .or+. 'lease send your the f rst and most nterest n& 6ourneys by ema l to obe4u/ GonEt for&et to nclude your full name# a&e# country and c ty# as .ell as profess on. ANSWERS TO THE FINA4 TEST =,HAPTER 38> $. D#B#C#GH !. GH :. B# C# GH 4. CH 9. D#B#C#GH <. BH =. K >. CH ?. D# G# EH $". B# CH $$. D#C#G#EH $!. D#G#DXGH $:. CH $4. G# EH $9. EH

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A SI$P4IFIED DES,RIPTION OF THE EASIEST $ETHOD 2pon a.a+en n&# . thout mo) n& or open n& the eyes# mmed ately try to separate from the body. The separat on attempt should be carr ed out . thout any ma& n n&# but rather . th the des re to ma+e a real mo)ement . thout stra n n& the muscles (roll n& out# le) tat on# stand n& up# etc.). 0f separat on does not occur . th n three to f )e seconds# mmed ately try alternat n& se)eral of the most effect )e techn 8ues for three to f )e seconds each. @hen one of the techn 8ues .or+s# cont nue t for a lon&er per od of t me: Ob!er#i 1 i)a1e!: Try to e1am ne and d scern the p ctures ar s n& before closed eyes. 4i!te i 1 i : Dttempt to hear sounds n the head and ma+e these louder by l sten n& n or stren&then n& the . llH Rotati 1: 0ma& ne rotat n& around the head4to4foot a1 sH P&a to) (i11li 1: Try to mo)e a part of the body . thout stra n n& the muscles# and try to ncrease the ran&e of mo)ementH Strai i 1 t&e brai : Try stra n n& the bra n# .h ch . ll lead to ) brat ons that may also be ntens f ed by further stra n n& the bra n. Ds soon as one techn 8ue clearly starts to .or+# cont nue . th t as lon& as pro&ress s apparent# and then try to separate. 0f separat on fa ls# return to the techn 8ue that .as .or+ n&. Go not & )e up alternat n& throu&h techn 8ues unt l one m nute has elapsed. *eparat on from the body may be attempted per od cally# espec ally f nterest n& sensat ons occur.

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ATTENTION? @hen ma+ n& attempts to enter the phase# the pract t oner should ha)e complete conf dence that he . ll be mmed ately successful n e)eryth n&. E)en a shroud of doubt . ll +eep the pract t oner n h s body# th s s espec ally true .hen t comes to nd rect techn 8ues. Four typ cal barr ers to master n& the phase encountered by ?"; of pract t oners are: + , B A 'orgetting to deepen the phaseH 'orgetting to aintain the phaseH Absence of a plan of action when in the phaseH 'orgetting to try to re-enter the phase after a foulH ,OPYRIGHT Gue to the nature of th s pract ce# the techn 8ues n th s boo+ are not copyr &hted. 2p to !9; of the techn 8ues n th s boo+ may be encountered p ecemeal n other sources. %ean.h le# e)en the procedures de)eloped by the author and the OOBE Research Center cannot be copyr &hted# as n most cases they are ntu t )e and ha)e probably struc+ somebodyEs m nd n the past. Th s boo+ conta ns a compos t on of both comp led and ndependently de)eloped methodolo& es .hose ma n d st nct on cons sts n ha) n& tested them under real cond t ons .hen teach n& them to a mass aud ence of no) ces and e1per enced pract t oners. 0n other .ords# th s boo+ conta ns only )er f ed nformat on on techn 8ues that . ll be the most up4to4date unt l the ne1t ed t on of the boo+. @ th such an approach# copyr &ht s not e)en a secondary concern 4 tEs pract cally a moot po nt.

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THE S,HOO4 OF O/T-OF-.ODY TRABE4 % chael Radu&aJs *chool of Out4of4Body Tra)el conducts tra n n& sem nars n many countr es around the .orld. The course.or+ allo.s students to master the phase phenomenon and hone the r s+ lls at tra)el n& n the phase. 0nformat on on e1 st n& branches and sem nar schedules are a)a lable on the .ebs te @e also .elcome potent al partners nterested n or&an , n& *chool of Out4of4Body Tra)el branches and sem nars. Dll correspondence re&ard n& sem nars# partnersh ps# and proposals related to the translat on of th s boo+ may be handled by e4ma l at obe4u/ OO.E =O/T-OF-.ODY EEPERIEN,E> RESEAR,H ,ENTER The OOBE Research Center .as founded n !""=. 0ts n t al tas+ .as to conduct mass e1per ments at the *chool of Out4of4Body Tra)el a med at de)elop n& s mpl f ed methodolo& es for teach n& the phase phenomenon. Th s boo+ s the result of that research. 0t subse8uently too+ up the study of all aspects of th s phenomenon# and s currently underta+ n& e1per mental .or+ on: determ n n& and .or+ n& . th the fundamental propert es of the phase# see+ n& out and de)elop n& the best methods for controll n& the state# pract cal appl cat ons of the phenomenon# and ts popular ,at on# amon& other pro6ects. Volunteers for e1per ments are al.ays be n& sou&ht- 0n order to part c pate# ab l ty to enter the phase at least once a .ee+ and bas c +no.led&e of the En&l sh lan&ua&e are necessary. Than+s to modern means of commun cat on# you can be located GonEt let your e1per ence &o to .aste 4 put our e1per ments on your plan of act on(Table

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For more nformat on# ) s t: http:PPresearch.obe4u.comP .RIEF G4OSSARY OF TER$S AND DEFINITIONS Out-o"-bod' e+*erie ce =O.E>2 lucid drea)i 1 =4D>2 a!tral *roNectio K a number of terms un ted by t&e *&a!e that refer to the state n .h ch a person# .h le be n& fully consc ous# real ,es consc ousness outs de the normal ran&e of phys cal percept on. I direct tec& i0ue! K entry nto the phase . th n f )e m nutes of a.a+en n& from sleep of any durat on 4 pro) ded there has been m n mal phys cal mo)ement. Direct tec& i0ue! K entry nto the phase . thout any pr or sleep# after e1cess )e phys cal mo)ement upon a.a+en n&# or ha) n& been a.a+e for at least f )e m nutes. Drea) co !ciou! e!! K entry nto the phase throu&h becom n& consc ously a.are .h le a dream ep sode s happen n&. ,'cle! o" i direct tec& i0ue! 4 the eas est .ay to enter the phase# employed by rap dly alternat n& certa n techn 8ues upon a.a+en n& from sleep unt l one of them .or+s. Di!!ociatio K separat onH n th s case# a sc ent f c term descr b n& e1per ences n the phase. Slee* *aral'!i! K a stuporH the complete mmob l ,at on that often occurs .hen fall n& asleep# a.a+en n&# and enter n& or e1 t n& the phase. Ste cil K the real phys cal body that s no lon&er perce )ed .h le n the phase. Dee*e i 1 t&e *&a!e K methods for ma+ n& the phase as real st c as poss ble by stab l , n& the surround n& space. $ai tai i 1 t&e *&a!e K methods for ma nta n n& the phase state by pre)ent n& a lapse nto sleep# a return to real ty# or an ma& ned return to real ty.

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RE$ K rap d eye mo)ement sleep (RE% phase)H a sleep phase character ,ed by ncreased bra n act ) ty that s accompan ed by rap d eye mo)ement and dream n&. SO.T K School of Our-of-Body Travel. Foul K an nad)ertent term nat on of the phase throu&h a spontaneous return to e)eryday real ty. FFA K forced fall n& asleep.


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REVOLUTION We believe that everybo y i! "oi#" to e$i!t i# t%o %orl ! !oo# Sponsors and investors are needed for translation into other languages this free ebook and other our books, videos, et ! "lso #e need finan ial support to pro$ote the phase #orld#ide! %et&s hange the #orld together' (ake a part in it'


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Or W&at t&e .ible2 Alie Abductio ! a d Near-Deat& E+*erie ce! All Ha#e i ,o))o


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Th s art cle s not about Fod# al ens or l fe after death. 0t s about a phenomenon that left hu&e traces to be seen n all these top cs# as .ell as n many others# but usually people cannot see th s fact. 0 th n+ that somet mes .hen people cla m to see Fod# al ens or ha)e near death e1per ences# they made ncorrect nterpretat ons of our h dden ab l ty. @e should +no. the truth and th n+ about e1planat ons of the phenomenon. 0 +no. almost e)eryth n& about the OBE because 0 l )e n th s top c !4P=. 0t s my l fe. 0 analy,e do,ens of out4of4 body e1per ences e)ery day that s .hy 0 can see ob) ous traces of the phenomenon n many aspects of e)eryday l fe. 0 can pro)e t n th s art cle. Dctually# the out4of4body phenomenon s so normal that t may be a s &n of the ne1t step of the e)olut on of consc ousness. %aybe# n the future our consc ousness . ll be present not only n the .a+eful state of the phys cal body but

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e)en outs de of t. 0t seems that .e are really )ery close to the ne1t step of our consc ous e)olut on. *ources: $ K Suotes from The BibleH ! K @ell4+no.n cases of abduct ons by al ens from the s te (the cases) : K Suotes from !ife after !ife by Raymond D. %oodyH 4 K One lon& thread about f rst4t me out4of4body e1per ences (9""X cases) from a d scuss on board on the .ebs te ....a n&.ru (the thread)H %ichael &aduga 'ounder of the OOB( &esearch )enter


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,&a*ter 3% .iblical A!tral Tra#eler!

Ri1&t "ro) t&e !tart2 I !&ould )ake it *er"ectl' clear t&at IL) ot 1oi 1 to !a' t&ere i! o God% 0Jll s mply be d scuss n& spec f c nd ) dual cases n .h ch a m s nterpretat on of e)ents has poss bly occurred# and noth n& more. 0 .ould ha)e .r tten a d fferent art cle f 0 had .anted to d scuss the e1 stence of Fod. 0 f rst read the B ble .hen 0 .as ? years old out of sheer cur os ty and personal des re. E)en bac+ then# a natural 8uest on occurred to me: donJt the prota&on sts of b bl cal stor es )ery often f not almost al.ays encounter h &her be n&s .h le dream n& or .hen n states close to that of sleepL

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(Second Book of Sa uel# Chapter =) A And it ca e to pass that night, that the word of the !O&5 ca e unto @athan, saying, (Acts of the Apostles# Chapter $<) . And a vision appeared to =aul in the nightH There stood a an of %acedonia, and prayed hi , saying, )o e over into %acedonia, and help us. (Acts of the Apostles# Chapter $>) . Then spake the !ord to =aul in the night by a vision, Be not afraid, but speak, and hold not thy peace? ('irst Book of the Torah? Fenesis # Chapter 4<) , And Fod spake unto /srael in the visions of the night, *acob, *acob. And he said, Gere Oa P /. ('irst Book of )hronicles# Chapter $=) B And it ca e to pass the sa e night, that the word of Fod ca e to @athan, saying, 0 ha)enJt e)en bothered to l st e1amples .here t .as .r tten out n blac+ and .h te V The (ord appeared to h m n a dream and sa d... There are mult tudes of such passa&es. 0 .ould 6ust lea)e t at that# but for the fact that my students and 0 already use techn 8ues for lea) n& the body upon fall n& asleep and a.a+en n&# as .ell as becom n& consc ous .h le dream n&. (Dl %a& co) ...This night it finally happened consciously#... (Dm &o) .../ was awakening at night in y bedroo . /t was dark. / tried to turn on the lights, but the light-switch wasn"t in

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its usual place, and / realiCed that / was drea ing. /t was so dark that / started to get really scared... (D, mut) / was unable to do astral pro;ection for over a year, until / started doing indirect techni0ues ore often and ore intensely. /t happened this orning at . A%... But thatJs 6ust the be& nn n&. %ost nterest n&ly# 0 ha)e found at least four clear descr pt ons of spontaneous e1 ts from the body upon fall n& asleep or .a+ n& up n the B ble. %ean.h le# there are clearly more of them# but the rest are only descr bed n br ef and are thus less ob) ous e1amples. The four passa&es .e . ll loo+ at s mply conta n the most deta l# and e)eryth n& adds up n them. ('irst Book of Qings# Chapter $?) A But he hi self went a day>s ;ourney into the wilderness, and ca e and sat down under a ;uniper tree? and he re0uested for hi self that he ight dieH and said, /t is enoughH now, O !O&5, take away y lifeH for / Oa P not better than y fathers. 3 And as he lay and slept under a ;uniper tree, behold, then an angel touched hi , and said unto hi , Arise OandP eat. 8 And he looked, and, behold, Othere wasP a cake baken on the coals, and a cruse of water at his head. And he did eat and drink, and laid hi down again. And the angel of the !O&5 ca e again the second ti e, and touched hi , and said, Arise OandP eatH because the ;ourney OisP too great for thee. *ound fam l arL Go you remember your parents e)er .a+ n& you up to &o to school# and then ha) n& dressed and &otten your boo+s to&ether# only to ha)e your parents .a+e you up a&a nL Th s may ha)e happened to you se)eral t mes. Or do you remember e)er ha) n& turned off the alarm cloc+#

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only to ha)e t bu,, once a&a n and .a+e you upL ThatJs a typ cal false a.a+en n&. Aou encounter false a.a+en n&s nearly e)ery day# but they are far from al.ays ) ) d. Th s lac+ of ) ) dness s .hy people often do not reco&n ,e that a false a.a+en n& has occurred. 2p to one4th rd of all sensat ons and mo)ements that occur upon a.a+en n& do not happen n the real .orld# they 6ust seem to be. (Ed&aras) .../ was so ewhere between 1 and +- years old. The alar clock went off, / was having a hard ti e getting out of bed. / thought for a few o ents about how it was ti e to go to school... Then / got up out of bed, already wide awake, and went to the bathroo ... All of the sudden o ca e into the roo and asked e to wake up and go to school... And this happened ore than once... (etJs ma& ne that El 6ah fell asleep not under a 6un per tree# but n a comfortable apartment# and that h s thou&hts upon fall n& asleep had turned not to Fod# but to the fact that he had to &o to school the ne1t day. @ould an an&el ha)e ) s ted El 6ah n that caseL Or ma& ne Ed&aras n El 6ahJs place. Th n+ n& about lea) n& the body .h le fall n& asleep s one of the +ey secrets to ha) n& an out4of4body e1per ence upon later a.a+en n&. %ean.h le# you can th n+ not only about lea) n& the body# but also about .hat you .ant to obta n from the e1per ence tself... ThatJs .hy t s not at all surpr s n& that the an&el came to El 6ah 4 .ho had been ponder n& h s relat onsh p . th Fod 4 not dur n& an afternoon .al+# but 6ust after he had fallen asleep. But El 6ah d d not reco&n ,e that h s subse8uent a.a+en n&s .ere false# because an out4of4body e1per ence can outmatch .a+ n& l fe n terms of ) ) dness of sensat on. ('irst Book of Sa uel# Chapter :)

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+ And the child Sa uel inistered unto the !O&5 before (li. And the word of the !O&5 was precious in those daysH Othere wasP no open vision. , And it ca e to pass at that ti e, when (li OwasP laid down in his place, and his eyes began to wa4 di , OthatP he could not seeH B And ere the la p of Fod went out in the te ple of the !O&5, where the ark of Fod OwasP, and Sa uel was laid down Oto sleepPH A That the !O&5 called Sa uel? and he answered, Gere Oa P /. 3 And he ran unto (li, and said, Gere Oa P /H for thou calledst e. And he said, / called notH lie down again. And he went and lay down. 8 And the !O&5 called yet again, Sa uel. And Sa uel arose and went to (li, and said, Gere Oa P /H for thou didst call e. And he answered, / called not, y sonH lie down again. D @ow Sa uel did not yet know the !O&5, neither was the word of the !O&5 yet revealed unto hi . 1 And the !O&5 called Sa uel again the third ti e. And he arose and went to (li, and said, Gere Oa P /H for thou didst call e. And (li perceived that the !O&5 had called the child. . Therefore (li said unto Sa uel, Fo, lie down? and it shall be, if he call thee, that thou shalt say, Speak, !O&5H for thy servant heareth. So Sa uel went and lay down in his place. +- And the !O&5 ca e, and stood, and called as at other ti es, Sa uel, Sa uel. Then Sa uel answered, SpeakH for thy servant heareth. ++ And the !O&5 said to Sa uel, Behold, / will do a thing in /srael, at which both the ears of every one that heareth it shall tingle. Dccord n& to my research# no less than 9"; of those sur)eyed ha)e reported hear n& s m lar )o ces at least once n

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the r l )es .hen fall n& asleep. %oreo)er# they remember hear n& reco&n ,able albe t ma& nary )o ces. @eJre not e)en ta+ n& nto account that all of you ha)e heard unreal sounds hundreds of t mes .hen fall n& asleep and upon a.a+en n&# but thou&ht noth n& of them# as you thou&ht that they .ere real (assum n& them to be ne &hbors tal+ n& or sounds from outs de the . ndo.). Th s s all normal for .hen consc ousness s fad n& out or com n& bac+ on a&a n. (Foodman) .../ decided to lie down at about ,=%. About , inutes later, after / had ;ust started lying in bed, / heard a voice. / so ehow sensed that so eone was sitting on the chair ne4t to the couch... (*l der) ...!iterally ;ust seconds before / fell asleep, it was as if so eone was calling e... =lease note that / was not yet asleep. At first it was a nor al 6voice7... then it got bossier, and then it started ordering e about. And then it was as if so ething was pulling e into the bed... There s e)en a spec al techn 8ue for nduc n& such sounds and us n& them to e1 t the body. 0t s called the techn 8ue of l sten n& n. There are many )ar at ons to t. They nclude try n& to hear someone call n& your name .hen you are fall n& asleep# and espec ally upon .a+ n& up. 0f you hear your name called# you can separate from the body. 'ract t oners usually set themsel)es &oals other than meet n& Fod. On the other hand *amuel rece )ed a clear order from h s mentor to do 6ust that: (3Fo# l e do.n: and t shall be# f he call thee# that thou shalt say# *pea+# (ORGH for thy ser)ant heareth.5) 7o. tJs t me for the ne1t t.o b bl cal passa&es. They are both )ery s m lar. For no less than a th rd of us they recall a completely fam l ar s tuat on that .e ha)e found oursel)es

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n at one t me or another: sleep paralys s (sleep stupor# catalepsy)# .h ch s nearly al.ays accompan ed by a . ld terror and often occurs .hen fall n& asleep or .a+ n& up. (Book of *ob# Chapter 4) +, @ow a thing was secretly brought to e, and ine ear received a little thereof. +B /n thoughts fro the visions of the night, when deep sleep falleth on en, +A 'ear ca e upon e, and tre bling, which ade all y bones to shake. +3 Then a spirit passed before y faceH the hair of y flesh stood up? +8 /t stood still, but / could not discern the for thereof? an i age OwasP before ine eyes, Othere wasP silence, and / heard a voice, OsayingP, ('irst book of the Torah? Fenesis # Chapter $9) +, And when the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell upon Abra H and, lo, an horror of great darkness fell upon hi . +B And he said unto Abra , Qnow of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land Othat isP not theirs, and shall serve the H and they shall afflict the four hundred yearsH @eJll e1am ne a select fe. modern accounts out of hundreds that 0 ha)e. They . ll surely str +e you as 8u te s m lar to the B ble passa&es c ted abo)e# espec ally n terms of the emot ons felt. (*tress) ....There was a sharp crack, and the feeling of falling down. So eone"s unintelligible whisper in y right ear changed into a screa , which died down for a second, only to blast in again fro all sides. / was panicking in ortal fear.

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(*+yer) .../ was being awoken by an acute fright that had begun while / was drea ing... A wild terror suddenly overca e e. So ething started to ake a lot of noise in the distance... (*ol) ....!ast ti e, having been struck by sleep paralysis together with an awful fear, / rolled out of bed... Fear and dar+ness upon a.a+en n& or fall n& asleep... These are all completely typ cal th n&s for the pract ce of out4 of4body tra)el. 7o) ces report e1per enc n& them n a th rd of all cases- %ean.h le# they rarely e1pect an encounter . th Fod after.ards# .h ch s .hy he usually doesnJt appear to them. Th s &ets r &ht to the essence of the phenomenon. Gur n& a spontaneous and uncontrolled out4of4body e1per ence# you &et e1actly .hat you fear or e1pect at the moment. Th s . ll be demonstrated a&a n and a&a n belo.. %ean.h le# n the b ble e1cerpts abo)e# the reason .hy the prota&on sts met the (ord s completely clear and understandable 4 f they but only th n+ of Fod# they cannot but meet h m. 0t .as completely normal for them to ha)e seen Fod. Dnd hereJs .hatJs most mportant 4 th s all may seem to be empty tal+ or senseless theory# but hear me out: not only b bl cal characters ha)e had encounters . th Fod. Bo. many s m lar stor es are there n other sourcesL Tons. Dnd they all conta n the same telltale character st cs 4 ly n& do.n# fall n& asleep# .a+ n& up# and so on. %oreo)er# one can meet Fod each and e)ery t me one en&a&es n the pract ce of lea) n& the body. The procedure s s mple: use techn 8ues to &o out4 of4body# and then use techn 8ues to f nd the ob6ects that you are loo+ n& for. ThatJs all there s to t... Bac+ n my youth .hen 0 .as f rst &ett n& nto out4of4body tra)el# 0 met Fod

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se)eral t mes out of sheer cur os ty. 0J)e met scores of pract t oners .ho ha)e done the same. Aou can e)en try t yourself. But .ho or .hat s be n& encounteredL 0s t really FodL ThatJs for you to dec de. *ome pract t oners .ould say that t s a s mulat on &enerated by the subconsc ous m nd# .h ch controls e)eryth n& dur n& the out4of4body e1per ence. Others ma nta n that they ) s t a parallel .orld nhab ted by many Fods. Aet others say that the same Fod that e)eryone tal+s about s encountered dur n& all of these e1per ences. Bere e)eryone nterprets .hat occurs as they see f t. The most l +ely e1planat on s that no real &od s at play n such phenomena. Fod may )ery .ell e1 st# but n these cases someth n& a l ttle d fferent s &o n& on. Conclus on: at least a port on of the accounts of the (ord appear n& n the B ble .ere hardly ) s tat ons by the creator h mself. The most l +ely e1planat on s that they .ere spontaneous and unreco&n ,ed e1per ences of the out4of4body state# . th ensu n& num nous ep sodes nduced by fa th n and e1pectat on of the Dlm &hty. The .e &ht est ar&ument support n& th s stance s the fact that anyone can reproduce such e1per ences h mself. @ho +no.s# .ere t not for spontaneous out4of4body e1per ences# perhaps the B ble tself .ould ne)er ha)e been .r tten. Dnd snJt the B ble tself a h nt at our possess n& latent ab l t esL Db l t es so mportant and spec al that .e cannot but assoc ate them . th the d ) ne.


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,&a*ter 7% A**licatio b' Alie !

to .e Abducted

T&e 0ue!tio o" (&et&er or ot e+traterre!trial ci#ili9atio ! e+i!t i! out!ide o" t&e !co*e o" t&i! article # but 0 .ould l +e to note that the ma6or ty of 2FO abduct on reports n)ol)e the same ncorrect nterpretat on of the spontaneous out4of4body state as s the case . th the B ble. Each era has &ods of ts o.n. 0 do bel e)e that there are other c ) l ,at ons out there# but doubt that they are as n)ol)ed n home ) s tat ons as one .ould nfer from read n& thousands of 3abduct on reports5. Ds . th FodJs appearances n the B ble# 0 ha)e al.ays been made uneasy by al en abduct on stor es# because both nearly al.ays occur .hen the sub6ect s fall n& asleep or a.a+en n&. (Chr st na C# .../ woke up because / heard hi crying, it was dark, ;ust a little light shining through the drawn window shades. / went to his crib and reached down to pick hi

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up, but he was not there# / yelled to his father but he never oved. / went to the other side of the roo to turn on the light, but it would not co e on# / went back to the crib, a bright light flashed on and was bea ing through the window, and there he was, still crying, very upset, / picked hi up and hugged hi close... 5irectly above the house was a very large triangle shaped ob;ect... (@h tley *tr eber# ...After a couple of hours, he was awakened by an unusual sound. Ge felt that the security of his cabin had been breached. Ge was soon shocked to see a creature in his bedroo ... 0f you are st ll harbor n& hope that 0 .as n error . th the conclus ons reached n the chapter abo)e# then .hat 0Jm about to say may totally unner)e you. Dt a&e $9 0 .as also 3abducted5. Bo.e)er# t.o years later# after ha) n& &a ned s &n f cant out4of4body and luc d dream n& e1per ence# 0 came to the real ,at on that t had all been a spontaneous e1 t from the body. Bad the e1per ence not repeated tself and had 0 not started e1per mental research on the phenomenon . th d abol cal pers stence# then to th s )ery day 0 .ould st ll be $""; con) nced that 0 had been abducted by al ens. Dfter all# t felt totally real 4 and ho. can one not but bel e)e oneJs sensesL 0 had al.ays had 8u te ) ) d and luc d dreams# but th s .as noth n& l +e a dream by any measure. The a.a+en n&# fall n& asleep# fear# and paralys s that 0 encountered dur n& the 3abduct on5 are typ cal features of al en abduct on stor es that you . ll read o)er and o)er a&a n across many sources. For e1ample: (Dnon m# ...One night / awoke about B?-- A.%., terrified. / sensed two beings in y bedroo at the foot of the bed. / did not try to look at the because / was afraid of what /

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would see. / saw the glow of the clock and *eff, ( y husband$ sleeping ne4t to e. / tried to turn (/ was on y sto ach$ to wake hi up but / was paralyCed. / then tried to screa but no sound would co e out... (Dnon m# ...5uring the last part of *une (+.1D$ as she was lying down on her bed, she felt so ewhat uneasy, as if so eone was watching her. The ti e was +-?-- =%. She then heard a voice say, I<e have co e for you... Eou will not be hurt.I She then realiCed that her entire body was paralyCed, and that she could only ove her eyes... (Dnon m# .../ was sitting outside one night reading. All of the sudden it felt as though so ething was s othering e. / started to panic because / couldn>t breathe. / tried to screa but nothing ca e out... ('eter Rhoury# ...<hile lying on his bed, he felt so ething grab his ankles. Ge suddenly felt nu b and paralyCed, but re ained conscious. Then he noticed three or four s all hooded figures alongside the bed... %ean.h le# the character st c features of the abo)e accounts are also typ cal for out4of4body tra)el and luc d dream n&- 0snJt that stran&eL 0snJt t a l ttle odd that my pract t oners also encounter be n&s dur n& e1per ences that e1h b t the same character st c tra tsL The d fference s s mply that my pract t oners donJt sensat onal ,e .hat happened# as they already understand that an out4of4body tra)eler m &ht e1per ence anyth n& dur n& h s or her f rst ad)entures. The follo. n& are only a sampl n& of le& on e1amples to be found on our nternet forum:

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(( l a) .../ had only ;ust fallen asleep when so ething changed. / heard the sound of what see ed to be so eone ;u ping fro the chair in the bathroo , but there were no cats in the house. And then / heard steps. / had never e4perienced such ortal fear before in y life, nor would / ever thereafter. / was sleeping in the living roo , and could see y ho e"s front door. The door started to open, but / couldn"t see who it was. Only once they started co ing towards e fro the left was / able to catch sight of the by looking to the side. They were about 8 feet tall and translucent, / could see the wall through the . They had radiant al ond-shaped eyes that were of a beautiful tur0uoise color. / wanted to get up or call for help, but / couldn"t even ove a finger... (*+yer) .../ was sleeping on the floor. / woke up. !ike on any other orning, / was lying in bed half-awake and looking up at the ceiling, planning out y day. / suddenly heard so eone walking in the hallway. / had spent the night in the office... The ar ored door was locked fro inside... The windows were reinforced with steel webbing. / was paralyCed with fear... The door started to open slowly, and a being about 8 feet tall ca e into the roo . Ge had yellow-greenish skin and a large, slender head... (Roman !<) .../ had ;ust shot up awake at night after sleeping on the couch. Still not 0uite understanding what had happened, suddenly an o inous and frightening dwarflike being appeared in the corner away fro e. (verything was so real that / froCe out of fright and got goosebu ps everywhere. (*tress)

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There was a sharp bang, and then the feeling of falling down... / was panicking, afraid for y life, and also had the feeling that they were going to take y soul. Atte pts to get up, open y eyes, or ove yielded no results. / could feel that y whole body was paralyCed, which ;ust agnified the fear... The abo)e s 6ust a small sampl n& of the f rst4hand accounts posted on our forum# but no one .ould say that our .ebs te .as de)oted to 2FOs. 'eople are s mply de)elop n& ne. ab l t es. 0 .ould su&&est that the d fference bet.een 3abduct ons5 and the pract ce of e1 t n& the body cons sts only n the nterpretat on of e)ents. Of course# you may say that the phenomena are not mutually e1clus )e# and that e1traterrestr als m &ht be us n& th s ab l ty of ours to fac l tate 3abduct ons5. Bo.e)er# f you left your body of your o.n free . ll# and then proceeded to loo+ for the al ens yourself and ha)e a con)ersat on . th them# .ould that be 3abduct on5L %ean.h le# thereJs noth n& stopp n& you from do n& .hate)er you .ant . th the al ens... Once 0 understood that 0 really hadnJt been abducted# 0 .ent out of my .ay to encounter e1traterrestr als n a b d to o)ercome my fear of them. Dnd .hat does t say f a sol d ma6or ty of my pract t oners ha)e del berately encountered al ens at least onceL 0n at least a th rd of all reported 2FO and al en encounters# youJll f nd telltale e) dence of a spontaneous out4 of4body e1per ence. 0n at least another th rd of such reports# e)en thou&h an out4of4body e1per ence s clearly the underly n& phenomenon# deta ls are e ther m ss n& or om tted (often on purpose# n order to co)er up d screpanc es). Bere s the most s mple e1ample of ho. t can happen: (Relly Cah ll# ...After idnight the )ahills were on their ;ourney ho e when they first noticed the lights of a rounded craft with windows around it. <ithin what see ed only a second or two, Qelly was now very rela4ed, suddenly cal ed by

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the disappearance of the intense, glowing light that had turned night into day for a brief few o ents. The first words out of Qelly>s outh Oto her husbandP were, I<hat happened, did / blackoutNI Ger husband said nothing, as he had no answer to give his wife. Ge cautiously drove his fa ily ho e. 0 th n+ that by no. t has already become ob) ous that Relly had s mply do,ed off bac+ at the )ery be& nn n& of the story# lulled nto sleep by the n &ht dr )e# and that e)eryth n& happened outs de of the phys cal .orld# and only to her alone. Bo.e)er# the sensat ons .ere so real st c that she had a d fferent nterpretat on: her husband had s mply had h s memory erased. Dnd the result s shoc+ n&: one of the most . dely c rculated accounts substant at n& the e1 stence of e1traterrestr al c ) l ,at ons. But .hy do these 3abduct ons5 happenL The mechan sm s 8u te s mple: somet mes the consc ous m nd a.a+ens before the body# or the body falls asleep before the consc ous m nd. Dt that moment# people f nd themsel)es outs de of the phys cal .orld# e)en thou&h noth n& may ha)e chan&ed n terms of sensory percept on. 0t s spontaneous out4of4body e1per ences. 0f oneJs susp c ons are aroused by .hatJs &o n& on# then nternal fears and e1pectat ons mmed ately come to the surface and mater al ,e n the most real st c .ay. 0f an&els and &ods pre) ously ) s ted the l ) n&# then n an era .hen tal+ of e1traterrestr als f lls the TV a r.a)es# there s noth n& else to e1pect. @e ha)e already d scussed .hat a spontaneous e1 t from the body leads to .hen one e1pects Fod or &uests from %ars. But no.# as e) dence of .hat happens .hen oneJs m nd s occup ed by th n&s other than al ens or an&els# letJs ntroduce an account & )en by a ch ld .ho also spontaneously fell nto such a state: (D,.ra th)

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.../t happened late at night in winterti e when / was 1 years old. / woke up and was surprised at how light it was outside for the iddle of the night. / walked to the bathroo ... / got so e water and went to the window, and then / al ost dropped the glass once / saw so ething the siCe of a dwarf noisily running across the windowsill. /t was about the sa e height as the window. The creature had a hu anoid for , it was wearing s all black boots, striped bright green stockings, a bright red ;acket, and a hooded cap of the sa e color... / was so scared that / figured / should run and hide, but out of sheer curiosity / decided to ove closer to the window and ascertain whether or not / had ;ust been seeing things. Foing to the window, / saw how a strange ob;ect flew out fro one corner of the house. / i ediately recogniCed it fro its outline and shape? this was Santa"s sleigh# Thousands of people ha)e attended my sem nars# and a &reat deal of them had n t ally become nterested n out4of4 body tra)el after ha) n& e1per enced sleep paralys s# spontaneous e1 t from the body# or e)en 3al en abduct on5. The ET abduct on nterpretat on of the spontaneous out4of4 body e1per ence s 6ust as . despread as the e1per ence tself. Dccord n& to sur)eys n the 2n ted *tates alone# $"; of Dmer cans cla m to ha)e been abducted by al ens at least once. Conclus on: n most cases# th s phenomenon s not proof of the e1 stence of cur ous e1traterrestr als# but does pro)e that .e are more than s mply the phys cal body n .h ch .e are usually trapped. %ean.h le# th s s all eas ly pro)ed n pract ce. Dnyone can ma+e contact . th e1traterrestr als us n& out4of4body tra)el techn 8ues


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,&a*ter 3% Ho( to See t&e .ri1&t 4i1&t at t&e E d o" t&e Tu el (&ile YouLre Still Ali#e

7ear4death e1per ences are ndeed the only more or less stra &htfor.ard &l mpse of l fe after death. 2nfortunately# .e . ll no. be d scuss n& 6ust that phenomenon. 32nfortunately5 because you . ll ha)e to e1am ne ts nature from a completely d fferent po nt of ) e.. * mply put# t s clear that both out4of4body tra)el and luc d dream n& are of the same nature as near4death e1per ences at cl n cal death. Bo.e)er# the f rst t.o someho. fa l to pro)e the e1 stence of an afterl fe. They e)en refute some commonly ad)anced cla ms. .e"ore e+a)i i 1 t&e i!!ue2 I (ould like to !tart b' !a'i 1 u*"ro t t&at I a) ot tr'i 1 to *ro#e t&at t&ere i! o a"terli"e% 0 .ould only l +e to demonstrate that one of the phenomena assoc ated . th the l fe4after4death ssue may poss bly be of a .holly other essence and s &n f cance.

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'erhaps .e could start by say n& that from a purely lo& cal po nt of ) e.# t .ould be ncorrect to cons der 3near4 death5 e1per ences to happen near the moment of actual death# as accounts of them are al.ays related by l ) n& people... %aybe th s all has more to do . th l fe than death. 0 .ould also l +e to note that Raymond %oody# .hose boo+ .e . ll be c t n&# d d not &o so far as to state that the accounts he &athered .ere unamb &uously conclus )e e) dence of the sur) )al of the soul and l fe after death. Be merely made a hypothes s and bac+ed t up us n& the e1cellent test mon es he collected. AouJll ha)e to adm t that f you hadnJt +no.n beforehand that the follo. n& accounts belon&ed to people .ho .ere at the ed&e of death# t .ould ha)e been easy to assume that they .ere .r tten by al )e4and4.ell pract t oners of out4of4 body tra)el: (!ife after !ife by Raymond D. %oody) .../ could feel yself oving out of y body and sliding down between the attress and the rail on the side of the bed-actually it see ed as if / went through the railon down to the floor. Then, / started rising upward, slowly... (!ife after !ife by Raymond D. %oody) ... At that point, / kind of lost y sense of ti e, and / lost y physical reality as far as y body is concerned-/ lost touch with y body. %y being or y self or y spirit, or whatever you would like to label it-/ could sort of feel it rise out of e, out through y head. And it wasn>t anything that hurt, it was ;ust sort of like a lifting and it being above e... (!ife after !ife by Raymond D. %oody) ... / was above the table, and / could see everything they were doing. / knew that / was dying, that this would be it. Eet, / was concerned about y children,

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about who would take care of the . So, / was not ready to go... Con)ersely# .hen read n& the e1per ences of out4of4body pract t oners# one m &ht s mply assume that they are descr pt ons of s tuat ons e1per enced at the moment of death# espec ally cons der n& the fact that the feel n& of mm nent death s one of the most common sensat ons e1per enced .h le out4of4body. Gur n& an uncontrolled e1 t from the body# that .h ch you fear or e1pect the most s e1actly .hat . ll happen to you. Dnd thatJs .here reports of &ods# fl &hts of the soul# and 2FOs come from. To put t s mply# e1 t from the body occurs .hen the consc ous m nd s 3on5# but the body s 3off5. Dpparently# the same th n& can happen .h le under anesthes a or dy n&# and often does. That s# people fall nto the same state that pract t oners of out4of4body tra)el do. 0f you happened to f nd yourself n such a s tuat on .h le on the operat n& table or dur n& a ser ous llness# n the o)er.helm n& ma6or ty of cases your thou&hts .ould turn to Fod# an&els# and a tunnel . th a br &ht l &ht at the end 4 .h ch s e1actly .hat you .ould &et. There s no tra t character st c of near4death e1per ences that s not also character st c of out4of4body tra)el. For e1ample# see n& oneJs o.n body on the bed: (!ife after !ife by Raymond D. %oody) ...Ge were Iable to see everything around e -including y whole body as it lay on the bed without occupying any spaceI... (% ster *0F%D) R/ felt like y body was going through the ceiling, and even so / was pulled up higher and higher. / was afraid that this was already death, and was afraid not so uch of death as of the unknown. (verything was happening

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so rapidly, and / wasn"t ready for such changes... / flew about y roo and saw yself lying in y bed... Fly n& orbs rad at n& l &ht: (!ife after !ife by Raymond D. %oody) R<hen / woke up in severe pain, turned over and tried to get in a ore co fortable position, but ;ust at that o ent a light appeared in the corner of the roo , ;ust below the ceiling. /t was ;ust a ball of light, al ost like a globe, and it was not very large, / would say no ore than twelve to fifteen inches in dia eter... / had the feeling of being drawn up and of leaving y body, and / looked back and saw it lying there on the bed while / was going up towards the ceiling of the roo ... (Ru+l no+) .../ was levitating about one foot over the bed... / couldn"t figure out why everything was lit underneath y back. / looked over y left shoulder and saw a s all, bright, white orb about si4 inches fro y shoulder blade - that"s what was illu inating the roo R 'er od c lac+ of bod ly percept on: (!ife after !ife by Raymond D. %oody) ...5ying persons whose souls, inds,consciousnesses (or whatever>> you want to label the $ were released fro their bodies say that they didn>t feel that, after release they were in any kind of IbodyI at all.... (Tol +) .../t was inco prehensible, there was no feeling, / couldn"t see y own hands. / was like an orb, transparent and hanging on the wall over the bed...


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%ean.h le# e)en the )aunted tunnel of l &ht s not the e1clus )e doma n of near4death e1per ences: (!ife after !ife by Raymond D. %oody) .../ was oving through this-you>re going to think this is weird-through this long dark place. /t see ed like a sewer or so ething. / ;ust can>t describe it to you. / was oving, beating all the ti e with this noise, this ringing noise... (0&or.() ...<hen flying through the tunnel, / noticed that it had a lot of spurs and paths. There was a bright light at the end. / beca e interested in what was going on, and fell into another realityR The s m lar ty bet.een the t.o e1per ences s nescapable. 0t s ob) ous e)en to someone .ho has e1per enced ne ther f rsthand. Ds the number of out4of4body pract t oners cont nues to ncrease# 0 ha)e been meet n& more and more people .ho ha)e had both types of e1per ence. Dnd do you +no. .hat they sayL That the e1per ences are one and the same- There s no fundamental d fference bet.een them# e1cept that there s no r s+ of death .hen one pract ces on oneJs o.n. There s another stron& ar&ument n fa)or of near4death e1per ences and out4of4body tra)el be n& the same th n&: false near4death e1per ences. There s no d fference .hatsoe)er bet.een them and the r bona4f de near4death counterparts. For e1ample# once a person came up to me and started tell n& me about ho. he had e1per enced cl n cal death# an e1 t from the body# tra)el throu&h a tunnel# etc. But after as+ n& h m some 8uest ons# t became clear that no cl n cal death had occurred# and that the rest of the e1per ence had happened dur n& a standard# spontaneous e1 t from the body. Th s s because cl n cal death s .hen doctors

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establ sh the fact of card ac arrest# .h ch s d fferent than do, n& off after a sumptuous brea+fast of 6am dou&hnuts. @hatJs more# tJs easy to come to the conclus on that youJre dy n& .hen ha) n& an out4of4body e1per ence. *uch thou&hts occur n about a f fth of all e1 ts from the body. E)en after ha) n& had thousands of OBEs# 0 st ll fall nto such terror myself from t me to t me. ThatJs to say noth n& of no) ces# .ho often bac+ nto the body after ha) n& 6ust left t: (Budushee) .../ actually fell onto the floor, but felt no physical sensation fro it, ;ust a panicky fear and o en of loo ing death... (Aur ) ...:pon beco ing fully aware of y nature, / clearly understood that / didn"t have a body, it was si ply gone# %y first thought was, 6so this is what death"s like#7 (( l a) ...That"s when it hit e that / was dying. / ran to the living roo and saw yself lying on the bed. And / ;u ped back into yselfR Bo.e)er# you m &ht ar&ue that . th all of the abo)e 0 ha)e 6ust pro)ed that there s l fe after death. Dctually# the correct deduct on s that .e can ha)e near4death e1per ences . thout the threat of dy n&. %ean.h le# there s one more + c+er here. Gur n& my f rst years of pract c n& out4of4body tra)el# 0 .as sure that my soul .as actually lea) n& my body and that 0 .as therefore mmortal. But after underta+ n& endless e1per ments# t turned out that my 3soul5 .as not tra)ell n& throu&h the phys cal .orld at all# but throu&hout someth n& else ent rely. 0tJs poss ble that th s s all 6ust a mental pro6ect on# albe t a more real st c one than the phys cal .orld. %any bel e)e that tJs a parallel .orld. But thatJs not mportant here. @hatJs mportant s that th s s a

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)ery compl cated 8uest on and that many ans.ers are poss ble. Conclus on: tJs poss ble that near4death e1per ences are mportant not as proof of l fe after death# but as e) dence that .e all ha)e a &reat many more ab l t es n the phys cal .orld than .e are a.are of# e)en f .e only real ,e th s n cr t cal s tuat ons. Th s s re nforced by the fact that any person can e1per ence such a 3near death5 by follo. n& spec al techn 8ue4based procedures# and . thout any threat to l fe or l mb.


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,&a*ter 8% E#olutio

THE $ASS NAT/RE OF THE PHENO$ENON @hat .ould happen f .e comb ned three e1cerpts: one from a b bl cal appearance of Fod# one from an al en abduct on story# and one from a near4death e1per ence test monyL R/n thoughts fro the visions of the night, when deep sleep falleth on e, fear ca e upon e, and tre bling, which ade all y bones to shake. Then / heard a voice say, I<e have co e for you... Eou will not be hurt.I / could feel yself oving out of y body and sliding down between the attress and the rail on the side of the bed-actually it see ed as if / went through the railon down to the floor. Then, / started rising upward, slowly...

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Ba) n& had thousands of my o.n out4of4body e1per ences and ha) n& analy,ed those of thousands of others# 0 can def n t )ely state that the abo)e .ould be a class c e1ample of a f rst4t me e1 t from the body typ cal for no) ces. 0tJs )ery l +ely that such phenomena are )ery closely nterrelated. 0tJs poss ble that they are of one nature. Dnd thatJs not cons der n& hundreds of myst cal and occult schools n .h ch the same pract ce# under the most d )erse names# stands apart from all the others as the p nnacle of de)elopment. D fe. .ords on the mass scale of the phenomenon# .h ch s not . thout mportance. One person n four has e1per enced lea) n& the r body upon fall n& asleep or .a+ n& up. One n three has e1per enced sleep paralys s at least once. One n t.o has reported ha) n& become consc ous .h le dream n&. Dnd e)eryone has encountered th s hundreds of t mes n a superf c al or unreco&n ,ed form. For e1ample# up to a th rd of all act ons and sensat ons upon a.a+en n& are not real. Dnd ho. many t mes ha)e you .o+en up# done someth n&# and then &one bac+ to sleep# not e)en suspect n& that none of th s occurred n the phys cal .orldL By all accounts th s s clearly a mass phenomenon# an ab l ty nherent n each person. 0 can )ouch for th s as 0 am able to teach anyone to ha)e an out4of4body e1per ence. A NEW STAGE IN THE EBO4/TION OF ,ONS,IO/SNESS Th s ab l ty of ours has al.ays accompan ed us# nfluenc n& us all the .h le. But t .asnJt unt l no. that .e ha)e loo+ed n the r &ht d rect on and f nally seen th s elephant n the room# a h therto secret phenomenon confound n& the m nds of m ll ons. 0snJt t t me .e reco&n ,ed ts due and lo& cal role as the common denom nator of a lon& l st of phenomena that had unt l no. al.ays seemed

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unrelatedL @ouldnJt the .orld become s mpler# and .ouldnJt .e then understand oursel)es much betterL Ds t turned out# certa n commonal t es of se)eral completely d fferent# but h therto uncompared# phenomena became clear and stra &htfor.ard to me# than+s to both my act ) t es and personal e1per ence n the f eld. 0 couldnEt but conclude that there .as some common denom nator at .or+. %an has e1traord nary ab l ty to adapt and s constantly e)ol) n&. Dlthou&h tJs hard to ma& ne no.# 6ust se)eral thousand years a&o our consc ousness and self4a.areness loo+ed totally d fferent. They s mply d d not e1 st n the r no. fam l ar form. @hat s &o n& on today can be alternat )ely nterpreted as e ther natural e)olut on or soc al (cultural) e)olut on. 0tJs ent rely poss ble that consc ous a.areness# once ha) n& de)eloped and then ha) n& proceeded to consume our ent re .a+ n& l fe# s actually e)ol) n& nto those states of consc ousness .here t .ould seem to ha)e been mposs ble: those occurr n& .h le our body s asleep. To put t bluntly# consc ousness ran out of room n our .a+ n& m nd and cont nues ts e1pans on nto the bra n. There s only one p ece of e) dence of th s process: half of all people report e1per enc n& $""; consc ous a.areness flar n& up nto the r dreams. %ean.h le# another ta+e on the or & n of the out4of4body phenomenon loo+s to fundamental transformat ons n sc ence and culture. E)en three or four hundred years a&o# the a)era&e le)el of ntell &ence .as hardly one4half of .hat t s today. Than+s to modern educat on systems# enormous floods of nformat on# and l &htn n&4fast commun cat on# our consc ous m nds ha)e had to use the r resources to the r full capac t es. 'erhaps those capac t es are not enou&h. Our cran ums are o)erfull# and perhaps thatJs .hy consc ousness s o)erflo. n& to .here t seem n&ly .asnJt meant to be or couldnJt ha)e been. @ th the o)erloads ntroduced by modern soc ety# t s mply has left to &o. ThatJs .hy spontaneous d ssoc at on .hen a.a+en n& and throu&hout

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dream n& occurs ncreas n&ly often. 0t also happened n the past# but rarely. But no. tJs ta+ n& on an ncessant nature. By all accounts# .e are no. at the brea+throu&h sta&e of a ne. era: the entrenchment of a ne. state of m nd and consc ousness# .h ch has become the ne1t lo& cal outcome of human e)olut on. Ch ldren# . th the r pred spos t on for out4of4body e1per ences# deser)e spec al attent on. %ost adults s mply for&et that ha) n& out4of4body e1per ences .as the norm for them dur n& early ch ldhood. 0J)e met many people o)er the course of my pract ce .ho remember ho. often t happened for them at an early a&e. 0J)e had the opportun ty to spea+ . th ch ldren .ho ma nta n that they .ere able to do t on command before they could e)en spea+# but that later t started happen n& ncreas n&ly rarely . th a&e and that they &radually for&ot about t. Th s spea+s e ther for the natural e)olut on of consc ousness# or# con)ersely# for re&ress onO E ther .ay# .e may turn our attent on to th s ne. state of consc ousness that .e ha)e. Dnd t has poss bly 6ust be&un to de)elop. 0f earl er .e only had three pr mary and completely d fferent states 4 .a+efulness# RE% sleep# and non4RE% sleep 4 then no. .e ha)e someth n& n4bet.een .a+efulness and RE% that ncludes features of both. The f rst steps n sc ent f cally pro) n& the e1 stence of th s state .ere ta+en by *tephen (aBer&e at *tanford 2n )ers ty n the be& nn n& of the $?>"s. D successful e1per ment .as conducted re&ard n& consc ousness .h le dream n&. %ean.h le# today t s clear that the e1per mentJs result has mpl cat ons for a far &reater number of phenomena. 0t has become fully apparent that consc ousness .h le dream n& s pract cally the same th n& as out4of4body tra)el# but that t occurs as a result of d fferent method. Dnd .e ha)e already dent f ed spontaneous e1 t from the body n a .hole sle. of phenomena. Bo.e)er# .hen you see the .ord 3dream n&5 n the conte1t of all of the abo)e# donJt th n+ that e1per enc n& the phenomenon tself feels l +e be n& n a dream. @e ha)e

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dent f ed a .hole number of cases n .h ch super4real st c sensat ons made people th n+ that they .ere dy n&# see n& Fod# or encounter n& al ens. The term 3hyper4real sm5 s often brou&ht n to descr be the e1per ence: n most e1 ts from the body# e)ery sensat on s so he &htened that the phys cal .orld seems l +e a fa nt dream n compar son. 0 ha)e no nterest at all n d scuss n& .here .e actually &o .hen .e lea)e our bod es. %y tas+ s only to nform people of the opportun ty to do so and to teach them ho. to ta+e ad)anta&e of t. %ean.h le# pract t oners can dec de for themsel)es .hat s actually &o n& on. *ome bel e)e that they are tra)ell n& n sp r t form throu&h the phys cal .orld. Others hold that the r soul tra)els about parallel .orlds. *t ll others cons der t all to be only a mental state. THE F/T/RE 0t s ent rely poss ble that .e . ll all be l ) n& n t.o .orlds . th n a certa n per od of t me. 0n fact# pract t oners of out4of4body tra)el and luc d dream n& already do. But here .eJre not d scuss n& the pract ce# but rather an ord nary ab l ty that . ll be completely normal for us. For e1ample# .hen someone &oes to bed n the e)en n& or n the afternoon# he . ll eas ly be able to lea)e h s body mmed ately and then do a .hole number of nterest n& th n&s. Dnd before morn n& a.a+en n&# he . ll somet mes be able to consc ously spend t me outs de of h s phys cal body# and then return to t. 'ract cally spea+ n&# .e .ould ha)e ! to : e1tra hours n our l )es each day. Cons der n& the hypertroph ed percept on of t me outs de of the body# those t.o hours .ould be more l +e a double l fe. @e should call t noth n& other than l ) n& n t.o .orlds at once. Dnd th s . ll be a completely ord nary phenomenon. Bo. lon& . ll th s process ta+e and .hen . ll t become natural for all of human tyL 'erhaps a fe. decades. %aybe a century or another m llenn um. That means that n any case .e . ll ha)e to .a t for the pass n& of a number of

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&enerat ons for th s ab l ty to become nborn and normal for e)eryone. Bo.e)er# than+s to techn 8ue4based procedures t s already access ble to all. 0t only re8u res a certa n amount of effort. Dll of the nstruct ons are a)a lable on my .ebs te at @e . ll use th s s+ ll for the most d )erse purposes# .h ch are already a real ty for out4of4body tra)el pract t oners: tra)ell n& n t me and spaceH meet n& any person# l ) n& or deceasedH obta n n& nformat onH self4 heal n&H art st c appl cat ons# enterta nment# and much more. 0n essence# a ne. .orld s open n& up n front of us# the one .h ch .e read about n fa ry tales. 0t s l m tless and deal# there all th n&s are poss ble and access ble. Dnd th s s all . th full consc ous a.areness and . th bod ly percept ons more ) ) d than n the phys cal .orld. 'erhaps th s s hea)en tselfL *ome bel e)e that .e enter some parallel .orld .hen e1 t n& the body# one .here e)eryth n& s controlled by nformat onal f elds and other such th n&s. D pra&mat c pos t on .ould lean more n fa)or of call n& t a de)elop n& mental state and for all e)ents n t be n& controlled by our o.n e1ceed n&ly po.erful subconsc ous# .h ch . elds fantast c computat onal resources. 7o supercomputer has a fract on of the computat onal of our o.n subconsc ous m nd. *ee n& t n act on . ll electr fy you. Th s s such a profound state that the anc ents seemed to ha)e ascr bed ts occurrence to Fod. Th s .as nearly d rectly alluded to n +ey B ble )erses that spec fy the deal t me for ha) n& a spontaneous out4of4body e1per ence: (Book of *ob# Chapter ::) 1 For !od spea"eth once# yea t$ice# %yet man& percei'eth it not( 1) In a dream# in a 'ision of the night# $hen deep sleep falleth upon men# in slum*erings upon the *ed+ 1, Then he openeth the ears of men# and sealeth their instruction(((

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(Ga r es of pract t oners on our .eb4s te)

PART I: GET PHASE WITHIN 3 DAYS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!5 TH PH !"# !"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!6 TH $!%$R CT # TH"%& ST P'B('ST P $!STR)CT$"!S!!!!!!!!8 ST P *& S+ P , H")RS -!% TH ! .-/ )P .$TH -! -+-R# C+"C/!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!9 ST P 0& 1" B-C/ T" S+ P .$TH -! $!T !T$"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!10 ST P 2& S P-R-T TH $!ST-!T (") -.-/ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 ST P 4& C(C+$!1 T CH!$3) S -4T R -TT #PTS T" S P-R-T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!12 ST P 5& -4T R TH -TT #PT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!16 P+-! "4 -CT$"! $! TH PH-S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!17 %$%!6T ."R/7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!18 TH 4")R PR$!C$P+ S "4 S)CC SS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!23 $T ."R/ %8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!23 PART II: 100 PHASES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!25 CHAPTER 1. MY FIRST OUT-OF-BODY EXPERIENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!26 S P-R-T$"! $## %$-T +( )P"! -.-/ !$!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!26 #P+"($!1 TH $!%$R CT T CH!$3) S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!30 H$!TS 4R"# TH #$!%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!36 B C"#$!1 C"!SC$")S .H$+ %R -#$!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!38 %$R CT 9$T 4R"# TH B"%( .$TH")T PR$"R S+ P!!!!!!!!41 SP"!T-! ")S 9P R$ !C S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!51 CHAPTER 2. FULL-FLEDGED TRAVELS IN THE PHASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!61 CHAPTER 3. OURNEYS OF WELL-KNOWN PRACTITIONERS!!!!!!!122 CHAPTER !. THE AUTHOR"S EXPERIENCES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!139 PART III: A PRACTICAL GUIDEBOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!174

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ENTERING THE PHASE STATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!175 CHAPTER 1 # GENERAL BACKGROUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!175 TH SS !C "4 TH PH-S PH !"# !"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!175 SC$ !C -!% TH PH-S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!177 S"T R$C -!% #(ST$C-+ 9P+-!-T$"!S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!179 .H( !T R TH PH-S 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!181 TH +$4 ST(+ "4 - PR-CT$T$"! R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!182 PR-CT$C R 1$# & 0 T" 2 %-(S P R . /!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!185 -+1"R$TH# 4"R #-ST R$!1 TH PH-S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!187 T(P S "4 T CH!$3) S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!190 C"!TR-$!%$C-T$"!S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!193 R C"## !%-T$"!S 4"R )S$!1 TH 1)$% B""/!!!!!!!!!!!!194 9 RC$S S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!195 CHAPTER 2 # INDIRECT METHOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!197 TH C"!C PT "4 $!%$R CT T CH!$3) S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!197 PR$#-R( $!%$R CT T CH!$3) S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!199 S + CT$!1 TH R$1HT T CH!$3) S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!205 S P-R-T$"! T CH!$3) S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!207 TH B ST T$# T" PR-CT$C !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!215 C"!SC$")S -.-/ !$!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!217 -.-/ !$!1 .$TH")T #":$!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!222 C(C+ S "4 $!%$R CT T CH!$3) S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!224 H$!TS 4R"# TH #$!%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!231 -11R SS$"! -!% P-SS$:$T(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!233 TH B R#)%- TR$-!1+ "4 -TT #PTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!234 4"RC % 4-++$!1 -S+ P ' #-9$#)# 44 CT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!236 STR-T 1( 4"R -CT$"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!241 T(P$C-+ #$ST-/ S .$TH $!%$R CT T CH!$3) S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!242 9 RC$S S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!244 CHAPTER 3 # DIRECT METHOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!247 TH C"!C PT "4 %$R CT T CH!$3) S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!247

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TH B ST T$# T" PR-CT$C !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!249 $!T !S$T( "4 -TT #PTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!250 %)R-T$"! "4 -! -TT #PT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!251 B"%( P"S$T$"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!252 R +-9-T$"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!253 :-R$-T$"!S "4 )S$!1 %$R CT T CH!$3) S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!254 TH 4R '4+"-T$!1 ST-T "4 #$!%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!256 -)9$+$-R( 4-CT"RS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!259 STR-T 1( 4"R -CT$"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!263 T(P$C-+ #$ST-/ S .$TH %$R CT T CH!$3) S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!264 9 RC$S S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!265 CHAPTER ! # BECOMING CONSCIOUS WHILE DREAMING!!!!!!!267 TH C"!C PT "4 T CH!$3) S $!:"+:$!1 B C"#$!1 C"!SC$")S .H$+ %R -#$!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!267 B ST T$# 4"R B C"#$!1 C"!SC$")S! SS .H$+ %R -#$!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!269 T CH!$3) S 4"R B C"#$!1 C"!SC$")S $! - %R -#!!!!!270 -CT$"!S T" B %"! .H ! B C"#$!1 C"!SC$")S .H$+ %R -#$!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!275 STR-T 1( 4"R -CT$"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!276 T(P$C-+ #$ST-/ S .H ! PR-CT$C$!1 B C"#$!1 C"!SC$")S .H$+ %R -#$!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!276 9 RC$S S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!277 CHAPTER $ # NON-AUTONOMOUS METHODS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!279 TH SS !C "4 !"!'-)T"!"#")S # TH"%S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!279 4"R !T R$!1 TH PH-S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!279 C) $!1 T CH!"+"1$ S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!280 ."R/$!1 $! P-$RS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!282 T CH!"+"1$ S 4"R $!%)C$!1 TH PH-S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!283 H(P!"S$S -!% S)11 ST$"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!284 PH(S$"+"1$C-+ S$1!-+S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!285 TH C"44 # TH"%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!286 CH #$C-+ S)BST-!C S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!287

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TH 4)T)R "4 !"!'-)T"!"#")S # TH"%S 4"R !T R$!1 TH PH-S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!288 T(P$C-+ #$ST-/ S .$TH !"!'-)T"!"#")S T CH!$3) S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!289 9 RC$S S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!290 MANAGING THE OUT-OF-BODY EXPERIENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!293 CHAPTER % # DEEPENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!293 TH C"!C PT "4 % P !$!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!293 PR$#-R( % P !$!1 T CH!$3) S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!296 % P !$!1 THR")1H S !S"R( -#P+$4$C-T$"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!297 S C"!%-R( % P !$!1 T CH!$3) S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!301 1 ! R-+ -CT$:$T(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!304 T(P$C-+ #$ST-/ S %)R$!1 % P !$!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!304 CHAPTER & # MAINTAINING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!307 TH 1 ! R-+ C"!C PT "4 #-$!T-$!$!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!307 T CH!$3) S -!% R)+ S -1-$!ST R T)R!$!1 T" TH B"%(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!309 T CH!$3) S -!% R)+ S 4"R R S$ST$!1 4-++$!1 -S+ P!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!314 T CH!$3) S -1-$!ST 4-+S -.-/ !$!1S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!315 1 ! R-+ R)+ S 4"R #-$!T-$!$!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!317 T(P$C-+ #$ST-/ S .$TH #-$!T-$!$!1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!319 9 RC$S S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!321 CHAPTER ' # PRIMARY SKILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!323 TH SS !C "4 PR$#-R( S/$++S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!323 %$SC R!$!1 TH PH-S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!324 # R1 !C( R T)R!. P-R-+(S$S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!325 4$1HT$!1 4 -R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!328 PH-S "B; CT -11R SS$"! -!% -TT-C/S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!330 CR -T$"! "4 :$S$"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!331 C"!T-CT .$TH +$:$!1 "B; CTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!332 R -%$!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!333

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:$BR-T$"!S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!334 T CH!$3) S 4"R TR-!S+"C-T$!1 THR")1H "B; CTS!!335 4+$1HT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!336 S)P R'-B$+$T$ S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!337 TH $#P"RT-!C "4 C"!4$% !C !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!338 TR-!S#)T-T$"! $!T" -!$#-+S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!339 C"!TR"++$!1 P-$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!342 #"R-+ ST-!%-R%S $! TH PH-S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!343 ST)%($!1 P"SS$B$+$T$ S -!% S !S-T$"!S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!343 T(P$C-+ #$ST-/ S .$TH PR$#-R( S/$++S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!344 9 RC$S S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!345 CHAPTER ( # TRANSLOCATION AND FINDING OB ECTS!!!!!!!!!348 TH SS !C "4 TR-!S+"C-T$"! -!% 4$!%$!1 "B; CTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!348 B-S$C PR"P RT( "4 TH PH-S SP-C !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!349 T CH!$3) S 4"R TR-!S+"C-T$"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!351 "B; CT 4$!%$!1 T CH!$3) S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!356 T(P$C-+ #$ST-/ S .$TH TR-!S+"C-T$"! -!% 4$!%$!1 "B; CTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!359 9 RC$S S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!360 CHAPTER 10 # APPLICATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!363 TH SS !C "4 -PP+$C-T$"!S "4 PH-S ST-T S !!!!!!!!363 -PP+$C-T$"!S B-S % "! S$#)+-T$"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!364 -PP+$C-T$"!S B-S % "! C"!T-CT .$TH TH S)BC"!SC$")S #$!%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!367 CR -T$: % : +"P# !T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!377 SP"RTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!379 TH PH-S ' -! -+T R!-T$: T" !-RC"T$CS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!380 )!PR": ! 44 CTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!381 )S "4 TH PH-S B( TH %$S-B+ %!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!383 -PP+$C-T$"!S B-S % "! $!4+) !C$!1 PH(S$"+"1( <SH"RT : RS$"!=!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!384 -PP+$C-T$"!S B-S % "! $!4+) !C$!1 PH(S$"+"1( <4)++ : RS$"!=!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!387

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T(P$C-+ #$ST-/ S .H ! )S$!1 -PP+$C-T$"!S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!407 9 RC$S S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!409 AUXILIARY INFORMATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!413 CHAPTER 11 # USEFUL TIPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!413 - PR-1#-T$C -PPR"-CH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!413 $!% P !% !T -!-+(S$S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!414 -PPR"-CH T" +$T R-T)R !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!416 PR-CT$C !:$R"!# !T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!417 T-+/$!1 .$TH +$/ '#$!% % P "P+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!418 TH R$1HT .-( T" / P - ;")R!-+!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!419 CHAPTER 12 # A COLLECTION OF !$ TECHNI)UES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!422 1 ! R-+ PR$!C$P+ S R 1-R%$!1 TH T CH!$3) S!!!!!!!422 T-B+ 4"R CR -T$!1 (")R ".! T CH!$3) S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!424 T CH!$3) S B-S % "! #": # !T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!425 T CH!$3) S $!:"+:$!1 S$1HT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!426 T CH!$3) S B-S % "! : ST$B)+-R S !S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!426 T CH!$3) S $!:"+:$!1 H -R$!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!427 T CH!$3) S B-S % "! T-CT$+ S !S-T$"!S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!427 T CH!$3) S B-S % "! R -+ #": # !TS -!% S !S-T$"!S "4 TH PH(S$C-+ B"%(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!428 T CH!$3) S B-S % "! $!T !T$"! -!% 4 +$!1S!!!!!!!!!!!430 B ST "4 TH #$9 % T CH!$3) S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!432 )!C"!: !T$"!-+ T CH!$3) S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!433 T CH!$3) S 4"R B C"#$!1 C"!SC$")S .H$+ %R -#$!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!433 TH H$1H ST T CH!$3) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!434 CHAPTER 13 # PUTTING A FACE ON THE PHENOMENON!!!!!!!!!436 ST PH ! +-B R1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!436 C-R+"S C-ST-! %-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!437 R"B RT -. #"!R" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!438 P-TR$C$- 1-R4$ +%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!439 S(+:-! #)+%""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!440

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CH-R+ S + -%B -T R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!440 R"B RT BR)C !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!441 R$CH-R% . BST R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!442 CH-R+ S T-RT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!442 CHAPTER 1! # FINAL TEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!444 CHAPTER 1$ # THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF PRACTICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!454 TH PR"4 SS$"!-+'C+-SS PR-CT$T$"! R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!454 TH -BS"+)T PR$!C$P+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!456 $!%$R CT T CH!$3) S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!456 %$R CT T CH!$3) S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!458 B C"#$!1 C"!SC$")S .H$+ %R -#$!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!460 !"!'-)T"!"#")S # TH"%S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!460 % P !$!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!461 #-$!T-$!$!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!461 C"!TR"+!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!464 -PP+$C-T$"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!465 TH P+-C "4 TH PR-CT$C $! +$4 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!466 -B$+$T( T" T -CH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!467 APPENDIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!469 S !% $! (")R 9P R$ !C S8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!469 -!S. RS T" TH 4$!-+ T ST <CH-PT R *4=!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!469 - S$#P+$4$ % % SCR$PT$"! "4 TH -S$ ST # TH"%!!!!!!470 -TT !T$"!8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!471 C"P(R$1HT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!471 TH SCH""+ "4 ")T'"4'B"%( TR-: +!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!472 ""B <")T'"4'B"%( 9P R$ !C = R S -RCH C !T R! !472 BR$ 4 1+"SS-R( "4 T R#S -!% % 4$!$T$"!S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!473 PART IV: CONSCIOUS EVOLUTION 2.0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!476 4"R ."R%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!477 CHAPTER 1. BIBLICAL ASTRAL TRAVELERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!479 CHAPTER 2. APPLICATION TO BE ABDUCTED BY ALIENS !!!!!!!!!!!!488 CHAPTER 3. HOW TO SEE THE BRIGHT LIGHT (Table of Contents)


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AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL WHILE YOU"RE STILL ALIVE !!!!!!!!!!!495 CHAPTER !. EVOLUTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!502 TABLE OF CONTENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!508


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