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How I Miss You

TP-CASTT Analysis
Title BEFORE reading, decide what you think the poem will e a out, using the title !"O#E )ummari*e the poem either line+ y+line or y stan*a'

The title sounds like it will e a out someone who lo$es someone ut is %ar away %rom them so they can&t e with them' ,hunk -. The author is saying that they really miss the person' But, they say they shouldn&t call them' They hope that the other person misses them' ,hunk /. The author is wondering they lost the other person, and i% so, how' ,hunk 0. They want the person to come ack and stay permanently with them' ,hunk 1. The author asks i% the person will e lea$ing' ,hunk 2. The author is waiting %or the person to come ack' The o$erall meaning o% this poem is the author is in lo$e with someone and they are in dou t' They don&t know i% they can wait any longer, they are aching %or the other person to return ecause it is true lo$e' They are a%raid to call ecause they don&t know i% that would e awkward or ruin any progress they had made' The attitude o% this poem is unhappy and longing' In the poem, the author uses repetition in almost e$ery stan*a, to e8press how much they miss the person' The author uses rather $ague words, ut they sound like a deep lo$e poem written y one person to another, to e8press the %eelings they ha$e %or them' !t the eginning, the author seems unsure whether or not they will e a le to see the person again' They lo$e them ut still don&t know i% they are %inished or not' In the middle and the end, the author starts to %eel a andoned and lonely, reali*ing they are alone and the other person may not e coming ack, ut they still eg and eg %or their lo$e to return' The author is holding onto something that no longer e8ists, ut they are too attached to let go' The title has a much stronger signi%icance ecause now, in the poem it went into more detail and made you %eel sorry %or the author, who was clearly sad and stressed'



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3sing the paraphrased $ersion o% the poem, decide what the O4ER!"" meaning o% the poem is, BEYO#5 the sur%ace meaning' 5ecide what the attitude or TO#E o% $oice is con$eyed y the speaker and6or poet7 (ro$ide proo%' "ook %or. euphony, cacophony, diction, mood Take note o% any shi%ts or changes in how the speaker sounds, the poet&s attitude and tone o% $oice' (ro$ide proo%' "ook %or. diction, line length, change in speaker, dialogue'




#ow that you&$e considered the poem in greater detail, ha$e your thoughts on the title and its meaning changed at all7 5oes the title ha$e a stronger signi%icance now7 5etermine what themes the poet is trying to e8plore with this poem' Remem er, theme is the o$erall message or topic o% the poem'


The theme o% this poem is true lo$e' You may ha$e it one minute, then the ne8t it is all gone and you still need to %eel it' You can&t let go ecause at one point it meant so much to you'

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