Actionplan - Lowe Findley

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Budget Cuts Action Plan

Budget Cuts Action Plan Devised by: Kimberly Lowe and Sandra Findley According to Candice Baldwin, Library Director at MCC-Longview, the 2013 collection budget for the library was $237,283 (personal communication, July 2, 2013). Following is a copy of the 2013 Budget with a breakdown of the expenditures. MCC-Longview Library Budget

In order to account for a 15% cut (approximately $35,600) in the 2013 collection budget, our report suggests the following changes that will help facilitate this reduction. Action Plans: 1) Eliminate standing orders completely. Standing orders are no longer necessary in a digital environment. Each purchase must be scrutinized as to its necessity and not on an automatic basis.

Budget Cuts Action Plan

2) There will be a focus on a 50% reduction in using office supplies, including paper and printing expenses. We will campaign on pushing staff, students and faculty to print only if it is of vital importance. We also want to concentrate on reducing in-district mileage to zero. Communication should be done digitally since we have capabilities to do so. The same goes for travel expenses. Energy consumption will be reduced by turning off monitors, lights, and computers when not in use. 3) Memberships, while necessary for professional development, should be kept up to the individual. The library can no longer justify paying for professional memberships when we must make cuts elsewhere. 4) Greatly reduce amount spent on books by 50%. There will be more reliance on ILL or consortia within the community college system to access materials. Transfer a portion of that savings to electronic purchases. 5) Eliminate contracted services and instead campaign for Friends of the Library to fill the need for these services. Binding, while important, can be done with a little training and willingness by unpaid volunteers. 6) Reduce spending on periodicals by 50% and again, transfer some of the savings to electronic. Periodicals are being accessed more and more digitally. We need to focus more on our paperless initiative and steer students and faculty into accessing the resources we currently offer on our databases. 7) Rent out conference rooms for nominal fee to local entities or groups when possible. There are several large conference rooms that have the ability to host meetings or parties, but are rarely used by students, faculty or staff. These rooms remain empty roughly 75% of the year. We can add some much needed income by charging a small fee to outside sources for utilizing the area.

Conclusion: These plans require an adjustment to the collection development plan. While our mission is the same, we want to focus more on digital and paperless. A combination of these action plans should bring our budget into step with the 15% cut or the $35,592.45.

Budget Cuts Action Plan

Following is a copy of the current MCC-Longview Library Collection Development Plan: Collection Development Plan Mission The collection development mission of the Longview Community College ("LC") Library is to serve the Longview academic community: by supplying access to resources that support the college curriculum by encouraging the intellectual development of students and faculty by motivating students to acquire reading, research and life-long learning skills by assisting faculty in maintaining awareness of current information resources and information literacy skills Selection and Assessment Responsibility Longview College Library relies upon librarians, library staff and classroom faculty for purchase recommendations. The full-time reference librarian and the library director have final responsibility for collection-related decisions and they coordinate the selection process. All library users and library staff, regardless of status, are invited to make purchase recommendations to the full-time reference librarian and/or library director. De-selection and Collection Maintenance Materials will be de-selected from the LC Library collection on an on-going basis. De-selection should follow the collection development mission. Librarians may seek advice and guidance from teaching faculty, if necessary, as to how to better serve students' needs. The following criteria will be considered when de-selecting material:

Timeliness. Materials that are out of date or have been superseded by newer editions. Physical condition. Materials that are in poor physical condition or would be too costly to repair. Unused. Materials that have not circulated in the previous five years and in the opinion of the librarians are not likely to circulate in the near future. However, some library material that are considered to be classic works in their fields and that have long-term value should be kept. Duplicates. Duplicate copies are not normally purchased, but if there are duplicates, these may be discarded, if appropriate. Relevancy. Materials no longer relevant to current LC curricula or programs. Conversion to another format. Material that has been converted to or duplicated by electronic or other format.


Budget Cuts Action Plan

The library director will make decisions on the acceptance of gifts. Gifts will be added to the collection under the same conditions as material purchases and with the understanding that no conditions apply to them. The library director will decide whether the gifts shall be added to the collection, disposed of, or offered to another library or agency. Items will be returned to the donor if they are not appropriate for the collection if the donor prefers that the items not be disposed or offered to another library or agency. The library will provide a letter of acknowledgement for gifts, but will not provide any value estimation. Special Collections Special Collection: This collection is not designed for the control or preservation of general use items. The primary concentration of the Special Collection is for the organized collection of selected historic documents relating to Longview Community College, Longview Farm, and local (Lee's Summit and Jackson County) history. LC material may include board meeting minutes, literary journals, yearbooks and college newspapers.

Juvenile Collection: This collection is intended to support the curriculum needs at Longview Community College with special emphasis on purchasing award-winning titles. Priority usage is for students enrolled in Children's Literature or other related LC curriculum. Permabound is the preferred medium for paperbacks. Truman File Collection: The Longview Community College Library is one of four libraries in the area with a collection containing copies of documents from the Truman Presidential Library. The material is supplied by the Truman Library and intended for use by local secondary education students. The material may actually be used by anyone, but may not leave the library. MCC libraries may borrow the material for student use in their libraries.

Library Budget The Library maintains control of its material budget and does not assign annual allocations to subject areas or academic divisions. This is done so that the library can maintain the necessary flexibility to meet unanticipated demands and to take advantage of economical purchase opportunities. Intellectual Freedom It is the Library's responsibility to provide for the free exchange of ideas and to balance various points of view, regardless of the popularity of those viewpoints, or of the religion, political philosophy, gender, sexual orientation, or national origin of the authors. The library follows the MOREnet policy for access to electronic resources. The library endorses the American Library Association Library Bill of Rights. Patrons with a concern about an item in the collection should be referred to the library director, who will ask for the complaint to be submitted in writing. A committee will review the complaint and the materials in question, make a recommendation to retain or withdraw the item and send a written response to the complainant. Acquisitions Priorities Longview Community College Library's first priority is to provide materials to students in support of curriculum requirements. Materials recommended for undergraduates will receive first priority for purchase. Second, the library serves faculty research needs by purchasing more

Budget Cuts Action Plan

advanced materials when funds are available, or by obtaining them through interlibrary loan. Third, leisure reading and recreational materials normally available from a public library are purchased as funds permit. Policies by Format of Material 1. Hardbound versus paperbound books. Hardbound editions are generally the preferred format because of the greater durability. Paperbacks will be purchased for topics that change rapidly, when duplicate copies of a specific title are needed if a hardbound edition is not available, if the title requires frequent replacement, or if the paperbound appears to be a better value. 2. Textbooks. Textbooks are purchased when demand warrants the purchase. The library does not usually purchase textbooks used in college courses; however, instructors or others may place copies on reserve. Workbooks and study guides are not purchased. 3. Serial Subscriptions. Serials are publications such as periodicals, newspapers, and annuals, that are issued in successive and continuous parts and are intended to be received indefinitely. All formats (print, microform and electronic) will be considered in the library's purchase and de-selection process. Serials are acquired by subscriptions and individual issues will not be purchased. The selection of serials requires a continuing commitment to the cost of the title, including maintenance, equipment and storage space. Since it is becoming more cost-efficient to purchase electronic access or document delivery for serials, this delivery method will be chosen when fiscally prudent instead of print subscriptions. The Collection Development Committee will make decisions on adding and deleting subscriptions. In general, print periodical holdings will be kept for four years. Electronic full-text is the first choice for retention format. Microfilm is the second choice. Some duplication will occur between current print subscriptions and electronic full-text titles. Periodicals with substantial image content may be retained for longer periods of times. Subject selection for periodical subscriptions will follow the same criteria as for books. Print indexes will be retained for twenty-years. 4. Audiovisual material (Videos, DVDs, audiocassettes, etc.). Material in this format will usually not be purchased. Occasionally audiovisual material may be purchased to enhance the library collection or to meet curriculum needs. 5. Government Publications. Longview College Library is not a depository library. Selection of government publications will follow the same criteria as for all other types of material. Government publications will not be housed separately, but will be integrated into the collection. The preferred format for government publications will be electronic.

Budget Cuts Action Plan

6. Pamphlets and maps. Kansas City and Missouri maps will be kept at ready reference and will be uncataloged. Current MOBIUS and MCC related pamphlets and catalogs will be uncataloged and will also be kept at ready reference. The preferred format for other types of maps and pamphlet material is electronic. No conscientious effort will be made to maintain a pamphlet or map collection. 7. Popular Works. Bestsellers, popular fiction and popular non-fiction will generally not be purchased. The local public libraries cover popular works very well and Longview Community College Library will not attempt to duplicate their collections. Popular titles will be purchased if they meet the criteria in place for other library materials. 8. Electronic books. Selection of electronic books will follow the criteria in place for other library materials. Out of print books may be replaced with this format. 9. Electronic databases: Licensed commercial, fee-based resources and databases will be selected when they provide cost-effective means of providing resources for the five MCC campus libraries. Products available via Morenet, Mlink, MOBIUS and MERAC are preferred. Joint purchasing decisions are made among the five campus librarians after the librarians have finished examining a trial use of the product. An attempt will be made to balance print, electronic and online resources without unnecessary duplication. Duplication will occur when the resource has significant historical value, the format is unstable, there is a cost benefit, multiple formats meet the different needs of user groups or usage justifies additional copies. 10. WebLinks: Freely available World Wide Web resources, services and databases will be selected and provided as links from WebLinks, the library's web-based subject directory of Internet resources. Web resources selected for addition to the bookmarks used for the WebLinks page and/or selected for addition to the library book catalog will follow the criteria for selecting other library material. These Web resources are available at no cost and should be accessible using standard web browsers and freely available plug-ins. Web resources that require registration by individual users will be added as a Weblink only if such registration is free. Web resources may include digitized versions of print documents, electronic journals, graphic materials, maps, sound files, video files, databases, statistical data and subject-oriented web pages. Sites may originate from any part of the world; however, English-language options are preferable for foreign sites. Weblink selection criteria reflect the following characteristics: Quality: The information is attributable to reputable authors or organizations. The sites are free from obvious factual errors and free from obvious bias. The degree of coverage should be indicated through a descriptive title, mission statement or index.

Budget Cuts Action Plan

The site should have no large portions under construction. The sites must be designed for easy navigation and organized in a logical and consistent manner. Value added: The site should complement the print and electronic holdings of the library's current collection. It may provide access to unique information not available in other resources. It may provide access to diverse or dissenting points of view as long as the position of the author is clearly stated on the site. It may provide information that is unique to specific courses or programs in the college. Currency: The resource should reflect current thinking in the discipline and contain a "last updated" date. Sites which have been designed for a limited purpose or which are intended for use within a specific time frame are not appropriate additions to the library catalog, unless there is evidence that the site will be maintained. Standards and technology: The sites will use recognized standards and standard markup languages and multimedia formats. The sites should provide adequate level of user support and evidence that the site is being maintained. Cataloging: In general, web sites will not be submitted to the District to be cataloged. However sites selected for cataloging will include: Government documents, government sites, sites used directly with curriculum instruction, and education related (college information, scholarships, etc.). In most cases, cataloging will be at the site level.

Web Resources that will not be added or cataloged: Those that consist primarily of un-annotated links to other resources. Those that exist primarily to market products or consist primarily of advertising or fail to distinguish between content and advertisements. Those that present points of view of advocacy organizations without documenting the rationale for the position. Personal web pages.

Copyright Longview Community College Library complies fully with all of the provisions of the U.S. Copyright Law (17 U.S.C.) and its amendments. The library supports the Fair Use section of the Copyright Law (17 U.S.C. 107) which permits and protects citizens' rights to reproduce and make other uses of copyrighted works for the purposes of teaching, scholarships and research. Interlibrary Loan Since the library makes no effort to collect at the research level, and usually does not provide materials to support faculty and staff pursuing advanced degrees, interlibrary loan and document delivery will be utilized to provide materials outside the scope of the library's collection.

Budget Cuts Action Plan

References Metropolitan Community College. (2012). Longview Library. Retrieved from:

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