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The Potato Vocabulary is a way of explaining the different varieties of potatoes as well as how they are consumed, cultivated, and generally used. It describes physical characteristics, origin, nutrients, uses, limitations, and other attributes that make the potato.

Who uses this?

Farmers Chefs Food distribution buyers Consumers

Definition of Terms
Name Color Shape Size Texture Origin Nutrients Uses Physical Description Average Yield Diseases and Pests Durability Geography

What is this variety named?

What is its official name? Does it have a slang name?

Name & Color

Hue of flesh Hue of skin

What is the origin of name?

Shape & Size

What is the external What are the dimensions of the form of the potato in potato in terms of a geometrical term?
centimeters or millimeters?

Texture & Origin

What is the consistency of the flesh in terms of raw and cooked definitions? What is the feel of the skin in terms of abrasiveness or smoothness? Every potato has to start somewhere; where did this one come from?

Nutrients & Uses

What are the vitamins and minerals contained within or obtained from eating the potato?

Not all potatoes are used for the same thing. What is this potato used for in terms of recipes and outside of the kitchen?


POTATO Physical

Average Yield

What this potato looks like to the consumer or farmer wanting to spot it?
This will be a description of the plant, flower and other attributes unique to identifying the fruit.

How many potatoes on average will one plant of this variety produce?

Diseases & Pests &Durability

What ailments can befall a defenseless potato? What creatures feast upon the potato and end its life much too soon? What is the shelf life of a tasty potato postharvest?

Not all potatoes are grown where they originated; where is this potato currently grown?

Considerations for selection of terms

Get inside the potato What we, as consumers, look for in a potato Changes were made Tears were cried People were slapped Potatoes were eaten

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