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Oh Deer Student Response Sheet 1. Name three essential components of habitat (things animals need to survive). A. Food B.

Shelter C. Water 2. Explain what caused the increase of deer during the activity you participated in. The increase was caused by an abundance of food, shelter , and water. 3. Explain what caused the decrease of deer during the activity you participated in. The decrease was caused by a lack of and low number of the food, shelters, and water. 4. Define the term limiting factor. Give examples of limiting factors for the deer in our activity. The limiting factor is the factor that limits growth of a species. The limiting factors were the three essential components. 5. Graph the data from the activity and attach to this sheet (make sure to correctly title and label the axes). Describe what the graph of our data looks like. How and why did our deer population change?

When there was a big amount of deer for one year, there would a decrease in the next year. This was caused by the small amount of resources left. 6. Often we use the phrase balance of nature to describe a healthy ecosystem. Based on our graph, what does the balance of nature look like? Should we expect populations to be static(unchanging) or do they naturally fluctuate? Explain. A balance of nature would look like a straight horizontal line. They naturally fluctuate because of the number of resources. With a great number of a species, the resources would lower due to competition, disease, etc. 7. What did you learn about population dynamics by doing this activity? I learned that populations are affected by their resources. With a low number of resources one year, the population will increase. Then the next year the population will decrease from the low number of resources.

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